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*Walk Through* manual for LRIS Hunter4025 NLS

When the software and drivers are installed correctly, one can start the program by clicking
on the icon NLS4025 on the desktop.
The program starts with the Card index. When no persons are registered, one has to start

with New card.

Next, one has to choose a person, by clicking on the icon Select card.

When the headphone is correctly placed on the head, the grey icon of Research is now
coloured green, and pressing on it does start Hunter4025 with the scanning process.
When however, this Research button refuses to change into green, which can happen, there
are two possibilities.
1. The headphone wire is not connected to the right headphone-bus, but perhaps wrongly
connected to the cup-bus.
2. A more common phenomenon can be, that the headphone is not correctly positioned on
the head. One has to move it a little, till the Research button turns green.
Then press it.

For starting the scanning process, there are two options:

- Automatic
- Manual.
In automatic mode a number of items are scanned, and when serious imbalances are de-
tected, the automatic cursor checks some spots and checks levels below that. At the end, the
items of interest are marked with a blue or red *A* in the Text list of items.
No matter what you might choose, the automatic mode (with Volumetric Scanning ena-
bled) starts always with the head, followed by a number of other items, etc..

In manual mode one can choose from 9 regions:

Alimentary, Respiratory, Urogenital, Cardio-Vascular, Blood and Lymph, Endocrine,
Nervous, Sensors and Locomotor systems.

When you have made a choice of what to scan, and the Start button is green, and pressing
it, the scanning process starts.
This is a start screen in the Text modus, a text list of items. There are no Nidus values,
because the image has not been scanned yet. Pressing the Start button will start a scanning.

The item is scanned and the Nidus values are present: *1* is excellent, *6* is bad.

Clicking on the TEXT button, you can

change from *Text* to *Image* system.
But we want to explore what we have
scanned. The start icon is grey, and you cannot scan again.
You now have several options:
Click on the buttons as seen on the next page and play a bit with them in order to get
familiar with them.

Figures A and B are about Volumetric Scanning, i³.
When Volumetric Scanning is enabled, a number
of items are automatically scanned. When Hunter
is of the opinion, that he has found serious points,
he is targeting them with a cross-line (see *E*) and
marks them in the Text list with a Blue or Red
*A*. This can only be stopped by pressing the
Pause button.
Below an *Image List* can be seen. Now a list of
images has replaced the list of text items.
With the *TEXT button*, you can change from
the Images to Text modus.
Just play a bit with them.
The text list of items depends on which of the nine
fields you have chosen.
Menu A 4

System Chooser

It shows the nine investigation fields: Alimentary, Respiratory,

Urogenital, Cardio-Vascular, Blood and Lymph, Endocrine,
Nervous, Sensors and Locomotor systems.
The *System Chooser* button (above) lets you choose between the
scanned image and the nine fields of investigation.

The *Analysis* button brings us to a new menu, menu B, see

Here we press the *TEST* button, which brings the *Etalons*
menu. See next page.
At Pathomorphology, a number of found diseases are shown with
their CSS (Coefficient of Spectral Similarity) values.
Compared to other NLS systems, these CSS values are higher.
Menu B

We press the Exit button and now press the *Meta Therapy* button, and click on *Start*.
Now the energy levels of the Nidus values should be increased. Can be repeated.
Automatically the *Sun* of Protective
mode is activated. When microorgan-
isms are treated, the *Moon* or De-
structive mode is automatically chosen.
Every time a Meta Therapy is done, a
pop-up *about comparative analysis* lets
you wait, and by pressing *Yes* you can
see the result. By *no* you continue.
When done, press Exit.
As an example here we 6
have a cross section of the

- Click on an icon with

the Knife, and a cross-sec-
tion of an item is shown,
which you can scan.

- Click on icons with a

Magnifying Glass +, a
rectangle of your choice is

- Click on icons with an

Arrow, which bring other

- Click on the Microscope icon in the upper left corner, or in the Menu: Go with the cur-
sor over an image and find what is beneath it.
As long as the *Microscope* is activated, the icon (to the right) can be seen.

The *add-Nidus* button lets you

place extra Nidus points.
Sometimes it works automatically
in an enlargement, or you can
place them manually.

Next to the add-Nidus button is

the Contour on Nidus button,
with which a lasso can be drawn
and an area or region created, for
separate scanning.
(See about Metazode, page 10.)
Here we have taken the 7
Esophagus (1), and 1 2
made an enlargement
(2), scanned (3), added
Nidus points (4),
scanned (5), and used
the Microscope on
several spots(6).
These spots are marked
with square boxes, and
numbered accordingly.
In figure (6) is at the
side a section nr 4 4
In figure (7) a section 6
is exposed, where the
Microscope made points
*1* and *2*.
Point *1* is showing its
content at the side.
Point *2* on the next

5 6


Point *2* shows an arterial vessel.

The wall shows Nidus 4 value, and the inner side shows four sixes and one 5.
The inner side is the blood. Clicking with the Microscope on one of them brings the blood
cells, of which several ingredients can be scanned and treated also, and it can go deeper if

a b c d e f
In the Etalon menu, the *a* stands for Reprinter, where frequencies can be placed into a
medium: Frequencies of remedies, stones or herbs, and even diseases, but these must be
*b* is Vegetotest; Here a virtual test can be made from items from the libraries.
*c*: When microorganisms are detected (in deep levels), here one has to detect where they
are (going back levels), and treat them there.
*d* is for Litotherapy: In the list a chosen stone can be used in the this Meta-Therapy.
Normally a Vegetotest shows if it is good, but normally the first in the list is correct.
*e* is for Phytotherapy: In the list a chosen herb can be used in the Meta-Therapy.

When one has looked in several levels, this icon lets you go back one level.

The second icon brings you back from where you started.
The third icon is the Microscope.

Here the third icon (alternative to microscope icon) show/hide

To the left, you can press the Start button. 9
But to the right, the start button is grey, and
refuses to do anything.
In that case, one has to press the *Analysis*
button and one is in the Menu where many
things are possible.

The Vegetotest icon is in several menu's visible, but here it has another purpose.
The other Vegetotest does check if a remedy, etc. from the library is suitable or not.
If you do a Vegetotest on an organ, you can see whether the immune system of the body
can cope on its self or not. When not, you must *help*.
This icon is different, because here the Vegetotest does check in reality if something is
suitable or not. One has to place something in the cup, preferably in a transparent glass, for
instance a pill. One has to fill-in a description in the pop-up menu and the Vegetotest
starts. The change of the Nidus values tell you something, a strengthening or weakening,
but it is important to look into the change of CSS values of a certain disease, because one
wants to know if this pill is right or not right for this specific disease.
So Vegetotest is in two different functions: virtual and real.

Next to the Vegetotest is the *Reprinter*.

With it, one can place some items from the Library in water, alcohol, sugar or paraffin.
1. Remedies; allopathic, homeopathic, phytotherapy, nutriceuticals and parapharmaceuticals,
litotherapy. These are already stored in a reversed form, so can be used directly.
2. Organs can be placed inversed in a medium.
3. Diseases can be placed inversed in a medium.
To the right of the Reprinter is the button 10
When one has scanned an item and found
a region with a disease and several *bad*
Nidus values; one starts to encircle this
region with the *Contour on nidus* icon,
performs a scan, and the information from
this scan is transferred in a medium by the
Metazode. The manual describes this as
Information preparations (metazodes) are specific combinations of coherent frequencies chosen by
the computer and are used to provide ready-made dosage forms with a direct effect. They are
produced by means of the apparatus that transfers the frequency (spectral) information taken
from the pathology nidus into a matrix (water, alcohol, or lactose). The metazodes have the effect
of awakening of the body’s own hidden reserves, which accounts for the wide area of influence of
the preparations and the absence of harmful side effects when prescribed with conventional

1 2

So, one has to do the following:

- 1. Draw a lasso round the region with many *bad* Nidus.
- 2. Scan this region with button *2*.
- 3. Now go to the *Metazode* button, and use this special Reprinter.
There is no need to worry about regular or inverse, because here is no choice, and all is
done automatically. It is a wonderful feature.
The region has 11
Look in figure 4,
which is the normal
Reprinter, which has
the button *Invert*.
Figure 5 is the image
of Metazode.
See that the space for
*Invert* is empty, so
no hassle invert or

A quickstart How-to!: 12

Scanning Analysis Meta Therapy

Start Scan

File button
Sometimes it may be difficult to find the item you want to study. 13
It may not be in the Text list, and not in the Image list.
In that case click on the *File button* (see previous page) and change from Text to Image
and back. Also change to one of the other 9 investigation fields (see page 4), and repeat
Text to Image, and back.
Quite a number of items are hidden in other items.
If you want to check the blood, it is not in the Text list. You should look in the centre of an
artery or vein, and click with the microscope there.
If you want for instance the nerves related to the spine, vertebro-spinal nerves, they are
not on the Text list now presently. Pressing the System Chooser button can help also.
You should then look at the Rachis lateral view, where a square button leads you to it.

Switch to Auto Choice and Volumetric

Scanning enabled, together with the
Research Type detailed can show where
there are problems.
Although it is called *3D*, in reality it
is 2D, but picks locations where the
system means that there are problems.

Another way is to scan some cross

sections of the body manually.
Like the Sagittal Thoracotomy, and the
two on the next page.
The arrows lead to further details.

In the menu to the right are important buttons when you

Button *1* shows, that the *Manual* mode is chosen.

Button *2* shows the *System Chooser*.

Pressing it, changes the 9 Body Systems to choose from,
into a chosen item. And visa versa.

It is very hard to *kill* microorganisms.

With the Meta Therapy, the *sun* (protective mode) is automatically deactivated (no
colour) and the *moon* (destructive mode) is activated (in colour), but hardly any weaken-
ing can be obtained.
However, in the Allopathy library, there are a number of remedies, which do show in the
Vegetotest a weakening, so one can make a medicine with the Reprinter.

When a research point with the microscope has been set, it is marked with a small square
with a number in it.
When a microorganism has been found, at that spot a round spot is marked.
At a certain moment, you want to see what the effect is of the several Vegetotests. 15
Sure after each working, after some obligatory waiting, you get the choice of proceeding to
the comparative analysis, yes or no.
With yes, you can see the amount of strengthening or weakening, but that is not sufficient
for knowing it all. One has to see what the real effect is on the item in the CSS values.

Now one has to go back to the *Card Index*, Where all work is presented in a list.
You click on a line you want to know, and click on the button *View Result*.
Next you have the scanned and worked item, and now click on *Test standards*, which
leads you to the Pathology and its CSS values.
For comparison you should note all important values successively.

Nidus values are from 1 to 6.

A value of 4 is already to be regarded as serious and needs to be treated.

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