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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be.

1. I …………………… hungry.
2. …………………… eggs good for you?
3. Joseph and I …………………… (not) at school.
4. Tammy …………………… at work today.
5. My room …………………… (not) opposite my brother’s room.

2. Circle the correct answers.

1. The baby have got / has got a new tooth.

2. Lynn and Jack have got / has got great computer games.
3. Jenny haven’t got / hasn’t got a motorbike.
4. Has / Have you got new trainers?
5. I have got / has got a pet hamster.

3. Circle the correct answers.

1. … beautiful clothes in this shop.

a. There is b. There are c. Are there
2. … any milk in the fridge?
a. There is b. Is there c. Are there
3. … a tree in the garden.
a. There isn’t b. Are there c. There aren’t
4. … any boats on the river.
a. There isn’t b. There are c. There aren’t
5. Look! … a famous actor in front of the bank.
a. There is b. There are c. Is there
6. I’ve got … pencils in my bag.
a. a b. any c. some
7. They haven’t got … computer games in this shop.
a. a b. any c. some
8. I can’t see … eagle in the tree.
a. a b. an c. any
9. Let’s go and have … ice cream.
a. a b. any c. some
10. My grandfather has got … new hat.
a. a b. an c. some


4. Write the plural form of the nouns in the chart.

Singular Plural
1. boy boys
2. dress
3. potato
4. lorry
5. foot
6. child
7. woman

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple.

1. I …………………… (talk) to my friends every day.

2. Ann and Rick …………………… (not work) on Sundays.
3. Leslie …………………… (study) French twice a week.
4. …………………… you …………………… (watch) TV every night?
5. Brad usually …………………… (wash) the dishes after dinner.

6. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple.

not eat • teach • not walk • work • make

1. Chef Dave …………………… lunch for the students at our school.
2. We …………………… to school. We ride our bikes.
3. …………………… you …………………… at the supermarket on Saturdays?
4. I …………………… tomatoes because I hate them!
5. …………………… the new teacher …………………… history or science?

7. Complete the questions according to the answers. Use Who, What, When, Where,
Why and How often.

1. …………………… do you have an English lesson? On Friday at 10 o’clock.

2. …………………… teaches you drama? Mrs Jones.
3. …………………… does your best friend live? In Copenhagen.
4. …………………… do you do after school? I usually go swimming.
5. …………………… do you and your sister walk to school? Because we live near the school.
6. …………………… do you play sport? I play sport every day.


8. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs below.

listen • not swim • study • cook • not ride

are listening
1. Emma and I ……………………………… to music now.
2. The girls ……………………………… their bikes in the park right now.
3. …………………… you …………………… dinner now?
4. Pete ………………………………… in the sea at the moment.
5. …………………… Diana …………………… in the library?

9. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.

…… 1. At the moment, Tom ……………………………… (drink) cola.

…… 2. Tom ……………………………… (not like) football.
…… 3. Tom and Betty ……………………………… (leave) now.
…… 4. Tom sometimes ……………………………… (wear) a hat.
…… 5. Tom ……………………………… (not play) football right now.
…… 6. Tom and his team never ……………………………… (win) football matches.
…… 7. Betty ……………………………… (play) the saxophone now.
…… 8. Tom and Betty ……………………………… (not travel) in a car now.

10. Look at the picture and decide whether the sentences in Exercise 2 are true or false. Write T
(True) or F (False) next to each sentence above.



11. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present
1. Dan ………………………….
is telling (tell) jokes right now.
2. …………………. you often …………………. (do) acrobatics?
3. We …………………………. (not dance) at the moment.
4. This musician …………………………. (play) eight musical instruments.
5. The artist …………………………. (not draw) pictures at the weekend.
6. …………………. Claire …………………. (try) to ride a unicycle now?
7. I …………………………. (like) this drawing on the pavement. It’s beautiful!
8. I …………………………. (leave) right now, because I’m tired.

12. Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. The children / wait / for / me / at the moment / .
The children are waiting for me at the moment.
2. Greg / never / wear / sandals / .
3. Rebecca / sit / next to / Mike / now / .
4. you / enjoy / classical / music / ?
5. you / listen / to / me / ?

13. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.

Yesterday, my friends 1…………………… (have) a party at my house. Ben and Betty 2……………………
(make) delicious food and I 3…………………… (bake) two cakes. We 4…………………… (dance),
…………………… (listen) to music and 6…………………… (chat) with our friends. At 11.00, we
…………………… (eat) cake and ice cream. Then at 12 o’clock, my mother 8…………………… (come) into the
room and 9…………………… (send) everyone home.

14. Look at Erin’s list of things to do. Then complete the questions and answer them.

feed the dog call Donald make spaghetti for dinner
do homework water the plants in the garden clean bedroom

1. …………………… feed
Erin …………………… Yes, she did.
the dog? ……………………
2. …………………… Erin …………………… Donald? ……………………
3. …………………… she …………………… spaghetti for dinner? ……………………
4. …………………… she …………………… her homework? ……………………
5. …………………… Erin …………………… the plants in the garden? ……………………
6. …………………… she …………………… her bedroom? ……………………

15. Complete the questions in the dialogue.

did you go
George: Where 1……………………………… yesterday?
Jodi: I went to Universal Studios.
George: When 2……………………………… ?
Jodi: I arrived at 10.00 in the morning.
George: 3……………………………… ?
Jodi: Yes, I liked it a lot!
George: What 4……………………………… ?
Jodi: I went on rides, had lunch and met a film star.
George: Who 5……………………………… ?
Jodi: I met Will Smith – and he gave me his autograph!
George: Wow! What 6……………………………… ?
Jodi: He wrote, “To Jodi – Be good! Will Smith”.

16. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the Past Continuous.

cook • shop • study • watch • rain

was raining
1. Yesterday at 9.00, it ……………………………… .
2. At half past four, I ……………………………… at the supermarket.
3. We ……………………………… a horror film at 11.30 last night.
4. Nina ……………………………… dinner at 7.00.
5. At 2.30, the students ……………………………… in the library.

17. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. When Brenda called Laura, Laura …………………………. (have) a bath.

2. As I was getting into my car, the storm …………………………. (start).
3. We …………………………. (do) our homework while my parents were making dinner.
4. I …………………………. (walk) home when the dog jumped over the fence.
5. John …………………………. (see) you while you were waiting for the bus.

18. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
Reporter: What 1. ………………….were you ………………….
doing (do) when it began to rain?
Dorothy: We …………………. (watch) television in our hotel room.

Reporter: 3. …………………. you …………………. (know) there was a flood outside?

Dorothy: No, we didn’t – not until the water suddenly 4. …………………. (come) into the room.
Reporter: 5. …………………. you …………………. (call) for help?
Dorothy: I 6. …………………. (want) to use the phone, but it didn’t work.
Reporter: 7. …………………. you …………………. (panic)?
Dorothy: No, we didn’t. We 8. …………………. (climb) onto the roof. While we 9. …………………. (wait) for
help, the police came.



19. Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t.


1. We …………………… listen to our teacher.
2. We …………………… shout in class.
3. We …………………… use mobile phones in
4. We …………………… always do our
5. We …………………… always
put our rubbish in the bin.

20. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1. It’s cold today. You …………………… wear a jacket.
2. I’m hungry. I …………………… make a sandwich.
3. Ben is studying. We …………………… talk quietly.
4. You …………………… eat your soup with a fork.
5. The dog …………………… sleep on the bed. Mum doesn’t like it.

21. Circle the correct answers.

1. Dan … play tennis because he hasn’t got his trainers.

a. should b. can’t c. could
2. It’s Dad’s birthday. We … bake a cake for him.
a. can’t b. mustn’t c. should
3. Children … go to school.
a. must b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t
4. Fish … swim.
a. should b. can c. couldn’t
5. You … eat a lot of pudding. It’s not good for you.
a. can’t b. must c. shouldn’t

22. Complete the rules at the community centre swimming pool. Use must, mustn’t or
don’t have to.
1. You ………………………….
must walk slowly around the pool area.
2. You …………………………. eat near the pool.
3. You …………………………. have a shower before you enter the pool.
4. You …………………………. take any swimming courses.

23. Circle the correct answer.

1. Last week, I was ill and I …… get out of bed.
a. could b. can’t c. couldn’t
2. My brother is very athletic. He …… ride a skateboard when he was three.
a. could b. can c. couldn’t
3. Miranda is very shy. She …… talk in front of a big audience.
a. can b. can’t c. couldn’t
4. Frank is very funny. He …… make anyone laugh.
a. can b. can’t c. couldn’t
5. Shelly …… ride a bike last year, but now she rides well.
a. can’t b. couldn’t c. can

24. Circle the correct answer.

1. Ruth has got clever ideas. Mike should / must / doesn’t have to ask her for help with his project.
2. Fred is very rich. He could / can / has to buy almost anything he wants.
3. There’s a terrible storm outside. You have to / don’t have to / mustn’t go out. It’s dangerous.
4. You can / should / could write when you were three years old.
5. I can’t find my wallet, so I can’t / must / shouldn’t go to the bank to get some money.


25. Circle the correct answer.

1. We …… hard at school this year.
a. have worked b. has worked
2. You …… the kitchen since Monday.
a. hasn’t cleaned b. haven’t cleaned
3. She …… her hat.
a. has lost b. have lost
4. They …… all their money at the shops.
a. have spent b. has spent
5. Dave …… town.
a. haven’t left b. hasn’t left

26. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.
1. Mrs Green …………………. has just ………………….
made (make) lunch.
2. You …………………. never …………………. (be) to Disneyland.
3. Martha is in China. I …………………. (not see) her for weeks.
4. The rabbits …………………. already …………………. (eat) the carrots in the garden.
5. We …………………. (not hear) that new CD yet.

27. Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple. Then answer the
questions. Make the answers true for you.
1. you / ever / help / a sick animal
Have you ever helped a sick animal?


2. your friends / volunteer / at a vet’s clinic


28. Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.

already  never  yet  since  ever

1. Have you …………………. ever had a pet dog or cat?

2. I can’t go out tonight. I haven’t done my homework …………………. .
3. It’s only 9.00 in the morning and Mum has …………………. sent me three e-mails.
4. I have lived here …………………. I was small.
5. We have …………………. travelled to Africa. I want to go there one day.

29. Circle the correct answer.

1. Sally …… since October.
a. didn’t call me b. hasn’t called me
2. I …… my cousin in London last week.
a. visited b. have visited
3. The dog …… my new shoes yesterday.
a. has eaten b. ate
4. I …… my new book yet.
a. haven’t read b. didn’t read
5. I …… to the café on Saturday.
a. have gone b. went

30. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple
or Past Simple.
1. Last year, a bear ………………….
attacked hasn’t gone
(attack) a hunter. The hunter …………………………. (not go) back to
work yet.
2. We …………………. (not ride) our bikes yesterday. It …………………. (rain) all day.
3. She …………………. (not tell) us the story yet. She …………………. (not have) time yesterday.
4. …………………. they …………………. (play) their guitars last Saturday? …………………. you
…………………. (enjoy) the show?
5. I …………………………. (see) Mary since the summer. …………………. she …………………. (change) her


31. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to. Future plans and intentions.
are going to visit
1. Mark and Tom …………………………. (visit) Amanda on Monday.
2. A new student …………………………. (join) our class next week.
3. We …………………………. (not have) a big party on Saturday night.
4. On Friday, my family and I …………………………. (have) dinner in a new restaurant.
5. I …………………………. (not run) in the marathon next week.


32. Write questions with the words below. Use be going to. Answer them.
1. you / visit / a friend / on Saturday
Are you going to visit a friend on Saturday?
2. you / do / anything exciting / on Friday night
3. your family / travel / this summer
4. you / learn / Chinese / next year
5. your best friend / meet / you / this evening

33. Complete the paragraph with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct form of will.
These are my predictions for 100 years from now: Scientists 1. ………………………….
will build (build) underground
cities. The temperature inside …………………………. (be) warm. It …………………………. (not be)
2. 3.

too hot or too cold and people 4. …………………………. (not see) any rain or snow. A special machine
…………………………. (clean) the water and the air, so people 6. …………………………. (live) a
healthier life. People 7. …………………………. (grow) their food above ground and animals
…………………………. (live) above ground, too. People 9. …………………………. (enjoy) both


Write questions with the phrases below. Use the First Conditional.
1. what film you see / go to the cinema
What film will you see if you go to the cinema?
2. where you study / the library is closed
3. what your dad do / you break the window
4. where we go / the weather hot

Complete the sentences in the First Conditional. Use the verbs in brackets.
1. If you invent an eco-friendly car, you ………………………….
will be (be) famous.
2. It will help the environment if everyone …………………………. (use) rechargeable batteries.
3. If you see the new film, you …………………………. (enjoy) it.
4. I …………………………. (not have) enough money for this ring if I buy more CDs.
5. If robots …………………………. (do) more work, many people will lose their jobs.


Match the phrases in A and B to make sentences. Then complete the sentences with the verbs in
brackets. Use the First Conditional.
1. If she ………………….
studies (study) hard, …… a. we’ll miss the show.
2. If I …………………. (invent) a flying car, …… b. they won’t see the sun.
3. If it …………………. (rain) tomorrow, ……1 c. she will pass her exams.
4. If people …………………. (live) underground, …… d. I’ll be very rich.
5. If we …………………. (not leave) now, …… e. we won’t have a picnic outdoors.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Second Conditional.
a. If you …………………………… (wear) glasses, you …………………………………… (not get) a lot of headaches
b. I …………………………………… (tell) you the answer if I ………………………………….. (know) it
c. If Angela …………………………………… (buy) a dog, she ……………………………………. (not feel) lonely
d. If they ………………………………….. (be) outgoing, people ……………………………………………. (invite)
them more often
e. If he ……………………………………… (not go) out all the time, he ………………………………………….
(have) more money
f. My brother …………………………………... (play) on my computer all day if I ……………………………………
(let) him


Complete the chart.

Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
1. give gave given
2. play
3. make
4. do
5. write

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.
1. Famous film stars ………………………….
are protected (protect) by bodyguards.
2. Beyoncé’s CDs …………………………. (sell) at music shops.
3. Young children …………………………. (not allow) to see this scary film.
4. Stars …………………………. often …………………………. (follow) by photographers.
5. Some famous songs …………………………. (play) by different musicians.


Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.
1. Where ………………………….
are the rehearsals ………………………….
held (hold)?
2. …………………………. this song always …………………………. (perform) in English?
3. What type of music …………………………. (play) by the band?
4. …………………………. the awards …………………………. (give) every year?
5. …………………………. you …………………………. (protect) by bodyguards?

Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Simple Passive.
1. My first CD / release / in 2000
My first CD was released in 2000.
2. It / record / in a small studio
3. My first video clip / film / in Africa
4. My clothes / make / in Italy
5. My friends and family / show / in the video clip

Complete the dialogue with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple Passive.
Sam: Where was the audition on Saturday?
Tom: The audition 1. ………………………….
was held (hold) at the Cosmic Coffeehouse.
Sam: 2.
…………………………. you …………………………. (choose) for the band?
Tom: Well, I 3. …………………………. (ask) to go to a second audition.
Sam: That’s great. Did you go?
Tom: Yes. I 4. …………………………. (take) by taxi.
Sam: 5. …………………………. you …………………………. (select)?
Tom: No, I wasn’t. Four other boys 6. …………………………. (choose).

Circle the correct answer.

1. Christina Aguilera’s CDs ... all over the world today.
a. are sold b. is sold c. were sold
2. Martin’s songs ... by a professional songwriter years ago.
a. is written b. are written c. were written
3. The cake ... last night.
a. is baked b. was baked c. were baked
4. A new song ... in the studio many times.
a. is usually recorded b. are usually recorded c. was usually recorded
5. Many types of cars ... in Asia today.
a. is made b. were made c. are made
6. My guitar ... last week.
a. was stolen b. were stolen c. is stolen


Complete the questions with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive
or Past Simple Passive.
1. ………………………….
Is reggae music ………………………….
enjoyed (enjoy) by students in your school today?
2. …………………………. pop stars …………………………. (ask) for their autographs 10 years ago?
3. …………………………. tickets for the concert …………………………. (sell) on the Internet yesterday?
4. …………………………. English …………………………. (speak) in Australia?
5. …………………………. singers usually …………………………. (teach) how to dance for their videos?
6. When …………………………. the TV …………………………. (invent)?


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