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Session: 2021-2023



Sign Sign
Name- Dr. Arpit Loyal Name(s): Aparna Napit (1121614046)

Asaf Pathan (1121614032)

Ashutosh Kankane (1121613891)

Avadhi Tongia (1121614102)

Avdesh Singh (1121613622)

Class: MBA MM Sem. I Section – B

Pooja Soni (1121614255)

Shubham Turkar (1121613780)


We Aparna Napit, Asaf Pathan, Ashutosh Kankane, Avadhi Tongia, Avdesh Singh students
of Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore, M.P. pursuing MBA (MM), hereby
declare that we have completed Marketing Research Project Report entitled “Consumer
Preference Towards MamaEarth Products” is an authentic and original work conducted under
the guidance of Dr. Arpit Loyal in the academic year 2021 - 2023. The information submitted is
true and original to the best of our knowledge.

Students’ Name

Aparna Napit (1121614046)

Asaf Pathan (1121614032)

Ashutosh Kankane (1121613891)

Avadhi Tongia (1121614102)

Avdesh Singh (1121613622)


This is to certify that Aparna Napit, Asaf Pathan, Ashutosh Kankane, Avadhi Tongia, Avdesh
Singh of Master of Business Administration Marketing Management Program Semester I
(Section: B), Prestige Institute of Management and Research, Indore have successfully completed
the Marketing Research Project entitled “Consumer Preference Towards MamaEarth

This work was carried out under my guidance. Work done by them is genuine and original to the
best of my knowledge.

Dr. Arpit Loyal,

Assistant Professor
PIMR, Indore

We took this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regards to our guide Dr.
Arpit Loyal, for her exemplary guidance, mentoring and constant encouragement throughout the
course of this project. The blessings, help and guidance given by her, time to time shall carry us a
long way in the journey of life on which we are about to embark.

We are grateful to our family and friends for their constants support and encouragement throughout
our Marketing Research Project journey and making it successful.

Students’ Name

Aparna Napit (1121614046)

Asaf Pathan (1121614032)

Ashutosh Kankane (1121613891)

Avadhi Tongia (1121614102)

Avdesh Singh (1121613622)


Sr. No. Title Page No.



1.1 Overview of the Sector 2


2.1 Conceptual Framework 5

2.2 Rational of the Study 5

2.3 Objective (s) of the Study 5


3.1 Research Design 6

3.2 Sampling Methods 6

3.3 Sampling Unit 6

3.4 Population & Sample Size 6

3.5 Tool for Data Collection/ Source for Secondary 6




(With References)

Understanding the consumer is important for marketers to develop the marketing mix. In present
study, the study attempted to understand consumer preference towards Mamaearth”

In today scenario, every company wants to compete with others to remain in the market. So, it is
very necessary for the company to know what are the needs and wants of the customer, what is the
preference of customer. It is very important for a company to know which product is preferred by
the customer on which basis.

Our study is all about this i.e., to study the preference of customer towards Mamaearth products
on the basis of price, brand name, quality and find out the steps that a company can adopt to fight
the competition. We have discussed about the Consumer & the preference of consumer. We have
also discussed about the introduction of the of the Mamaearth products, this research is carried out
using primary data. The method that we have used is questionnaire technique to get the data from
the customer. The sample size is of hundred customer of Madhya Pradesh those are using
Mamaearth product. There were 46% of the people those are using Mamaearth Products

The study will be a useful reference to the start-ups engaged in manufacturing and marketing of
cosmetic products as well as aspiring start-up.


Mamaearth is the India’s well-known, popular and successful brand over 5 years. Mamaearth
provide a wide range of beauty products like face wash, scrub, lotion, moisturizer, hair oil etc.
Mamaearth has proven record of consistent quality of product, the design and packaging as well
as high commitment towards customer service. This research is done with the use of a structured
questionnaire collected information from 100 respondents The information was analyzed by using
statistical techniques-factor analysis, pie charts, percentage etc. The study, on the basis of the
findings drawn from the collected information concluded that the factors like quality, value for
money, ingredients, availability, offers, product line range, and promotional campaign are
important determinants of consumers preference towards Mamaearth products.


Mamaearth is distinguished in the cosmetics industry of India as an online platform that offers
natural and toxin-free skin care products. When it goes to the restorative business, customers are
constantly worried about the cycle through which the products are fabricated. This is the reason
we presently see an immense buzz about natural items, normal hair care things, and unadulterated
skin health management cosmetics. Consumers need to guarantee that they are utilizing the best
quality items.

Mama earth is a very well-known company that was established in 2016 to make skincare products
somewhat stylish however with the most extreme consideration. Ghazal Alagh and Varun Alagh
founded Mamaearth. Now the company is settled in Gurugram (India) and is a popular online
platform that offers regular and side effects-free healthy skincare products.

Mamaearth is one of India’s fastest developing brands crossing the INR 100 crore turnover mark
in only 4 years. Discussing this accomplishment and how the team got it going, Varun says it was
a compelling passionate parent-to-parent associate.

Mamaearth is one of only a handful few plastics positive brands in India. The company endeavours
to ration Mother Earth for people in the future of kids. With an activity called “We should
Recycle”, the organization reuses more plastic than it at any point utilizes and furthermore spreads
mindfulness by making the users a contributor to the program.

Mamaearth influence the preference of customer on these following basis

 Connecting with their Target Audience: The most important thing for any brand is to
connect with its Target Audience and gain their trust. This is what Mamaearth did
brilliantly. From the start itself, they targeted Mothers and made advertisements that
resonated with them.
 Superior Quality Product: The Founders of Mamaearth believe in providing quality
products to their customers. As they have a superior quality product, people themselves

recommend their products to other people. Word of Mouth Marketing has done miracles
for their brand.
 Lean Innovation Cycle: Lean Innovation follows a principle where you focus on increasing
efficiency by continuously listening to your customer’s feedback. Your main priority is
experimentation and continuously improving your product quality.

Mamaearth marketing strategy to influence the customer preference

Influencers Marketing: On online media, Mamaearth works together with influencers and pitch the
targeted customers of these influencers. Influencers have steadfast adherents who admire what
they propose. Mamaearth works with more than five hundred mothers

 Bloggers: To spread informal exchange on advanced stages. At the point when an

influencer suggests something, at that point, it is trailed by their local area individuals in
light of the fact that their work is to impact individuals. These influencers post about the
results of Mamaearth and their decency and advertise the brand.
 Digital Ads: Mamaearth’s promoting efforts run mostly on digital platforms. The
utilization of the internet is expanding and most clients influence these computerized stages
for any data. So, the brand promoting system takes up these advanced stages to build their
image mindfulness and contact a more extensive audience.
 Brand Endorsement: Mamaearth’s speed of development expanded quickly after the
popular Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra turned into a brand ambassador as well
as an investor of the brand. She is a piece of the way toward making new items and
showcasing efforts. Shilpa Shetty Kundra took her online media to promote the brand. She
has very popular and has a strong presence on social media forgave the brand a wide reach.


Desai Kisan (2014) in his research work studied consumer behaviour towards cosmetics with
reference to Kolhapur district. He concluded that the most important factor influencing consumer
behaviour in cosmetic segment is quality. Apart from that he found that the customers prefer to
purchase Ayurvedic brands and can also wait if the product is not available.

Hemanth Kumar A, H., Franklin John S., Senith S. (2014) studied factors influencing consumer
buying behaviour in cosmetic products. The main aim of study was to identify the factors
influencing consumer buying behaviour along with to study influence of income level on consumer
buying behaviour decisions. Data were collected from 500 respondents. Descriptive statistics
including one way ANOVA was used for data analysis. They found that quality and price are the
most important factors which can influence consumer buying behaviour

Matic M., Barbara P. (2015) studied consumers’ purchase intensions towards Natural cosmetics.
The main aim of study was to identify the determinants that influence intensions of consumers
towards purchasing natural cosmetics. The data was collected through online questionnaire .data

were collected from 204 samples. Logistic regression and correlation were used for data analysis.
Results of the correlation analysis indicate that there is a strong positive correlation between
purchase intentions towards natural cosmetics and consumer references of natural cosmetics. The
findings may be useful to online retailers, as well as marketers and practitioners to recognize and
better understand the new trends that occur in the industry of natural cosmetics.

Banu Rekha M., Gokila K. (2015) studied consumer awareness, attitude and preference towards
herbal cosmetic products with special reference to Coimbatore city. The main aim of study was to
consumer awareness towards herbal cosmetics, to identify the factors influencing the consumers
to use herbal products. Descriptive research design was used with non-probability convenience
sampling with 50 respondents of Coimbatore city. Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation,
average ranking analysis and chi-square analysis were used for data analysis. They found that
family income per month and spending for herbal products have positive correlation. Quality was
ranked as most important factor that influences consumers to purchase cosmetics. They concluded
the research with a note that consumers believe that herbal cosmetics are not a luxury now and
should be used by consumers.

Sumathi& Dr. Begum Mustiary (2016) conducted a study in Mangalore city and studied the impact
of advertisement on consumer behaviour of cosmetic products. Customers, taste, preferences and
awareness of brands influences their purchase decisions. They further said that environmental and
psychological factors also influence the customers’ taste and preferences.

Dr. Nagananthi T., Mahalakshmi M. (2016) Studied consumers’ brand preference and buying
behaviour of cosmetic products at Coimbatore city. The main aim of study was to identify
consumers’ brand preference towards cosmetic products and to determine the relationship of brand
factors with demographic data. Primary data were collected from 200 samples through
convenience sampling. Chi square test and one way ANOVA were used for data analysis. They
found that personal care is one of the most important reasons for purchasing cosmetics. Himalaya
herbals were the most important brand among consumers. Demographic factors influence
consumer to purchase the cosmetics.

AnjanaS. S. (2018) in her research attempted to identify the factors affecting the consumers buying
behaviour towards cosmetic products. She concluded that quality, price, brand, packaging,
advertising are important factors affecting the consumers’ behaviour in cosmetics segment

OberoiParul, (2018) conducted a researched on 400 respondents in Delhi NCR to understand the
consumer behaviour towards the cosmetic products. They concluded that social factors are
important influencers on consumer behaviour towards cosmetic

Lakshmi Y P Sai & Suresh Babu M (2019) studied the factors influencing consumer behaviour
towards cosmetics. They discussed that various internal factors like attitude, motivation,
perception, and learning along with social and cultural factors and other factors such as price,
advertising and physical attributes shape the consumers’ behaviour

Conceptual Framework

In these modern times, consumers not only buy products but also market them. They share details
such as product quality, reliability, pricing, ease of use and warranty claim procedures by word of
mouth and through online forums and social communities. This research aims to study in depth
the factors that affect consumers’ ability to market products online and to then develop and focus
on the most productive measures of marketing so that they help marketing managers across
industries to develop new tools and techniques to harness consumers marketing potential

This research is conducted to see how the consumers’ brand perception and purchasing decisions
are influenced by different online marketing tools used across the industries such as Word of
Mouth (WOM), Online Advertising. Its purpose was so studying the relationship between the
different online marketing tools and techniques, WOM, Online chat and Email and their effects on
the brand perception and consumer purchasing decision. There are a lot of other influencing factors
included in a decision making of a consumer for purchasing and developing a perception about a
particular brand but the most important factors that play a defining role in changing the consumer
brand perception

Rational of the Study

Past literature has focused on various dimensions of customer preference but most of these
researches have been conducted on the basis of past marketing strategy. Since there are limited
quality researches available on consumer preference conducted in India, Introduction of new
cosmetic product created a major gap which influences the consumer preference. The current
research is an attempt to fill this gap to investigate “Consumer Buying Preference Towards
Mamaearth products” with the aim of identifying the preference on consumer towards Mamaearth

Objective of the Study

 To study consumer preference towards Mamaearth products


This study has been carried out using pre-structured close ended questionnaire for collecting data.
Data was collected from various cosmetic products user 100 respondents were selected for the
study on the basis of purposive sampling. Simple mathematical and statistical tools were used that
are Pie chart and percentage method.

Research Design

The Descriptive Research Design which is a scientific method that involves observing and
describing the behaviour of a subject without influencing it in any way.

Sampling Methods

Initially, a rough draft was prepared keeping in mind the objective of the research. A study was
done in order to know the accuracy of the Questionnaire. The final Questionnaire arrived only after
certain important changes were done. Thus, my sampling came out to be purposive which is a type
of Non probability sampling

Sampling Unit

The respondents who were asked to fill out questionnaires are the sampling units. These comprise
of people of the age group from 15 years till 30years.

Population and Sample Size

The sample size was restricted to only 100, which comprised of mainly peoples from Madhya
Pradesh. Target population was from 15years to 30years

Tool for Data Collection / Source for Secondary Data

Primary Data-For collecting the primary data the survey was done through Questionnaire, which
was done by online serve through google form.

Secondary Data- For theoretical overview, secondary data was collected from different websites
and research papers.


We have prepared a structured designed questionnaire with the customer preferences towards
mama earth products.

1) Classification of the respondents based on their gender

Male Female



FIGURE 1 (Based on Gender)

Interpretation: Figure 1 shows the males constitute 67% and females constitute 33%. Here
it is evident that majority of male respondents is more than female in this survey.

2) Classification of the respondents based on their Ages

Below 18 18-25 25-35 Above 35




FIGURE 2 (Based on Age)

From the above Figure 2, we can see that 69% of the respondents fall under the age group of
18-25, 29% of the respondents fall under the age group of 25-35, 1% of the respondents fall
under the age group of above 35, 1% under below 18 above, so 18-25 age group more
interested to buy a cosmetic product
3) Classification of the respondents based on their use of social media

Instagram Youtube Facebook Other

8% 1%



FIGURE 3 (Use of Social Media)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 3, we can see that 67% of the respondents have prefer
Instagram for most of the time and 24 % of the respondents have prefer YouTube after Instagram
and 8% of the respondent have prefer Facebook after You Tube and remaining 1% are from other

social networking so most of the people prefer Instagram so it is beneficial for us to run digital
advertisement on Instagram so that people can be aware of all products

4) Classification of the respondents preferred products

Beauty Products Hair Products Face Products Body Care




FIGURE 4 (Preferred Products)

Interpretation: From the Figure 4, we can see that 41% of the respondents have prefer hair
product over all the product company needs to focus on hair product and 34 % respondent
have preferred beauty product and 14% of respondents have prefer Body care product and
remaining 13 % respondent have preferred Face Product, so company should more focus on
hair product and beauty product. Now a days many people facing an issues of hair problem
like hair fall, dandruff and they are trying find out the products so that they can resolve the
issues of hair.

5) Classification of the respondents on their average spendings monthly

Below 5000 5000-10000 10000-15000 Above 15000



FIGURE 5 (Average Spendings)

Interpretation: From the Figure 5, we can see that 60% of the respondents have a budget of
Below 5000 and 35% of the respondent have a budget of 5000-10000 and 5% respondent
having a budget of 10000-35000 most of the respondents having a average budget of below
5000 so company need to focus on pricing of the products so that the company can fulfil the
requirement of consumers in the budget of below 5000

6)Classification of the respondents facing hair issues

Hairfall Dandruff Greying of Hair Thinning of Hair




FIGURE 6 (Hair Issues)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 6, we can notice that the 43 % of respondent facing a
problem of Hair fall and 23% of respondent facing a problem of Dandruff and 11% of
respondent facing a problem of Greying of hair and rest 23 % facing a problem on Thinning
of Hair, so company needs to focus on all four hair issues so that they can resolve the problem
of consumer.

7)Classification of the respondents facing skin issues

Acne Oily/Dry Skin Tanning Blackheads



FIGURE 7 (Skin Issues)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 7, we can notice that the 28 % of respondent facing a
problem of Oily/dry skin problem and 26% of respondent facing a problem of Tanning and
another 26% of respondent facing a problem of Acne and rest 20 % facing a problem on
Blackhead, so needs to focus on all four problems of face care issue it’s not a problem of these
100 respondents but it is a problem of each and everyone.

8)Classification of the respondents on their daily routine products

Face Pack Face Wash Bleaching Scrubbing

9% 11%


FIGURE 8 (Face Routine)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 8, we can notice that the 78 % of respondent using
Face wash in daily routine and 11% of respondent using Face pack in daily routine and 9% of
respondent using Scrubbing in their daily routine and rest 2% using Bleaching in their daily
routine, so company needs to focus on Face wash because it is very easy to use in daily routine
both the gender are using Facewash
9)Classification of the respondents on their hair/skin care products

Wow Sciences Skin Craft MamaEarth L'oreal Other

8% 7%


FIGURE 9 (Hair/Skin Care Products)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 9, we can notice that the 54 % of respondent are using
Mama earth products and 15% of respondent are using other brands and 10% of respondent
are using L’oreal products and 8% respondent are using Skincraft products, and rest 7%
respondent go for their personal brand products

10)Classification of the respondents who came to know about Mamaearth products

Social Media Ads Influencer Friend Suggestions Self Discovery Other


17% 40%


FIGURE 10 (Source of Knowing Mamaearth Products)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 10, we can notice that the 41% respondents came to know
about Mama earth from social media Ads and 33% of respondents came to know about mama earth
from Influencer and 17% of respondents came to know about mama earth from their Friends
suggestions and 4% of respondents came to know about Mama earth from Self Discovery, and rest
5% of respondents came to know about Mama earth from other source. Most of the people spend
their free time on social media so in these social media advertisements plays very important role
it keeps on publishing the product so that consumer can know the products which are in market.

11)Classification of the respondents on their want in next facewash


Kumkumadi Rose Sandalwood Kesar Badam Honey pumpkin Never used it

18% 15%



FIGURE 11 (Preference of Face Wash Ingredients)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 11, we can notice that the 48 % of respondent want
Kesar Badnam in their Facewash and 18% of respondent want Honey Pumpkin in their
Facewash and 17% of respondent want Rose sandalwood in their Facewash and 15%
respondent want Kumkumadi in their Facewash and 1 % of respondents want Neem in their
Facewash and rest 1% had never used it so company needs to focus on Kesar Badam in their
next Facewash
12) Classification of the respondents on the review of Mamaearth packing


Excellent Can Improve Average Poor




FIGURE 12 (Review of Packing)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 12, we can notice that the 55 % of respondents like
the packaging and 32% of respondents says can improve and 12% of respondents says its
Average and rest 1% of respondents says its poor, Packaging plays very important role in the
mind of consumer, so company should always focus on best quality of packing.

13)Classification of the respondents on the product which across most on internet


MamaEarth Onion Hair oil MamaEarth Aloe Vera Gel
MamaEarth Vitamin C foaming face wash Mama Earth Sulphate Free Toothpaste
Mama Earth Tropical garden body lotion for kids




FIGURE 13 (Most Across Product on Internet)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 13, we can notice that the 57 % of respondents had
watched MamaEarth onion hair oil in internet most of time and 32% of respondent had
watched MamaEarth Vitamin C Foaming Facewash in internet and 8% of respondent had
watched MamaEarth Aloe Vera Gel in internet and 2% of respondents had watched
MamaEarth Sulphate Free Toothpaste in internet and rest 1% of respondent had watched
MamaEarth Tropical Garden Body Lotion for Kids

14)Classification of the respondents for purchasing a Mamaearth Product

Attractive and convienient packing 100% organic and Toxic free ingriedients
Pocket Friendly prices Positive Results



FIGURE 14 (Purchasing for Mamaearth Products)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 14, we can notice that the 82 % of respondents purchase
MamaEarth product because of 100% organic and toxin free ingredients and 9% of respondents
purchase MamaEarth product because of its Attractive and convenient packing and 5% of
respondents purchase MamaEarth product because of pocket friendly prices and rest 4% of
respondent purchase MamaEarth product because of its positive results
15)Classification of the respondents rating to Mamaearth products


1 2 3 4 5



FIGURE 15 (Rating to Mamaearth Products)

Interpretation: From the above Figure 15, we can notice that the 42% of respondents had
rated 4 to Mama earth Products and 33% of respondent had rated 5 to the MamaEarth products
and 21% of respondent had rated 3 to MamaEarth products and 2% of respondents had rated
2 to MamaEarth products and rest 1% of respondent had rated 1 to MamaEarth products


 Most of the people purchase cosmetic product comes in the age group of 18-25 years.
 Most of the people (67%) watches a digital ad in Instagram
 Most of the people (41%) like to buy Hair products.
 Almost 43% people facing a hair fall issue
 Almost 28% people facing an oily/dry skin problems in daily life
 Most of the people (78%) uses facewash in their daily routine.
 Most of the people spend around more than 5000 Rs per month on cosmetic product
 Almost 54% people had already tried Mamaearth products
 Almost 41% of people came to know about Mamaearth from social media and 33% from
 57% of people says that Mamaearth onion hair oil came across most on internet
 82% of people purchase Mamaearth products because of 100% organic and Toxic free
 42% of people rated 4 on the scale to the Mamaearth products.


 The study is geographically restricted to Madhya Pradesh only, and so the result cannot be
extrapolated to other places. Also, the result may differ from location to location.
 Sample size of the study was taken as 100 respondents taking time constraint as an
important factor in mind.
 The study is based on the data collected from the sample respondents. There is a chance of
false data due to lack of seriousness of the respondents while filling the survey


In today’s world, the industry of cosmetic products is on its way for touching the mountains and
clouds. Its demand is increasing rapidly due to its increased awareness among the customers. So,
the results of the study can be utilized by practitioners in relooking their strategies for the cosmetic
products. The companies, corporations and the other sellers of the cosmetic products should
concentrate more to the female segments as it has been proved by the results of the study that the
females demand and buy the cosmetic products more as compared to the other section. So,
companies should devise the policies and strategies to magnetize a greater number of people in
this segment for future reference also.

Since, there is ever increasing and continuous demand of the cosmetic products nowadays, it is
necessary to

make this sector a boom. So, in order to make it as a boom, the following methods can be followed:

1) India has a strong research and development (R&D) capability so companies should innovate
rapidly to take care of the security issues.

2) In India, the companies and other sellers of the cosmetic products should also try to increase
their business by providing the online portal to their customers in order to purchase the cosmetic
products. Because, mostly people are shopping the goods online due to the convenience and
simplicity offered by the online shopping.

3) For increasing the sale of cosmetic products in the online portal, the consumers should be feeling
comfortable while shopping online. So, the sellers should take into account the factors that impede
the online shopping. One of the most important factors that demotivate the consumer to shop online
is the financial security. So, as a mode of online payment, the alternative methods of payment
should be adopted like cash on delivery (COD).


Consumers are now well aware and wish to use varieties of products, brands and services which
are new in the market, fashionable, exclusive in nature, rare and trendy. Everyone is unique in
his/her tastes and preferences. They all cannot be extraordinarily satisfied every second and all the
time but they can be managed with best quality. This research may give information about minds
of the consumers. Quality, value for money, Ingredient, Availability, Offers, product line range,
promotion campaign have significant influence on the preference of customers of Mamaearth
products. Digital advertisement & social media were the major source of information to the
consumers about the Mamaearth products. Most of the respondents are using Mamaearth products
frequently and for majority of the respondents, the monthly expenditure on cosmetic products is
more than Rs. 5000 Most of the respondents purchase the Mamaearth products from online mode
Most of the respondents are satisfied with the Mamaearth products and they are willing to
recommend the products to others. The present research is useful guide for start-ups in
manufacturing and marketing of cosmetics for developing strategies for marketing the products.


1.Desai Kisan (2014). A study on consumer buying behaviour of cosmetic products in Kolhapur.
Reviews of Literature, 1 (10), 1-11

2.H. Hemanth Kumar, A., franklin John, S., Senith, S., (2014) A study on Factors Influencing
Consumer Buying Behaviour in Cosmetic Products. Vol 04 Issue 09. International journal of
Scientific and Research Publication

3.Matic, M., Puh, B., (2015) Consumers’ Purchase Intentions towards Natural Cosmetics. UDK:
658.89:159.94 Preliminary Communication

4.Banu Rekha, M., Gokila, K. (2015) A study on Consumer Awareness, Attitude and Preference
towards Herbal Cosmetics Products with special Reference to Coimbatore City. Vol 02 No-04,
Page No. 96-100, International Journal of Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Studies

5. Dr. Nagananthi, T., Mahalaxmi, M., (2016) Consumers’ Preference and Buying Behaviour of
Cosmetic Products at Coimbatore City. Vol 04 Issue 01. Inter-continental Journal of Marketing
Research Review.

6. Sumathi& Dr. Begum Mustiary (2016). Impact of advertisements on consumer behaviour of

cosmetic products – A study in Mangalore. International Journal of Scientific Research and
Modern Education, 1 (1), 874-879

7.Anjana S. S. (2018). A study on factors influencing cosmetic buying behaviour of consumers.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 118(9), 453-459

8. Oberoi Arul, OberoiPrerna (2018). Consumer behaviour towards cosmetic products: A case of
Delhi NCR. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5 (11), 10-31

9. Lakshmi Y P Sai & Suresh Babu M (2019). Study of factors that influence the consumer
behaviour towards cosmetics –Conceptual framework. Iconic Research and Engineering Journals,
2(7), 21-28


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