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On the Performance Gain of Integrated Sensing and

Communications: A Subspace Correlation

Shihang Lu1 , Xiao Meng1,2 , Zhen Du3 , Yifeng Xiong1 and Fan Liu1
1 Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
2 Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
3 Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China


arXiv:2211.00434v2 [eess.SP] 2 Nov 2022;

Abstract—In this paper, we shed light on the performance is only a weak correlation between S&C channels [6]. To
gain of integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) from the improve the efficiency of exploiting time, frequency and
perspective of channel correlations between radar sensing and spatial resources, one may design a unified transmit waveform
communication (S&C), namely ISAC subspace correlation. To
begin with, we consider a multi-input multi-output (MIMO) ISAC for achieving S&C functionalities simultaneously [7]–[9]. For
system and reveal that the optimal ISAC signal is in the subspace example, joint ISAC transmit beamforming is able to boost
spanned by the transmitted steering vectors of the sensing both communication rate and radar estimation accuracy as
channel and the right singular matrix of the communication compared with communication-only and sensing-only design
channel. By leveraging this result, we study a basic ISAC [10], [11]. Recent information-theoretic research on ISAC
scenario with a single target and a single-antenna communication
user, and derive the optimal waveform covariance matrix for pointed out that the integration gain can be attained via
minimizing the estimation error under a given communication exploiting the potential subspace correlations between S&C
rate constraint. To quantify the integration gain of ISAC systems, [12]. However, how to quantify the integration gain from the
we define the subspace “correlation coefficient” to characterize perspective of the subspace correlation still remains open,
the coupling effect between S&C channels. Finally, numerical which motivates our investigation in this paper.
results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed
approaches. In this paper, we consider a multi-input and multi-output
Index Terms—Integrated sensing and communications, inte- (MIMO) ISAC system and study the waveform optimization
gration gain, signal processing, waveform optimization. problem that minimizes the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) for
target estimation under the communication rate constraint.
I. I NTRODUCTION We first reveal that the optimal ISAC waveform lives in a
In recent years, radar sensing and wireless communica- subspace spanned by both S&C channels. To better understand
tion systems have been gradually moving from separation to the subspace correlations, we then focus on a simplistic
integration [1]. It is foreseeable that integrated sensing and model with one single target and one single-antenna com-
communications (ISAC) would be one of the key enablers munication user. As a further step, we optimize the transmit
of next-generation wireless networks for supporting a vari- waveform by considering two criteria, namely angle-only (AO)
ety of emerging applications, such as vehicle-to-everything and determinant-maximization (Det-Max) criteria. Moreover,
(V2X) communications and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) closed-form solutions are derived in both cases to provide in-
networks [2]–[4]. The shared utilization of restricted resources, sights from the perspective of the subspace correlation. Finally,
specifically, hardware platform, wireless spectrum as well as we define the subspace correlation coefficient to quantify the
energy consumption, bring forward superior benefits for both integration gain in the single-target and single-user scenario,
sensing and communication (S&C). Therefore, ISAC systems which are validated by numerical simulations.
can attain significant performance gain over individual S&C Notations: In this paper, lowercase and uppercase boldface
systems in terms of the wireless/hardware resource efficiency, letters refer to vectors and matrices, respectively. Cx×y de-
namely the integration gain [5]. notes the spaces of complex matrices with dimension x × y.
Intuitively, if S&C systems are completely competing for span(·) denotes the linear span of a set of vectors. Conjugate,
orthogonal wireless resources (e.g., time slots, spectrum or transpose, conjugate transpose, trace, maximum eigenvalue,
wireless channels), the integration gain might be very limited. rank and determinant operators are denoted by (·)∗ , (·)T , (·)H ,
This corresponds to the coexistence scenario where there tr(·), λmax (·) and rank(·) and det(·), respectively. k·k denotes
the Euclidean norm. E(·) denotes the statistical expectation.
This work was supported in part by Special Funds for the Cultivation
of Guangdong College Students’ Scientific and Technological Innovation CN (0, 1) denotes the circularly symmetric complex normal
(“Climbing Program” Special Funds, No. pdjh2022c0028). distribution with zero mean. x ∝ y denotes that x is propor-
tional to y. For a complex number z, |z| denotes its modulus Therefore, the corresponding Cramér-Rao Bound (CRB) can
and ∠z denotes its phase, respectively. be expressed as
II. S YSTEM M ODEL CRB(θ, α) = tr(F−1 ). (5)
Let us consider a MIMO ISAC system. The ISAC base
station (ISAC-BS) is equipped with Nt transmit antennas B. Communication Model
and Nr receive antennas, which is assumed to serve an Nu - We consider the point-to-point MIMO communication
antenna communication user (CU) and detect multiple targets model in this paper. The received signals of the CU can be
simultaneously. In what follows, we elaborate on the model denoted by
of S&C. Yc = Hc X + Zc , (6)
A. Sensing Model where Hc ∈ CNu ×Nt denotes the MIMO communication
We assume that there are K targets to be estimated with channel matrix, and Zc denotes the noise with zero mean and
unknown angles and reflecting coefficients. The echo signals variance σc2 . Therefore, the achievable communication rate can
received at the ISAC-BS can be denoted by be expressed as
Ys =
αk b (θk ) aT (θk ) X + Zs , (1) C = log det I + σc−2 Hc R e x HH ,
c (7)
where I denotes the identity matrix with dimension Nu and
where a(θk ) ∈ CNT ×1 and b(θk ) ∈ CNR ×1 denote the Re x ≈ (1/T )XXH becomes accurate when T is sufficiently
steering vectors for the uniform linear array (ULA), Zs ∈ large.
CNr ×T represents the Gaussian noise each column follow-
ing CN (0, Q) in an independent and identically distributed C. Problem Formulation and Optimal Waveform Covariance
(i.i.d.) manner, αk denotes the measurable complex reflection Matrix
coefficient of the k-th target, θk is the k-th target’s azimuth To achieve a favorable performance tradeoff between S&C,
angle of location at a particular range bin of interest, and Rx should be conceived to minimize the CRB with respect
X = [x(1), . . . , x(T )] ∈ CNt ×T denotes the dual-functional to the requirement of the communication rate. In the multi-
transmit signal sent by the ISAC-BS, in which T repre- target scenario with fixed θ and α, the waveform optimization
sents the sampling numbers in radar pulse/communication problem is formulated as
frame, respectively. For notational convenience, let A =
[a (θ1 ) , . . . , a (θK )], B = [b (θ1 ) , . . . , b (θK )], and Σ = min CRB(θ, α)
diag (α1 , . . . , αK ), the echo signals can be recast as
s.t. C ≥ γ, (8a)
Ys = BΣAT X + Zs . (2) Rx  0, tr (Rx ) = P, (8b)
Let θ = [θ1 , . . . , θK ] and α = [α1 , . . . , αK ] denote the where γ is a required rate threshold of the CU, and P is the
unknown target parameters to be estimated. Accordingly, the total transmit power budget. To show the optimal structure
Fisher information matrix (FIM) with respect to θ, and the of the transmitted waveform in problem (8), we have the
real and imaginary parts of α in (1) can be expressed in the following theorem.
form of [13] Theorem 1 (Structure of the Optimal Waveform): The
 
Re (F11 ) Re (F12 ) − Im (F12 ) optimal Rx can be written in the form as
F = 2  ReT (F12 ) Re (F22 ) − Im (F22 )  , (3)
T T R?x = UΛUH , (9)
− Im (F12 ) − Im (F22 ) Re (F22 )
with Fij , i, j = {1, 2} given by where U = [A∗ Ȧ∗ Vc ] ∈ CNt ×(2K+rank(Hc )) and Λ is a
    positive semi-definite matrix. The matrix Vc is the right sin-
F11 = T ḂH Q−1 Ḃ Σ∗ AH RT H −1

x AΣ + T Ḃ Q B gular vector matrix based on the singular value decomposition
      (SVD) Hc = Uc Σc VcH .
Σ∗ AH RT x ȦΣ + T B Q
H −1
x AΣ Proof: Let Rx = ∆∆H . We can decompose ∆ as
  ∆ = PU ∆ + P⊥ U ∆, where PU represent the orthogonal

+ T BH Q−1 B Σ∗ ȦH RT x ȦΣ , (4a)
  projector onto the subspace spanned by the columns of U
F12 = T ḂH Q−1 B Σ∗ AH RT H −1 and P⊥ U = I − PU . It can be similarly confirmed that the
xA + T B Q B
  orthogonal part P⊥U ∆ = 0 still holds at the optimum for CRB-
Σ∗ ȦH RT xA , (4b) only optimization problem even with the rate constraint [13].
Due to the strict page limit, we refer readers to [13, App. C]
F22 = T BH Q−1 B AH RT
xA , (4c)
for more details.
where Ȧ = [ȧ (θ1 ) , . . . , ȧ (θK )], Ḃ = [ḃ (θ1 ) , . . . , ḃ (θK )] The remaining task is to confirm that the orthogonal part
and Rx = (1/T )XXH denotes the sample covariance matrix. does not affect the achievable rate C. This is true since
P⊥U Vc = 0, which indicates that the orthogonal part has no where F is the FIM given in (3) with each entry in (12),
contribution to the achievable rate. Hence, we have {tk }3k=1 are auxiliary variables and ek is the k-th column of
the identity matrix of dimension three, respectively.
R?x = PU ∆∆H PU , UΛUH , (10) Notice that problem (15) can be solved via numerical tools
which completes the proof.  like CVX [15]. To futher simplify the problem, we will show
We remark that Theorem 1 indicates the optimal R?x that closed-form solutions are attainable with the aid of the
belongs to the subspace spanned by the columns of [A∗ Ȧ∗ ] following lemma.
and Vc . To avoid confusion, we define span{A∗ , Ȧ∗ } and Lemma 1: The optimal Rx of problem (15) is rank-1 and
span{Vc } as the sensing subspace and communication sub- thus it can be expressed as
space, respectively, and define the subspace spanned by the Rx = uuH , u = ν1 au + ν2 ad + ν3 ah , (16)
columns of U as the ISAC subspace. Intuitively, if there is a
strong correlation between S&C subspaces, the ISAC systems where
might attain better integration gain. In the following section, ȧ∗ hc − aH H
u hc au − ad hc ad
we will study a simplistic model to illustrate this point. au = a∗ , ad = , ah = ,
kȧ∗ k khc − aH H
u hc au − ad hc ad k

With the above observations in mind, let us consider the and {ν` }3`=1 are weighted parameters to be optimized.
scenario with one target and one single-antenna communica- Proof: The rank-1 property of the optimal Rx can be proved
tion user. The echo signals received at the ISAC-BS can be by analyzing the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions of
simplified by the problem. Due to the strict page limit, we do not show
the detailed procedure and refer readers to [10] for more
Ys = αb (θ) aT (θ) X + Zs , (11) details. Following the Threorem 1, it can be readily confirmed
In order to gain further insights, we assume that 1) the noise that u ∈ span{a∗ , ȧ∗ , hc }. Then we can denote u by the
is white Gaussian distributed, i.e., Q = σs2 I, where σs2 denotes orthogonal basis {au , ad , ad }, which is expressed as (16). This
the average interference power; 2) the reference point for the completes the proof. 
sensing transmit as well as the receive linear array is chosen To better harness the main results in Lemma 1, we present
so that aH ȧ = 0 and bH ḃ = 0. One may therefore express the following two criteria, namely the AO criterion and Det-
each entry of the FIM as Max criterion.
  A. Angle-Only Criterion
F11 = T |α|2 σs−2 kḃk2 tr(a∗ aT Rx ) + tr(ȧ∗ ȧT Rx ) ,
The angle-only CRB refers to the first entry in the diagonal
(12a) of the inverse FIM. By leveraging the Schur complement into
F12 = T α∗ σs−2 tr(ȧ∗ aT Rx ), (12b) the FIM, we have
F22 = T σs−2 ∗ T
tr(a a Rx ). (12c) CRB(θ) = 0.5F−1
11.2 , (18)
By denoting the communication channel vector as hc ∈ where F−1 −1 ∗
11.2 , F11 − F12 F22 F12 with each term given in (12).
CNt ×1 , the communication signal ycT ∈ C1×T received at the H
By taking Rx = uu of (16) into the above equation, we can
CU is derive the angle-only CRB as
ycT = hH T
c X + zc . (13)
Accordingly, the communication rate constraint in (8a) can be CRB(θ) = . (19)
2T |α|2 |ν1 |2 kḃk2
recast as
tr(Qc Rx ) ≥ Γ, (14) Accordingly, the CRB optimization problem in angle-only
criterion can be recast as
where Γ = (2γ − 1)σc2 denotes the required signal-to-noise
max 2T |α|2 |ν1 |2 kḃk2 /σs2
ratio (SNR) and Qc = hc hHc . By straightforward application {ν` }3`=1
of the Schur complement condition [14], the non-convex
s.t. |ν1 hH H H 2
c au + ν2 hc ad + ν3 hc ah | ≥ Γ, (20a)
optimization problem (8) may be recast into a semidefinite 2 2 2
program (SDP) as |ν1 | + |ν2 | + |ν3 | = P. (20b)
X It can be readily confirmed that (20a) holds active at the
tk optimum. Notice that by aligning the phase of each {ν`? }3`=1
{tk }k=1 ,Rx
 k=1  with the corresponding coefficient in the left-hand side of
F ek (20a), the objective value keeps unchanged without violating
s.t.  0, k = 1, 2, 3, (15a)
k tk any constraints. Therefore, the phases of each optimal {ν`? }3`=1
tr(Qc Rx ) ≥ Γ, (15b) can be given by
Rx  0, tr (Rx ) = P, (15c) ζ1 = −∠hH H H
c au , ζ2 = −∠hc ad , ζ3 = −∠hc ah , (21)
√ √ q
P √
Γ− ς|ν3? | (1 − ε) Γ + ς −$Γ + |hH −B − B 2 − 4AC
A c ad | ?
|ν1? | = = , |ν2
| = |ν3 |, |ν3
| = ,
|hHc au | |hHc au | |hHc ah | 2A

|hH ad |2 + |hH c ah |
ς2 (1 − ε) ς2 |hHc ad |
2ς Γ Γ
ς= c , ε = 2 , $ = 2 A = + + 1, B = − , C = H 2 − P.
|hH a
c d | H
A |hc au | H
A |hc au | |h H a |2
c u |h H a |2
c h |hH a |2
c u |hc au |

which implies ν`? = |ν`? |ejζ` , ` = 1, 2, 3. The optimization It can be readily observed that the optimization problem (27)
problem (20) may be now equivalently formulated as shows the same structure as that of the optimization problem
(22), which indicates that the optimal R?x can be expressed as
max 2T |α|2 |ν1 |2 kḃk2 /σs2 the same as (24).
{|ν` |}3`=1

s.t. |ν1 hH H H 2
c au + ν2 hc ad + ν3 hc ah | = Γ, (22a) IV. D ISCUSSIONS A BOUT THE ISAC S UBSPACE
2 2 2
|ν1 | + |ν2 | + |ν3 | = P. (22b) In ISAC systems, the wireless resources are shared between
S&C functionalities, leading to an inherent tradeoff between
By applying the Lagrange multiplier, the optimal {|νk |}3k=1
S&C subspaces [1], [12]. To be specific, if the S&C sub-
of optimization problem (22) can be derived as (23), shown
spaces are strongly correlated, more signaling resources may
at the top of this page.
be reused between both functionalities, resulting in higher
Based on the above derivations, we can reconstruct the
resource efficiency and integration gain in ISAC systems.
optimal R?x in a closed form, which is expressed as
However, it is difficult to fully characterize the integration
R?x = ûûH , û = |ν1? |ejζ1 au + |ν2? |ejζ2 ad + |ν3? |ejζ3 ah . (24) gain in a mathematically tractable manner. In this section, we
first illustrate the performance gain of ISAC systems originates
B. Determinant-Maximization Criterion form the correlation between S&C subspaces intuitively in Fig.
The CRB matrix represents the covariance matrix of those 1. As a step further, we define a “correlation coefficient” to
parameters {θ, Re(α), Im(α)}, which is the inverse of the qualify the integration gain.
FIM. Moreover, the determinant of a covariance matrix is also
known as a generalized variance. Therefore, minimizing the Sensing Sensing Optimal

determinant of the CRB matrix is equivalent to maximizing Optimal

Sensing Subspace

ISAC Signal ISAC Signal

the determinant of the FIM matrix |F|, which accordingly
improves the target estimation performance [11], [13]. Communication Communication
In the single-target scenario, we formulate the determinant- Optimal Optimal ISAC Signal

maximization optimization problem as Communication Subspace Communication Subspace Sensing/Communication Subspace

max |F| Weakly Coupled Moderately Coupled Strongly Coupled

s.t. tr(Qc Rx ) ≥ Γ, (25a)
Fig. 1. The illustration of the ISAC subspace and its coupling effect.
Rx  0, tr (Rx ) = P. (25b)
We remark that problem (25) is convex and it can be directly Following the main results in Theorem 1, the ISAC signal
solved by numerical tools [15]. To gain further insights, we should belong to the ISAC subspace that is spanned by the
leverage the main results in Lemma 1 to attain the optimal sensing subspace and communication subspace. The corre-
solution in the following. lation between two subspaces can be characterized by their
By substituting Rx = uuH of (16) into the determinant |F| intersection angle as illustrated in Fig. 1. The projection of the
  ISAC signal onto the corresponding subspaces represents the
Re (F22 ) − Im (F22 ) contribution on S&C performance respectively. In the weakly
|F| = 8F11.2
− Im (F22 ) Re (F22 ) coupled case, Fig. 1 shows that the projection strength reduces
= 8T 3 |α|2 σs−6 |ν1 |6 kḃk2 /σs2 , (26) to the minimum since S&C subspaces are nearly orthogonal to
each other. In the moderately coupled case, the projection onto
we can simplify the determinant-maximization optimization sensing subspace becomes larger, leading to a more favorable
problem as S&C tradeoff compared to its weakly coupled counterpart.
Finally, in the strongly coupled case, since the two subspaces
max 8T 3 |α|2 σs−6 |ν1 |6 kḃk2 /σs2
{|ν` |}3`=1 are fully aligned, the ISAC signal power can be fully reused
to simultaneously boost the performance of S&C.
s.t. |ν1 hH H H 2
c au + ν2 hc ad + ν3 hc ah | = Γ, (27a)
2 2 2
The ISAC performance may be characterized as the achiev-
|ν1 | + |ν2 | + |ν3 | = P. (27b) able CRB-rate region [10], [11]. A potential metric to evaluate
1 2 AO Criterion Det-Max Criterion
CRB v1 2 10 10
v1 − Γ Region Numerical Solution Numerical Solution

1 CRB − rate Region  2
v1 G −max
Closed-form Solution Closed-form Solution
9.8 9.8
 2
G2 −max
 G1 9.6 9.6


Rate (bps/Hz)

Rate (bps/Hz)
1 G2

CRBGmin2 9.4 9.4
2 2 CRB
G 1
 9.2 − rate Region
CRB 9.2

Achievable Rate CGmax

1 G
2 0 Achievable SNR ΓGmax

9 9

2 1 1
Fig. 2. The illustration of the CRB-C region into “ ν1? − Γ” region. CRB
8.8 8.8

1 8.6 2
 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04

the integration gain is to measure the area enclosed by the Root-CRB (deg) Root-CRB
Pareto boundary of the CRB-rate region, which accounts that Achievable Rate CGmax
2 G

an ISAC system attains high integration gain given a large Fig. 3. Closed-form and numerical solutions for performance region.
area. However, it is very difficult to obtain its analytical
solutions. To this end, we propose an alternative region area
to characterize the ISAC performance gain analytically. It can
be observed that given limited resources, the larger communi-
cation SNR/rate requirement might lead to larger CRB [10],
[11], i.e., Γ ∝ γ ∝ CRB. We further note that the weighted

Beampattern (dB)
coefficient ν1 contributes to both S&C in problems (20) and
(27). Given a fixed SNR requirement Γ, if more transmit power 0
budget is allocated to ν1 , the ISAC system will have better
estimation performance since CRB ∝ 1/|ν1? |2 . Based on the -1
AO Numerical Solution
AO Closed-Form Solution
above, the following proportional relationship holds true Det-Max Numerical Solution
Det-Max Closed-Form Solution
1 -2 Communication-Optimum Solution
Γ ∝ CRB ∝ 2, (28) CRB-Minimization Solution [13]
|ν1? | Target Angle
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
where |ν1? |2 is given in (30a). This states that if the area Angle (Deg)
enclosed by the “|ν1? | − Γ” Pareto boundary is also large,
the corrsponding CRB-rate region area is large. Accord- Fig. 4. Beampatterns.
ingly, CRB-rate region can be equivalently represented by the
“|ν1? | − Γ” region as illustrated in Fig. 2. Intuitively, one
may characterize the correlation between S&C subspaces by consider an ISAC BS that is equipped with Nt = 10 and
2 Nr = 12 antennas with its transmitter and receiver and the
the area of the “|ν1? | − Γ” region, defined as the “correlation
coefficient” antenna spacing is half wavelength. The ISAC frame length
Z Γ2 is set as T = 30. The maximum transmit power is set as
G= |ν1? | dΓ, (29) P = 20 dBm and the noise power is set as σc2 = σr2 = 0
Γ1 dBm. The target is located at θ = 15◦ . The communication
which can be computed analytically by (30b) at the top of the channel hc is set as Rayleigh fading and each entry follows
next page, with 0 ≤ Γ1 ≤ Γ2 ≤ Γmax and Γmax denoting the CN (0, 1) distribution. The integral interval in (30b) is set as
maximum achievable SNR. Γ1 = 0.4 Γmax and Γ2 = 0.95 Γmax , where Γmax denotes the
In a nutshell, an ISAC system with single target and single maximum achievable SNR computed by P khc k2 /σc2 .
CU attains high integration gain given a large “correlation In Fig. 3, we show the closed-form and numerical solu-
coefficient” G. In the simulations, we will use the normalized tions for AO criterion and Det-Max criterion. The numerical
G calculated by Gi = Gi / max(Gi ) to quantify the integration solution of AO and Det-Max criteria are computed through
gain over several ISAC systems, where i = 1, 2, . . . , im and numerically solving the convex optimization problem (20) and
im is the channel realization number of times used to denote (25) by CVX, respectively, while the closed-form solution of
different ISAC systems. the two criteria is presented in (24). As illustrated in Fig.
3, the closed-from solutions match well with their numerical
V. S IMULATIONS counterparts, both for AO and Det-Max criteria. Moreover, the
In this section, we provide simulation results to illustrate increase of the required communication rate threshold at the
the fact that the performance gain of ISAC is determined CU leads to rising root-CRB of the target angle and reflecting
by the subspace correlation. Without loss of generality, we coefficient.
"   # s
2 (ε − 1)Γ (ε − 1)Γ2
|ν1? | = (1 − ε) Γ + ς 2 2
+ 2ς(1 − ε) 2 + 2 + /|hH 2
c au | , (30a)
A |hc au |
H A |hH A
c au | A
" r
1 2 2 2 P ς2 2$Γ − PA PΓ A2
2$Γ − P
G= (1 − ε) + $ς Γ + Γ + 2ς(1 − ε) $Γ2 + + √ arcsin P
. (30b)
2 A 4$ A 8 $ 3
A Γ=Γ1

S&C channels. We first showed that the ISAC subspace is

spanned by the transmitted steering vectors of the sensing
6.5 channels and the right singular matrix of the communica-
tion channels. Then, we derived the closed-form solutions
of the optimal transmitted waveform both in angle-only and
determinant-maximization criteria. The insight investigated
Rate (bps/Hz)


5 Normalized G 0.481, 0.564, 0.814, 0.912, 1 from the closed-form solution is that if the defined subspace
“correlation coefficient” of S&C is larger, the ISAC system
4.5 will attain higher performance gain. Finally, the simulation
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