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High Holy Days

TICKET ORDER FORM 5772/2011 Services

Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 29, 30; Yom Kippur: Kol Nidre, Oct. 7; Yom Kippur Day, Oct. 8
All services held at the Monte Cassino Hotel on Chesswood (at Sheppard).

Featuring our unique traditional egalitarian service with Rabbi Elyse Goldstein; break-out activities; Interactive family programming and services throughout the holidays.
Childcare will be available for children aged 2-12. All children have supervision and age appropriate activities, or are welcome in the service. Registration is required for all children.

Ticket Prices
Adult Senior (65+) Student (18-24) Youth (2-17)

Both Holy Days RH or YK

$318 $175 $175 $140 $218 $145 $145 $120

Prayer books
To create an inclusive experience, each adult should have the Gates of Repentance prayerbook. Please note: we do not provide prayerbooks and there are no loaners. Prayerbooks are $45 each. Please order with your ticket purchase.

List names of all participants Name ____________________________ Name ____________________________ Name ____________________________ Name ____________________________

Check all that apply

Adult Senior Student Youth (age) RH YK Amount

____ ____ ____ ____

$____ $____ $____ $____

Payment Tickets will not be issued without full payment. Cheque enclosed, payable to ProssermanJCC VISA MasterCard
Name on card: ________________________________ Card # __________-__________-__________-_________ Exp. : ____ /____ Signature: ____________________________________

All Ticket(s) $ _____ Prayerbook(s) $ _____

There are those who cannot afford to attend. Your tax receipted donation helps someone attend our services.


$ _____ $ _____


Name (for tax receipt) ________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ City ___________________ Prov. ______ Postal Code _______ Phone (day) _________________ (eve) _________________ e-mail ______________________________________________

Please send me the Parasha by e-mail.

Interested in volunteering? (High schoolers: we give community hours!) Pre-holy day office help (daytime hours M-Th) Usher/Greeter at service General help at service Chant Torah at service Chant Haftarah at service Name of volunteer _____________________________

BY MAIL: Kolel, Prosserman JCC, 4588 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M2R 1W6; BY FAX: 416-636-5813 e-mail/scan:, For more info call 416-638-1881 ext 4255 or visit

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