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Driving business

value conversations
Azure Virtual Desktop
A telesales script for SMB Vendor Tele

Update: July 2021

How to use this guide ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Call objectives .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Call flow ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Background ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Incorporating into EOS and renewal transactional campaigns...................................................................................................................... 4
Microsoft privacy requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Customization.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Preparing for call .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Understand the customer’s needs and challenges .............................................................................................. 6

Call script ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Exploratory questions................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Explain the value of Azure Virtual Desktop ........................................................................................................... 9

Value propositions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Supporting benefit statements ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Answer questions and address concerns ............................................................................................................. 12

Relevant actions and next steps ............................................................................................................................ 15
Options for next steps .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Connecting with a partner..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Closing statement .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Customer-specific content ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Voicemail and email templates: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Voicemail – if you verify the contact with the front desk ......................................................................................................................... 16
Voicemail – if you are not sure you have the correct contact ................................................................................................................ 16
First contact email..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Follow-up email ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Resources to share ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18

Privacy notes .............................................................................................................................................................. 19

Microsoft Confidential 2
How to use this guide
This telesales guide provides call scripts, questions, benefit statements, and guidelines you can use to drive
sales conversations with small- and medium-sized business (SMB) customers.
The purpose of this conversation is to explore the virtualization and remote desktop and apps needs of
business decision makers (BDMs) at top unmanaged and medium-sized companies, identify where they
currently are in their modern workplace journey, and how Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) can add value for their
On its own, this conversation is considered a promotional campaign. However, if you are contacting a customer
as part of a transactional campaign (e.g., Renewals, End of Support, Compliance), then after the transactional
conversation is complete, you can ask the customer if they would like to discuss remote desktop and/or
virtualization solutions.
If the customer says no, you must end the call.
If the customer is interested, you can leverage this script to continue the conversation on virtualization.

Call objectives
The primary objective of this call is to drive interest and sales for Azure Virtual Desktop .
Additional objectives include:
• Drive the benefit of AVD and Azure Security’s multilayer protection design as the secure desktop experience.
• Share the cost, security, and scalability benefits of AVD with SMB decision makers.
• Inform SMB decision makers on how to complement their solution with security add-ons.

Call flow
• Identify customer’s existing virtual desktop solutions, if any, and what other tools they might be using.
• Seek to understand what virtualization and security challenges customer is facing.
• Discuss AVD solutions, features, and benefits to see if customer is interested.
• If relevant, share customer-facing content (e.g., product pages, assessment, best practices, etc.)
• Close out with relevant next steps.
• Qualify lead to “Opportunity” in CRM and follow up with partner.

Before you make the call, here is context around the challenges facing SMBs today as they manage their
business and react to changes in the global marketplace. Many businesses either already use or need virtual
machines to help them overcome business challenges, reduce demand on IT, and control costs. SMBs face
financial pressure to keep costs low without compromising productivity or security. AVD can help address these
General trends and challenges that may be affecting the business priorities for BDMs and influence their
strategy and purchasing decisions include:
• Customers with deployed on-premises virtual devices face high costs and inflexibility due to upfront commitments,
greater management complexity from separate desktop and app virtualization services, and increased effort to setup,
configure, and monitor security.

Microsoft Confidential 3
• Businesses that are net-new to virtualization are facing many challenges, like having to choose between user
experience and cost effectiveness, adopting new technology with limited resources, and not knowing where to start.
• For mobile, temporary, and consultant workers, virtual desktop ensures efficient and secure desktop access on any
device. Azure Virtual Desktop allows employees to securely access their company’s workstation while preventing the
infiltration of malicious software onto your infrastructure from unknown workstations.
• As security continues to be a concern, SMBs will gain peace of mind knowing that AVD is built with the native security
of Azure. This means organizations can more easily take a 360-degree view of security on their virtual desktop
deployments in Azure and benefit from the $1B investment Microsoft puts into security for our software every year.

Incorporating into EOS and renewal transactional campaigns

The taking points and questions presented in this guide can also be leveraged for transactional campaigns that
address end-of-support (EOS) or upcoming renewals with customers. Refer to the background information
above to see how you can implement the points in this guide for an EOS/renewals conversation based on what
might be more relevant for the customer.

Microsoft privacy requirements

Please be sure to follow the guidelines below on your calls, as required by Microsoft privacy standards. For a
full breakdown of privacy considerations for sales calls, see the Privacy notes section at the end of this
The caller must always state that they are calling on behalf of Microsoft.
If the customer requests to opt out, the caller should follow the privacy guidelines located in the Privacy notes
section at the end of this document.
The customer must be referred to the Microsoft Privacy Statement if requested. Use the statement below to guide
the customer.

“Upon request, if customers want to verify the legitimacy of this call, we can provide information
about where to find the Microsoft privacy statement and whom to contact.”

The contact for the call should be called out (i.e. Sales Manager, IT Manager, Operations Manager, etc.)

Microsoft Confidential 4

Please note that this script is a best practices guide intended to provide ideas and guidelines for your
conversations. Customize this script as appropriate for Area/Subsidiary execution while maintaining alignment
with the WW guidelines established for promotional communications, unless using in conjunction with a
transactional campaign. While these materials are WW Privacy and CELA approved, your final scripts and emails
must be reviewed by local Privacy at an Area/Subsidiary level, regardless of whether they are customized or
not, to ensure they comply with local laws and regulations.

Preparing for call

Before calling a customer, it’s crucial to know what products they own that would be prime candidates for
moving to the cloud or upselling to a cloud product, and which are reaching end of support or are up for
renewal. Keeping these details in mind and basing your main talking points and questions on them will help
ensure your conversation is relevant and valuable to the customer.

Important: before calling the customer, you must work with the local privacy team to make sure the right
policies and practices are in place in the geography before moving forward with any calling or
email approaches.

Microsoft Confidential 5
Understand the customer’s needs and challenges
Call script

Hello. I’m calling on behalf of Microsoft to talk to you as a <contact role> about remote workforce
management and secure, cost efficient virtualization strategies. With a flexible work environment, businesses
are moving towards a more modern workplace strategy with virtualization. I’d like to learn more about your
virtualization strategy—as well as any virtual desktop-related challenges you might be facing. Do you mind
sharing your experiences and answering some questions?
If they decline, ask if they are interested in learning more about how they can build a modern workplace
solution with Azure.
• If they say yes, proceed to the value prop section.
• If they say no, thank them for their time and update their record in MSX if required (see Privacy notes).

If they wish to continue talking, proceed with the following:

With the growth of more sophisticated cyberattacks and increasing demands to keep data secure, especially
while managing a hybrid workforce, virtualizing key applications and ensuring safe access to remote desktops
are high priorities for many companies now. To address that, they need a remote desktop solution that
empowers end-user productivity while reducing costs and increasing security.
Have you faced any of these struggles?
You’re certainly not alone. I’m interested in learning more about how your organization has been impacted,
what your security and overall virtualization experience has been like, and what plans you have for
“Yes” modernizing your business.
Can I ask you a few more questions to better understand your challenges and business needs?

That’s good to hear! Can you tell me more about how you’re managing or mitigating challenges like those,
“No” and do you mind if I ask some follow up questions? I’m interested in learning more about what’s working well
for you and how you’re thinking about virtualization for the future.


If they accept: Proceed by asking the questions below.

If they decline: Thank them for their time and update their record in MSX if required (see Privacy notes).

Microsoft Confidential 6
Exploratory questions
Tip: The following questions are designed to help you understand the contact’s business needs and challenges.
Use any insights you gathered previously for the customer to focus on the most relevant topics.
Start by asking the leading questions and then use the follow-up questions to gather more insights, adjusting
as needed based on what seems most relevant and how they respond. Ensure the contact feels heard and
personalize your questions as needed.
Listen to their answers and take note of the areas where they seem to have the most needs/challenges, so you
can steer the conversation towards the most relevant solutions and benefit statements in the next section.

Remote desktop adoption

Topic Leading question Follow-up questions

Tools Do you use a remote desktop • If yes, is it internally or externally managed?
solution today (Microsoft AVD, • What’s working?
Microsoft RDS, Citrix, VMWare)? • What’s not working?
• If no, what are the biggest roadblocks for you in
adopting virtualization technology?
• On-premises or in the cloud?

Consistent experiences

Topic Leading question Follow-up questions

Adaptability Did the past few months bring • Have you been able to identify any solutions to
you any new challenges around these challenges?
data accessibility, security, or • What has been your biggest challenge or concern
remote work in general? over the last few months?

Employee productivity How are you empowering • What solution(s) are you currently using to meet
your people to be productive in these needs?
a remote/hybrid work • Is it working?
environment? • Will it meet your needs for the next 1-3 years?
• When you think about future business needs, what is
a priority for your company?

Cost reduction How important is it for you to • How are you keeping IT costs under control?
reduce spending while • How do you right-size your current resources to
modernizing your workplace? optimize costs?
• How do you manage the renewal of your
virtual machines?
• Do you have existing Windows Server licenses?
• How much are you spending refreshing employee
and VDI hardware?

Microsoft Confidential 7
Deployment and scalability

Topic Leading question Follow-up questions

Management When it comes to managing • Is it difficult for you to anticipate the support of
your virtualization resources, software and VMs?
what are your biggest • How are you keeping up with market innovations?
challenges (financial or time)?

Powerful solutions Do you have a need for scalable • If so, how do you respond effectively to this need?
computing power?

IT efficiencies How much time does your • In terms of maintenance, how does the IT team
IT department spend respond to an isolated problem on a workstation?
looking after your workstations
(adding users, performing
updates, granting access, etc.)


Topic Leading question Follow-up questions

Protection strategy What is your strategy for • Does virtualization play a role in your strategy?
detecting and preventing

Requirements What security, compliance, and • Do you feel your current security processes are up to
governance requirements does date in terms of compliance standards?
your company face? • If not, what is your plan to reach compliance?
• How much time do you spend keeping up with
increasingly complex compliance requirements?

Microsoft Confidential 8
Explain the value of Azure Virtual Desktop
Tip: Promote the parts of the value proposition that align with the customer's top concerns voiced in response
to your questions. Support it with the corresponding benefit statements.

Value propositions

Thanks for answering my questions. I think there are opportunities for your business to get more value from
your virtualization solutions with Azure. Do you want to hear more about the options available and explore
what might be a good fit?

“Yes” Proceed with the value prop below.

“No” Thank them for their time and update their record in MSX if required (see Privacy notes)

Modernize virtualization with Azure Virtual Desktop

Azure Virtual Desktop is a comprehensive desktop and app virtualization service running on the cloud.
It is the only service that delivers simplified management, exclusive access to Windows 10 multi-session,
optimization for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, and support for Remote Desktop Services Environments.
With Azure Virtual Desktop you can deploy and scale your Windows desktops and apps on Azure in minutes
with built-in security and compliance. With its multilayer design, Azure Virtual Desktop and Azure provide
security beyond end-user protection, so you get the most secure desktop experience.

Microsoft Confidential 9
Supporting benefit statements

Tip: The content below allows you to dive deeper into the features and capabilities that may be relevant to
your customer. Use as needed based on the direction of the conversation.

Features Benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop

Consistent • Only multi-session Windows 10 experience that delivers the cost advantages of server-
experiences on any based virtualization
device, anywhere • The best service to virtualize Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise running in multi-user
virtual scenarios
• Transfer existing Remote Desktop Services (RDS) and Windows Server desktops and apps
• Provide employees the same experience as a local desktop or laptop, including managing
Outlook inboxes, sharing files on OneDrive, or collaborating with colleagues on Microsoft

Built-in intelligent • The only service to provide Windows 7 Virtual Desktop with free Extended Security
security Updates, giving you more options to support legacy applications while you transition to
Windows 10
• Keep your applications and data secure and compliant with security capabilities that can
proactively detect threats and take remedial action
• Dynamic policy engines provide conditional access, multi-factor authentication, and role-
based access controls to protect your infrastructure
• Azure Security Center can detect threats and visualize your security posture by providing
an Azure Secure Score

Deployment and • Manage Windows 10, Windows Server, and Windows 7 desktops and apps all with a
scalability benefits unified management experience on Azure
• Reduce costs by only paying for the resources you need, when you need them
• Customers attributed to Azure Virtual Desktop the added benefit of scalability, which
improved their productivity and response to crisis situations, such as the COVID-19
– Customers also reported being more prepared for the shift to a work-from-home environment
and the ability to scale and continue to provision services despite unexpected disruptions 1

1 The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop, Forrester

Microsoft Confidential 10
Features Benefits of Azure Virtual Desktop
Cost savings • Migrating existing Windows Server (RDS) desktops to Azure can reduce costs through
unified management and deployment experiences for Windows Server, Windows 10, and
Windows 7 desktops and apps
• AVD includes 3-year Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) which can save
businesses up to $200 per device per year
– Without AVD, businesses still using Windows 7 will incur additional costs resulting from end of
support (EOS) that occurred in January 2020
– Multiple management options with Citrix and VMware
• Benefit from free Extended Security Updates for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2
desktops and apps
– By migrating from VDI running on-premises to cloud-based Azure Virtual Desktop, customers
reduced their prior VDI licensing and IT infrastructure costs by up to 34% annually 2
• The ease of working over a cloud-based VDI solution compared to on-premise solutions
reduced IT workload by a total of 59% annually
– Savings resulted from reductions in application and software deployment, maintenance and
support, help desk management, security access and patch management, and OS deployment
and maintenance2
• Move from Windows 10 single-session on-premises to Windows 10 multi-session in AVD
and save up to 85%
– Save on RDS CAL when migrating from Windows Server to Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session
• With today’s VDI solutions you normally must compromise either user experience or cost;
with AVD, you can get both, with a Windows 10 experience at multi-session cost
• Single-session deployments use one small VM per user which often results in low
utilization. But with a multi-session deployment you gain a larger, shared VM that can
support multiple users and thereby achieve higher utilization
• Fewer VMs reduce operational costs: a multi-session cost will be about 1/6 of your single-
session cost
• No other solution in the marketplace supports Windows 10 multi-session
• Pay for actual usage instead of peak usage
• AVD session host VMs charged at Linux compute rate
• Management service included with existing licenses
• Reduce lower-value IT labor services required with on-premises VDI management

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop, Forrester

Microsoft Confidential 11
Answer questions and address concerns
Tip: This content is designed to provide you with answers and context to common questions and concerns but
is not exhaustive. Work with your team to ensure you are prepared for questions relevant to your area/focus.

Question/concern Caller response

General objections
I don’t have time. What is presently requiring the majority of your attention and effort? Why? What
about after when you’re no longer preoccupied?

I don’t have budget. What had you budgeted for? Why? What’s next? What is the process like for asking
for more? What would it take?

I don’t make those decisions What is your role? Who’s the right person? What’s your appetite for introducing me
(it’s not my job). to them?

Why did you change the name We expanded our vision to become a flexible cloud Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
to Azure Virtual Desktop? (VDI) platform for nearly any use case – accessible from virtually anywhere. We
updated the name to Azure Virtual Desktop to align better with this vision.

Scenario-based objections
We don’t feel ready to • Customers are not obliged to outsource
outsource for fear of losing • They can keep managing their IT by training their IT team on AVD and keep it in-
control over the management house if they want
of our IT and the amount of
work required to deal with

I’m concerned that the cloud is • The cloud is now much more secure than the average private cloud/on-premises
not as secure as I need it to be data center
(cyberattack, theft/loss of data, • Microsoft has more than 20 years’ experience in security and cloud and has an
fire, theft of mobile devices...) annual investment of $1B USD in security
• Ultra-secure cloud: data centers, encryption; ISO 27001 data center certification
(the security benchmark)
• Access and identity management with Azure AD
• Data remains the customer's property
• Backup and disaster recovery capabilities
• In general, Microsoft has extremely strict rules and does not provide direct or free
access to customer data to any third parties (including law enforcement, other
government entity, or civil party) unless the customer agrees
– More details in the Microsoft Trust Center for full transparency

Microsoft Confidential 12
Question/concern Caller response
Scenario-based objections
The cloud is too • Putting your remote desktop solution on the cloud reduces many of the operating costs
expensive (both financial and human) of traditional backup and disaster recovery
for us. • According to IDC, 50% of organizations already use the cloud and 30% more will use it in 24
months. There has been a growing trend away from on-premises solutions over the past
• Virtualized desktops have been around for a reasonable amount of time. In terms of pricing
and deployment, this is about 50% less expensive versus traditional solutions. User-specific
licenses and Azure capacity can be shared among users, bringing affordability (lifecycle
costs) and simplifying management

We already use • Azure is much more than infrastructure. We’re also talking about PaaS and innovative
cloud services services like machine learning, big data, IoT, artificial intelligence—areas in which Microsoft
and/or outsource is the most advanced
our IT. • Microsoft is working with many hosts who are currently supplementing their offerings by
adopting Azure

How does Microsoft • AVD supports Windows 10 Multi-session, Amazon Workspace does not.
compare vs. AWS • You can use your existing Microsoft licenses with no minimum requirements to enable AVD
Workspaces? with Win 10 single or multi-session. With Workspace, you must commit to running at least
200 WorkSpaces on dedicated HW to enable Win 10 Single session.

How is AVD cheaper • Azure Virtual Desktop is the only way to get Windows 10 Mutli-session to optimize costs
than AWS? and resources. AWS is a single session/personal desktop with fixed pricing.
• You can use your existing Microsoft licenses with no minimum requirements to enable AVD
with Windows 10 single or multi-session. With Workspace, you must commit to running at
least 200 WorkSpaces on dedicated HW to enable Win 10 Single session.
• Also, AVD has the same cost for Windows or Linux session host VM’s.

Microsoft Confidential 13
Is this going to be The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop by Forrester Consulting
more expensive than study, notes that customers who migrated from an RDS on-premise solution to Windows
our current RDS Virtual Desktop found:
• 34% Reduced cost of prior VDI related expense
• 59% Cost savings on deployment and maintenance expenses
• 22 Hours of added annual productivity per end user
• 210% Return on Investment

In most cases companies are already entitled to use AVD, often without them knowing.
If you own the correct Microsoft 365 licenses (there are multiple options) the use of the AVD
platform is free. This will also include the FSLogix technology making user profile management
a lot easier. The same applies to Windows 10 Enterprise/Education/VDA licenses, by the way.
Bringing your own per-use, or per-device RDS CAL licenses is also optional, if these include
Software Assurance. These licenses allow you to run any type of Windows Server Operating
System as of Server 2012R2 and upwards. In other words, you will be able to bring in very thing
you already own. RDS Cals, Windows 10 and Server licenses, also through Azure Hybrid Benefit,
for example.

With Workspaces, licensing is more restrictive. For example, if you want to bring your own
Windows 10 licenses, you will need to adhere to the Microsoft licensing rules. One of those
rules states that you will need to start out with a minimum of 200 or more Workspaces,
because it will need to run on dedicated AWS hardware.

How does AVD work Citrix cloud and VMware Horizon Cloud on Azure customers can use their existing
with Citrix Cloud and management solutions to extend Azure Virtual Desktop and Azure for the desktop and app
VMware Horizon virtualization environment. Customers who have an entitlement for AVD and Citrix or VMware
solutions? cloud service solutions can use the solution to spin up desktops and apps on Azure including
with Windows 10 multi-session, available only through AVD.

Microsoft Confidential 14
Relevant actions and next steps
Tip: As a way of recapping before ending your conversation, reference some of the solutions and benefits that
resonated with the customer during your call.

Options for next steps

From our conversation, it sounds like Azure Virtual Desktop could help your business innovate faster and be
more secure.

If you’re interested, I can connect you with a partner who can help you with next steps for
exploring virtualization solutions.
Do you already have a partner who you’re comfortable working with, and who can provide
Connecting additional solution expertise, pricing, or other details?
with a partner If you don’t have a partner, or you’d like to try a new partner, I’d be happy to provide some
options in your area who have the required expertise.
(Refer to partner options below)

If they already have a partner If they want other partner options

That’s great! Can I get that partner’s name? If it’s okay No problem. Can I share three other options for partners
with you, I’ll reach out to them to discuss your interest in your area who can help you?
and they’ll follow up with you directly. Thanks! If you don’t mind, can I make sure I have the
(Find the partner in the Refer and Track tool and send right contact information? I’ll send it to your contact, and
the contact’s info via this tool.) they’ll follow up with you directly.
1. Confirm contact information
2. Confirm customer contact preferences
(email v. call)
3. Ask permission to share their information
with the partner
4. Set expectations for next outreach, if applicable

I can also send you some additional resources that I think you might find useful based on what
Sharing we talked about.
additional Would that be all right? Is there anything you are particularly interested in learning more about?
content (See Resources to share)

Closing statement
Thanks for talking with me today. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to me. My email address is
<email> or you can call me at <xxx-xxx-xxxx>.

Microsoft Confidential 15
Customer-specific content

Voicemail and email templates:

Voicemail – if you verify the contact with the front desk
Hello, this is [Full Name] calling on behalf of Microsoft regarding Azure Virtual Desktop . We can help you modernize
your business with the innovation, flexibility, and affordability you need, backed by the security you expect from
Microsoft. With Azure Virtual Desktop, transform your business with a remote desktop solution that empowers end-
user productivity while reducing costs and increasing security.
We have you listed as the contact for discussing your virtualization journey. I’ll be sending a follow-up email shortly or
you can reach me via phone at [Phone Number, slowly]. If you reach my voicemail, please let me know the best time to
reach you and I will call back then.
This is an important call, so we kindly ask for your response to this message or the email at your earliest convenience.
Again, this is [Full Name] with Microsoft. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Voicemail – if you are not sure you have the correct contact
Hello, this is [Full Name] calling on behalf of Microsoft regarding Windows Virtual Desktop on Azure. We can help you
modernize your business with the innovation, flexibility, and affordability you need, backed by the security you expect
from Microsoft. With Azure Virtual Desktop, transform your business with a remote desktop solution that empowers
end-user productivity while reducing costs and increasing security.
This is an important call, so we kindly ask for your response to this message or the email at your earliest convenience.
If you are not the correct contact to discuss end of support, I would appreciate your assistance connecting with the
best contact.
Again, this is [Full Name] with Microsoft. Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Microsoft Confidential 16
Important: before sending the first contact email, you must work with the local privacy team to make sure the
right policies and practices for email communications are in place before moving forward.

First contact email

Dear [Contact Name],
This email is to inform you that Microsoft has solutions to help you modernize your business with the innovation,
flexibility, and affordability you need, backed by the security you expect from Microsoft. With Azure Virtual Desktop on
Microsoft Azure, your business will have the most secure desktop experience without compromising cost or end-user
Microsoft wants to ensure that you are supported and have your questions answered, so I have been assigned as your
dedicated consultant. Please feel free to call or email me with questions any time during this process.
To get started, it would be ideal to set up a brief call so I can explain the process in more detail and answer any initial
questions you may have. Is there a time [insert timeframe] that would be best for you? If you have any preferred time
slot, feel free to book time with me here [Add hyperlink to meeting request page].
Privacy Statement
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

Follow-up email
Dear [Contact Name],
Thank you for taking the time to talk with me today about Azure Virtual Desktop and the next steps.
Attached is [information about Azure Virtual Desktop] and a study on its Total Economic Impact by Forrester
Consulting [Attach PDF or link to].
If you’d like to learn more, please visit the following websites:
• Azure Virtual Desktop overview web page
• Azure documentation: What is Azure Virtual Desktop?
• Azure Virtual Desktop Experience Estimator
If you have any questions during the process, please reach out to me via phone or email. I’m here to support you.
Thanks again.
Privacy Statement
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

Microsoft Confidential 17
Resources to share
Category Resources/Links
• Azure Virtual Desktop overview web page
• Azure documentation: What is Azure Virtual Desktop?
• White paper: The Future of VDI is Cloud (Forrester)
• Infographic: Five benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop
• L100 Overview presentation – Azure Virtual Desktop
• L200 Overview presentation – Azure Virtual Desktop
• Windows Virtual Desktop solution brief (PDF)
• The Total Economic Impact™ of Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop by Forrester Consulting
• AVD customer adoption kit

Technical • Windows Virtual Desktop Technical FAQ (PDF)

resources • Azure Virtual Desktop Experience Estimator

• Webinar: Cost Savings and Benefits Enabled by Windows Virtual Desktop

• Webinar: Optimize remote work and control costs with Windows Virtual Desktop
Scenarios • Webinar: Security Fundamentals for Windows Virtual Desktop Environments
• Webinar: Windows Virtual Desktop Deployment Recommendations and Best Practices
• Webinar: Enable Secure Remote Work Using Windows Virtual Desktop

Microsoft Confidential 18
Privacy notes
If this script is used as a promotional call only, sellers need to first check the customer’s contact preference in
MSX. However, this script can also be used in conjunction with a transactional campaign if the transactional
discussion happens first and the customer then agrees to continue the security conversation afterwards.
Sellers need to provide customers with a method to opt out and honor any of their requests to do so. Do not
discourage customers from opting out or prevent them from opting out.
If the customer isn’t interested in talking but does not verbally opt out or ask to not be called again, there is no
need to change their contact preference to “do not contact” (DNC) in MSX.
If the customer makes it clear they do not want to be contacted by Microsoft, change their contact preference
as described below:
• If the customer is marked “okay to contact” (OKC) or “Unknown” in MSX, switch them to “do not contact” (DNC) for
telesales in MSX. Explain to the customer that while they will no longer receive promotional calls from Microsoft, they
may still receive service communications, such as calls related to previously purchased products reaching end of
support/licensing compliance.
• If the customer is marked DNC in MSX, explain to the customer that they are already opted out of receiving
promotional calls from Microsoft, but they may still receive service communications, such as calls related to previously
purchased products reaching end of support/licensing compliance.
If the customer wants to verify the legitimacy of the call or would like to have further information in terms of
the privacy statement, you can guide the customer in the following way:
“Upon request, if customers want to verify the legitimacy of this call, we can provide information about where
to find the Microsoft privacy statement and whom to contact (”
Please make sure that during the initial call you follow the communication guidance listed above. During the
first phone conversation you are not allowed to talk about adding value, generating value reports, etc.
You need to follow the Privacy/CELA Transactional messaging framework.
Microsoft handling of customer personal data: Microsoft employees/vendors should only be able to access
customer personal data in an assessment if based on explicit customer action (the customer provisioning MS
access to their environment in the data collection tool, the customer providing the information to MS outside
the tool).
• This means that, in the case of an assessment, an assessment tool cannot provision Microsoft access to the customer’s
assessment data by default.
• If taking screenshots during a customer meeting, ask explicit customer permission before doing so. If included in a
customer report, anonymize the personal data.
• If the customer provides MS employee/vendor access to personal data, delete any reports/screenshots containing
personal data from all MS locations at the end of the customer engagement (not to exceed 30 days).

Microsoft Confidential 19

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