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How did we win

⁃ we got 500 followers,

⁃ average of 20 likes per post

How did we loose

- we had a post that did extremely well

While creating posts on Instagram, we were having trouble getting likes and shares. And
that was because we were not using hashtags. We just thought that we would gain likes
through word of mouth. However after using a hashtag application and having a tailored
description, we managed to get our best picture a total of 150 likes. 1 because we used
hashtags and 2 because We boosted our post. We decided to keep the picture
international but we chose the interest as people “who are interested in candy products”.

The way we decided to dictate whether the hashtags were good was dictated with 3

1. Is the hashtag searched in high volumes

2. Is there a lot of competition

3. Is the hashtag optimizable.

The hashtags we were using were ranked as the best ones, which means that they were
highly searched, their was a fair amount of competition, and it was well optimized. We
decided to have 20 of the best ones and that lead to us having great engagement rate.

Some of the mistakes that we made

⁃ Poor number of comments

⁃ Needed better and more organized descriptions.

What are the lessons gained

⁃ We learned about how many posts attract and repels audience

⁃ How could we have had better competition and engagement

For example we learned that putting too many stories, people would appreciated it. But it
is not as impactful as posting a post a day. Posting

We also learned that, by posting too many stories, people less and less watch it.
Example, if we post 20 stories. 90% will watch a third, 60% will watch half and 20% will
watch the full story.

Strategies, what did we do to gain a large following

Karl went on different instagram page like Dubai’s famous candy shop called
“candylicious” looked at the comment section and followed and unfollowed the people
who were commenting on the pictures. The reason he would unfollow them its because
this is a strategy to make the page look professional and desired by a fanbase.
Furthermore, it was challenging to find a candy page to emulate because most of those
pages have poor engagement

What is our business.

Candy.planet has to sources of cashflow. The first is a subscription based box of candy
that is delivered to your doorstep. We charge $20 for a box that comes monthly to your
doorstep. Our goal with candy.planet is how do we give enough value to our customer so
that they decide to try our subscription. We created the typical videos like explain what is
in the box, and created interesting memes, but what was missing was the trigger point
that would convince the buyers to purchase.

So we decided that we are going to … and the winner gets 3 months for free off of our
yearly subscription of our candy boxes. We had a simple yet effective title like: “Get a
chance to win big with us. Design a digital art that is inspired by our character…” what we
could have done better is emphasize more of the wins that they would be getting.

Also, it would have been better if we had much higher quality videos that were
entertaining and engaging. For example videos that are edited at a fast pace with a lot of
visuals happening quickly. This type of videos are seen in YouTube video gamers who
want to entertain the young generation. Considering that we have the same targeted
audience, I think that we could have taken that inspiration and created a truly unique ad.
we could have carefully observed the tik Tok trends and integrated them into a creative
candy ad. We unfortunately did not find a suitable trend but we are still brainstorming.

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