Nature's Warning

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LEVEL: Intermediate
LESSON: ‘Nature’s warning’
• Click on 3, Express Publishing 2002
• Board
• to identify and provide solutions to common environmental problems;
• to listen to extract specific information;
• to match key-words with a reading passage;
• to build up vocabulary connected with environmental issues;
• to reflect upon own learning and performance


5’ Class organization: T greets the SS and sets the right T→SS
Greetings; checking mood for the lesson through SS→T None
attendance; preparing spontaneous dialogues that foster a
SS for the lesson positive classroom atmosphere.
15’ Activity 1: Lead-in T introduces the title (‘Nature’s T→SS Textbook P: SS may not know the
warning’) and elicits its meaning SS→T English words for the
(We should all protect the problems shown.
environment and preserve nature). S: T prompts when
SS’ attention is then directed to necessary suggesting the
some pictures, all of which right words/expressions
showing threatening environmental and helping SS get their
problems. SS identify the problems ideas across.
the pictures relate to and come up
with effective solutions, relying on
their personal experiences as well.
10’ Activity 2: Reading T will ask SS to read the texts T→SS Textbook P: Individual words can
comprehension from the book. SS will role play the SS→SS impede comprehension.
texts and will answer the questions. SS→T S: T will walk around to
make sure that all SS get
the work done and
prompt if necessary.
15’ Activity 3: Vocabulary T gets the SS to practice the new T→SS Textbook P: Some SS may not
work vocabulary through meaningful SS→SS stick to the task set by
activities found on the textbook. SS→T the T.
S: T goes round the class
monitoring their work
and prompting if
5’ Feedback session T summarizes the lesson and T→SS Brief oral P: SS may find it
(Assessment&Self- assesses what has been achieved by SS→T questions intimidating to judge
Assessment) asking brief questions about the their own language
content. production.
S: T will encourage
them by telling how
crucial self-assessment
is for future
development and
personal progress.

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