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to print "The Absconding Elder" from his Horace in Homespun;

Mr Joseph Waugh the story of the "Wooer" from Robbie

Loo; Mr J. J. Bell for the extract from Wee Macgreegor entitled

"Taiblet"; Mr Alexander Kennedy for permission to use Mr

Alexander Anderson's (Surfaceman's) poem of "Cuddle Doon";
the publishers of the Dumfries and Galloway Courier and Herald
for thepassage from Trotter's Galloway Gossip, Mr James S.
Angus the verses entitled "Klingrahool"; Lady Murray,

Miss Hilda M. R. Murray and Sir Oswyn Murray for the extract
from the Southern Scottish version of "Ruth" by the late
SirJames A. H. Murray. Grateful acknowledgement is also due
(1) to Professor Lawrence Melville Riddle, Head of the French
Department in the University of Southern California, for his
careful revision of Part I and his many useful suggestions, (2) to
the Rev. Alexander Grieve, M.A., D.Phil., Glasgow, for valuable
and criticism of Parts I and II, (3) to
assistance in the correction
the Rev. Robert McKinlay, M.A., Galston, for much information
on local dialect forms and middle Scots, (4) to the Reader and
Printers of the Cambridge University Press for their great

patience and care in the production of this work.

Finally the authors have to thank the Carnegie Trustees very

heartily for the financial guarantee with the help of which the
book is

W. G.
J. M. D.
December, 1920.

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