Give Me Five 1 Pupils Book

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GiveMe Ss 1 2 3 « 4 5 6 7 8 9 ¥ PUPIL'S BOOK Hello, friends! Ready for school! Happy birthday! At the circus My project 1: Family Fantastic food! Fun on the farm A day in the park My project 2: Spring Let’s explore my town! Camping fun! Day and night My project 3: Holidays Festivals: Bonfire Night Festivals: Valentine’s Day Cambridge Exams Practice page 106 = Py We GS page 4 page 8 page 18 page 28 page 38 page 40 page 50 page 60 page 70 page 72 page 82 page 92 page 102 page 104 page 105 My name smillan ation is Donna Shaw « Joanne Ramsden Course consultants: Rocio Gutiérrez Burgos and Ménica Pérez Is Hello, Nobo 10) Hello. What's your name? Shapes Colours fm (ote). friends! Days of the week Goodbye. Ready for —_“tssteom objects Where’ my (pencil)? i's here. Consonant sound tT schoall Mote classroom objects Put the (b00%) on the (shef), red rabbit red ruler in /on/ under -F Happy Consonant sound s: 2)? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. six snakes slow scooter toy? . Adjectives | birthday! : j i | My favourite foy is a (ball). | ' At the Pas of the body | Ive gota (red nose) Consonant sound hi: Desoribing hair ond eyes _ I've got (small eyes). Helen happy hippo hops ! circus |My fiend has got (long hai). He's / She's got (blue eyes). i [ike / don't like (chicken). Consonant sound j: 4 Fantasie | Hove (ice cream). jm juggles jam juice jelly food! | Do you like (grapes)? Yes, ! do. No, i don't. Form onimals "Can you see a (cow)? ‘Consonant sound sh: Actions Yes, !can. No, }can‘ shush! shout sheep (Birds) can fly. (Cows) can't climb, Playground objects Where's (Beth)? Consonant sound w: ‘and nature He's / She's (on the swing). Wally worm washes the park Prepositions of place Where are (Jake and Molly)? windows j Theyre (behind) the (tree). Sp Places in the town There's 0 (z00). Consonant sound 2: Let's explore j Transport There are (two sweet shops). lazy zebr0 200 my town! Numbers 11-20 How many (cars) are there? Clothes Outdoor activities What are you wearing? Consonant sound v: 1m wearing (shorts) and a (Tshirt). Vicky vet loves volleyball Whats he / she doing? He's / She's (riding a horse). Daily routines | (wash my face) every day. Meal times: Thave (dinner in the evening). ‘Consonant sound th: three thin bath Thursday Festivals | Bonfire Night Valentine's Day What colour is if? | Aclasstoom. Paster ‘assemblies Birlhdey parties in @* Ways of thinking: ordering Britain favourite things ‘A traditional English breakfast Animal riddies Urban farms @ Ways of thinking: putting things in groups Instructions Parks in Britain @* Living in the world: being careful in the playground What day is it today? Science: Tidy classroom: Schoo! subjects Arts and Crafts: Lines andi shapes Science: Parts of the body: bones, joints ‘and muscles Arts and Craffis:Lines and colours Science: Heaithy food: Meais of the doy Arts and Grafts: Texture: Science: Farm animals and domestic animols: How animals move; Wild animals Arts and Crafts: Faims Science: Living and nortiving things: ‘What plants need to survive Arts and Crafts: Geometric and organic shapes Science: Road safely; Rights cnd rules Arts and Crafts: Buildings and symmetry Science: Human and physical elements in the envionment; Clothing in different weather Als and Crafts: Landscapes Cambridge Exams Practice Practice for the VLE Pre Al Starters Exam (see p19 for syllabus) Lesson Hello, friet o Listen and point. Sing What's your name? S 2) Say The fen balloons chant. oS © Find, count and write. @ batons ~ ) bananas fe balls hats socks O () Br (os) A cogs 7 & bike Key learning outcomes: identify and say numbers 1-10 four Language: Hello. Goodbye. What's your name? I’m (Jake) ’ = € 8) Listen and repeat. Act out. ® Listen and find. Point. 8 3 Point. Ask and answer. — What's this? ifs a balloon. “ sence een nen 4 Find these shapes in the picture. ib DB circle rectangle By square AX tiangle @ oval Language: What's this? It’s a (bike). Its a bike. Its for two. children. 2) wi! A Let's clean eed this Dad? pa. | the bike. = ~ Oo “if a) [fe Pee 6) \ reed ae oe \ (( Ring the bell again, Beth. Ser Fa ry ) Go to page 12 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand a classroom rules poster fifteen @ a... 8 Review oe Listen and number. Write and say. ® conas computer oo ee pen rubber pencil ruler pencilcase _sharpener- schoolbag book T7710 e Look, read and write in, on or under. 1 The school bag is _under_ the chair. 2 The pencil case is _______ the school bag. 3 The ruler is ________ the school bag. 4 The rubber is _______ the chair. © RExpantivolsamtty sing weil done: i Key learning outcomes: review language in the unit sixteen Language: classroom objects and prepositions of place Welcome to Channel 21! This programme is about school. What do you do at school? 6 Watch the video again. Read and tick (7) or cross (X). e) ) 1 The children read stories. 3 The children run in the classroom. 2 The children sing songs 4 The children put books in the box. 6 Read and circle. 1 | put my@ulen/ rubber 2. | put my book / pencil case in my school bag. in my school bag. ls important fo Schoolboy, fp 3 |pulmy book / ball 4 | put my water / snack in my school bag. in my school bag. “Key learning outcomes: w ee @*« Ways of working: being organised seventeen Qo Listen and point. Sing Happy birthday! S Happy birthday! Here's a present, A present for you. Is it a doll? Is it a train? Is ita kite or a computer game? Chorus Is it a robot? Is it a ball? Is it a scooter or a dinosaur? Chorus A a ball train car doll kite Okuiipoian 2 Spelling: go to page 25 in your Activity Book. : Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten toys; sing a song about a birthday present eighteen Vocabulary: toys Lesson 2 Grammar a ou te It's a fantastic preser Thank vel nt, What is it? Is ita bike? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 6 Listen and circle. a we a computer robot scooter teddy doe au game Key learning outcomes: use What is it?, Is it a...?, Yes, itis. No, it isn’t to identify things. Grammar: What is it? Is it a (bike)? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. nineteen © Oh no! My new scooter is slow. Wait for me! Let's have a race. Good idea! fi CI J TERS. Magic Bike! Magic Bike! ‘Can you help? Ready, steady ... go! My new scooter is slow.The wheels are very small Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a new toy twenty Language: What is it? ts. a motor. My scooter is slow. Ring the bell again, Molly! El You ee th PEs Thank you, Jake and Molly. Thank you, Magic Bike! Bey Stop! Wait for us, Beth! Giterigoui id) > Go to page 18 in your Activity Book. © Wiss Read and circle. ( When aperson helps you, say) hello / please / thank you. Values: saying thank you Chesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar ae. oO Listen, point and say. ® core big old new fast slow eo Listen and point. Sing My favourite toy. & My favourite toy is a train. Cie €_ My favourite toy is a train. It's fast. It's new. It's red and blue. My favourite toy is a train. : My favourite toy is a teddy. My favourite toy is a teddy. It’s old. H's big. It’s brown and pink. My favourite toy is a teddy. What's your favourite toy? My favourite toy is a ball. It’s old. Key learning outcomes: ask and answer questions about favourite toys twenty-two Vocabulary: adjectives Grammar: What's your favourite toy? My favourite toy is a (ball) Se — { s-s-s. Six snakes on a slow scooter. 0 Listen and number. 8 oe © AG@epactholamiiyg sing sharing is a good thing to do. i Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about toys Phonics: the ‘s’ sound twenty-three ‘m= Lesson 6 British culture > me a Listen and read. Answer. ® N tfs my birthday today. 'm seven. | have a party on my birthday. a i I've got lots of birthday cards. They're fantastic! My party is a fancy dress party. jill Look! We're pirates today. i! HIE | play party games in the garden with my friends. I's good fun! \Juitischoms yom quran Do you have a party on your birthday? I've got a birthday cake with rs seven candles. | ay a \22] text type: A birthday card \Beforejyoujread| Oo What can you see on the birthday card? Circle and say. dog Cire) dinosaur scooter Kite present balloons six birthday cake @© listen and read the birthday card. 8 To Beth, Happy Birthday Have a fantastic Party with your Sriends, Lots of love, from Mum and Dad XX% > Go to page 22 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand a birthday card twenty-five ® yl Lesson 8 Review @ listen and number. Write and say, ©) ona train kite ball scooter teddy car robot doll computer game dinosaur mS lt¥ye oe Look, read and write. 1 My favourite toy is old and brown. —ateddiymee:, 2 My favourite toy is new and green. 3 My favourite toy is big and purple. 4 My favourite toy is fast and blue. eo A @onantite ecTaTi) sing Well done! St i Key learning outcomes: review language in the unit twenty-six Language: toys and adjectives = Video and 21st Century Skills #74 Hello again. Today's programme is about toys. What's your favourite toy? Watch the video again. Read and circle. ) 1 The teddy is@rey)/ red. 3. The green scooter is fast / slow. 2 The dinosaurs are big / small. 4 Abby's favourite toy is a kite / ball. Read and think. Write 1, 2and 3. BEY Everybody is different. Order the toys for you. out favourite toys ings z Lesson 1 Vocabulary At the circus 7" os ; ) ero Penis et eax @ _ Listen and point. sing This is me. S This is my body, This is me. This is my body. Count with me. Two feet, Ten toes, Two eyes, One big nose. Chorus Ten fingers, One head, Two arms, Two long legs. arms head “Tegs feet toes Mi teamitgcaam SD spelling: go to page 35 in your Activity Book. . Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten parts of the body; sing a song about the body twenty-eight Vocabulary: parts of the body Lesson 2 Grammar 3 OOD ears mouth aie nese fingers Key learning outcomes: use I've got ... for parts of the body 7 Grammar: I've got (a big nose). I’ve got (small eyes). twenty-nine Can you see a clown in the story? } and read. Act out. 8+ “Eun ag; ale ot ] Seal Wow! This circus is very big. Let's make a circus. Magic Bike, can you help? Here's Annie ) \ the acrobat. learning outcomes: read, listen and understand pout a circu Language: I've got big feet. He's got purple hal got one hand ‘on the bike. pa Wow! He's very strong, MY 5 if Yes, | am. Look! We're in the garden again. € 5 Z| But look at Toby! EM | He's got purple hair! ~~ Go to page 28 in your Activity Book. © Wales Read and circle. When you ride a bike, wear a helmet } - ‘and use two hands / fingers / toes. |= Aon} Cu es cn A Values: riding a bike safely fs El tesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar @ Listen, point and say. 8 A& A429 2 long short blonde brown black red hair hair hair hair hair hair @® listen and point. sing My frienc. Ss (We got a friend called Jake. “= He’s got green eyes. He's got short hair. He's fantastic! Were different And that's OK. Were different. And we'te friends. RE i Hs 2 CEN (Myfriendhas { \_ got green eyes. ; Key learning outcomes: describe a friend's hair and eyes thirty-two Vocabulary: adjectives to describe hair Grammar: My friend has got (long hair). She's got (blue eyes) pe ae Lesson 5 speaking Ey oO Listen Gui say. Ss 2 Y <1 Lez h-h-h. Helen the | Thank you. like WZ ) a pay / o=4 icecream. Z td ‘And | love chocolate I love robot: cake. It's my favourite. re - Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a magic restaurant forty-two Language: | love cake. | don’t like oranges. Do you like peaches? No, | don't. } No problem One minute ... juice! Thank you, robot. Wow! Robot, you're amazing! Go to page 40 in your Activity Book. WAS Read and circle. Values: eating healthy food a 4 Vocabulary and Grammar eee Listen, point and say. ™ — mango \ grape peach cherry lemon coconut e Listen and point. Sing Do you like fruit? S llike grapes. | like peaches. What about you? What about you? Do you like grapes? Do you like peaches? Do you like fruit? Do you like fruit? llike grapes. Ilike peaches. Yes, | do. Yes, | do. Eating fruit is fun to do. Eating fruit is fun to do. Do you like grapes? Yes, I do. What about you? No, | don't. don’t like grapes. }} Key learning outcomes: ask and answer questions to find out what fruit people like Vocabulary: fruit Grammar: Do you like (grapes)? Yes, Ido. No, | don’t. @ forty-four © CQ Make and play the game. eee : Bank: Unit 4 _E Bo you ike chicken? ; _J Bo you lke ice crear? ) =e ee ee you like ee ee ice cream? O fa2\Cooperative (ecm) sing Calm down. eS Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about food . Phonics: the ‘j’ sound forty-five - eid 6 British culture 4 ad Here are the ingredients: eggs, mushrooms, baked beans, tomatoes and bread. | mix the eggs. Lucy makes the ‘4 toast. Dad cuts the tomatoes. , Dad cooks the food = 01 We prepare the tray. § Jiiiischorpemeniie We take the breakfast fo Mum. What do you have for breakfast? She's in bed. She's very happy. nave for breakfast Read, look and circle. How many days is the menu for? a oneday' b threedays cc _ five days Listen and read the lunch menu. 8 Go to page 44 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand a lunch menu Jel iaintiertes | ithe sevisalad! | love salad. 2} | ok 2 ean ®: eggs: 3) eee ae eee 2 cake, 41 51 - 6 Aerie LScrmihiy) Sing Well done! @: : Key learning outcomes: review language in the unit forty-eight Language: food, love, like and don’t like Today's programme is about school lunches. Do you have a healthy lunch? oe Watch the video again. Read and circle. © 1 The children(like)/ don’t like the lunch. 3 The teddy has got big / small eyes. 2 There is a bird / catlunch. 4 Abby's lunch is / isn’t healthy. © Read and think. Tick (/) or cross (X). 1 Its important to eat fruit 2 It’s important to and vegetables. It’s important to SO ery dee 3 Is important to eat rice. 4 It’s important to drink and pasta. (oad water. Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about school lunches @* Living in the world: eating healthily forty 49) Oo Listen and point. Sing On the farm. & Animals, animals. We love animals. Animals, animals, On the farm. Can you see a duck? Can you see a cat? Yes, | can! Yes, | can! The duck is yellow And the cat is black. Can you see a horse? Can you see a cow? Yes, | can! Yes, | can! The horse is grey And the cow is brown. Can you see a sheep? Can you see a mouse? Yes, | can! Yes, | can! The sheep is white And the mouse is brown. 6 Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. @ cons cat bird ef goat oO enema Ss Spelling: go to page 57 in your Activity Book. Fi Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten farm animals; sing a song about the farm ifty Vocabulary: farm animals Lesson 2 Grammar 6 » f \ f - s L (Yes, loan. the cat is here. & 4 But where's Toby? / \ li wis Can you see Toby? Yes, | can. © mouse chicken Key learning outcomes: use Can you ...? and Yes, can. No, can’t. Grammar: Can you see (a cow)? Yes, I can. No, I can't. fifty-one “(What animals can you see in the story? = oO Listen and read. Act out, 8 " Qij-s Ae : TS, Pe < g3 a A{_ Stop, Toby! Yes. iris. But} Hy, cows can't A @q = fi Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a magic farm ifty-two Language: Cows can't fly. This sheep can climb trees. Can you see a cat? Yes, I can, But sheep can't climb Afterjyou|read| DD Goto page 50 in your Activity Book. © Wakes Read and circle. Eh cesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar. oO Listen, point and say. 8 fly i swim run climb t Ree 'tfly, eo Listen and point. Sing Cats can’t fly. Hove cats. = love frogs. I love cows. Cats can fiy. Aa, Frogs can run. _ Cows can talk. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Cats can't fly. Frogs can’t run. Cows can't talk. Cows can walk. Cats can climb. oe Frogs can jump. Key learning outcomes: say what animals can and can't do Vocabulary: actions Grammar: (Birds) can fly. (Cows) can't climb. e Listen.Tick or cross. can ¥ can't xX & ie yr AS swim fy run jump © Ba Cooparireleamiihiy) Sing Let's take turns. & Q QQ (HUUSiATRAGIS Make and play the game. Eta C Correct. It’s my turn now. (Canjyou, imake}10) ‘sentences? Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about what animals can do Phonics: the ‘sh’ sound fifty-five > Lesson 6 British culture / i fh , Oo Listen and read. Answer. There's a farm in our town. Schools and families can visit the farm. It’s very interesting. | love the goats on the farm. | can feed them. Look. This goat is very hungry. gr here. Look. Here are some delicious carrots. a We can see chickens on the farm. |help the farmer [i Jiitischarmpoarmantte fo collect the eggs. : Cc an you visit a farm in your country? @ fty-six Key learning eum i Lesson 7 Literacy Oo Think and write a list with your partner. Farm animals with two legs Farm animals with four legs eo Listen and read. Answer the riddles. ® { [Misgreenenglishclassblog Homework zone Read the riddles. Con you guess the jals? I've got two legs. Tve got four legs. T can swim. I can walk. Ican fly Lcan't climb. I'm small and brown. I'm bic Tm black and white. Whee am I ‘Afterjyoujread| D Go to page 54 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand animal riddles fifty-seven @ G.-. 8 Review @ listen and number. Write and say. &) chicken 6 Look at the pictures. Read and write the animal. 1 This animal can jump. It's green. ee frogiu sts! 2 This animal can fy. It's black. ‘i 3 This animal can't fly. It's white. 4 This animal can swim. It’s white. 5 This animal can't climb. It’s orange. 6 This animal can run. It’s black. © AG@xpantivetemiay sing weil done: G a Key learning outcomes: review language in the unit fifty-eight Language: farm animals, can and can‘t Video and 21st Century Skills Hello again. Today's Programme is about farm animals. What's your favourite farm animal? eo Watch the video again. Read and tick (7) or cross (X). C) 1 The cow has got small ears. 3 The lamb is tired. 2 The sheep has got a long nose. 4 Chickens can fly. © Read and tick (/). They can climb. They can jump. They can fly. (as) They have got hair. * =A They have got two legs. Putting things into groups helps They have got a tail. you to think. Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about farm animals (@« Ways of thinking: putting things in groups fifty-nine i is the Park © t2%:001 vecautary | GB 4 aay aa” anc yee o igw © * 4 Oo Listen and point. Sing /f's fun in the park. Ss We can climb a tree. We can jump and run. We can play on the swing. ., @ The park is fun. *« I's fun, fun, fun in the park. Yes, it’s fun, fun, fun in the park. We can play on the slide. lg We can jump and run. NN We can play on the roundabout. © The park is fun. a Chorus We can play on the grass. We can jump and run. > We can play on the seesaw. @ = | The park is fun. \ \ Chorus \ 6 Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. Ss Ow wD swing lide seesaw —_ roundabout Oa Otianinoaka 5 Spelling: go to page 67 in your Activity Book. ‘ Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten park objects; sing a song abourt playing in the park sixty Vocabulary: park objects Lesson 2 Grammar Where's my sister? She's on the swing. | Where's my brother? @ listen and match. 8 He's on the roundabout, 1 2 9 at Ok rass g flower tree rock Key learning outcomes: use where and prepositions of place i Grammar: Where's (Beth)? She’s (on the swing). Where's (Jake)? He’s (on the slide). sixty-one What can you see in the playground? “-< rn mre cemere Listen and read. Act out. © "af Let's play hide and seek. Good idea, Beth. Ready or not, here | come! Where are Jake and Molly? ni isten and understand a stoi Where's Toby? He's on the slide. Where are Jake and Molly? They're behind the tree. He isn’t under the bush. Go to page 60 in your Activity Book. ) (Wilts Read and circle. Remember Respect / Write / en the sons around you. Values: respecting signs Chesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar oO Listen, point and say. © 9 wi 84 caikis, behind near in front of next to between the the tree the grass the flowers _— the bush rocks eo Listen and point. Sing Hide and seek. Ss Hide, hide, Where are Beth and Molly? Hide everyone. Where are they? Ready or not, They're near the rocks. Here | come! Let's play again! Where are Jake and Molly? Where are they? They're next to the tree. Let's play again! Where are Jake and Beth? Where are they? They’te behind the bush. Let's play again! © CQ Patas Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. § oe Where are Anna and David? They'te in front of the dest Key learning outcomes: ask and answer questions to find out where people are 'y-four Vocabulary: prepositions of place Grammar: Where are (Jake and Molly)? They’re (next to the tree) WW b pee neenee ‘¥( w - w - w. Wally the worm washes windows. © REopamtrolsanag sing tisien to others. GH © GQ Make and play the game. Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about finding people een ie Phonics: the ‘w’ sound sixty-five % MG. Listen and read. Answer. 0314 Hove the park in my town. I's very I go with my family on Saturday. We do lots of fun activities. 5 great! Wihsclormrormaniinrse at do you do at the park? Sacks Key learning outcomes: read about parks in Britain; sixty-six think about parks where you live a ; * \Beforejyou| oO What do you need to grow flowers? Think and circle. Nb a, \ _ wat Vi © soil grass a book seeds water sun @ Listen and read the instructions. © Instractions 2 Push the seeds into the soil with your finger. | Put the soil in a pot g | 3 Water the seeds. 4 Put the pot ina sunny place. Watch the plants grow. 5 Put the plants in the ‘Ask an adult to help you. Do not eat seeds. | garden. Watch the em flowers grow. (Afterjyoujread| > Go to page 64 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand ; instructions for growing flowers sixty-seven on 8 Review Listen and number. Write and say. NY) © look, read and write. in front of next to behind 1 Where's Toby? He’s —__ a rack. 2 Where's Molly? She’s_______ a bush 3 Where are Beth and Jake? They're © A@xpaniokaniy sing te ge in the un Language: park objects, Where's / Where are and prepositions Video and 21st Century Skills Today's programme is about playgrounds. Do you like playgrounds? What do you do there? 6 Watch the video again. Read and circle. (>) 1 The orange roundabout isasi)/ slow. 3 A boy/ girlis on the zip wire. 2 The girl goes up / down the slide. 4 The climbing frame is / isn’t high. a 1 Only go up i 2 Use two hands / one hand the slide. on the swing. ©) Read and circle. Be careful in 8 \ the playground, 3 Standup / Sitdown 4 Wait in front of / next fo on the seesaw. the zip wire. Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about playgrounds @* Living in the world: being careful in the playground sixty-nine My project 2 Lesson 1 SQ Listen and say. Read, count and write. ® Daas 3 ow (3) lambs § {_Jilewers ~.. birds : Ge (rabbits Aon) chicks ie “~ butterflies ‘ ih ‘ BF CQUWMECHGS Listen. Ask and answer. S ( “How r many lambs can you see? ) Icon see three lambs. Plan [ Plan your project } [ Plan your project } Sa Prepare to make a spring wall display. Go to page 68 in your Activity Book. ae Key learning outcomes: identify and talk about spring animals and plants seventy Language: How many (lambs) can you see? | can see (three) lambs. My project 2 Lesson 2 Sy’ AA @xpactitoleamiiy sing What do I need fo do? ee ops 22 PQRecdin Make a spring animal. _£, Colour your spring animal. Cut out your sprin, Monet Use different colours. animal, Be careful with the scissors! RTC a B Create your wall display. Listen. Tell the class about your @) "© animal and stick it on the wall display. sn7 ee eee my (butterfly). It's (blue). My (bird) is near ie bush). ‘seventy-one IL t explole win Nails i s soy tennl fan 0G Listen and point. Sing Let's go fo fown. 6) “S Stand up. Sit down. Let's go to town To see what we can see. There's a cinema. There’s a bookshop, too. There's a hospital And there's a swimming pool, Chorus There's a supermarket. There's a sweet shop, too. There's a restaurant. And look! There's a zoo! Chorus © Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. Si OrorOrO'™—™ sweet shop café toyshop bookshop Otenijokm 2 Spelling: go to page 79 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: identify and say places in town; sing a song about the town seventy-two Vocabulary: places in town Lesson 2 Grammar : fe 4 "Great! love ee i ‘And there are two sweet shops «@ Fantastic! ( AL ioe sweets. too @.2.@ hospital restaurant cinema pool supermarket Key learning outcomes: use There's... and There are .. Grammar: There’s (a hospital). There are (two cinemas). seventy-three ( What places can you see in the story? r ' ke Boge E. ae. D Usten ond read.act out. © : The) treasure hun’ “Oe isteti eo (What's Emma doing? ———___ z (Bhe'’s swimming. Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about what people are doing 7 Phonics: the ‘v’ sound eighty-seven Lesson 6 British culture @ listen and read. Answer. ©) In the summer, we camp in the garden. It's good fun. Dad plays the guitar, and we sing songs. f We sleep in our sleeping ®%. My favourite song is ‘Alice the camel’. I's funny. a bags in big tents © listen and sing Alice the camel has five humps. Alice the camel has five humps. Alice the camel has five humps. So go, Alice, go! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Alice the camel has four humps: Alice the camel has three humps ... Alice the camel has two humps Alice the camel has one hump ... Alice the camel has no humps ... Now Alice is a horse! At night, we tell stories. They'e scary! (QUiiiischeragemeriiere . Do you go camping? What activities do you do? eo ew a town alake a playground a forest horses a farm Listen and read the postcard. cos Dear Sally, big lake. There are lots of fun activities 20 Tm at a fantastic campsite with my family, There's a beautiful forest and there's a here. I swim in the lake and I sail a boat every dai Q a Sally Smith It’s hot and sunny today. I'm wearing my ks ark Street new swimsuit. It’s purple and pink London See you soon, NE 14 16TN Sue (Aftejyoulread| >) Go to page 86 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand a postcard eighty-nine @ Fm Lesson 8 Review Oo Listen and number. Write and say. @) 2s /)ela sie Tom T-shirt © look, read and complete. inl What's she wearing? © Aexpamivolzaniiy sing wei cone! @ i Key learning outcomes: review language in the unit ninety Language: clothes, What's he / she wearing? and He's / She's wearing .. Video and 21st Century Skills Today's programme is about camp activities. Do you go camping in the summer? ® Watch the video again. Read and circle. (>) 1 Aboy/ Girls sailing a boat. 3 The boys are walking / running in the forest. 2 The boy is wearing a helmet / sun hat. 4 The dad / mum is playing the guitar. 1 It's windy. Let's play 2 It's cold. Let's wear a with akite)/ teddy. Tshirt / sweater. @: It’s important to think before you choose. 3 It's raining. Let's goto — 4 It’s hot. Let’s wear a the forest / cinema. sun hat / sweater. Listen and do the actions. Sing I's a beautiful day. oe I get up. I get dressed. lopen the window and | say It’s a beautiful day. I's a beautiful day today. | wash my face. | brush my teeth. lopen the window and | say It's a beautiful day. I's a beautiful day today. | comb my hair. | make my bed. | open the window and I say It's a beautiful day. I's a beautiful day today. teeth hair shower Mieantig@ bam \D speliing: go to page 99 in your Activity Book. : Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten daily routines; sing a song about daily routines ninety-two Vocabulary: daily routines Lesson 2 Grammar Oo Listen and repeat. Act out. 8 Pe lal Th icp Me, too. gS j And | brush my teeth every day. Me, too. ~~ Are you ready? Yes, | am, Let's play! ie” ge 2 ce 2 x G«] f \ (ome, el ee PS ie 0 to bed jet dressed make go to schoo g sleep my bed a sine tree ™=( Where is the magic bike in the story? = lle Sc | ~ gat @ listen and read. act out. & * The) "What's the matter, Jake? a Ive got a IL wobbly = 7 BB tooth. Look! Qe Wow! It’s very wobbly. i —— Ir Goodidea! | Let’s play volleyball fay | os \\y ore. Lo We U fo ey wm (2 4 Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a lost tooth ninety-four Language: / have breakfast every morning. Ml It's time for dinner. Come in and wash your hands, please Don't worry, Jake. We can look for your tooth tomorrow. Look, Jake! There's magic ‘ \ under your pillow. ‘Look at the mag Whats it doing? Go to page 92 in your Activity Book. WINES Read and write. teeth feet hands Values: looking after your teeth Chesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar @ Listen, point and say. < breakfast in the lunch in n the dinner in a snack at morning afternoon the evening night oe Listen and point. Sing Are you hungry? &. a Are you hungry in the morning? Yes, |am.Yes, | am. | have breakfast in the morning. Yum, yum, yum, Are you hungry in the afternoon? Yes, | am. Yes, | am. | have lunch in the afternoon. Yum, yum, yum. Are you hungry in the evening? Yes, | am. Yes, lam. | have dinner in the evening. Yum, yum, yum, © QBs Listen and repeat. Play a game. e/ é | have lunch in (Besns’) (Besns’) S ee have lunch in ee afternoon. “ E : Key learning outcomes: say when you have meals ninety-six Vocabulary: meal times Grammar: | have (dinner in the evening). i eee ne Lesson 5 speaking BY * © Listen and match. 8 ge © aa cat night 2 | inthe evening in the 3 Be moming | Bolo 1ea etree] © CQTABRATS Make and play the game. Cena nik) (ge vp oa Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about daily routines ‘ Phonics: the ‘th’ sound ninety-seven = B Lesson 6 British culture In Britain, the Tooth Fairy visits children’s bedrooms at night. Ao s When my tooth falls out, | put it in e The Tooth Fairy comes at night. a box.| put the box under my pillow. “2a She takes my tooth when I'm sleeping ae find money from the Tooth Fairy, | too. | put it in my money box. = 7) ald <4 In the morning, | find a letter from the I Tooth Fairy. The letter says ‘Thank you, Lucy. ution eu Have you got a Tooth Fairy in your country? perore) youjread| Listen and number. Say day or night. @ owl cockerel Say goodbye. The owl goes to sleep ‘With a whoo whoo. And the cockerel crows Cock-a-doodle-doo. Get up, children It's a new day. Get up, children Act out the poem. (Afterjyoutread| Go to page 96 in your Activity Book. = ™: Listen and number. Write and say. 8 Look and write. evening night _morning afternoon 7 —_morning 2 3. “Ve . —_— YN | A @xpantialeantiy sing Si : Language: daily routines and times of the day Today's programme is about teeth When do you brush your teetn? Watch the video again. Read and tick () or cross (X). Qe) 1 The girl is eating chocolate. v¥) 3 Thegirlis happy at the dentist. () 2 The boy is drinking juice. bial 4 Aboy has got a wobbly tooth. \ Read and think.Tick (/) or cross (X). ining ciicn tem casi =e — sj 1 Itsimportantto eat 2 It'simportant to healthy food. ‘OA drink juice. ( Vs x OS 3 It’s important to brush 4 It’s important fo go _ your teeth. ( ) Is important to look after your teeth mountains BF CQ TAREE Listen. Ask and answer, G) a e S coa28 at ws SIG) listen. point and say. Circle the things you use on holiday. ©) aIgIs boots swimsuit sunglasses sweets torch Yonehundred Key leaming outcomes: identity and talk about holiday places and objects andtwo Language: Where do you go on holiday? | go to the (beach). My project 3 Lesson 2 Read. Make a holiday list. ase DCCL oe ~ : ¥ Decorate your list. J ‘ a Draw and colour pictures. Cormcutnes - erent a! a : gh oy A @xpacitelcamiy sing Listen to others. y Q Create a class display. Listen. Tell the class about your holiday list. ® rok epaat | goto the beach on holiday. I's hot and | sunny there. I've got a swimsuit on my list. } aN Gi eidaia imc otas =O Go to page 101 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: use a computer to make a holiday list and create a lass display one hundred Language: ! go to the (beach). It’s (hot) there. I've got a (swimsuit) on my list and three I's Bonfire Night. ey | cot I | can see fireworks in the can see a big on Bonfire Night. sky.They'te red, orange, bonfire. It’s fantastic! it’s delicious! yellow and purple. Listen and read the action rhyme. Say and do the rhyme. Cy) cos One big firework on the ground, Is red and yellow, blue and brown. 1-23-45 Whoosh! It goes up fo the sky. See the stars all around. Down they go, fo the ground. Read the action rhyme again. Colour the firework. Make a firework. Do the action rhyme with your firework. 9 Tiihschomromenion Do you see fireworks in your country? Language: | can see (fireworks). Theyre (red and yellow). Day people about the people they love. We ‘ her. Hove my friend. Her name | love my mother. <1) love my grandfat Her name is Amando. |, His name is Tony. We is Anna. We ploy in the She helps me every doy. fis ll read books together. playground at school a ae yo Who do you love? Write and draw. 1 llove my Ay may oJ a name is name is Make a Valentine's Day card. Tiihscihompormanikin Do you have Valentine's Day in your country? Language: | love (my mother). She (helps me). © CQ Psa listen and point. ask and answer. TD a What colour is it? ifs orange. Ween site) y exams video one hundred Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre Al Starters Listening Part 4 and six and Speaking Part 3 ential Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters wp o Listen and tick (/).There is one example. ® cpaa7 1 Where is the teddy? 2 What colour is the train? A 8 3 Where Is the robot? 4 What colour is the kite? A ‘se | | A | | B ® CQL Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. 8 we What's yourname? My name is Alice. How old are you ) Watch the external exams video Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre A1 Starters Listening Part 3 one hundred and Speaking Part 4 and seven , Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters Brown @ _ Listen and draw lines. There is one example. &) = Lucy Anna Pat Hugo Alice © GQTsRaas Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. 8 What colour is your hair? My hair is black What colour are your eyes? My eyes are brown. Watch the external exams video ‘one hundred Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre A\1 Starters Listening Part 1 andeiaht and Speaking Part 4 rer Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre A1 Starters Bp vi D) Listen and tick (/).There is one example. 8 oat 1 What is Bill's favourite food? 2 What is Lucy's favourite food? Py CQ TALSREAGS Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. 8 Sra your favourite food? I's ice cream. What about you? What's your favourite food? My favourite food is chicken. Watch the external exams video Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre A1 Starters Listening Part 3 one hundred and Speaking Part 4 and nine _Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters @ listen and colour. There is one example. &) © ese a T1 Tell me about it. It's big. It's black and white. It's got four legs. » one hundred Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre A1 Starters Listening Part 4 and ten and Speaking Part 3 Watch the external Cel R Llc} me ee Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre A1 Starters vp wi j D listen and tick (7). There is one example. ® couse 1 Where are the cats? 2 Where is the duck? > [f@ \Talk;Partners) Listen and point. Ask and answer. © peas Where's the blue bird? )p( It’s on the bike. =~ Where are the red birds? )p( They're between the flowers. ym Watch the external exams video Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre A1 Starters Listening Part 3 one hundred and Speaking Part 2 andeleven 1 Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters Brn @ _ listen and colour.There is one example. § we ome Do you go to school by boat? Melee uel] exams video one hundred Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre A1 Starters Listening Part 4 and twelve and Speaking Part 3 Rene: Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al starters JEW Listen and tick (V).There is one example. ® coer 1 What is Bill wearing today? 2 What is May wearing today? As \ BK a \ © QCA Listen and point. Ask and answer. & : = (He's playing football — i ese) oR ee} Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre Al Starters Listening Part 3 one hundred and Speaking Part 2 king Part 2 and thirteen y cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters pry www / Y ae Listen and draw lines.There is one example. © May Mark Alex Sue a) = Suice. } Do you have juice for breakfast? . — Yes,I do. ) Wie mi Root cule abil ea Tec) one hundred Key learning outcomes: practise for the Pre Al Starters Listening Part 1 and fourteen and Speaking Part 3 ey | | | 1 at y ©’ Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters ‘ meer Cambridge Exams Practice: Pre Al Starters iw one hundred and seventeen External E ams SY oO CON AO UM AWD = Practice (Pupils Book) Pre Al Starters Listening Part 4 Task Wening ond courng Pre Al Starlers Speaking Part 3 Tank Answenng cvestons obout smal petures Pre Al Starters Listening Part 3 Task: Multiple choice picture cloze Pre Al Starters Speaking Part 4 Task Answering questions 1 give personal information Pre AI Starlers Listening Part 1 Task: Matching names and children Pre Al Starters Speaking Port 4 Task: Answering questions to give personal information Pro Al Starters Listening Part 3 Task: Multiple choice picture cloze Pre AI Starters Speaking Part 4 Task: Answering questions fo give personal information Pre AI Starters Listening Part 4 Task: Identilying and cotouring Pre AI Starters Speaking Part 3 Task: Answering questions about smal pictures Pre AI Starters Listening Part 3 Task Mutiple choice picture cloze Pre AT Starters Speaking Part 2 Task: Answering questions and talking ‘about « big picture Pro Al Starters Listoning Part 4 Task: Klenifying and colouring Pre Al Starters Speaking Part 3 Task Answering questions about smal pictures Pre AI Starters Listening Part 3 Tosk: Multiple choice picture cloze Pre AI Slarters Speaking Part 2 Tsk: Answering questions and taking about a big picture Pre AI Starters Listening Port 1 Task: Matching names and children Pre Al Starters Speaking Part 3 Task: Answering questions about small pictures Cambridge Exams Practice (Activity Book) — Pre AI Starters Reading and Wilting Part 2 Task: Writing yes/no answers Pre Al Starters Reading and Writing Part 3 Tsk: Speing words Pre Al Starters Reading and Writing Part 1 Tosk Putting tick / cross answers Pre AI Slarters Reading and Writing Part 4 Tost: Cloze activity Pre AI Starters Reading and Writing Part 4 Task: Cioze activity Pre AT Starters Reading and Writing Part 1 Task: Putting tick / cross answers Pre Al Starters Reading and Writing Part 2 Task: Writing yes / no answers Pre Al Starters Reading and Writing Part 3 Tosk: Speling words Pre AI Startors Reading and Writing Part 1 Task: Putting tick / cross answers Pre AI Starters Reading and Writing Part 2 Tosk: Writing yes / no answers Pre AI Siarlers Reading and Writing Part 5 Tosk: Writing one word answers Pre Al Starters Reading and Writing Port 1 Task: Putting tick / cross answers Pre AT Starters Reading and Writing Part 3 Task: Speling words Pre AI Starlers Reading and Writing Part 4 Task: Cioze ootivity Pre AI Starters Reading and Writing Part 5 Task: iting one word answers Pre Al Starters Reading and Writing Part 3 Task: Speling words Pre AI Starters Reading and Writing Part 4 Task: Cloze activity Pre AT Starters Reading and Writing Part 2 Task: Witing yes / no answers (oachas Resource Bent) Grades 1 and 2 Stating simple facts and describing objects Grades 1 and 2 ‘Asking simple questions and giving personal information Grades 1 and 2 Asking simple questions and giving personal information Grades 1 and 2 ‘Asking simplo questions and giving personal information Graces 1 and 2 Stating simple facts and answering simple questions Grades 1 and 2 Indicating the postion of objects {and stating simple facts Grades 1 and 2 Stating simple facts and asking simple questions Grades 1 and 2 Asking simple questions and stating simple facts Grades 1 and 2 Stating simple facts and asking simple questions one hundred and seventeen \ @- @6.8 @®Wwa €& eee tir.é4 > \ @) i= EN eS For the PUPIL G Pupil’s Book or Pupils Book Basics & Activity Book or Activity Book Basics | & Pupil’s App on NAVIO | © Game-based language practice ‘activities to foster language acquistion © Literacy practice activities © Immersive worlds to explore © Rewards and badges reward success and progress Ieee Grammar Goals - Pupils Book 1 * 4 ry 5 PA ICUTTC TST ICTS ia : 2 ao ic TEACHER ‘@ Teacher's App on NAVIO © Tap and Teach Lessons J ® Integrated cudiio and video ® Integrated classroom management tool © Pupil Progress Tracker © Test Generator © Teachers Resouroe Bank, incluaing: - Additional exam resources and speaking videos = Tests ~ Supplementary teinforcement and extension worksheets ~ Project and Festivals lesson support & Teacher's Book @ Class cDs . @ Flashcards Give Me Five! comes alive in this well-designed digital environment. NAVI Navio helps teachers and pupils use the full potential of the course and ‘additional resources, including instan# Tap and Teach lessons, presentation tools, game-based language practice and a classroom rewards system. ISBN 978-)-360-01348-4 3 Till

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