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The group’s theme is Cyberbullying. The key issues that the group
members settled on focusing are:
1. What is Cyberbullying?
2. What are the effects of Cyberbullying?
Each group member had selected a number of questions in which we
discussed and ruled out ideas relating to the theme “Cyberbullying”. An
article entitled “what are the effects of Cyberbullying?” by showing the many types of effects Cyberbullying has on
people worldwide, An audiovisual entitled, “What is Cyberbullying?”
which shows a detailed explanation of Cyberbullying and what is
considered to be Cyberbullying and the “Effects of Cyberbullying” by was used to explore the highly concerned effects of
These articles and audiovisual were chosen because it reflected the
issues being researched. The audiovisual titled “What is Cyberbullying?”
gives a comprehensive overview of Cyberbullying, the types of
Cyberbullying, How to block bullies and support victims of
Cyberbullying. The articles “Effects of Cyberbullying” and “What are the
Effects of Cyberbullying summarizes the many effects Cyberbullying has
on a person whether mentally, emotionally and physically. These
people are normally humiliated and grow angry, pushing themselves
into isolation making them feel powerless. From the three articles
selected we were able to understand the many different types of
Cyberbullying to bully a person and the mental, emotional and physical
effects on a person due to this abuse and their state of mind.
In conclusion both the questions asked were answered. Cyberbullying
was proved to be far more than bullying a person on social media but
also through Television, Radio, Newspapers and more. The effects of
Cyberbullying also shows the health issues, anxiety, depression and
acting out violently and has given individuals courage to speak out on
how they cope with abuse.

Group members: LeBron Dixon, Talsia Ford, Tristanya Benjamin and

Dominic Sharpe

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