Debt Validation Instructions1

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Debt Validation Instructions


This process is simple four step administrative procedure for dealing with debt collectors, banks or
anyone claiming an amount due on unsecured debt. We did not include the use of a flag or Coats of
Arms/Seals on the documents but we do recommend that you use them if you have them.

We have broken the Debt Validation administrative procedure into four presentments that must be
done in the proper order as shown below. Each presentment has a group of documents that are to be
mailed out to the debt collector or debt collectors and/or alleged creditors claiming the alleged amount
due. You will find a more a more detailed explanation of each presentment below.

The Four Presentments Are as Follows:

1. Presentment 1: Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Debt Validation - Demand verification of the debt
using the templates called "Notice of Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Validation of Debt" and "Debt
Collector Disclosure Statement".
2. Presentment 2: Fault in Dishonor - Use the Fault in Dishonor template to give notice there has been
an insufficient or lack response to your first presentment.
3. Presentment 3: Default Notice - Use the Default Notice template to give the debt collector one last
notice there has been an insufficient or lack response to your first and second presentments. Due
process is now complete.
4. Presentment 4: Estoppel By Acquiescence Notice - This notice is used to inform the Debt Collector
you received no response to the Default Notice and lists the terms and conditions to which they have
agreed by their silence.

Optional Affirmations of Service Included

We have also included two different Affirmations of Service that you can use at your discretion:

1. Witness Service Affirmation Under Notary Seal - This affirmation can be used with a Notary who
takes the oath from your independent third party witness.

2. Service Affirmation Under Seal of Two Witnesses - This affirmation can be used with two witnesses
instead of a Notary.

If you choose to use the Affirmation of Service, do not use both, pick either the Notary or the Two
Witness version and stick with the same version throughout your process.

Required Items

1. 8.5" x 14" Legal Size Paper - We do not use letter (8.5x11) paper for anything. All documents are done
on 8.5" x 14" paper. We recommend Southworth Business Paper which can be found at:

2. Gold Pen - We recommend sealing your first and middle names on your documents in gold.

3. Red Ink Pad - We recommend putting a red thumb print over your gold autograph.

4. Red Pen - We use a red pen when we write our refusal for cause on their offer.

5. 10" x 15" Envelopes - These fit your legal size documents perfectly and can be found at:

6. Registered Mail Label(s) - Label 200. You can get these for free at your local post office.

7. Certified Mail Label(s) - USPS Form 3800 - You can get these for free at your local post office.

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8. Green Return Receipt form - USPS Form 3811. You can get these for free at your local post office.


debt instrument. (1953) A written promise to repay a debt, such as a promissory note, bill, bond, or
commercial paper. Black's Law - 9th Edition

unsecured debt. A debt not supported by collateral or other security. Black's Law - 9th Edition

verify. To confirm or substantiate by oath or affirmation. Particularly used of making formal oath to
accounts, petitions, pleadings, . and other papers. The word "verified," when used in a statute, ordinarily
imports a verity attested by the sanctity of an oath. It is frequently used interchangeably with "sworn."
To prove to be true; to confirm or establish the truth or truthfulness of; to check or test the accuracy or
exactness of; to confirm or establish the authenticity of; to authenticate; to maintain; to affirm; to
support; second; back as a friend. Black's Law - 5th Edition

performance, n. (16c) 1. The successful completion of a contractual duty, usu. resulting in the
performer's release from any past or future liability. Black's Law - 9th Edition

refused for cause. UCC 3-501(3)(ii) refuse payment or acceptance for failure of the presentment to
comply with the terms of the instrument, an agreement of the parties, or other applicable law or rule.

Timelines for Response and Administrative Process

You receive offer regarding an alleged amount due. Pursuant to the FDCPA you have 30 days to dispute
the debt. Technically this does not apply to living men and women but we are to stay in honor. Use nunc
pro tunc to move the date if you need to get the date within the 30 day window. You can even move it
within 3 days of receipt of the letter from the debt collector if you wish. You can change the twenty-one
(21) day window on the Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Debt Validation if you need to, but you must
always give a minimum of three days for any presentment.

Example usage of Nunc Pro Tunc: "This Notice is nunc pro tunc to the First day of November, Two
Thousand and Twelve."

Default Timelines

Please note that your delivery times will be longer if using registered mail.

1. Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Debt Validation: 3 days for delivery + 21 days for review + 3 for
2. Fault in Dishonor: 3 days for delivery + 3 days for review + 3 for return.
3. Default Notice: 3 days for delivery + 3 days for review + 3 for return.
3. Notice of Estoppel: 3 days for delivery + 3 days for review + 3 for return.


1. Certified Mail - When sending from fiction to fiction, Notary to fiction, democracy to democracy,
2. Registered Mail - man to man, living to living, republic to republic, republic to democracy,
3. Flag on your docs - Flag indicates jurisdiction - war? peace?
4. Coat of Arms or Seal on your docs - your protective emblem of your family or tribe. We suggest
including it if you have one.
5. Notary - Use if you wish. A notary is only for doing Acknowledgements and Jurats. Do not use them to
witness and mail the documents. Use the notary to take the Oath or Affirmation from the witness that
the documents were mailed.

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Understanding the name, Name and NAME

The living soul is always and ever written in lower case and does not possess a surname (last name). The
living soul was given a first and maybe middle name at birth (berth). This is the common name many call
the soul. A trust, estate, 14th amendment person, and/or corporation has an Upper-Lower case or ALL
CAPITAL first middle and surname. The surname is not given, it is the last right in Roman Law and what
the Crown lays copyright to, in order to form a "new creation".

john alfred - a living man, living beneficiary of the divine trust, living beneficiary of the birth trust, a
spirit circumscribed in flesh, the flesh lives and the blood flows

John Alfred Doe - the first trust, created at birth (birth certificate application),a vessel, commonly found
on birth certificates

JOHN ALFRED DOE - the second trust, created when the birth certificate is sold to the private central
bank of the nation (to the Federal Reserve in the US), a vessel, commonly found on social security or
insurance cards.

Understanding Addresses

We are of the school of thought that we want to operate our administrative processes as the living
man/woman. Therefore, we generally write our addresses in the following method. We have also
included an example of how corporate addresses are written so you can see the difference. We do not
recommend using a zip code, even in brackets for the living man. We add

Living Man

john alfred, a man

123 Livingman Road
BigCity, State

Address in the Democracy



Presentment 1: Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Debt Validation - Timeline -

3 Days for Delivery + 21 Days for Review + 3 for Mailing

You have received a letter, statement, document, or sundry alleging you owe a debt. This is the first part
of the package we return to the claimant. This package will include the documents listed below in the
Presentment #1 Contents list. Be sure to replace all red text and change it back to black. Do not change
the red border around the Notice of Offer to Perform document. The Notice of Offer to Perform gives
the Debt Collector/Alleged Creditor twenty-one (21) days for the first package but you can change this
depending on your situation. You can add as many debt collectors/alleged creditors as you need to for
this process. Make copies of their debt demand instrument and make as many originals to match as well
if you need to send to multiple collectors. Each debt collector/alleged creditor should receive a full

Presentment #1 Contents:

1. Original or Copy of instrument issued claiming an alleged amount due marked REFUSAL FOR CAUSE WITHOUT
DISHONOR. See below.
2. Original Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Debt Validation - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 2 leaves
3. Original Debt Collector Disclosure Statement - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 3 leaves
4. Optional Affirmation of Service - Use either the Notary or Two Witness version - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf

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Detailed instructions for each document:

Original or Copy of instrument alleging debt - This will be a notice, bill, claim or any document from the
debt collector. You can write on the first page (and last page if more than 1 page) in red ink at a 45
degree angle: REFUSED FOR CAUSE WITHOUT DISHONOR. Then seal it with your fist and middle names
in lower case letters and date it within three days of receipt. This can be put in the red box. It should
look like this but at a 45 degree angle (in a red box if you use it):


by: yourfirst yourmiddle
February 3, 2013

Notice of Claimant's Offer to Perform Upon Validation of Debt - Replace all parts in red with your
information as it applies to your situation. You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors
as you deem fit. Seal this at the bottom in gold ink with your first and middle names. Be sure to write in
the date.

yourfirst: your first name in lower case letters

yourmiddle: your middle name in lower case letters
YourLast: Your Last name in Upper Lower case letters
man/woman: select which is appropriate
12345 YourStreet Avenue: your street address
YourCity: your city
YourState: your state spelled out
[12345]: your zip code in brackets
John Smith: Name of living soul at debt collector. Call them and get a name if you don't have
one. Even the person answering the phone is sufficient.
Certified Mail Number: This is the certified/registered mail number you are using for your
c/o DEBT COLLECTORS, INC, JOHN SMITH: This is the company name and the all caps fiction
name of the debt collector.
123 Duress Road: Debt collectors street address.
DebtCity: Debt collectors city
DebtState: Debt collectors state
[12345]: Debt collectors zip code
In Re: Respondent: YOURFIRST YOURLAST: Your all caps UPPER CASE name. They can't charge
you, only your estate trust.
Alleged Creditor: This is the debt collector or alleged creditor of the account.
Alleged Account: This is the account number upon which the debt collector is trying to collect.
Alleged Amount: This is the amount of the debt collectors alleged claim.
yourcounty: This is your county in lower case letters.
yourstate: This is your unincorporated state/republic/commonwealth in lower case letters.

Debt Collector Disclosure Statement - Replace all parts in red with your information as it applies to your
situation. You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors as you deem fit.
Seal this at the bottom in gold ink with your first and middle names. Be sure to write in the date.

By: Certified Mail Number: This is the certified/registered mail number you are using for your
Respondent: Your estate all capital uppercase name.
Alleged Account Number: This is the alleged account number the debt collector is claiming an
alleged amount due.
Alleged Amount: This is the alleged amount you are supposed to owe to debt collector.
Debt Collector: This is the debt collector alleging the amount due and owing.


Once complete put all items in a 10"x15" envelope and mail to debt collector via certified/registered
mail. You can also use registered mail if you wish. Your timer should start on the day of delivery, which is
why using registered mail may be too slow in some situations.

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Presentment 2: Fault in Dishonor in Dishonor - Timeline 3 Days for Delivery +
Days for Review + 3 Days for Return

The Fault in Dishonor is the second presentment to the debt collector(s) and/or alleged creditor(s). This
is your second offer giving the respondent due process to respond timely and honorably in case there
was a mistake on their part for failing to respond. You can add as many debt collectors/alleged creditors
as you need to for this process.

Presentment Contents:

1. Original Fault in Dishonor in Dishonor - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf

2. Optional Affirmation of Service - Use either the Notary or Two Witness version - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf
3. Complete copy of Presentment #1 - It is suggested all papers be marked in red with "COPY".

Here is the breakdown of what to put in each field of the Fault in Dishonor in Dishonor.

Fault in Dishonor in Dishonor - Change all parts in red with your information as it applies to your
situation. You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors as you deem fit.

yourfirst: your first name in lower case letters

yourmiddle: your middle name in lower case letters
YourLast: Your Last name in Upper Lower case letters
man/woman: select which is appropriate
12345 YourStreet Avenue: your street address
YourCity: your city
YourState: your state spelled out
[12345]: your zip code in brackets
John Smith: Name of living soul at debt collector. Call them and get a name if you don't have
one. Even the person answering the phone is sufficient.
Certified Mail Number: This is the certified/registered mail number you are using for your
c/o DEBT COLLECTORS, INC, JOHN SMITH: This is the company name and the all caps fiction
name of the debt collector.
123 Duress Road: Debt collectors street address.
DebtCity: Debt collectors city
DebtState: Debt collectors state
[12345]: Debt collectors zip code
In Re: YOURFIRST YOURLAST, Alleged Account Number: This is your all capital letters estate
name and the account number upon which the debt collector is trying to collect.
yourcounty: This is your county in lower case letters.
yourstate: This is your unincorporated state/republic/commonwealth in lower case letters.


Once complete put all items in a 10"x15" envelope and mail to debt collector via certified/registered
mail. You can also use registered mail if you wish. Your timer should start on the day of delivery, which is
why using registered mail may be too slow in some situations.

Presentment 3: Default Notice - Timeline 3 Days for Delivery + Days for

Review + 3 Days for Return
Presentment Contents:

1. Original Default Notice in Dishonor - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf

2. Optional Affirmation of Service - Use either the Notary or Two Witness version - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf
3. Complete copy of Presentment #1 - It is suggested all papers be marked in red with "COPY".
4. Complete copy of Presentment #2 - It is suggested all papers be marked in red with "COPY".

The Default Notice in Dishonor is your final offer giving the respondent one last chance to honor your
presentments. Technically the respondent has three (3) days to respond to your final Default Notice.
After there has been no response this portion of the administrative procedure is complete. The
procedure can then be taken into a private court for declatory judgment if you did everything correctly
however that process is beyond the scope of this document.

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Here is the breakdown of what to put in each field of the Default Notice in Dishonor.

Default Notice in Dishonor - Change all parts in red with your information as it applies to your situation.
You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors as you deem fit.

yourfirst: your first name in lower case letters

yourmiddle: your middle name in lower case letters
YourLast: Your Last name in Upper Lower case letters
man/woman: select which is appropriate
12345 YourStreet Avenue: your street address
YourCity: your city
YourState: your state spelled out
[12345]: your zip code in brackets
John Smith: Name of living soul at debt collector. Call them and get a name if you don't have
one. Even the person answering the phone is sufficient.
Certified Mail Number: This is the certified/registered mail number you are using for your
c/o DEBT COLLECTORS, INC, JOHN SMITH: This is the company name and the all caps fiction
name of the debt collector.
123 Duress Road: Debt collectors street address.
DebtCity: Debt collectors city
DebtState: Debt collectors state
[12345]: Debt collectors zip code
In Re: YOURFIRST YOURLAST, Alleged Account Number: This is your all capital letters estate
name and the account number upon which the debt collector is trying to collect.
yourcounty: This is your county in lower case letters.
yourstate: This is your unincorporated state/republic/commonwealth in lower case letters.


Once complete put all items in a 10"x15" envelope and mail to debt collector via certified/registered
mail. You can also use registered mail if you wish. Your timer should start on the day of delivery, which is
why using registered mail may be too slow in some situations.

Presentment 4: Estoppel By Acquiescence Notice - Timeline 3 Days for

Delivery + Days for Review + 3 Days for Return
Presentment Contents:

1. Original Notice of Estoppel By Acquiescence Notice - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf
2. Optional Affirmation of Service - Use either the Notary or Two Witness version - 8.5"x14" legal size paper, 1 leaf
3. Complete copy of Presentment #1 - It is suggested all papers be marked in red with "COPY".
4. Complete copy of Presentment #2 - It is suggested all papers be marked in red with "COPY".
5. Complete copy of Presentment #2 - It is suggested all papers be marked in red with "COPY".

The Estoppel By Acquiescence Notice is served 6 days (3 days for response + 3 days for return) after the
Default Notice is delivered. This final notice to the Debt Collector affirms the terms and conditions of
your claim based on the silence of the Debt Collector. This document is not required for the 3-step
administrative process but we liked it and felt its an excellent way to seal the deal. You have effectively
shut all the doors for any adverse action by the Debt Collector.

Default Notice in Dishonor - Change all parts in red with your information as it applies to your situation.
You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors as you deem fit.

yourfirst: your first name in lower case letters

yourmiddle: your middle name in lower case letters
YourLast: Your Last name in Upper Lower case letters
man/woman: select which is appropriate
12345 YourStreet Avenue: your street address
YourCity: your city
YourState: your state spelled out
[12345]: your zip code in brackets

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John Smith: Name of living soul at debt collector. Call them and get a name if you don't have
one. Even the person answering the phone is sufficient.
Certified Mail Number: This is the certified/registered mail number you are using for your
c/o DEBT COLLECTORS, INC, JOHN SMITH: This is the company name and the all caps fiction
name of the debt collector.
123 Duress Road: Debt collectors street address.
DebtCity: Debt collectors city
DebtState: Debt collectors state
[12345]: Debt collectors zip code
In Re: YOURFIRST YOURLAST, Alleged Account Number: This is your all capital letters estate
name and the account number upon which the debt collector is trying to collect.
yourcounty: This is your county in lower case letters.
yourstate: This is your unincorporated state/republic/commonwealth in lower case letters.


Once complete put all items in a 10"x15" envelope and mail to debt collector via certified/registered
mail. You can also use registered mail if you wish. Your timer should start on the day of delivery, which is
why using registered mail may be too slow in some situations.

Optional Affirmations of Service

The optional Affirmations of Service are not required but you may want to use them depending on your

Witness Service Affirmation Under Notary Seal - Change all parts in red with your information as it
applies to your situation. You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors as you deem fit.

witnessfirst: first name of your witness in lower case letters

witnessmiddle: middle name of your witness in lower case letters
WitnessLast: Last name of your witness in Upper Lower case letters
John Smith: Name of living soul at debt collector. Call them and get a name if you don't have
one. Even the person answering the phone is sufficient.
123 Duress Road: Debt collectors street address.
DebtCity: Debt collectors city
DebtState: Debt collectors state
[12345]: Debt collectors zip code
yourfirst: your first name in lower case letters
yourmiddle: your middle name in lower case letters
YourLast: Your Last name in Upper Lower case letters

Service Affirmation Under Seal of Two Witnesses - Change all parts in red with your information as it
applies to your situation. You may add additional Debt Collectors and Alleged Creditors as you deem fit.

witnessfirst: first name of your witness in lower case letters

witnessmiddle: middle name of your witness in lower case letters
WitnessLast: Last name of your witness in Upper Lower case letters
John Smith: Name of living soul at debt collector. Call them and get a name if you don't have
one. Even the person answering the phone is sufficient.
123 Duress Road: Debt collectors street address.
DebtCity: Debt collectors city
DebtState: Debt collectors state
[12345]: Debt collectors zip code
yourfirst: your first name in lower case letters
yourmiddle: your middle name in lower case letters
YourLast: Your Last name in Upper Lower case letters


Fair Debt Collection Practices Act -

Fair Credit Reporting Act -

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Truth in Lending Act (Regulation Z) -

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