Canada Is A Democratic Constitutional Monarchy

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Canada is a democratic constitutional monarchy.

Iran however is an
untidemocratic islamic republic run buy a teocratic political system.
Canada is also a member of the NATO. On the other hand Iran is a
member of the ICO.

Canada’s unemployment rate is 5.4%, whereas Iran’s rate is 9.2%.

Regarding the top 5 trade partners of these countries, China is the
only country that is common. Other partners in top 5 for Canada are
USA, UK, Japan and Mexico and Turkey, Pakistan, UAE and Germany
for Iran. Both Canada and Iran are producers of crude oil which is one
of their top 3 biggest industries. The other 2 industries for Canada are
automotive and gold mining, and polymers and semi-finished iron for

In Canada life expactancy is around 83 years. In Iran it is below

Canada with a rate of 77 years. Canada attracts population from
other countries, having a migration rate of 6.2. In Iran this is just the
opposite, with a migration rate of -0.5.

English and French are the official languages in Canada. Religious

diversification is high in the country due to the high rate of
immigration from other countries. Still, Christianity is the most
common religion in Canada. In Iran, on the other hand, due to the
teocratic system in the country, Islam is almost the only religion that
counts. Persian is Iran’s official language, which is one of the oldest
languages in the world.

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