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The Raw Material Equivalents

of International Trade
Empirical Evidence for Latin America
Pablo Muñoz, Stefan Giljum, and Jordi Roca

industrial ecology This article aims at estimating the raw material equivalents
input−output analysis (IOA) (RMEs)—the upstream used material flows required along
material flow analysis (MFA) the production chain—of imports and exports for some
physical trade balance Latin American countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
raw material consumption
and Mexico. Furthermore, the United States is included in
the analysis as a reference for a high-income economy. The
RME concept and the empirical evidence are articulated by
use of an input−output methodology. Results are set out for
the year 2003 for each of the countries and in time series for
the years 1977, 1986, 1996, and 2003 in the case of Chile.
The findings show not only the physical dimensions behind
direct material traded but also how the previous exporter
(importer) position of a country (based on standard material
flow analysis indicators) deteriorates, alleviates, or changes. Im-
plications for material consumption indicators, such as direct
material consumption (DMC) and raw material consumption
(RMC), are also drawn. The results suggest basing the dis-
cussion of material flows on a broader set of indicators to
obtain a more comprehensive picture of the implications of
international trade and its impacts on the environment.

Address correspondence to:

Pablo Muñoz
Institute of Environmental Science
and Technology
Autonomous University of Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain

c 2009 by Yale University
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2009.00154.x

Volume 13, Number 6 Journal of Industrial Ecology 881


lion tonnes of crude ore (more or less) must

Introduction be dug up and processed in South Africa.
In recent years, empirical evidence about in-
ternational trade for some Latin American coun- A similar situation exists in some Latin Amer-
tries showed that these countries are net exporters ican countries, as they also play an important
in terms of direct material flows and consequently role in satisfying world mineral demands. For in-
have a deficit in their physical trade balance stance, Chile is the leading copper supplier in
(PTB; see figure 1).1 Moreover, the data avail- the world; it exported 4.7 million tonnes of con-
able indicate that the physical deficits for all centrated copper in 2003 (one third of the world
these countries have been deteriorating more market). This copper output required approxi-
or less continuously in the last decades. For mately 470 million tonnes of crude ores, which
instance, in 1980 the cumulative PTB deficit remained in the country as waste from metal pro-
for Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico was cessing. Moreover, this country is the fifth world
around 46 million tonnes,2 whereas for 2003 silver supplier (1,312 tonnes and 7.1% of the
the PTB deficit had almost tripled, to 136 mil- world market in 2003). In 2003, Peru was the
lion tonnes.3 Thus, the empirical evidence un- largest and Mexico the second largest silver sup-
til now has revealed a tendency toward an in- plier in the world, producing 2,920 tonnes and
creasing imbalance between exports and imports 2,551 tonnes, respectively. Furthermore, Peru was
in physical terms for Latin American countries the world’s fourth largest gold producer (173
(Giljum 2004; Giljum and Eisenmenger 2004; tonnes and 7.3% of the world market in 2005;
Perez-Rincon 2006, Vallejo 2006; Russi et al. Cochilco 2006). Brazil and Venezuela are also
2008). These physical aspects of international important world suppliers of iron ore and crude
trade are often neglected in conventional eco- oil, respectively, among other materials from the
nomic analyses, although they are important if region.
researchers are to understand ecological inequal- Evidently, the physical exports and imports
ities that take place through international trade. displayed in figure 1 ignore significant indirect
Imbalances in physical terms of trade are related material flows—that is, flows that remain in the
to economic reforms in the region oriented to- exporting countries. Considering PTBs only in
ward liberalization, deregulation, and the pro- terms of commodities that cross the borders thus
motion of exports as the main driving force for neglects those considerable quantities of materi-
inducing economic growth (see, e.g., Gonzales- als that were necessary upstream along the ex-
Martinez and Schandl 2008; Muñoz and Hubacek traction and production stages of the life cycle.
2008). Accounting just for direct flows leads to a cer-
It is important to highlight, however, that in tain bias in the sense that exported and imported
some cases the production of commodities re- commodities are compared at different stages of
quires large quantities of materials that normally processing than domestically extracted materi-
are not accounted for in statistics, because they als (Weisz 2007). Consequently, economy-wide
relate only to direct material flows entering an indicators derived from standard material flow
economic system, either from nature or from an- analysis (MFA), such as direct material consump-
other country through imports. This is mainly the tion (DMC), attribute the ancillary mass of the
case for some mining commodities, such as plat- production of concentrated copper for exports to
inum or copper, for which considerable amounts the domestic “apparent consumption” of these
of crude metal ores usually must be extracted economies.4 Thus, for example, a previous study
to produce a small quantity of pure mineral. As of Chile (Giljum 2004) reports that the aver-
Ayres and colleagues (2004, 60) commented, age Chilean citizen consumed about 44 tonnes of
material per capita in 2000, which is far more
than the average European citizen, who con-
a hundred tonnes of platinum used each year sumed around 15 tonnes per capita in the same
in the United States for industrial and auto- year (Weisz et al. 2006). Therefore, estimat-
motive catalysts requires that a hundred mil- ing indirect flows linked to imports and exports

882 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 1 Physical trade balance (PTB) of selected Latin American countries, various years. Sources: Giljum
(2004), Giljum and Eisenmenger (2004), Perez-Rincon (2006), Vallejo (2006), Gonzales-Martinez and
Schandl (2008), and Russi and colleagues (2008).

allows researchers to reattribute crude metal ores The objective of this article is to estimate the
to international trade flows instead of domestic direct and indirect (in terms of used extraction)
demand. material flows—that is, the RME of the export
Thus, if the aim is to measure the physical and import commodities of some Latin American
terms of trade (and investigate their ecological countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and
implications), it seems appropriate to consider Mexico) as an empirical measure of the physical
not only direct flows of exports or imports but also exchange for these economies. Subsequently, tak-
the indirect flows associated with trade. To mea- ing into account the RME of imports and exports
sure the indirect flows associated with interna- as well as the final domestic demand, we can esti-
tional trade, Eurostat (2001, 23–24) suggests es- mate the material “consumption” for those coun-
timating the “up-stream indirect flows expressed tries in terms of RME, also called raw material
as the Raw Material Equivalent (RME) of the ex- consumption (RMC) in the Eurostat (2001) ter-
ported and imported products” (see also OECD minology. The RMC indicator thus differs from
2007). It is important to note that the concept the standard indicator of DMC, as it includes
of RME refers only to “used materials”—that is, trade flows as RMEs instead of only direct trade
those material flows that enter economic pro- flows. These indicators based on RMEs offer a
cesses. The other component of these indirect different perspective than other indicators de-
flows, unused extraction, is not included in RME rived in previous studies on Latin America as well
and, despite its ecological relevance, is not con- as empirical evidence of concepts developed in
sidered here. Material inputs included in RME the Eurostat (2001) guidebook for material flow
are therefore necessary to produce an output. A accounting.
certain portion of such inputs, however, is em- This article is structured as follows: The next
bodied in the final outputs, whereas the rest of section presents the method we used to esti-
the material is dissipated along the production mate the RME of imports and exports; tech-
chain or recycled. niques related to input−output analysis (IOA)

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 883


are described. Subsequently, we present the re- mental pressures take place, to satisfy Norway’s
sults for the RME associated with exports and im- consumption. They found that CO2 emissions
ports for the economies under analysis and discuss embodied in imports were 67% of Norway’s do-
the trade balances and material consumption of mestic emissions. Around half of this embodied
the countries. Finally, we make some concluding pollution originated in developing countries. Ser-
remarks. rano and Roca (2008) analyzed the emissions
for various atmospheric pollutants embodied in
Spanish imports and exports. They conclude that,
for most of the contaminants, Spain is a “net ex-
In the past few years, a number of studies were porter” of pollution, so the emissions embodied
conducted that highlight the importance of con- in the imports are higher than those contained
sidering the environmental impacts of interna- in the exports.
tionally traded products (Ahmad and Wyckoff A small number of studies have focused on
2003; Nijdam et al. 2005; Peters and Hertwich the material requirements of traded commodi-
2006; Helm et al. 2007). Such studies assess indi- ties. Explanations could be found in the urgent
cators of the environmental performance of coun- need to mitigate climate change effects, the ex-
tries, also taking into account those impacts that plicit link between emissions and environmental
take place beyond the boundaries of the coun- impacts, and data availability. Giljum and col-
tries themselves. In this respect, analytical mea- leagues (2008) showed that although per capita
sures of environmental responsibilities suggest a resource extraction levels are, in general, signif-
change from a production-based principle (PBP), icantly lower in developing countries compared
such as that implemented in the Kyoto Proto- to developed countries, from a consumption per-
col, to a consumption-based principle (CBP). In spective, a further shift from developing to devel-
the PBP, environmental responsibilities are re- oped countries through international trade can
stricted to geographical borders. This means that be observed, due to the high indirect material
indicators only capture the environmental pres- flows of developing countries’ exports. Using a
sures that are linked to the production of national static input–output approach, researchers have
goods and exports. The CBP implies a reattri- shown that the Chilean exports required around
bution of embodied environmental pressures as- 80% of the direct material inputs (DMI) in 1996
sociated with exports to foreign countries and (Muñoz and Roca 2006). Weisz (2007) estimates
the addition to domestic environmental respon- the indirect material flows of Denmark’s imports
sibilities those impacts that take place abroad as being roughly twice as large as its exports. Nij-
(for further details, see the work by Munksgaard dam and colleagues (2005) point out that a large
and Pedersen [2001]; Lenzen et al. [2007]; Peters number of indicators of environmental pressure
[2008]). (land use, fish extraction, water use) take place
These two concepts have an increasing im- in non-OECD countries. In a similar perspective,
portance in the context of inventories of na- Schütz and colleagues (2004) argue that consid-
tional emissions. When indicators are based on ering the total material requirements in interna-
the CBP, countries’ performance may change tional trade of the European Union (EU) leads
considerably. For instance, Helm and colleagues one to reconsider material decoupling trends for
(2007) emphasize that the United Kingdom’s car- this region, given that the EU has increasingly
bon dioxide (CO2 ) emission record relies on com- shifted environmental burdens to the countries
modity imports from developing countries, which of the South. Thus, recent studies have added
are carbon intensive. A more detailed discussion a CBP to the traditional PBP to consider en-
in this realm has also been carried out by Ahmad vironmental aspects of international trade. This
and Wyckoff (2003), who highlight that emis- allows for a more accurate picture of the envi-
sions of the OECD countries measured by a CBP ronmental responsibilities and a better under-
were 5% higher than emissions determined with standing of phenomena such as dematerialization
the PBP. Peters and Hertwich (2006) also identi- or decarbonization trends for some countries or
fied the specific region where the major environ- regions.

884 Journal of Industrial Ecology


The Model From the former equations it is possible, as

indicated by Pulido and Fontella (1993, 92–97),
At a methodological level, IOA offers a suit-
to estimate the sectoral production requirements
able analytical framework for operationalizing
distinguishing between nationally produced com-
the RME concept and empirical evidence, tracing
modities and imports needed to satisfy a certain
back the material requirements of traded com-
level of final demand. To obtain this, we must
modities at the different stages of production and
rewrite equations (2) and (3) in terms of the tech-
extraction.5 The analysis begins with a static and
nical coefficients matrix and break down the final
open IOA, in which the balance between total
demand for domestically produced commodities,
supply and total commodity use is represented by
yd , into its exported share, e, and its share for do-
equation (1). The supply side is reflected by the
mestic final demand, f, (i.e., yd minus exports).
total domestic production and total imports, con-
Thus, it is gathered that
tained in vector xt . The demand side, represented
by the right-hand side of equation (1), displays xd = Ad .xd + ( f + e) ⇔ xd
information about commodity use. Matrix Zt de-
notes the total commodities (including imports = (I − Ad )−1 .( f + e) (5)
and domestic production) for intermediate use
(IU); i is an auxiliary vector of ones; and yt is m = Am .xd + ym ⇔ m
the vector of total final demand (FD), which also
= Am (I − Ad )−1 .( f + e) + ym (6)
includes exports and domestic final demand.
xt = Z t i + yt (1) From equations (5) and (6), it is feasible to es-
timate the domestic production requirements for
Moreover, it is also possible to split up equa- any level of domestic final demand (f) and exports
tion (1) between domestically produced and im- (e), with consistency in IU import requirements
ported commodities, as shown in equations (2) (Pulido and Fontella 1993).
and (3), respectively:
xd = Z d i + yd (2) Environmental Extended IOA

m = Z m i + ym (3) We can extend equation (5) to MFA by

adding a domestic vector of material intensity, in
Likewise, variables are defined similarly as in which the domestic material requirements are ex-
equation (1), but their origins and use are dif- pressed per unit of commodity output. Although
ferentiated between national production and im- standard economy-wide MFA does not provide
ports. Thus, xd is the vector of domestic produc- information on sectoral material flows, data on
tion; Zd is the matrix of domestic IU; vector yd domestic material extraction (DE) can be linked
describes the final demand for domestically pro- to the respective economic sectors. For example,
duced commodities, including household con- the extraction of agricultural products is linked
sumption, investment in fixed capital, govern- to the agriculture sector, the extraction of metal
ment expenditure, and exports; m is a vector of ores and minerals is linked to the mining sector,
total imports—that is, imports for IU and FD; and so on. (See a more detailed explanation of
Zm is the matrix of imported commodities for IU, the link between physical and monetary statis-
which reflects the imported commodities that are tics in the Data subsection). This extension of
necessary to produce other commodities within the model is represented by equation (7):
the system; and ym is a vector of imported com-
modities for final demand. q D∗ E = q̂ DxdE xd = q̂ DxdE (I − Ad )−1 ( f + e) (7)
Furthermore, when we express the quantities
where q̂ DxdE is a diagonalized intensity vector of
of commodities Zd and Zm, as a proportion of
DE per unit of domestic commodity output, xd .
the domestic output,6 xd , the so-called matrix of
The term q D∗ E in equation (7) gives information
technical coefficients, Ai, is obtained:
about the domestic material requirement reat-
At ≡ Z t x̂t−1 ; Ad ≡ Z d x̂d−1 ; Am ≡ Z m x̂d−1 (4) tributed to the domestic final demand as well

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 885


as the foreign demand. Additionally, it is possi- In this model, “autonomous trade flows” are as-
ble to separate the components of the final de- sumed (for details, see the work by Lenzen et al.
mand, which provides the DE necessary to satisfy [2004] or Munksgaard et al. [2005]). Moreover,
domestic final demand, by equation (8): we have used a matrix A in monetary terms; re-
sults may change when the coefficient matrix is
q D E = q̂ DxdE (I − Ad )−1 f
based on a physical IO table or on a hybrid table,
The DE necessary to produce exports is given by in which primary and manufacturing sectors are
equation (9): expressed in physical units and the service sectors
are expressed in monetary units (Weisz 2007).
q De E = q̂ DxdE (I − Ad )−1 e (9)
Further assumptions are intrinsic to the general
The import model presented in equation (6) IO technique (see Miller and Blair 1985).
accounts for import requirements of an economy. Thus, if we assume that the technology of pro-
To identify the upstream material requirements duction, (I−At )−1 , and the material intensity,
of the commodities imported, it is necessary to q̂ DxdE , are the same as the economy under analysis,
incorporate the technology used for producing we can obtain equation (10) by premultiplying
them, expressed in the Leontief inverse matrix equation (6) by these terms:
(I−At )−1 , as well as the linkage between the pro-
duction output and material used, q̂ DxdE . Tracing q Dm E = q̂ DxdE (I − At )−1 m
import flows back to their country of origin re- I
quires considerable data, however. It is not suffi-
= q̂ DxdE (I − At )−1 Am (I − Ad )−1 ( f + e)
cient to know only the technology and the mate-     
rial intensities of the commodities imported from
different countries; it is also necessary to include + q̂ DxdE (I − At ) ym
data of the bilateral trade interrelations among IV
these regions.
Due to data limitations and to keep the calcu- where the term I provides general information
lation method simple, we have made a restrictive about the RME needed to meet total imports. In-
assumption in the model, which assumes that the termediate inputs have not yet been reattributed
import commodities are produced with the same to final demand in this term. Splitting up I into
technology and input coefficients as the coun- II, III, and IV gives insights of the “final desti-
try under analysis. This assumption of a similar nations” of the material import requirements: II
technology could be interpreted as the materials provides information about the upstream mate-
“saved” through imports. This is, to some extent, rial requirements for producing a unit of imports,
a rather unrealistic assumption, given that the whereas III allows us to estimate the import needs
main trade partners of these countries are devel- for the intermediate use of domestic production,
oped countries with different production tech- and IV represents the RME for satisfying the final
nologies and structures. Therefore, it is expected demand of imported goods.
that technology and intensities are dissimilar. As Therefore, from equation (10), it is feasible
a consequence, one might expect that the en- to estimate the RME that is necessary abroad to
vironmental responsibilities abroad are less than satisfy the domestic final demand of domestically
the estimates here, as technology in developed produced commodities:
countries is expected to be less material intensive
than in developing countries. Researchers have q̂ mf = q̂ DxdE (I − At )−1 Am (I − Ad )−1 f (11)
relaxed this kind of assumption in recent stud-
ies by using multiregional IOA (Nijdam et al. It is also possible to account for imported ma-
2005; Peters and Hertwich, 2006; Giljum et al. terials necessary to produce exports, which are a
2008). This approach is out of the scope of this kind of “transit” flows in this analytical frame-
article, however. Another aspect not captured by work, given by
the model is the feedback trade loops that refer
q̂ DemE = q̂ DxdE (I − At )−1 Am (I − Ad )−1 e (12)
to the production dependency between countries.

886 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 1 Estimates of imports and exports in terms of raw material equivalents (RME)
Raw material trade balance
RME of imports RME of exports
Equation (11) Imported materials necessary to Equation (9) Domestic material
produce domestic final extraction necessary
demand for domestically to produce exports
produced commodities
Equation (12) Imported materials needed to Equation (12) Imported materials
produce exports, which are a needed to produce
sort of “transit” flow exports, which are a
sort of “transit” flow
Equation (13) Imported materials required to - -
meet the goods and services
that are directly imported to
satisfy the final demand

Finally, the material requirements necessary and use tables (SUTs) are available for a con-
to satisfy the final demand of imports are esti- siderable number of Latin American countries.
mated as follows: Using the same base year allows comparison be-
tween countries that fulfill these data require-
q DY mE = q̂ DxdE (I − At )−1 ym (13)
ments: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and
Mexico. The United States is also included in
Raw Material Trade Balance and RMC
the analysis, as an empirical case of a high-income
economy. Additionally, Chile is analyzed in time
As we have already mentioned in the intro- series for 1977, 1986, 1996, and 2003.
duction, the PTB is defined as direct imports mi- SUTs are developed and provided by the cor-
nus direct exports. From previous methodological responding institutes of statistics or central banks
analysis, the imports and exports in terms of RME of the countries7 under investigation. In some
can be derived as shown in table 1. These indi- cases, however, SUTs were converted from pur-
cators are the basis for calculating raw material chasers’ prices into basic prices to reflect as ac-
trade balances (RTBs)—that is, RME of imports curately as possible the inputs required by each
minus RME of exports. sector, because purchasers’ prices include taxes
Note that it is possible to use solely the term I and transport margins. This was particularly the
in equation (10) for import estimates. The right- situation for the SUTs of Brazil, Colombia, and
hand side of equation (10) is preferred, however, Ecuador. For Chile and Mexico, the SUTs were
due to the fact that all intermediate material im- available in basic prices, whereas for the United
ports were reattributed to the final demand, thus States, the SUT was utilized in producer’s prices.
allowing a comparison of the environmental pres- Furthermore, in the cases of Brazil, Colombia,
sures for the different components of final use. Ecuador, and the United States, we needed to
Finally, the RMC is estimated for each country split the SUTs into the domestic table and the
as follows: import table by using a straightforward propor-
RMC = DE + RME of imports, equations tionality assumption, which implies that each in-
(11), (12) and (13) − RME of exports, equations dustry used the imported commodity in propor-
(9) and (12) tion to the total quantity used of this product. For
further details about these two data harmoniza-
tion tasks, see the working paper by Yamano and
The model is fixed to 2003 because this is Ahmad (2006). We used IOTs in a commodity-
the most recent and common year that supply by-commodity formulation obtained from SUTs

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 887


by applying the industry-based technology this study does not entail water or air, consistent
assumption.8 with most MFA studies.
With regard to the combination of biophys- Furthermore, the DE indicator is aggregated
ical and economic data, a certain level of un- from a list of more than 200 materials, accord-
certainty remains. Because the different material ing to the commodity classification provided in
data are compiled separately from the industry in the SUTs. All the empirical outcomes should
which the materials have been extracted, assign- be taken cautiously, because they are dependent
ing materials to industries carries a lack of cer- on the data quality. Moreover, each SUT was
tainty. This is mainly due to the fact that not only kept with its own classification; this implies that
does the main or primary industry extract a spe- sectoral comparisons between countries should
cific material, but other industries also deal with be even more cautiously understood, because
the same material in secondary production. For each nation uses its own commodity or industry
this reason, a commodity-by-commodity formu- classification, such as the Central Product
lation is applied whereby secondary production Classification (CPC), the International Stan-
is reattributed to the main (primary) industry, dard Industrial Classification (ISIC), or the
which reduces the risk of incorrect allocations North American Industry Classification System
(see the work by Miller and Blair [1985] for fur- (NAICS).
ther details). Subsequently, the biophysical data
have been aggregated by material descriptions
into the same disaggregation level as the SUT Results
and combined with the corresponding commodi-
The RME of Exports and Imports
ties. In addition, material allocations allow us to
obtain the material intensity of different indus- Considering RME of imports and exports
tries by dividing the material vector by the total is crucial for understanding the environmental
output vector (see equation 7). Note that these pressures of international trade. The physical di-
intensities refer not to the tonnes of materials mensions behind the direct trade flows change
that result as an output from the economic sys- considerably in some cases. As a starting point,
tem (e.g., tonnes of refined copper) but rather to table 2 presents the RME, direct material flows,
the total materials that cross the border of the and indirect material flows attributed to imports
environmental−economic system when they are and exports10 of the countries under analysis.
extracted (e.g., copper ore with a concentration RME stems from the methodological framework
of approximately 1% of the metal). presented in the previous section. Direct material
Given the base year, 2003, the correspond- flows that cross the system boundaries (or coun-
ing material data are also restricted to this time try borders) are obtained from previous studies
period. Chile’s material flow data are based on (see figure 1). Finally, we estimate indirect flows,
the estimates made by Giljum (2004). In addi- as Eurostat (2001) suggested, by subtracting the
tion, we have updated MFA indicators for Chile direct flows from the RME.
from 2001 until 2005 and combined particularly The findings indicate that, on average, each
2003 data with the IOT for that specific period. ton exported by Chile needs around 25 tonnes of
The global material flow database by the Sus- indirect flows that remain in the country in the
tainable Europe Research Institute (SERI 2008; form of waste and emissions. Part of the indirect
see, which was devel- flows could eventually be recycled, however. The
oped and is currently updated in EU research relation is significantly less when fossil fuels are
projects and which reports DE of all countries in a considerable part of exports, as, for example, in
the world on the basis of international statistics,9 Ecuador (0.4 t of indirect flows for each ton of
is used for the rest of the countries. The model direct flows) or Mexico (0.7 t). When exports are
estimates the RME in terms of “used” domestic led by biomass, the coefficients are 4.6 and 1.3 for
materials. This implies that unused extraction has Brazil and Colombia, respectively. The quantity
not been taken into account in this study. It is of indirect flows related to imports tends to be
also important to mention that the DE used in less variable, ranging between 0.1 t for Brazil and

888 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 2 Physical trade flows in terms of raw material equivalents (RME), direct flows, and indirect flows in
millions of tonnes (Mt) for 2003
Country Exports Imports

RME Direct flows Indirect flows RME Direct flows Indirect flows
a b a–b c d c–d
Brazila 1,164 341 823 817 108 709
Chile 700 27 673 66 26 40
Colombia 178 76 101 55 14 41
Ecuador 29 21 20 7 14
Mexico 411 244 167 421 185 236
United 1,334 319 1,015 1,970 488 1,482
a Direct
material flows for Brazil and the United States are our own estimates based on the previous works of Machado
(2001) and Rogich and colleagues (2008).

0.8 t for Mexico. For the rest of the countries, the services. Interpretations of import results must
coefficients are contained in that interval. be considered carefully, however, because of the
Moreover, figure 2 presents the net mate- restrictive assumption regarding the technology
rial trade balances—that is, physical material used for producing imported commodities (see
imports minus exports in terms of RME (RTB) the Methodology section).
and in terms of direct material flows (PTB) for the Figure 3 illustrates the RME of imports and
economies under analysis. Findings indicate that exports of different commodity groups. In gen-
for some countries the deficit in PTB increases eral, one observes a clear tendency toward exports
when the material trade balance is estimated from of primary commodities for developing countries
an RME perspective. This is especially the case for (more than 80% of total exports), especially for
Chile, as we intuitively expected, given that large Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico. The case
flows of ore minerals were assigned away from do- of Brazil appears less clear; exports of primary
mestic consumption to exports: The equilibrium commodities represent almost 40%. If the food in-
in terms of PTB thus turns into a huge deficit in dustry is included, however (which is part of light
terms of RTB. For Brazil and Colombia the situa- industries in figure 3), the proportion of primary
tion is similar, although less evident: The deficits commodity exports in total exports also increases
in material trade balances increase from 233 Mt to 60%. For the United States, the exports of pri-
(PTB) to 347 Mt (RTB) for Brazil and from 62 Mt mary commodities are around 48%, which may be
(PTB) to 123 Mt (RTB) for Colombia. In the case surprising for a high-income economy and most
of the United States, the surplus in material trade probably cannot be generalized to the majority of
balances increases from 170 Mt (PTB) to 636 Mt the richer countries. Conversely, more than 50%
(RTB). A different result is found for Ecuador, of the imports of these countries, including the
where the deficit decreases from 15 Mt (PTB) to United States, are assigned to heavy industries
9 Mt (RTB) when it is measured in terms of RME. and services as their final sectoral destination.
This is because of the indirect material flows of Furthermore, figure 4 presents the whole meta-
imports, driven by manufactured goods, which bolism of each system, showing the economy-
require more material inputs along the produc- wide balances in physical and monetary terms
tion chain than exports, which are dominated for the countries under study. We also present
by oil. Mexico is an interesting case, because the balances in monetary units to contrast poten-
material trade balance changes from a deficit in tial asymmetries between physical and mone-
PTB to a surplus in RTB when indirect flows are tary units. Moreover, figure 4 shows an overview
accounted for with respect to traded goods and of how these economies are supplied with

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 889


Figure 2 Raw material trade balances and physical trade balances (in millions of tonnes for 2003).

material resources, distinguishing between im- RTB; the RME of exports was larger than that
ports and domestic supply flows, on the one hand, of imports. In the MTB, imports were around
and the final demand, on the other hand, and dif- 9% larger than exports for these two countries,
ferentiating between domestic consumption and whereas Colombia’s physical exports were three
exports. Thus, the results give a general idea of times as large as its imports, and Ecuador’s ex-
how economies meet their needs, both in physi- ports were 44% larger than its imports. Finally,
cal and in monetary terms, showing the key role Mexico’s and the United States’ MTBs exhibit
of international trade for the different countries. higher imports than exports, by 5% and 53%,
The monetary trade balances (MTB) were respectively, showing a surplus of 2% and 51%
more or less in equilibrium for Chile, Colombia, in the RTB (the RMEs of exported commodities
Ecuador, and Mexico, and the value of exports were smaller than those of imported products).
was in the same range as the value of imports,
with a variation of a maximum of 9%. In com-
RMC versus DMC
parison, Brazilian export values were 28% larger
than imports, and the United States’ exports were In general terms, material consumption is de-
53% less than its imports. The physical side of fined as DE plus imports minus exports. As it is
international trade presents large asymmetries in clearly derived from this analysis, the way ex-
the RTB for most of the countries, apart from ports and imports are measured does matter for
Mexico. For instance, whereas Brazilian and calculating the levels of material consumption of
Chilean exports were larger than imports in economies. Differences can be explained by ex-
monetary terms, the RTB had a deficit of 42% clusion versus inclusion of indirect material flows
and 1,000% (exports were around ten times of trade. Whereas DMC considers only the di-
larger than imports), respectively. Colombia and rect material embodied in exports and imports,
Ecuador not only show higher values of total im- RMC adds the indirect flows required upstream
ports than of exports but also present a deficit in along the production chain—that is, it accounts

890 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 3 Import (m) and export (x) structures based on raw material equivalents RME for Brazil (BR),
Chile (CL), Colombia (CO), Ecuador (EC), Mexico (MX), and the United States (US) in 2003. Sectoral
comparisons between countries should be carefully interpreted due to countries’ dissimilar commodity
classifications. Nevertheless, high aggregation levels as presented in this figure tend to match.

for imports and exports from the RME perspec- to observe an absolute dematerialization. This is
tive. Thus, RMC can serve as an alternative an- due to a global oil crisis that heavily affected the
alytical measure for material consumption, and Chilean economy during this time. For exam-
it may be more precise than DMC for analyzing ple, household consumption (in constant prices)
countries’ material needs for maintaining a spe- decreased by almost 30% in 1983 in relation to
cific standard of living. 1981. In 1986, it still remained 26% below the
Figure 5 shows Chile’s material consumption 1981 levels. In fact, it took 10 years for household
from both perspectives, RMC and DMC. The consumption to reach the level of 1981.
DMC indicator for the Chilean economy in- From the analysis above, it seems to be more
creased by a factor of around 6 between 1977 appropriate to use RMC than DMC. The dif-
and 2003. Over the same period of time, how- ferences between the approaches are particularly
ever, the RMC indicator only grew by a factor of large for Chile. The use of the RMC indicator
about 2. This is a clear situation in which RMC should especially be considered for other mineral-
should be used instead of DMC if the purpose is extractive economies, such as Peru, which had
to reflect domestic material needs. a DMC per capita of 18 tonnes in 2003 (Russi
Furthermore, DMC per capita in Chile rose et al. 2008). For the rest of the countries, discrep-
from 13 tonnes in 1977 to 47 tonnes in 2003, ancies between DMC and RMC are less clear:
whereas the RMC per capita increased from The differences in value between the indica-
7 tonnes per capita to 10 tonnes per capita for tors do not exceed ±2 tonnes. For Brazil and
the periods under study. In 1986, it is possible Colombia, DMC is still larger than RMC. In the

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 891


Figure 4 Economy-wide physical and monetary balances in 2003. RME = raw material equivalent; RMC =
raw material consumption; BUS$ = Billions of U.S. dollars; GDP = gross domestic product.

case of Mexico and Ecuador the opposite is true, direct flows of exports tend to be larger and more
however, which means that the ratio of indirect variable between countries than flows of imports.
flows is higher for imports than for exports (see This means that each traded ton leaves waste
figure 6). and emissions in the exporting countries. The
quantities of waste and emissions left in export-
ing countries differs according to the structure
Concluding Remarks
of the economy but in some cases the quanti-
RME adds interesting perspectives for mea- ties are considerable. This is especially evident in
suring and analyzing the physical trade relations the case of exporters of metal ores, such as Chile
and the material consumption levels of countries (where each tonne of exports leaves behind, on
in different regions of the world. First, it gives a average, 25 tonnes in the form of indirect flows).
different picture of the physical flows involved in Second, the RME approach provides further
international trade, including not only the direct insights into the net material exporter (or im-
but also the indirect materials required for the porter) position of a country: That is, it offers
production of exports and imports. In general, in- a different analysis of the degree to which a

892 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 4 Continued

country’s level of consumption is sustained by PTB to a surplus in RTB. The results should be
the imports from other nations and articulated carefully interpreted, however, both because of
by international trade. As figure 1 shows, there is data quality and also due to the assumption of
a trend toward equilibrium in terms of the direct the model about imports, which is to some extent
material imports and exports for Chile and to- restrictive.
ward a deficit for Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Additionally, the combination of indicators
Mexico. When we consider RMEs of trade, how- derived from an RME-based analysis and from
ever, this trend is reversed in some cases. In the standard MFA allows us to estimate indirect
case of Chile, the material trade balance is ex- flows. These flows entail interesting measures of
acerbated when RTB is used. Results show that environmental load displacement, because they
Brazil and Colombia remain net exporters of ma- remain in the exporting country but are necessary
terials. Although Ecuador persists with a deficit for the provision of exports.
in the material trade balance, this deficit is allevi- Moreover, the estimates of material consump-
ated when indirect flows are taken into account. tion levels of an economy in terms of RMC
The evidence for Mexico changes, because the and DMC suggest that RMC is more accurate
material trade balance moves from a deficit in in measuring domestic material needs, especially

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 893




Million tonnes






1977 1986 1996 2003

Direct material consumption Consumption in terms of RME

Figure 5 Chile’s domestic consumption expressed in terms of direct material consumption (DMC) and raw
material consumption (RMC) for 1977, 1986, 1996, and 2003. RME = raw material equivalent.

when mining and quarrying play an important ographical borders and including not only the
role in the economy. In general, differences be- direct flows imported or exported but also their
tween DMC and RMC suggest that researchers associated indirect material requirements. In this
reconsider dematerialization trends by measur- way, one can get a more comprehensive perspec-
ing the environmental pressures beyond the ge- tive regarding whether delinking records really

Figure 6 Raw material consumption (RMC) and direct material consumption (DMC) in tonnes per capita
for Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and the United States (2003).

894 Journal of Industrial Ecology


represents a change toward more sustainable so- valuable comments and suggestions. Pablo
cieties or whether countries create clean and Muñoz and Jordi Roca also thank partial finan-
natural environments within their borders by cial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Edu-
merely displacing degrading production beyond cación y Ciencia (project SEJ2006-15219).
their boundaries into other countries with richer
endowments of natural resources and, in some
cases, lower environmental standards. Empiri-
cal results coming from both approaches show 1. According to Eurostat (2001), there is a deficit
that estimates change considerably in the case of in PTB when exports are superior to imports (in
Chile. For the rest of the countries, the difference contrast, the traditional definition is that there is
a deficit in monetary trade balances when exports
between DMC and RMC is not excessive.
are inferior to imports).
Finally, it is worth mentioning the asymme-
2. The term tonne refers to metric tons. One tonne =
tries that occur as a consequence of international 103 kg(SI) ≈ 1.1 short tonnes.
trade between monetary and physical analysis. 3. The figures are restricted to these countries due to
Some of the countries under analysis exhibit a time series data availability.
net importer position in monetary terms but a 4. We use the term apparent consumption to indicate
net exporter situation in physical ones. There that consumption refers not only to final consump-
is no doubt that the price relation between ex- tion (in the sense of satisfying different categories
ported and imported commodities plays an im- of final demand, e.g., household consumption and
portant role in these results. As we have shown, investment) but also to consumption by interme-
South American exports are intensive in natu- diate production.
5. For a very early application of the material balance
ral resources and are in many cases largely based
principle and IOA, see the work by Victor (1972).
on nonrenewable ones. Recent economic poli-
6. The symbol ∧ refers to a vector that has been diag-
cies in the region, however, have been widely onalized.
supporting the export-led growth hypothesis as 7. One could think about the reliability of Latin
the main driver for inducing economic growth in American economic statistics due to inflationary
the region. The results of this article give an in- tendencies for some countries in the region. This
dication of the biophysical implications of these is a relevant issue because prices play an important
types of economic growth trajectories and their role in the so-called Leontief quantity model when
long-term sustainability, calling in general for a monetary input−output tables (IOTs) are used in-
more integrated perspective of development in stead of physical IOTs (see Weisz and Duchin,
the region. Therefore, improvements in physical 2006). The inflation rates of the countries un-
der analysis were relatively low for 2003 (less than
and monetary terms of trade, such as the sup-
3.5%), however, measured on the basis of the con-
port for downstream processing of raw materials
sumer price index. The only exception was Brazil,
and the implementation of a natural depletion which suffered a larger inflation rate of 9%; this re-
tax to compensate for the loss of natural capital, quires a more careful interpretation of the results.
should be supported for those countries. Addi- 8. For a more detailed explanation of the commodity-
tionally, the results suggest that developed coun- by-commodity (or industry-by-industry) formula-
tries should use a life cycle perspective to mod- tion, see the work by Miller and Blair (1985).
ify their environmental policies by integrating 9. This global database on material extraction was
production stages outside their own territories to first developed in the EU project MOSUS (see
minimize environmental impacts along the entire and is currently being improved
supply chain. and updated in the EU project EXIOPOL (see The database uses
international statistics commonly applied in other
Acknowledgments international MFA studies, such as the United Na-
tions Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Pablo Muñoz expresses his gratitude to Rita database for biomass extraction, International En-
Strohmaier for constant feedback on earlier ver- ergy Agency (IEA) data for the extraction of fos-
sions of this article. We also thank Martin sil fuels, and British Geological Survey (BGS)
Bruckner and three anonymous reviewers for and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data for

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 895


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About the Authors
Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economı́a 18(1): 9–34.
Schütz, H., S. Moll, and S. Bringezu. 2004. Globalisa- Pablo Muñoz is a PhD candidate at the In-
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tal, Germany: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, ogy of Autonomous University of Barcelona,
Environment and Energy. Barcelona, Spain. He is currently guest researcher
Vallejo, M. 2006. Estructura biofı́sica de la economı́a
at the Wegener Center for Climate and Global
ecuatoriana: Un estudio de los flujos directos de
Change of Karl-Franzens-University of Graz,
materiales. [Biophysical structure of the Ecuado-
rian economy: A study of the direct mate- Graz, Austria. Stefan Giljum is a researcher at
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Ecológica 4: 55–72. Vienna, Austria. Jordi Roca is a professor at the
Victor, P. 1972. Pollution: Economy and environment. Department of Economic Theory of the Univer-
Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press. sity of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

Mu ñoz et al., Raw Material Equivalents of International Trade 897

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