Workshop 10

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unit 10 21157 lives es A night at home | What did these people do last night? What didn’t they do? Complete two sentences for each picture. Use the simple past. AEs “ stay home / visit her parents 1, Kate_stayea home She _Aiawt visit her pawents ‘study English / cook dinner ~ 3. Mee Sun invite friends over / clean th —— listen to CDs / e-mail ends 5. Emil __. 6, Joeand Ken He They 4 Unit 10 Busy tives ‘our weekend? Complete Grace’s e-mail. Use the simple past. 556 a 8 © 5 To: Paulina Lopez From: Grace Chen | Subject: How was your weekend? | Hi Paulina! really _enjeyea__(enjoy) the weekend! | __ (invite) a friend over on Saturday. She's my co-worker, and she’s very nice. We ___ play) tennis in the morning and (stay) at the tennis club for lunch. Then we (practice) yoga and __ (walk) in the park. In the evening, we ___ (watch) a DVD and __ (cook) a big dinner. We (talk) a lot, but we (not talk) about work. And we {not watch) TY all day - a nice change! Then on Sunday, |__ (study) English and (clean) the house. Hey! You_______(not call) me on Sunday! Call me soon, OK? Tell me about your weekend. Grace 3 About you x Grammar! Write truc sentences about your weekend. Use the simple past. and G@ _Laidn't invite a friend over, 1. inviteafriendover _Linvited a Sviend aver . stay home studyforanexam © clean the house calla friend chat online practice my English 2 3. 4, 5. 6. check my e-mail 7 8. 9. listen to music 10. renta DVD Ul. cook a big meal 12, exercise as — 75

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