Test 1 A (Units 1, 2, 3) : Vocabulorg A. Look Ond Choose

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Welcome I - Iests

TEST1 A (Units1, 2, 3)
(Time:50 minutes)


A. Lookondchoose.

e.9. @ ft's o tomp. 1A ft'sc Irog. 2 A ft's o chair.

B ft'sa vose. B It'so rabbit. B It's an ormchoir.

3 A ft'scp o r rot. 4A It's on appl,e. 5 A ft's c swing.

B lt's a dog. B It's an egg. B ft's a bookcase.

B. Writethe numbers.

e.g. one 6 7 8

WelcomeI - Iests TESTI A


C. Whoseis it? Matchand write.

e.g. ft's MlssParker'sradio. e.g. MissPorker

9f t's radio
10 lt's
11 lt',s Wendy+'-

D. Filtin: c or on.
12 ....c ap 14 orange
13 ....s oJ a 15 .... . . u m b r e t la

E. Look,readand circte.

That's Wendu and 19 That'sOscarand that's

thot's(hqlhls brother. herlhis grandJather.

+ Y:

18 l'm Masidond that's 20 That'sWendgand

mglgour [amp. that's Lln. That's
their/our teacher.

TEST1 A Welcome I - Iests

F. Look, read and clrcLe.

e.g. Where'sMasid? 23 Where'sthe ccp?

He's@in the soJo. ft'son/underthe bed.

21 Where'stheJrog? 24 Where'sthe parrot?

It's underlin the vcse. ft's on/underthe box.

Where'sMasid? 25 Wh.ere's
He'son/underthetabte. She'sunderlln the


G. Readand write.

A: Hetto,f'm Bob.26) . gournome?

B: Mg 27) Ann.
A: 28) . ... are gou?
B : l' m Ji n e ,2 9 .) ............!
A: Goodbge,

Welcome I - Iests TEST1 A

Readingond Writing

H. Reodand write the word.

Hl,l'm Bobandthisismg bed.room.

ft's vergbiglThere
isa tt,

There ls a nlce . on the tabte.lt's geltow!Lookct mg

the 35) !

l. Reodagainand write gesor no.

36 Bob'sbedroomis vergbig.
37 Thereis c soJcin his bedroom.
38 Thereis a tobtein his bedroom.
39 Therels o [ampon the toble.
40 Max is on the bed.

TEST1 B WelcomeI - Iesr

T E S T lB ( U n i ts 1 ,2 ,3 )
(Time:50 minutes)


A. Lookond choose.

e .9.@ It's c swlng. A lt's a Jrog. A lt's a kite.

B It'so school. B lt's a porrot. B lt's an umbrella.

3 A ft's on armchalr. A lt's c vose. 5 A lt ' s o s wln g .

B lt's c chalr. B lt's a [cmp. B lt's o soto.

B. Writethe numbers.

e . 9. one 6 7 8

Welcome I - Iests TEST1 B


C. Whoseis it? Matchond write.

e.g.ft's MissParker'sTV. e.g. MissPorker radLo

Ift's TV
1 0 lt's house
11 ft's robbit

D. l-f,f,f,f,Il,: O, Of An.

12 , rabbit 14 orange 1 6 ...e99

13 . apple 15 . . . . .c u p b o a r d 1 7 . . b i ke

E. Look,readand circLe.

That's Wendu and 19 Thot'sEddVand that's

that's(rqf his brother. Oscar.That'stheirlher

18 f'm Eddgand thot's 20 That'sOscqrand that,s

gourlmy Jriend,Oscar. our/hisbike.

TEST1 B Welcome I - Iests

F. Look,readond clrcte.

Where'sMosid? 23 Where'stheJrog?
He's@in the soJo. It'sunder/inthevcse.

Where'sthe porrot? 24 Where'sthe umbretta?

ft's in/on the box. It's under/onthe bed.

22 Where'sMasid? Where'sWendg?
He'sunder/onthe tabte. She'sin/on the


G. Reodond write.

Hetto,20 .. Ben.What'syour name?

zt) . ncme'sPatrick.
How 28) ?

l'm 29) .., thonks!

30) ... .., Potrlck.

WelcomeI - Iests TEST1 B

Readingcnd Writing

H. Readond write the word.

Hi, f'm Benand this is mg bedroom.ft,s verg big! Thereis a blue

in my bedroom.Thereis a nice 34) ...... on the table.Lookct mg

3 5 ) .... ...........,
B i l [!H e'son th e [ o m p !

l. Reodagalnand write gesor no.

36 Thereis o red bed in Ben'sbedroom.

37 Thereis a bluetable [n Ben'sbedroom.
38 Thereis red chalr in Ben'sbedroom.
39 Thereis a lamp on the toble.
4O Thereis a Jrog on the [amp.


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