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Water Pollution Control in

Slaughterhouses and Meat Processing Plants
John M. Sweeten*

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency inghouses, which perform more meat handling
requires packing plants and slaughterhouses operations. Poultry processing plants usually
that discharge into streams to meet stringent generate considerably greater pollutant and
effluent standards. Effluent standards to be met effluent quantities per 1,000 pounds LWK than
by July 1, 1977, required a reduction in pol- either slaughterhouses or packinghouses.
lutant loads amounting to 98, 96 and 96 per- Characteristics of waste flow must be known
cent, respectively, for BODs, tot@1 suspended in order to select waste reduction steps and
solids (TSS), and fats, oils and grease (FOG). treatment processes, to determine size of treat-
The 1983 effluent standards require pollutant ment systems and to estimate costs. Because of
load reductions of 99 percent or more. large hourly and daily variations in flow volume
Federal, state and local requirements, as and waste concentration, wastewater surveys
well as financial incentives for water pollution should be conducted for individual plants.
control from Texas slaughterhouses and meat A recommended survey procedure is to sam-
packing plants, are explained in another Ex- ple the wastewater discharge and measure the
tension publication (MP-1371). To comply with flow every hour for three days of normal slaugh-
water pollution control standards and to save tering, processing and waste flow. Samples are
money on sewer surcharges, slaughterhouses not necessary for hours where nocturnal flow
and meat processing plants need to apply a drops to near zero. Hourly samples are com-
combination o-f in-plant waste reduction tech- posited for each day in proportion to the flow
niques, primary and secondary treatment. In at the time the sample was taken. Samples
many cases, land application also may be should be refrigerated and analyzed the follow-
necessary to meet the 1983 EPA standards. ing day.
Often these surveys reveal areas where
Waste Characterization major improvements can be made easily and
cheaply. For example, a Texas poultry process-
Wastewater from slaughterhouses and meat ing plant now saves $3,500 per month in sewer
surcharges by identifying high-concentration
and poultry processing plants contains nutrients
and organic pollutants with high oxygen de- waste streams and unnecessary water usage
that were easily corrected.
mand. These wastewaters vary widely in amount
and composition per unit of animal processed
(see Table 1). Differences in waste quantity In-Plant Waste Reduction
and characteristics are attributable primarily to
plant designs, types of processing activities, Water Conservation
animal species, waste management methods Wastewater treatment costs are proportional
and employee habits. to flow volume and quantity of pollutants treat-
Slaughterhouses generally produce lower ed. Flow volume accounts for 50 to 80 percent
effluent and pollutant quantities per 1,000 of the total cost of waste treatment. Excess wa-
pounds of Iiveweight killed (LWK) than do pack- ter removes body fluids and tissue from the
product as well as meat scraps. This is impor-
* Extension agricultural engineer-animal waste management,
tant since effluent standards are set on the basis
The Texas A&M University System. of quantity per unit Iiveweight rather than con-

Texas Agricultural Extension Service. The Texas A&M University System. Daniel C. Pfannstiel, Director. College Station, Texas
Table 1. Typical Wastewater Characteristics meat products and waste materials is important.
(per 1,000 Ibs. LWK). This includes dry cleanup of plant floors and
livestock pens before water is turned on for final
Waste Slaughter- Packing- Broiler Hen cleaning, a procedure which reduced BOD load
Parameter houses houses processors processors
by 40 percent in one study.
1. Flow, gallons Blood Conservation
average 640 940 2740 2530
Blood is the major pollutant in wastewater
minimum 160 240 1240
from poultry and meat slaughtering plants, be-
2. BOD 5, pounds
cause of its extremely high biochemical oxygen
average 6.0 8.1 9.9 15.2
minimum 1.5 2.3 3.3 11.8 demand of 160,000 mg/1, or 4.7 pounds BODs
per 1,000 pounds LWK. Blood from the bleeding
3. Total suspend-
ed solids, operation and from those cutting operations
pounds which generate large quantities of blood should
average 5.6 5.9 6.9 10.1 be kept out of the sewers by using blood col-
minimum 0.6 0.6 0.1 6.1
lection troughs and separate storage containers.
4. Fats, oils and The sticking and bleeding area of the kill floor
pounds should be curbed and equipped with separate
average 2.1 3.0 4.2 2.3 blood and water floor drains. During operation
minimum 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.7 and before cleanup, blood should be squeeged
to the blood drain. After an initial light, high-
pressure rinse, the blood drain should be cov-
centration. Thus, a reduction in water use re- ered before wash down of the kill floor. For each
duces the quantity of pollutants. Limited water 1 gallon of blood saved in this manner, 10 gal-
usage also reduces the size of waste treatment lons of washwater are saved. Killing floors with
systems and improves their efficiency by con- sufficient bleeding area lose blood to the sewer
centrating the organic pollutants. Flow reduc- because animals continue to bleed on the rail.
tion also saves, energy and water cost. Despite separate collection systems, as much
A survey of 11 small slaughterhouses in as 30 percent of the blood can be lost to the
Texas and Oklahoma found some plants using sewer.
three time more water than others (ranging Blood from large slaughterhouses has many
from 200 to 786 gallons) per 1,000 pounds LWK. economic uses that can pay for its recovery.
An Iowa plant reduced water use by 3 to 5 Various drying and centrifugation techniques
percent just through training employees to turn have been developed. Rendering also has been
off hoses and sprays during breaks and other employed. Recently, energy costs for blood
nonuse periods. Using high pressure (500 psi) dehydration were estimated at 19¢ per head.
and low volume (3 to 5 gpm) hoses and sprayers Capital cost requirements for blood processing
can cut water consumption for cleanup by more may be excessive at small plants. Small plants
than 5 percent as compared to using conven- can manually collect and store blood in 55-
tional low pressure hoses. Automated solenoid gallon drums for sale to renderers on a daily
valves on spray mechanisms and press-to-open basis.
valves on hand hoses can also give 5 percent
Paunch Manure Removal
water savings. Clean water from air condition-
ers, steam condensers and heat exchangers Paunch manure contains a high BOD load
can be collected before it enters the waste of 50,000 mg/1, or 2.5 pounds BODs per 1,000
stream and reused for floor cleanup. pounds LWK. It should be kept out of sewers
A Wisconsin hog slaughtering plant reduced and waste treatment plants to avoid excessive
water use for cleanup by 56 percent by making treatment costs. There are th ree basic methods
simple process modifications. In most instances, of paunch handling: no-dump, wet-dump and
the cost of process changes was paid for by dry-dump.
savings which resulted the first year. The no-dump system involves removing the
Reducing unnecessary water contact with paunch sack and sending it unopened to the

rendering operation to become part of the meal et to remove semi-solid manure (about 75 per-
by-product. Unfortunately, this substantially cent moisture) which contains most of the BOD.
lowers the meal protein content, increases mois- If bedding material is not used, the high mois-
ture removal requirements, discolors grease and ture content of daily scraped manure dictates
prevents tripe recovery. The renderer will pay prompt land disposal before odors and flies
less for offal that contains paunch. develop. Washwater from scraped pens gen-
The wet-dump system, consisting of washing erally contains low enough solids and BOD
paunch contents into the sewer, is poorest from load to allow economical treatment. Primary
the standpoints of pollution control and econom- treatment with a settling chamber having 30- to
ics. Screens and grit chambers should be used
60-minute detention time, and/or with a sta-
for large solids removal before the paunch
tionary sloping or vibrating screen, will help
enters the collector sewer lines.
reduce pollutant loadings and improve manure
The dry-dump system has largely replaced
wet-dumping. It involves slitting the rumen and treatability. After primary treatment, conven-
dumping paunch contents into an under-floor tional irrigation equipment can be used for
hopper. The washed stomach is then reclaimed direct land application.
as tripe. Dry collection and transport of the Daily washdown of all manure will require
paunch contents can reduce the waste load by more washwater and result in a higher BOD
20 percent in beef slaughtering plants. Paunch wastewater. Ordinarily, proper cleaning requires
manure containing 85 percent moisture can be sufficient washwater that the resulting liquid
transported by a screw conveyor to a grinder manure slurry can be efficiently pumped and
and then pneumatically conveyed from a blow
irrigated using big gun sprinklers. Another con-
tank into a loading hopper. Paunch contents
venient means of disposal is transportation to
have been successfully blown 700 feet at eleva-
agricultural land using tank wagons with surface
tion differences of 45 feet.
Paunch can be applied to land by surface spreading or subsoil injection. Tank wagons are
spreading or soil injection. Environmentally ac- useful for a wide range of moisture contents
ceptable appl ication rates of 19,000 to 75,000 from less than 1 percent to more than 10 per-
gallons per acre per year as a 4 percent solids cent solids.
slurry will provide 125 to 500 pounds nitrogen Hydraulic flush systems for automatic ma-
per acre per year. Paunch can also be used as nure removal are rapidly gaining popularity in
a cattle feed after treatment with chemical pre- the swine and dairy industries. The flush sys-
servatives (acetic acid, formalyn, etc.) or by tem requires that holding pens have a 2 to 3
ensiling with other feedstuffs.
percent longitudinal slope for effective scouring
Holding Pens and transport. Flushwater is suddenly released
Pen cleaning operations are another key from holding tanks, rotating buckets or dams at
area of in-plant waste reduction. Cattle in hold- the top of the slope. General water requirements
ing pens excrete 1.5 to 2.0 pounds BODs per are 70 gallons per day per 1,000 pounds animal
day, most of which is contained in the feces liveweight. This produces an effluent with 1 to
fraction. Manure from holding pens is relatively 1.5 percent solids concentration, ideal for direct
easy to segregate from other plant waste slurry irrigation or lagooning.
streams and should be disposed of on land. Pen cleaning can be improved by using fan-
Concrete-surfaced holding pens can be shaped rather than rectangular pens. Fan-
cleaned using two basic approaches: shaped pens optimize cattle flow and reduce
(a) daily scrape, followed by daily wash-
pen-size requirements by 50 to 60 percent.
(b) daily washdown of all manure. Holding pens can be roofed, guttered and
Dry cleanup of the concrete holding pens curbed to eliminate rainfall runoff that other-
prior to washing can reduce the waste load wise enters manure handling systems. This also
significantly. The daily scrape system entails keeps livestock from getting wet just before
use of a tractor rear-mounted or front-end buck- slaughter.

Waste Treatment Processes ments and capital and operating costs with
these units are minimal.
Primary treatment consists of physical Anaerobic lagoons should be designed with
and/or chemical reduction of organic solids. a low surface area to volume ratio to conserve
Combinations of the following primary treat- heat and minimize surface reaeration. Depths of
ment processes are often used in the meat 10 feet or more are desirable, but economic and
processing industry: screening; centrifugation; groundwater considerations usually limit depths
gravity separation (sedimentation); air flotation; to less than 18 feet. The design liquid volume is
and flocculation/precipitation. Dissolved air flo- critical and should be maintained during opera-
tation, for example, results in BOD reductions tion. Design organic loadings range from 12 to
of 40 percent, with suspended solids and 25 pounds of BODs per day per 1,000 cubic feet
grease reduced to approximately 50 percent. with 15 pounds recommended.
The hydra-screen is a small, relatively inexpen- Anaerobic lagoon effluent typically contains
sive static screen with no moving parts. BOD less than 200 mg/1 BODs and TSS, and less
removal efficiency can range as high as 40 than 100 mg/1 FOG. Thus, it can be discharged
percent for individual waste streams, depending to municipal sewage treatment plants but not to
on waste concentration, volume and particle streams. Ammonia levels actually increase dur-
size distribution. For efficient solids removal, ing anaerobic treatment as protein is converted
the waste stream should be screened before to ammonia-nitrogen. For irrigation purposes,
pumping. anaerobic lagoon effluent usually contains 20 to
Mechanical primary treatment devices such 25 pounds per acre inch of ammonia-nitrogen,
as static and vibrating screens, hydracyclones which is readily available to crops.
(centrifugation), air flotation units for grease Odors are the most prevalent problem asso-
recovery and clarifiers are described in detail ciated with anaerobic lagoons. Establishment of
in other publications (see note p. 6). The re- a grease cover or floating sludge blanket over
maining discussion will be concerned with sec- the lagoon drastically reduces odor emissions.
ondary treatment with lagoon systems, which Measured odor intensities alongside an anaero-
are widely used for meat packing plants in the bic lagoon system have ranged from acceptable
south and southwest. (0 to 7 dilutions to threshold) for a 95 percent
Secondary treatment processes provide bac- scum cover, to unacceptable (31 to 170 dilutions
terial decomposition of organic wastes, nitrogen to threshold) with only 10 percent scum cover.
removal and further solids settling. These proc- Efforts to induce formation of the floating grease
esses include anaerobic lagoons, aerobic and layer include addition of straw and temporary
aerated lagoons, extended aeration, activated bypassing of screening and air flotation units.
sludge, trickling filters and rotating disk con- High winds temporarily break up a lagoon scum
tactors. Combinations of these systems are cover.
needed since no single secondary treatment The difficulty of forming and maintaining a
process will provide an effluent suitable for dis- scum cover for odor control has prompted de-
charge. Even if terminal disposal on land is velopment of a floating flexible membrane cover
practiced, a second or third stage lagoon is for anaerobic lagoons. Estimated cost of a la-
needed for storage to allow proper irrigation goon cover for a 1.4-acre lagoon surface is
scheduling. $92,000, not including concrete, earth work,
pipe, fittings and installation costs. Never-
Anaerobic Lagoons theless, the membrane cover makes an
Anaerobic lagoons are widely used at meat anaerobic/ aerobic lagoon system usable in an
processing plants to provide bacterial digestion odor critical situation, and at a capital and
of organic wastes without free oxygen. The operating cost savings of 40 and 42 percent,
warm, highly concentrated effluent enhances respectively, as compared to an aerated lagoon
decomposition, as does the mild Texas climate. system. Biogas collected beneath the floating
Anaerobic lagoons can provide pollutant reduc- membrane cover can be collected for fuel.
tions of more than 90 percent BOD, 80 percent The main cause of anaerobic lagoon odors
TSS and 95 percent FOG. Operational require- is sulphate in the water supply. Under anaerobic

conditions, sulphate is converted to hydrogen buildup. Aerator horsepower requirements are
sulfide gas which has a characteristic "rotten based on either the lagoon surface area (1
egg" odor. Hydrogen sulfide in effluent forms horsepower per 700 square feet) or the BOD
sulphuric acid, which can cause severe damage loading rate (1 horsepower per 30 pounds
to concrete sewers and structures. Atmosphere BOD5 entering the lagoon).
emissions of hydrogen sulfide are estimated at
Extended Aeration Lagoon
1 percent of the sulphate loading in anaerobic
lagoons. This treatment ,process, an adaptation of the
Researchers have determined that waste- activated sludge process, was developed by
waters containing more than 100 mg/1 of sul- EPA researchers for small meat and poultry
phate will produce excessive hydrogen sulfide processors. An extended aeration lagoon con-
emissions. Therefore, anaerobic lagoons should sists of a small, deep aerated lagoon specifical-
not be used in odor critical locations unless the ly managed to retain bacterial floc and to dis-
wastewater sulphate content is less than 100 charge treated, clarified effluent. A unique
mg/1. feature of this system is timer control of the
aerator and automated lagoon outlet valve. With
Aerobic Lagoons
a plant operating only one shift, lagoon inflow
One or more natural aerobic lagoons or occurs only 10 to 12 hours daily. The aerator is
oxidation ponds are often used in series with operated 18 hours daily. The outflow valve is
anaerobic lagoons to provide further pollutant opened only 4 hours per day, usually late at
reduction and temporary storage. The surface night. This leaves 2 hours for settling bacterial
area is critical to provide adequate oxygen floc and 4 hours for decanting the clarified
diffusion and algal photosynthesis. Recommend- Iiquid before restarting the aerator.
ed design criteria are 3 to 5 feet deep with load- A main advantage of the extended aeration
ing rates of 20 to 40 pounds BODs per acre per lagoon is high pollutant removal efficiencies,
day. Aerobic lagoons used for treatment of an- particularly for TSS and ammonia. Removal
aerobic lagoon effluent have provided BOD and efficiencies in a 1-year EPA study were BOD 5 -
TSS reductions of 50 percent and 30 percent, 98 percent; TSS-88 percent; FOG-91 percent;
respectively. TSS discharges often exceed the and total nitrogen-87 percent. Extended aera-
EPA effluent guidelines, especially after rain- tion lagoons can be used where· odor potential
fall. The TSS concentrations can actually in- prevents use of anaerobic lagoons. In fact,
crease in aerobic lagoons because of the sea- anaerobic lagoons can be converted easily to
sonal production and die-off of algae. The EPA extended aeration lagoons.
guidelines for pH and fecal coliforms also are Disadvantages are increased power and
frequently exceeded in aerobic lagoon effluent. eqUipment costs for aeration and frequent
Chemical treatment is a possibility for control- sludge removal, which is necessary whenever
ling these excesses. the mixed liquor suspended solids exceed 5,000
mg/1. This occurred five times per year in the
Aerated Lagoons
EPA studies. Effluent still needs further treat-
Mechanically aerated lagoons can achieve ment before release to a stream. A second stage
BOD reductions of 50 to 60 percent, but sus- lagoon appears necessary for storage of treated
pended solids in the effluent remain high and effluent prior to land disposal.
require further settling to remove biological
Land Application of Lagoon Effluent
floc. Aerated lagoons are useful for pre-
treatment prior to discharge to municipal sew- The soil has an extremely high capacity for
ers or as an intermediate treatment step be- assimilating organic wastes. The' upper few
tween anaerobic and aerobic lagoons. Mechan- inches of the soil profile is an efficient medium
ical aeration is often used to remove nitrogen for aerobic treatment of organic matter, along
from the effluent. with nutrient uptake.
Aerated lagoons should be 8 to 15 fe'et deep Where land is available, land disposal pro-
with a detention time of 2 to 10 days. Com- vides a highly effective, economical and ver-
plete mixing is required to prevent rapid sludge satile alternative to expensive treatment needed

to meet the 1983 EPA effluent limitations for A detailed analysis of wastewater treatment
discharge. For a particular type of waste and needs and system design for each plant is
site, application rates and land area require- critical. In many cases, engaging the services
ments may be limited by one of three factors: of a qualified consulting engineer is recom-
hydraulic loading; nitrogen loading; or salt load- mended.
ing. Application techniques include irrigation,
infiltration and overland flow.
For wastewaters from meat packing plants, References
hydraulic and nitrogen loading are more likely
to be limiting. Nitrogen loading rates should be 1. Beefland International, Inc. "Elimination of
limited to 400 percent of annual crop uptake. Water Pollution by Packinghouse Animal
Table 2 lists application rates (inches per day) Paunch and Blood." Plublication No.
and land disposal areas (acres per million gal- 12060FDS, U. S. Environmental Protection
lons per day effluent) for situations where hy- Agency, Washington, D. C., November 1971.
draulic loading is the governing factor. 2. Berthouex, P. M., D. L. Grothman, D. O.
Decker, and L. J. P. Scully. "Characteriza-
tion and In-Plant Reduction of Wastewater
Summary from Hog Slaughtering Operations." Publi-
cation No. EPA-600/2-77-097, U. S. Environ-
Information in this publication can be used mental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio,
for preliminary planning of waste management May 1977.
methods and treatment systems for small meat 3. Brasington, C. F. "Reducing Waste Loads
processing plants. Tremendous progress toward and Energy Consumption from Slaughter-
water pollution abatement can be made through houses and Small Meat Packing Plants."
management attention to in-plant waste reduc- In: Proceedings, Seminar on Management
tion featuring "dry" collection to keep blood, of Slaughterhouse and Meat Processing
paunch, meat scraps and holding pen manure Wastes, Texas Agricultural Extension Ser-
out of the wastewater stream as much as pos- vice, Waco, Texas, July 29, 1976.
sible. Relatively simple means of wastewater 4. Carlson, C. J. "Blood Processing." In: Pro-
treatment, such as lagoons, provide a high level ceedings, Workshop on In-Plant Waste Re-
of treatment. Terminal disposal through land duction in the Meat Industry, Publication
application of solid and liquid wastes and la- No. EPA-600/1-76-214, U. S. Environmental
goon effluent is recommended in lieu of expen- Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sep-
sive, high level treatment and discharge to tember 1976, pp. 13-17.
streams. 5. Chittenden, J. A. "Solid Wastes in the Meat
Packing Industry." Iowa Beef Processors,
Table 2. Characteristics of Land Application Inc., Dakota City, Nebraska, June 30, 1972.
Processes. 6. Chittenden, J. A., L. E. Orsi, J. L. Witherow,
and W. J. Wells, Jr. "Control of Odors from
Design factors Infiltration Irrigation Overland flow an Anaerobic Lagoon Treating Meat Pack-
ing Wastes." Paper presented at Eighth Na-
Loading (in.! day) 0.6 to 19 0.1 to 0.6 0.25 to 1.0 tional Symposium on Food Processing
Land area Less than 60 to 370 50 to 150 Wastes, U. S. Environmental Protection
(acre/mgd) 60 plus buffer plus buffer Agency, Corvallis, Oregon, April 1977.
zone zone 7. Killebrew, J. "Blood Conservation." In: Pro-
D rainabil ity, Rapid, sand Moderate, Slow, clay ceedings, Workshop on In-Plant Waste Re-
soil type to sandy loamy sand loam and duction in the. Meat Industry, Publication
loam to clay clay
No. EPA-600/2-76-214, U. S. Environmental
Application Spray or Spray or Spray Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sep-
technique surface surface
tember 1976, pp. 9-12.
NOTE: Additional information on mechanical primary treatment 8. Lively, L. D. "Water Conservation and Waste
devices is available in References 11 and 16. Control in a Meat Packing Plant." In: Pro-

ceedings, Workshop on In-Plant Waste Re- Extension Field Day on Dip Vat Manage-
duction in the Meat Industry, Publication ment Systems for Cattle Feedyards, Olton,
No. EPA-600/2-76-214, U. S. Environmental Texas, October 14, 1976.
Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sep- 13. Wells, W. J., Jr. "Pens." In: Proceedings,
tember 1976, pp. 80-89. Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in
9. Mellor, D. B. and F. A. Gardner. "Reducing the Meat Industry, Publication No. EPA-
Waste Loads from Poultry Processing 600/2-76-214, U. S. Environmental Protec-
Plants." In: Proceedings, Seminar on Man- tion Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, September
agement of Slaughterhouse and Meat Proc- 1976, pp. 6·8.
essing Wastes, Texas Agricultural Extension 14. Witherow, J. L. Personal Communication.
Service, Waco, Texas, July 29, 1976. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency,
10. Reddell, D. L., K. R. Brown, and J. M. Ada, Oklahoma, January 31, 1972.
Sweeten. "Land Disposal of Blood and
15. Witherow, J. L. "Waste Treatment for Small
Paunch Manure." In: Proceedings, Seminar
Meat and Poultry Processing Plants." In:
on Management of Slaughterhouse and
Proceedings, Seminar on Management of
Meat Processing Wastes, Texas Agricultural
Slaughterhouse and Meat Processing
Extension Service, Waco, Texas, July 29,
Wastes, Texas Agricultural Extension Ser-
vice, Waco, Texas, July 29, 1976.
11. Steffen, A. J. (ed.). "Upgrading Meat Pack-
ing Facilities to Reduce Pollution: Part l - 16. Witherow, J. L. and S. Lammers. "Paunch
In-Plant Modifications and Pretreatment." and Viscera Handling." In: Proceedings,
Technology Transfer Seminar Publication, Workshop on In-Plant Waste Reduction in
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Meat Industry, Publication No. EPA-
Washington, D. C., October 1973. 600/2-76-214, U. S. Environmental Protec-
12. Sweeten, J. M. "Results of Hydrasieve Cat- tion Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, September
tle Dip Recyling Study." Paper presented at 1976, pp. 37-63.

Educational programs conducted by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service serve people of all ages regardless of
socio-economic level, race, color, sex, religion or national origin.
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, The Texas A&M University System and the United
States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as
amended, and June 30, 1914.
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