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Pay Well
She asked him, 'How much are you selling the eggs for?' The old seller replied, '50 cents an egg, Madam.' She said to
him, 'I will take 6 eggs for $2.50, or I will leave.' The old seller replied, 'Come take them at the price you want. May be,
this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even one egg today.'

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Fireplace users could get fired

Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes. Scientists have become worried about the smoke
that they give off. Harmful chemicals are in the smoke. The smoke is causing air pollution. The pieces of pollution,
called soot, are floating in the air. They are too tiny to see. Scientists must use a microscope to see them. Small
amounts of soot are safe, but large amounts can be dangerous. The government wants to limit this kind of pollution. It
may stop people from using their fireplaces.

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The Garden
Today was a special day , because Sarah's parents were taking her to her aunt's house and letting her spend the entire
day there . Sarah had been to her aunt's house before , but it was usually for a short visit . She had never been there
by herself , and never for a whole day . Since Sarah loved her aunt , she was excited to spend more quality time with
her in her house .

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I love Natto
People feel very strongly about food they like and about food they don't like. Eating a food we like can make us very,
very happy. Even just listening to someone talk about a food we like can make us happy. And if someone talks about a
food we don't like, our face might screw up in a look of disgust.

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Death ceremonies in Bali

When someone dies in Bali, their family and friends are not usually sad . For them , death is the beginning of a new life
because the dead person will come back into the world in another form . However , before this happens , something
has to be done with the body . There are many different ceremonies or events when someone dies .

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The benefits of the Internet

These past few years, the use of the internet has only grown and grown. There are just so many things that can be
done in the internet now. To fully understand what good the internet has brought, it is first important that we
understand what internet means.

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Buddhism comes from the word Buddha. Buddha was a person who lived more than two thousand five hundred years
ago in India. His family was rich and he lived in a beautiful house with many servants. However, outside his house
there lived many poor and unhappy people. One day when he went out of his house, he looked at the people and asked
himself these questions...

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Mystery on Eagle mountain

"Where are you?" Alex asked. He was calling his friend, Susan. Alex and Susan were fourth year students at Wilson
College in Washington State in the USA . They were driving back to Wilson from Boulder, Colorado.

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A history of Nintendo
Nintendo have been a big part of many people's lives. A lot of guys will remember the excitement of going to the store
and buying a new video game. And they will never forget the happiness of beating their best friend at Mario Kart or
killing a bad guy after trying hundreds and hundreds of times.

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Kevin had not seen his dad for almost one week because he had been off on a business trip across the country. This
had been the longest period of time he had gone without seeing his dad, and he missed him. But today was the day his
dad was coming home, and Kevin had been in a good mood since he woke up this morning.

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