The Emperor's New Clothes: E-Readings

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The Emperor's new clothes

Many years ago there was an emperor. He loved clothes and spent all his money on them. He often walked through the
city to show his new clothes. He had a different coat for every hour of the day. The emperor's city was very busy. Every
day new people came to the city.

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Christmas in New Zealand

Each country has its own religious festivals and Christmas is the most important one in New Zealand where many
people are Christians. Christmas is the birth day of Jesus Christ and on this day, Christians attend church services,
spend time with their families and think about their faith.

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The Way to defeat a Scary Giant

There was once a giant named Gary that scared many people of his time. This is because of the fact that he is big and
he asks so much from the people. When people look along his way, he will tell them that they need to give him food or
else he will take their children and make food out of them.

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The Joy of Travelling

The life of an everyday Joe can be really boring. The truth is that there are people that have a daily life that begins by
waking up, preparing to go to work, eating breakfast, getting held up on the road, doing work, work, work, eating
lunch, work, work, getting held up on the road again, eating dinner, and ending in sleep.

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All you need is Love

The first thing you notice is the fire. And then you realise that this has more to do with the family than the outside
temperature. Their father used to stoke the fire each morning to warm them up before school, and this was also where
he would toast the bread which would blacken their faces and taste like charcoal.

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Why I'm happy without a Smartphone

By today's standards , my mobile phone is pretty rubbish . It's a Nokia 1616. If that doesn't mean much to you ( it's not
the kind of phone you see advertised on television ), all you need to know is that it's a small , not very heavy
rectangular device with which you can send and receive telephone calls and text messages .

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A Life Lesson that Totle taught me

I first met Totle, a rabbit , when I was eight years old . One day , when I came home from school , my parents surprised

me with Totle. He was a tiny little pet and I was endlessly amused with his long ears and button nose . His soft hair felt
good when I ran my hands along his back . Although Totle had great color combinations of white , brown and black , he
looked shy , like he was a little scared of people and other things that surrounded him .

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