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Personal SWOT Analysis

Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W)

• Adaptable to new environments and • Difficulty delegating tasks to others
difficult situations • Struggle with public speaking in front
• Effective communication with diverse of large groups
groups of people • Lack of self-confidence which leads to
• Good critical-thinker and problem poorer performance at times
solver • Unwilling to take risks which may
• Comfortable and excel working prevent me from learning or
together in a team-based environment experiencing new things
• Responsible and reliable

Opportunities (O) Threats (T)

• Interviews for a seat at dental schools • Increased competition for admission
are currently being conducted, into dental schools
offering an opportunity to share • Economic inflation causing rent prices
experiences to increase, especially in large cities
• Growing dental industry provides like Dallas and Houston
ample opportunity for clinic • High tuition costs for dental school,
establishment entailing taking out high-interest loans
• New software allows better logistics for four years
of patient charts and care
• Networking dinner for prospective
dental students

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