Test 10C

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Name:_________________________________ Date:__________________________

1.) Complete the sentences with do/does _____/5

1. __________her sisters live in Debrecen?

2. Where ___________the children play football?
3. My friends ___________ not like History.
4. Sarah _________ not eat meat.
5. __________ John have breakfast int he morning?

2.) Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verb. ______/5

You _______________________ (not listen) to me.

My father ___________________(cook) pasta now.

__________________(your sister / work) at the moment?

What ____________(the children /play) right now?

I __________________(sleep) in my bed at the moment.

3.) Write 2 sentences what you usually do and not. _____/4

1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________

4.) Write questions to the sentence. ______/4

My mother often goes to the cinema at the weekend.

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________

I am learning English at the moment?

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
5.) Translate the sentences into English. _____/7

1. A testvérem minden nap 7-kor kel fel.


2. A testvérem most tévét néz.


3. A testvérem nem szokott tévét nézni délutánonként.


4. Mikor szoktad kitakarítani a szobádat?


5. A diákok ebben a pillanatban ebédelnek.


6. Mit csinálnak most a lányok?


7. Bence és Gabi most nem fociznak.


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