MJV - Business InnovationTrends (2020)

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In the last 3 years, MJV has grown by 350%.

that time, the most frequently heard term
was: Digital Transformation.

We reinvigorated our brand with a new office, adding

color and style. We bet on diversity to bring the best
talent together. We increased our operations utilizing
technology, agile methodologies, and a data-driven

These changes required intense organizational

adaptation, both strategic and operational — from
our directors, managers and analysts. But always
with a greater purpose in view: to expand our borders.

Because transformation is what

governs the business world.

Over the past decade, startups have had a huge


impact in dictating the pace of business. With lean

structures and solutions focused on users’ needs.

But the market wasn’t born yesterday and it

is transforming rapidly.
Some said that traditional companies were
finished, that their models were a thing of the past, and this
way of thinking had to change. This alarmist rhetoric no
longer works.

We must respect a company’s history whilst also

understanding the need to adapt. We all need to be a little
more fintech, insurtech and healthtech.

The new direction for businesses is chasing the next big thing.
In other words, the trick is to create the best business to
replace your existing one before someone else does.

The trends you will see below are a result of careful market
analysis, based on our more than 20 years of business
experience. They’re not predictions, but provocations to help
you build your strategy for the new year.

Above all, the Business Trends Report 2020 is an invitation to

build this future together, as we have always done; with a
sense of partnership, with perspiration and resilience, with
efficiency and, as always, with a vision for transformation.


05 When Digital Transformation becomes
a commodity, how to define it?

07 The MJV Method

10 Data-driven everything

18 The Zero Vision

26 Open Culture

32 Privacy Rush

38 Fortune Storytelling

44 Branding means business

50 The IT Unicorn

56 Hello, humans

62 Insurance of Things

66 Healthcare unchained

72 Invisible Money

78 The checkout is dead

82 Unlock your innovative potential

85 About MJV
Over the past year, you have repeatedly heard that Digital
Transformation is impacting industries. Until it sounded hollow.

The feeling is that the more investments you make

digitizing processes and corporate culture, the more people will
be willing to transform.

Maybe what no one told you is that Digital Transformation is

not a destination — it's a journey.

That's the spirit of the times.

But at the end of the day, if anything can be Digital

Transformation, what does it really mean?

Transformation is anticipating market trends,

innovating and using emerging technologies to create
agile business models and hybrids. In order to achieve this,
businesses need to be highly adaptable to the uncertainties
surrounding the digital age.
To help make this concept more tangible, MJV
highlighted the technology and innovation trends that will
shape business in 2020.

1. Movements that promise to redraw

the configuration of industries

2. Trends with high potential for

disruptive innovation

3. New models for emerging business

4. What's new in the technology market

We hope that the content will highlight the mentality, the

processes and actions governing the changes. Whilst
pointing out the relevant variables in the search for
market leadership.

We hope you enjoy the material!

The MJV Method
Before you dive head-first into trends, let's talk
quickly about the methodology we used to make
this report. It is noteworthy that this method is
used in many of our projects.

MJV is recognized for its excellence in qualitative

research. Therefore, we are a reference in Design
Thinking and user-centric approaches. But you must go
beyond that and we did!

In this latest new research endeavor, we built

an interdisciplinary and holistic framework in coolhunting.
All this to substantiate our discoveries, making sure to
collect the greatest possible number of signs of market

We integrate approaches from various disciplines such as:


Planning Storytelling

Take a look:


+ +


Immersion - the goal is to explore various aspects of

a theme before synthesizing the findings. Immersion
happens through desk or field research, interviews,
workshops, generative sessions and fly or die analysis¹.

Learn more about Fly or Die. Talk to a consultant.

Project intelligence - knowledge attained through the

managing projects, this ability reaffirms the
demand from companies relating to initiatives in the area.

Social listening - monitoring keywords that are strategic

within the principal industries. The metric which validates the
theme in relation to the market’s trending topics.

Strategic foresight - scenario design to foresee weak

signals (signs of changes) in industries, considering
socioeconomic, technological, political and environmental

User-centric storytelling - the story packaged in a

development strategy for the consumption of multichannel

content, in different formats.

¹ Sprint testing and proof of concept about products/services

with potential customers.
Data culture is more
valuable than oil

new technologies

new business models

Data is the new oil. NUMBERS

• By 2020, the
I'm sure you have heard that phrase 

at some point in recent years,
just like a series of buzzwords
related to the theme. It was the
explosion of "data-driven-something". • Financial, Insurance
and IT Markets are
responsible for 59%
of the workforce in
Data Science advances in the market data science in the
world today.
add a world of possibilities.
In recent times, the word "data" • By 2020, more than
40% of all data
has been consolidated in corporate science tasks will be
glossaries and in the vocabulary of the automated.
leaders of virtually every industry.

However, there is still much to be Source: Forbes and

clarified. Redefining the cliché, we can Gartner
say that data is not like oil, it's better
than it! Because it generates recurring
raw material.

But to exploit its value to the fullest, it

is necessary to create an analytical
culture. This way, no decision will be
made without the use of supporting
data evidence.

That's where Data Science comes in:

acclimate teams to turn data into
business intelligence.
Several companies have sought to use data science to
understand more about their business and promote
their desired improvements.

Through better understanding of the available data, it is

possible to identify patterns and anticipate trends

This is the case with predictive analysis, which

examines the history of information (past) and new
real-time data to troubleshoot more efficiently. The
strategy is to build models that can map scenarios and
indicate possible paths to follow.

Predictive analysis has a close relationship with

Artificial Intelligence. To extract the maximum value
from this union, you must invest in training - machine
learning with predictive models - using techniques
such as statistical modeling and data mining.

There are 2 types of predictive models:

classification and regression..

In classification, the algorithm provides a binary

response (yes/no, positive/negative) related to whether
an action would be beneficial and should occur. In the
regression model, predictions are answered through
statistics and probability.

Good examples of predictive models can be

found in streaming services, whose historical
search provides a series of data on habits and user
interests. It is through these analyses that algorithms
suggest movies or new playlist options.
If data is so important, why do

! we see a market resistance in the adoption of

an analytical decision-making culture?

In a practical way, the answer is, the decision maker, has not
yet totally developed the required mature mentality.

But with the market heating up and the

adoption curve increasing, investing in data
intelligence can now be the differential
between dictating the pace of the market
or following the leaders.

The rise of the data did not happen randomly.

Technology grows exponentially, promoting
ruptures that subvert the rules of the game
and make business models inoperable.

If today the challenge of any company is to absorb

these transformations and survive in a market full of
uncertainties, data appears as a key in anticipating
risks and guiding efficient solutions.


Data science is a large grey area among statistics,
programming, information hierarchy, market
intelligence and other areas of expertise. The activity brings
together a series of complex methods and processes to
extract insights from raw mass data, which
is constantly changing.

However, the topic still raises doubts. A common error is

to think that Data Science is synonymous with Big Data
or Artificial Intelligence. The truth is, it acts with
Big Data and uses A.I. as a tool for 

mining input data. Therefore, the
terms are not synonymous.

Another myth is that Data Science

is only feasible when the supply of
available data is immense. Except
that it is perfectly possible to
generate value analyzing much DATA-DRIVEN

smaller volumes — it is Small Data, MINDSET IN

which will become a trending topic
soon, you can write that down. • 72% of companies
have not yet created a
data culture.
ANALYTICAL CULTURE TO • 69% do not treat data
SHOW VALUE as a commercial asset.

Value, everything rests on making value

tangible. • 52% assume that they
never actually founded a
data-driven organization
The answer to clarifying these mis-
understandings is in deepening the • 53% say they are not
competing in data
data-driven culture in companies. analysis
The first step towards this is to get
Data Science to transcend the Fonte: Harvard Business
boundaries in all areas of technology. Review

One of the principles of any science is

to democratize knowledge — and this is
the turning of the key. Investing in an
analytical culture means making
concepts, practices and benefits of
data science friendlier and
more functional for everyone.
It may seem paradoxical, but getting
acclimated to a data-driven mentality
is less about data infrastructure and
more about how we see it.
When you want to reach a destination, choosing your
path matters, and by paths we mean the story that data
shows us. What information is important for the growth
of your business?

Design Driven Data Science appears.

It is not uncommon for stakeholders to have difficulties

understanding business information by observing
charts with thousands of numbers, which do not
always make as much sense as planned.

One of the ways Data Science works, is to find ways of

creating narratives that show the paths. Numbers
without meaning do not usually generate as much

Data visualization is incorperated with design the aim in

the equation, with the aim of making the findings
simpler and more intuitive. It's time to bring a more
human vision to this vast data that companies must deal
with every day.

The participation of design has been essential in

the deepening of data culture. Through redesign based
on the best practices of interface and usability, it is
possible to translate and reinterpret information for
less technical audiences. Creating the much dreamed
of: market intelligence.
Collective understanding of the importance of
data to substantiate decisions is crucial in
seeking to anticipate challenges in a predictive
way. Investing in a well-founded analytical
culture is the key to better understanding the
market, calculating risks and taking advantage
of business opportunities.

Design boosts new
value chains

new business models

disruptive innovation
The future is knocking on the door. Sharp climate
change and the scarcity of natural resources heralded
the collapse of the current system — of extraction,
production, distribution, consumption and treatment of

The motive? It is a linear process. Why manage a linear

system when the available resources are finite? It is
unsustainable and only in recent years has the process
begun to be reversed, through a coordinated effort
between companies, governments and citizens.

It's not new news, but industries that work with mining and
the oil industry have long been trying to figure out
alternatives for the use of non-renewable resources
and ways to accelerate ecosystem recovery.

But we have reached a crucial moment: the exhaustion

of several of these resources seems inevitable, and the
history about how we got into this extreme situation is
crucial to solving it.


After World War II, economists studied
ways to boost global economies, devastated
by war. A powerful combination of development,
inflation, increased purchasing power and growth.
The solution to this was the production of more
consumer goods.

At that time, a collaboration in the retail industry

took action. An economist called Victor Lebow
made a controversial statment about consumption.
According to Lebow, to sustain the U.S. economy as it
was, it needed to transform consumption into a ritual that
met the personal wants and needs of the consumer.
Therefore, the wheels of production for consumption
and disposal would always be accelerated.

Consumption has also been a solution for some other

historic moments in the world.

In October 2001, weeks after the tragedy of the World

Trade Center, George W. Bush, then President of the
United States, spoke to the press visiting New York. In
the speech, the U.S. leader asked citizens to consume
more to help move the country's economy already
on the edge of a recession.

To help with this mission, Bush announced tax cuts of

USD$60 to USD$75 million. The plan worked: making
consumption a patriotic effort. Since then, the American
identity has consolidated itself as that of voracious


In the last century, this economic model has
raised levels of the population's quality of life. But of only a
part of it and data reveals a problem: population growth
runs at speeds greater than the availability of

There have never been so many people

inserted into this process — by 2030, there
will be more than 2.5 billion middle class consumers.
If the pace of consumption stays the In the last three
same, the remaining resources on the decades, we have
consumed 33%
planet will not be enough to of the planet's natural
absorb this contingency. resources. This
weakened our ability to
sustain our way of life.
The reality is that the system
interacts with people, cultures, In mid-2050, the global
population will
economies and environments and it is
consume, at least, 3
reaching its limit. This created a times more resources
movement of awareness. than today.

About 95% of what is

The Internet, among other factors, consumed in North
drove an important paradigm shift: America turns into
garbage within 1 year.
the emergence of new access-based
business models — not possession- Source: Tides Foundation

Models that use linear and cyclical

processes from other industries to
supply their own. In this context,
rethinking models is Urgent. The way
out is to build a new productive
structure that generates jobs and
income by creating a circular value
chain, so that everything that is
extracted will somehow return to the

Some sustainable practices have

been highlighted in the formation of
circular ecosystems, such as the
phenomenon of the shared economy
and platform thinking.
Based on these 2 principles, companies are creating
business models like Product-as-a-Service (PaaS),
in which the company grants access to the product
through a subscription. In this model, companies are
responsible for the use of the product until the end of
its use cycle.


What once seemed like a threat, is actually a
great opportunity. Those who manage to supply this
new consumption demand — encompassing new
parameters for quality, sustainability and environmental
responsibility — will come out ahead.

And what is the role of companies in this process?

A mix of corporate social responsibility,
environmental awareness, survival and business
opportunities. Some consumer goods companies
are even promising to make 100% of the packaging
recyclable or reusable by 2025.

This is the perfect example of Innovating to Zero,

A zero-waste mentality that rapidly become the go to
midset of companies. The concept is broad and
encompasses organizational efforts to reduce the
number of important issues to zero, such as accidents,
factory defects, carbon emissions into the atmosphere
and even safety breaches.

Innovating to Zero is more about reaching a

goal in an incremental but consistent fashion,
and less about the turning of a key.
Today, there are already companies in Currently,
plastic bottles
the steel industry converting scrap
account for 14%
metal into raw material, and even of the garbage
companies that create additional found in oceans.
steps in the production cycle to insert
additives in their plastics, making them
easier to separate during recycling.

The importance of the adherence of

large companies is due precisely to the
influence that they have on the Supply
Chain. It is the perfect example that,
when it comes to environmental issues,
1 + 1 is always more than two.

What does a water company sell,
water or plastic bottles? The answer
can seem obvious, but the question is

These bottles often end up in nature

and in the rivers themselves. There is
an inconsistency here and that's where
Design Thinkers come in.

Design stands out in initiatives

for process innovation and product
services, to reduce the impact of
environmental waste.

Product and service designers

are working together with
R&D departments of corporations
to create products with life cycles that
are extended (and truly cyclical).
These new ways of designing solutions are a reflection
of consumer decisions - more than 40% of consumers
consider sustainable packaging to be a decisive
criteria in the decision to purchase a particular

Companies play a key role in creating
alternatives to production chains. Allying a purpose
of strong transformation towards the best practices
of design and new business models, you can design
life cycles of more sustainable products and build
ecosystems of circular value, essential for the
survival of business.

Circumventing the
of innovation

new technologies

new business models

disruptive innovation
In a market with high volatility, innovation
becomes an obligation. An extra dose
of inventiveness to adapt business to
changes in consumer logic.

There is a saturation of "best practices" on the market.

The requirements for developing competitive products
and/or services, are getting bigger and bigger. Today
companies run against the clock — more towards
being on par with conditions in the fight than building
competitive differentials.

So, what differs from what happens in your

! company to that of your competitor? What
guarantees that your innovation process is

In this scenario of innovation as a commodity,

believing that the best business ideas will always be
in the confines of your office is very naive.

Opening the business beyond the limits of the

company broadens horizons and provides
new insights and means of development.


The basic principle of Open Innovation is the
understanding that the knowledge we don't have is always
greater than the one we possess. In the market, if you
don't know, don't have or don’t do, you’ll be bested by your
This is the north star for investments in Open Innovation.
The term was coined by Henry Chesbrough, a
researcher from the University of California. When
analyzing industries at the turn of the century, he
realized that the companies that achieved above-
average results were those that sought inspiration
outside the organization.
Open Innovation is a strategy that consists of
absorbing knowledge generated outside the internal
environment through a multidisciplinary ecosystem
and the creation of gray areas among various areas
of knowledge. This process can happen through
partnerships with universities with technical-scientific
expertise, R&D, creation of joint ventures in favor of a
Common objective, cooperative relationships with
competitors to raise the benchmarks in the industry
and accelerate and/or incubate startups.

There are no pre-established rules when

the subject of Open Innovation is concerned, any
relationship that generates knowledge,
learning and revenue in both directions, is
worth it.


The expression "divide and conquer" was a concept
used by massively influential people throughout history,
leaders such as Caesar, Philip of Macedonia and
Napoleon Bonaparte.

It consisted of the idea of fragmenting power to take

it, completely, for yourself.

But let's look at this from another angle, in the form of

dividing to add.
Many executives still stick their noses up at Open
Innovation. The thought is that their companies would
no longer be owners of an innovation process, product
(or solution) and would need to split the profit if the
innovation succeeds.

It turns out that all innovation involves some level of risk.

We can understand it as a funnel. For example, in a
brainstorming session, several ideas are generated and,
invariably, almost all of them are discarded. Except for
the winner.

The competition the market lead is very

similar. And when your idea isn't enough?

When a company tries to build a solution on its own,

it is taking the risk of its attempts at innovation. When
Open Innovation comes into play, this risk is shared and
possible financial losses are distributed and diluted.


The creation of an Open Innovation ecosystem is
able to skip stages of the development cycle
of a traditional product. The approach accelerates
solution experimentation, its tests proof of concept,
reducing time-to-market. It is natural that half-finished
ideas are remodeled or receive financial incentives to
be finalized.

But it is not enough to just establish good partnerships

to obtain results: everyone in the innovation
environment needs to speak the same language
("different accents" are allowed).
To do this, it is necessary to build a TIPS FOR ADOPTING
logistics operation and think of a
strategy that’s integrated with the 1. IIdentify the
cultural obstacles
company's strategic planning.
2. Define what
innovation means for
Open Innovation is a mental model your organization
which differentiates it from the norm.
3. Take advantage
It fits with the spirit of the times, of technology
importing more of the benefits than to improve
possessing them. So, it is essential
to get used to this new mentality 4. Involve external
throughout the various levels as well as internal
agents in the project
of the corporate hierarchies,
providing a more fluid adhesion 5. Measure what is
important and ignore
process. what's not

6. Embrace errors and

learn from them

The initial resistance of the governing
body, when it comes to open innovation, is
the division of royalties of an idea, such
as intellectual property.

But it is still natural for the market

to allocate greater value to the
loss than to the gain.

Showing how Open Innovation can

provide greater benefits than not doing
so is preferred, even when having to devide
The design of futures transforms
uncertainties into differentials

disruptive innovation
Innovating with minimal risk is the dream of every company,
and although it is tempting to speak only about strategic
foresight, it wouldn’t be right, as it is much more than that.

Do not get confused, minimizing risks should be a priority for

any company that wishes to ensure margins of satisfactory
profit. But it’s impossible to eliminate them.

After all, uncertainties are ultimately imponderable.

But what if you could use uncertainty to your

advantage? That’s what strategic foresight does.

Foresight is about collecting as much information as

possible on how possibilities for the future can unwind.
It’s conjecture about how today’s difficulties will
influence tomorrow and design actionable
options to circumvent these issues.


Innovating for the future is the only option. This may
seem romantic, but the truth is that disruptive
solutions (those that make other models obsolete) are
not developed based on the now — but rather further ahead.


The current world is so volatile that when someone

innovates (decides to make an improvement) to

reach the competition, they are actually covering
their losses – a loss that can be much
greater than it appears to be.
Disruptive Innovation was born out of new logic: that of
rupture, it does not follow the market flow, it
anticipates trends.

Where do business models like Airbnb, Netflix, Spotify

and Uber come from? It's the old story of Henry Ford,
who thought about the car, not about faster horses.

The question that remains is: how far behind were the
solutions of urban mobility when Uber arrived? And
how many years was Blockbuster behind Netflix before
it was over?


"If my company is in trouble now, why
think of the future?"

In the mid-2000s, Blockbuster was a world leader

in the movie rental segment. John Antioco, the then
CEO, had the opportunity to buy Netflix for a trifle
of USD$50 million. He didn't.

There's a famous quote from Jim Keyes, another

Blockbuster CEO, on the distribution of video via
Streaming. For him, it wasn't a real concern.
Certainly, the company was more concerned in the
transition from DVDs to blu-ray technology.

Blockbuster executives were caught off guard

by Netflix. At no point, did they probably realize
that the business was losing ground and refused
to abandon the certainties they had, in order to bet
on new ones.
And that’s where the irrational escalation of
commitment comes in, the feeling of denial of change
by having gone too far.

Businesses had already gone too far to turn back, a

brand of this size wouldn't be swallowed up by
something that wasn't even on the radar,
but it was. Blockbuster was too big to change in time.
Netflix had already won over the hearts of the

That's why it is necessary to think about the future

even without difficulties in the present: the right move
can mean a by-pass on the current model.

Not having a consolidated infrastructure can

be a positive, because there's nothing to leave behind
at the time of change.


The best way to prepare for the future is to actively
build it. This is one of the premises of futures studies, a
field of knowledge that has as its objective in the study
of what is possible, probable and even unlikely.

With holistic frameworks, Futures Studies has as an

ultimate goal, to create fictional narratives of future
plausible — and desirable – scenarios.

But don't be fooled: this storytelling is done

based on careful analyses on changes to socio-
economic, technological, political and environmental
The method starts from the assumption USEFUL QUESTIONS
that there is no linear future, but
several alternative futures SCENARIOS
that happen simultaneously,
• What historical
merging and creating a reality that’s and trending events
totally unique and unpredictable. Don’t created the present?

worry, it's not as weird as it sounds. • If the current model

Remains true, what
would be your future
The premise is that people and projections?
institutions can control a certain
number of variables and execute • Is there a truth
considered absolute
moves in certain directions, influencing by industry?
other actions and events.
• What is your action
plan for the best and
worst possible future?

• If you change
your assumptions,
which alternatives
MJV SOLUTION • What is your
Foresight's performance will be preferred Future?

increasingly more popular in

preparing teams, leaders and
organizational structures for times
of great volatility. The bet is to
unite strategic foresight to
planning in order to increase
the ability to interpret signs of
change thus building institutional
resilience and mitigating risks.

new business models

Marketing is dying. CMOs will be replaced. Design is the
new Marketing.

People have been saying this since the begining of the

decade. However, Marketing is still here, very much alive
and kicking, living through Branding and Design.

The boom of business models like Airbnb, Netflix, Spotify

and Uber rattled the market and taught us some
lessons. In addition to being repeatable and scalable, we
can observe another feature these companies have in
common: The brand is the business.

With the rise of exponential organizations (ExOs),

another strong brand proposition and a mentality
centered on the user/customer, there was a paradigm
shift. Now, consumers no longer tolerate dissonant

Having a true brand culture has become the new

Marketing. A type of self-marketing.

But if emerging businesses bring new

! values to the brands, what will be the role
of Marketing in this transition?

To reinvent themselves to help brands reinvent themselves.


For a long time, advertising has allowed companies to
focus on their sales and tell parallel stories -
not all of them true - creating artificial brand cultures.
Basically, brands said one thing and did another.
Today, business is going through a new phase at the
global level. We live in a period of intense change in
consumption patterns and in the creation of new social

Understanding the new demand for consumption, ExOs

built a symbiosis between brand culture and business.
They are the new “love brands”, companies in which all
the contact points reflect the purpose of the brand.

As you've seen, the new Marketing is about eliminating

the barrier between the brand and the business.

The real discussion is: how to prepare businesses for

this change?

Marketing departments are incorporating a series of
disciplines and becoming true business units Today, in
addition to professionals with expertise such as search
engine optimization (SEO) and web analytics, it is
common for teams to have writers, designers and UX
designers, media professionals and researchers.

The results are very similar to those of strategy

branding, but not only that. They also appear with
growth hacking, product management, areas of
usability, research and innovation.

• Sales & distribution

• Inbound & content marketing
• Automation of marketing and sales
• Web analytics & social media
• Ads & promotions
• Events
• Product Management
• Market Intelligence

The demands of reinvention is pushing

Marketing towards 2 possible paths:
decentralization or strategic escalation.

• Decentralization: in a practical way, is

the dissolution of departments and the
subsequent incorporation of
professionals in other areas. This is the
case with startups, that have mini
Marketing teams within the product

• Strategic escalation: elevation of

Marketing as a structural pillar of the
business, responsible for growth and
encompassing areas such as branding,
usability & interface and growth
hacking — and serving as a contact
point with inside sales as well as

Everything will depend on the organizational configuration:

is it more advantageous to build a branch of business that
guides changes or to dilute knowledge throughout various

What if we were to tell you that it is possible to double the
conversion of your Marketing actions, regardless of how
your company organizes itself?
When the scenario is different, you need to modify the
way In which you operate. Therefore, in addition to a
strategic transformation, marketing reinvents itself at
the operational level.

Given the need to manage actions flexibly in the face

of market dynamism, the model for marketing has
been refining itself.

To perform in this new phase efficiently, Agile

Marketing, a method that uses Agile frameworks, such
as Scrum and Kanban, to improve aspects such as
communication between stakeholders, removal of
bottlenecks in processes and measurement of results.

This new model gives the team the flexibility to deal

with scenarios with low predictability or with no scope
for pre-defined tasks, whilst also increasing productivity
and empowering teams to adapt to change.

Following in the Spirit of the Times, companies must
build a brand culture that’s intrinsic to the business,
that focuses on user needs. Based on values such as
connection, transparency, horizontal communication
and personalization, it is possible to make the purpose
more tangible at every point of contact.
The next billion is in the IT sector

technology & data science

new business models

disruptive innovation
New technologies are moving forward at 1 zettabyte corresponds to
700 quintillion
an exponential pace. The compass for
Bytes. The number
change is so relentless that by 2020 the written out would be
world will produce 40 zettabytes of data. something of the order of
A data-driven market is prone to sudden 000.000 (10)²¹.

changes that have led IT departments to

rethink their performance. This impacted
the scope of work and changed the role
of technology specialists within companies.

It is true to state that technology must be

strategic pillar of any company that
hopes to have any success in the era of
Digital Transformation. Nowadays, IT
needs to a say in strategic decisions.

Using technology as a driver for

innovation is crucial.

At that moment, we are witnessing the

importance of a strategic IT plan, which
describes in detail how the available
technological arsenal will be used to
achieve business goals.

The days of decision making on hunches
are over. Everything can — and should, be
measured. When you are in the
change game, with ciphers and numbers of data so
large (zettabytes), nothing can be assumed.

Having strategic IT involves empowering your

professionals to actively collaborate in pursuing the
objectives of the company, with data-oriented

It is a sector that is constantly consulted during

the decision-making process. Using an analytical
prospective and with purpose, it focuses on
solving customer problems (internal and
external through agile development and a
culture of innovation.

That's what strategic IT looks like.

For digital companies, the presence of strategic IT
represents a great differential. It allows the company to
act bimodally, anticipating market trends (disruptive
innovation and generating intangible value for the
business (brand.

A strategic bimodal IT is a natural trend of a maturing

company. It's the perfect marriage between people,
practices, beliefs and corporate culture.

A bimodal profile requires a perspective from outside

the company, by benchmarking market practices and
analysis of the competition. But also, a look inside,
reaping feedback to improve processes.
It is important to emphasize that there are no shortcuts
for incorporating the strategy into information
technology teams. As the saying goes, it’s like needing to
"change a tire while the car is moving” This can be done by
incrementally inserting new practices and methods.

Every change is, above all, Cultural — and is subject to

uncertainties. Care and resilience are needed in the
management of employee expectations, whether it be for
those responsible for the evolution of the method or for
those who should keep deliveries up to date.

The alignment of IT and data governance is
essential for making the changes to the strategic
landscape of the technology department.

One of the great challenges in that "timing" is balancing

restrictions and permissions to access the servers of the
company for different teams in different subsystems,
without requiring the commitment of the organization
or the appropriate segmentation of data.

To do this, it is important that data governance is well

specified in your requirements and work in accordance
with the strategic direction of IT. Thus, it is possible to
make the day by day more dynamic and facilitate the
work of the teams.

It is important that the governance of departments be

specific when dealing with restrictions and the
possibilities of employee access. It is also crucial to
provide tools for integrated control and monitoring.
Strategic IT requires strategic Agile planning and
flexibility in responding to changes. Documentation
should also take into account the business objectives,
users' needs, budget constraints and available
company resources.

55 MJV TRENDS 2020

new business models

technology & data science

First came the click revolution. Then it MAIN USES OF
was the turn for touch. Now we're close
to witnessing a new milestone in the • Playing music (71%)
Man-machine interaction: the rise of • Answering general
questions (58%)
voice, driven via digital assistants and
chatbots. • Creating alarms/
reminders (49%)

The transition from communication • News / weather forecast

to voice commands emerged almost
as a fix for a movement that has • Interacting with smart
devices (34%)
been taking place over the years,
replacing much of the contact via • Record lists (20%)

text links be they SMS or Instant • Sync with

Messaging Apps. calendar (17%)

• Shopping (9%)
The industry expects a massive • Read audiobooks (7%)
shift In behavior. In 2018, the
• Games (7%)
market for virtual smart
assistants moved USD$2.3 Source: Digital
billion -- a number that could Doughnut
reach USD$ 19.6 billion by 2025.

The U.S. is the largest market for voice
assistants. Currently, 30%
of homes already have a device
such as Google Home or Alexa.
Brazil comes in second, after About
60% of users
the launch of smart speakers
of digital
adapted to Portuguese — the assistants
language has the second most use them less than
interactions among assistants. a year.

The trend is that the market will

double in size every year. The bet on
smart devices to make this transition
is high: industry already refers to the
group of people who prefer talking to
using screens as the next billion.


VUI is the acronym for voice user
interfaces. It refer to an interface
that enables human interaction
spoken to computers through
voice recognition to understand
intentions and answer questions.
That description fits the Amazon Echo,
Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple) and
Google Home Assistant.

The voice age tends to be more interactive

than what we are used to, providing
higher-quality dialogue from the evolution
of Artificial Intelligence like chatbots.
Besides that, it has an inclusive nature, for
those with difficulty moving,
the visually impaired and the non literate allowing
them to interact using voice, expanding access to

According to a survey by ComScore, 50% of queries

made on search engines will be by voice commands
by 2020. With that in mind, advertisers are
integrating voice experiences into their digital
strategies in order to reach this emerging audience.

But it's not just that: right now, brands with content
marketing strategies based on responding to user
complaints are seeking ways to optimize their SEO
strategies for digital assistants.

Technology companies will have to circumvent
public mistrust in order to create a base for the
voice market. Surveys show that users still don’t
understand how the data from conversations
with assistants is collected — about 41% of them
report concerns about their privacy.

The biggest fear is that devices will store

conversations even though they are disabled.
Unfortunately, that fear is far from being a fantasy.

In April, Amazon admitted that some of the users of

the Amazon Echo had their conversations recorded
and heard by employees with the justification of
improving the voice recognition system. Soon
afterwards, Google and Microsoft also admitted to
having employees checking conversations.
Chatbots are software that simulates human speech,
able to exchange information with users. They became
popular with the public because of its simple interface
and agile troubleshooting. Today, they are the
preferred contact points for digital relationships.

Data from the survey State of Chatbots 2018 showed

69% of people prefer to use chatbot tools in order to
streamline communication with companies in place of
other media.

Bots have been used by companies to serve customers,

qualify leads, sell products and deliver content, among
other functions. Conversational interfaces have shown
to be efficient in the creation of alternative working
hours in e-commerce and elimination of bureaucracy in
electronic services

Establishing a good conversation with the customer is

the new Trend. When we talk about conversational
design, we're talking about building a strategy of
content for chatbots.

Conversational design works on the development of a

more humanized language for machines. The goal is to
make interactions more human-friendly. It is a strategic
job, which involves understanding the customer
business up to the curatorship of content made in the
machine learning process.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a strand of
Artificial Intelligence that aims to understand the
capabilities and limitations of machines in
understanding human language.

NLP acts as a catalyst for the machine learning process,

allowing bots to understand and imitate speech
patterns, in order to compose text intuitively.

The union of conversational design, NLP and machine

learning is raising the level of the game when it comes
to chatbots. Today, you can create increasingly
humanized interactions based on neural networks,
interconnected computing systems, which can
recognize patterns and make correlations using

The voice market has been a great benefit for
searches that were once typed and promotes
interaction with smart objects. Conversational
design enters in the creation of a smarter
interaction paradigm, fostering databases with
better information to generate answers that are
faster and more intuitive.
Telemetry inaugurates the
uberization of insurance


new technologies

new business models

Changes in consumption caused by
digital technologies have increased
cancelation notices for insurers.

The demand now is for customized products,

which have greater practicality, efficiency and

The rise of the Internet of Things and Artificial

Intelligence gave life to business models such as
telemetry, which allows real time monitoring of user

Based on this data, you can adjust dynamically,

taking into account the different levels of
propensity for accidents.

Insurers are struggling to incorporate
technology into their services.

Data from Folha de S. Paulo indicate that companies in

the sector invest, on average, USD$ 124 million on
Artificial Intelligence a year.

It is telemetry’s turn in the industry, a technology that

allows the transmission of data remotely, in a process
that involves connected objects, smartphones, sensors
and A.I.

The so-called vehicular telemetry (or automotive) is

gaining more and more space in the insurance market.
It evaluates the driver 's performance by
collecting information such as average
speed, braking distance, mileage and routes.
This way, it is possible to propose custom


The use of automotive telemetry has given rise to new
business models that take into account how and how
often we drive. It identifies behaviors to deliver
personalized solutions. So that the insured party only
pays for what they need.

Pay as you drive (PAYD) is born, whose main metric is

the mileage of the vehicle. In parallel, there is also the
pay how you drive (PHYD), which considers the profile of
the driver's driving habits to modulate prices. The rates
are dynamic and vary depending on the month.

The model allows you to balance the price of insurance

by rewarding more prudent drivers - the savings can
reach up to 50% of the value of traditional insurers.

This model is nothing new in the USA, but is still in full

expansion around the world: the prediction is that the
number of policies done in this way will soon reach 100

In Brazil, the adoption of telemetry is led by Insurtechs,

startups in the sector. According to the
Superintendence of Private Insurance, car coverage
already corresponds to a 20% share in revenue from
Insurers. A potential market.
The future of insurance is in monitoring and
real-time data analysis. Telemetry should
become the standard soon and is the bet
to shake up the market in 2020.

Creating a risk prevention ecosystem that
is smart and gamified, assigning a higher score to
those who drive on safer routes or have their cars
validated more frequently, for example. It's worth
keeping an eye on it.

Telemedicine will be a
revolution in healthcare


new technologies

new business models

disruptive innovation
Telemedicine can save lives and businesses as well.

It is with this statement that we begin talking about a

technology that promises to cause profound changes in
the global healthcare sector. To explain why it's not a
cliché, we sought the opinion of an expert:

The future of medical care will be

decentralized, democratized and digital."

These are the words of Lucian Engelen, CEO of

Transform Health, Professor of Exponential Medicine at
Singularity University and co-founder of the Health
Innovation School.

Dissecting Engelen's speech, we can understand the 3

“D”s of medicine as:

• Decentralized - the end of barriers

for care.

• Democratized - more access to

health care.

• Digital - evolution provided by the new

digital technologies.

Telemedicine brings together all these

characteristics and is ready for use now.
consultations at a
In the U.S., about 76% of hospitals distance in the world
use telemedicine, which is
regulated in at least 30 states. 2014 20 milhões
2015 43 milhões
The estimates are that, by 2020, 2016 66 milhões
the number of consultations by 2017 89 milhões
video conferences will be greater than 2018 112 milhões
those of face-to-face care. 2019 135 milhões
2020 158 milhões*

In the UK, the number of consultations * Projection from the Israeli

Hospital Albert Einstein
in the public system may reach up to
400 million a year. The British are
betting on tele-queries to eliminate up
to 1/3 of the face-to-face calls and
generate a savings of up to 1 billion
pounds over five years.

Meanwhile, in Brazil, the Federal

Medical Council has had its challenges
regarding implementing international
regulations. Abroad the implementation
of the technology is already growing in

Despite the delay in Brazil, the country

still on the radar of foreign companies.
However, the consensus is that the
legislation still needs to move forward
to justify investment.

In 2018, the Problem Resolution Index

From Teladoc, which offers remote
consultation services, represented 92%
of a total of 2.6 million visits.
With Tele-medicine at full steam, it is necessary to
Raise the awareness of the medical community,
that fears drastic changes. The way forward is to
try action models that make the technology a
facilitator, making it clear that the crucial role is
professional which values the doctor-patient

‘The next billion’ in the
economy are de-banked


new technologies

disruptive innovation
And if someone told you that fin-techs are the fruit of
myopic banks?

The explosion of popularity of companies with alternative

payment methods arose due to the lack of interest in this area
from traditional banks. Today, traditional institutions are
obliged to divide a considerable part of their share of the

There is a saying about banks: they do not provide

products focused on individuals with low-purchasing
power, because their efforts would not be mirrored in the
profit margins. This is how risk managers see it.

But the Age of Digital Transformation came to bring down

this myth for good.

In banking agencies, the population with low purchasing

power is only considered when the discussion is focused on
essential services. This nonchalance prevented banks from
seeing an opportunity to solve real user problems — such
as lack of access to good financial products — and
improve their own services.

It was then that their attention became short-sighted. At the

same time that fin-techs began to take a bite out
of the cake of commercial banks.

Centuries ago, China was a precursor in the invention
of paper money. Currently, that same China can be seen as
the avant-garde for the extinction of bills.
Shanzhai culture in the country that China produces
more than 1 billion
gave rise to an underworld of piracy,
smartphones per year. In
which moved obscene amounts, on illegal trade alone, the sale
the sidelines of the financial system. of appliances generated
Understanding the size of the deficit, USD$40 billion.

the Chinese government is currently The Shanzhai economy is

committed to combatting piracy. responsible for 200,000
jobs in China.
Shanzhai culture signaled something
China is the world leader
important: millions of Chinese banned in mobile payments.
from the formal economy were eager It is estimated that
to consume. Realizing this nuance, the value generated by
digital payments
companies like Alipay and WeChat
in China is 80 times
have emerged offering credit and higher than in the U.S.,
digital payment options. which is in second place.

The result? It is rare to see yuan

banknotes circulating in the

Recently, even the World Bank recognized the importance
of de-banked people to the global economy.

Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, wants to

use the new technologies and means of digital
payments to facilitate the inclusion of up to 1 billion
people in the financial market by the year 2020.

With fin-techs raising the bar, banks are paying

attention to the growth of adherence to digital methods
of payment, new consumer trends and the future of

But there is a sensitive element in this financial

equation that has recently been worrying the financial
system as a whole: cryptocurrencies.


Seeking to undertake new technologies,
Facebook announced the creation of Libra,
a Blockchain-based cryptocurrency.

Libra was created to be a stable coin, a type of

virtual currency backed by real assets (with low
volatility) or on a basket of strong currencies, such
as the dollar and the euro. The idea is to avoid over-
valuation, similar to what occurred with bitcoin.

At first, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook,

managed to put together a heavy weight team
around the idea, the so-called Libra Association —
stakeholder committee which included the likes of
Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, Mercado Pago, eBay, Uber
and Spotify.
But what do banks have to do with Each member of
The Libra Association
this? Well, Zuckerberg said that he wants
paid approximately
to make Libra as competitive USD$10 million for
as the dollar. To do this, they will repeat a chair on the board.
the Chinese strategy: empower the
de-banked, placing them as protagonists
of this new network.

The strategic point of the project

is to be able to tie payments systems
to WhatsApp and Messenger.
Besides that, the currency can be used in
physical establishments, simply by having
an electronic wallet — Calibra,
from Facebook itself.

Fin-techs gained space attacking
the complaints of banking customers
head-on, with a strategy focused on
the needs of the user and on the
transparent relationship between
institution and client. The basic principle:
build a brand, not a bank.
Learn about the value proposals of
Solutions with Meaningful Banking.
O2O strategy resets
shopping trips


new technologies

new business models

disruptive innovation
A digital revolution is underway in retail. Alibaba,
and Amazon, two giants of global e-commerce,
inaugurated the Era of Convenience by implementing
strategies and actions that redefine the shopping trip
through technology.

If, at the beginning of the decade, it was wonderful to

think that someone in Brazil could buy something
directly from a seller in Hong Kong, today it is better still
to experience the first automated stores — no
attendants, lines, or cashiers.

By 2020, the novelty can be delivered by drones. This

is the face of New Retail.

If you have not been introduced to the terms "new retail"and

"O2O". Understand how this combo is revolutionizing the
industry and the concept behind each of them.


Omnichannel is an Integrated Sales Strategy,
which uses multiple channels (such as social
media, advertising and video marketing) to
direct the user to make a decision at the end of
the process. It's the famous shopping trip.

It can be seen as a plan to explore opportunities

that arise in the digital environment, regardless of the
environment where the sale was made (e-commerce
or physical store).

But for this to work, it is important to have

transparency - provide enough information about the
product and allow users to evaluate it and exchange
O2O is one of the main concepts THE END OF THE
used in “new retail” and means
online-to-offline. Their focus is to O2O wants to
Eliminate the lines
eliminate the difference between the
in front of cashiers.
trips to physical stores and virtual In new retail, just
purchases. select the product,
scan a code via an
application and it’s
Finally, New Retail is one of the pillars
paid. It's grabbing and
of a global strategy for the Alibaba leaving.
Group. Created by Jack Ma, former
CEO of the group, the term deals with
scaled customization in the sector
and proposes profound changes
to shopping trips.

The differential? Always from the

perspective of User experience.

The global rise of e-commerce
allowed millions of businesses
to exist without needing to deal with
the maintenance costs of a
physical point of sale.

But if the costs of physical

stores are much larger than
! those for web retailers, why are
they still standing?

Because online is not the sales

champion yet, and since it's all about
the user, it's not even all that pertinent
to end physical brick-and-mortar
Research indicates that about 80% of sales will still
take place in physical stores in 2020.

Other important information: retailers with physical

stores are responsible for 51% of online sales. The
reason? They have a good reputation from the
analogue era.

That's why companies like Amazon want to integrate

operations - online and offline. These strategies are
not opposed. They complement each other perfectly.

New retail is about offering consumers more
possibilities. The construction of hybrid trips is the
response to enhance opportunities in the 2 scenarios.
However, it is necessary to know how to navigate the
intersection between the mobile payment systems,
social shopping and frictionless experiences.
We live in the age of instability.

Today, any business decision represents

a much higher risk than 10 years ago.
In this scenario, influencing the path of the
industry is key to mitigating risks.

Movement becomes the tonic of the future.

We need to pay attention to emerging signs of

transformations to current models. This is as since the
emergence of technologies that modify entire chains
result in new behavioral patterns and with this new
disruptive business models.

To get you up to speed on practices that promise to

be game changers of transformations, we created a
map based on key points from the content. Check it
The idea of making the user the centerpiece of
the business is not new but it's still the biggest
value generating engine on the market.

Data is more than one asset: it is an estate.

Companies that are best able to translate Big Data into

information capable of generating business intelligence
will be standouts in their segment.

But for this, it is necessary to put aside the hunches

and create a culture of data-driven decision-making.

With the improvement of Artificial Intelligence and
Internet of Things, IT departments have become
strategic for business.

To incorporate technological merits and generate

value, it is vital to build a bimodal infrastructure linked
to data governance and integration of APIs to scale
processes of tech-driven and data-driven innovation.
Uncertainty is synonymous with risk - a word, until
then, prohibited in the corporate world.

The problem is that risks will always exist, but the

market still doesn't seem to have found the best way
to deal with them (see the emergence of fin-techs.

The best way to reduce risk is to anticipate it,

analyzing signs of change, designing future scenarios
and acting on them proactively to influence the
course of industry. This is crucial to building resilience
in the face of change.

In the age of access, the idea of building a disruptive
solution end to end may not be the best option.

Today, companies are exploring solutions and

corporate ventures to divide risks, improve the scope
of products / services and increase the speed of time-

Building an ecosystem of innovation

should become the new standard.
For more than 20 years, MJV Technology & Innovation
has helped influence innovation and solve business
challenges for some of the largest companies in the
world. With offices in Europe, the United States and
Latin America, our consultancy utilises a
multidisciplinary team, composed of
more than 850 professionals made up of designers,
engineers, anthropologists, data scientists, developers,
entrepreneurs and more.

We believe in collaborative work and apply Design

Thinking and Agile Methodology as a guide for every
project we have developed.

MJV is composed of four pillars,

structured in complete synergy:

User-centric approach - Development and

implementation of innovative solutions based on
user-centric approaches such as Design Thinking.
Process redesign, creation of new business models
and improvements in satisfaction and experience
metrics promoting a culture of innovation, reducing
costs and increasing profits.
Agile Transformation – Creation of an agile culture, a
change of mindset to deliver continuous value to the
client through the implementation of frameworks such
as Scrum and SAFe, quick tests and cycles of
continuous improvement. Agile methods also help in
the elimination of Impediments in order to increase
team productivity, clear visualization of demands hit
deadlines. To achieve the reduction of time-to-market
regarding both products and services.

IT Technology & Governance Consulting -

Structuring of strategic IT departments,
convergence between the areas of Information
Technology, Data Science and Compliance (LGPD),
in addition to the development and implementation
of services with a focus on Business Intelligence
(BI), Internet of Things and Information Security.

Outsourcing of professional profiles – Allocation of UX,

UI, Marketing and IT professionals, with the support of
MJV with regard to the work carried out and quality

Open Innovation – Using an Agile mindset and data

focus we conduct partnerships and technology accelerator
start-ups to co-create and offer impactful solutions. We do
this for large companies diving risks, improving the scope
of products/services and increasing speed of releasing
solutions to the market.

Strategic Foresigh – Qualitative search for signs of

change, future studies and the construction of industry
scenarios to create desirable paths to mitigate risks and
anticipate trends, converting uncertainties into
a competitive differential.

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