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Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

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Research paper

Strain-dependent slope stability for earthquake loading

Christoph Schmüdderich a ,∗, Jan Machaček a,b , Luis Felipe Prada-Sarmiento a , Patrick Staubach a ,
Torsten Wichtmann a
a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chair of Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering and Environmental Geotechnics, Ruhr-Universität
Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Geotechnics, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany


Keywords: Assessment of the seismic slope stability in terms of a factor of safety (FoS) is often addressed using
Earthquake loading pseudo-static approaches neglecting material-induced failure and the role of pore-fluids. On the other hand,
Factor of safety sophisticated constitutive models that capture these effects can usually not be considered in strength reduction
analyses. In this study, the concept of strain-dependent slope stability presented by Nitzsche and Herle (2020)
Machine learning
was enhanced to enable the analysis of slope stability problems under earthquake loading. This allowed
Material-induced failure
Strain-dependent slope stability
to apply advanced constitutive models to both, the dynamic and the stability analysis. The applicability
of the concept was shown by analysis of FoS and failure mechanisms for a water-saturated opencast mine
slope subject to earthquake loading. To capture the non-linear material behavior, the hypoplastic model with
intergranular strain was used. Machine learning algorithms adopted to the problem at hand provided accurate
approximations of FoS and failure mechanism while reducing computational costs by 2–3 orders of magnitude.

1. Introduction relating shear stresses to shear strength considering simple failure

criteria, the evaluation of the strain-dependent slope stability presented
The evaluation of the stability of a slope subjected to earthquake by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) is based on the mobilization of shear
loading in terms of a factor of safety (FoS) is challenging when not stresses under simple shear conditions. As the simulation of these el-
relying on simplified approaches designed to obtain a rough estimate ement tests is not limited to simple material descriptions, soil behavior
of the FoS. Advanced finite element schemes and sophisticated con- can be approximated more realistically by choosing appropriate and
stitutive models can be used to accurately approximate the dynamic
sophisticated constitutive models. A more accurate description of the
system behavior incorporating damping and inertia effects, accumula-
mechanical soil behavior provides a better estimation of the stress
tion of strains and excess pore water pressures. Based on dynamic finite
distribution within the slope, but at the cost of more computational
element simulation results, slope stability analysis must be conducted
considering the dynamic equilibrium, including the effects depicted effort invested in solving the advanced constitutive model in each Gauss
above, as accurately as possible. point. This makes the evaluation of the factor of safety based on the
In general, slope stability is evaluated by taking advantage of limit approach proposed by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) more accurate but
equilibrium methods (LEM) (Bishop, 1955; Janbu, 1954; Morgenstern also significantly slower compared to other stress-based approaches, for
and Price, 1965; Spencer, 1967), limit analysis (LA) (Chen et al., instance the ones by Zou et al. (1995) or Farias and Naylor (1998).
1969; Michalowski, 1995), strength reduction finite element analysis Besides the concept presented by Nitzsche and Herle (2020), stability
(SRFEA) (Matsui and San, 1992; Griffiths and Lane, 1999; Dawson analyses taking into consideration advanced constitutive models have
et al., 1999; Tschuchnigg et al., 2015; Mahmoudi et al., 2020), finite also been conducted via SRFEA, for instance using clay hypoplastic-
element limit analysis (FELA) (Sloan, 2013; Krabbenhoft and Lyamin, ity (Kadlíček and Mašín, 2020) or barodesy (Schneider-Muntau et al.,
2015; Tschuchnigg et al., 2015; Mahmoudi et al., 2020) or stress-based
2018; Tschuchnigg et al., 2019). However, these studies (Nitzsche and
approaches (Zou et al., 1995; Farias and Naylor, 1998; Guo et al., 2011;
Herle, 2020; Kadlíček and Mašín, 2020; Schneider-Muntau et al., 2018;
Liu et al., 2020; Nitzsche and Herle, 2020), the latter representing LEM
Tschuchnigg et al., 2019) have not been extended and applied to slopes
or LA approaches conducted based on stress fields obtained using finite
element simulations. In contrast to many other stress-based approaches subjected to earthquake loading.

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Schmüdderich).
Received 18 April 2022; Received in revised form 20 September 2022; Accepted 21 September 2022
Available online 11 October 2022
0266-352X/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

The classical methods for accounting for the seismic impact on the utilized. In contrast to the pseudo-static approach, in which constant
stability of slopes are the pseudo-static analysis (PSA), the permanent- horizontal and vertical seismic coefficients are applied, the pseudo-
displacement analysis and the stress-deformation analysis (Newmark, dynamic approach enables to account for spatial and temporal variation
1965; Kramer, 1996; Jibson, 2011). The PSA is based on a limit of the seismic coefficients and amplification factors considering the
equilibrium analysis (LEM) taking into consideration the dynamic ef- soil types and layering between the source of the earthquake signal
fects of an earthquake by a static force acting in a potential sliding and the slope. However, both approaches (pseudo-static and pseudo-
mass (Jibson, 1993). In contrast to the permanent-displacement anal- dynamic) are based on a rough estimate of the in-situ accelerations
ysis and the stress-deformation analysis which provide information on and cannot accurately predict the effects of an earthquake loading.
potential slope deformations, PSA only represents one instant in time Dynamic finite element analysis (DFEA) – previously referred to as
and predicts either a factor of safety for a given acceleration or a stress-deformation analysis – needs to be conducted using sophisticated
yield acceleration for a slope at limit state, where the latter is the constitutive models to predict better the time history of accelerations,
favorable option (Abramson et al., 2001; Jibson, 2011). The permanent- accumulations of strains, and build-up of excess pore water pressures.
displacement analysis is based on the sliding block method proposed In recent years, different sophisticated constitutive models have
by Newmark (1965). In its original form, Newmark’s method treats been used in DFEA to analyze the liquefaction and deformation be-
the potential slip masses of a landslide as a rigid-plastic body, i.e havior of earth dams and artificial slopes under earthquake load-
the mass does not deform internally, but deforms plastically along ing. Among others, the generalized plasticity (Pastor et al., 1990),
a discrete shear surface when a critical acceleration is exceeded. No the hypoplastic model with intergranular strain (von Wolffersdorff,
permanent displacements at accelerations below the critical or yield 1996; Niemunis and Herle, 1997), the MSS model (Kavvadas and
level are considered. Newmark’s method calculates the cumulative Amorosi, 2000), the PDMY02 model (Yang et al., 2003; Mazzoni
permanent displacement of the block as it is subjected to the action of et al., 2006), the PMY model (Mazzoni et al., 2006), the endochronic
an earthquake acceleration–time history, as opposed to the PSA. Both model (López-Querol and Blázquez, 2006), the SANISAND family of
methods (PSA and original Newmark method) ignore the reduction in models (Dafalias and Manzari, 2004; Taiebat and Dafalias, 2008), the
shear strength that takes place during an earthquake, the influence of UBCSand model (Beaty and Byrne, 2011), the ISA Sand model (Fuentes,
relatively small but long-standing oscillations on slope stability, and 2014; Fuentes and Triantafyllidis, 2015), the ISA clay model (Fuentes
treat independently the determination of the factor of safety and the et al., 2018), the PM4Sand model (Boulanger and Ziotopoulou, 2015),
estimation of slope displacements. the PM4Silt model (Boulanger and Ziotopoulou, 2018, 2019) and the
Within the last 50 years, continuous improvement of Newmark’s SANISAND-Sf model (Barrero et al., 2020) were used for the different
method enabled to overcome the major drawbacks mentioned before- analyses. These analyses included the back calculation of centrifuge
hand, for instance by consideration of soil deformability, damping, tests related to the VELACS project (Verification of Liquefaction Analy-
degradation of yield accelerations, spatial distribution of yield accel- ses by Centrifuge Studies) (Muraleetharan et al., 2004; Machaček et al.,
erations or excess pore-water pressure build-up. Among other authors, 2018; Hleibieh and Herle, 2019b; Machaček, 2020), the LEAP-UCD-
extensions of the Newmark method have been proposed by researchers 2017 project (Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Projects) (Kutter
based on decoupled and coupled analyses (Seed and Martin, 1966; Mak- et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020; Montgomery and Ziotopoulou, 2020;
disi and Seed, 1978; Lin and Whitman, 1983; Kramer and Smith, 1997; Tsiaousi et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020; Reyes et al., 2021) and
Bray and Rathje, 1998; Rathje and Bray, 2000; Bray and Travasarou, the LEAP-Asia-2019 project (Chen et al., 2021; Reyes et al., 2021)
2009; Rathje and Antonakos, 2011; Tropeano et al., 2017; Jafarian as well as the investigation of the earthquake resistance of earth
and Lashgari, 2017; Leshchinsky et al., 2018; Mathews et al., 2019; Ji dams (Fernandez-Merodo et al., 2004; López-Querol and Moreta, 2008;
et al., 2021). Decoupled analyses consider an independent evaluation Elia et al., 2011; Pelecanos et al., 2015; Han et al., 2016; Boulanger,
of the dynamic response and the permanent displacement, whereas 2019; Wu et al., 2021) and open pit mine slopes (Machaček et al., 2018;
in coupled analyses the ground motion is determined with regard Machaček, 2020).
to the plastic sliding displacement. In addition, for practitioners ap- Even if seismic effects are estimated more accurately using DFEA,
plying Newmark’s method or extensions thereof, recommendations in many methods for evaluation of slope stability in terms of a factor
terms of critical or allowable displacements are necessary to enable of safety might still leave important effects unconsidered, for instance
judgment of the slope stability under earthquake loading. However, due to relying on simple constitutive models or considering a single
although permanent-displacement analyses following extended New- failure criterion only, neglecting effects such as the current stress state,
mark’s method may yield good approximations of the permanent slope the stress history, the soil density as well as a realistic description
movement, federal institutes and official authorities may also request of the stress–strain behavior. Many assumptions and simplifications
an additional evaluation of the slope stability under earthquake loading are required to approximate the soil and stress states at a certain
in terms of a factor of safety, as discussed for instance by Gold- time step of the DFEA in order to perform a simple slope stability
scheider et al. (2010), Dahmen et al. (2014), Mittmann et al. (2015) analysis and estimate the factor of safety due to the lack of capability to
and Eyll-Vetter (2015). address advanced constitutive models. An alternative to avoid this issue
For the evaluation of the factor of safety of slopes subjected to is a single-step approach discussed in Ma et al. (2021) where DFEA
earthquake loading, the vast majority of the analyses presented in is performed with reduced shear strength and small strain stiffness
the literature are based on two subsequent steps where the effects of parameters throughout the dynamic simulation. However, because the
the earthquake loading are computed first and the stability analysis latter approach necessitates many dynamic finite element simulations
is conducted afterwards. For the latter part, the analysis of the slope with different sets of reduced parameters to narrow the range of the
stability and the investigation of the factor of safety, methods such factor of safety, the computational effort is high when compared to
as LEM (Leshchinsky and San, 1994; Baker et al., 2006; Hleibieh and other approaches that only require a single dynamic finite element
Herle, 2019a; Hazari et al., 2020), LA (Ausilio et al., 2000; Loukidis simulation.
et al., 2003), SRFEA (Baker et al., 2006) or FELA (Loukidis et al., 2003; As seen from the literature review, researchers have not treated
Zhou and Qin, 2020; Li et al., 2021) have been applied, considering the problem of slope stability under seismic conditions evaluated in
additional forces to account for inertial effects. To approximate the terms of a factor of safety considering sophisticated constitutive models
seismic effects, pseudo-static (Leshchinsky and San, 1994; Loukidis extensively. Most studies in this field have either focused on static prob-
et al., 2003; Baker et al., 2006; Bray and Travasarou, 2009; Hleibieh lems, estimation of the factor of safety utilizing approximate methods
and Herle, 2019a; Macedo and Candia, 2020; Li et al., 2021) or pseudo- such as pseudo-static or pseudo-dynamic approaches combined with
dynamic (Zhou and Qin, 2020; Hazari et al., 2020) methods can be simple elastoplastic constitutive models, estimation of displacements

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Fig. 1. Global mobilized shear resistance ratio 𝑇 (𝛾) for a loose and a dense material. Fig. 2. Strain-dependent slope stability FoS(𝛾) for a loose and a dense material.

based on the Newmark’s sliding block method or extensions thereof, shear test if the constitutive model used in the simulation is either ca-
or only investigated liquefaction and deformation problems related to pable of capturing strain softening (in the case of elastoplastic models)
earthquake loading without analyzing the factor of safety. The authors or takes into account the effect of pyknotropy (in case of hypoplastic-
believe that by extending the approach proposed by Nitzsche and Herle ity). Moreover, advanced constitutive features, for instance small-strain
(2020), a valuable contribution to slope stability evaluation for seismic stiffness (Benz, 2007; Benz et al., 2009; Niemunis et al., 2011), inter-
problems can be made, provided the high computational effort related granular strain (Niemunis and Herle, 1997) or destructuration (Taiebat
to this approach can be reduced. et al., 2010), may also result in similar curve trends.
Therefore, the present work aims to extend the concept of strain-
Based on the global mobilized shear resistance ratio 𝑇 (𝛾), the max-
dependent slope stability presented by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) to
imum and residual values (𝑇max , 𝑇res ) as well as the corresponding
enable the evaluation of the factor of safety for slopes subjected to
shear strains (𝛾max , 𝛾res ) are identified, wherein the residual value
earthquake loading. Moreover, a new methodology is proposed to sig-
corresponds to a shear strain beyond which 𝑇 remains constant. As
nificantly enhance the computational efficiency of the strain-dependent
slope stability concept by taking advantage of parallelization of element indicated in Fig. 2, Nitzsche and Herle (2020) suggest to evaluate the
test simulations as well as adaption of different machine learning strain-dependent slope stability for a particular slip surface as FoS(𝛾) =
algorithms. 𝑇max for 𝛾 ≤ 𝛾max and FoS(𝛾) = 𝑇 (𝛾) for 𝛾 > 𝛾max . It should be noted that
𝛾max and 𝛾res coincide for strain hardening materials. Furthermore, for
2. Strain-dependent slope stability softening materials, 𝑇max is usually smaller than the ratio of the sum
of the individual maximum shear stresses divided by the sum of the
To evaluate the stability of slopes considering the current stress initial shear stresses as also depicted in Fig. 1(b). The reason for this is
state, the stress history, the soil density as well as a realistic stress– that the local maxima of the shear stresses are usually not mobilized at
strain behavior, Nitzsche and Herle (2020) proposed a concept referred the same shear strain in each point. Therefore, at a certain shear strain,
to as ‘‘strain-dependent slope stability’’. In a manner similar to other the peak state may be reached at one point whereas softening is already
stress-based approaches (Zou et al., 1995; Farias and Naylor, 1998; Guo seen for other points. The critical slip surface is identified as the slip
et al., 2011; Liu et al., 2020), the factor of safety is calculated for an surface that yields the least factor of safety when the objective function
arbitrarily chosen slip surface of predefined shape discretized using a is defined with respect to the factor of safety at a given shear strain.
user-defined number of points. Using a pre-calculated stress field, such Compared to other approaches which can be used for the analysis
as the one obtained using the finite element method, stresses are inter-
of slope stability problems, a major advantage of the concept presented
polated for each point and rotated in the direction of the slip surface to
by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) summarized above is the possibility for
analyze the normal and shear stress components. In contrast to other
evaluation of the slope stability considering sophisticated constitutive
approaches that define the factor of safety with respect to resisting
models. However, the reader should be aware that this hypothesis
and driving forces evaluated in terms of integrals of shear strength
does not only refer to the simulation of the element tests but as well
and shear stresses, respectively, Nitzsche and Herle (2020) define the
factor of safety based on the mobilization of shear stresses while taking to the finite element simulation conducted to obtain the initial stress
the soil’s stress–strain behavior into account. To accomplish this, it field for stability analysis. Thus, it is not only the stress state that
is suggested to conduct simulations of element tests (simple shear can be transferred from the initial slope model to the element test
tests) for each point along the potential slip surface considering its model, but all internal and additional state variables of the constitutive
current stress state to subsequently evaluate the mobilization of shear model (e.g. void ratio, plastic strains, backstress, history tensor, etc.)
stresses with increasing shear strains. For each slip surface, Nitzsche which enable to approximate stress history, density changes, evolution
and Herle (2020) evaluate the global mobilized shear resistance ratio of small-strain stiffness etc. on the small scale test level. In fact, this
𝑇 (𝛾) according to Eq. (1) as the sum of the mobilized shear stresses allows for a significantly better approximation of shearing resistance
with respect to the shear strain 𝛾, divided by the sum of the initial on the slip surface than traditional stress-based analyses using initial
shear stresses. stress fields obtained from linear elastic or elastoplastic analyses.

𝑖 𝜏mob,𝑖 (𝛾) Still, it should be noted that the concept of strain-dependent slope
𝑇 (𝛾) = ∑ (1)
𝑖 𝜏0,𝑖 stability proposed by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) cannot be used to
detect progressive failure in a slope arising from softening behav-
Upon shearing and depending on the soil density, the 𝑇 (𝛾) curve
depicted in Fig. 1(a) and (b) may be characterized by monotonically ior. Considering a finite-element simulation with a constitutive model
increasing shear stresses or by a peak state followed by a reduction of capturing material softening, it should be clear that as soon as one
shear stresses, respectively. The former, corresponding to pure contrac- material point softens, the decrease of the deviatoric stress causes
tive behavior, is typical of loose sandy soils or normally consolidated stress redistributions around it inducing, in many cases, softening in
clays, whereas the latter, related with contractive behavior followed by neighboring points. However, as the points along the slip surface are
dilatant response, is typical of dense sandy soils and overconsolidated treated individually in the strain-dependent slope stability (and other
clays. However, the latter type of behavior (peak state followed by stress-based approaches), stress redistribution is not possible, thus,
shear stress reduction) can only be numerically simulated in a simple progressive failure cannot be captured.

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

3. Adaption of strain-dependent slope stability for earthquake


3.1. Motivation

Evaluating the stability of a slope subjected to earthquake loading in

terms of a factor of safety is a difficult task when not relying on pseudo-
static or pseudo-dynamic approaches. Advanced finite element schemes
and sophisticated constitutive models must be used to approximate the
dynamic system behavior more accurately, including effects such as
damping, strain accumulation and accumulation of excess pore water
pressures. However, constitutive models that meet these requirements
can usually not be applied to standard strength reduction analyses be-
cause the shear strength is not only controlled by the friction angle but
Fig. 3. Determination of the global mobilized shear resistance ratio 𝑇 for different
other material parameters. In contrast, the concept of strain-dependent
time steps of the dynamic excitation.
slope stability by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) enables the evaluation
of the factor of safety considering sophisticated constitutive models;
however, it is only capable of analyzing slope stability problems for
static conditions and has some drawbacks when trying to analyze 3.3. Definition of reference state for normalization
dynamic problems. To enable utilization of this concept to dynamic
boundary value problems, such as a slope subjected to earthquake Following the original concept by Nitzsche and Herle (2020), the
loading, adaptions of the original approach are required. In this Section, global mobilized shear resistance ratio 𝑇 (𝛾) shown in Fig. 1 is con-
discussions are provided with respect to three main aspects of adaption: strained to start at 𝑇 (𝛾 = 0.0) = 1.0 for any slip surface under
the shape of the slip surface, a more precise definition of initial shear investigation, independent of any problem-specific boundary condition
stress 𝜏0 used for normalization and general thoughts about the effect or constitutive model used to simulate the soil behavior. The reason for
of specific constitutive model features on conservative and optimistic this is the normalization approach chosen which enforces division by
estimates of the factor of safety. the sum of the initial shear stresses which always yields unity for the
beginning of the 𝑇 (𝛾) curve. Although for softening soils the residual
3.2. Shape of the slip surface factor of safety (FoSres ) may drop below unity, the maximum factor
of safety will always be larger than or equal to unity (FoSmax ≥ 1.0)
In the original concept of the strain-dependent slope stability, the due to the fact that the initial value of the global mobilized shear
shape of the failure mechanism is assumed to be of a wedge type with a resistance ratio is always equal to unity. For soil materials not showing
linear slip surface. Nitzsche and Herle (2020) report that this shape has softening behavior, the residual and maximum factor of safety will
been chosen as it allows to assume that the simple shear conditions hold always be larger than or equal to unity (FoSres ≥ 1.0 and FoSmax ≥ 1.0).
for any point along the slip surface. Thus, the development of shear Therefore, it should be very clear that using the current approach and
strains in terms of direction and magnitude is identical for all points focusing on the maximum factor of safety as an estimate for the safety
along the slip surface. By choosing other shapes of the slip surface, at small shear strains, it is not possible to classify slopes as unstable.
for instance circular or log-spiral shapes, different conditions such as In view of a static finite element simulation using advanced constitu-
triaxial compression or extension could also occur along the slip surface tive models (multisurface bounding plasticity, hypoplasticity), this fact
leading to difficulties in conducting the element tests and evaluating (FoSmax ≥ 1.0) may be of subordinate importance as long as numerical
the global mobilized shear resistance ratio 𝑇 (𝛾) as the summation of instabilities (e.g. large strains and displacements leading to distorted
individual shear strain versus shear stress curves. Still, it should be
element shapes) during the construction, excavation or gravity loading
noted that the assumption of a linear slip surface significantly limits
phase of the finite element slope model prohibit finding an equilibrium
the potential boundary value problems to be investigated.
state and, thereby, an appropriate initial stress field for further slope
In this study, a circular slip surface is investigated (Fig. 3). Due to
stability analysis. Yet, using simple constitutive models such as linear
a rotation of the failure mechanism it is assumed that shear strains are
elasticity it is possible to obtain an initial stress field for ‘‘unstable’’
identical in magnitude along the slip surface, whereas their direction is
slopes, which would then be classified as stable using the approach at
tangential to the slip surface. It should be noted that the assumption of a
hand. However, as the idea of this approach is to analyze slope stability
circular slip surface is, as well, not necessarily a correct approximation
using sophisticated rather than simple constitutive models, the latter
of real case failure mechanisms; however, it is a better one compared to
point of discussion is not further elaborated.
a linear slip surface. Moreover, it enables the evaluation of slip surfaces
that enter and exit within the sloping area, which is relevant for slopes For stress states during earthquake loading, it should be emphasized
with shallow slip surfaces, for instance, gentle slopes composed of that the equilibrium which needs to be satisfied during the finite ele-
sandy material subjected to earthquake loading, as will be discussed ment simulation is a dynamic equilibrium that also includes damping
later. and inertial effects. Therefore, a priori it is not clear if a slope which
Generation of slip surfaces is performed using the entry-exit method is in dynamic equilibrium during an earthquake loading also satisfies
(see e.g. GeoStudio (2020)) by definition of entry, exit and radius the static equilibrium and should be classified stable or unstable. In this
points. Optimization to find the critical slip surface can be conducted context, the advantage of stress-based approaches including the concept
using different optimization schemes, for instance Grid Search, Parti- by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) is that stresses at different points along
cle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Clerc, 2013) or Differential Evolution the slip surface are elaborated independently of the overall static equi-
(DE) (Storn and Price, 1997). Although trial analyses showed that librium, whereas strength reduction schemes have to make assumptions
optimization via DE yields very accurate and reproducible results, brute in a way to find a stable equilibrium, for instance approximation of
grid search is chosen for the majority of the simulations in this study inertial forces via pseudo-static approaches. However, as the original
to enable a fair comparison between different element test simulation concept of the strain-dependent slope stability lacks to classify slopes
schemes based on identical numbers of simulations performed in every as unstable, an adaption is proposed in this study for slopes subjected
case. Further analyses in the last part of this study (Section 5.5) have to earthquake loading (Fig. 3).
been conducted with DE rather than PSO as trial analyses revealed To overcome the drawbacks discussed previously, the approach
significantly lower scatter for repeated optimization runs. followed in this study is to choose the initial shear stress used to derive

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

the global mobilized shear resistance ratio 𝑇 (𝛾) based on the static
equilibrium referred to as time step 𝑡0 . Thereby, also a fair comparison
of different time steps is enabled as normalization of the mobilized
shear stresses is performed with respect to a fixed reference time step
(𝑡0 ). The updated equation to evaluate the global mobilized shear
resistance ratio 𝑇 as a function of the shear strain 𝛾 and the dynamic
time 𝑡dyn then reads:

( ) 𝑖 𝜏mob,𝑖 (𝛾, 𝑡dyn )
𝑇 𝛾, 𝑡dyn = ∑ (2)
𝑖 𝜏0,𝑖 (𝑡0 )

Compared to the evaluation of the global mobilized shear resistance Fig. 4. Effect of IGS on simple shear test for different effective mean stresses 𝑝.
ratio according to Eq. (1), the computational effort for evaluation of
Eq. (2) is slightly larger as stresses at each point along the slip surface
have to be determined for the current and the reference time. However, response upon unloading, quasi-elastic behavior for strain levels <
as only the initial shear stress is required at the reference time, there 10−5 , increase of stiffness after sharp changes of strain direction) as
is no need to also perform an element test. Thus, the increased com- those reported by Atkinson et al. (1990). The initial value for the IGS
putational effort is limited to interpolation and rotation of the stress depends on the deformation history of the soil. In many instances, the
state at the reference time. In view of the computational effort related monotonic pre-loading process corresponds to a 1D sedimentation or
to the computations conducted for the current time including the fresh deposition. This means that the IGS is assumed to be maximal and
simulation of the element test, the additional computational effort due to have only the vertical component equal to the maximum IGS value
to evaluation of the stresses at the reference time is almost negligible. −𝑅 initially. In cases where soil layers were subjected to cyclic loading
from earthquakes, small seasonal cycles (aging), dynamic compaction
3.4. Constitutive model etc., or when the ground water level is variable the assumption of null
value (𝐡0 = 𝟎) for the initial IGS is more adequate (Buehler, 2006).
Nitzsche and Herle (2020) used an elastoplastic constitutive model Simulations with the von Wolffersdorff’s version of the hypoplastic
with Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion and a strain-softening rule con- equation (von Wolffersdorff, 1996) with IGS are performed with Incre-
trolling the critical friction angle to show the effect of softening on mental Driver (Niemunis, 2008), a program written by A. Niemunis in
the strain-dependent slope stability. The current stresses at the points Fortran that integrates constitutive rate equations using strain for a sin-
defining the failure surface were interpolated from an initial stress field gle finite element with one Gauss point. Incremental Driver is compiled
obtained using a finite element simulation. However, no other informa- together with the implementation of the constitutive model to produce
tion (e.g. additional state variables) has been transferred from the finite an executable file that can run different predefined stress or strain
element model to the element test simulations, thus, plastic strains con- paths, representing conventional geotechnical tests like oedometric
trolling the softening process have been reset to zero at the beginning of compression, simple shear or triaxial tests.
the element tests. As the constitutive model used in Nitzsche and Herle As the hypoplastic stiffness is influenced by IGS, the shear strain
(2020) cannot properly approximate the soil behavior under earth- versus shear stress behavior under simple shear conditions is affected
quake loading, the hypoplastic model with intergranular strain (von accordingly. To assess to what extent IGS affects the evolution of
Wolffersdorff, 1996; Niemunis and Herle, 1997) is used in this study. shear stresses in a simple shear test, its influence is investigated by
Moreover, additional state variables such as the void ratio and the comparison of the basic version of hypoplasticity with and without IGS
components of the intergranular strain tensor are interpolated at the extension. Simple shear tests have been simulated with mean stresses
points along with the stress state. The performance of the hypoplastic of 𝑝 = 5 kPa, 𝑝 = 21 kPa and 𝑝 = 146 kPa. To investigate the maximum
model with intergranular strain under cyclic and dynamic loading is potential deviation between both models, the IGS tensor is initialized
not shown here as it has been discussed intensively in previous works, with null values (𝐡0 = 𝟎) leading to a large increase in the hypoplastic
for instance in Rebstock (2011), Prada-Sarmiento (2011), Hleibieh and stiffness at small strain levels. The results are presented in terms of
Herle (2019b), Wichtmann et al. (2019) and Machaček et al. (2021). shear strain 𝛾 versus shear stress 𝜏xy curves in Fig. 4. As it can be
Hypoplasticity is a family of incrementally non-linear constitutive seen from this figure, the stress–strain behavior under simple shear
models that, unlike the classical elastoplasticity framework, do not conditions is significantly influenced by IGS in terms of the general
split strain increments into elastic and plastic portions. Therefore, curve trend for shear strains 𝛾 < 0.1, in contrast to shear stresses
hypoplasticity does not require the explicit formulation of any surface at residual strains (𝛾 > 0.2) where the effect of IGS has vanished.
like the plastic potential or the yield surface. It belongs to the group Moreover, it is apparent from this figure that IGS has an effect on the
of path-dependent and rate-independent constitutive models, i.e., the maximum shear stress, which is very large for small mean stress levels
sequence of deformation increments influences accumulated stresses, and decreases with increasing mean stresses. For the curves presented
but the duration of the deformation processes or individual increments here, the increase in the maximum shear stress is approximately 150%
is insignificant (Niemunis, 2003). The hypoplastic formulation accounts and 10% for small and intermediate stress levels, respectively, whereas
for density (pyknotropy) and confining pressure (barotropy) effects and no increase in the maximum shear stress is observed for large stress
incorporates the critical state line in the form of a potential compres- levels.
sion law (Bauer, 1996). However, cyclic loading cannot be calculated In light of these findings, it should be clear that the effect of IGS on
correctly with the basic version of hypoplasticity. The stiffness increase simple shear tests also has an impact on the factor of safety obtained
due to a change in the direction of the strain path is not reproduced. using the concept of strain-dependent slope stability, at least when the
With each stress cycle, an unrealistic large strain (ratcheting) remains factor of safety is determined at small shear strains or when the factor
in the material (Wichtmann, 2005). The concept of intergranular strain of safety is based on the maximum shear stress. However, as the stress
(IGS) as an internal variable in the strain space that memorizes the most points in the slope area are subjected to multiple loading and unloading
recent strain history was introduced by Niemunis and Herle (1997). cycles during the dynamic loading phase undergoing large strains, it
The grain-level interpretation of the model is given by the deformation is expected that the IGS tensor is different from its initial null state,
of an elastic interface between the grains. IGS modifies the hypoplas- leading to smaller stiffness increments during the analysis of the factor
tic stiffness to include some features observed in laboratory tests on of safety using element tests. Yet, if the orientation of the last loading
soils subjected to changes in the direction of deformation (e.g. stiffer cycle in the dynamic phase varies significantly from the dip angle of the

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Fig. 5. Geometry and dimensions of the finite element model.

Fig. 6. Applied cyclic signal on the bottom of the FE model.

slip surface, increased hypoplastic stiffness due to IGS is to be expected. Table 1

Considering that, in general, the evaluation of the factor of safety is Parameters of the hypoplastic model (𝜑𝑐 − 𝛽) with intergranular strain (𝑚𝑇 − 𝜒) for
preferably based on a slightly conservative estimate rather than a too ‘‘Slope’’.
optimistic one, IGS should not be considered in the stability analysis. 𝜑𝑐 ℎ𝑠 𝑛 𝑒𝑑0 𝑒𝑐0 𝑒𝑖0 𝛼 𝛽 𝑚𝑇 𝑚𝑅 𝑅 𝛽𝑅 𝜒
Nevertheless, comparative stability analyses with and without IGS are 35.9◦ 250 MPa 0.23 0.426 0.722 0.83 0.0 2.9 3.0 7.0 0.0001 0.1 1.25
conducted in Section 4.3.

4. Application
void ratio 𝑒0 (𝑥, 𝑦)
̃ is expressed as a function of the initial void ratio 𝑒00
at mean effective stress 𝑝0 = 0 kPa, the actual mean effective stress
As an application of the proposed methods, the stability of an
𝑝0 = −𝜎𝑖𝑖 (𝑥, 𝑦)∕3
̃ in depth 𝑦̃ under consideration and the hypoplastic
opencast mine slope under earthquake loading is investigated. When
parameters ℎ𝑠 and 𝑛:
opencast mines are decommissioned, the residual pits are frequently [ ( )𝑛 ]
refilled with soil or water, resulting in so-called residual lakes. The 𝑝0
̃ = 𝑒00 𝜁 ⋅ exp −
𝑒0 (𝑥, 𝑦) , (3)
enclosing slopes of such lakes are often made of uncompacted material ℎ𝑠
obtained from the excavation pit whose pores are filled with water. ( )
where 𝜁 = 𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑥 − (𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛 )𝐷𝑟0 ∕𝑒𝑐0 is introduced to account for the
Depending on the drainage conditions, cyclic shearing of the grain
initial relative density and 𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛 refer to the void ratio at loosest
skeleton induced by earthquakes may lead to a reduction of effective
and densest state, respectively. At the beginning of the simulation,
stress and, consequently, to a decrease of shearing resistance of the
the initial stress state due to the self-weight of the soil is applied in
soil. The earthquake stability assessments of such slopes are therefore
a so-called Geostatic Step. The displacements of the bottom boundary
complex and non-linear problems, often addressed using pseudo-static
are constrained in the vertical direction, while the lateral boundaries
approaches that neglect material-induced failures and the role of pore-
are constrained in the horizontal direction. For numerical purposes,
fluids. They are thus ideally suited to present the advantages and
an artificial compressive load with a constant magnitude of 𝑡̂stab =
applicability of the proposed method.
2 kPa is applied perpendicular to the top surface of the soil. This is
necessary because the mean effective stress may approach zero during
4.1. Finite element model
the dynamic excitation here and the response of the hypoplastic model
is not defined for stress states with vanishing mean effective stress.
A schematic illustration of the investigated opencast mine is given
Before the dynamic analysis, the horizontal boundary conditions on
in Fig. 5. The model representing an idealized open pit is composed of
both sides of the model are replaced by static forces corresponding
three sections, namely the slope, the surrounding subsoil and an elastic
to the reaction forces of the horizontal boundary conditions. These
subsoil layer. The idealized cross section of the ‘‘Slope’’ area consists of
traction boundaries may alter the shape of the dispersion front and
loosely deposited sand (relative density 𝐷𝑟0 = 0.3), while the ‘‘Subsoil’’
produce unrealistic surface waves. These effects can be minimized by
domain consists of dense sand. For the numerical analysis, large areas
placing the boundaries far enough from the slope.1 During the Dynamic
outside the slope are included in the simulation to reduce wave reflec-
Excitation step, the earthquake loading depicted in Fig. 6 is applied
tions from the vertical model boundaries into the area of interest (the
using a compliant base boundary condition at the bottom boundary
slope) during the dynamic steps. For the FE simulations, the software
of the model. This von Neumann boundary condition prescribes the
numgeo (Machaček & Staubach, see e.g. Machaček (2020), Machaček earthquake input motion and at the same time absorbs downward
et al. (2021), Staubach et al. (2022a,b) and was
traveling reflections. For details on the implementation it is referred
used. The area of the slope was discretized using a nodal distance of
to Machaček (2020). Drainage along the top surface is assumed, mean-
𝛥𝑥 = 𝛥𝑦 ≈ 1.5 m. The subsoil area surrounding the slope is discretized
ing the water table of the residual lake is assumed not to be affected
with the same specifications, securing that at least ten nodes are within
by the earthquake. During this step a fixed time increment of 𝛥𝑡 =
one wave length. With increasing distance from the slope, the nodal
1.0 × 10−3 s is used. The total time step is 𝑡dyn = 12 s, while the
distance in horizontal direction increases up to 𝛥𝑥max = 20 m for the
excitation time is only 5 s.
outer most elements for reasons of numerical performance (smaller
The material behavior of the ‘‘Slope’’ and the ‘‘Subsoil’’ is described
number of elements in the model) and increased numerical damping
using the hypoplastic constitutive model in the version of von Wolf-
reducing reflections from the outer boundaries back into the model. The
fersdorff (1996) with IGS (Niemunis and Herle, 1997). The parameter
FE model consists of about 22,000 elements in total and approx. 65,000
sets used for the slope and the subsoil are depicted in Tables 1 and 2,
nodes. To account for changes in pore water pressure and consolidation
respectively. The bottom layer labeled ‘‘Subsoil (elastic)’’ is modeled
effects during and after the earthquake loading, so-called u-p elements
are used. u-p elements discretize the displacement of the solid phase u
and the pore water pressure 𝑝𝑤 . 1
Alternatively, so called absorbing boundary conditions could be applied.
The initial state of the FE model corresponds to the state before the Application of these has shown an increase or decrease of the amplitude of
earthquake loading. With an initial relative density of 𝐷𝑟0 = 0.3 for the incident waves (non-perpendicular to the element face), which may be not
‘‘Slope’’ and 𝐷𝑟0 = 0.7 for the ‘‘Subsoil’’, typical values were assumed conservative, if the boundary is located too close to the slope. Due to the
for the opencast mine under investigation. The initial void ratio follows inhomogeneity of the model in horizontal direction, a kinematic coupling of
the Bauer’s equation (Bauer, 1996), therein, the depth dependent initial the left and the right lateral boundaries is not possible.

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Table 2
Parameters of the hypoplastic model (𝜑𝑐 − 𝛽) with intergranular strain (𝑚𝑇 − 𝜒) for
𝜑𝑐 ℎ𝑠 𝑛 𝑒𝑑0 𝑒𝑐0 𝑒𝑖0 𝛼 𝛽 𝑚𝑇 𝑚𝑅 𝑅 𝛽𝑅 𝜒
32.8◦ 5.8 GPa 0.28 0.568 0.866 0.996 0.13 1.05 5.0 5.0 0.0001 0.2 1.0

as a linear elastic material with a Young’s modulus of 𝐸 = 609.4 MPa

and a Poisson’s ratio of 𝜈 = 0.3. As the compliant base boundary
condition applied to the bottom of the model requires the definition
of a (favorably constant) shear wave velocity 𝑐𝑠 over the width of the
model, an elastic material was selected here instead of a hypoplastic
material. This selection was made as the former material allows for
direct determination of a constant 𝑐𝑠 based on the elastic properties,
whereas 𝑐𝑠 is not constant over time and width of the model when
using more advanced models such as hypoplasticity due to variations of
influencing variables, such as the current stress state or the void ratio.
The elastic properties of the bottom layer have been chosen in a way
to minimize differences in the shear stiffness between the elastic layer
and the hypoplastic layer. The determination of the shear modulus of
the hypoplastic model with IGS has been conducted in line with the
approach proposed by Wegener and Herle (2012). Following Wegener Fig. 7. Results of the finite element simulation in terms of displacement magnitudes
and Herle (2012), the shear modulus at small strains 𝐺0 (so within for different time steps during the dynamic loading phase.
the range of the IGS extension) of the Hypo+IGS model can be ap-
proximated based on Eq. (4), where 𝑝 = −𝜎𝑖𝑖 ∕3 is the mean effective
stress, and 𝑚𝑅 , ℎ𝑠 , 𝑛, 𝑒𝑐0 and 𝛽 are parameters of the hypoplastic model
and the factors 𝑓𝑎 and 𝑓𝐾 are calculated according to Eqs. (5) and (6),
( )1−𝑛 (
ℎ 3𝑝 𝑒𝑐0 )𝛽
𝐺0 = 𝑚𝑅 𝑠 𝑓𝑎 𝑓𝐾 (4)
𝑛 ℎ𝑠 𝑒
( ) [ √ ( 𝑒 − 𝑒 )𝛼 ]−1
𝑒𝑖0 𝛽 1 + 𝑒𝑖0 𝑖0 𝑑0
𝑓𝑎 = 3 + 𝑎2 − 𝑎 3 (5)
𝑒𝑐0 𝑒𝑖0 𝑒𝑐0 − 𝑒𝑑0

1 (1 + 2𝐾)2 + 𝑎2 (1 − 𝐾) 𝜎2
𝑓𝐾 = with 𝐾=
2 1 + 2𝐾 2 𝜎1

3(3 − sin 𝜑𝑐 )
and 𝑎 = √ (6)
2 2 sin 𝜑𝑐
Note that above equations only hold if 𝑝 ≪ ℎ𝑠 since then 𝑒𝑑 ≈ 𝑒𝑑0 ,
𝑒𝑐 ≈ 𝑒𝑐0 and 𝑒𝑖 ≈ 𝑒𝑖0 . Otherwise, the dependency of the void ratio
𝑒𝑐 (𝑝) on the mean effective stress must be taken into account. For a
given soil state, the shear modulus can be calculated with and without
consideration of the influence of the mean effective stress on the void
ratios according to Bauer (1996). Furthermore, it should be noted that
by setting 𝑚𝑅 = 1, the calculated 𝐺0 corresponds to the shear modulus
of the (purely) hypoplastic model. Fig. 8. Evolution of (a) horizontal acceleration, (b) excess pore water pressure ratio,
(c) effective mean stress ratio and (d) displacement magnitude with time for points P1,
4.2. Results of the dynamic finite element simulation P2 and P3.

As the determination of the factor of safety cannot replace a thor-

ough assessment of the results obtained from the dynamic finite ele- As can be seen from Fig. 8(a), the horizontal accelerations observed
ment analysis (DFEA), but should be considered complementary, the at the slope toe (P1) resemble the input motion applied at the bottom of
results of the DFEA are discussed prior to the evaluation of the strain- the model (Fig. 6), indicating that the vertically traveling shear waves
dependent slope stability. It is apparent from the displacement fields are not decisively influenced by reflected waves pointing in directions
evaluated for 𝑡dyn = 3.0 s, 3.5 s and 6.0 s (Fig. 7), that large displace- other than the vertical one. In contrast, it is apparent for points P2 and
ments mainly occur close to the slope surface, indicating very shallow P3 located at larger heights of the slope, that horizontal accelerations
movements and potential failure. Moreover, it can be seen that large are significantly influenced by reflections from the slope surface. In case
displacements form at the slope crest and then develop towards the of P2 the recorded acceleration signal resembles only the first cycle of
toe of the slope with the largest displacements observed at points P2 the applied signal. Analysis of Fig. 8(b) reveals that the excess pore
and P3 (Fig. 7) located approximately at 𝑥 = 900 m and 𝑥 = 1150 m, water pressure ratios increase significantly in all points for 𝑡dyn ≥ 2.0 s,
respectively. Considering the first six seconds of the dynamic analysis, showing a rapid build-up until a first peak is reached for 𝑡dyn ≈ 3.5 s,
the evolution of horizontal accelerations 𝑎h , excess pore water pressure followed by a moderate variation of the excess pore water pressure
ratios 𝑟u , normalized mean effective stresses 𝑝∕𝑝0 and displacement ratios and a slower decrease for 𝑡dyn ≥ 5.5 s. Interestingly, maximum
magnitudes |𝒖| are presented in Fig. 8(a) to (d), respectively, for P1, excess pore water pressure ratios of 𝑟u = 1.65 > 1.0 are observed, which
P2 and P3. can be explained by the normalization with the static mean effective

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

concept of strain-dependent slope stability versus the time step of the

dynamic loading phase. As can be seen from the solid line in this figure,
the FoSmax considering the basic version of the hypoplastic model is
almost constant for 𝑡dyn ≤ 2.0 s, reduces significantly for 2.0 s ≤ 𝑡dyn ≤
3.0 s, reaches an unstable state indicated by a drop below unity at
𝑡dyn ≈ 2.85 s, shows a slight increase in the FoSmax up to 𝑡dyn ≈ 3.2 s
and reduces further down to FoS = 0.5 for 𝑡dyn ≥ 5.5 s. These results
of the FoSmax are in good agreement with the development of excess
pore water pressures and displacements depicted in Fig. 8(b) and (d),
respectively, which also indicate that the effect of the dynamic loading
is small for 𝑡dyn ≤ 2.0 s, whereas it increases significantly between
2.0 s ≤ 𝑡dyn ≤ 3.0 s. Moreover, as the rate of displacements increases
with time for 2.5 s ≤ 𝑡dyn ≤ 4.5 s for point P2 (and P3), strong evidence
is given that this is accompanied by a continuous decrease in FoS,
which can also be seen in Fig. 9. However, although convergence is
Fig. 9. FoS at different times of the dynamic simulation for different specifications of
possible in the dynamic FE simulation in the case of a FoS as low as
the IGS in the simple shear tests.
0.5, the information being obtained from the analysis (stress state and
state variables) should be assessed carefully since its accuracy may have
reduced due to large strains and displacements. In the future, large-
stress which is different from the mean effective stress during dynamic deformation FE analyses, e.g. with remeshing techniques, should be
loading as displayed in Fig. 8(c). Notice in the latter figure, that the carried out to better capture the sliding of the soil close to the slope
mean effective stress 𝑝 in P3 decreases up to 𝑡dyn ≈ 4 s similar to 𝑝 surface once the FoS drops below 1.0.
in P2. However, for P3, a further decrease of mean effective stress is Analyzing the general trend of the FoSmax obtained using the hy-
observed thereafter, indicating an almost loss of grain contacts and, poplastic model, it is apparent from Fig. 9 that the evolution of the
thereby, potential liquefaction. Concurrently, displacements depicted factor of safety with respect to time is not resembled by a smooth
in Fig. 8(d) increase significantly for P2 and P3, whereas only a small curve, but rather shows small variations and a clear drop at 𝑡dyn ≈ 3.0 s
increase is observed for P1. This general observation is also supported which is partially recovered shortly after. A potential reason for this
by the displacement patterns shown in Fig. 7, indicating that large trend can be given with respect to the results depicted in Fig. 8 also
displacements do not cover the entire slope area, but only the span showing fluctuations of the excess pore water pressure and the effective
between 𝑥 = 860 m and the slope crest. Moreover, the general trend mean stresses, which indicate fluctuations of the stress states used for
observed for P2 and P3 is quite revealing as it shows an increasing rate the stability analyses. As the stresses slightly increase or decrease,
of displacements, thus, the soil in this area is accelerating its movement, it is expected that this fluctuation also propagates to the factor of
which is a clear indicator for sliding on a potential failure surface. safety. Moreover, it should be noted that the location and size of the
critical slip surface vary due to the evolution of the excess pore water
4.3. Evaluation of the seismic strain-dependent slope stability pressures and mean effective stresses. This fact increases the complexity
for locating the critical slip surface using a simple grid optimization
Slope stability analyses are conducted applying the modified con- as was done in creating Fig. 9, where based on a predefined grid
cept of strain-dependent slope stability developed in Section 3 to the always the same slip surfaces are analyzed for each time step. Thus,
boundary value problem investigated in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 consid- if the critical slip surface is not well captured by the slip surfaces
ering the first six seconds of the dynamic loading phase (0.0 s ≤ analyzed, an overestimation of the factor of safety is expected. As the
𝑡dyn ≤ 6.0 s). As a first step, element test simulations are performed number of slip surfaces used for each analysis had to be limited due
with the basic version of the hypoplastic model, where the transfer to the computational costs related to the concept of strain-dependent
of information from the finite element model to the element tests slope stability, it is possible that the critical slip surface associated
included the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of stresses and to a smaller FoS is not well captured. However, this drawback can
void ratios. The evaluation is based on the maximum factor of safety be overcome by utilizing machine learning algorithms combined with
(FoSmax ). For the determination of FoSmax every 𝛥𝑡dyn = 0.05 s, the advanced optimization techniques, as will be discussed in Section 5.
time series depicting the evolution of FoSmax with the dynamic time Comparable to the basic hypoplastic model, a similar trend is ob-
requires stability analyses for 121 time steps. Considering a grid search served if the IGS tensor is initialized in the Incremental Driver simula-
algorithm with approximately 2000 potential slip surfaces analyzed to tions in the same way as the values obtained from the finite element
find the critical slip surface and a discretization of the slip surface using simulation for the current time step of the dynamic loading phase
15 points, a total of 3.6 ⋅ 106 element test simulations are performed (solid diamond symbols in Fig. 9). This indicates that the magnitude
using the Incremental Driver software (Niemunis, 2008). Additional of the strain level has almost reached the maximum mobilized value of
simulations with 𝛥𝑡dyn = 0.5 s are performed to investigate the influence IGS (i.e. parameter 𝑅) during the dynamic loading phase. Hence, the
of IGS on the strain-dependent slope stability. Therefore, three different hypoplastic stiffness is only slightly increased due to the contribution
assumptions are compared: stability analyses via simulation of element of IGS, leading to a marginal increase in the maximum shear stress
tests using (1) the basic hypoplastic model, (2) the hypoplastic model and the maximum factor of safety. Moreover, good agreement between
with IGS initialized with null values (𝐡0 = 𝟎) and (3) the hypoplastic all cases is seen for 𝑡dyn ≤ 2.0 s. However, significant differences are
model with IGS utilizing the IGS tensor as obtained from the finite evident for 𝑡dyn ≥ 2.0 s for the case of an IGS tensor initialized with null
element slope model for the current time step of the dynamic loading values. An explanation for these differences has already been given in
phase. In the latter case, additional transfer of information from the Sections 3.4 and 4.2. As excess pore water pressures increase due to the
finite element model to the element tests included the IGS tensor. In dynamic loading, effective stresses reduce. Thereby, simple shear tests
summary, 2 × 390,000 = 780,000 additional element test simulations are are performed at a smaller stress level where IGS initialized with null
conducted to analyze the effect of IGS on the strain-dependent slope values leads to significantly larger maximum shear stresses. The gap
stability. between the FoSmax obtained with the basic version of the hypoplastic
The results of the full time series are presented in Fig. 9 in terms model and the one with IGS initialized with null values develops in
of the maximum factor of safety (FoSmax ) obtained using the modified accordance with the trend of the excess pore water pressures depicted

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

With respect to the discussion in Section 3.4 on the expected in-

fluence of the intergranular strain extension on the factor of safety
considering the concept of strain-dependent slope stability, it was
shown with this academic example that consideration of IGS leads
to a non-conservative estimate of FoSmax . As computational costs for
element test simulations with IGS are also significantly larger compared
to simulations without IGS (≈ 50% in time), the authors recommend to
not include IGS for the analysis of the strain-dependent slope stability.
However, for the dynamic FE simulations, which are the basis for these
stability analyses, the consideration of the IGS is mandatory to capture
the soil behavior under cyclic loading. Moreover, it is worth noting
that the FoS curve trends discussed here are not only influenced by the
state variables (e.g. stress state, void ratio, IGS tensor) but also by the
parameter sets used for the constitutive model. Thus, slight variations
of these curve trends are to be expected for different parameter sets.

5. Reduction of computational effort via different machine learn-

ing techniques

5.1. Motivation

The search for the critical slip surface requires evaluation of element
Fig. 10. Global mobilized shear resistance ratio (𝑇 ) and factor of safety (FoS) curves
tests for many potential slip surfaces with each multiple points along
with respect to applied shear strain (𝛾) considering (a,b) the basic hypoplastic model the slip surface. Depending on the optimization scheme chosen for this
and (c,d) the hypoplastic model with IGS initialized with null values (𝐡0 = 𝟎) for search and the desired accuracy for identifying the critical location of
different time steps during the dynamic excitation phase. the slip surface, 10,000 to 100,000 element test simulations may be a
realistic choice. Assuming that a single element test simulation takes
1.5 s, which is an optimistic estimate, the total evaluation time for a
in Fig. 8(b) which are small for 𝑡dyn ≤ 2.0 s, reach their maximum at single time step considering the number of element tests given above
𝑡dyn ≈ 3.2 s and slowly dissipate for 𝑡dyn ≥ 5.5 s. would be 4.17 h to 1.74 days, respectively. As a single element test
To further elaborate on the results presented in Fig. 9, the evolution simulation does not fully exploit the CPU, in a first attempt multiple
of the global mobilized shear resistance ratio (𝑇 ) and the factor of element test simulations have been started in parallel. In fact, parallel
safety (FoS) with applied shear strain (𝛾) are analyzed for the critical simulation of element tests reduces computational time required for a
slip surfaces at five selected time steps (𝑡dyn = 1.5 s, 2.5 s, 3.0 s, 3.5 s, single element test to approximately 0.5 s. However, the number of
6.0 s). The main objective here is to identify how IGS influences the element tests performed within a parallel scheme cannot be increased
shape of the FoS versus 𝛾 curves, as exemplarily depicted in Fig. 2(a) too much as the efficiency reduces if too many parallel simulations are
and (b) for purely contractive behavior and contractive behavior fol- performed.
lowed by strain softening, respectively. Moreover, these curves allow Taking into consideration that the evolution of the shear stress
for evaluation of the difference between the maximum and the residual during a simple shear test (Fig. 4) for a given hypoplastic parameter
factor of safety (FoSmax , FoSres ). The results associated with the stability set is only dependent on the current stress state and the additional
analyses discussed in Fig. 9 are presented in Fig. 10 in terms of (a,c) state variables (void ratio, intergranular strain tensor), the idea is to use
𝑇 (𝛾) and (b,d) FoS(𝛾) for element test simulations with (a,b) the basic machine learning techniques and train a machine learning algorithm to
hypoplastic model and (c,d) the hypoplastic model with IGS initialized mimic the actual simulation of an element test. Reducing the variables
as 𝐡0 = 𝟎. It is apparent from Fig. 10(b) that the FoS versus 𝛾 curve to be considered in this approach to the stress tensor and the void
using the basic hypoplastic model can be approximated well with a ratio based on the discussion given in Sections 3.4 and 4.3, the number
constant line indicating negligible differences between the maximum of input parameters for the machine learning process reduces to five
and residual factor of safety. An explanation for this trend can be given parameters: the normal stresses 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ , 𝜎𝑦̄𝑦̄ and 𝜎𝑧̄ 𝑧̄ and the shear stress
with regard to the evolution of the global mobilized shear resistance 𝜏𝑥̄ 𝑦̄ in the rotated configuration and the void ratio 𝑒.
ratio (𝑇 ) depicted in Fig. 10(a), which is monotonously increasing until
reaching the critical state.
In contrast, Fig. 10(d) shows a significant decrease of the FoS for 5.2. Sampling strategy
element tests using the hypoplastic model with IGS initialized with null
values (𝐡0 = 𝟎) for shear strains in the range of 0 ≤ 𝛾 ≤ 0.05 and time To train a machine learning algorithm for the problem at hand,
steps 𝑡dyn ≥ 3.0 s. As large differences between FoSmax and FoSres are sampling of training data including definition of parameter ranges
obtained in these analyses, it should be noted that minor shear strains and constraints is of high importance. To define parameter ranges for
result in a large reduction of the factor of safety. An explanation for the the sampling, evaluation of representative input parameter combina-
FoS trend can be given with respect to the 𝑇 versus 𝛾 curves displayed tions based on the sloping area of the finite element slope model is
in Fig. 10(c) showing a very stiff initial response in the simple shear conducted. Collecting information from the slope model (e.g. stress
tests as a result of increased hypoplastic stiffness due to IGS followed states and multiple rotations of it together with the void ratio), a data
by a rapid decrease of 𝑇 with increasing shear strain until reaching the base composed of 7.3 × 106 unique input parameter sets is obtained.
critical state. It should be noted that 𝑇res and FoSres obtained in these Projecting this data onto 2D planes, convex hulls2 of representative
simulations are slightly larger compared to simulations without IGS [ combinations can be examined for each combination of input parame-
Fig. 10(a,b)] since the objective function in the optimization was linked ters (e.g. 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜎𝑦̄𝑦̄ or 𝜏𝑥̄ 𝑦̄ - 𝑒), yielding convex hulls for 10 different 2D
to FoSmax rather than to FoSres . projections in total. These hulls, as exemplary shown together with a

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Fig. 13. Comparison of shear stress evolution in simple shear test derived via
Hypoplastic model (benchmark) and trained machine learning algorithms (RBF, RF,
KNN and MLP) for test samples at different stress states.

and linear spacing for the shear stress and void ratio parameter. Taking
into account the constraints defined above in terms of the 2D projection
hulls and allowing only for valid combinations in the mean effective
stress versus void ratio space via Bauer’s law (Bauer, 1996), 71,059
valid samples have been created as training data for the machine
learning algorithms. Examples of these samples and the constraint hulls
projected on four different planes are depicted in Fig. 12. As can be
Fig. 11. Representation of a subset (≈ 3 − 4%) of the analyzed data and 2D projection seen from this figure, the quadratic spacing utilized for normal stress-
hulls for (a) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜎𝑦̄𝑦̄ , (b) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜎𝑧̄ 𝑧̄ , (c) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜏𝑥̄ 𝑦̄ and (d) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝑒 planes.
related input variables ensures a larger proportion of samples at smaller

5.3. Accuracy and performance of different machine learning techniques

Utilizing the samples generated above as training data, different

machine learning techniques are evaluated for case representative test
data in terms of accuracy of the shear strain versus shear stress curves
obtained for the simple shear test and performance with respect to
the time required for training and prediction. As the machine learning
algorithm has to provide proper estimates for a wide range of input
parameter combinations, the challenge is to find an algorithm which
is capable to handle five input parameters (𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ , 𝜎𝑦̄𝑦̄ , 𝜎𝑧̄ 𝑧̄ , 𝜏𝑥̄ 𝑦̄ , 𝑒) and
large training data sets. The four schemes identified as most applicable
for the problem investigated in this study considering the number
of input parameters and the size of the training data set are Radial
Basis Function (RBF) interpolation, Random Forest (RF) regression, dis-
tance weighted K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) regression and Multi-Layer
Perceptron (MLP) regression. The settings of the machine learning
algorithms as applied in this study are summarized in Appendix.
As these models are well-established and have been widely used in
many scientific studies, detailed explanations are not provided here
but can be found elsewhere (Broomhead and Lowe, 1988; Breiman,
2001; Altman, 1992; Hinton, 1990; Hopgood, 2021). Moreover, it
Fig. 12. Projection hulls and sampled data for (a) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜎𝑦̄𝑦̄ , (b) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜎𝑧̄ 𝑧̄ , (c) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝜏𝑥̄ 𝑦̄
and (d) 𝜎𝑥̄ 𝑥̄ - 𝑒 planes. should be noted that the machine learning techniques applied in this
study stem from the open source python libraries scipy (RBF) and
scikit-learn (RF, KNN and MLP).
To investigate the accuracy of the machine learning algorithms for
subset (≈ 3 − 4%) of the data points in Fig. 11, are further elaborated
approximating the simple shear test, different combinations of stress
as constraints within the sampling process.
states and void ratios have been selected from the slope model and
In general, a sampling method needs to ensure that samples are
well-distributed over the input parameter space, keeping a minimum predictions of the algorithms have been compared with the original
distance between individual samples to avoid potential singularities in response of the hypoplastic model. Typical trends for the evolution of
the machine learning algorithm. Among many others, popular sam- the shear stress with increasing shear strain can be seen in Fig. 13.
pling methods are uniform or grid sampling, Latin hypercube sam- Although only a few selected test samples are depicted here, general
pling (McKay et al., 2000), Hammersley sequence sampling trends can be described which hold for the majority of the samples
(Kalagnanam and Diwekar, 1997) and Monte Carlo sampling (Metropo- investigated. For intermediate and large stress levels [Fig. 13(b) and
lis and Ulam, 1949). In this study, a modified grid sampling approach (c)], all machine learning algorithms are capable to approximate the
with approximately 2.4 × 107 initially generated samples is chosen stress–strain behavior of the soil in a well manner, only showing
utilizing quadratic spacing for normal stress-related input parameters small deviations for the maximum shear stress and the general trends.
For small stress levels, the stress–strain behavior using the differ-
ent machine learning algorithms shows less good agreement with the
Projections including the void ratio 𝑒 have been approximated by concave benchmark curve obtained using the hypoplastic model. Moreover, it
hulls as depicted in Fig. 11(d). is clear from Fig. 13(a) that the RBF model has an almost perfect

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Table 3
Total time required for training and test evaluation of simple shear test for different machine learning algorithms considering
a training data set of ∼71,000 samples.
Model Training time Time required for evaluation of 𝑁 test samples
𝑁 = 10 𝑁 = 100 𝑁 = 1,000 𝑁 = 10,000 𝑁 = 100,000
RBFa <0.1 [s] ∼0.4 [s] ∼4.7 [s] ∼47.3 [s] ∼495.7 [s]
RFb ∼310.5 [s] ∼0.2 [s] ∼0.3 [s] ∼0.7 [s] ∼6.7 [s] ∼60.2 [s]
KNNc ∼0.2 [s] ∼0.1 [s] ∼0.1 [s] ∼0.2 [s] ∼0.3 [s] ∼2.9 [s]
MLPd ∼14.2 [s] <0.1 [s] <0.1 [s] <0.1 [s] <0.1 [s] ∼0.4 [s]
a Radial Basis Function.
b Random Forest.
K-Nearest Neighbor.
Multi-Layer Perceptron.

fit for 𝛾 = 0 and 𝛾 ≥ 0.15, whereas for many samples a peak state and is not used for the evaluation of test data. For the latter algo-
followed by softening down to the correct shear stress is observed. rithm, it is sometimes necessary to halt the training process before no
The RF and KNN models predict significantly different curve trends further reductions in error are possible. This is because it is possible
for 0 ≤ 𝛾 ≤ 0.1 but yield a tolerable deviation from the benchmark to overtrain the perceptron, causing it to become expert at producing
curve for 𝛾 > 0.1. In general, the MLP model does not predict a smooth the correct output for training data but less skilled at dealing with
curve trend but shows scattering of the prediction of about 0.5 kPa new data (Hopgood, 2021). However, in terms of the time required for
which is very dominant for small stress-levels (see also Appendix). the evaluation of test samples, the four algorithms show significantly
Moreover, a peak and softening behavior is observed for small stress- different behavior with respect to the size of the test samples. As shown
levels with significant over-estimation of shear stresses for 0 ≤ 𝛾 ≤ 0.15. in Table 3, the time required to evaluate test samples using machine
Considering the relevant factors of safety to be evaluated for the slope learning algorithms increases with increasing sample size; however, for
stability problem, it can be projected from the curve trends shown in the RBF model, the increase in time is only linearly proportional to the
Fig. 13(a) that all machine learning algorithms might over-predict the increase in test sample size. Defining the efficiency of the algorithms
maximum shear stress and, thus, also the maximum factor of safety for as the fraction of the number of test samples and the time required for
small stresses. For the curves depicted in Fig. 13 the deviation of the evaluation (unit: samples/s), it is observed that the efficiency increases
maximum shear stresses from the curve obtained with the hypoplastic significantly with increasing test sample sizes (except for RBF); for
model varies between (a) 12.98% – 75.40%, (b) 0.01% – 12.35% and example, the efficiency of the RF model increases from 50.0 to 1661.1
(c) 0.43% – 3.57%. As the largest deviations are seen for 0 ≤ 𝛾 ≤ 0.1, [samples/s] for 𝑁 = 10 and 𝑁 = 100, 000 samples, respectively.
reasonably better agreement is obtained for larger shear strains and The effect of the sample size on the performance of the machine
can, therefore, also be expected for the prediction of the residual factor learning algorithm should be considered, taking into account the opti-
of safety. Still, it should be emphasized that, considering the large input mization process required to identify the critical slip surface for the
parameter space with stresses ranging between 0 kPa and 500 kPa, all slope stability problem. Because more advanced optimization algo-
four algorithms (RBF, RF, KNN and MLP) are capable to predict shear rithms require the evaluation of the objective function (FoS) in order
stresses with a tolerable deviation from the benchmark data. to adapt the evolution of the optimization algorithm or the optimal
To quantitatively elaborate the accuracy of the machine learning search space, these optimization algorithms cannot fully benefit from
algorithms, normalized root mean squared errors 𝜀NRMSE are calculated the increased efficiency of machine learning algorithms because eval-
comparing the evolution of shear stresses obtained from hypoplastic uation is only performed for a limited number of test samples. Simple
model with the predictions given by the four algorithms under in- optimization schemes, on the other hand, such as a brute grid search,
vestigation. For 1000 random test samples, predictions with RF and which do not require exchanging information about the current local
KNN algorithms led to 𝜀NRMSE,RF/KNN ≤ 5%, whereas predictions using or global most critical slip surface during the optimization process,
MLP and RBF model led to 𝜀NRMSE,MLP ≤ 2% and 𝜀NRMSE,RBF ≤ 1%, can fully benefit from the increased efficiency by clearly separating
respectively. Therefore, the evaluation of 𝜀NRMSE is in good agreement data collection and test evaluation using a machine learning algorithm.
with the curve trends shown in Fig. 13, indicating that the RBF model Thereby, utilizing the RF, KNN or MLP model, a very fine grid search
best resembles the benchmark simulations using the hypoplastic model. could still be faster and potentially more accurate compared to an
It should be noted that increasing the sample size of the training data advanced optimization algorithm. In this study, the following strategy
can improve the accuracy of machine learning algorithms. However, is pursued: (1) collect all input data sets, i.e. rotated stress states and
depending on the type of algorithm, this increase will have an impact void ratios for each point along the slip surface, for every slip surface
on the performance, as will be discussed further in the following to be investigated during a brute grid search and (2) perform a single
paragraph. evaluation of the machine learning algorithm with all gathered test
Training time for all algorithms increases approximately linearly samples.
with the size of training samples. However, the time required to train
the RBF and KNN models is 2–3 orders of magnitude smaller compared 5.4. Evaluation of strain-dependent slope stability
to that of the RF and MLP models (Table 3). Furthermore, trial analyses
using the algorithms investigated in this study revealed that the time This Section assesses the accuracy of machine learning algorithms
required to evaluate test samples is independent of the size of the in relation to the results of the strain-dependent slope stability obtained
training data set. A potential explanation for the negligible effect of with the hypoplastic model for the dynamic finite element simulation
the training data size on the time required for test evaluation is that all discussed in Section 4. Furthermore, the performance of the stability
models incorporate a parameter that limits the number of training data analyses is investigated in terms of the time required for the con-
points used for the evaluation of a specific test data set. In the case of ventional and adapted approaches, which use element test simulation,
RBF and KNN, a predefined number of neighbors is defined, whereas and the approximation via the previously discussed algorithms, respec-
in RF approach a predefined number of decision trees representing the tively. Training of the machine learning algorithms is performed in
forest controls the time required for the evaluation of test samples. In accordance with the sampling strategy discussed in Section 5.2. Based
MLP, training data is only used to find appropriate weighting factors on the suggestions given in Section 5.3, the authors decided to train

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Fig. 15. Comparison of factor of safety obtained using machine learning algorithms
Fig. 14. Effect of choice of machine learning algorithm on time- and strain-dependent
(RBF, KNN, RF, MLP) coupled with grid search and the DE optimization approach at
slope stability.
different time steps.

the algorithms at the beginning of the analysis and to evaluate the test slope stability, the performance of the simulations conducted to obtain
samples generated by a brute grid search optimization once per time the factor of safety (Fig. 14) is evaluated in terms of the time required
step. For each time step, about 2000 slip surfaces with each having 15 to perform a single test, tests within a time step and the full time series
points along the slip surface (∼ 30,000 samples) are investigated. The (25 time steps). The results are presented in Table 4 for the hypoplastic
results are presented in Fig. 14 in terms of the maximum factor of safety model using serial and parallel test simulations as well as for Radial
for the first six seconds of the dynamic loading step. Basis Function (RBF) interpolation, Random Forest (RF) regression,
As can be seen from Fig. 14, the general trend of the maximum distance weighted K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) regression and Multi-
factor of safety (FoSmax ) with respect to the dynamic time is well Layer Perceptron (MLP) regression. As can be seen from this table,
captured using all algorithms under investigation. All models predict the time required to investigate the problem at hand varies strongly
a significant drop of the factor of safety for 2.0 s ≤ 𝑡dyn ≤ 3.0 s and with the approach utilized for simulation. Thereby, results of the total
a loss of safety, defined as a drop below unity, for 3.0 s ≤ 𝑡dyn ≤ time series have been obtained within several days (hypoplastic model),
4.0 s. To further evaluate the accuracy of the predicted factors of hours (RBF) or minutes (RF, KNN and MLP). Considering that the gen-
safety, the deviations with respect to the benchmark results obtained eration of the training data required 71,000 element test simulations
using the hypoplastic model are estimated. Analysis of the average using the hypoplastic model, additional 9.5 h (0.474 s times the amount
absolute deviation yields values between 𝛥FoSmax = 0.05 (RBF) and of training data samples) could be added to the total estimation time of
𝛥FoSmax = 0.16 (MLP), whereas maximum absolute deviations obtained the machine learning algorithms. However, as long as the parameter set
for 𝑡dyn = 3.0 s are larger ranging from 𝛥max FoSmax = 0.29 (RBF) remains unchanged, this effort is only required once. Considering the
to 𝛥max FoSmax = 0.51 (MLP). Thus, the worst prediction deviates by accuracy of the factors of safety determined using the different machine
𝛥FoSmax = 0.51 from the benchmark results. An explanation for larger learning algorithm as well as the time required for evaluation, it is clear
deviations at 𝑡dyn ≥ 3.0 s can be given with respect to the stress that all machine learning algorithms investigated in this study provide
states and the shape of the critical slip surfaces observed for these time very good results. However, the most preferable algorithm might be
steps. As described in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, excess pore water pressures RBF interpolation if the accuracy of the factor of safety is important
are accumulated considerably during the dynamic loading phase as a or KNN regression if a fast but slightly less accurate evaluation is
result of propagating shear waves towards the slope. Effective stresses preferred.
and, thereby, the shear resistance below the ground surface tend to
decrease towards zero, increasing the risk for liquefaction and large 5.5. Improvement of results using advanced optimization scheme
displacements. Subsequently, shallow slip surfaces become critical due
to significant loss of shear strength. Given that all machine learning The optimization via grid search was chosen up to this point to
algorithms demonstrated less good agreement with the hypoplastic enable a fair comparison between different simulation approaches in
model for small stress-levels with a tendency to over-predict the max- terms of computational costs. However, as the grid search is not a
imum shear stress of an individual element test, in a few cases by very adequate optimization technique, the critical slip surface and the
even more than 75% for very small stresses (see Section 5.3), it is corresponding factor of safety (FoSmax ) have only been approximated
interesting to note in Fig. 14 that this over-prediction of shear stresses in a rough manner. To check whether a more advanced optimization
at small stress-levels does not affect the prediction of the factor of algorithm enables to identify a more critical slip surface with a smaller
safety for the strain-dependent slope stability in the same way. The factor of safety, additional simulations using the machine learning algo-
reason for less over-prediction of the FoSmax compared to the over- rithms RBF, KNN, RF and MLP have been conducted using ‘‘Differential
prediction of the shear stresses at certain points along the slip surface Evolution’’ (DE) (Storn and Price, 1997) as optimization technique. It
is the normalization which considers the shear stresses related to the should be noted here that the usage of DE prohibits evaluation of large
static equilibrium (Eq. (2)) which are large compared to the deviations data sets of failure surfaces at once as the evolution process during the
of the shear stresses at the current time step. When evaluating the optimization requires assessment of fitness at each mutation stage to
strain-dependent slope stability at higher strain levels (e.g. relating to enable mutation and recombination. Thereby, the efficiency of the ma-
FoSres ), it is worth noting that the hypoplastic model and the machine chine learning algorithms is reduced and the optimization process takes
learning algorithms agree even more. This hypothesis is supported by more time (≈ 1 order of magnitude). The increased computational work
the discussions in Section 5.3 and has also been validated in additional is attributable to scaling effects of machine learning techniques as well
analyses that are beyond the scope of this study. as a higher number of simulations necessary in the DE optimization.
To conclude the discussions with respect to the applicability of dif- The results are presented in terms of a bar plot (Fig. 15) comparing
ferent machine learning algorithms for the concept of strain-dependent the factor of safety (FoSmax ) obtained using the grid search and DE

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

Table 4
Comparison of simulations with the hypoplastic model and different machine learning algorithms in terms of the time required
to evaluate the time- and strain-dependent slope stability during earthquake loading.
Hypoplastic model Machine learning algorithm
Serial Parallel RBFa RFb KNNc MLPd
Training – – <0.1 [s] 5.18 [min] 0.2 [s] 14.16 [s]
Single test 1.561 [s] 0.474 [s] 0.0395 [s] 0.00064 [s] 0.00022 [s] 0.00019 [s]
Time step 13.17 [h] 4.0 [h] 20.0 [min] 19.34 [s] 6.82 [s] 5.84 [s]
Time series 13.72 [d] 4.17 [d] 8.3 [h] 8.06 [min] 2.84 [min] 2.43 [min]

13.72 [d] 4.17 [d] 8.3 [h] 13.24 [min] 2.84 [min] 2.67 [min]
Radial Basis Function.
Random Forest.
K-Nearest Neighbor.
d Multi-Layer Perceptron.

optimization approach for different time steps (𝑡dyn = 1.0 s, 2.0 s, . . . ,

6.0 s). Although it is apparent from this figure that the general trends
seen for both optimization approaches are very similar, using DE over
grid search systematically yields slight improvement for 𝑡dyn ≥ 3.0 s.
Interestingly, it is seen for 𝑡dyn = 1.0 s, that DE predicts larger FoS
for KNN and RF compared to the grid search. A potential explanation
for this might be that the initial population within DE was not large
enough or not well distributed in the parameter space. However, as
this observation is only made in two cases, the general applicability
and success using DE is not questioned in this study. In fact, although
DE reduces the computational efficiency of the machine learning algo-
rithms by forcing multiple evaluations of small data sets instead of a
single evaluation with a large data set (when using grid search), the
authors recommend combining the concept of strain-dependent slope
stability with advanced optimization techniques to enhance the quality
of the FoS prediction.

5.6. Evaluation of failure mechanisms

To investigate if the critical slip surfaces obtained from the analysis

of the strain-dependent slope stability using the machine learning
algorithms resemble failure mechanisms reasonably, slip surfaces and
Fig. 16. Factors of safety associated with different slip surfaces investigated using KNN
associated factors of safety obtained from the stability analyses are
algorithm for different time steps during the dynamic loading phase.
compared to displacement magnitudes identified in the slope area
during the dynamic finite element simulation (Fig. 7). For the concept
of strain-dependent slope stability and the information transferred from
the slope as well as for 3.5 s and 𝑡dyn = 6.0 s, where a shallow sliding
the dynamic finite element simulation to the element test simulations,
body is observed that almost fully covers the slope surface. Although
it should be noted that displacements and shear strains are not directly
small factors of safety are also determined via the machine learning
considered in this approach. Thus, displacements and shear strains may
also not necessarily indicate the location of the critical slip surface ob- algorithms for slip surfaces located close to P2, the critical slip surface is
tained from the stability analysis. Still, in an indirect way these factors mostly located close to P3 (Fig. 7). An explanation for this can be given
do affect the stability analyses as the current stress state is influenced with respect to the development of large excess pore water pressures
by the current strain state, the strain history and – if considered in the and significant reduction of effective mean stresses at P3 as depicted in
analysis – the intergranular strain. Fig. 8(b) and (c), respectively. As the stress level has a decisive impact
Fig. 16 shows slip surfaces and associated factors of safety obtained on the strain-dependent slope stability, it is clear that the critical slip
from the strain-dependent slope stability analyses using the KNN algo- surface will also be located close to the area with the highest reduction
rithm coupled with the grid optimization for 𝑡dyn = 3.0 s, 3.5 s and 6.0 s. of effective stresses.
In general, it is seen from this figure, that for all time steps the most
critical slip surfaces associated to the lowest factors of safety resemble 6. Summary, conclusion and outlook
a shallow slope failure. In contrast to slip surfaces obtained for time
steps at the beginning of the dynamic loading, which enter and exit In this study, the concept of strain-dependent slope stability was
close to the crest and the toe of the slope, the critical slip surfaces extended to enable the evaluation of the factor of safety for slopes
are significantly smaller and mostly enter and exit along the slope subjected to earthquake loading. For this purpose, the original concept
surface as soon as the shear waves induced by the dynamic loading by Nitzsche and Herle (2020) was modified using non-planar slip
reached the slope area. Comparing the spatial distribution and the surfaces, an updated normalization scheme taking into account the
temporal evolution of the slip surfaces associated to the lowest FoSmax dynamic time, adopting a constitutive model capable of simulating soil
values with the displacement patterns obtained from the dynamic finite behavior under cyclic loading, considering inertia and consolidation
element simulation, it is apparent that the area of large displacements during the earthquake loading and enabling transfer of additional
(Fig. 7) is well approximated by the location of the few most critical slip state variables in addition to the current stress state. Moreover, a
surfaces obtained within the stability analysis. This observation holds new methodology was proposed to enhance the computational effi-
for 𝑡dyn = 3.0 s where the critical area is located close to the crown of ciency of the concept of strain-dependent slope stability by taking

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

advantage of different machine learning algorithms to replace element Declaration of competing interest
test simulations. Factors of safety were determined during dynamic
excitation of a water saturated opencast mine slope considering the
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
effect of different mobilizations of the intergranular strain tensor, types
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
of machine learning algorithms and optimization schemes to identify
the critical slip surface. Based on the investigations conducted in the influence the work reported in this paper.
current study, the following general conclusions can be made:
Data availability
1. The extended concept of strain-dependent slope stability is a
valuable method for the evaluation of factors of safety for slopes
subjected to earthquake loading. It is based on the coupling of numgeo can be freely downloaded from Data
non-linear finite element analysis and element test simulations. generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are avail-
The finite element simulations are used for the determination of able from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
realistic stress states during earthquake loading, while the ele-
ment test simulations allow a realistic approximation of stress–
strain behavior in potential slip surfaces. Compared to existing Appendix. Settings of machine learning algorithms
methodologies, such as pseudo-static analyses, the proposed ap-
proach delivers a more comprehensive slope stability assessment
during earthquake loading.
2. A salient feature of this approach is that the same constitutive A.1. Radial basis function (RBF) interpolation
model is applied in the dynamic and the stability analysis. This
allows to incorporate important aspects of soil behavior in the
Radial Basis Function (RBF) interpolation (scipy) allows for the
stability analysis such as the influence of the current stress state,
consideration of a limited number of nearest data points (neighbors)
the stress and strain history or the evolution of the soil density.
Contrary to conventional approaches for the determination of to speed-up the evaluation process and avoid large matrix dimensions
the slope stability, this approach is not limited to simple elas- exceeding memory capacities. The number of neighbors was set to
tic, ideal-plastic constitutive models but is applicable to any 1,000 to avoid singularities during interpolation due to insufficient
advanced constitutive model, such as the hypoplastic model used nearest data points for all input dimensions. This number ensured to be
in this work. large enough to avoid singularities and small enough to obtain accurate
3. Accumulated excess pore water pressures generated due to earth- results. Moreover, the ‘thin plate spline’ kernel (𝑟2 ⋅ log(𝑟)) was used
quake loading lead to a significant reduction of effective stresses. in this study, as trial analyses revealed slightly better agreement with
An accurate approximation of the current stress state is of high the test data compared to the ‘cubic’ kernel (𝑟3 ). Other kernel func-
importance for the analysis of slope stability under earthquake tions investigated (e.g. ‘multiquadric’, ‘inverse multiquadric’, ‘inverse
loading. Disregard of proper effective stress states may lead to quadratic’, ‘Gaussian’) resulted in larger deviations from the test data.
distinct over-prediction of the factor of safety.
As trial analyses showed that a small ‘smoothing’ parameter led to
4. Replacement of the element test simulations required to deter-
good predictions, a value of 0.1 was chosen. Further parameters not
mine the strain-dependent slope stability by different machine
mentioned here were chosen equal to default values.
learning algorithms provided good approximations of the actual
stress–strain behavior of the soil during shearing while reduc-
ing computational costs of the overall stability analysis by 2–3 A.2. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) regression
orders of magnitude.
5. Failure mechanisms obtained using the proposed approach in
terms of critical slip surfaces showed good agreement with dis- The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) regression (scikit-learn) was
placement patterns observed at critical time steps of the dynamic chosen as it enables a very simple and fast evaluation. In this study,
finite element simulation. As critical slip surfaces were predom- the number of neighbors was selected to 3 based on trial analyses
inantely found entering and exiting on the slope surface, the showing decreasing accuracy with test data with increasing number of
extension towards circular instead of planar slip surfaces proved neighbors. As reported in Section 5.3, weighting of the neighbors was
to be very important. conducted with respect to the inverse distance between the relevant
neighbors and the target data point. Moreover, the ‘kd-tree’ algorithm
A subsequent study is planned to investigate the concept of strain-
was chosen to compute the nearest neighbors.
dependent slope stability using sophisticated constitutive models re-
sembling the behavior of fine grained soils. Moreover, real case ap-
plications with multiple soil layers and complex geometries should A.3. Random Forest (RF) regression
be analyzed to validate the overall concept. To further enhance the
quality of the predictions, the strategy for training, sampling and testing
different machine learning algorithms should be improved, and more The Random Forest (RF) regression (scikit-learn) was used
advanced error evaluation criteria are intended to be used. as it offers a completely different type of approach due to evaluation
of a set of decision trees referred to as estimators. Selection of the
CRediT authorship contribution statement settings for the RF approach was primarily based on the objective to
keep a balance between accuracy and time while avoiding over-fitting.
Christoph Schmüdderich: Conceptualization, Methodology, Inves-
Therefore, 1000 trees (estimators) were chosen considering a maximum
tigation, Formal analysis, Software, Validation, Data curation, Writ-
of three features to be analyzed for finding the best split. Trial analyses
ing – original draft, Writing – review & editing, Visualization. Jan
showed accurate predictions with decision trees expanding up to the
Machaček: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal anal-
ysis, Software, Validation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review maximum depth. However, the chance for over-fitting was very high.
& editing. Luis Felipe Prada-Sarmiento: Conceptualization, Method- Therefore, a maximum depth of 10 (levels/splits) was chosen. It should
ology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Patrick be noted that (significant) larger number of estimators or maximum
Staubach: Software, Validation, Writing – review & editing. Torsten depth could also cause memory errors. The ‘squared error’ criterion was
Wichtmann: Writing – review & editing. selected as it provided accurate results in a short period of time.

C. Schmüdderich et al. Computers and Geotechnics 152 (2022) 105048

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