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Research and read the following topics
Academic Essay
The academic essay is a discursive genre that is characterized by the development of
an idea along which the opinions expressed by others on the same topic are weighed
and before which a critical stance is adopted. It must deal, to a greater or lesser extent,
with a topic that, although already worked on by other scholars, the author decides to
approach from his own point of view, providing a novel and original vision, for which
it is a propositional work.
Academic Articles
It is a text published in a specialized or multidisciplinary journal, whose purpose is to
make the results of a research project known to the academic community. In addition,
it is important to keep in mind that the production contexts of academic articles are
varied, in addition, the style of this academic text is associated with certain lexical and
syntactic choices, for example: use of the present indicative, passive constructions, use
of the majestic plural, argumentative strategies, use of typographical conventions,
among other aspects.
How you can do academic essay and academic articles?
Through a meticulous process
What are the steps to do an academic essay?
Develop a topic
The first step in academic essay writing is to determine your topic and develop a thesis
statement, which is simply a concise statement of your essay’s main idea (for example,
“Dogs are better than cats.”).
Research and take notes
Once you determine your thesis statement, it’s time to begin your research, if
necessary. It’s essential to find information from reputable sources to bolster your
argument or present accurate information.
Find the right sources
When you’re searching for reputable sources, look for academic journals, newspapers,
government or organizational websites, or websites written by someone with expertise
and credentials in the topic you’re researching. In general, the information on wiki sites
(including Wikipedia) isn’t trustworthy because anyone can change that information at
any time.
Create an outline
After you gather your research, think about how you want to organize it. So, each
paragraph in the body of the essay should focus on one separate idea. When you are
creating your outline, you can arrange the ideas in these paragraphs in a number of
ways, such as chronologically or from least important to most important. It’s important
that the paragraphs flow from one to the next to form a cohesive essay.
Write your essay
Now that you have your outline, it’s time to flesh out the text and start writing your
academic essay. Begin with your introduction. This paragraph should include your
thesis statement and some general text explaining your thesis statement. This text can
include background information for your argument, the context in which you have
approached your examination of the thesis, and how the rest of your essay is organized.
Edit your work
Once you have completed your first draft, it’s important to edit your work. Academic
essay writing almost always requires several revisions. When you edit your work, you
will check for a number of different things: Make sure all your grammar, try to avoid
using passive voice, use formal English, and don’t be too long-winded; instead, be
What are the steps to do an academic article?
Even if you are developing an article from an existing essay or thesis chapter, spending
some time on planning is essential. Some authors like to begin with a ‘mind map’. A
mind map contains a central theme, argument or premise. The writer will then create
‘branches’ extending from the central theme. These may be topics or subthemes that
are included in the final article. If they are substantial, they may constitute a new
article. Mind maps operate like brainstorming sessions, in which you allow a free flow
of ideas from your mind, through your pen or keyboard to paper or screen. These ideas
can then be organised into logical patterns of related subthemes and you can then begin
assembling evidence (research, references and quotations) to support the arguments
under each theme.
Once you have developed a detailed plan for your article, the writing can begin. A
journal article is normally written for an already informed audience. While the rules of
clear writing and exposition still apply, you can safely assume that people who read
your article in a journal are familiar with the terminology, methodologies and
theoretical positions of your discipline.
In the writing there are some important aspects of writing that you should consider:
Grammar, spelling and punctuation
Tone and register
It should be mention that the major elements of an article are Introduction, main body,
conclusión, references and citations.
In the introduction inserts your topic, theme or research question, outlines your general
theoretical or methodological approach and places your article within the context of a
larger academic debate or field. On the other hand, the main body is where you present,
in appropriate detail, your main arguments, themes and contentions, all thoroughly
grounded in evidence, close analysis and clear, compelling writing.
The conclusion is not just a summary of what has preceded it. A (good) conclusion will
complete or make whole your article’s arguments and analysis by referring to what you
have written and finally it is best to be citation-rich for journal articles. Each journal
will use a specific referencing style—either one of the main styles in common use
(APA, Chicago, MLA) or a modified version of their own.
Do graphic organizers about them
How you can improve your academic reading and writing?
I can improve through constant practice as well as a process of editing and revising the
academic text.
Write an example about essay
Topic for the academic essay
Essay about alcoholism
Alcoholism is not a disease, but an addiction that consists of a strong need to consume
alcohol and, therefore, a physical dependence on it, which manifests itself with certain
withdrawal symptoms when you can not drink. The alcoholic has no control over the
limits of his consumption and over time tends to increase his tolerance to alcohol.
To date, there is no known common cause for alcohol dependence, although there are
several factors that may play a role in its development, and there is evidence that people
with alcoholic parents are more likely to develop this condition, one of which can be
the stress or problems of the person who consumes alcohol.
This may be due to the presence of certain genes that may increase the risk of
developing alcoholism, rather than social or family circumstances or advertising
campaigns. Other factors associated with this condition are the need to relieve anxiety,
conflicts in relationships, depression, low self-esteem, easy access to alcohol and social
acceptance of drinking.
It is a serious health risk, often associated with the risk of premature death from liver-
related diseases such as cirrhosis, internal bleeding, alcoholism, hepatocellular
carcinoma, accidents, or suicide. Alcoholism is not determined by the amount of
alcohol consumed in a certain period of time: people with this disease can adopt very
different behaviors: some alcoholics drink daily, weekly, monthly or without a fixed
frequency. However, the degenerative process tends to shorten the time between
drinks. Excessive and prolonged consumption of alcohol makes the body need more
and more of the substance to feel the same effect, which is called "increased tolerance"
and sets in motion the body's adaptation mechanisms until it reaches a limit in that
perceived tolerance is reversed.
Alcoholism and chronic use of alcohol are associated with numerous medical, psychiatric,
social, and family problems Alcoholism and chronic use of alcohol are associated with
numerous medical, psychiatric, social, and family problems. So, the impact of alcohol
within social context of the family is particularly important. familial factors can
influence the developmental course of alcohol use disorders, and the alcohol use
disorders of individual family members influence the entire family’s functioning and
developmental outcomes of the family system and its members. Genetic factors, family
culture, and family dynamics contribute to an individual’s risk and vulnerability for
alcohol use disorders, as well as providing protections and resiliencies.
Alcohol is not a product like any other. And although many associate it with pleasure
and sociability, the harmful consequences that derive from its consumption are diverse
and widespread. In this case, policies aimed at reducing the harm caused by alcohol
must take into account the quantity and consumption habits, as well as the different
situations that occur in each society. For example, avoiding driving under the influence
of alcohol can help prevent accidents. In addition, family systems and family members
may have an essential role to play in an individual’s recovery from alcohol problems,
or they can interfere with the recovery process. The alcohol problems of a single family
member may lead to a broad distortion of the family process, thereby increasing the
risk for family dysfunction, domestic violence, or other problems provoking the
necessity for intervention
Bibliography References
Cross, J. (2006). The impact of alcohol on society: a brief overview. Editors’ Bulletin,

2(1), 1–5.

Moss, H. (2013). The Impact of Alcohol on Society: A Brief Overview. Social Work in

Public Health, 28(3–4), 175–177.


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