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September 9, 2020

1. Routines For Panino

Ideally, to play this split training properly, you should play the speed training then take a
15-30 minutes break and follow it with the Flick Training. The next day, you would do the
Hipfire Tracking routine AND one of the routine of my strafe aim guide, either by splitting
during the day or all at once, you decide. You can also do 1 week and 1 week instead of
alternating daily, it’s up to you.
Speed Training: you’re not forced to play those every day but I think it’s important that
you play them to boost your maximum controlled speed,
• Overhead Jumps (Revolving Tracking Strafes) 6 min.: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensi-
tivity multiply by 0.850 on Overhead, play it in free play and timescale it to 1.05 up
to 1.10 if it’s too easy (use tracking weapon). Fov 90 ow, hipfire sensitivity on the
Revolving one, of you can try to never lift your mouse (you can 360 trick to reset if
you have enough space here),
• Tile Frenzy 360 Strafing 400Prct Track (Tile Frenzy 360 Strafing 400 Percent)
6 min.: fov 130 ow, hipfire sensitivity, on the tracking ones try to flick fast toward the
next target and to never stop the mouse. On the click-timing one, try to point-click.
You can/should also play the Mixed ones versions. Try to score as much as you can
• Tile Frenzy 360 Strafing 800Prct Track (Tile Frenzy Mixed Speed Tracking) 6
min.: fov 130 ow, hipfire sensitivity on the 360 one, fov 110 ow on Speed Tracking,
ads sensitivity,
Flick Training for mostly shotgun and target switch:
• 1w6t TE Varied TPS (5 Sphere Endurance hipfire, 5 sphere endurance) 10 min.:
fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity on varied and 5 sphere hipfire. Try to go as fast as
possible, you can play those with a burst style to maximize edit plays skill (go as fast
as possible for 3-4 balls, small break, repeat). On 5 sphere endurance you need to
zoom to kill the balls, feel free to actually put any zoom sens you desire in the weapon
tab (can be your ads, the mean, or any really),
• psalmflick TPS (psalmflick TPS Strafing, psalmflick TPS Strafing Tracking) 10
min.: fov 100 ow, hipfire sensitivity. Go as fast as you can too. You can go fov 80
ow too to make it faithful with fortnite (it should be), but it’s no need. Better to see
more targets to work on large angle flicks and speed more,
• Pokeball Frenzy Auto TE (Pokeball Frenzy Auto Small) 10 min.: fov 103 ow,
hipfire sensitivity on TE, hipfire or mean sensitivity on small, try to flick directly
toward the target, and hold lmb, it’s like a flick to track scenario where the balls die
very quickly, to teach you to flick precisely,
• Wide Wall 6Targets (Wide Wall 10 Extra small) 10 min.: fov 105 ow, hipfire or
mean sensitivity, try to flick toward every ball, even the close and long range ones, but
you’re not supposed to click instantly if it’s too hard (it still reduces the distance),
• voxtargetswitch (Slide Targets) 10 min.: fov 105 ow, hipfire or mean sensitivity,
those are target switch scenarios so do not hesitate to flick as fast as you can on them,

• Floating Heads (Floating Heads 50% HP 400%) : fov 105 ow, hipfire or mean
sensitivity on both (average of hipfire and ads). You can also play the clicking version
of the 400% one,
Hipfire Tracking Routine:
• Air Angelic (Revolving Tracking) 10 min.: fov 80 ow, hipfire sensitivity, if you
want to focus on smoothness. Fov 103 ow if you want to focus on reactivity/speed of
• Close Fast Strafes Easy Invincible (Close Fast Strafes Invincible, VSS GP9) 10
min.: fov 100 ow, hipfire sensitivity. When you flick back on target, remember to not
stop the mouse entirely, it has to stop at the exact same velocity of the bot! If this is
too hard, you can play the easy version too, or simply timescale to 0.95 in free play,
• Ascended Manwing (McCoy 1v1 v2) 10 min.: fov 80 ow, hipfire sensitivity on
Ascended, fov 95 ow on McCoy. You’re not forced to move here, but if you want you
can. On ascended manwing, track the balls and hold lmb when they long dodge, do
not necessarily track when they are hard to hit, you have to maximize the dps so you
have to decide when it’s better to point-click/take your time or hold lmb,
• Closerange Tracking Training Easy (Closerange Tracking Training) 10 min.:
fov 100 ow, hipfire sensitivity, the idea for those is to force you to move the mouse a
lot, and to increase your reading skills at close range. They are hard, so it’s normal
if you suck, do not worry about it, just keep playing them, and you’ll feel that your
mouse motion will get less stuck at close range. You have to move btw but try to not
mirror dumbly,
• Anti-Mirror LS Gallery (Manwing Strafe Gallery, Anti-Mirror FS Gallery) 10
min.: fov 80 or 95 ow, hipfire or mean sensitivity. You can either long dodge or strafe
aim here. By long dodge, I mean that you try to strafe from one side to the other
without changing direction even when the bot you’re aiming at does, or even during
the target switch. This is an extremely good training to do so,
Do either the beginner, intermediate, or advanced strafe aim routines of my strafe aim

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