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WH and PH Quiz

Class: _____ Number: _____ Name: _______________

A. Listen and Write 仔細聽,將正確的發音組合填入空格中。
1. istle 2. oto 3. one 4. eel 5. ere

B. Listen and Circle 仔細聽,圈出正確的單字。

1. what wheat 2. dolphin trophy
3. white why 4. elephant alphabet
5. wheel will 6. phone photo
C. Listen, Copy, and Match 仔細聽,將單字依序填入空格中,再連到 正確的圖片。

where when wheel trophy phone alphabet

D. Listen and Fill In 仔細聽,將單字填入正確的空格中。

phone whistle dolphin white photo

1. We took a of the in the ocean.

2. My is .

3. The referee blew the loudly.

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