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Opening Lines for School Assembly

Sample A:
Good morning and welcome! I am excited you could be here today. First, I want to
thank you for coming. I know you have busy lives, and I appreciate your time and
attention. Today’s presentation will last about ___ minutes, and then there will be
some time in the end when I will field any questions you might have.
I am ________, for those I have not had the privilege of meeting yet, and I am the
new principal at Ching Tsao Hu Elementary School.
Sample B:
Good morning, dear parents, teachers, and students. It is my pleasure to be a
moderator for this assembly/meeting. I am _______, your new principal. I want to
extend my very warm welcome to all of you. I appreciate you, our dear parents, for
taking time off your busy schedules to join us today.
Sample C:
*Note: This sample may be specifically addressed to the parents.
Good morning, everyone! On behalf of the faculty and staff of Ching Tsao Hu
Elementary School, I am happy to welcome you to this assembly/meeting. We look
forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their
highest potential. We recognize that to be successful in school, our children need
support from both home and school. We know a strong partnership with you will
make a significant difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the
responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our
best to fulfill our responsibilities.
Sample D:
I believe that the aim and benefits of proper education are not restricted to only
personal gains such as success in personal and professional life. Instead, it benefits
even other people in the family, society, and country. Therefore, I thank you, dear
parents and teachers, for supporting our children to get a good education and be good
*Note: After the introductions given above, you may proceed in telling them about the
agenda of the assembly/meeting.
You may state the agenda this way:
This assembly/meeting provides an opportunity for the management, teachers,
parents, and students to interact and critically reflect on the school’s performance,
discuss our strategy in the future and improve action. Today, we will talk about

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