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Jay Vee P.

Eden Amodia Cosep
SPIRAL - A spiral is a curved pattern that
focuses on a center point and a series of
circular shapes that revolve around it.
Examples of spirals are pinecones,
pineapples, hurricanes. The reason for why
plants use a spiral form like the leaf picture
above is because they are constantly
trying to grow but stay secure

WAVE -An impulse wave pattern is an

indication of a strong move in a financial
asset's price coinciding with the main
direction of the underlying trend.
Impulse waves can refer to upward
movements in uptrends or downward
movements in downtrends.

MEANDER - A meander is one of a series

of regular sinuous curves in the channel
of a river or other watercourse. It is
produced as a watercourse erodes the
sediments of an outer, concave bank and
deposits sediments on an inner, convex
bank which is typically a point bar.
Stripe- A stripe is a line or band that
differs in color or tone from an adjacent
area. Stripes are a group of such lines.

CRACKS - Cracking pattern (painting), the fine

pattern of dense cracking formed on the
surface of paintings. Patterns in nature cracks,
the patterns formed by cracks of different types
in nature.

TESSELLATION - A tessellation is created

when a shape is repeated covering a plane
without any gaps or overlaps. Another
word for a tessellation is a tiling.

FRACTAL -A Fractal is a type of

mathematical shape that are infinitely
complex. In essence, a Fractal is a pattern
that repeats forever, and every part of the
Fractal, regardless of how zoomed in, or
zoomed out you are, it looks very similar to
the whole image.

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