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Movie: The devil's advocate

Basically the film is about a lawyer named Kevin Lomax who is very successful since he has
never lost any case, the film begins with a case where a teacher sexually abuses a girl and
he is in charge of the case but it is known that he must defend him even knowing that he is
guilty, it all begins there, he goes to the bathroom in the recess of the trial and the story
begins where he managed to win the trial together with the criminal master and became so
famous that a famous law firm in New York requires it since it is a super successful lawyer
that is why he accepts the offer and goes together with his wife, a very beautiful woman,
and meets the person who is in charge of the powerful law firm John Milton (the devil) to
which he accepts and He gives him many luxuries, a house and a lot of money, but when
he accepts, he begins to move away from his wife, he neglects her and he becomes
obsessed with work.
One of the cases he was in charge of was that of a man who was accused of triple homicide,
the man claimed not to have killed them but when investigating the case, Kevin Lomax
realized that he had killed them and still decided to do the wrong thing and winning the trial
against him is to say to obtain the freedom of the murderer, basically as a successful lawyer
he was dedicated to saving everyone else being guilty because he had the sin of vanity that
is to say the luxuries and money but thanks to this his wife started to go crazy, she saw
paranormal things and he never believed her, he thought she was crazy because of
everything she said until once she got tired of her and sent her to a hospital and she told
him that she knew why this was happening to her, she told him it was for the money but he
didn't want to believe her.
A series of things happen and his wife in the hospital receives a visit from Kevin's work
companion and tells her to look in the mirror herself and does not want to and suddenly she
looks and sees the woman and her face becomes like into a monster and she hits her with
the mirror and then locks herself in the hospital room and since she can no longer cope with
all the paranormal things she sees, she decides to take her own life Kevin realizes that
everything his wife said was true and also his mother tells him that John Milton is his father
and angrily goes to see him to tell him that because he had done that to him, several things
happen and the devil tells him that it was by his own decision since he was the one who took
the cases, everything he did it under his responsibility without anyone forcing him even
knowing that he was doing bad things, the purpose of the devil was to have a grandson or
something like that, it was actually to make a pact with the devil but in the end he commits
suicide because in the end he realizes that of the sacrifice that this implied derived the loss
of his family and the being he loved, his wife the plot concludes after the lawyer commits
suicide and is awake from a long dream that he realizes that missing society and especially
the family is something that does not take him nowhere, for this reason he prefers to refuse
to take the case rather than continue to lack his professional ethics, society and family.


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I consider that the loss of dignity is something very ugly since sometimes the loss of dignity
arises from problems in our daily life which force us to do things that we do not want to do
or that we know are wrong but we continue to do them, for example In the film, the character,
due to his life, decides to accept the devil's proposal knowing that all the cases of which he
took charge were cases where the culprit was actually guilty and he defended him and made
him leave free of charge, that is that he was lacking in his career since he as a lawyer did
not have professional ethics because, as he said, the cases of his defendants did not
correspond directly to real events, realizing that despite being the true actors and executors
of the crimes, he ended up saving them from the application of sanctions by the law, by
always achieving the professional victory of winning all cases.
It is said that dignity is defined as "the quality of the one who asserts himself as a person,
behaves with responsibility, freedom, seriousness and with respect for himself and others,
and does not allow himself to be humiliated or degraded." We are all born with dignity since
it is not bought, it is not earned, it is not simply granted, you have it, it is yours and this
means that we are partly responsible for losing it or allowing others to degrade us, such as
in this film that the protagonist at the end realizes that everything he had done wrong and
that in reality it was a test of life which was if he decided to take vanity that is to say the
luxuries and money and lose his family alone for doing bad things that he really knew was
In the end the protagonist realizes and decides to do the right things and thus not lose his
dignity or miss his career as a lawyer by doing things well, here we can realize that dignity
is something of which we as human beings have control of it, in addition to the fact that we
must always take into account our conscience always asks us to reflect, to assess the
consequences of our decisions. And that we seek with it to respect ourselves and to respect
others so whenever we feel that the conscience is speaking to us, we must put aside
impulsivity, and know how we feel in order to think if there is a more compassionate and
caring alternative.


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For me, in conclusion, this film left me learning that we do not always get carried away by
material things, since this sometimes makes us lose our dignity as human beings as well as
professionals in our work, since this can bring us many problems in our lives, as I had
previously said, we are all born with dignity but it is our responsibility to keep it active or lose
it, so we must not let ourselves be carried away by the desire for forbidden things or greed
and vanity since that is bad and It makes us want more and more but all this at the cost of
bad things such as what happened to the main character due to the desire to want more
luxuries and money, he lost who he loved the most, his wife, fortunately he could realize that
what he was doing was wrong and if he was about to lose his human dignity as well as his
professional ethics, he regretted it and realized that it was only a vision possible his
conscience that told him that this was wrong and he decided to be a person with ethics,
respect but most importantly with ethics and not lend himself to doing wrong things, knowing
that they are bad, that is why we must always take into account our conscience and know
what is good and bad before society and thus not harm others because of our bad acts.


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