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Power level is an overall measure of effectiveness and power, primarily combat ability, but also
generally what sort of tasks a character can be expected to accomplish on a routine basis (see
Routine Checks in The Basics chapter).
Power level is a value set by the Gamemaster for the series as a whole. It places certain limits on
where and how players can spend power points when creating or improving their heroes. Power
level imposes the following limits:

• Skill Modifier: Your hero’s total modifier with any skill (ability rank + skill rank + advantage
modifiers) cannot exceed the series power level +10. This includes untrained skill modifiers using
only ability rank, and so sets an effective limit on all abilities associated with skills.

• Attack & Effect: The total of your hero’s attack bonus and effect rank with that attack cannot
exceed twice the series power level. If an effect allows a resistance check, but does not require an
attack check, its effect rank cannot exceed the series power level.

• Dodge & Toughness: The total of your hero’s Dodge and Toughness defenses cannot exceed
twice the series power level.

• Parry & Toughness: The total of your hero’s Parry and Toughness defenses cannot exceed twice
the series power level.

• Fortitude & Will: The total of your hero’s Fortitude and Will defenses cannot exceed twice the
series power level.

1/1 Power Level

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