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Republic of the Philippines Form No.

: TGH-ADM-HRM-04-021
Department of Health
Central Luzon Center for Health Development Revision No.: 01
Talavera General Hospital
Talavera, Nueva Ecija Effective Date: 04-01-19


Employee’s Name: ________________________________ Date: _________________________


1. Position: ____________________
2. Area/Dept.: __________________
3. Hiring Date: __________________
4. Do you have a current job description? YES ( ) NO ( )
5. Is your job accurately described in the job description? YES ( ) NO ( )
6. If no, what other duties do you do that need to be added in your job description?

7. What duties are no longer part of your job and can be deleted from your job description?


8. Described task that you regularly perform that are critical in carrying your job effectively.

9. Described the type of equipment that you are required to use (for example computer,
Machinery, tools, etc.).

10. Do you require high degree of technical knowledge for your job?
YES ( ) NO ( )

11. How do you prefer to work? (Please encircle)

Alone Part of a Team Other: _____________

12. If you work as part of a team, do you perform the same work to members of the team?

13. To what extent does your job require you to work closely with other people, such as
customers, clients or people in your own organization? (Please encircle)

Very little Moderately A lot

14. How much autonomy is there in your job. i.e. to what extend do you decide how to
Proceed with your work? (Please encircle)

Very little Moderately A lot


15. To perform your current job: What training do you still need (either on-the-job or a formal
course to perform your current job completely (e.g. DCC, bookkeeping, purchasing).

16. To perform other jobs in the organization: What other roles in the organizations would you
be interested in doing if a vacancy became available (e.g. supervisory position).

17. To perform other jobs in the organization: What training or experience would be required?
(e.g. machine operation, negotiation skills, etc.).



18. What are your future Career aspirations?


19. What training or development do you need to help make this happen (e.g. masteral study,
Leadership training).

20. What training have you attended within the last three years? (This will help identify if any
training session have been missed or if any refresher training is required).

21. What training or skills have you acquired outside your current job that may be relevant to
Widen the organization?


22. Are you already a member of a committee/s?

 Yes  No

If yes, how many committee/s do you currently belong in?


23. If you wish to join any hospital committee, which of the following committees would you prefer? (Select three

c Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Committee

c Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART)
c Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) of Sexual Harassment Cases
c Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI) Committee
c COVID-19 Task Force Incident Command System
c COVID-19 Vaccination Hospital Operations Task Force
c Drug-Free Workplace Committee
c Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases - Rapid Response Team (EREID-RRT)
c Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
c Family Planning Committee
c Gender and Development (GAD) Committee
c Green and Safe Health Facility Committee
c Health Emergency Management Bureau (HEMB)
c Health Emergency Management Bureau - Emergency Medical Team (HEMB-EMT)
c Health Emergency Management Bureau - Emergency Response Team (HEMB-ERT)
c Health Information System Project Management Team
c Healthcare Waste Management Committee
c Hepatitis B Core Team
c Hospital Blood Transfusion Committee
c Hospital COVID-19 Mortality Review Committee
c Hospital Disposal Committee
c Hospital Drugs and Therapeutics Committee
c Hospital Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (HESU)
c Hospital Medical Credentials Committee
c Hospital Safety Committee
c Hospital Training Committee
c Infection Prevention and Control Committee
c Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Committee
c Integrated Management Committee
c Inventory Committee of Supplies, Medicines and Equipment
c Lactation Management Education Training (LMET) Committee
c Medical Records Committee
c Newborn Screening Committee
c Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committee
c Performance Governance System (PGS) Core Team
c Performance Management Team
c PGS Office of Strategy Management (OSM) Team
c Public Health Unit
c Quality Management Unit (QMU)
c Rainbow Committee
c Research and Development Unit (RDU)
c Revenue Enhancement, Cost Control and Containment Committee
c Review and Compliance Committee for the SALN
c Rewards and Recognition Committee (PRAISE)
c Smoking Cessation Committee
c Sports Committee
c Talavera General Hospital Employees' Organization
c TB-DOTS Committee
c Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT)
c Women and Children Protection Unit (WCPU)

24. If you wish to be removed in a committee/s you belong in, kindly select the committee below. Please note
that a justification is needed after this question.

c Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Committee

c Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)
c Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART)
c Committee on Credentialing for Non-medical Positions
c Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) of Sexual Harassment Cases
c Continuing Quality Improvement (CQI) Committee
c COVID-19 Task Force Incident Command System
c COVID-19 Vaccination Hospital Operations Task Force
c Drug-Free Workplace Committee
c Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases - Rapid Response Team (EREID-RRT)
c Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI)
c Family Planning Committee
c Gender and Development (GAD) Committee
c Green and Safe Health Facility Committee
c Grievance Committee
c Health Emergency Management Bureau (HEMB)
c Health Emergency Management Bureau - Emergency Medical Team (HEMB-EMT)
c Health Emergency Management Bureau - Emergency Response Team (HEMB-ERT)
c Health Information System Project Management Team
c Healthcare Waste Management Committee
c HIV/AIDS Core Team
c Hepatitis B Core Team
c Hospital Blood Transfusion Committee
c Hospital COVID-19 Mortality Review Committee
c Hospital Disposal Committee
c Hospital Drugs and Therapeutics Committee
c Hospital Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (HESU)
c Hospital Medical Credentials Committee
c Hospital Safety Committee
c Hospital Training Committee
c Human Resource Management Personnel Selection Board (HRMPSB)
c Infection Control Committee
c Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Committee
c Integrated Management Committee
c Inventory Committee of Supplies, Medicines and Equipment
c Lactation Management Education Training (LMET) Committee
c Medical Records Committee
c Newborn Screening Committee
c Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Committee
c Performance Governance System (PGS) Core Team
c Performance Management Team
c PGS Office of Strategy Management (OSM) Team
c PhilHealth Committee
c Public Health Unit
c Quality Management Unit (QMU)
c Rainbow Committee
c Research and Development Unit (RDU)
c Revenue Enhancement, Cost Control and Containment Committee
c Review and Compliance Committee for the SALN
c Rewards and Recognition Committee (PRAISE)
c Smoking Cessation Committee
c Sports Committee
c Talavera General Hospital Employees' Organization
c TB-DOTS Committee
c Water and Sanitation for Health Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT)
c Women and Children Protection Unit (WCPU)

If you have selected any of the above, kindly answer the question below.

Why would you like to be removed in the committee/s you selected? (Kindly answer with at least 3 sentences)

ACTION PLAN (for Training use only)

25. Agreed training and development to be provided for the next 12 months:
Training Date
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________
___________________________ ___________________________

Signature of Staff Member: ____________ Date: ____________

Signature of Team Leader: ____________ Date: ____________

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