Norms of School and Vignettes

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College of Teacher Education

ACCESS Campus, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

ProfEd 602
First Semester 2021-2022

Submitted by
Jayson G. Gargaritano
English 2-A
Julienne B. Gentullaga
English 2-A

Submitted to
Evora Hiso-Dioneza
Subject Instructor
Table of Contents

Title Page …………………………………………………………………..…………… i

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………..….... 1

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………..……….. 2-7

Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………..………8

Summary ……………………….…………………………………………………….….9

Reference ……………………………………………………………………………….10

Reporters Profile ……………………………………..………………………………..11-12



Instruction: Look at the picture carefully, examine and describe what do you think
that the picture implies.



In literature, a vignette (pronounced vin-yet) is a short scene that captures a single
moment or a defining detail about a character, idea, or other element of the story.
Vignettes are mostly descriptive; in fact, they often include little or no plot detail. In
fact, they often include little or no plot detail.

Word vignette comes from the French vigne meaning “little vine,” and the term
specifically arose for the small vines drawn on the pages of printed texts. These
embellishments were commonly on title pages or a chapter’s first page, as can be
seen on this page from the manuscript.

Example of a Vignette

A vignette should be descriptive, whether it is about a setting, a character, or another

aspect of a story.

The room was warm and stuffy, but in a comforting way. It had the heavy but
pleasing odor of musty books and old upholstery, with an overall air of ash and
cedar from the fire that was always burning low the stone hearth, crackling and
spitting quietly. There was a patchwork blanket resting over the side of the sunken
but cozy couch, its squares tattered by the love and wear of time. A wooden clock
ticked reliably on the wall.

The vignette here uses descriptive words to paint a literary picture of a single room

Importance of Vignettes

Vignettes are important because of their descriptive nature—they can illuminate

significant information, create depth of character, or provide insight about past
events or circumstances. This helps create a more complete picture of the greater
story. All stories rely on vignettes to provide detail. Without them, stories would be
little more than plot outlines.

In the 19th century, vignettes were found in newspapers and acted as brief and vivid
descriptions of the news article’s subject, from the perspective of the writer. These
vignette sketches provided writers with a sense of imaginative freedom, and reflected
the larger Victorian movement of integrating real life and art.

Vignette (Sketch)
A sketch is a short piece of writing—shorter than a short story—that contains little or
no plot. It mainly describes people or places, and does not have to be part of a larger
story. For example, a sketch of a location, like a vacation destination, would describe
its most notable details. This is the primary difference between a sketch and a
vignette, because a vignette is always part of a larger story or work.

Vignette (Photography)
In photography, a vignette technique and style in which a photo’s edges are blurred
and/or darkened to bring the focus in on a certain portion of an image or scene. The
term is similar to the literary definition of vignette in that it captures and emphasizes
a small part of a bigger picture.

We have here a picture of school culture, but first should define school culture first.

School Culture

The term school culture generally refers to the beliefs, perceptions, relationships,
attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that shape and influence every aspect of
how a school functions, but the term also encompasses more concrete issues such
as the physical and emotional safety of students, the orderliness of classrooms and
public spaces, or the degree to which a school embraces and celebrates racial,
ethnic, linguistic, or cultural diversity.

High Expectation

Honest and open


Tangible Support, caring, humor


Involvement in decision making,

Protecting on what is important.

Trust and Confident Tradition

•Collegiality: honest, Open


Collegiality; experimentation, reaching out to the

knowledge bases; appreciation, recognition

Collegiality; traditions

Tangible support; protection of what is

important tradition
Reaching out to the knowledge base

Appreciation and recognition

Protection of what is important

( By this time you have an idea on what school culture is. All of the vignettes are
manifestations of school culture.)


Instruction: Arrange the scrambled letters and give a short definition of


1. Eglibngat troppus
2. Neop Niotcanicommu
3. Niotaiceppa dna Noitigocer
4. Ytilaigelloc
5. Tsurt dna tmedifonc
6. noitingocer
7. Tnemevlovni ni noisiced gnikma
8. Hgih noitacepxe
9. Gnihcaer tuo ot the egdelwonk esab
10. Noitatnemirepex

Vignettes are mostly descriptive; in fact, they often include little or no plot detail..
Vignettes are important because of their descriptive nature—they can illuminate
significant information, create depth of character, or provide insight about past
events or circumstances.

Without them, stories would be little more than plot outlines. School culture is the
social, physical, and emotional aspect of how a school is run. It can also include the
physical and emotional safety of students, or the orderliness of classrooms and
public spaces. School culture can also be the degree to which a school embraces
and celebrates diversity.


School Culture Definition
vignette | Origin and meaning of vignette by Online Etymology Dictionary
Defining the Vignette
Vignette: Examples and Definition
Vignetting; Vignette – a definition – photokonnexion


Reporter’s Profile

Name: Jayson D. Gargaritano

Course and Section: BSED – English 2A

Age: 20 y/old

Blood type: A

Date of Birth: October 11, 2001

Birth Place: Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat

Sex: Male

Home Address: Urban Poor, Paupers Ville, Barangay New Isabela, Tacurong City

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language or Dialect Spoken and Written: English, Hiligaynon, Bisaya, Filipino, Thai

Hobbies: Playing Volleyball, Teaching Thai Language, Language Learning, and

Watching Boy Love Series


Reporter’s Profile

Name: Julienne B. Gentullaga

Course and Section : BSED – English 2A

Age: 19 y/old

Blood type: B

Date of Birth: March 18,2002

Birth Place: Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat

Sex: Female

Home Address: Urban 4, Barangay San Emmanuel, Tacurong City

Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Language or Dialect Spoken and Written : Tagalog, English, Hiligaynon, Bisaya

Hobbies: Drawing, Cooking, Biking, Watching K – Dramas and Anime

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