Disha Firnatha - 2110231049 - CCU TASK

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Nama : Disha Firnatha

NIM/Mata Kuliah : 2110231049/ Cross cultural understanding

Summarize the information about cross cultural understanding.

In this first paragraphs we will talk about culture. What is culture actually? Culture is
a perception. The collective perception that people have with each other. Culture is
determined by circumtances often is determined by geography and histrory. Perception are
actually something we are not aware of we meet each other that are different. So, in every
country in the world. They has many different perception and cultures.

In the first video is about “How cross cultural understanding can help us each other by
Simone Buijzen. I got some point that there are many layers of cross cultural problems and
many layers of cross cultural mistakes. People get confused also what perception are in
different areas of the world. Generally, we offend without knowing. For example, we make
each other sometimes angry without knowing it between cultures. We don’t want to make
people angry but we misinterpret once we do that we actually strart recrating getting annoyed
into our own normal way of behaving and we cannot communicate at all anymore. In the
second video is about “ Cross cultural communication” by Pellegrino Ricardi. I got some
point in that video about perception. Basically we are doing things which are accepted in our
social group and which are familiar. We are all doing the same thing in slighty different
ways. To get across Borders and get navigate we can do the curiousity through a lot of things
by ask a simple question and listen the answer by pick out a word and follow up the word.

In the third video is about “ English and Intercultural communication” by Ayame

Mochizuki. In this video, we know that how importance of English and what is intercultural
communication itself. We can improve English level by create interpersonal opportunities
using spoken English and interacting with foreigners. In the fourth video is about “ cross
cultural understanding for 1FM students at Breda Univ”. He gives 3 insight about
perspective. We perspective is about try to put yourself in a shoes of a person who is living
in. Observe, use all of your sense. Read! Pay attention to uniqueness of a culture. They
perspective keeping distance as of you were a neutral observer assumption that there are
diffireances and simillarities between cultures. Self reflexivity be aware of your own cultural
baggage confont your interpretation values with those of the host culture.
The most interesting topic of the video is about cross cultural communication by
Pellegrino recardi about perception. The problem when working with other nationalities.
Actually people see what they want to see, they don’t always see what you see. Because we
as Indonesians has many differenciaces in culture comparing with the other country.

The point of view related to the video 1 and 2 is about cross cultural. Very hard to
communicate unless you start understanding. You have actually met somebody with other
glasses. with various tribes, ethnicities, and countries. Of course they have a very different
culture from ours therefore we can get a new culture from them and can take the positive side
of their culture. We all have different talents, different gifts. We need to respect each other.
We need to find out what each other’s gifts are and we need to start working and envolving
together. We could never found in one culture between cultures.

The point of view related to the video 3 and 4 is about intercultural communication.
English is the language of busniness especially with golobalization and outsorcing. We can
conclude that how the importance English is. We can take many advantages when we learn
English especially in communicating with foreigners.

In those video we can find out that culture and perception is one part. Culture is a
system of behaviour that helps us act in accepted or familiar why. There are 3 perspective.
We perspective, they perspective and self reflexivity. Intercultural communication to
communicate with people from different cultural background or social groups as pura.
Intercultural communication can offer us the ability to deal accros cultures and accept the

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