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On Producing Events Timeline for Memory

Forensics: An Experimental Study

Ethar Qawasmeh∗ , Mohammed I. Al-Saleh∗†
2020 Seventh International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT) | 978-1-7281-8379-4/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ITT51279.2020.9396748

∗ Jordan
University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
† Higher Colleges of Technology, Computer Information System, United Arab Emirates,

Abstract—Cybercrimes have risen dramatically recently as a valuable to extract informatin such as files, processes, registry
result of the widespread usage of the various digital devices. keys and hives, passwords and network data.
Digital forensic science has been founded to address cybercrimes Extracting events from memory can be utilized in tracking
aspects. It follows a standard procedure to extract digital evidence
and finally get it admitted to courtrooms. Fortunately, many file system artifacts. It is a substantial step for examiners to
artifacts can be extracted from such devices in convicting recognize when a certain behavior has occurred. In addition,
cybercriminals and inhibiting their actions. Identifying what events correlation is important to have a better picture of what
a criminal had been doing during a certain time frame can has happened. Timestamps can be extracted from file systems
be very informative to the investigative process. Identifying and log files.
the timestamped events and putting them in a timeline helps
achieving the investigative purposes. In this paper, we intend to Constructing events timeline provides a general overview of
extract various events out of the system memory and present what events have occurred before, during, and after a specific
them in chronological order to be utilized by the investigators. incident [9]. Although the timeline construction is part of
We design and investigate several scenarios and show that user event construction, the events of interest can be viewed in
activities that happen during a specific time frame can be chronological order in a timeline forensic. The investigators
correlated and summarized in a useful timeline.
Index Terms—Memory Forensics, Event Extraction, Timeline, always need to keep track of these events of interest. The
Digital Evidence existing methods include manual search or requiring looking
for a high occurrence of specific keyword [10, 11]. However,
I. I NTRODUCTION the automation of generating a forensic timeline has been
partially done by several methods [12, 13]. In this paper, we
Cybercriminals accomplish their actions by attacking digital shed light on the importance of creating timeline for events
devices and performing illegal activities. For example, they extracted from memory.
steal users’ information, execute malicious programs or cause This paper is organized as follows. Related work is covered
damage to systems. Digital Forensic (DF) science has found in Section II followed by III that presents overview of event
to investigate these kinds of attacks. DF is accomplished by reconstruction in memory forensics. Our investigation model
extracting digital evidence from digital devices and convicting is presented in Section IV. This is followed by Section V
criminals in courtrooms [1]. Once a cybercrime is identified, DF that explains our experimental setup. Our results are shown in
can be utilized in many aspects. For example, it can be used in Section VI followed by the conclusion.
assigning the evidence, specifying the intent, and interrogation
of suspects [2]. II. R ELATED W ORK
DF seeks to extract digital evidence from various digital Although digital forensics is a standalone science, it has
storage sources such as hard drives, memory ( or RAM), and some overlap with other computing domains such as computer
network devices. Memory Forensics (MF) plays a crucial role in security and data recovery. Recently, a trend towards live mem-
digital forensic investigations. Its value comes from the volatile ory forensics that involves investigating a computer’s volatile
data that can only be extracted from memory. MF has a superior memory (RAM) has grown, resulting in newly developed tools.
characteristic where the source piece of information only can [14] studied the impact of the antivirus software programs
be found in is memory. For example, inspecting a running on digital evidence that can be found in RAM. Based on
process from memory might generate data that will never be experiments, three popular antivirus software programs (Sophos,
carried in other secondary storage. Factually, different attacks Symantec, and Kaspersy) were tested against a non-installed
of cybercrimes may be performed by exploiting memory-only antivirus case. The results showed that the antivirus had a
information [3–5]. Furthermore, the application’s source code noticeable effect on the data that can be extracted from RAM
and its Object-Oriented programming structure can be utilized artifacts. The data lifetime of tcp buffers was also utilized for
to explore the program’s state and its execution behavior[6, 7]. digital forensic purpose [15].
The investigation in these cases is required at the memory-level. The acquisition of memory samples and information extrac-
Moreover, MF can be utilized in incident response, malware tion is essential in the field of memory forensics. Memory
analysis and reverse engineering procedures [8]. Also, it is information can be analyzed to extract digital evidence in

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forensic investigations [16–18]. Moreover, Al-Saleh and Al-
Shamaileh [19] collected digital evidences from deleted user ac-
counts. Their study showed that different clues about a deleted
account could be recovered from various sources of artifacts
such as Windows Event Logs, Registry hives, RAM, Pagefile,
and Hard Drive. In [20], the authors used memory forensic
approaches to study the impact of network reconnaissance
detection. Regarding memory forensics at the application level,
the authors in [21] proposed a solution to investigate any
application by utilizing debugging information and application’s
data structures. Several studies have considered application-
level data to extract useful evidence from memory [22–25].
Typically, event reconstruction utilizes timestamps to gener-
ate a timeline of events. Working on the forensic timeline has Fig. 1: Investigation Framework
been recently brought into attention. Moreover, much research
has been conducted to automate building a timeline. In [26], the
authors employed an artificial neural network-based approach for performances purpose. Some of these artifacts disappear
using the file system activities to reconstruct the post-event quickly, while others last longer. Many disk artifacts can be
timeline. They inspected the footprint that an application leaves extracted. Extracting events from memory is also useful since
on disk to build their approach for classification of application the time spent in acquiring and analyzing memory is much
programs. Also, they developed a neural network based on input less than disk due to the major difference in their image sizes.
parameters derived from the disk image to be able to detect Various types of artifacts can be extracted from memory dumps.
application activity accurately. The electronic footprint that Master File Table (MFT), processes, DLLs, threads, sockets,
they used were: Log files, file system activities, free blocks and and registry keys are valuable artifact sources for the forensic
slack space, and registry records. The method of reconstructing timeline of events. Typically, the investigators leveraged these
high-level events from various devices has been proposed by artifacts to create a timeline in order to analyze data based
[27]. Their technique demonstrated the process of automatically on temporal correlation between many of digital artifacts in
generated high-level timelines. However, the produced low- memory. This process aids the examiners to have a complete
level timelines are pretty useful to notice such evidence source. understanding of the cybercrime. Therefore, they can deduce
They provided various examples that use timelines, including what happened before, during, and after certain events.
Skype calls, USB stick connections, and access to files on a B. Volatility
memory card. Multiple disk images were captured to examine Volatility is considered one of the most popular open-source
their results. memory forensic frameworks [33]. It has useful functions
A formalized knowledge representation model named
and various plugins that allow analysts to extract digital
SADFC for digital forensics timeline analysis is presented
artifacts from memory. There are two volatility plugins that
in [28]. Their approach aimed to reconstruct scenarios from
can be used to extract timestamped artifacts: timeliner and
suspect data and analyze them by utilizing the use of ex-
perts’ knowledge and semantic tools. After that, a timeline
• timeliner: this plugin could extract most of the
reconstruction and formal incident modeling are generated to
timestamped artifacts in addition to registry keys that
guarantee the veracity of the investigation process. Furthermore,
requires additional command line option 1 .
in terms of digital forensics of mobile phones, the examination
• mftparser: this plugin extracts Master File Table
and analysis of events has been proposed [29]. The authors
(MFT) entries. MFT is a special file that can be
utilized timestamps of events that took place during the phone
found at the root of the NTFS file system. The plu-
usage as digital evidence to draw their findings with mobile
gin’s output currently supports FILE_NAME, STAN-
phone investigation. Also, a proposed forensic technique was
DARD_INFORMATION, and DATA attributes of MFT
able to automatically generate a timeline of user activities on
an Android device across all applications [30]. The effective
employment of the recent technologies of machine learning IV. I NVESTIGATION F RAMEWORK
and sentiment analysis in the context of the forensic timeline Our investigation framework is shown in Figure 1. In the
of events has been discussed in [31, 32]. first phase, preparation, a set of user activities, such as creating
III. E VENTS RECONSTRUCTION FROM M EMORY files and browsing the web, are performed. Then, a memory
A. Overview capture is conducted in the imaging phase. In examining phase,
we utilize volatility plugin’s timeliner and mftparser
Memory artifacts of file systems can always be recovered as in order to extract the corresponding events along with their
users and systems heavily utilize file systems and thus traces
can be found in memory. Microsoft Windows caches some data 1

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timestamps from the memory capture. As a result, a timeline
is presented in the reporting phase.

In our experimentation, we use Oracle’s VirtualBox’s virtual
machine (VM) for memory acquisition 2 . The experimentation
is conducted on Windows 7 and 1 GB of RAM in the VM
machine. We performed four different scenarios, following
our investigation framework that is explained in the previous Fig. 2: Timeliner plugin output with using process filter type
Scenario 1: Run MS-Word, create a new file, write on it,
then save it. VII. C ONCLUSION
Scenario 2: Run Internet Explorer and open several web-
sites. Current forensic research focuses on system-generated events
Scenario 3: Open several images using Windows Photo for building a useful timeline of events. Because the memory
Viewer application. holds various file system artifacts, event extraction is a
Scenario 4: Run MS-Word, create a new file, write on it, valuable process to create a timeline in order to re-depict the
save it, close MS-Word, copy the file into another location, cybercriminals’ activities. This paper tested several scenarios
and delete the original copy. that cover common user activities. Our results encourage the
work on utilizing the chronological order of system-generated
A memory image is captured while VM is running on a events to achieve effective investigation.
specific scenario.


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