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Tipe of be Fhiypnes Province of Batangas Office of the Provincial Governor MESSAGE I am greatly honored to present to you the Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change Adaptation (DRR/CCA) Enhanced-Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) 2014-2022. This serves as the framework and the over-all guide from which all future developments of the Province are anchored. Guided by our vision, and molded out of our commitment and dedication to propel Batangas to greater developments, we came out with the HELP Program as our tool: Health, Education, Livelihood, Protection of Life, Environment, and Properties; the DRR/CCA Enhanced-PDPFP contains the long term vision of the Province and identifies development goals, objectives, strategies and targets with corresponding programs, projects, and activities that we have embarked since the beginning of our term. In line with the Philippine Development Plan anchored on AmBisyon 2040: “Isang Matatag, Maginhawa at Panatag na Buhay", this framework plan complements in envisioning a prosperous middle class society — where people live long and healthy; and where families thrive in vibrant, culturally diverse, and resilient communities. Moreover, our enhanced-PDPFP gives emphasis on DRR/CCA component, to address the often conflicting relationship between development on one hand and preservation of the environment on the other; and to insure that the development of the Province is founded on sound environmental considerations and sustainable development principles. In furtherance of sound and transparent governance, the preparation of the DRR-CCA Enhanced PDPFP involves participatory planning. Hence, it is prepared in consultation with all elected and/or appointed local government officials, provincial department/offices head, city/municipal planning and development coordinators, national government line agencies, and representatives of the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). With this DRR-CCA Enhanced-PDPFP, I firmly believe that with the strong, committed, and dedicated leaders coupled with the support and participation from our fellow Batanguefios, our vision for a RICH Batangas will be truly attained. #Rich Batangas: A Province that is RICH ~ in culture, in resources and most importantly, in hardworking Batanguefios. Lam proud to say that our resolve in the pursuit of prosperity, harmony and peace will be raised to the reliant. Mabuhay! God Bless us all! -RMILANDO I. MAI NDANAS Governor Cy '

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