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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Batangas

Office of the Provincial Governor

As our province’s development is continuously being stimulated by the
positive socio-economic climate and its strategic location, we are also
challenged by the rapid cultural, social and environmental changes.
Keeping a balance as to what motivates us and in what we have to
contend with, evolves in the urgency of formulating a guidepost that will
help accelerate the accomplishment of our thrusts which lays in the hands
of planners, policy makers and program implementers.

Whereas benchmark of good governance is in its capacity, ability, keenness and readiness to adopt and
respond to the issues and the needs of the people and the community, its score card should however;
emanate from an effective development planning.

The Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan(PDPFP), as the primary technical guide to
the development of the province provides the analytical basis for understanding existing conditions and
identifying key development issues, problems, opportunities, goals, objectives and targets of the
province. It likewise translates the vision into implementable strategies towards the attainment of
goals, objectives and targets and serves as link between the local development objectives and the
regional and national priorities.

Through the years, we have diligently endeavored the implementation of the comprehensive programs
under the acronym HEARTS: Health, Education and Environment, Agriculture, Roads and Other
Infrastructure, Tourism and Technology and Security- with the priority investments on those that are
essential for the well-being and uplifting the lives of the Batangueños.

Nevertheless, the support and commitment of both the executive and legislative branches of the
provincial government, as well as the steadfast cooperation of all our kababayans, are pitted against the
forces of nature which, God forbids, we may have to hurdle. With unity, vigilance, preparedness and
faith in the Almighty, I always believe in the Batangueños’ strength, resilience and indomitable spirit
that makes Batangas not only as a cradle of heroes but as a home and haven to all who come, visit and
dwell herein.

As it is appropriate and expedient, integrating and mainstreaming the Disaster Risk Reduction and
Climate Change Adaptation (DRR/CCA) in the development plans of the province is a timely strategy to
address the issues of force majeure, encourage preparedness and responsiveness. Thus, the Enhanced
DRR /CCA (Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation) PDFPP 2014-2022. I am positive
that with the help of a planning document like this, we can attain our vision and live a fulfilling life that
every Batangueñoso deserves. Mabuhay!



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