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* * * * * TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2022 ~ VOL. CCLXXX NO. 104 HHHH $5.

DJIA 32732.95 g 128.85 0.4% NASDAQ 10988.15 g 1.0% STOXX 600 412.20 À 0.3% 10-YR. TREAS. g 16/32 , yield 4.074% OIL $86.53 g $1.37 GOLD $1,635.90 g $3.70 EURO $0.9883 YEN 148.74

Amid Mourning, Police in Seoul Probe Cause of Stampede Eurozone

News Inflation
Business & Finance
Tops 10%
he annual rate of con-
To Reach
T sumer-price inflation
in the eurozone increased
to double digits in October,
reaching a record and high-
lighting the challenges the Price increases surpass
ECB faces after it signaled U.S. pace, testing ECB
a coming slowdown in the
pace of its rate increases. A1 plan to slow rate rises
 A judge blocked Penguin and stoking labor strife
Random House from acquir-
ing rival book publisher Si-
mon & Schuster, agreeing
with the Justice Department
The annual rate of con-
that a merger would unlaw-
sumer-price inflation in the
fully lessen competition. A1
eurozone increased to double
 Investment returns for digits in October, reaching a
university endowments have record and highlighting the
fallen sharply after scoring challenges facing the Euro-
their biggest gains in a gen- pean Central Bank after it sig-
eration the year before. A1 naled a coming slowdown in

the pace of its rate increases.

 China’s factory activity
The broad measure of con-
contracted in October after a
sumer prices has risen sharply
short-lived improvement, hin-
since Russia’s invasion of
dered by the country’s strin-
SOMBER VISIT: South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and his wife, Kim Keon-hee, visit a memorial Monday for the more Ukraine and Moscow’s decision
gent Covid policies and fading
than 150 victims killed Saturday night in the crush of crowds celebrating Halloween in the city’s club district. A16 to throttle natural-gas supplies
demand for Chinese goods. A16
to Europe to undermine West-
 The Dow rose 14% in Oc- ern support for Kyiv.
tober, its best month since By mid-September, Russia

High Court Hears Arguments

1976, while the S&P 500 and had cut its supplies by 80% of
Nasdaq both notched sin- their year-earlier total.
gle-digit monthly gains. B1 Europe has had to look else-
where for gas supplies and paid
 Elon Musk is quickly
much higher prices. While stor-

On Race, College Admissions

setting to work a group of
age levels are now high, and
advisers, investors and em-
gas prices on world markets
ployees from elsewhere in
have fallen from their peaks,
his business empire to help
household energy bills lag be-
him reimagine Twitter. B1
hind those moves and are much
 Ford is altering its ap- BY JESS BRAVIN questions about what criteria and employees. maters have filed briefs urging higher than a year earlier, as
proach to addressing white- AND MELISSA KORN are fair for choosing students Both suits were filed by that current admissions prac- are food prices.
collar-employee underper- for prestigious and highly com- Students for Fair Admissions, tices be retained. As a result of these pres-
formance, offering some WASHINGTON—The Su- petitive universities. a group founded by conserva- The justices focused early sures, inflation in the region
workers the choice between preme Court heard nearly five The two cases involve the tive activist Edward Blum, Monday on what attributes of has overtaken the level in the
severance or a performance- hours of arguments Monday University of North Carolina, a who has brought several cases applicants schools could con- U.S. Now it is fueling demand
enhancement program. B1 over whether colleges can con- state flagship, and a private to the Supreme Court seeking sider if the challengers pre- for higher pay in the most-af-
sider race in admissions, a Ivy League institution, Har- to end practices that take race vailed, given that race plays a fected countries, which could,
 TuSimple fired its CEO in
practice it approved in 1978 vard College, but the practices into account, which the group role in the cited identity and in turn, feed into further price
connection with a continuing
and has since reaffirmed but at issue prevail at most of the says is discriminatory. experiences of many students. increases.
investigation by members of
one that today’s more conser- nation’s selective colleges and Liberal justices stressed the “If you don’t include that, The European Union’s statis-
the self-driving trucking firm’s
vative majority is ready to re- universities. The court’s deci- significance of diversity then what do you include on tics agency said on Monday
board, directors said. B4
consider. sion, expected before July, throughout society while con- the application?” Justice Clar- Please turn to page A8
The affirmative-action suits could force an overhaul of ad- servatives argued against clas- ence Thomas asked of Patrick
World-Wide are among the most significant missions criteria that have fa- sifying individuals by race. Ev- Strawbridge, a lawyer repre-  Heard on the Street: Fed’s
the court will hear this term, vored Black and Hispanic ap- ery member of the court senting SFFA. problem with job market....B11
highlighting the role of race in plicants as well as athletes attended a selective college— Under questions from Jus-  Blue-chip stocks had their
 The Supreme Court American society and raising and children of alumni, donors and nearly all of their alma Please turn to page A4 best month since 1976......... B1
heard nearly five hours of
arguments Monday over
whether colleges can con-
sider race in admissions, a
practice it approved in
1978 and has since reaf-
Fed Pays
Out More
Federal Reserve earnings remittances
due to the U.S. Treasury, weekly
$5 billion
Penguin Random House’s Deal
firmed but one today’s
more conservative majority
is ready to reconsider. A1
Than It
Takes In
4 For Simon & Schuster Blocked
BY JEFFREY A. TRACHTENBERG lowed to acquire another of is dependent on persuading
 Russian forces 3
The Federal AND JAN WOLFE the five largest book publish- the federal judiciary. Justice
launched a wave of missile
Reserve’s operating ers in the U.S. Department officials were
strikes across Ukraine that
losses have 2 A federal judge on Monday The ruling, which follows looking to the publishing case
knocked out electricity
increased because blocked Penguin Random an August trial in Washington, as a chance to build fresh, fa-
and water supplies in Kyiv
the interest it House from acquiring rival D.C., provided a long-awaited vorable court precedent.
and other cities. A7 1
pays banks and book publisher Simon & court victory for Biden-era an- The judge, an appointee of
 The Treasury Department
money-market Schuster for about $2.18 bil- titrust enforcers who had lost President Biden, didn’t make
said that ships loaded with
funds to keep 0 lion, agreeing with the Justice a series of recent cases after her full ruling immediately
Russian oil before Dec. 5 won’t
money at the Department that the planned pledging to take a more ag- available for public view be-
be subjected to a U.S.-led
central bank now Oct.
ct. 26 merger would unlawfully gressive approach on corpo- cause she said it contained
price cap, as Washington at- -1
exceeds the income -$1.02
02 billion
lion lessen competition. rate dealmaking, especially in confidential business informa-
tempts to reassure anxious
it earns from some U.S. District Judge Florence industries that have become tion. A redacted public version
oil markets about its plan
$8.3 trillion in -2 Pan accepted the Justice De- more consolidated. of the decision is expected in
for new sanctions. A4
Treasury and 2012 '14 '16 '18 '20 '22 partment’s arguments that The losses, including in the the coming days.
 Trump asked the Supreme mortgage-backed some writers would likely be healthcare and agriculture in- Assistant Attorney General
Court to block the House securities. A2 Source: Federal Reserve via St. Louis Fed harmed if Penguin Random dustries, had served as a re- Jonathan Kanter, the Justice
Ways and Means Commit- House, the world’s largest con- minder that much of the ad- Department’s top antitrust of-
tee from obtaining his past sumer-book publisher, were al- ministration’s antitrust agenda Please turn to page A7
tax returns from the IRS be-
fore a Thursday deadline for

Rocket Mortgage
them to be turned over. A5
 The Biden administra-
tion will make it easier for
University Endowments See Losses
students defrauded by for-
profit schools to get fed-
eral student loan forgive-
stocks, bonds and other assets
have sold off sharply.
The endowment of Washing-
ported big swings in their
multibillion-dollar endow-
ments include Stanford Uni-
Falls Back to Earth
ness under new rules set to
go into effect on July 1. A3 Investment returns for uni- ton University in St. Louis lost versity, which lost 4.2% after
versity endowments have 10.6% in the fiscal year ended gaining 40.1% previously;
 The man accused of attack- fallen sharply after scoring June 30 after notching a 65% Brown University, down 4.6% Rising rates halt refinance boom, hitting
ing Pelosi’s husband told police their biggest gains in a genera- gain the prior year, the school after posting a 51.5% increase
he went to their home to take tion the year before, reflecting told The Wall Street Journal, and the Massachusetts Insti-
America’s largest home lender
the House speaker hostage a dramatically changed invest- shrinking to $13.3 billion. tute of Technology, down 5.3%
and “break her knee caps,” the ment environment in which Other schools that have re- Please turn to page A2 BY BEN EISEN above 7%, just 133,000 U.S.
Justice Department said. A3 homeowners can save money
The mortgage industry by refinancing at today’s
‘Where’s the Rest of Your Pants?’ INSIDE
 New York City is paying
turned from feast to famine rates, down from a peak of
$26 million to settle lawsuits
faster than America’s largest over 19 million in late 2020,
Designers Tout Sheer Bottoms
filed on behalf of two men
home lender anticipated. according to Black Knight
wrongfully convicted of the
Rocket Mortgage har- Inc., a mortgage technology
1965 murder of Black civil-
i i i nessed a generation of low and data provider. Refinanc-
rights leader Malcolm X. A2

rates to refinance millions of ing accounted for some 82%

CONTENTS Opinion.............. A13-15
Transparent outfits cause confusion homeowners. Last year, it of the total dollar volume of
racked up more than double Rocket’s loans last year, ac-
Arts in Review.... A11 Personal Journal A9-10
Business News...... B3 Sports........................ A12 about how to wear new trend the refi volume of any other cording to Inside Mortgage
Crossword............... A11 Technology............... B4 lender, accounting for more Finance, an industry re-
Equities....................... B8 U.S. News............. A2-5 BY RORY SATRAN cheeky clothing on their own, than $1 of every $10 lent out search firm.
Heard on Street.. B11 Weather................... A11
Markets................... B10 World News. A6-7,16
and lingerie pieces designed to during a boom for the mort- Rocket has switched its
Remember slips? Your be worn out, such as bra tops, gage industry. focus, selling mortgages on
mother or grandmother likely are widespread. Now the Federal Reserve’s new purchases and pitching
> wore those fusty, lace-trimmed But until now, pants or SPORTS efforts to fight inflation have customers on refinancing
polyester or silk skirts and skirts with some level of cov- Brady and Rodgers sent mortgage rates soaring. packages that allow them to
dresses underneath their erage have remained de ri- And refinancing, the driver pull cash out of their homes.
clothing, so that no trace of gueur for a stroll around town
highlight the NFL’s of Rocket’s business, no lon- It is also trying to get
the human body could be de- or a trip to the market. scoring decline this ger makes sense for many smaller—shrinking its ranks
s 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
All Rights Reserved tected. These days, slips are Not anymore. Designers, season. A12 homeowners. through a mix of buyouts
more likely to be worn as Please turn to page A10 With mortgage rates now Please turn to page A8
A2 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Higher Interest Rates Fuel Losses at Fed
BY NICK TIMIRAOS could face marginally higher night loans called reverse-re- rates meant the Fed earned because the mismatch be- market but instead recognizes
borrowing needs. purchase agreements. more on its securities than it tween interest income and in- losses on its securities hold-
The Federal Reserve’s ag- If the Fed runs sustained Before the 2008 financial paid out as interest on re- terest expense will rise,” said ings only if it sells assets. The
gressive interest-rate rises to losses, it won’t have to turn to crisis, the Fed kept its portfo- serves or other overnight Mr. Carpenter, a former senior Fed is currently shrinking its
fight inflation are leading the Congress, hat in hand. Instead, lio relatively small, at less loans. After covering its ex- Fed economist. asset portfolio passively, al-
central bank to do something it will simply create an IOU on than $1 trillion. Its main liabil- penses, the Fed last year Economists at Barclays ex- lowing up to $95 billion in se-
it has never consistently done its balance sheet called a de- ity was the amount of cur- handed back about $107 bil- pect the Fed’s net interest curities to mature every
before: lose money. ferred asset. When the Fed rency in circulation. The Fed lion to the government. losses to reach $60 billion month.
The central bank’s operat- runs a surplus again in future shifted reserves up and down “We’ve returned close to $1 next year and $15 billion in Even though the net inter-
ing losses have increased in years, it would first pay off in incremental amounts if it trillion to the Treasury over 2024 before it posts a surplus est losses have no impact on
recent weeks because the in- the IOU before sending sur- wanted to lower or raise the last 10 years. We did not again in 2025. The Fed might the Fed’s day-to-day opera-
terest it is paying banks and pluses to the Treasury. short-term interest rates. keep that revenue in the Fed,” not erase its deferred asset tions, they could cause politi-
money-market funds to keep The arrangement is akin to After the crisis, the Fed cut St. Louis Fed President James until 2026, when it would re- cal headaches down the road,
money at the Fed now exceeds an institution facing a 100% interest rates to zero and pur- Bullard told reporters re- sume handing earnings to the in part because they are
the income it earns on some tax rate and offsetting current chased large quantities of cently. “Now, with the rising Treasury. large and novel, said strate-
$8.3 trillion in Treasury and losses with future income, said bonds to provide additional rates, the situation is chang- Fed officials were briefed gists at Barclays in a recent
mortgage-backed securities it Seth Carpenter, chief global economic stimulus. Those pur- ing.” on operating losses at their report. Moreover, the distri-
accumulated during bond-buy- economist at Morgan Stanley. chases flooded the banking In September, when the Fed Sept. 20-21 meeting, according bution of Fed reserves and
ing stimulus programs over The losses stem from some system with reserves. To raised its benchmark rate to a to minutes of the meeting re- overnight loans in its re-
the past 14 years. obscure monetary plumbing. maintain control over interest range between 3% and 3.25%, leased in October. Fed staffers verse-repurchase facility
The losses don’t interfere The Fed’s $8.7 trillion asset rates with a larger balance it began earning less on its as- at the meeting said the size of could result in $325 billion in
with the Fed’s ability to con- portfolio is full of mostly in- sheet, the Fed revamped the sets than it pays out on liabili- the deferred asset “would in- payments to large financial
duct monetary policy, and terest-bearing assets—Trea- way it manages rates. The new ties. The central bank is ex- crease over time” and that net institutions in the next two
they follow years in which the sury and mortgage securi- system, which was already in pected to raise rates by 0.75 income would turn positive years, they said.
central bank earned profits of ties—with an average yield of use by many other central point after its two-day meet- “likely in a few years.” An operating loss “doesn’t
around $100 billion, which it 2.3%. On the other side of the banks, controlled short-term ing ends Wednesday. “At this point, they just impede the monetary policy
sent to the U.S. Treasury. ledger—the liability side of the rates by paying interest on “The losses can grow over have to live with it,” said Mr. that we’re doing, but I do
Those remittances reduced Fed’s balance sheet—are bank bank reserves. time if they keep raising Carpenter. think it poses a communica-
federal deficits, and as they deposits held at the Fed For the past decade, rela- short-term interest rates, Like most central banks, the tions problem,” said Cleveland
end, the federal government known as reserves and over- tively low short-term interest which it seems like they will, Fed doesn’t mark its assets to Fed President Loretta Mester.

Endowment Endowments’ investments
in venture capital have proved
particularly thorny.

Funds Take Private companies have

postponed initial public offer-
ings and laid off employees.

A Beating Some, including Instacart Inc.

and Klarna Bank AB, have
slashed their valuations.
But valuations overall have
Continued from Page One remained relatively high as
after rising 55.5%. managers wait for events like
The median result for en- new funding rounds or public
dowments and foundations in offerings to revalue their pri-
the fiscal year ended June 30 vate investments.
was a 7.8% loss, according to a “Venture is like a mile-long
preliminary estimate by Cam- train and there’s been an acci-
bridge Associates, the worst dent at the very front of the
showing since 2009. Some en- train. It’s going to take awhile

dowment chiefs and advisers to work through,” said Matt

said the returns likely would Bank, a partner at North Caro-
have been even worse if ven- lina-based Global Endowment
ture-capital and private-equity Management, an outsourced
valuations fully reflected the investment office that man-
deep declines in public mar- ages $12 billion for clients, in-
kets, a potential overhang on cluding endowments.
future performance. Harvard endowment chief
Surging venture-capital re- N.P. “Narv” Narvekar sug-
turns boosted returns the prior gested venture managers
year, ushering in expanded fi- hadn’t written down their pri-
nancial-aid initiatives and other vate investments sufficiently,
programs even though some of saying in his annual letter in
the gains were unrealized. October that the funds’ perfor-
Endowments also help fund mance largely reflected their
faculty salaries and capital exposure to public markets.
projects. “If this continues for The absence of write-downs
another year, there will be im- “does make us cautious about
DRESS-UP: Brittany Frost and her daughter, Sadie, take in a Halloween costume parade at NewBrook Elementary School in Newfane, Vt. pacts,” said Margaret Chen, forward-looking returns in pri-
global head of Cambridge’s en- vate portfolios,” he wrote.
MANHATTAN NEW YORK CITY ATLANTA hands severed—so she couldn’t dowments and foundations Harvard’s endowment,
be identified by her fingerprints, practice. which is less heavily invested
Criminal Trial Begins City Pays Two Cleared Interim Police Chief officials believe. Her skull was Still, she said endowments in venture capital than some
For Trump Business In Killing of Malcolm X Is Made Permanent crushed and she was nearly de- were cushioned from steeper of its peers, lost 1.8% in the
capitated. losses by diversification in fiscal year ended in June after
The Trump Organization’s New York City is paying $26 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens Authorities believe she was their portfolios, which beyond notching a 33.6% gain a year
criminal trial began Monday with million to settle lawsuits filed on said Monday that he has ap- killed weeks before her body was public and private equity and
arguments over whether long- behalf of two men who were pointed the city’s interim police found. fixed income often include
time finance chief Allen Weissel- wrongfully convicted of the 1965 chief to fill the position perma- “This is, without a doubt, a hedge funds, real estate, pri-
berg directed a fraud scheme to murder of Black civil-rights leader nently. major break in the investigation vate credit and cash.
Colleges’ portfolios
help reduce the company’s tax Malcolm X. Darin Schierbaum, who has that will hopefully bring all of us A benchmark portfolio were cushioned from
bill or instead was motivated by Muhammad A. Aziz and the served as interim chief since closer to identifying the killer,” made up of 70% global stocks
securing personal benefits, includ- estate of Khalil Islam will each June, has been with the Atlanta Mr. Bonavolonta said. and 30% the Bloomberg Ag-
steeper losses by
ing a rent-free Manhattan apart- receive $13 million, according to Police Department for two de- —Associated Press gregate bond index lost 13.8%, diversification.
ment and paid leases for luxury the city and lawyers for the men. cades. Mr. Dickens said Mr. Schi- according to Cambridge.
cars. A settlement was agreed upon erbaum shares his vision for pub- LOS ANGELES Many schools’ use of a
The Manhattan District Attor- last week, according to court doc- lic safety in Atlanta and was “smoothing formula” to deter-
ney has brought tax-fraud uments. selected after a national search. Carbon Dioxide Leak mine the size of their endow- earlier. The endowment stood
charges against two companies, Separately, New York state “He has earned my trust, the Sickens 4 at Airport ment’s distribution to their at $50.9 billion as of June 30.
Trump Corp. and Trump Payroll will pay Mr. Aziz and Mr. Islam’s respect of our community, and budget has limited fallout from Differences in how schools
Corp., that are part of a group of estate $5 million each to settle the support of the women and Four workers were sickened, in- the losses, said Greg Dowling, report the performance of
entities collectively referred to as similar lawsuits, a lawyer for men of the Atlanta Police De- cluding one critically, by a release investment chief of Cincinnati- their private investments are
the Trump Organization. both parties said. partment,” Mr. Dickens said. “A of carbon dioxide early Monday in based investment consultant making it unusually difficult to
Defense attorney Michael van Messrs. Aziz and Islam were proponent of 21st Century Polic- a Los Angeles International Airport Fund Evaluation Group. Such compare returns, endowment
der Veen said that Mr. Weissel- found guilty in 1966 of gunning ing, Chief Schierbaum will con- utility room, authorities said. formulas typically take into ac- chiefs and advisers said.
berg, who already pleaded guilty down Malcolm X while he gave a tinue building deep ties between A man in his 50s was initially in count several factors, including While some included lagged
to 15 felonies and is expected to speech at the Audubon Ballroom the Atlanta police and the com- grave condition but was upgraded an endowment’s average mar- returns for the year through
be the prosecution’s star witness, in Manhattan. Both maintained munity they serve.” to critical on arrival at a hospital, ket value over three years or March 31—generally benefiting
committed tax crimes to benefit their innocence. Last year, the During his career in Atlanta, Los Angeles Fire Department more, to damp the effect of from early gains and a public-
himself, not his employer. men were exonerated after an in- Mr. Schierbaum has led the Com- spokesperson Brian Humphrey wild performance swings. markets selloff that was in
Susan Necheles, another de- vestigation by former Manhattan munity Liaison Unit, the LGBT Li- said. Two men and a woman were Public and private equities earlier innings—others in-
fense lawyer, said Mr. Weissel- District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. aison Unit, the Hispanic Liaison treated at the scene for minor markets have retreated as cen- cluded private returns for the
berg “made no effort whatsoever found the New York Police De- Unit and the Graffiti Abatement complaints. tral banks around the world year through June 30.
to figure out whether he was partment and the Federal Bureau Unity. He has also been involved The gas release was initially re- raise interest rates to tame Many endowment chiefs’
benefiting or hurting the Trump of Investigation had suppressed in training officers and has over- ported in the Terminal 8 baggage surging inflation. letters were thin on details
Corporation because he didn’t exculpatory evidence that under- seen public safety for major area but was later determined to The S&P 500, Nasdaq Com- about how they were navigat-
care.” mined the case. events in the city. be in a utility room about 200 feet posite and MSCI ACWI index ing the changes. One of the
—Corinne Ramey —Joseph Pisani —Associated Press away, Mr. Humphrey said. lost 10.6%, 23.4% and 15.4%, most illuminating accounts
No travelers were directly af- respectively, including divi- came in a March letter by MIT
CAPE COD fected by the release, but airport dends, for the year ended June Investment Co. President Seth
officials moved about 100 people
to neighboring Terminal 7. The ter-
30, their biggest losses in
more than a decade, according
Alexander, who wrote the en-
dowment was holding cash
Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
Body Is Identified minal serves United Airlines and to Dow Jones Market Data. and making smaller commit-
United Express. Oil and gas, a rare bright ments to illiquid funds.
Officials used investigative ge- The incident occurred around 7 spot in markets that soared af-
nealogy to identify a woman a.m. in a room containing electrical ter Russia invaded Ukraine, did Median fiscal-year returns
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL whose mutilated body was found equipment that has a fire suppres- little to aid endowment re- for U.S. endowments and
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660) on the Cape Cod National Sea- sion system that releases carbon turns. Numerous endowments foundations
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241) 2021
shore nearly 50 years ago, solv- dioxide, Capt. Erik Scott, a fire have adopted divestment poli- 35% +33.3%
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
ing the mystery of the “Lady of spokesperson, said at a press con- cies in recent years amid ef-
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays. the Dunes” that had stumped au- ference. forts to combat climate change, 30
Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
thorities for decades. The four victims were indepen- limiting their exposure. 25
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal,
200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020. The woman has been identi- dent contractors who were work- One exception was Prince-
All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, fied as Ruth Marie Terry of Ten- ing in the room and heard a pop- ton University, whose endow-
copies of which are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., nessee, who was 37 when she ping sound, followed by a deluge of ment benefited from its expo- 15
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to was killed, officials said Monday. carbon dioxide, Capt. Scott said. sure to fossil-fuel companies,
accept an advertiser’s order. Only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final 10
acceptance of the advertiser’s order. The news was delivered to her “That displaces all of the oxygen people familiar with the matter
family Monday morning, accord- inside, and three people quickly got said. Princeton in September 5
Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
Need assistance with your subscription?
ing to Joseph Bonavolonta, spe- out, two adult males and one fe- said it would divest itself from 0
By web:; By email: cial agent in charge of the FBI’s male,” he said. But the man in his public fossil-fuel and thermal- 2022
By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625) Boston division. 50s was still inside. coal and tar-sands companies. -7.8%
Reprints & licensing: Authorities hope the woman’s Firefighters used blowers to The university didn’t address -10
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identity may help unravel one of move the colorless and odorless its other private oil-and gas-re- FY2013 '15 '20
Massachusetts’ most famous un- gas out of the building and haz- lated holdings. The endowment
WSJ back issues and framed pages: Note: Fiscal year ends June 30. Data as reported
solved murders. Her body was ardous materials experts were lost 1.5% in the fiscal year
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills. to Cambridge Associates for U.S. endowments,
found in the dunes in Province- detecting only trace amounts, ended in June after a 46.9% including those of colleges and universities,
GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS town in July 1974. She was na- Capt. Scott said. gain the prior year and stood at and foundations.
ked on a beach blanket with her —Associated Press $35.8 billion as of June 30. Source: Cambridge Associates
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A3


U.S. Will
Speed Debt
Attacker Wanted Speaker as Hostage
BY SADIE GURMAN of a glass door to gain entry, FBI agent wrote in court docu- stairs, where Mr. Pelosi was took the hammer and arrested

Relief for The man accused of attack-

ing House Speaker Nancy
San Francisco District Attorney
Brooke Jenkins said Monday.
Ms. Jenkins said her office
ments. By “breaking Nancy’s
kneecaps, she would then have
to be wheeled into Congress,
sleeping. Mr. DePape then
shouted, “Where is Nancy?”
and demanded to see the
him, the agent wrote. Mr. Pelosi
appeared to be unconscious.
Mr. Pelosi told police that he

Defrauded Pelosi’s husband told police he

went to their San Francisco
mansion to take the House
was charging Mr. DePape with
state crimes including at-
tempted murder, assault with
which would show other Mem-
bers of Congress there were
consequences to actions.”
speaker, according to officials.
Ms. Jenkins said Mr. Pelosi
tried to go into an elevator to
was asleep when Mr. DePape
entered the bedroom and said
he “wanted to talk to Nancy,”

Students speaker hostage and “break

her knee caps,” the Justice De-
partment said in court papers
a deadly weapon, elder abuse,
residential burglary, false im-
prisonment and threatening a
The assault left Paul Pelosi,
82, with skull fractures and
other serious injuries and
call 911 from a telephone but
was blocked by Mr. DePape.
Mr. Pelosi then called 911 from
the court papers said. When
Mr. Pelosi said his wife wasn’t
home and wouldn’t be for sev-
BY GABRIEL T. RUBIN charging him with federal public official or their family. heightened worries among a bathroom, where he told a eral days, Mr. DePape said he
crimes stemming from the at- He faces 13 years to life im- members of Congress. Federal dispatcher there was a man in would sit and wait for her.
The Biden administration tack that stirred fears of politi- prisonment on the state authorities, meanwhile, have his home he didn’t know “and He said he wanted to tie up
will make it easier for stu- cally motivated violence ahead charges alone. warned of the possibility of that the male is going to wait Mr. Pelosi so he could go to
dents defrauded by for-profit of the midterm elections. Mr. DePape is scheduled to more extremist violence di- for Pelosi’s wife.” sleep. He then started taking
schools to get federal student Federal prosecutors charged be arraigned on the state rected at not just politicians but Two police officers arrived out twist-ties, the court docu-
loan forgiveness under new David DePape, 42 years old, charges in San Francisco Supe- election workers, judges and at the front door two minutes ments said. Mr. Pelosi moved
rules set to go into effect on with assault and attempted rior Court on Tuesday. Ms. voters around the elections. later, according to Ms. Jenkins. toward another part of the
July 1, setting up a speedier kidnapping in connection with Jenkins said she would file a “Paul is making steady They found the attacker and house, but Mr. DePape stopped
path for debt relief for poten- the break-in, writing in court motion to detain him without progress on what will be a Mr. Pelosi struggling for con- him and they went back to the
tially hundreds of thousands documents that the attacker bail. The San Francisco Public long recovery process,” Mrs. trol of a hammer, and the at- bedroom. Mr. Pelosi then said
of borrowers. brought with him a roll of Defender’s Office said it ex- Pelosi said Monday in a state- tacker pulled the hammer he needed to use the bath-
Students who have been tape, white rope, zip ties, two pects to represent him. ment. “Our family thanks ev- away and swung it, striking room, where he called 911.
misled by schools about job hammers and a journal. Mr. DePape told police that eryone for their kindness.” Mr. Pelosi in the head, accord- —Jim Carlton,
prospects or are victims of There was no security pres- “he viewed Nancy as ‘the Ms. Jenkins said Mr. De- ing to the FBI agent who wrote Zusha Elinson
other types of fraudulent be- ent at the Pelosi home and he leader of the pack’ of lies told Pape broke into the Pelosi in federal court documents. and Natalie Andrews
havior and aggressive recruit- was able to break the window by the Democratic Party,” an home and made his way up- Officers tackled Mr. DePape, contributed to this article.
ing will be able to have their
federal debt discharged in full
by the Education Department.
The new regulations, known
as Borrower Defense to Re-
payment, complete a reversal
of a Trump administration
rule that slowed discharges
and provided partial relief to
borrowers whose claims were
The new rules would make
it easier for borrowers to file
claims for relief as groups, a


change that advocates expect
will boost the number of re-
cipients of debt forgiveness
without burdening them with
a lengthy application.
The program “will end the
bureaucratic nightmares of
the past,” said Education Sec-
retary Miguel Cardona.
The move to bolster pro-
tections for defrauded bor-
rowers comes during an un-
certain period for President
Biden’s effort to revamp the Clockwise from top left: Cloverdale, Calif., Mayor Todd Lands, who himself drives a Chevy pickup, said his constituents can’t afford Teslas. Santa Rosa, Calif., Mayor Chris
federal student-loan system. Rogers says there are plenty of gas stations. Electric cars plug in for a charge at a shopping-mall parking lot in Santa Rosa.
His plan to cancel up to

Some Wine-Country Towns Limit Gas Stations

$20,000 in debt for most stu-
dent-loan holders is paused in
a federal appellate court, and
the Education Department is
simultaneously attempting to BY ZUSHA ELINSON Fueled in part by state regu- with his wife, said 41 gas sta- his constituents can’t afford plans were under way for
overhaul income-based repay- lations that require an end to tions are sufficient for his 42- Teslas. more to open in the area.
ment plans for low-income More communities in Cali- the sale of gasoline-powered square-mile city. “I’m the mayor of our city, I “We were surprised that
borrowers and borrowers who fornia wine country are telling cars in California in 2035, anti- But some wine-country res- run our city and I can’t afford anyone was still building
work in public-service profes- gasoline stations to set up gas-station activists are fight- idents say they fear that limit- an electric vehicle,” said Mr. them,” said Woody Hastings,
sions. shop somewhere else. ing for more prohibitions on ing new gas stations would Lands, who owns a construc- co-coordinator of the Coalition
The president’s student- Eight cities and towns in new construction in the state, cause prices to rise. The aver- tion company and drives a Opposing New Gas Stations.
debt efforts have divided vot- Napa and Sonoma counties including in Los Angeles. age price for a gallon of gas in Chevy pickup truck. Mr. Hastings, energy pro-
ers broadly along political have banned the construction The prohibitions have so far Sonoma County was $5.73 as Even so, Mr. Lands said he gram manager at the Climate
of new gas stations. The city faced little political opposition of Oct. 28, almost $2 higher expects the ban to pass in Clo- Center, a nonprofit that works
council in Novato, Calif., lo- in small municipalities or large than the national average, ac- verdale, which currently has to reduce pollution that wors-
cated in Marin County, passed ones such as Santa Rosa, a city cording to AAA. six gas stations. ens climate change, said he
Thenew rulesaffect a ban in an initial vote last of 177,000 an hour north of San “They’ll ban this…and then The California Fuels and drives a 2013 electric Chevro-
potentially hundreds week and is expected to give it Francisco that lost 3,000 they’ll be [upset] that it goes Convenience Alliance, an asso- let Volt.
final approval in November. homes in a 2017 wildfire. up to $12 a gallon,” said Donn ciation representing gas-sta- “A lot of people say, ‘What
ofthousands of Local leaders say the laws Santa Rosa passed the leg- Dabney, owner of Left Coast tion owners, is fighting the are you doing? We can’t afford
borrowers. are part of an effort to fight islation in August with a unan- Classics, a classic-car dealer- proposals. It has argued that a Tesla,’ ” said Mr. Hastings. “I
climate change in a region imous vote by the city council, ship in Sonoma, Calif. gas stations can install and can’t afford a Tesla either.”
that has been devastated by which included five Democrats Mr. Dabney said that be- subsidize electric-vehicle char- The movement likely faces
wildfires and drought. and two former Republicans cause of his line of work, he gers. The association also said a tougher fight in Los Angeles,
lines ahead of next week’s They also say there is in- who no longer affiliate with owns nine gasoline-powered bans would force people to a city of some four million
midterm elections, with a ma- creasingly less need for gas either party. cars, including a 1972 Cadillac drive farther to get gasoline, people where 93% of house-
jority of Democratic voters stations in the area, as state “We are a community that Coupe DeVille and a 1993 Alfa leading to more pollution. holds have a motor vehicle, ac-
supporting the administra- data show electric vehicles are has felt the sting of climate Romeo Spider Veloce. Advocates of the bans say cording to the U.S. Census. A
tion’s plans and a majority of more common in Marin, Napa change,” said Chris Rogers, the As the push for such bans electric-vehicle charging is bill asking the city attorney to
Republican voters opposing and Sonoma than the nation at city’s mayor. “We don’t want to has expanded to less-affluent best done at home, work or draft an ordinance banning
the plans, polls have shown. large. use our land, which is very communities such as Clover- while shopping. new gas stations is making its
The administration also re- Opponents say the bans will valuable, and our staff time, dale, a city of 9,000 at the The push began after a way through committee hear-
leased final regulatory lan- raise prices and force resi- which is also very valuable, on northern edge of Sonoma group of environmentalists ings. Its author, Democrat Paul
guage that would prevent un- dents to drive farther for gas, the infrastructure of the past.” County, some local leaders are came together in 2019 to block Koretz, said he plans to put
paid interest on federal and that new stations could Mr. Rogers, a Democrat who trying to stop them. Mayor a new gas station in Sonoma the bill up for a full city-coun-
student loans from being also charge electric vehicles. shares an electric Mini Cooper Todd Lands, a Republican, said County and discovered that cil vote.
added to a borrower’s princi-
pal balance where not re-
quired by law, a move that
could prevent some borrow-
ers’ loan balances from spiral-
ing out of control. Borrowers
who attend schools that close
while they are enrolled and
disabled borrowers would also
get streamlined relief under
rules released Monday, ahead
of a Nov. 1 regulatory dead-
As with the mass debt can-
cellation plan, the Biden ad-
ministration’s frequent use of
Borrower Defense to cancel
billions in debt has drawn op-
position. Earlier this year,
House Republicans led by
North Carolina Rep. Virginia
Foxx, the top GOP member on
the House Education and La-
bor Committee, criticized the
proposed borrower defense
rules as being “inconsistent
with the norms of due pro-
cess,” in a letter to the Justice
Transplanted Pig Heart Indicated a Slower Circuitry
Department. The rule would BY AMY DOCKSER MARCUS Center in Baltimore in Janu- could have caused inflamma- of Mr. Bennett’s EKG data: the beat also took longer than what
prevent schools from requir- ary. Mr. Bennett died in March tion that contributed to the time it takes electricity to is typical for human hearts,
ing students to go through an A genetically modified pig from heart failure, but doctors cascade of events that led to travel from the top to the bot- said Timm Dickfeld, a professor
arbitration process or sign heart transplanted into a se- still aren’t sure why the pig his death from heart failure. tom chamber of the heart and of medicine and director of
away their rights to join class- verely ill person took longer to heart thickened and lost its Researchers analyzed Mr. across the bottom chambers, electrophysiology research at
action suits. generate a heartbeat than pumping ability. Bennett’s EKG data as part of which pumps blood through the University of Maryland
For-profit schools have also those of typical pig or human Doctors involved in the efforts to understand his de- the heart, and the time it Medical Center, who was the
been critical of the adminis- hearts, research showed, an- groundbreaking surgery have cline after the transplant, di- takes the lower chambers of leader of the EKG study.
tration’s approach, voicing other potential challenge for been studying data from Mr. rect future research and deter- the heart to go through a full What that might mean in
concerns that it could make it doctors aiming to conduct Bennett’s case, which is being mine a possible path toward electrical cycle, which is asso- the future for doctors caring
too easy to apply for and ob- clinical trials of pig-organ closely watched in the wider opening clinical trials. Widely ciated with a heartbeat. for patients with gene-modi-
tain loan forgiveness, poten- transplants. transplant community. Re- used tests that measure elec- The time intervals are typi- fied pig heart transplants is
tially damaging the schools’ Doctors took daily electro- searchers reported in May that trical signals that cause the cally shorter in pig hearts that uncertain, said Paul Wang, di-
reputations and forcing some cardiograms of David Bennett, a common pig virus was de- heart to beat, EKGs can help are in pigs. But they took lon- rector of the Stanford Cardiac
schools to close. The program a 57-year-old handyman and tected in the pig heart trans- diagnose heart attacks, irregu- ger in the gene-modified pig Arrhythmia Service and a pro-
can apply to both for-profit father of two who received a planted into Mr. Bennett. They lar heart rhythms and other heart inside a human. The time fessor of medicine and bioengi-
and nonprofit schools, but in gene-edited pig heart in an ex- said there is no evidence the possible abnormalities. for the electricity to travel neering at Stanford University,
practice has only affected for- perimental surgery at the Uni- virus infected Mr. Bennett, but Researchers reported unex- through the heart’s electrical who examined the data but
profit schools. versity of Maryland Medical its presence in the pig heart pected findings in two aspects system and generate a heart- wasn’t involved in the study.
A4 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Biden Avoids Some Battleground States

President considers Rep. Val Demings and guberna-
torial candidate Charlie Crist,
if visits will help or hurt who trail Sen. Marco Rubio and
amid voter frustration Gov. Ron DeSantis, respectively,
in the GOP-leaning state. On
and low approval rating Thursday, he will head to New
Mexico to help Democratic Gov.
BY KEN THOMAS Michelle Lujan Grisham, who
AND CATHERINE LUCEY faces Republican Mark Ronch-
etti in her re-election bid.
WASHINGTON—President The president also is ex-
Biden is steering clear of some pected to return to Pennsylva-
presidential battleground states nia on Nov. 5 with Mr. Obama
with pivotal Senate and guber- on behalf of Democratic Sen-
natorial races, as his low ap- ate candidate John Fetterman,
proval ratings and voter frus- who is running against Repub-
tration over the economy weigh lican Mehmet Oz in a tossup
on his party ahead of the No- race. Mr. Biden will attend a
vember midterm elections. rally the night before the elec-
Of the 14 states with some of tion in Maryland.
the most competitive Senate Mr. Biden isn’t expected to
and governor races, based on visit Arizona, Nevada or Geor-
ratings gia or make additional trips to
from the Wisconsin or Michigan, people
Cook Politi- familiar with the plans said.
cal Report, Democrats close to the White
Mr. Biden House noted that he has been

has visited in Oregon and New York, where
six since Sept. 1. He hasn’t been Democrats are in competitive
to Arizona, Nevada or Georgia, governor’s races, and pointed
three states with high-profile to his fundraising efforts.
midterm races that also helped “He’s on the road and he’s
put him in the White House. raising a boatload of money
Mr. Biden has made three for Democratic candidates,”
trips to New York and two to President Biden with Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York—which isn’t considered a swing state—at a community college in Syracuse last week. said Cedric Richmond, a senior
Maryland—solidly Democratic adviser to the DNC.
states with some competitive and fundraisers. The approach clamoring for him to come.” ing voters of Democrat-caused a fundamental choice, a choice Since Sept. 1, Mr. Biden has
races in November—but has differs from that of former Rep. Tim Ryan (D., Ohio), inflation, surging crime and between two very different vi- visited 14 states. He has held
visited Michigan and Wisconsin Presidents Donald Trump and who is running for Senate, re- high gas prices,” said Nathan sions for the country.” 17 fundraisers and has also
only once each. The only top Barack Obama, who both cam- cently told CBS News he Brand, a spokesman for the Re- Allies noted that Mr. Biden given speeches from the White
presidential battleground he paigned more during the first wouldn’t ask the president to publican National Committee. has been clear that he will re- House or Washington, D.C.,
has visited repeatedly is Penn- midterm election after they campaign with him. “I want to Democrats have argued that spect candidates’ wishes when area to highlight issues of im-
sylvania, his birthplace. took the White House, but their be the main face, the main their legislative efforts, includ- it comes to where he cam- portance to Democrats, such
With more than half of parties still faced heavy losses. messenger,” he said. ing the recent healthcare, cli- paigns in person. In choosing as abortion and student debt.
Americans disapproving of Mr. “The problem this cycle, in Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela mate and tax law, are popular. where to dispatch Mr. Biden, During the same period in
Biden’s job performance, ac- terms of where we are today Barnes, the Democratic candi- Analysts from both parties the White House is balancing a 2010, Mr. Obama visited 20
cording to a recent Wall Street and where we are headed, is date for Senate, skipped a La- say Republicans are likely to variety of factors, such as states and held 28 fundraisers.
Journal poll, his campaign that it’s not clear what is safe bor Day event with Mr. Biden in gain more than the net five where he can help Democratic In 2018, Mr. Trump visited 25
strategy reflects the challenge anymore,” said Democratic Milwaukee. Mr. Barnes didn’t seats needed to take the ma- candidates, whether an appear- states and held 18 fundraisers,
facing an unpopular president strategist Chris Kofinis. “I’m respond to a request to com- jority in the House, while con- ance in a state would help the according to data provided by
in a midterm cycle, Democrats not surprised he’s not going to ment. He told local media at the trol of the 50-50 Senate could entire ticket and how he might former CBS News White House
said. As some Democratic can- Arizona or Nevada. The ques- time that his schedule was full. fall to either party. elevate a particular issue. correspondent Mark Knoller,
didates keep their distance, he tion is—is he helping or hurt- Republicans said Mr. Biden’s Mr. Biden said Saturday Mr. Biden will visit Florida who tracks presidential data,
is focusing on official events to ing in Pennsylvania or New policies are a drag on his party. that he would be on the trail on Tuesday for a Democratic and by Brendan Doherty, a
promote his agenda, policy York? That part is not clear. I “Biden can’t step foot in a “making the case that this is National Committee rally in professor of political science
speeches at the White House don’t see many candidates swing district without remind- not a referendum, it’s a choice, support of Senate nominee at the U.S. Naval Academy.

President Warns on Energy Profits Treasury Clarifies

Senate remains up for grabs.
Mr. Biden’s approval ratings
have been hampered by high
energy prices, Mr. Biden has
released tens of millions of
barrels of oil from the Strategic
The companies didn’t tele-
graph any plans to increase
spending on oil or fuel produc-
Russian Oil Caps
WASHINGTON—President prices for energy, among other Petroleum Reserve, and he has tion beyond the plans they had
Biden called on Congress to things, ahead of the midterms. called on the Federal Trade previously laid out. BY ANDREW DUEHREN their destinations by Jan. 19,
penalize oil-and-gas compa- The White House has for Commission to investigate Exxon Chief Executive Dar- 2023, will be exempt from the
nies if they don’t use their months been weighing endors- whether oil-and-gas companies ren Woods last week said poli- WASHINGTON—The Trea- cap. Shipments of Russian oil
profits to help lower energy ing a proposal to tax what the are participating in illegal con- cies floated by the Biden ad- sury Department said ships loaded on or after Dec. 5 will
costs for consumers, ratchet- president and his advisers call duct aimed at keeping gasoline ministration, including a loaded with Russian oil before still need to be sold under the
ing up his criticism of the fos- the windfall profits of oil-and- prices high. windfall-profit tax and restric- Dec. 5 won’t be subjected to price cap in order to have ac-
sil-fuel industry ahead of next gas companies, according to Oil industry officials have tions on fuel exports, would U.S.-led price cap, as Washing- cess to Western insurance, fi-
week’s midterm elections. administration officials. called the president’s request have “significant long-term ton attempts to reassure anx- nancing and shipping services.
“Their profits are a windfall A group of progressive Dem- for an FTC investigation an un- negative consequences.” ious oil markets about its plan U.S. officials conceived of
of war,” Mr. Biden said Monday ocrats introduced legislation warranted distraction. In a conference call with for new sanctions. the price cap as a way to try to
at the White House. “At a time earlier this year that would im- analysts Friday, Mr. Woods Beginning on Dec. 5, the keep Russian oil available on
of war, any company receiving pose a per-barrel tax equiva- said such policies would ham- U.S. and its allies will ban global markets and avoid a con-
historic windfall profits like lent to 50% of the difference per the oil industry, but Exxon companies in their countries traction in supply—while still
this has a responsibility to act between the current price of
He said firms should would retain its competitive from providing maritime ser- reducing Russia’s revenue from
beyond the narrow self-inter- crude oil and the average price face penalties if they edge because of its diversified vices to shipments of Russian its oil sales. They have pushed
est of its executives and share- between 2015 and 2019, the business and large footprint. oil unless the oil is sold below it as a way to scale back the
holders.” World energy prices lawmakers said in a statement
don’t use profits to “We recognize the pain that a set price. European Union’s sanctions
have risen in the aftermath of summarizing the bill. lower consumer costs. high prices cause,” Mr. Woods But the rollout of the plan banning the insurance and fi-
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The American Petroleum In- said. “Unfortunately, the mar- has faced delays, creating un- nancing of Russian oil outright,
The president said his ad- stitute, an oil and natural-gas ket that we’re in today is a certainty in oil markets. Trad- a step U.S. officials fear could
visers would work with Con- industry trade group, criticized function of many of the policies ers, insurers, banks and ship- drive up global oil prices.
gress to pass legislation to en- the president’s remarks. “Oil Exxon Mobil Corp., the larg- and some of the narrative that’s pers are already handling Finding a balance between
sure oil companies “pay a companies do not set prices— est U.S. oil company, reported floated around in the past.” Russian oil set for delivery in building a sanctions mecha-
higher tax on their excess global commodities markets Friday a profit of nearly $20 In a television interview December as shipments from nism that is flexible enough to
profits and face other restric- do. Increasing taxes on Ameri- billion for the third quarter, last week, Chevron CEO Mike Russia’s ports on the Baltic entice companies to participate
tions” if the companies didn’t can energy discourages invest- its most lucrative period ever Wirth called a potential wind- Sea can take 45 to 60 days to in it but still strict enough to
take action to help consumers. ment in new production, which and nearly matching that of fall profit tax shortsighted and reach buyers in Asia. cut into Russia’s profit has
The proposal will face hur- is the exact opposite of what is tech giant Apple Inc. Mean- said it would send a negative To try to address concerns proved a challenge for the U.S.
dles in Congress, especially if needed,” said Mike Sommers, while, its closest rival, Chev- signal to American frackers. from oil-market participants and its allies, particularly as
Republicans win majorities in the group’s president. ron Corp., posted its second- “Typically, if you want less of about the plan’s timeline, the they deliberate over the price
one or both chambers in the Mr. Biden’s comments Mon- largest quarterly profit ever, something, you tax it,” Mr. Treasury Department’s new for the cap. U.S. officials have
midterms. Polls indicate Re- day marked his latest rhetori- of $11.2 billion. Both compa- Wirth said. “If you want more guidance states that shipments said they are considering a
publicans are favored to take cal attack on the oil-and-gas in- nies benefited from sustained of something, you tend not to of Russian oil that are loaded range of factors as they study
the House, but control of the dustry. In response to high high commodity prices. tax it.” before Dec. 5 and unloaded at where to set the price.

Arguments sities. “And if universities

aren’t racially diverse, then all
of those institutions are not go-
while one who referred to gen-
erations of affiliation to the
school could get a bump for
Mr. Waxman said.
“OK, so we’re talking about
race as a determining factor in

Heard on ing to be racially diverse ei-

ther.” Briefs filed by dozens of
U.S. companies made a similar
that. That, she suggested,
could pose an equal-protection
problem of its own.
admission to Harvard,” Chief
Justice Roberts said.
Mr. Waxman replied: “Race,

Admissions argument in supporting current

affirmative-action programs.
One critical issue in both
Ryan Park, the North Caro-
lina solicitor general repre-
senting the state university,
for some highly qualified ap-
plicants, can be the determin-
ing factor, just as being the,

cases is whether the schools faced vigorous questioning you know, an oboe player in a
Continued from Page One seriously considered race-neu- from conservatives on the year in which the Harvard-
tice Amy Coney Barrett, Mr. tral alternatives to enrolling a bench. Radcliffe orchestra needs an
Strawbridge said that while diverse student population, for “I’ve heard the word diver- oboe player will be the tip.”
race couldn’t be considered in instance by considering appli- sity multiple times and I don’t “Yep, but we did not fight a
a “box-checking way,” stu- cants’ socioeconomic status or have a clue what it means,” civil war about oboe players,”
dents could in application es- whether their parents at- said Justice Thomas, asking Chief Justice Roberts said.
says describe their own expe- tended college, or by increas- Mr. Park to detail the educa- “We did fight a civil war to
riences overcoming obstacles ing financial aid. tional benefits of racial diver- eliminate racial discrimina-
such as racial prejudice. Harvard lawyer Seth Wax- People received tickets to attend oral arguments on Monday. sity at UNC specifically. When tion, and that’s why it’s a mat-
“These are the pipelines to man, a solicitor general in the Mr. Park said it fostered a ter of considerable concern.”
leadership in our society,” Jus- Clinton administration, told about whether race-neutral al- whether schools could award richer learning environment Representing the Biden ad-
tice Elena Kagan said of univer- the court the college had ternatives being used as a proxy preferences for descendants of and reduced bias, Justice ministration in support of the
tested various race-neutral for race would still pass muster. slaves or for the children of Thomas interrupted. “You still universities, U.S. Solicitor Gen-
means of raising minority en- In the arguments during the immigrants. They questioned haven’t given me the educa- eral Elizabeth Prelogar cited
rollment, such as boosting fi- Harvard case on Monday af- whether applicants should be tional benefits,” he said. the experiences of the U.S.
Crafted in gold & platinum
nancial aid and, for a period, ternoon, Justice Kagan asked able to submit essays in which Mr. Waxman said for highly military, arguing that a diverse
eliminating the early admis- the lawyer for SFFA, “When they expressed pride in their qualified candidates on the officer corps was essential to
Rush! sion program. None, Mr. Wax- race-neutral means can’t get heritage, suggesting it was dif- cusp of admission, “being Afri- good morale and discipline
Available man said, could produce the you there, don’t get you there, ficult to discern exactly what can-American or being Hispanic among the ranks as well as to
diversity that consideration of you’ve tried and tried and would be acceptable if Mr. or in some instances being national security interests.
race allowed. they still won’t get you there, Blum’s group prevailed. Asian American can provide Mr. Strawbridge said there
Justice Brett Kavanaugh, can you go race-conscious?” Justice Ketanji Brown Jack- one of many, many tips.” is no indication that officers
who as a federal judge has “I don’t think so,” responded son questioned why a Black “You have to concede that if who did their training at uni-
taken special steps to recruit the lawyer, Cameron Norris, student couldn’t gain an ad- it provides one of many, then versities in Texas, Florida or
Black law students for clerk- saying racial diversity alone missions advantage with UNC in some cases it will be deter- other states where consider-
Immortalize Your Anniversary
ships in federal courts, said if isn’t a compelling interest. for an essay noting that her minative,” Chief Justice John ation of race in admissions is
in Roman Numerals! the challengers prevail, univer- In the course of the day’s ancestors were barred from Roberts said. banned were any less diverse
JOHN-CHRISTIAN.COM 888.646.6466 sities would face questions questioning, justices asked attending the state university, “I do, I do concede that,” than did those from UNC.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * NY Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A5


U.S. to Send Meadows

Loses Bid
B-52 Bombers To Avoid


To Australia Testifying

BY MIKE CHERNEY forces, including aircraft. WASHINGTON—A judge has

“The U.S.-Australia alliance denied a bid by Mark Meadows,
SYDNEY—The U.S. is laying is a cornerstone of U.S. foreign former President Donald
the groundwork for further and security policy,” U.S. De- Trump’s final White House
deployment of long-range B-52 fense Department spokesman chief of staff, to avoid testifying
bombers in strategic northern Lt. Col. Martin Meiners said. before the House select com-
Australia, drawing criticism Both nations are “committed mittee investigating the Jan. 6,
from China, which warns the to evolving the alliance to ef- 2021, Capitol riot.
move could spark an arms fectively respond to the strate- In a written decision on
race in the region. gic environment.” Monday, U.S. District Judge
A new, U.S.-funded aircraft- Last week, the Biden ad- Officials view the B-52 aircraft as crucial to deterring adversaries such as China. Carl Nichols dismissed a law-
parking apron at an Australian ministration cast China as the suit Mr. Meadows filed last
air force base near the town of greatest danger to American nal has previously reported. cerned to abandon the out- and exercises. The two coun- year to block enforcement of
Katherine will be able to ac- security in a new defense The U.S. is seeking to upgrade dated Cold War zero-sum men- tries also joined with the U.K. two subpoenas from the com-
commodate as many as six strategy and called for re- the fleet, which can fly long- tality and narrow geopolitical to create a security partner- mittee: one issued to Mr. Mead-
B-52 aircraft, a spokesperson newed efforts to build the mil- range missions from bases in mind-set, and do more things ship called Aukus, which will ows for documents and testi-
for Australia’s Defense Depart- itary capabilities needed to the Pacific such as Guam, but that are good for regional help Australia to develop nu- mony and another issued to
ment said. The upgrade could deter Beijing. The U.S. has also the planes need new engines peace and stability,” he said. clear-powered submarines. Verizon Communications Inc.
also be used by other aircraft been seeking to shore up its and other retrofits to extend The upgrades at the Tindal Officials didn’t say when for his phone data.
and will enhance Australia’s network of alliances in the Pa- their performance and range. air base, about 200 miles the B-52s might arrive but in- Judge Nichols ruled that Mr.
capacity to train with other al- cific, a strategically important When asked about the pos- southeast of Darwin, are con- dicated they could rotate Meadows’s lawsuit is barred by
lies, the spokesperson said. region with key shipping lanes sible deployment of B-52s in sistent with previously an- through the region like U.S. the Constitution’s Speech or
Basing the long-range and military bases, to serve as northern Australia at a press nounced plans to deepen mili- Marines, which deploy to Debate Clause, which protects
bombers in northern Australia a counterweight to increased briefing on Monday, Chi- tary cooperation between northern Australia during the members of Congress from civil
would allow the U.S. to project Chinese activity. nese Foreign Ministry spokes- Australia and the U.S., officials region’s dry season. U.S. and lawsuits in some contexts.
more power over the disputed U.S. officials view the B-52, man Zhao Lijian warned that from both countries said. Australian officials said that Judge Nichols, a Trump ap-
South China Sea and deter which has flown for decades it would escalate regional ten- After top-level bilateral B-52s have participated in pointee, said the subpoenas
Chinese activities there, some and can carry more weapons sions, undermine peace and meetings last year, Australia joint exercises in Australia in were the sort of “legislative
military experts said. Northern than any other Air Force jet, could trigger an arms race. He and the U.S. committed to en- the past. acts” shielded by the Speech or
Australia already hosts U.S. as crucial to providing an ef- said cooperation between hanced air cooperation Plans to accommodate B-52s Debate Clause.
Marines for part of the year fective deterrent against ad- nearby countries shouldn’t through the rotational deploy- in northern Australia were re- “We will review the decision
and has become a training versaries such as China and target any third party. ment of all types of U.S. air- ported earlier by the Austra- and decide on any further
ground for U.S. and allied Russia, The Wall Street Jour- “China urges parties con- craft to Australia for training lian Broadcasting Corp. steps,” said George Terwilliger,
a lawyer for Mr. Meadows.
Mr. Meadows initially coop-

Trump Asks Supreme Court to Shield Tax Returns erated with the select commit-
tee, providing it communica-
tions and documents he
determined weren’t protected
BY JAN WOLFE tion filed to Chief Justice John issued because once the tax tual request matched its stated licans, who have repeatedly by executive privilege, includ-
AND RICHARD RUBIN Roberts, who is responsible information is turned over to purposes and into statements opposed those requests. ing over 2,300 text messages
for such requests for the D.C. Congress there is no way to made by lawmakers about So depending how long the from his personal devices.
WASHINGTON—Former Circuit, Mr. Trump’s lawyers undo disclosure of information their motives. case continues, even a Su- Lawmakers previously dis-
President Donald Trump asked asked the court to issue an in- that is normally private. They If the Supreme Court de- preme Court decision in favor closed some text messages be-
the Supreme Court to block a terim order known as a stay also contend that there is no cides to hear the case, it could of congressional power to ob- tween Mr. Meadows and some
House committee from obtain- by Wednesday. Such an order urgent need for the committee send the outcome into deep tain the documents could allies during the Capitol attack,
ing his past tax returns from would block the Democratic- to get the documents. uncertainty. Democrats may come too late for Democrats. in which they had implored Mr.
the Internal Revenue Service controlled House Ways and A stay would also ensure lose control of the Ways and The tax records are set to Meadows to press Mr. Trump
before a Thursday deadline for Means Committee from ac- that the court can consider the Means and Senate Finance be turned over to the Ways to intervene to stop the rioters.
the material to be turned over. cessing the tax documents un- “unprecedented separation-of- committees in next week’s and Means Committee this In an August court filing, Mr.
Mr. Trump’s request on til further legal briefs are filed powers issues” raised by the midterm elections. The new week if the court doesn’t act. Meadows criticized the Select
Monday marks what is likely before the justices. case, Mr. Trump’s lawyers said Congress will start in January, It would take additional ac- Committee for publicly disclos-
to be the final phase of more Mr. Trump, represented by in their emergency application. after which it is possible that tion by the committee to pub- ing the text messages he had
than three years of legal wran- lawyers at Consovoy McCar- They argue that lower courts the lawmakers with authority licly release any of the docu- voluntarily produced.
gling over the tax returns. thy, said he would be “irrepa- didn’t look deeply enough into to request Mr. Trump’s tax re- ments or information from —Sadie Gurman contributed
In an emergency applica- rably harmed” if a stay isn’t whether the committee’s ac- turns will be his fellow Repub- them. to this article.

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Brazil’s New Leader Faces Economic Perils
GDP is expected When Mr. da Silva first took ing former Central Bank Presi-
office in 2003, Brazil’s economy dent Henrique Meirelles.
to grow less than 1% was revving up as a rapidly “The odds are he will gov-
as trading ebbs amid growing and voracious China ern toward the center and
consumed everything from Bra- markets will applaud that,”
global slowdowns zilian iron ore to beef, sugar to said James Gulbrandsen, chief
soybeans. By 2010, Brazil was investment officer of Latin
BY SAMANTHA PEARSON growing at 7.5%, its fastest rate America for NCH Capital, an
AND LUCIANA MAGALHAES in a quarter of century, and Mr. American investment firm.
da Silva finished his two terms After early declines, Brazil-


SÃO PAULO—Luiz Inácio with an approval rating of ian stocks closed up 1.3% in
Lula da Silva evoked memories more than 80%. With state cof- São Paulo, while the country’s
of his heady two terms in office fers filling up, Brazil paid off currency, the real, strength-
in the 2000s when commodity its International Monetary ened more than 2% against the
prices were soaring, poverty Fund debt early and poured dollar.
was plunging and Brazil was money into social-welfare Heavy losses for state-con-
seen as a country of the future. spending and infrastructure trolled companies such as oil
“The people will eat steak projects to boost oil production company Petrobras were off-
and drink beer again…they will and bring industrial jobs to for- set by higher share prices for
be happy again,” Mr. da Silva lorn corners of the nation. sectors that investors believe
told supporters in the campaign More than 25 million people will benefit from Mr. da Silva’s
that ended with Sunday’s vic- were lifted from poverty, the policies to reduce social in-
tory over President Jair Bolson- Getulio Vargas Foundation said. equality, such as education,
aro. But Brazil’s president-elect “They were really excep- housing and construction.
will struggle to deliver on those tional circumstances…a one-off “Reactions to the election
promises in the current eco- boom,” said William Jackson, Supporters in São Paulo celebrated Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s victory on Sunday, with 50.9% of the vote. will be sector-specific: Agri-
nomic climate when he takes chief emerging-markets econo- business was mostly backing
office Jan. 1, economists said. mist at London-based research ric, whose approval ratings the pandemic, when the eco- lion ballots in this country of Bolsonaro, as were timber and
Mr. da Silva is now 77 and firm Capital Economics. “It’s sunk after he took office in nomic blow forced him to 215 million on Sunday, 50.9% mining, which will face in-
faces a different world. China, going to be a very challenging March as the reality of the forgo market reforms champi- of the vote, in what was the creased scrutiny under a Lula
the biggest buyer of its ex- environment over the course tough global economic context oned by Economy Minister closest presidential race in administration,” said Jay Trues-
ports, expects its worst slow- of this presidential term.” set in. The risk, said Mr. Jack- Paulo Guedes. After Mr. Bol- history. Mr. Bolsonaro got 58.2 dale, chief executive of Veracity
down in years, the U.S. is fore- Economists expect Brazil’s son, is that Mr. da Silva insists sonaro spent as much as $10 million votes, or 49.1%. Worldwide, a New York-based
cast to enter recession in the economy to grow just 0.6% on heavy spending even during billion a month on payouts Many analysts said Monday risk advisory firm. Greater clar-
next 12 months, and countries next year following 2.8% an economic downturn to sup- during the pandemic in 2020, that they remain optimistic ity over Mr. da Silva’s economic
worldwide, among them Brazil, growth this year, a Central port the poor and prop up ap- Brazil’s government debt Mr. da Silva would soon name policy could help allay some
are struggling to reduce pov- Bank survey showed Monday. proval ratings at the expense reached nearly 90% of gross a market-friendly finance min- fears among investors.
erty and jump-start moribund Mr. Jackson said Mr. da of the country’s fiscal health. domestic product that year ister after surrounding himself
economies as they emerge Silva could follow the path of That was Mr. Bolsonaro’s and is hovering about 80%. with respected economists  Heard on the Street: Boom
from the Covid-19 pandemic. Chilean President Gabriel Bo- strategy during the worst of Mr. da Silva won 60.3 mil- during the campaign, includ- years tough to revive.......... B11

Bolsonaro Remains Silent a Day After Losing Election

BY JUAN FORERO death, has made no public state- not give up on Brazil. God’s in would once again govern this universally known as Lula. Braga Netto, a former defense
AND LUCIANA MAGALHAES ment since results were an- command!” he said. country of 215 million. “A little while ago, I called minister who was his running
nounced. That has raised ques- The president’s closest allies, “It’s time for us to calm our President Lula, elected this Sun- mate, appeared in online edi-
SÃO PAULO—A day after tions among both supporters from former ministers in his spirits and extend a hand to our day,” he told his followers on tions of Brazilian newspapers.
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was and critics about how he would government to prominent poli- adversaries…to pacify our coun- Twitter on Monday. “I congrat- Among those who believe
declared the winner of Sun- respond to the outcome of a bal- ticians, including Arthur Lira, try,” said Mr. Lira in a speech ulated him on his victory and Mr. Bolsonaro won’t dispute
day’s election in Brazil, global lot that he has spent much of who presides over the lower minutes after Brazil’s electoral also said that he will find in the the results was Alexandre de
leaders have congratulated the the past few months asserting house of Brazil’s Congress, court called the result—a state- Senate all the collaboration, Moraes, head of the electoral
president-elect on his vic- would be rigged. His aides didn’t quickly recognized the result of ment that analysts said made it with due democratic dialogue, court. He said he talked to
tory—from the U.S. and India return calls seeking comment. Sunday’s final runoff vote: Mr. hard for Mr. Bolsonaro to adopt to solve the real and urgent both candidates Sunday night.
to Russia and China. One was His eldest son, Flávio Bol- da Silva won 50.9% of the vote, a contrary position. “The will of problems faced by Brazilians.”
still missing: Brazilian Presi- sonaro, released a statement 2.1 million more votes than Mr. the people…should never be On Sunday, Mr. Bolsonaro
dent Jair Bolsonaro. Monday thanking the family’s Bolsonaro, who got 49.1%. contested.” went to bed some two hours af- Watch a Video
The 67-year-old former army supporters, pointing out his They have called for calm Another lawmaker who ter officials called the election Scan this code
captain, who last year said that father got more votes on Sun- and recognized that Mr. da supported Mr. Bolsonaro’s in Mr. da Silva’s favor, Globo TV for a video on
the only outcome from this day than in the 2018 elections Silva, a former trade-union measures, Senate President reported. A photo taken Monday the challenges
year’s presidential race would that put him in the presidency. leader who served two terms Rodrigo Pacheco, had warm morning of Mr. Bolsonaro at the facing Lula da
be his re-election, arrest or “Let’s raise up our heads and as president ending in 2010, words for Mr. da Silva, who is presidential palace with Walter Silva.

Complexity deserves clarity.

© 2022 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ9139
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A6A

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Missile Attacks
Hamper Supplies
Of Power, Water
KYIV, Ukraine—Russian 10, in which Russian missiles
forces launched a wave of mis- and drones swarmed the coun-
sile strikes across Ukraine on try, striking in the center of
Monday that knocked out elec- Kyiv and knocking out power
tricity and water supplies in to large parts of the country.
Kyiv and other cities, just as Since then, Kyiv says strikes

the country was recovering on Ukraine’s infrastructure
from the damage inflicted in have damaged around a third
the Kremlin’s recent attacks of the system’s overall power-
on civilian infrastructure. generation capacity.
The latest assault came as
By Jared Malsin, Ukraine was beginning to get
Joe Parkinson back on the grid. Just hours Commercial vessels, including ships that are part of a Black Sea grain deal, wait to pass the Bosporus Strait off Istanbul on Monday.

Russia Threatens Grain Ships

and Bojan Pancevski before Monday’s barrage,
Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Several loud explosions Zelensky said officials had
were heard in Kyiv shortly af- managed to restore the techni-
ter 8 a.m. on Monday, forcing cal aspects of the country’s en-
civilians to take shelter in ergy supply and that there
metro stations, homes, hotels hadn’t been any emergency- BY JARED MALSIN ports on Monday, the country’s sponse to a Ukrainian attack on the Turkish straits and Black
and public buildings across the power outages on Sunday. AND ALISTAIR MACDONALD infrastructure minister said. Russian naval forces in occupied Sea. “Freedom of navigation is
capital. More than 50 missiles Ukraine’s air force said it Four ships were set to transit Crimea. Grain markets rose on the main pillar of the law of
were fired by Russian forces, shot down 44 out of a total of ISTANBUL—Russia threat- toward Ukraine to collect grain. Monday, but Turkish, Ukrainian, the seas around the world.”
although most were inter- 50 cruise missiles fired by ened to stop vessels carrying The Russian threat injects and U.N. officials vowed to keep Russia still has considerable
cepted by air defenses, Ukrai- Russia on Monday. In addition grain from Ukraine, two days af- new uncertainty—including the the ships moving. naval assets in the region de-
nian officials said. to cruise missiles, the attack ter Moscow said it would aban- possibility of direct military in- Maritime-law experts said spite months of Ukrainian drone
The strikes disrupted water included artillery and S-300 don an agreement that guaran- tervention—in what had until any attempt by Russia to stop and missile attacks. One such
supplies to some 80% of missiles, which are normally teed the safety of those exports recently become a relatively ships in international waters aerial attack sank the flagship
households in Kyiv, the city’s used in air defenses, Ukraine’s and as ships continued to make smooth operation that had would violate international of the Kremlin’s Black Sea fleet.
mayor said. Ukrainian officials air-defense spokesman said. the voyages on Monday. helped Ukraine restore grain law that guarantees freedom Russia has at least four die-
said Russian missiles also dis- A spokesman for the Rus- Russia’s ambassador to the exports to near prewar levels. sel-powered submarines, two
abled electricity grids in Kyiv, sian Defense Ministry on United Nations, Vasily Neben- Shipments stopped in the frigates armed with rockets,
Zaporizhzhia in southeastern Monday said the country’s zya, said Russia’s navy would, if weeks immediately after Rus- torpedoes and cruise missiles,
Ukraine, Kharkiv in the north, armed forces had attacked necessary, conduct inspections sia’s February invasion of
Merchant ships 10 large amphibious ships, as
and central and western parts Ukraine’s military command of ships that did get its permis- Ukraine. Grain prices soared on continued to pull in well as smaller patrol ships
of the country. and energy infrastructure sion to depart Ukraine. The the prospect of shipments be- belonging to both the Russian
Kyiv says the targeting of with long-range missiles Russian ministry of defense ing stuck in Ukraine, one of the
and out of grain- navy and coast guard.
critical infrastructure deep in- launched from the air and the said any movement of ships world’s biggest grain exporters. exporting ports. Ismini Palla, a spokesperson
side Ukraine, in areas far from sea. All targets had been hit, along a previously designated Turkey, working with the for the U.N. at the Joint Coordi-
the front lines, is part of the the spokesman said. grain corridor was unaccept- U.N., brokered a deal in which nation Center in Istanbul, which
Kremlin’s strategy to demoral- A 31-year-old woman was able, citing security concerns. Russia and Ukraine agreed to al- monitors the deal, said ships
ize the Ukrainian population killed in the Dnipropetrovsk The threat came as merchant low shipments from three of navigation. Russian efforts began moving into the corridor
as winter approaches. Ukrai- region in southeastern ships continued to pull in and Ukraine Black Sea ports. The to intercept civilian ships on Monday morning. Ship-track-
nian forces in recent months Ukraine, where Russian forces out of Ukraine’s grain-exporting deal helped stabilize global would also violate the Mon- ing data showed ships moving
have reclaimed swaths of ter- fired 40 rockets, the region’s ports along the Black Sea. The wheat and corn prices at a time treux Convention, a 1936 along the designated sea lane.
ritory Russia had captured, military administration said. traffic came despite Russia sus- when rising food costs have treaty that governs access to Turkish President Recep
but their advances might be Oleksiy Kuleba, the gover- pending over the weekend its pushed tens of millions of peo- the Black Sea, analysts said. Tayyip Erdogan, who helped
slowed by the onset of colder nor of the Kyiv region, said participation in a U.N.-brokered ple toward famine, the U.N. said. “It is totally illegal,” said broker the agreement, said
conditions, some analysts say. there was one victim. At least deal to allow Ukrainian grain Russia over the weekend sus- Yoruk Isik, the head of Bos- Monday that Turkey would
“The goal of Russians is to 13 people were injured in the exports. Twelve ships carrying pended its participation in the phorus Observer, a consul- “resolutely continue our ef-
create a humanitarian disaster strikes throughout the country, grain departed from Ukrainian deal, saying the move was in re- tancy monitoring activity in forts” to sustain the deal.
and try to freeze our people,” the head of Ukraine’s national
Ukrainian Energy Minister Her- police said on local television.

Forecasters See Cold Winter in Europe

man Halushchenko said in an in- The attacks were among the
terview in which he reiterated broadest in a series of bar-
calls for more Western aid to rages in recent months that
bolster air defenses. “They have disrupted a period of rel-
failed to win on the battlefield— ative calm that prevailed over BY YUSUF KHAN drier than normal, with lower The update issued Monday that recent warm weather has
that’s why they want to do this.” central and western Ukraine chances of heavy rainfall be- also comes at a time of year delayed the date at which Eu-
Monday’s attack echoed a for months after Russian LONDON—One of the first tween November and January. when some of the weather rope dips into its storage, so
similar barrage that Russia forces abandoned their assault closely watched seasonal out- No single forecast is defini- trends that can make a differ- there will be more gas to heat
unleashed on Ukraine on Oct. on the capital in April. looks for what the European tive and so-called seasonal ence in the severity of the homes if a late cold snap strikes.
winter holds sees colder and outlooks come with caveats. winter start to settle down. The Met Office’s outlook,
drier weather than usual across They aren’t as precise as the That can make it easier to pre- along with a handful of others
the U.K. and Northern Europe, one- to five-day forecasts that dict longer-term scenarios for expected soon, are being more
conditions that could add pres- weather services can make the entire season. closely followed than usual this
sure on governments and com- with relative accuracy. Gas prices extended recent year. In the wake of Russia’s in-
panies managing the conti- Still, as an early look, “this declines on Monday, driven vasion of Ukraine, Europe has
nent’s supply of natural gas. all suggests that heating re- lower by the large supplies of tried to pivot away from its re-
The U.K. Meteorological Of- lated gas demand will be up fuel that Europe has accumu- liance on Russian gas. Moscow,
fice on Monday said there was this winter,” said Caroline lated throughout the year. meanwhile, has largely turned
an increased likelihood of the Bain, chief commodities econ- Benchmark wholesale prices off the tap, in retaliation for
next three months being colder omist at Capital Economics. for gas in the Netherlands fell Western sanctions.
than normal with average tem- The Met Office’s forecast is 9% to about 127 euros, or That has set off a scramble

peratures likely to sit between 4 specific to the U.K., but the 168- $126, a megawatt-hour. U.K. by governments and utilities to
and just-below 6 degrees Cel- year-old agency’s predictions prices fell 7% to 3.14 pounds, get gas from other sources, and
sius, equivalent to between 39.2 have implications for the conti- or $3.62, per therm. encourage residents and busi-
and 42.8 degrees Fahrenheit, in nent as a whole, in part owing Futures contracts suggest nesses to conserve. European
the U.K., which is slightly below to its expertise in modeling the gas will become more expensive countries have rushed to buy
the average seen over the last North Atlantic Oscillation, an when temperatures fall, but that shipped gas, called liquefied
five years. The forecasting important factor for predicting prices won’t regain the highs re- natural gas, from places such as
Smoke rises over Kyiv’s outskirts during a Russian missile attack. agency said it also is likely to be weather across Europe. corded in August. One reason is the U.S. and Qatar.


Better than
Merger of tion in the market for the U.S.
publishing rights to antici-
would likely receive smaller
upfront payments, or ad-
better serve authors and con-
sumers. working for
a bank!
pated top-selling books.” vances, if the deal were com- On a sales basis, a combina-

Publishers A spokeswoman for Pen-

guin Random House said the
decision “is an unfortunate
“This is a straightforward
case: the merger would elimi-
tion of Penguin Random House
and Simon & Schuster would
have accounted for nearly 30%

Is Blocked setback for readers and au-

thors, and we will immedi-
ately request an expedited ap-
nate the significant head-to-
head competition between the
two companies that benefits
of all consumer book sales in
the U.S., according to book
tracker NPD BookScan.
SI Capital has opportunities for you to join
us, or become a partner in a newly formed
peal.” The spokeswoman said authors today,” the depart- If the deal had gone independent firm. You provide the talent or
Continued from Page One Penguin Random House views ment wrote in a court filing. through, the combined com-
ficial, said the publishing the deal as “pro-competitive, The Justice Department panies would have boasted talented team, ambition, and niche opportunities
merger would have decreased and we will continue to work warned that the combined some of the country’s most in financial services (investments, trading, raising
author compensation and “di- closely with Paramount and company would control about popular authors, including capital, etc). We provide capital, regulatory
minished the breadth, depth Simon & Schuster on next 49% of the market for antici- John Grisham, Stephen King,
and diversity of our stories steps.” pated top-selling books. Margaret Atwood and Jason (FINOPS, etc), class A office space (Grand
and ideas.” The Justice Department, Penguin Random House and Reynolds, at a time when Central Station area), IT, legal and more.
Mr. Kanter added: “The de- which sued to challenge the Simon & Schuster estimated bestsellers have never been
cision is also a victory for merger a year ago, focused its the size of that market at more important to overall
workers more broadly. It reaf- case not on book prices, but about 1,200 books annually, or publishing success. SI Capital is an investment/trading firm with 5+
firms that the antitrust laws on author wages, saying writ- 2% of all books published by Mr. King testified against billion dollars AUM owned by the founder of
protect competition for the ac- ers of anticipated bestsellers— commercial publishers. the merger during the trial on
quisition of goods and services which the government defined Penguin Random House ar- behalf of the government.
5-hour ENERGY. We don’t make decisions
from workers.” as books acquired for ad- gued that owning Simon & “Consolidation is bad for com- by committee. We don’t participate in
German media company vances of at least $250,000— Schuster would enable it to petition,” Mr. King said. ESG or other irrational fashions. We don’t
Bertelsmann SE, whose hold- “That’s my understanding of
ings include Penguin Random the book business. And I have
“adjust” compensation plans on the fly.
House, agreed to the Simon & been around it for 50 years.” And we move fast.
Schuster acquisition in No- Other witnesses at the trial
vember 2020. included Brian Murray, chief
Bertelsmann stated in its executive of HarperCollins If you’re really good at what you do, and really
2021 annual report that if the Publishers. Mr. Murray, who enjoy the work (but not necessarily the…
deal failed to go through, or if voiced opposition to the acqui- “overhead”) this may be a good fit. If you like
the agreement’s termination sition, said HarperCollins

date was reached, Penguin would be interested in buying working for a bank… this may not fit.
Random House would pay a Simon & Schuster if Penguin
fee of $200 million to Para- Random House’s purchase was If you’re interested contact:
mount Global, which owns Si- blocked. Mr. Murray declined
mon & Schuster. to comment Monday.
Judge Pan wrote in a two- HarperCollins bid unsuc- Chris Fowler
page order: “The Court finds cessfully for Simon & Schuster C: 248-826-4306
that the United States has after it was put up for sale in
shown that the effect of the March 2020. HarperCollins,
proposed merger may be sub- like The Wall Street Journal, is
stantially to lessen competi- The Penguin Random House booth at a book fair in 2021. owned by News Corp.
A8 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Eurozone stat method, Italy’s annual

rate of inflation jumped to
12.8% in October from 9.4% in
mist at BNP Paribas.
Yields on eurozone govern-
ment bonds rose on Monday, as
Consumer prices, change on
same month of previous year
German employers and trade
unions, who have traditionally
cooperated relatively smoothly,
released by Eurostat on Mon-
day showed the eurozone econ-
omy continued to grow in the

Inflation September, while Germany’s

rose to 11.6% from 10.9%. By
contrast, Spain’s inflation rate
investors expected that the ECB
would have to raise interest
rates further to tame inflation.
particularly during crises.
The influential IG Metall
union, which represents some
three months through Septem-
ber, albeit at a slower pace than
in the previous quarter. The

Tops 10% fell to 7.3% from 9%. The yield on the benchmark Germany 2.2 million industrial workers, statistics agency said the com-
The surprise jump in infla- German 10-year bund rose to Europe has demanded an 8% pay in- bined gross domestic product
tion underlines the challenges 2.149% from 2.077% Friday. The France crease over 12 months to com- of the 19 countries that use the
facing ECB policy makers as yield on Italy’s benchmark 10- pensate for surging consumer euro was 0.7% higher than in
Continued from Page One they confront a likely recession year bond rose to 4.253%, from prices. Its members started the three months through June
that consumer prices were in the eurozone. The central 4.141% Friday. warning strikes over the week- when annualized, a slowdown
10.7% higher in October than a bank raised its key interest rate Eurostat said energy prices end after failing to reach an from the 3.3% growth recorded
year earlier, the fastest rate of to 1.5% from 0.75% on Thursday, were 41.9% higher in October agreement with employers. in the second quarter.
increase since records began in but signaled mounting concerns than a year earlier, while food “Growth can only be distrib- With energy use set to rise
1997, two years before the euro about economic growth. prices were up 13.1%. But the uted if it exists,” said Stefan as cold weather spreads across
was launched. However, na- Investors, watching closely core rate of inflation, which 0 Wolf, president of the Employ- the currency area, most econo-
tional records go back further, for signs that central banks excludes those volatile items, Oct. 2021 ’22 ers’ Confederation in the Metal mists expect its economy to
and Germany’s measure of in- such as the Federal Reserve will also picked up to 5% from and Electrical Industry. contract in the final three
flation was the highest since pivot away from large interest- 4.8% in September. Source: Eurostat High energy prices have months of the year, and in the
December 1951. rate increases, took those com- The outlook for inflation been a headwind for the euro- early months of next year. The
Economists had expected to ments to mean the ECB could depends on the availability of The rise in living costs has zone economy this year be- ECB will update its own fore-
see a pickup in inflation dur- soon ease back on rate rises. gas supplies through the win- triggered a wave of protests cause they leave households casts in December, when policy
ing October, but not one that The surge in inflation raises ter months, and average tem- across Europe, testing the re- with less to spend on goods makers will have to decide
was as large as Eurostat re- doubts about that expectation. peratures, as well as govern- solve of governments that and services that are produced whether to push ahead with an-
ported. Economists surveyed “This raises the question of ment measures to protect have so far maintained unity inside the currency area, while other big rate raise, or moder-
last week by The Wall Street whether the talk of an ECB households from hardship. in their costly economic war raising costs for businesses, ate the pace of tightening.
Journal saw a rise to 10% from ‘pivot’ that followed Thursday’s Many eurozone governments with Russia. and particularly energy-inten- —Tom Fairless
9.9% in September. meeting is premature,” said have introduced price caps In Germany, record inflation sive factories. and Caitlin Ostroff
As measured by the Euro- Paul Hollingsworth, an econo- that directly limit inflation. has caused tension between However, separate figures contributed to this article.

Mortgage performers will get the hint

and leave.
“You’re really finding out

Giant Falls who are the most skilled folks

right now,” said Mr. Walters,
the CEO.

To Earth Commission checks that bal-

looned during the pandemic
have deflated this year, bankers
said. A Rocket spokesman said
Continued from Page One average total compensation for
and attrition, rather than the bankers who had been at the
layoffs that have become com- company at least a year was al-
monplace at its competitors. most $200,000 in the 12
The effort is challenging. months through September
Rocket’s loan volume is on pace 2021. It fell to $157,000 in the
to decline by more than half 12 months that followed.
this year. Earnings at Rocket’s In March, one executive
parent company, Rocket Cos., emailed a note of encourage-
were down by more than two- ment to bankers, along with an


thirds in the first six months of image of one refinance
2022. Analysts expect it to post banker’s recent paycheck. The
its first loss as a publicly banker had made over $50,000
traded company when it re- in February from 44 loans.
ports third-quarter results on “You are surrounded by suc-
Thursday, according to FactSet. cess,” the memo said. “FIRE
The share price closed Monday UP and GRAB IT!”
at $6.90, down 51% this year, This spring, the company
which is almost three times the asked many bankers to add a
S&P 500’s decline. Its market weekend day to each work-
value is around $13.6 billion. week in which they weren’t on
For many mortgage bank- pace to meet at least 70% of
ers, the backbone of Rocket’s their goal.
workforce, a taxing job has In August, a manager sent a
turned into an intolerable one, will be shocked when you see An ad for Rocket Mortgage in Detroit, above. Former Rocket note out to his team under the
according to interviews with how much that you can save,” banker Colin Wyzgoski, left, said that getting potential customers subject line “Urgency!” “We are
dozens of current and former one of the ads said. to trade a 3% mortgage for a 6% one is like ‘pushing rocks up hills.’ not in a world or market where
employees. The company gave employ- we can withdraw because we
Getting potential customers ees a call script for leads from because they could refinance customers of Santander Bank. get a no today,” the email said.
to trade a 3% mortgage for a the ads. “We have Government again when rates fall. In September it rolled out a Several employees said they
6% one is like “pushing rocks and Non-Government programs “It’s a common ARP,” he new “inflation buster” loan took medical leave due to the
up hills,” said Colin Wyzgoski, we will look at today for you, I said, referring to a sales tactic with a lower rate for the first stress. Family members became
who quit a job as a banker in can definitely help you with all known internally as “acknowl- year. concerned about their well-be-
August after taking time off be- of that,” it reads. edge, respond, pivot.” Rocket has fallen in the mid- ing. The sound of a phone ring-
cause of work stress. The government never di- State and federal regulations dle of the top 10 rankings for ing came to trigger dread, a
The employee complaints rected stimulus payments to require homeowners to benefit such mortgages the past few couple employees said.
have spilled over to TikTok homeowners. Some of the ads from refinancing, but they pro- years, according to Inside Mike Malloy, Rocket’s hu-
and Reddit, which has thou- were taken down for violating vide flexibility in determining Mortgage Finance. One big man-resources chief, said inter-
sands of messages on the Facebook’s policies on misinfor- what is beneficial. Bankers said stumbling block: Its bankers nal surveys show employee en-
topic. Rocket executives said mation, according to Meta. Rocket’s internal loan software lack relationships with the real- gagement is high and has
the complaints are coming A Rocket spokesman said, would flag any loans that don’t estate agents who drive much barely budged since the market
from a few vocal bankers, par- “LowerMyBills ran ads on Face- comply. of the business to lenders. shifted, but the firm has made
ticularly those struggling in an book that referred to the fact Rocket’s average cash-out Katie Glover, a former some changes in response to
era of higher rates when com- that during the period of in a place where you’re comfort- customer receives $45,000 and Rocket banker, spent a few feedback.
panies are competing for more 2020-2021, the Federal Reserve able each month,” Ms. Boji said. cuts their monthly payment by months last year writing mort-
limited business. was pumping significant liquid- Low rates made these loans over $100, a spokesman said. gages on a team meant to cul-
“When the fish are jumping
in the boat, the job is one
ity into the mortgage market,
which drastically reduced mort-
a no-brainer for cash-strapped
homeowners, but the calcula-
Mr. Walters, Rocket’s CEO,
said it is up to the customers to
tivate relationships with real-
estate agents. She said many
Refinancing no
thing,” Rocket Mortgage Chief gage rates, benefiting millions tion is more complicated now. decide what is right for their preferred to work with local longer makes
Executive Bob Walters said.
“When you’re competing with a
of Americans.”
After rising interest rates
Customers might save only a
few dollars a month in ex-
own finances.
“If you came along and said,
lenders they knew, and tended
to only send clients to Rocket
sense for many
lot of other people, it’s a differ- made straightforward refis un- change for a much higher rate, ‘I need $15,000 and I’m going who couldn’t qualify else- homeowners.
ent thing.” appealing, Rocket encouraged current and former bankers to incur $3,000 in fees to get where. Her team was dis-
How the company and its customers to pull cash out of said. Others might get only a that,’ is that a good loan or a banded, she said.
peers adjust to this new reality their homes. The pandemic small amount of cash that bad loan? Somebody on a D’Ann Melnick, a real-estate
will be an early test of corpo- housing boom had driven up barely exceeds closing costs. spreadsheet might say that agent in the Washington, D.C., The average banker works
rate America’s ability to with- home values, giving owners Mr. Wyzgoski, the former doesn’t make any sense,” he area, said she steers her cli- five to seven hours less a week
stand the Fed-induced eco- more equity. banker, said he was instructed said. “But what does that ents away from Rocket be- this year than last year,
nomic slowdown. Mortgage Some borrowers use the to look through potential cli- $15,000 of liquidity mean for cause they often end up lost in through a combination of
companies that built businesses money to pay off debt that ents’ financial records and find that person?” the company’s system without scheduling changes and bank-
around low rates are among the carries a higher interest rate student loans or medical bills Rocket has tried to muscle a single point of contact. ers deciding to work less over-
first to get hit. than a mortgage. Refinancing that he could push them to into the market for mortgages “They don’t have a relation- time, said Mr. Malloy, whose ti-
can lower the monthly pay- consolidate into their mortgage used to purchase a home, which ship with their clients. They tle is chief amazement officer.
ment, but it can mean giving through a cash-out refi. He said have held up better than refis. don’t have a relationship” with The company lifted hourly
Boom times up a low rate and extending he was told to tell clients that a The company signed a partner- real-estate agents, she said. pay for new bankers and per-
Unlike traditional banks, the loan term, potentially in- higher interest rate was fine ship in August to offer loans to A Rocket spokesman said loan commissions for seasoned
mortgage companies like creasing the total interest cost. that the company continues to bankers. Sales goals have been
Rocket, founded in 1985, are It is also backed by the house, Number of homeowners who could save money build relationships with real- lowered, in many cases multi-
lean operations that rely on is- and homeowners who miss by refinancing at current rates, weekly* estate professionals, and that ple times.
suing loans and quickly turning payments risk losing their more than 100,000 agents are Many bankers still aren’t
them into bonds to sell to in- properties. 20 million using its two-year-old service meeting the lower sales goals,
vestors. When the financial cri- In August, 96% of the that allows them to check on according to current and for-
sis of 2008 led to sweeping shrinking pool of refis were the status of clients’ loans and mer bankers. Rankings for one
regulations on banks, mortgage used to pull cash out, compared 15 get contact information for group showed that just over a
companies moved in to grab with 54% a year earlier, accord- team members. fifth of bankers hit their goals
market share. ing to Black Knight. in August, and roughly a third
The pandemic ushered in re- On a Thursday in September, 10 did in September.
cord low rates, and mortgage Leena Boji, a veteran banker at Cost cutting When Amanda Womack
lenders staffed up to meet the the company, worked the A more immediate concern started at Rocket in early 2021,
moment. Nonbanks made more phones at the Detroit head- 5 for Rocket is cutting costs. To she got dozens of leads a day.
than two-thirds of the $8.5 tril- quarters. She spoke with one handle the influx of business When rates went up, they
lion in mortgages issued in potential client about a cash- in 2020 and 2021, nonbank dwindled to a handful.
2020 and 2021, the highest out refi. 0 mortgage lenders increased Many of those were dead
share in records going back to She toggled between appli- 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 their head counts by more ends. Some of the people she
2005, according to Inside Mort- cation questions and mortgage- than a third to almost 300,000 called didn’t even own homes.
gage Finance. pricing tools as she collected Volume of loans issued Share-price and index performance between the end of 2019 and They frequently cursed or
A handful of companies sold information about the bor- by Rocket, quarterly since Rocket went public, weekly June 2021, according to the threatened her.
their stock in initial public of- rower. “If a loan doesn’t make $100 billion 50% Bureau of Labor Statistics. As She began working six days
ferings. Rocket, which went financial sense, I will be the the market cooled over the a week to try to keep up with
public in 2020, closed $351 bil- first to tell you,” she said into 80 25 following 14 months, they her goals.
lion in mortgages last year, up her headset. This homeowner trimmed more than 30,000 “When it’s good, they en-
from $12 billion in 2008. would be giving up a rate be- 60 0
S&P 500 people from their ranks. courage you to come in to make
Rocket scoured every corner low 4% for one just above 5%,, a once-highflying even more sales,” she said of
of the internet to dig up sales but would pull out some cash Rocket upstart, laid off hundreds of working at Rocket. “When it’s
40 –25
leads. A website called Lower- to use for a rainy-day fund and workers via video chat last De- bad, they encourage you to
MyBills, which Rocket bought to pay off debt with double- cember. First Guaranty Mort- come in because you’re not
20 –50
in 2017, posted hundreds of digit interest rates. gage Corp. cut almost 80% of making money for the com-
Facebook ads referencing what The monthly mortgage pay- its workforce as it filed for pany.”
0 –75
it called a mortgage stimulus ment would still go down by bankruptcy in June. She quit Rocket in July, de-
program, mostly between April more than $100 a month be- 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 2021 ’22 Rocket has offered buyout termined to leave before the
and August 2021, data from cause the homeowner was ex- *Counts only homeowners with at least 20% equity and 720 credit score, packages to some employees deteriorating market forced her
Meta Platforms Inc., Facebook’s tending the term of the loan by who are current on payments and could cut 0.75% off current rate. but hasn’t laid off bankers. In- out. She took a salaried job in
parent company, show. “You almost 10 years. “Let’s put you Sources: Black Knight (homeowners); Inside Mortgage Finance (volume); FactSet (performance) stead, executives believe poor wine-and-spirits sales.
© 2022 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A9

abled at the system level.

On a Mac, go to System Set-
tings (known as System Prefer-
ences on MacOS Monterey and
earlier versions) then click Notifi-
cations. Find Slack then turn on
Allow Notifications. Also, keep
your MacOS Do Not Disturb set-
ting off, or add Slack as an allowed
app in your Focus settings.

For Windows 11, go to Settings >

System > Notifications. (In prior
Windows versions, the setting was

The system is designed

to guess when you’re
at your desk and when
you’re up and about.

Notifications and Actions.) Look for

“Get notifications from apps and
other senders,” then find Slack.
If you’ve tried everything and
are still having Slack-notification
issues on a computer, you can also
try different versions of the app.
Slack says its direct-download ver-
sion for Macs is different from the
one in the App Store.

When you get too many

The longer you use Slack, the more
channels you might join. You likely
don’t need to respond to all of
them urgently—if at all—and don’t
want to be bombarded with unnec-
essary notifications. Look for the
PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY “Mute channel” option, which pre-

Managing Slack Notifications

vents activity in it from triggering
notifications, by right-clicking the
channel name.
If, on the other hand, there’s a
channel you want to prioritize,
right-click its name or scroll to the
Messages can be easy to miss or overwhelming, unless you make changes in your settings bottom of the Notifications prefer-
ences to select and customize each
channel. You can use this to set a
BY DALVIN BROWN “It is not perfect.  If you use Slack different notification priority for
We have bugs,” Johnny on your desktop your mobile devices. You can get
IF YOU’RE AN OFFICE worker, Rodgers, a principal and smartphone, all messages in a channel by
you’re probably no stranger to the engineer at Slack, said you can configure checking the box “Get notified
following Slack message: “Sorry, I on Twitter earlier in the computer app to about all replies and show them in
didn’t see this until now.” October. He worked on send notifications your Threads view.” (If a channel
The group-chat app owned by Slack’s notification de- to your phone. has been bugging you, make sure
Salesforce Inc. has become vital for cision tree, a compli- that’s not checked.)
many during the hybrid-work era, cated workflow dia- You can set up chats so you re-
allowing teams to stay connected gram that shows what when you got up. ceive a notification when a specific
whether they’re working from types of messages You can avoid over- word is used—your name or proj-
home, commuting or logging on qualify for notifica- looking messages by ect, for instance. Go to Preferences
from the office. tions. “We could im- adjusting settings so > Notifications > My keywords.
Slack lets users initiate and re- prove how these set- you’re notified on your
ply to private chats with colleagues tings interact, and how mobile device as a fall- When you rely on Slack
and groups within seconds. The those interactions are back. To turn this on, sound alerts…
communication hub organizes con- conveyed to the user,” open Slack’s desktop Slack’s now-famous “Knock Brush”
versations that might otherwise be he tweeted. app, click your profile sound notification is a surefire
dispersed across in-person meet- You can improve photo in the upper- way to get your attention, but it
ings, emails and text messages. the situation by enter- right corner, click Pref- can be misleading. By default, the
Unlike typical messaging apps— ing Slack’s labyrinth of erences > Notifications app will play the noise only for in-
which notify users of each incom- notification settings. then scroll down and coming direct messages, mentions
ing missive on their phones and “Defaults are set up look for “When I’m not and keywords. If multiple notifica-
computers—Slack depends on a to be as good as we can active on desktop…” in tions hit at the same time, it could
web of settings and rules to deter- make them,” said Olivia bold. Make sure you sound like one alert. Slack’s notifi-
mine when and where you should Grace, Slack’s senior di- select “immediately, cation settings let you pair specific
see a notification. It’s designed to rector of product management. tion by default will appear bold, even if I’m active.” You can check a sounds to different types of notifi-
guess when you’re at your desk “But they’re not for everyone.” alongside a badge showing how box beneath this setting to have cations. For sound preferences,
and when you’re up and about, and Here’s what drives Slack alerts, many messages you’re mentioned certain notifications sent to you scroll down to Sound & appear-
cut down on potentially needless and which settings to change so in. You’ll also get an audible push via email as well. ance. Then, use the drop-down
or redundant alerts. you don’t miss a message. notification. Setting your status as “away” menus to choose sound pairings
But Slack’s built-in smarts can When the Slack app is open on also triggers phone notifications. for each notification type.
also cause frustrations, and allow When you step away from your computer’s desktop, the app Now that many people are back
you to miss things that matter. your computer… assumes you are active, and con- When your device settings in an office, you may have your
The system might not notify you When accessing Slack on a com- siders you “away” only after 10 block notifications… computer volume turned down or
of an incoming message that it puter, your conversations—direct minutes of inactivity. If you step Once you tailor notifications on off. You hear the alerts only when
considers less urgent. Sometimes, messages and group chats—appear out for less time, you might miss one device, you’ll need to check your device isn’t muted—unless
you don’t get an alert on a mes- stacked on the left sidebar. When some messages it assumed you your others. Settings don’t always your deskmates are also busy mes-
sage because Slack thinks you al- someone mentions you or mes- saw, especially messages in what- transfer over. For starters, make saging away. Then you might end
ready saw it. sages you directly, the conversa- ever chat or channel you had open sure pop-up notifications are en- up with a symphony of Slack.

MY RIDE | A.J. BAIME will start two sec-

onds after him. This

Teen Racer Blazes is a way of leveling

the playing field be-
tween two cars of

A Trail in Her Chevy

different speeds.
You’re either chasing
or being chased. If
you go quicker than

your dialed time,
anika Fickler, 18, a freshman Danika Fickler, 18, with her 1986 you are disqualified.
at Colorado State University, Chevrolet S-10 Blazer, which has [If both cars run
on her 1986 Chevrolet S-10 an aftermarket gauge panel. quicker than their
Blazer drag racer, as told to dial in, the one that
A.J. Baime. is closer to it is the
winner.] So you
I DID A LOT OF growing up at want to beat the
Heartland Motorsports Park in other person by the
Topeka, Kan. My parents hon- smallest margin
eymooned at this racetrack possible. In order to
when they married in 1993. do that, you are
Both of them have been drag working both the
racing since before I was born. gas and the brakes.
My mom was a class winner The number of
at Heartland in 2005, 2006 rounds in which you
and 2007, and my dad won a the hotel to the racetrack and back. racing. There are yellow lights that race depends on the number of com-
National Hot Rod Association Tim Hyatt had passed away, and flash on, and when the third light petitors at the event in your class.
[NHRA] national event there the Blazer was sitting in storage. comes on, you go, because in the Since I started college this fall, I
in 2019. When I go to Heart- So, my family bought it for me to time it takes you to react to that have been back to Heartland to
land now, people come up to compete two weeks before the first third yellow light, the green light will race three times. In September, I

me all the time to tell me that High School-class event. I won the flash on. Then you’re throttling. won an NHRA championship event
they knew me when I was a baby. racing. Other tracks around the first two events with the Blazer, When you get to the finish line, if in the Blazer. In the High School
I started racing quarter-midgets country had a High School class, and that is how the season began. you see a green light in your lane class at Heartland, locally, in 2022,
[a type of junior race car] when I but this was the first at Heartland. Almost everything on the Blazer is flash on, that means you won. it was me and three other guys,
was 8 or 9. Then, junior dragsters at My godmother, Beth Hyatt, who aftermarket, except the body, The way the rules work, you have two from Kansas and one from Ne-
age 12. People mistakenly think I used to babysit me at Heartland brakes and fuel tank. It has a 355- to “dial” in your car, meaning you braska. We had our last race [in
was named after the famous racing when my parents would be racing cubic-inch Nickens Brothers Chevy have a time that you predict you are October]—my last in the High
driver Danica Patrick. I wasn’t. But years ago, had a 1986 Chevy S-10 V-8 racing engine. going to run the quarter mile. The School class—and for the season, I
my middle name is Carrera; the Blazer that her husband, Tim, built In the High School class, you can person you are competing against finished second in points.
word literally means a “race” in out. It was a streetcar that got build out the car how you want, but also dials a time. So you do not both What is next? I will keep racing
Spanish. raced around the country, and they there are rules. You line up in the start at the same time. If I am dialed at Heartland. There is so much fam-
In 2021, Heartland launched a called it their “hotel car,” meaning staging area, and whoever is in the 13.0 seconds, and the car in the lane ily history there. It’s a place where I
High School Points class for drag they would also use it to get from lane next to you, that is who you are next to me is dialed 15.0 seconds, I feel at home.
A10 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 NY * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Advisers say clients at a wide Should I take the lump sum or Then consider whether you’d be Which pays more over your
range of companies have grappled stick with pension payments? better off with the pension, which lifetime?
he math on when and with this decision. The first step is to find out how provides a retiree a monthly pay- Brian Tegtmeyer, an adviser in Co-
how to retire is shifting Retiring early to grab a higher much you’d receive with each ment until death that’s typically lumbus, Ohio, recently performed
for millions of workers lump sum may make sense for peo- option. based on factors including tenure an analysis for a 58-year-old client
with pension plans. ple who had planned to leave their Most pension plans offer online and salary. Retirees can elect to with the option to take a $540,000
Blame the steep rise in jobs soon and are financially and calculators that provide data. Ask continue their pension over a lump sum or a pension that pays
interest rates. emotionally prepared, advisers say. your plan’s administrator or human spouse’s lifetime too, a benefit $2,150 a month.
When workers retire with a But others may be better off re- resources department when your that typically reduces the amount Assuming the client or his
pension, many are given a choice maining on the payroll to bolster pension plan updates the interest of the monthly income. spouse live to age 85, they’d need
between receiving a monthly in- to earn an average of 2.4% a year
come for life or taking a lump-sum on the lump sum to equal the cu-
payment. Many pick the lump sum, mulative income they’d receive
and those payout amounts have from the pension, Mr. Tegtmeyer
generally increased in recent said. If either lives to 95, the lump
years. But now, as interest rates sum would have to earn closer to
rise, lump-sum payouts are drop- 4% a year to keep up with the pen-
ping by as much as 30%, financial sion, he said.

The Math
advisers say, sparking a wave of If the couple were to invest the
early retirements. money in an even split of stocks
Rising interest rates can be a and bonds, Mr. Tegtmeyer said
boon for pension plans, since their they’d likely earn more than an av-
bonds can earn more interest, mak-
ing it less expensive to fund future
benefits. Unfortunately for those
Is Changing erage of 2.4% a year over time.
“And if he’s willing to take a little
more risk by putting more in

On Pension
nearing retirement, lump-sum pay- stocks, he might be able to grow
outs fall, because they are calcu- the lump sum to exceed the pen-
lated based on what future benefits sion by a significant amount,” said
cost today. Monthly pension checks Mr. Tegtmeyer.
don’t change with interest rates.
The situation has created a di-
lemma for employees: retire soon to
lock in a lump sum, or remain on
Lump Sums He said his clients may instead
use some or all of their lump sum
to purchase an annuity. At current
interest rates, an immediate annu-
the job and risk reduced payouts if ity would pay the couple about
interest rates continue to rise. $2,600 a month, versus $2,150 for
“For a lot of people, it’s one of the pension. The gap between the
the biggest financial decisions annuity and monthly pension pay-
they will make, since usually the ment is likely to narrow once the
pension represents a good chunk client’s pension plan updates the
of their money,” said Larry Persh- lump sums, and payouts decline.
ing, a financial adviser in Chicago.
According to a 2022 survey by Should I retire early to get a
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, higher lump sum?
15% of private-sector workers have To get the $540,000 lump sum be-
access to a pension plan. U.S. Cen- fore the payout falls, Mr. Tegt-
sus Bureau data shows that 16% of meyer’s client would have to retire
Americans age 65 and older re- in the next few months, about a
ceive income from a private-sector year sooner than he had planned.
pension plan. If he were to work another year,
Workers in pension plans that their finances, including 401(k) ac- Many retirees feel more secure he’d earn his $70,000 salary. But

update their lump sums annually counts that have lost ground this having an income that doesn’t his lump sum is likely to fall by as
may still be able to get 2021’s year. fluctuate with the markets. Be- much as 20%, or $108,000, and he
higher lump sums, but only if they Because the decision to retire cause pensions protect retirees would also see some of a $30,000
retire soon. requires financial planning and an from running out of money, they early retirement incentive reduced
Ford Motor Co. recently told analysis of priorities, “I wouldn’t Of private-sector workers have can make sense for those who ex- based on the new interest rates.
potential retirees they have until accelerate my retirement just for access to a pension plan pect to live long lives. “In his case, working another
the end of November to notify the this situation,” said Steve Vernon, About 50% to 80% of workers year financially doesn’t make
company if they want to retire by a former pension actuary and choose the lump sum, depending sense,” said Mr. Tegtmeyer, who
Dec. 1, the deadline to cash out president of Rest-of-Life Commu- on factors including the company said his client is in good financial

pensions before higher interest nications, which provides webinars rates it uses to calculate lump sums and industry, according to consult- shape to retire.
rates reduce the plan’s payouts. and workshops on retirement and how the change will affect your ing firm Willis Towers Watson. For For others, the calculation is
At KFC, three top executives, planning. projected payout. Also ask when some, the attraction is that it pro- less clear-cut, depending on the
including the U.S. chief operating “A lot of people see their lump you’d need to notify the company if vides flexibility with a pot of impact on expenses and income.
officer, recently told parent com- sum and think, ‘Wow, I’m rich,’ but you want to retire to secure a money to leave to heirs or draw on Retiring earlier may mean higher
pany Yum Brands Inc. that they that’s the extent of their thinking,” higher lump sum, said Lou in emergencies. Many retirees feel health-insurance premiums, or it
will leave at the end of November said Mr. Vernon. Mazawey, a Washington-based prin- they are likely to earn a higher re- could mean skipping out on com-
due to rising interest rates’ impact Here are some key questions to cipal at Groom Law Group, who ad- turn by investing a lump sum than ing bonus payments and 401(k)
on the pension plan. consider. vises companies on benefits. they’d get with a monthly income. contributions.

Designers right undergarments (and

possesses admirable self-con-
fidence), the look can be be-
post to her 8.4 million follow-
ers, “It isn’t the first time and
certainly won’t be the last

Tout Sheer guiling. “Just because some-

thing is transparent or sheer
doesn’t mean that it has to be
time a woman will hear what’s
wrong with her body by a
crowd of strangers, what’s

Bottoms slutty or trashy,” said New

York designer LaQuan Smith,
who included billowing, sheer
worrying is just how vulgar
some of you men can be.” Ms.
Pugh has since doubled down
royal-blue trousers in his on the sheer look, crossing the
Continued from Page One spring collection that were lower frontier with the sheer-
from the avant-garde brands partly inspired by the caftans bottomed black Rodarte gown
Maryam Nassir Zadeh and he saw on a recent trip to Mo- she wore to an Academy of
Eckhaus Latta, to more estab- rocco. Mr. Smith, whose sheer Motion Picture Arts and Sci-
lished houses including Chanel catsuits, such as a $695 leop- ences reception in October.
and Valentino, are suddenly ard-printed one worn by Ms. Pugh didn’t respond to
churning out fully sheer pants Rihanna in 2019, are bestsell- requests for comment.
and skirts. Crafted in lace and ers for his eponymous brand, When communications con-
tulle, we’re talking about com- has seen the tides turn trans- sultant Lara Carter, 32, de-
pletely transparent pieces that parency-wise since he started cided to wear her tulle Simone
leave absolutely nothing to his line in 2010. “I remember Rocha dress without its coor-
the imagination. Some more when I would have meetings dinating slip for the first time,
daring Hollywood celebrities with editors and buyers and to a London Fashion Week
and sartorially im-
patient trendset-
ters have already
started playing
peekaboo with
their bottoms. Se-
lecting skivvies is
newly critical.
knows what butts
look like, it’s fine,”
said Sarah Hoover,

36, a New York

writer who re-
cently wore a pair
of black lace Saint
Laurent pants to
an art open-
ing…with a thong.
“I wasn’t going to
meet the queen.”
(If she were, alter-
native bottoms
Fashion houses have shown transparent skirts and pants on runways.
might be advis-
able: Judging from
a recent windy photograph, everyone was just so dis- show in September, she paired
the 75-year-old queen consort turbed at how provocative my it with a bra and what she
Camilla is one of the last clothing was, saying how I called granny panties. But
women standing to still sport needed to add linings and even so, it was a remarkable
a slip.) length,” he said. enough look to draw compli-
Those same lace Saint Lau- As the sheer look becomes ments and paparazzi shots,
rent trousers—which retail for more widespread, it may start such as one taken by street-
$2,390—are currently on sale to lose its shock value. It has style photographer Tommy
at dozens of blue-chip depart- already started to trickle Ton of Ms. Carter with her
ment stores and e-commerce down to fast-fashion purvey- toddler. She found wearing
sites including Bergdorf Good- ors, with several sheer pants the look “empowering.”
man, Saks Fifth Avenue, for sale on Fashion Nova and Both Ms. Carter and Ms.
MatchesFashion and Neiman Zara, and a pair of translucent Hoover had to deflect naysay-
Marcus. The range of under- blue pants for $11.50 on e- ers in their sheer outfits.
garments shown with the commerce site Shein. While Ms. Hoover felt “com-
pants on their websites points When Florence Pugh, the pletely comfortable” and re-
to our collective confusion star of this fall’s publicity- ceived compliments from
about how to wear the new magnet blockbuster “Don’t other women, she reported
trend. Some retailers pair it Worry Darling,” wore a pink that, “Every single man loved
with full-coverage briefs; oth- Valentino gown with a sheer to make a joke out of it, as
ers with thongs, others with a top to the brand’s couture they do….Middle-aged white
mystifying, blurred no-under- show in July, she clapped back dudes loved to be like,
wear look. to online trolls who criticized ‘Where’s the rest of your
Assuming one secures the her. She wrote in an Instagram pants?’ ”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A11


Pop Melodies at the Musée

Recorded in the Louvre, the French indie band Phoenix’s catchy, energetic new album is its best effort in over a decade

rench indie-pop band
Phoenix is a case study in
consistency. The group
formed in Versailles in
1997 and by the time of
its 2000 debut album,
“United,” Phoenix’s defining for-
mula was already in place, as the
band skillfully mixed the hooks of
power pop, the romanticism of new
wave, and the smooth exteriors of
soft rock. Singer Thomas Mars had
a sweet voice and an ear for how
to phrase a melody, bassist Deck
d’Arcy knew how to craft memora-
ble lines that served the rhythm
and lodged in your brain, and gui-
tar-playing brothers Christian Maz-
zalai and Laurent Brancowitz were
models of taste and restraint.
In the early part of the 2000s,
Phoenix was often mentioned
alongside the garage-rock revival
that was all the rage in indie
rock—think the Strokes and the
Hives. While that made a certain
amount of sense in terms of musi-
cal structure, Phoenix at its heart
has always been a pop project

The band likes to toy

with concepts that
highlight the members’
European identity.

first. Rather than capturing the

grungy sound of urban dive bars, it
called back to the gleaming ma-
chine-like perfectionism of groups
like the Cars that blurred lines be-
tween pop and rock. Each succes-
sive record was a little better than
the last one, and with 2009’s

“Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix,” the
French quartet had a bona fide
classic on its hands. Two records
in the 2010s were less notable but ‘Alpha Zulu,’ the new record from Phoenix, sees the group, which was founded in Versailles in 1997, continuing its proven sonic formula.
still strong, and the band returns
this week with its seventh album,
“Alpha Zulu” (Loyauté/Glassnote), Weekend. Its gliding structure, and danceable “Season 2,” Mr. Mars pop number that follows, “Arte- shuffle with an appealingly dinky
out Friday, its best full-length of- with glimmering keyboards and an- frames new love in terms of binge- fact,” he takes in images of beauty drumbeat that finds Mr. Mars sing-
fering since “Wolfgang.” other elastic bassline, is breezy and watching—“I’ll be the number you around him and ponders what’s real ing with an extra twist of yearning.
Here we have to mention con- supremely confident, and serves as adore, sure / But hold the thought inside of him—“I’m looking for an By the time of the closing
sistency again—while “Alpha Zulu” a reminder of just how long Phoe- before you ask what’s new in Sea- artefact / A piece of me that’s still “Identical”—the record’s most dy-
is definitely better than 2013’s nix has been making effortlessly in- son 2.” And on the chiming electro- intact, yeah.” namic track, with a gradual build
“Bankrupt!” and 2017’s “Ti Amo,” delible pop songs. While there are quite a few that goes from hushed tension to
the difference in quality and style Phoenix likes to toy memorable lines and fragments, glorious release—Phoenix has
is still subtle. Occasionally, the two with concepts that high- Phoenix’s music is about the tunes made a convincing case for stick-
most recent records could get a lit- light the members’ Euro- more than the lyric sheet, and it’s ing with what it does best. It’s rea-
tle sleepy, as Phoenix leaned into pean identity—one of the often hard to extract much mean- sonable to wonder if the French
the atmospheric balladry that also big hits from “Wolfgang” ing from the words alone—“Your quartet will ever experiment with
comes easily to the group. Here, was “Lisztomania,” a ref- feet are hurting less with mocca- its core sound and try something
from the start, there is a bit more erence to a Ken Russell sins” from “Tonight” is a typically new—onetime peers the Strokes,
pep and energy. Mr. D’Arcy comes biopic about the Hungar- intriguing but cryptic aside. The for example, eventually branched
up with the first of many mesmer- ian composer, while “Ti lovely “Winter Solstice” is a slow out into dark electronica and rum-
izing bass parts on the record on Amo” was built around a and dreamy song that brings to bling funk. But the latter outfit has
the opening title track, and Mr. loose theme about Italy. mind the pure atmosphere of Air, also made several bad records.
Mars plays around with vocal pro- “Alpha Zulu” was re- another band from Versailles that With a lengthy run of strong LPs
cessing and phrasing, punctuating corded in a wing of the Phoenix befriended early in its ca- that now includes “Alpha Zulu,”
the song with a surprising “Whoo, Louvre, and here and reer. “After Midnight” is a nervy the steady and surefooted Phoenix
ha!” as he moves into a massive there Phoenix sprinkles new wave cut with a perfectly continues to soar.
chorus. The catchiness quotient is in tidbits about artistic placed synthesizer on the chorus
even higher on the following num- representation and cre- that gives it a grin-inducing emo- Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
ber, “Tonight,” a duet with Ezra ative expression. On the tional boost. And late in the record rock and pop music critic. Follow
Koenig of kindred spirits Vampire new album’s percolating “My Elixir” is a charming organ-led him on Twitter @MarkRichardson.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
20s Edmonton <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 72 Writing 32 “Camelot”
40s assignments composer
Vancouver Calgary 0s 14 15 16
73 Sour ingredient, Frederick
30s 30s 50s 10s
Seattle 17 18 19 perhaps 33 MoveOn, e.g.
50s Winnipeg 20s
Portland 40s Montreal 30s 20 21 22 Down 34 “Too rich for me”
Bismarck Ottawa
50s Augusta 40s 1 State with a 35 Fanatical
Eugene 23 24 25 26 27
Boise Billings
Mpls./St. Paul Toronto Albany 70s Boston panhandle 36 Push to the side
30s 40s 50s
50s Buffalo 60s 28 29 30 31 32 33 2 Jason who plays 40 Camping gear
Pierre Sioux Falls
Milwaukee Detroit Neww York Hartford 60s
50s Chicago Cleveland Aquaman chain
Reno Salt Lake City Des Moines 70s 34 35 36 37 38
40s Cheyenne Omaha
Pittsburgh Philadelphia 3 Colorful coat 41 Gerund finish
Sacramento 70s Denver Springfield Indianapolis 80s 39 40 41 42 43
60s 50s Kansas Charleston
Washington D.C.
90s 4 München Mister 42 Peg for a round
San Francisco Topeka
Colorado City Richmond 44 45 46
Las 40s Springs 80s St. Louis Louisville 100+ 5 Top draft status 43 B&O stop
70s Vegas
Wichita Raleigh
Los Angeles 50s Charlotte 47 48 49 50 51 6 Arcturus, Altair 48 Org. with Eagles
Santa Fe 70s
Phoenix Albuquerque Oklahoma City Memphis Columbia or Antares and Falcons
San Diego 80s Little Rock Atlanta 52 53 54 55 56 57
Tucson Birmingham Warm Rain 7 Clean and orderly 49 Friend of Jerry
El Paso Ft. Worth Dallas Jackson
80s 58 59 60 61 62 63
8 Spicy and Elaine
Cold T-storms
0s Austin Jacksonville 64 65 66 67 9 Actor in many 50 Bottle openers,
-0s Houston
10s New Orleans Tampa Orlando Stationary Snow
Scorsese films essentially
80s San Antonio 60s 68 69 70
Anchorage 10 Iridescent 51 Colorist’s color
Honolulu 90s Miami
20s 30s Showers Flurries 71 72 73 birthstone
70s 55 Fall foliage
11 Iron-rich side shade
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 CHART A COURSE | By Gary Cee 12 Corporate 56 Say 65-Down
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 25 Place for a mud 52 JFK’s 57 Future fern or
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Little rascal facial predecessor 13 Thumbs-up fungus
Omaha 77 54 s 77 60 pc Frankfurt 60 45 pc 56 41 s response
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; 53 Phone bill add-on 59 Ride to a gala
Orlando 88 72 pc 88 70 pc Geneva 61 46 r 60 43 pc 4 Coordinated, 28 Sense of right
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 69 55 pc 72 50 pc Havana 89 73 c 88 71 t as a Zoom and wrong 21 Unit denoted by 60 Letters that look
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 83 61 pc 80 57 pc Hong Kong 79 67 r 74 73 r 54 Side dish an omega
Istanbul 66 53 s 66 58 s
meeting 34 Org. that sometimes like H’s
Anchorage 24 19 s 32 24 sn Pittsburgh 63 48 pc 65 45 pc
Atlanta 75 56 s 76 57 pc Portland, Maine 65 47 pc 64 36 s Jakarta 91 77 c 92 79 c 10 Approve accepts returns served candied 22 Scot’s bonnet 61 Singer Ora
Austin 73 57 sh 78 63 pc Portland, Ore. 52 42 sh 50 40 pc Jerusalem 69 51 pc 67 50 pc 26 Sacred song
Baltimore 72 52 pc 73 48 pc Sacramento 60 42 sh 60 40 c Johannesburg 69 52 t 62 53 t 14 ___ number on 37 Bananas 58 Wildly diverse, 62 Deuce beater
Boise 63 37 c 45 26 sh St. Louis 73 51 s 75 53 s London 59 45 r 60 50 r 15 Total and where you’ll 27 Biblical beasts 63 Embroidered
38 “Sorry to say...”
Boston 68 56 pc 66 49 s Salt Lake City 71 44 pc 46 34 sh Madrid 67 46 pc 68 49 c find the ends of 29 Bullring “Bravo!” pronoun on
Burlington 64 49 c 59 38 pc San Francisco 57 49 r 58 44 pc Manila 86 77 sh 87 78 t 16 Remove the 39 Room 20-, 28-, 39- and
Charlotte 76 55 pc 73 53 c Santa Fe 62 37 s 62 41 pc Melbourne 57 43 r 59 47 c rind from 30 Friend of Harry some towels
temperature is 47-Across
Chicago 68 46 s 70 51 s Seattle 51 40 sh 48 36 sh Mexico City 76 53 s 76 50 s
17 French friend about 70° on it and Hermione 64 Exceptionally
Cleveland 63 46 pc 67 47 pc Sioux Falls 72 52 s 74 57 pc Milan 62 52 r 66 50 c 64 Fuzzy fruit important
Dallas 77 57 pc 77 61 s Wash., D.C. 73 56 pc 72 52 pc Moscow 34 26 c 35 26 s 18 Continue to the 44 Reed in a 31 German
Denver 72 44 s 72 40 s Mumbai 93 74 pc 93 74 pc 66 Hit the sack exclamation 65 See 56-Down
next chapter, say symphony
68 44 pc 65 48 pc
87 72 s 86 76 s
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
47 c
66 r
59 50 c
67 62 r 19 Relief for the orchestra 67 Compadre
Today Tomorrow
Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Houston 69 60 sh 75 65 pc Riyadh 93 66 s 92 67 s needy 45 PBS flagship 68 Dutch town V A L O R C R O P P R AM
Indianapolis 69 47 s 69 49 pc City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 73 53 s 71 56 c known for its I C A R E H A R E H E R A
Kansas City 77 54 s 75 58 s Amsterdam 60 48 c 57 50 sh San Juan 87 76 pc 88 76 pc 20 Kentucky with studios in S C U B A D I V E R O H O H
Manhattan cheese
Las Vegas 79 56 pc 65 47 c Athens 74 58 s 78 61 s Seoul 65 38 s 63 37 s Colonel, e.g. A R G D U N E L E A S E
Little Rock 76 53 pc 78 53 s Baghdad 88 60 s 86 60 s Shanghai 71 54 pc 70 54 s
23 Part of an 46 Private Twitter 69 Cheddar F I R S R O U E
Los Angeles 69 56 pc 65 51 pc Bangkok 91 70 pc 91 68 pc Singapore 86 76 r 85 77 sh shredder A L E V E B O N D S P A
Miami 88 77 pc 87 75 sh Beijing 58 38 s 57 44 pc Sydney 75 52 pc 67 50 s initiation, exchanges, B A S E B A L L C A T C H E R
Milwaukee 67 45 s 65 53 s Berlin 65 48 c 57 43 pc Taipei City 74 70 r 78 73 sh perhaps briefly 70 Miss the mark E M T U N I T I R E N E
Minneapolis 70 52 s 74 58 pc Brussels 60 46 pc 58 49 s Tokyo 63 57 c 71 58 s E F T S B E A D
Nashville 72 52 s 75 48 pc Buenos Aires 68 58 s 73 62 s Toronto 65 45 pc 60 47 pc
24 Lyricist 47 Big name in 71 “Rock the baby” P I P E F I T T E R B L A T
Gershwin one’s own time toy A D A Y S E X E C I D O
New Orleans 77 62 pc 79 62 pc Dubai 92 75 s 93 76 s Vancouver 48 38 c 47 36 pc T A C O L O N E R A N G E R
New York City 68 56 sh 70 53 pc Dublin 54 41 pc 56 40 r Warsaw 60 49 pc 58 41 s C H E R O D O R K A H L O
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 75 52 s 73 58 s Edinburgh 54 42 r 52 43 r Zurich 60 43 r 59 39 pc H O S E B E R T E S T E S

A12 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Philadelphia Is Now a Sports Paradise

An undefeated Eagles team, the Phillies and the MLS Union—the City of Brotherly Love is chasing a haul of hardware
All right I’m not em-
barrassed to admit it:
I did not expect the
Philadelphia Eagles to
be 7-0 right now. Did
I did not expect the Philadelphia

Phillies to be in the World Series,
either. In fairness: I don’t think the
Phillies expected to be in the
World Series, either. At least not
in early June.
But I do know that Philadelphia
feels like the place to be in sports
at the moment. It’s certainly not
those deadbeats in New York, or
Boston, or Los Angeles. Not even
Tuscaloosa can make a claim.
I haven’t even gotten to the fact
that the Philadelphia Flyers are
5-2-1, tied for a respectable second
in the NHL’s Metropolitan Division.
Or the fact that the Philadelphia
Union are headed to the Major
League Soccer Cup final for the
first time after Sunday’s thumping
of New York City FC. They’ll face
LAFC Nov. 5.
(If you’re asking me if, for the
sake of this column, I’m airbrush-
ing over the wobbly 3-4 start
(heading into Monday’s play) of
Doc Rivers and the championship-
dreamy NBA Sixers—yes, whoosh
whoosh, that’s me blasting the air-
I have all the evidence I need.
You know how journalists are—we
just need three flimsy examples to
prove our thesis. If I see a trio of
people walk onto an
airplane in Spider- Goosing this con-
Man pajamas, then fidence are those
it’s official: Every- Phillies, who have
one’s wearing Spi- sprinkled magic
der-Man pajamas dust on their city
onto airplanes. and the baseball
Likewise, Phila- playoffs. Despite a
delphia’s the sports hearty payroll, Phil-
capital of the uni- adelphia stumbled
verse. I printed it, out of the gate, and
so it must be true. by June they re-
It’s time for dopey placed manager Joe
columnists to start Girardi with decaf-
spelling everything feinated interim
with PH’s for F’s— Rob Thomson. They
phantastic, phun, wiggled into the
phabulous, playoffs as the
phaithphul. third team from the
The Eagles are NL East behind the
rolling. They’re roll- Clockwise from top: the Eagles’ A.J. Brown and Jalen Hurts; the Braves and the
ing so much that Union advanced to the MLS Cup final; the Phillies in the World Series. Mets, and in Octo-
the NFL cogno- ber, they’ve been
scenti have ac- more or less invin-
cepted their rolling- ing, and win- As for the Super Bowl—we’re cible—bouncing the favored Cardi-
ness and pushed ning. And not even halfway through the 17- nals and Braves before sinking the
onto other stories—Geno Smith tions. Plus the Eagles play in the winning. And not, you know, los- game NFL season, let’s not book Padres in the NLCS to bring on a
and the reborn Seattle Seahawks; NFC East, until very recently, the ing, at all. our laps on Scottsdale golf courses fall classic with the powerhouse
Christian McCaffrey’s craftiness discount salvage supply store of I’m not saying the 1972 Dol- just yet. But if the threat doesn’t Houston Astros.
with the San Francisco 49ers; Tom professional football. phins should put away their cham- come from the Cowboys or Giants, The Phillies stole Game 1 with a
Brady’s dour body language on the Wow, was I wrong. The Iggles pagne flutes!—but these unblem- who’s beating the Eagles in the furious—I mean phurious—come-
Tampa Bay sideline. Philly’s curt have surpassed even the most ished Eagles are very much for NFC? Do you feel confident in the back in Houston that underlined
35-13 dismissal of Pittsburgh Sun- hopeful early predictions. Philadel- real. Oddly their greatest competi- Minnesota Vikings? Still-.500 San the Team of Destiny vibes. Enter-
day barely made a ripple. phia possesses one of the league’s tion might come from their sud- Francisco? Brady? ing a three-game run in the Phil-
It isn’t a shocker the Eagles are sturdiest defenses—and head denly ascendant division, where The script has been flipped. lies’ home park, the series is tied
good. After an upbeat finish to last coach Nick Sirianni has built an of- the Cowboys and Giants are both Philadelphia’s not the underdog 1-1 heading into Monday’s play,
year’s regular season, there was fense that plays to the multiple 6-2 and even Dan Snyder’s Wash- town, parrying their own low ex- and the outcome is anyone’s guess.
plenty of optimism about the bird- strengths of quarterback Jalen ington Sadness Machine is hanging pectations and tired cheap shots Houston has all the tools neces-
based football concern, but I was Hurts. Hurts (the former Alabama around at 4-4. about Santa Claus and snowballs. sary to prevail, but do you really
snobby about it. Second-year QB who transferred to Oklahoma) NFC Least? It’s very possible the road to the want to bet against Philadelphia
coach, second-round quarterback, has done what he’s so often done Not anymore. I’m a little sad Lombardi will have to go through right now?I don’t.
a 2021 wild-card round wipeout to as a quarterback: ignored doubts about it, to be honest. That divi- the Eagles’ noisy nest. In January. And I’m not even wearing Spi-
the Buccaneers….I had my hesita- of idiots like me, and kept on lead- sion was reliable comedy. You want a piece of that crowd? der-Man pajamas.

ing trends will reflect the quality

Brady, Rodgers Highlight of the quarterbacks, and as Brady
and Rodgers seem to enter the
sunsets of their careers, the NFL

NFL’s Scoring Decline starts losing two of the best quar-

terbacks ever.
It also doesn’t help that another
potential Hall of Famer, Russell
BY ANDREW BEATON scoring dip. Wilson, has struggled in his first
NFL teams in 2022 are averag- season with the Denver Broncos,
WHEN NFL OWNERS and execu- ing 21.9 points per game entering who have one of the NFL’s worst
tives huddled last month, one of Monday—down from 23 a year offenses.
the items on the agenda was ex- ago. But if the Packers and Bucs The other side of the spectrum
ploring the roots of a potentially were putting up points at the is that the last couple drafts ha-
troubling trend. Scoring this sea- same rate they were last year? ven’t yet produced the caliber of
son is down, and they couldn’t Then the average would be 22.6. In superstar quarterbacks to replace
come up with a sound reason for other words, the slides of Brady, their waning production. From
why that is. Rodgers and their respective 2017 to 2020, teams found a num-
“Every statistical look that teams account for most of the ber of passers—such as Mahomes,
we’ve made, I’m not sure that league’s scoring decline. Allen, the Baltimore Ravens’ La-
we’ve found a good answer,” said When scoring reached historic mar Jackson and Cincinnati Ben-
Atlanta Falcons president Rich levels in recent years—2020 was gals’ Joe Burrow—who light up
McKay, who chairs the league’s the all-time high—it wasn’t a coin- scoreboards. The last two drafts,
competition committee. cidence. Several factors, such as though, haven’t yielded those
But there’s one potential expla- the way rules favor offenses more Tom Brady and the Buccaneers are on a three-game losing streak. types of hits.
nation that doesn’t have to do than ever, coalesced to create a Trevor Lawrence, the No. 1 pick
with rule changes, officiating or new paradigm. One of those was a year ago, was hyped as a genera-
X’s and O’s. The scoring decline the absurd wealth of talent at the notions of aging curves in profes- Todd Bowles said. “We’re still in a tional prospect but he hasn’t yet
happens to neatly align with down position that dictates scoring more sional football. dark place right now. We can only made good on that potential for
years from two all-time great than any other: quarterback. Now, 2022 has turned a new grind and get better at it.” the Jacksonville Jaguars. Zach Wil-

quarterbacks, Tom Brady and While a new generation of su- page and offered a different story. The Packers’ decline has also son, who the New York Jets se-
Aaron Rodgers. perstar quarterbacks like the Kan- Dragged down by weaker support- been sizable, if not as dramatic. lected a pick later, still has big
The struggles of Brady in sas City Chiefs’ Patrick Mahomes ing casts, Brady and Rodgers have They’re down from 26.5 points per question marks around him—just
Tampa Bay and Rodgers in Green and the Bills’ Josh Allen arrived, fallen short of the lofty standards game to 18.1, 26th in the league. like the other quarterbacks taken
Bay have been defining themes of the older ones hung on and played they set for so long. And in turn, Green Bay, on Sunday night in the first round that year. Then
this season. better than anyone could have they’re dragging down the league- against Buffalo, had opportunities in this year’s draft, a quarterback
The Buccaneers fell to 3-5 with imagined. wide scoring average. to capitalize after Bills turnovers didn’t go off the board until pick
a loss to the Baltimore Ravens on Brady, now 45 years old, be- The Buccaneers’ Brady-led of- but ultimately finished with their No. 20, when the Pittsburgh Steel-
Thursday night. The Packers are came the oldest quarterback to fense is now averaging 18.3 points fourth consecutive defeat. ers took Kenny Pickett. He has
also now 3-5 after their 27-17 de- win a Super Bowl two years ago per game, which ranks 25th in the To be sure, other teams have more interceptions than touch-
feat on Sunday night to the Buffalo and last season led the league in league. That’s a jarring drop from gone up and down. Blaming two of downs so far this season.
Bills. It’s entirely possible that passing. The 38-year-old Rodgers a year ago, when Tampa Bay was the biggest decliners for a league- As for Brady and Rodgers, they
both teams, which entered the is coming off back-to-back MVP second in the NFL with 30.1 points wide trend isn’t exactly the type of still have more than half the sea-
year as Super Bowl favorites, miss awards. Together, by thriving at a game. Between the two seasons, statistical rigor that finds its way son to turn their respective sea-
the playoffs entirely. points in their careers when most it’s a difference of nearly two into academic journals. But it also sons around. If they do, scoring
Their downturns also happen to players are scouting retirement touchdowns a game. demonstrates a broader point around the league might just start
account for the bulk of the NFL’s homes, they vaporized traditional “We’ve got to get better,” coach about the state of the league: scor- to feel normal again.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A13

The Secret Meaning of Equity BOOKSHELF | By Barton Swaim

It’s taken too

long, but the
Organization decision return-
ing abortion to the democratic
and North Carolina, which are
manifestly uncomfortable
spelling out just how equity
deceptive. Justice Clarence
Thomas suggested as much in
his Grutter dissent. And he
The Conscience
Court has fi-
nally put the
ideal of equity
Now, there is no shortage of
briefs laying out the statutory
and constitutional arguments
for giving Grutter the old
operates in their admissions
Moreover, Americans are
typically assured equity’s use
pointed to another problem.
Simply admitting students
with lower scores because they
belonged to a preferred racial
Of a Southerner
in the dock. heave-ho. But it’s worth focus- will be limited and temporary. minority did not, as expected,
In two sep- ing on the underlying principle Grutter is typical in that sense. do much to close the achieve-
C. Vann Woodward
By William
arate cases of equity, not only for the dis- In oral argument Justice Amy ment gap. Justice Thomas By James C. Cobb
Monday, the ingenuous way it has been Coney Barrett brought up Jus- noted that “nowhere in any of (North Carolina, 490 pages, $37.50)

high court substituted for equal treat- tice Sandra Day O’Connor’s the filings in this Court is any
heard Students for Fair Admis- ment but for the corruption it majority opinion in Grutter, evidence that the purported n the years before he died in 1999 at the age of 91, C. Vann
sions argue that Harvard’s and encourages. which declared the use of race ‘beneficiaries’ of this racial Woodward held a semisacred status among professional
the University of North Caro- To begin with, its use is al- in admissions must be limited discrimination prove them- historians and American intellectuals generally. Arthur M.
lina’s use of race preferences most always disingenuous be- in time. selves by performing at (or Schlesinger Jr., with whom Woodward was often compared,
in admissions is unconstitu- cause its champions are bet- even near) the same level as called him the “conscience” of the historical profession and
tional and violates the 1964 ting that when the public those students who receive no the chief source of its “moral leadership.” Drew Gilpin Faust,
Civil Rights Act. The plaintiffs hears the word “equity,” Within academia, all preferences.” later the president of Harvard, called him “the twentieth
are asking the court to over- they’ll hear it in the diction- You could say much the century’s greatest American historian.”
turn its 2003 decision in Grut- ary sense as fair and equal understand it as a way same today. So what’s the pro- These and other encomiums, related in the first pages of
ter v. Bollinger, which upheld treatment for all. But within to favor some races at gressive answer? James C. Cobb’s biography of Woodward, sound politely
the use of race in admissions. the progressive world, every- It never is to look to see if exaggerated—the sort of thing you would say about an
Much of the attention in court one understands it as a way the expense of others. race preferences are actually accomplished scholar in his dotage. In fact, the liberal
Monday was on diversity. Less to push some races to the working for the people they intellectual class had by then begun to suspect Woodward of
examined was the principle of head of the line while shoving are intended to help. Rather, moving to the right. But the cultural authority he acquired over
equity, which undergirds it. others back—primarily “We expect that 25 years too often the answer is to the course of his long career is both remarkable and, in our
That’s no accident. The Ox- higher-achieving Asian-Amer- from now, the use of racial cover up failure. This is the fractured age, hard to imagine. That Woodward hadn’t pub-
ford Advanced Learner’s Dic- icans, in the case of college preferences will no longer be bitter fruit of equity, and it lished a book-length work of originally researched history since
tionary defines equity as “a admissions. necessary to further the inter- works two ways: First, stop re- 1955 suggests that his fame
situation in which everyone is Vice President Kamala Har- est approved today,” Justice quiring measures that expose arose as much from prevailing
treated equally”—precisely op- ris let this particular cat out of O’Connor wrote. Well, it’s now the failure, such as the SATs— cultural anxieties as from his
posite to how it is used by the the bag recently when she in- 19 years later, and the univer- as many colleges and universi- greatness as a historian.
modern American university. voked “equity” for how the ad- sities are arguing the contin- ties are doing; and if that Comer Vann Woodward,
There it is used to justify un- ministration will allocate re- ued use of race preferences is doesn’t work, classify Asian- born in 1908 in Vanndale, Ark.,
equal treatment of individual sources to deal with extreme more necessary than ever. Americans as “white” or was named for his uncle, a
applicants to achieve specific weather conditions. When “How do you know when “white adjacent” so their sociologist and ordained
racial outcomes. pressed on what exactly she you’re done?” Justice Barrett achievement doesn’t disturb Methodist minister from whom
This promises to be among meant, the White House was asked. the racial-equity narrative. Woodward inherited a hatred
the Roberts court’s most mo- vague, and the Federal Emer- It’s still a key question. “Equity is now the enemy of of segregation. He attended
mentous decisions. If the jus- gency Management Agency Evan Thomas, in a 2019 article equality,” says Edward Blum, Emory University in Atlanta and
tices do what the chief once al- quickly tried to clean up her for the Atlantic, asked the re- president of Students for Fair received a master’s degree from
luded to in an earlier case—get mess by saying that all in need tired Justice O’Connor about Admissions. “The vast major- Columbia in New York. Later he
America out of this “sordid would be helped. the deadline she laid out in ity of Americans of all races earned a doctorate at the
business, this divvying us up Which points to another de- Grutter. Her answer: “That hope that the Supreme Court University of North Carolina. In
by race”—the political earth- fining feature of equity. Its ad- may have been a misjudg- will use these cases to return 1932 Woodward traveled to the
quake may be even more dis- vocates hate having to define ment.” the law to the ideal of equal Soviet Union. That experience gave him, he wrote, “an exhila-
ruptive than the Dobbs v. Jack- in public what it really means. Some might say it’s worse treatment for all.” ration and wonder at the impetuous optimism and fervor of
son Woman’s Health That is also true of Harvard than that. It was deliberately Write to these new people of the new world.”
Woodward, who in the 1950s taught at Johns Hopkins and
later at Yale, made a name for himself as a historian with

The High Cost of Low Military Spending “Origins of the New South, 1877-1913,” published in 1951.
Historians at the time treated the post-Reconstruction South
as a mostly happy economic success, with segregation as an
Vladimir Pu- financial markets would tank. has frittered away. None of this is a secret. unfortunate by-product. Woodward rejected that assessment
tin has re- Japan and Korea would face The U.S. can’t bear the en- The Chinese can see the num- and presented the 1870s and ’80s as a period in which the
minded us of critical shortages of fuel and tire cost of deterring the revi- bers as clearly as we can. so-called Redeemers, the Southern wing of the Democratic
a forgotten food. Africa and Latin America sionist powers from conven- However tough we talk, if we Party, triumphed by reinventing white supremacy and allying
lesson of the would face massive economic tional as well as nuclear war, and our allies fail to provide themselves with Northern industrialists.
Cold War: De- damage. and our allies will have to in- an adequate military defense But the work that made Woodward one of the country’s
terrence isn’t Meanwhile, the failure to crease their efforts in the of our core interests in the most famous liberal intellectuals was “The Strange Career
merely about deter Russia is leading to in- common cause. But even with Indo-Pacific, sooner or later of Jim Crow” (1955). That book was published at a moment
preventing creased American spending in such countries as Japan and deterrence will fail. when white Americans had begun seriously to wonder why
By Walter
nuclear war. Europe. We have sent around Germany implementing robust Deterring great-power ad- they allowed the injustice of racial segregation to persist in a
Russell Mead
The U.S. $20 billion to Ukraine since increases in defense spending, versaries isn’t something you country supposedly founded on the principles of political
and its allies the invasion began and have America’s own spending must do with the back of your liberty. “Strange Career,” which began as a series of lectures
in the North Atlantic Treaty dispatched an additional rise. hand. Deterring the Soviet at the University of Virginia in 1954, held that Jim Crow laws
Organization failed to deter Mr. 20,000 troops to Eastern Eu- Union was a whole-of-govern- were not the organic and sadly inevitable outgrowth of
Putin from launching a conven- rope. All this makes sense, but ment effort, and there were slavery’s abolition, as many Americans, including venerated
tional war in February, and the the contrast with our Asian Ukraine’s lesson: times when American presi- historians, assumed. Segregation laws were rather the
costs of that failure—in blood commitments is sobering. Sen- dents and Congresses had to inorganic and historically aberrant innovations of populist
and tears, in the military and ators are currently working to Deterrence isn’t limit domestic spending to politicians and their supporters, imposed mainly in the 1890s.
economic support needed to send Taiwan $10 billion in U.S. about preventing meet the demands of the Cold Laws separating the races, Woodward contended, were a
keep Ukraine in the fight, in the aid over the next 10 years, half War. America rose to the chal- recent invention and could not reasonably be thought of as
economic shocks reverberating of what Ukraine has received only nuclear war. lenge in part because so many “immutable ‘folkways’ . . . impervious alike to legislative
across Europe, in the food and in eight months of war. The people still remembered the reform and armed intervention.”
fuel inflation threatening to de- U.S. announced plans to send horrors of World War II and The clear implication: Segregation could and should be
stabilize governments across six nuclear-capable B-52 This isn’t what Team Biden understood in their guts that torn down by force of law.
the Global South—continue to bombers to Australia Monday wants. Current plans call for even the most expensive de- The lectures, delivered four months after the Supreme
mount. morning, but the impact was significant reductions in infla- terrence policies are safer and Court in Brown v. Board of Education pronounced racial
If conventional deterrence offset by news that up to half tion-adjusted defense spend- cheaper than a great-power segregation in schools unconstitutional, were rushed into
also fails against China, and the American combat aircraft ing over the next decade. war. print as a book.
Beijing attacks Taiwan, the stationed in Japan will be The fiscal squeeze is real. A When major powers fight,
costs will be even higher. withdrawn, with no agreed decade of ultralow interest even conventional wars are
Ukrainians at least were able Pentagon plan for permanent rates led many politicians to unacceptably costly, disrup- In 1955 the Arkansas-born historian C. Vann
to flee from the war zone. replacements. think fiscal discipline was no tive and brutal. Their eco- Woodward showed that racial segregation
Trapped on their island, the The threats in Asia are longer an issue. That was a nomic and political conse-
people of Taiwan would have growing quickly. As China serious mistake. According to quences are unpredictable. wasn’t a ‘folkway’ but a recent invention.
no place to go as war engulfed proceeds with an aggressive the Congressional Budget Of- And as the Russian president
their homes. The shock to the and ambitious military fice, annual interest payments reminds us every time he rat-
world economy would be al- buildup, as North Korea’s nu- on federal debt, currently at tles his nuclear saber, there We learn from Mr. Cobb that Martin Luther King Jr. did not,
most immeasurably greater. clear arsenal relentlessly the eye-popping level of $399 are no guarantees a conven- as is frequently claimed, call “Strange Career” the “historical
The importance of the Taiwan grows and as the Sino-Russian billion, are expected to reach tional war won’t escalate into Bible of the Civil Rights Movement.” But he did relate the
Strait and the South China Sea entente deepens, the U.S. $1.2 trillion (3% of gross do- something more serious. book’s central argument in a way that showed he had read it.
to world commerce eclipses can’t afford to treat East Asia mestic product) by 2032. When it comes to war, an “Racial segregation as a way of life did not come about as a
that of the Black Sea. It isn’t as a secondary theater. Politi- Meanwhile, entitlement costs ounce of prevention beats a natural result of hatred between the races immediately after
only computer chips whose cal, diplomatic and economic will continue to rise, and do- pound of cure. But as an old the Civil War,” King told Montgomery, Ala., at the end of a
global supply chain would be stability in East Asia can mestic interest groups aren’t Roman writer put it 1,600 three-day march from Selma. “There were no laws segregating
crippled by war over Taiwan. come only after a return to going to stop developing years ago: If you want peace, the races then. And as the noted historian C. Vann Woodward,
Everything made in China, something like the military clever new ways for Uncle you must prepare for war. At in his book ‘The Strange Career of Jim Crow,’ clearly points
Vietnam, Korea and Japan predominance that 15 years of Sam to spend more money on the moment, America’s prepa- out, the segregation of the races was really a political
would become scarce. Global ineffectual American policy the home front. rations fall woefully short. stratagem employed by the emerging Bourbon interests in
the South to keep the southern masses divided and southern
labor the cheapest in the land.”

The SEC’s Rules Are Getting Unreal For all Woodward’s brilliance as a historian and facility as
a writer, his economic analysis was Marx-inflected and rather
muddled. “Origins of the New South” in particular was deeply
By Eric J. Pan fund, but in reality it will fun- Or take the SEC’s proposed system interfaces and hire influenced by Charles Beard, who interpreted historical events

damentally alter the product, cybersecurity risk-management staff to monitor compliance as the outcomes of brute economic interests. It did not seem to
he Securities and Ex- making it unattractive to in- rule. The commission is trying with that 80% investment pol- occur to Woodward that, for example, Southern leaders might
change Commission’s vestors and forcing sponsors to force fund managers to get icy. have favored free trade because it brought industry to their
job is to make markets to close and stop offering the telecommunications and inter- The commission itself ad- states; their antiprotectionism, in Woodward’s exposition,
work. But today’s SEC leader- funds. So much for healthy net providers to follow SEC- mits that this system would be had to be part of a deal involving economic imperialism, what-
ship—which as of August had capital markets. specified processes around risk outrageously expensive to im- ever that meant. Even so, he was right that segregation was
proposed 26 new rules this The SEC also has proposed assessments, information pro- plement, with its own econo- a recent invention, and that the South would not flourish,
year alone—is ignoring the several rules requiring market tection and record keeping. mists estimating an individual economically or culturally, as long as it remained in place.
real-world effects of its regula- participants to report infor- The SEC isn’t a cybersecurity fund would need to pay any- The prospect of reading 400 pages about the life of an
tions on market participants. mation such as securities specialist agency, but it wants where from $50,000 to academic historian, I have to say, did not fill me with eager
Its approach can be described loans or beneficial ownership funds to compel service provid- $500,000 to comply with the anticipation. The book is too long. Nonetheless Mr. Cobb, a
as “regulation by hypothesis.” to the commission in short ers to rewrite thousands of rule. These costs would be professor emeritus of history at the University of Georgia and
If not remedied, it will prove time frames—days or even contracts regardless. Perhaps passed on to investors in the the author of a superb book on Southern identity, “Away Down
disastrous. the SEC should first speak to more than 10,000 funds across South” (2005), comments intelligently on Woodward’s many
Examples of this pedantic the Federal Communications the U.S. scholarly works and essays. He is particularly sensitive to the
approach to regulation ‘Regulation by Commission, which directly History has shown that an ways in which Woodward, in writing about historical events,
abound. Take the SEC’s current hypothesis’ is bad for regulates the providers. expert SEC can protect inves- was also working out his own loyalties as a Southerner.
rule proposal on money-mar- It doesn’t end there. The tors and enhance our capital Woodward remained a committed liberal all of his life—
ket funds, which would require the capital markets. SEC has proposed an unwork- markets. We need today’s SEC which, in a sad commentary on the state of American higher
certain institutional money able expansion of the rule re- to show it still has the exper- education, is what got him in trouble. He opposed black
market funds to “swing,” or garding fund names. It is de- tise to develop rules that ad- separatism even as American universities went mad over racial
adjust the fund’s net asset minutes. But gathering infor- manding that funds reduce dress real problems and work identity; and he continued to support free speech even as
value in the event of net re- mation like this needs weeks subjective investment strate- in the real world. An SEC that campuses everywhere began imposing speech codes. In 1991
demptions. Swing pricing or hours. Faster reporting gies, like growth and value, treats regulation as an aca- Woodward published a favorable review of Dinesh D’Souza’s
would remove features that in- sounds good in theory, yet the into a handful of words in a demic exercise, in which bene- “Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus”
vestors value, such as same- benefits remain elusive. The name, supported by an 80% in- fits are theoretical and costs (1991) and expressed alarm that the modern academy was
day settlement and multiple SEC proposals fail to check if vestment policy rather than are irrelevant, is a danger to betraying the civil-rights movement. The response, even
net-asset-value strikes per day, the requisite information is being recognized as an overall all of us. among some of Woodward’s friends, was scathing. He may
and impose unpredictable even available or if it can be fund portfolio-management have been the “conscience” of his profession—but not when
costs. It may sound good in provided without a substan- objective. This would require Mr. Pan is president and he said what nobody wanted to hear.
theory, proposing a way to tial and expensive overhaul of funds to redesign systems, CEO of the Investment Com-
charge investors leaving a systems. purchase new data, rework pany Institute. Mr. Swaim is an editorial-page writer for the Journal.
A14 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Racial Discrimination Forever? ‘Believe in Our Capacity for Self-Government’

he Supreme Court Justices exhibited su- tinues in neighborhoods and schools. By her As someone who served President to build that shining city on the hill
preme patience Monday in hearing logic, discrimination will be justified as long as Ronald Reagan as White House chief of Reagan’s dreams. The Gipper gave
of staff and Treasury secretary, and Americans a vision that touched our
nearly four hours of argument in a pair any segregation exists, no matter the cause.
who led five campaigns for three Re- hearts and minds, and he avoided the
of major cases involving race Mr. Waxman tried to justify publican presidents, I can say un- bellicosity that too often passes as
and college admissions. But Harvard’s lawyer can’t Harvard’s use of race by saying equivocally that Rep. Dan Crenshaw political rhetoric today. The secret to
the argument was worth the say when racial bias in itthat is merely one of many “tips” is spot-on about the future of the Re- his success was that he was inspira-
time, because it exposed some the school uses in making publican Party and our nation (“A tional, not angry.
unhappy truths about those admissions will end. judgments about whom to ad- Time for Choosing for Republicans,” As Election Day approaches, Re-
who believe in the necessity of mit—like whether a student is op-ed, Oct. 28). publicans should listen to the wise
discriminating by race. the child of an alumnus, or an Astutely echoing Reagan’s famous words that helped Reagan win two
The Justices are considering challenges to the athlete. speech at the 1964 GOP convention, terms in the White House and nur-
admission practices of Harvard and the Univer- Doesn’t that mean race will be determinative Mr. Crenshaw wrote with clarity that ture a generation of conservatives.
sity of North Carolina, in particular that they in some cases, Chief Justice Roberts asked. “I do the choice this Election Day is a sim- We should ignore the incessant bit-
ple one: “Will we sell our votes to terness that comes from what Mr.
discriminate illegally against Asian-Americans concede that,” Mr. Waxman said. The Chief re-
politicians promising us prosperity if Crenshaw refers to as “opportunists .
in favor of other races. (Students for Fair Admis- plied, “so we’re talking about race as a determin- only we give them more of our . . quick to label anyone and everyone
sions v. Harvard, and SFFA v. UNC.) ing factor in admission to Harvard.” Mr. Waxman money? Will we choose to be free— a ‘RINO’ or ‘establishment sell-out.’”
This means revisiting Grutter v. Bollinger said yes “just as being, you know, an oboe player acknowledging the risks and chal- And above all, we should fall in line
(2003), which said schools could use race as one in a year” when the school orchestra needs an lenges that inevitably accompany with Reagan’s 11th commandment:
factor in admissions in the name of achieving di- oboe player “will be the tip.” freedom—or will we choose to be de- “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fel-
versity. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor also fa- The Chief then uttered lines likely to be re- pendent? Will we, as Reagan said, low Republican.”
mously wrote in Grutter that the use of race to membered: “We did not fight a Civil War about ‘believe in our capacity for self-gov- Mr. Crenshaw understands, as Rea-
achieve diversity probably wouldn’t be needed oboe players. We did fight a Civil War to elimi- ernment, or abandon the American gan did, that America was born from
in 25 years. nate racial discrimination.” Revolution and confess that a little the majestic vision of individual free-
That was 19 years ago, and on Monday several intellectual elite in a far-distant capi- dom and self-reliance. We risk losing
It also became clear during the four hours
tal can plan our lives for us better both of those high values if Republi-
Justices pressed the question about when racial that “diversity” is an all purpose word intended than we can plan them ourselves?’” cans cannot remain united in defense
preferences would end. Seth Waxman, Harvard’s to skirt the “strict scrutiny” that courts must use For conservative Republicans like of them.
advocate, admitted that the school is trying hard when assessing racial preferences. Diversity me, answering that question properly JAMES A. BAKER III
to get to a race-neutral future but sees no end seems to be whatever the schools say it is for will determine whether we continue Houston
in sight for preferences. their purposes, and in many cases it is a subter-
Elizabeth Prelogar, the U.S. Solicitor General fuge for race. If the diversity standard is allowed
and an impressive advocate, said explicitly that to continue to justify discrimination, as a practi-
“I just don’t think it’s tenable to read” Grutter cal matter the lower courts will be obliged to de- Who Will Answer the Call of Duty Tomorrow?
to say the Court had suggested a timetable. She fer to colleges nearly all the time. This will es-
said using race the way the schools do could con- sentially put schools beyond the reach of judicial In their pitch to prospective ser- The civilian secretaries’ plaint for
vice members (“Uncle Sam Wants You recruitment reminded me of a line
tinue as long as their interest in diversity is review on race in admissions.
for a Military Job That Matters,” op- from the film “Broadcast News”
“compelling.” Oral arguments aren’t perfect clues to how ed, Oct. 25), Christine Wormuth, (1987): “Wouldn’t this be a great
The clear implication is that the schools can the Court will decide cases, but the skepticism Frank Kendall and Carlos Del Toro, world if insecurity and desperation
discriminate by race for years to come. And any- toward racial preferences by a majority of the secretaries of the Army, Air Force made us more attractive?”
one who knows anything about the men and Justices was clear. Their doubts are well placed. and Navy, overlook a critical cause of KRISTIN MOOREFIELD SIMPERS
women who run today’s universities, and how Discrimination by race is uniquely pernicious, the recruiting crisis. The applicant Alexandria, Va.
they believe racism is “systemic” in American as American history shows. pool is a generation that has been
life, knows that the schools will never stop using The Supreme Court was wrong in Grutter in raised to, at best, question America’s A countrywide process of recruit-
preferences. 2003 and Bakke in 1978 to tolerate discrimina- worth, and at worst, deplore its exis- ment to reach talented individuals is
If you believe America is fundamentally rac- tion by race, but at least it suggested some time tence. It isn’t surprising that these needed at the high-school level, led
ist, then you believe that discriminating by race limit. Harvard and UNC would like a blank check young Americans are increasingly un- by those who have already served. I
interested in wearing the uniform. No was one of those students, and after
will be justified forever. Justice Sonia Soto- to discriminate by race as long as they want. The
number of diversity, equity and inclu- aimlessly flunking out of junior col-
mayor came close to saying this explicitly be- Court would do a service to the country, and sion trainings will restore this miss- lege, I wandered into the local re-
cause she said “de jure segregation” continues America’s principle of equality under the law, by ing national pride. cruiter’s office to ask, “Would it be
in the U.S. Her evidence is that segregation con- telling them their time is up. Fortunately, America still produces possible to fly jets in the Navy?” I
men and women willing and able to was informed that no jet pilots were
serve. This was evident last year in currently needed, but “we can turn
Climate Doomsday Is Nigh—Again Kabul, where young Marines stared
down evil and death, offering hope
you into a nuclear star.” Following
three years of training, I ran the nu-

uman beings, the wretches, continue the global food system. According to the re- and life. And it was true 10 years ago clear reactor in a successful espio-
to disappoint the savants at the United port, about seven gigatons in CO2 reductions— in Kandahar of the soldiers who nage submarine in the Pacific. After
Nations, and never more than on cli- saved my life after an IED blast took leaving the Navy, my grade-point av-
roughly equal to those from today’s global nat-
my legs. But if American society and erage rocketed up and took me to the
mate change. The global body announced last ural gas production—by 2050 will need to come culture continues to teach our sons UCLA School of Medicine.
week that despite all of the world’s climate sac- from people eating less meat. and daughters that this country isn’t Service in the military can be
rifices and trillions of dollars in renewable The U.N. report suggests taxing foods based worth defending, then I fear the next transformational to so many young
spending, we’re all still doomed unless man- on their carbon emissions so that meat be- generation of capable Americans may minds. Military leaders need to bring
kind makes radical changes in lifestyles and comes so expensive people have no choice but not care to answer the call of duty. this message to the languishing
standards of living. to go vegan. Don’t discount the possibility that CAPT. JASON CHURCH, USA (RET.) bright students across the country.
The 2015 Paris climate agreement required the U.S. and European climate left will eventu- Chairman, Veterans On Duty ROGER C. DUNHAM, M.D.
countries to commit to reducing their emis- ally embrace this idea. Prime Minister Jacinda Milwaukee Santa Barbara, Calif.
sions to keep the world from warming more Ardern recently announced that New Zealand
than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial farmers will soon pay a tax on their methane-
levels. It’s already warmed about 1.1 degrees. emitting sheep and cow burps. Human Imperfection Is No Strike Against God
Not that the alms offered up by President Biden But even government-compelled diets won’t Reviewing Telmo Pievani’s book engineer, never mind an omniscient,
and European leaders will do much good. make a difference if China keeps building coal “Imperfection” (Oct. 26), David Ba- omnipotent deity.” Of course, intelli-
According to the U.N. report, all climate pol- plants. This is one reason the $3.8 trillion of re- rash agrees that human beings are gent-design theory doesn’t need to
icies currently in place will result in warming newable investment over the last decade has re- “marvels of unintelligent design,” claim perfection in nature or in man
of 2.8 degrees. Most countries haven’t imple- sulted in fossil fuels declining only to 81% from adding that we are “shot through to find evidence of a creator who
mented policies to meet their emissions tar- 82% in energy consumption. The U.N. now says with deficiencies that wouldn’t earn comprises all perfections, and whose
gets. But even if they did, temperatures would more than $4 trillion must be spent annually to even a passing grade for a novice bio- perfections we see only dimly re-
still rise by 2.6 degrees. And if Western coun- meet the Paris climate goals. Nice of them to be flected in his creation.
tries meet their “net-zero” goals? The world so free with other people’s money. On the contrary, as novelist Robert
would warm 1.8 degrees. The climate lobby has spent more than 30 Should a ‘Green Card’ Be Penn Warren put it beautifully, “it
would have been a thing of trifling
Ponder that. Even if Europe and the U.S. years preaching apocalypse to goad countries Enough to Vote in America? and contemptible ease for Perfection
banish fossil fuels from the electric grid, ban to purge fossil fuels. Most Western elites have In “Citizenship Is Essential to Vot- to create mere perfection. To do so
gas-powered vehicles, and find a way to cap- joined the lobby. But publics around the world ing” (op-ed, Oct. 27), Prof. Bradley would, to speak truth, be not creation
ture CO2 from factories, the world still simply aren’t willing to make the sacrifices in Smith doesn’t address the compelling but extension.” In creating the world,
wouldn’t avoid the U.N.’s climate doomsday. standards of living that extreme climate advo- reason noncitizens should vote: gov- God extended the astounding gift of
One reason is that China, which emits two- cates insist on. ernment accountability. Virtually all existence to something other than
thirds more CO2 than Europe and the U.S. com- Our sincere advice would to be drop the noncitizens are permanent residents himself, which, necessarily, means to
bined, has only committed to peaking its emis- doomsday act, which people don’t believe, and (holders of “green cards”) and pay something less than perfect.
sions by 2030. focus instead on policies to adapt to a warmer U.S. taxes on their worldwide income TUCKER LANDY
Thus, the U.N. report says drastic changes planet and mitigate any damage if the worst like the rest of us. Recall that a cen- Frankfort, Ky.
tral, founding principle of this nation
in human behavior are needed. To take one ex- happens. It beats standing in the public square
was “no taxation without representa-
ample, about a third of emissions come from with a sign saying “the end is near.” tion.” Allowing all taxpayers to vote Will They Ever Apologize?
would advance principles of democ-
The early ballots show record vot-
Targeting Campaign Donors in Arizona racy and government accountability.
ing in Georgia, discrediting the left’s
narrative of voter suppression (“The

New York
‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Lie” by Kimberley
emocrats have failed to pass restric- Proposition 211 says donors to any group
Strassel, Potomac Watch, Oct. 21).
tions on political speech in Congress, that “promotes, supports, attacks or opposes” Americans welcome immigrants
Turns out black voters are much
so they’re taking the fight to state bal- a candidate within six months or an election or and hope they will choose to become
smarter and better at filling out regis-
lots. The latest salvo is a little-noticed measure any public communication that refers to a can- citizens. But to let them vote before
trations than the left gives them credit
in Arizona that would require disclosure of the didate within 90 days of a primary would have that is a slap in the face to me and
for. Joining the hysteria were the MLB,
others who passed the test and did
“original source of monies used for campaign their identities publicly disclosed. That would Delta and Coca-Cola. Since the narra-
all the right things to earn the privi-
media spending.” easily include any grassroots groups that advo- leges of citizenship.
tive has been debunked, I’m waiting
The Voters’ Right to Know Act, or Proposi- cate on single issues if they so much as mention for an apology, or at least Gilda Rad-
tion 211, would require organizations that ad- the name of a candidate up for election. ner’s “never mind,” from all three.
Mount Pleasant, S.C.
dress political issues during an election season The measure would also cover money spent ANDRE GEORGE
Paradise Valley, Ariz.
to disclose the identity of all donors who give on “research, design, production, polling, data
more than $5,000, “regardless of whether the analytics, mailing or social media list acquisi- Politics of Loan Forgiveness
monies passed through one or more intermedi- tion or any other activity conducted in prepara- Reading your editorial “The Legal
aries.” The ballot language avers that the peo- tion for or in conjunction with [other political Fight Over Student Loans” (Oct. 24),
Pepper ...
ple of Arizona “affirm their desire” to stop communications].” That’s our emphasis, and one has to ask whether President Bi- And Salt
“dark money.” wow. “Any other activity” could mean, well, den even cares whether he wins in
Most Arizona voters have heard little about anything. “People who give $5,000 can take care court. He has already gotten out of it
the measure, since local opponents haven’t put of themselves,” former Arizona Attorney Gen- a political bump in advance of the
up much of a fight. Ballot measures about trans- eral Terry Goddard told “I’m sorry, midterms. There is little or nothing
parency in elections tend to do well with voters that’s just the way it is.” further to gain at this point. A smart
who haven’t focused on the issue before they We haven’t found the part of the First strategist might even ask whether it
is better to leave student loans as a
get to the voting booth. Amendment that says it doesn’t apply to people
campaign issue for 2024 and not risk
Transparency and sunshine are happy words, with more than $5,000 to spend on politics. If a broader court ruling that could
but in reality disclosure laws have become a the measure passes, it will run into a thicket of limit executive-branch overreach.
weapon used by the left to intimidate conserva- lawsuits challenging its constitutionality as HENRY BARRON
tives from engaging in politics. Groups trawl re- well as how it conflicts with Arizona’s state con- Denver, N.C.
cords for names and then organize social-media stitution. Arizona’s federal lawsuits go up to the
campaigns to harass and discourage donors. liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, but the
Letters intended for publication should
Americans looking to participate in campaigns Supreme Court ruled last year in AFP v. Bonta be emailed to Please
can, and often do, see their names dragged that “the deterrent effect” of disclosure rules include your city, state and telephone
through the mud. Many donors decline to en- is “real and pervasive.” number. All letters are subject to “I understand not being able
gage, and political speech is chilled before it It sure is. Arizona voters can do a public ser- editing, and unpublished letters cannot to find a matching sock
be acknowledged.
even happens. vice by nixing this at the ballot box. but where’s my other pant leg?”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | A15


Lee Zeldin Visits Kathy Hochul Country

By Tunku Varadarajan children in Buffalo on Oct. 5. The day communities, and lower energy
before the shooting, he’d been in costs,” and the Southern Tier, just

Kenmore, N.Y. court after an arrest for misdemeanor north of Pennsylvania, is “desperate
his village of 15,000 in Erie domestic-abuse charges. He hasn’t for it.” He’d need help to keep that
County, immediately north entered a plea, and the judge released promise, though, since the Legisla-
of Buffalo, lies squarely in him on his own recognizance because ture codified the ban into law in
Kathy Hochul country. New state law prevented him from setting 2020. “I want to see New York as a
York’s Democratic gover- bail. “Benefield will cost Hochul the state that’s exporting energy to other
nor was born in Buffalo and repre- election,” a housewife says. states,” Mr. Zeldin says. “I’d love to
sented the area in Congress before Nick Langworthy, the state Repub- see our state exporting energy to
becoming lieutenant governor in lican chairman, is running for New other countries.”
2013. A young Republican Party York’s 23rd Congressional District, a New York is “filled with a tremen-
worker tells me that the Democrats solidly Republican open seat to the dous amount of resources and oppor-
have “a 2-to-1 enrollment advantage” south of here. As the warm-up act be- tunity that right now is going deliber-
in Kenmore, but we’re standing in a fore Mr. Zeldin’s appearance, he de- ately untapped,” he says. “The same

hall packed with supporters of Rep. livers an old-fashioned provincial people who advocate for a ban on the
Lee Zeldin, Ms. Hochul’s Republican stemwinder, pacing the stage, bellow- extraction of natural gas in New York
challenger, who hails from Long Is- ing his words, calling for responses will cheer on Joe Biden when he runs
land’s Suffolk County, more than 450 from the crowd. He describes Ms. off to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for
miles away. Most statewide polls Hochul, who succeeded Andrew oil after cutting off Russian imports.”
show Ms. Hochul, once a prohibitive Cuomo after his August 2021 resigna- A Lee Zeldin rally in Kenmore, N.Y., Oct. 27. And pro-fracking Pennsylvania—
favorite, leading only by single digits. tion, as an “accidental governor” where the average oil-and-gas worker
whose “time is up.” He is unworried of American Politics. Mr. Zeldin needs portrays herself in campaign ads as a earns more than $100,000 a year—is
that New York hasn’t elected a Re- to get “up toward 40% of the city crime-fighter. It would be fair to call “barely scratching the surface com-
In a Democratic town publican governor since George Pat- vote to win statewide,” Mr. Barone her the weakest incumbent governor pared to the potential that can be un-
aki won a third term in 2002. He says says. Only one poll, by Quinnipiac, seeking election in New York since locked here in New York.”
north of Buffalo, the Mr. Zeldin is “unleashing new votes.” shows him in the vicinity—at 37%. Malcolm Wilson in 1974. Wilson, who Mr. Barone adds further context to
Republican draws an In an interview afterward, Mr. Mr. Zeldin’s math differs a little. ascended to the governorship when Mr. Zeldin’s plaint. “Upstate,” he
Langworthy says Mr. Zeldin has spent “If you get less than 30% of the city Nelson Rockefeller became Gerald says, “has real grievances against city
enthusiastic crowd. “the last year and a half crisscrossing vote,” he tells me, “you can’t win this Ford’s vice president in 1973, man- domination. They’re stuck with high
the state with his message of restor- race. If you get 35% or more, it starts aged less than 42% of the vote taxes, and these fracking and pipeline
ing safety and opportunity to New to become really difficult to lose the against Democrat Hugh Carey. bans.” Mr. Cuomo took upstate New
The Oct. 27 rally gives voice to Yorkers.” It has resonated “across the race.” His team has “consistently “This is a Democrat town we’re in York for granted, moving left to pro-
loathing every time the governor’s political spectrum, particularly in seen our polling for a while now in right now,” Mr. Zeldin says of Ken- tect himself against primary opposi-
name is mentioned. Some 700 peo- New York City, where crime is the No. the low 30s, which is fantastic.” He more, “and we’re going to beat Kathy tion. “Suddenly thrust into the gover-
ple—retired cops, small-business 1 issue, even among Democrats.” He says he’s made gains with Asian- and Hochul in this county. We’re actually norship,” Mr. Barone says, “Hochul
owners, healthcare workers, home- says Mr. Zeldin has “spent a lot of Dominican-American New Yorkers, going to win the town of Hamburg, seems to have done the same on is-
makers, sales reps—are present. time building relationships in the but adds that his campaign is also where she grew up.” sue after issue, leaving her suddenly
Most are locals. Raucous and indig- Asian and Hispanic communities that “focused on getting the highest turn- He derives this confidence, he vulnerable. Has Lee Zeldin persuaded
nant, they wave placards that say have been particularly affected by out possible throughout the reddest says, not only from his campaign’s upstaters that Hochul is a traitor to
“Zeldin/Save Our State.” Save it from crime rates.” election districts,” such as Staten Is- polling, but from the evident support her home region?” If so, he may have
what? I ask a dozen of the attendees Siphoning urban votes from the land and the Bay Ridge neighborhood he’s received upstate for his promise a clear shot at upsetting her.
before the rally kicked off. Democrats would seem to be the key of Brooklyn. to end the prohibition on fracking
All say they need saving from bad to a Zeldin victory. New York City Mr. Zeldin’s opponent may be his that Mr. Cuomo imposed in 2014. “I Mr. Varadarajan, a Journal con-
economic conditions, high taxes and cast 38% of the statewide vote in trump card. Ms. Hochul has run a strongly support the state reversing tributor, is a fellow at the American
crime. Ten of them cited the case of 2018 and 35% in 2020, says Washing- lackluster campaign, seemingly obliv- its ban on the safe extraction of natu- Enterprise Institute and at New York
Adam Benefield, a man who allegedly ton Examiner columnist Michael Bar- ious to crime until a very recent—and ral gas,” he says. It would “create University Law School’s Classical Lib-
shot his wife dead in front of their one, a former editor of the Almanac unconvincing—pivot, in which she jobs, generate revenue, revitalize eral Institute.

In the Midterms, Democrats Occupy the Left Bank of Denial

tion of the futility of this approach door. But you don’t need to be a logi- interest rates and collapsing their hardly surprising that Ms. Hochul is
than Monty Python’s famous sketch cian to understand that if you’ve wealth. To suggest that the worst in danger of losing in a state that
about the dead parrot, in which a been running the country for two cost-of-living crisis in 40 years is not hasn’t elected a Republican state-
FREE dissatisfied customer returns to the years and if voters are deeply un- real is to invite not just ridicule but wide in 20 years. Likewise in Oregon,
EXPRESSION pet shop from which he recently happy with the state of the country, political retribution. where spiraling crime is the No. 1 is-
By Gerard Baker bought a finely plumed “Norwegian then you are going to be held pri- While Democrats avoid the subject sue, Christine Drazan has a shot of

Blue” only to discover that said crea- marily responsible. and try to tell voters that election de- becoming the first Republican
wo forms of denialism are on ture has been—evidently for some On issue after issue, instead of ac- nial is the primary challenge they elected governor since 1982.
the ballot in next week’s mid- time—very much dead. knowledging the problem and offer- face, it is probably no accident that a On immigration it’s a similar
term elections. Democrats In their response to voters’ con- ing to fix it, Democrats are denying state like Nevada—which according story. With illegal border crossings
hope that historical denial—the re- cerns about the state of the country, the problem exists at all. That same to Congress’s Joint Economic Com- up dramatically in the first 21
fusal by a disturbingly large number Democratic candidates across the poll indicated that inflation, the mittee has one of the highest infla- months of the Biden administration
of Republican candidates to ac- country are performing an uncanny economy, immigration and crime are tion rates in the country—is also a and hitting new records, Americans
knowledge the legitimacy of the impersonation of the shopkeeper in the four most important issues fac- key target for Republican gains in are understandably uneasy about the
2020 election result—will prompt the sketch who insists that the de- ing the country. both Senate and House. implications of apparently unfet-
enough voters to shy away from the ceased bird is in fact not deceased, On crime, it’s not Republican pro- tered immigration. But as recently
GOP at least to deprive it of a Sen- but “just resting” and “pinin’ for the pagandists but voters in deepest blue as September, Vice President Kamala
ate majority. fjords.” From inflation to crime, states like New York and Oregon, Harris was still insisting the border
But the other form of denialism On the campaign trail and in de- who are highlighting the daily reality is “secure.”
looks likely in the end to prove more bate studios in the last few weeks, they refuse to acknowledge of life under Democratic rule. In both Again, the political ramifications
toxic and potent for voters: the re- denial of the reality of voters’ experi- the problems they helped states, cities have seen surges in of this reality-denial are stark. In
jection by Democrats of the present ences seems to be the strategy the crime and disorder in the past two counties along the Texas-Mexico bor-
economic and social reality of the Democrats have adopted as their create. Voters are noticing. years. Yet their leaders mostly insist der, Republican support is surging.
country and their role in bringing it chosen method of persuasion. that there’s nothing to see here. Some of the most striking results
about. Two years after control of the en- In last week’s New York gubernato- next week are likely to come in these
In politics, as in business, it’s tire federal government was handed On each of these concerns, denial- rial debate, Republican challenger Lee congressional districts, cementing
never a good idea to tell people that over to the Democrats, polling indi- ism characterizes the Democrats’ re- Zeldin complained that incumbent recent trends toward the GOP.
what they see before them isn’t real. cates that Americans are, to put it sponse. Joe Biden insisted in October Kathy Hochul “hasn’t talked about It’s not wrong to call out continu-
It is tempting, but always a mistake, mildly, unimpressed. In the latest that the economy was “strong as locking up anyone committing any ing election denial by Republicans.
to insist that the very evident flaws Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, conducted hell.” But while growth was solid last crimes.” Ms. Hochul responded, “I But Democrats’ refusal to acknowl-
of the thing they have only recently Oct. 12-13, 63% of respondents think quarter and unemployment remains don’t know why that’s so important to edge the reality of the conditions
bought from you are illusory, and the country is on the wrong track, up low, the most pressing economic re- you,” suggesting a detachment from their own policies have helped pro-
that there is absolutely nothing from 47% in early 2021. ality for the most voters remains an the reality in which so many of her duce will be the crucial factor if—as
wrong with it. Now not all the country’s prob- inflation rate that, at over 8%, is rap- fellow New Yorkers live. seems likely—they go down to an un-
There may be no better illustra- lems can be laid at the Democrats’ idly eroding real wages, forcing up With denialism like that, it’s deniable electoral defeat.

Elect the GOP to Keep IRS Auditors From Knocking on Your Door
By John Thune of accountability. These pages have stepping accountability. to shield middle-income Americans barring any of the new IRS funding

called attention to last year’s mas- We won’t stop with the data from their new auditing regime, but from being used to audit taxpayers
ew differences between Demo- sive breach of taxpayer privacy, breach. A Republican majority would all 50 Senate Democrats rejected an who earn less than $400,000.
crats and Republicans are when personal data ended up in the make sure that IRS reform focuses amendment Sen. Mike Crapo (R., And when the Senate returns to
sharper than their approaches hands of the left-leaning news site first on the treatment of taxpayers, Idaho) proposed to the Inflation Re- session after the midterm elections,
to the Internal Revenue Service. Re- ProPublica. It’s been nearly 17 at which it is notoriously terrible. In duction Act that would do just that. one of my first orders of business
publicans believe the IRS’s priorities months since that improper disclo- 2021 the agency answered 11% of the will be introducing legislation with
should be fairly administering the law sure was used by ProPublica, as well 282 million phone calls it received. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) to
and keeping Americans’ interactions as the administration and Democrats Yet less than 5% of the $80 billion Under Biden, the agency give Congress a direct say in how
with the agency simple and few, in Congress, to advance a wish list of Democrats gave to the IRS in the In- these new IRS funds are used. If our
which was a central achievement of liberal tax policies. Yet there has flation Reduction Act was dedicated is bent on squeezing more bill becomes law, the new IRS fund-
our 2017 tax-reform law. Democrats been no accountability for the to improving customer service. In- revenue without oversight ing will be frozen until the agency
seem to value revenue above effi- breach or demand for answers from stead, the bill, passed along party presents a coherent plan to Congress
ciency or accountability and are in- Democrats in power. At best, that’s a lines, prioritized squeezing more rev- or accountability. for how it would be used. If Con-
tent on creating a far bigger and reckless lack of oversight; at worst, enue for Green New Deal-style poli- gress disagrees with what has been
more intrusive enforcement-focused it condones an outrageous violation cies, with more than half of the IRS proposed, the plan can be rejected
agency. With the narrowest of majori- of America’s privacy rights. money going to enforcement. Without a protection in law, the through a newly created resolution
ties they have implemented radical If the GOP takes the Senate in the That’s why Sen. Susan Collins (R., IRS’s new enforcement money is of disapproval.
changes to the IRS while refusing to midterm elections, that won’t stand. Maine) and I have crafted a bill that bound to make middle-income Amer- Our bill would also force the IRS
provide accountability and oversight. Using the chamber’s committee gav- would force the IRS to meet basic icans’ lives harder—it’ll be enough to to comply with a consistent and
If Republican majorities take Con- els, we will hold hearings, investi- customer-service thresholds—such hire four new enforcement agents strict reporting process so that the
gress, that will change. gate wrongdoing, and bring adminis- as answering the phone—before the for every town in the U.S. But if Re- agency is transparent with the
Like the Obama IRS, President Bi- tration officials before Congress to agency can use any of its new money publicans take Congress, Mr. Crapo’s Americans funding it. The IRS re-
den’s has been marked by political provide answers to the American to hire more enforcement agents. provision would be able to prevail in ceived a sum equal to six times the
bias, management failure and a lack people. There will be no more side- Democrats talk about their intent the form of a new bill he and I wrote agency’s 2022 budget under the In-
flation Reduction Act; taxpayers de-
serve to know where all that money

Notable & Quotable: Twitter

is going. If the IRS fails to meet re-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY porting deadlines, portions of the
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson new funding would be automatically
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp Hamilton Nolan writing for the who’s gonna figure it out. If you are rescinded on a daily basis until the
Matt Murray Almar Latour Guardian, Oct. 28: wondering what lies in store for all of agency complies. If there’s one way
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
us after his big purchase, just assume to get a federal agency to pay atten-
Karen Miller Pensiero, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: [Elon] Musk’s stated goal of being the dumbest possibilities will come tion, it’s by tightening the purse
Jason Anders, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer; an angel of open, civilized discourse true. An owner who is not cool or strings.
Neal Lipschutz, Deputy Editor in Chief Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho,
Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General
is not wholly compatible with all bil- funny will do things that he thinks are One more seat in the Senate and a
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, Coverage; lionaires’ natural desire to bend the cool or funny. Trouble will ensue. few in the House are all that Repub-
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Brent Jones, Culture, Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo,
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business content of that discourse in a direc- Tech and media are both inherently licans need to provide real account-
Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend; Information & Services, Operations; Robert Hayes, tion that they agree with. Reconciling unstable industries, so the good news ability to taxpayers and help ensure
Emma Moody, Standards; Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Chief Business Officer, New Ventures; these two competing mandates is one is that the possibility of Twitter spec- that an IRS agent doesn’t unneces-
Elizabeth O’Melia, Chief Financial Officer;
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi,
Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer,
of the oldest and most central tasks tacularly imploding does not make sarily come knocking on your door.
WSJ | Barron’s Group; Jennifer Thurman, Chief of news media companies, or dis- them that much different from every-
Paul A. Gigot Communications Officer; Sherry Weiss, Chief course-shaping social media compa- where else. Enjoy it while it lasts. Stay Mr. Thune is a U.S. senator from
Editor of the Editorial Page Marketing Officer nies, owned by rich guys. . . . focused on eradicating billionaires South Dakota, Republican whip and
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
Elon Musk, zillionaire king of the forever. And, if you have the misfor- ranking member of the Finance Sub-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 nerds, alt-right meme lord, and com- tune of working at Twitter, get your- committee on Taxation and IRS
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES mitted union buster, is not the guy self a union as soon as possible. Oversight.
A16 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


China’s Factory Output Fell in October

Contraction illustrates vices and construction, also versal Beijing Resort closed China’s official purchasing cian at the National Bureau of branch in the city the country’s
slipped into contraction, fall- for deep cleaning last week af- managers’ indexes Statistics, said Monday. largest exporter, according to a
the impact of Beijing's ing to 48.7 from 50.6 in Sep- ter at least one positive case Investor concerns over government-backed think tank.
60 Manufacturing
strict Covid-19 policies, tember. The October gauge for was traced to the theme park. Nonmanufacturing
China’s economic outlook have Many of the hundreds of
services alone fell to 47 from The PMI readings damp deepened since Mr. Xi tight- thousands of workers at the
weaker global demand 48.9. That was its lowest level hopes for a sustained recovery 55 ened his grip on power at Oc- Foxconn site have been placed
since April, when a months- following stronger-than-ex- tober’s Communist Party Con- in isolation in a bid to stop the
BY STELLA YIFAN XIE long lockdown hit China’s pected 3.9% gross-domestic- 50
gress, leading to broad selloffs virus from spreading. Many
commercial capital and manu- product growth in the third of Chinese stocks and other others told the Journal that
HONG KONG—China’s fac- facturing hub of Shanghai. quarter. They also raise the assets. Mr. Xi was appointed they were too frightened to
tory activity contracted in Oc- After exiting the lockdown in question of what will drive the 45 China’s leader for a third term continue working there, and
tober after a short-lived im- June, the city and all 30 of the world’s second-largest econ- at the twice-a-decade party that many of their colleagues
provement, a fresh sign of the other provincial-level regions omy, especially as the looming 40 meeting, stacking the ruling are trying to return home.
toll from the country’s strin- have had sporadic, low-level risk of recessions in the U.S. Politburo with loyalists. He China reported more than
gent Covid policies and of fad- outbreaks. The repeated recur- and other major trading part- gave no indication that China’s 2,600 new locally transmitted
ing global demand for Chi- rence of the virus has done lit- ners is expected to sap de- strict pandemic controls cases of Covid for Sunday,
nese-made goods. tle to undermine Chinese leader mand for Chinese exports. would ease in the near future. more than double the daily
The official purchasing Xi Jinping’s determination to China’s growth slowed 30 Monday’s data point to the number from a week earlier,
managers index for manufac- stick with the zero-Covid strat- sharply over the past year, rising risk of disruption to fac- according to official data.
turing fell to 49.2 from 50.1 in egy, which involves mass test- dragged down by a deepening 25 tories and supply chains, as Daily new infections recorded
September, the National Bu- ing, quarantines and sweeping real-estate slump and sluggish new cases of the virus emerge Sunday in Guangdong prov-
reau of Statistics said Monday. lockdowns to crush outbreaks consumer spending. 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 in key manufacturing and lo- ince, one of China’s biggest
The result fell short of the 49.7 as soon as they happen. Sales of new homes at Source: National Bureau of Statistics gistics hubs. An outbreak in manufacturing and export cen-
median forecast of economists On Monday, Shanghai Dis- China’s 100 largest property the Henan provincial capital of ters, rose sevenfold from a
polled by The Wall Street Jour- ney Resort, including the developers fell 28% in October economy in the short term, Zhengzhou has hit production week earlier, the data show.
nal, underscoring the vulnera- theme park and shopping ar- from a year earlier, the 16th but are seen by many econo- at the world’s biggest assembly As of Oct. 28, cities ac-
bility of China’s economy to its eas, were closed again under consecutive month of declines, mists as wasteful and an un- centers for Apple Inc.’s counting for 47% of China’s
pandemic-control policies. A the city’s Covid restrictions, according to China Real Estate sustainable source of growth. iPhones. Foxconn Technology gross domestic product were
reading below 50 indicates the company said. Shanghai Information Corp. “The foundation for our Group—Apple’s biggest sup- under some form of mobility
contraction in activities. Disneyland was shut for Government-led investment country’s economic recovery plier—shipped about $32 bil- restrictions, according to esti-
The official nonmanufactur- months under the earlier blan- in infrastructure and other needs to be further stabilized,” lion of products overseas from mates by economists from
ing PMI, which includes ser- ket lockdown of the city. Uni- projects have propped up the Zhao Qinghe, a senior statisti- Zhengzhou in 2019, making its Goldman Sachs.

Israel’s Netanyahu
Aims for a Comeback
JERUSALEM—As Israel with the slimmest of parlia-
heads to its fifth election in mentary majorities, polls show.
four years, Benjamin Netan- Some of the most recent polls
yahu has been relentlessly cam- showed Mr. Netanyahu’s right-
paigning across the country wing coalition with a slight
from the back of a delivery edge of 61 out of 120 seats
needed for a majority in the
By Dov Lieber, 120-seat parliament, or Knes-
Aaron Boxerman set. Other polls showed a 60-60
and Shayndi Raice tie. His main opponent, Prime
Minister Yair Lapid—leader of
truck outfitted as a mobile the centrist Yesh Atid party—is
campaign stage, imploring vot- polling at about 27 seats. Poll-
ers to come out on election day. sters give his largely center-left
Some call it the Bibi-bus, using coalition around 56 seats.
Mr. Netanyahu’s nickname. An alliance of Arab-led par-
Mr. Netanyahu, 73 years old, ties that opposes Mr. Netan-
is trying to stage a political yahu could help Mr. Lapid

comeback that would provide a reach at least 60 seats. The

capstone to more than 30 Arab parties have said they
years in public life. Polls show won’t be part of the governing
he is within striking distance coalition but could support it
of becoming Israel’s prime by voting for its establishment
minister for a sixth time in and other specific legislation.
Tuesday’s election, adding to Even if Mr. Netanyahu can
his record 15 years as premier secure 61 seats, his govern-
A man in Seoul bows at the scene of a stampede in the Itaewon district that left more than 150 people dead on Saturday night. and further cementing his leg- ment will be fragile and un-
acy as a political powerhouse. stable. Every lawmaker in his

Probe of Seoul Stampede Widens

While Mr. Netanyahu is coalition would have strong le-
known by many abroad as a verage to make demands be-
skillful diplomat and orator, in cause they could each threaten
Israel, it is his shrewd political to strip away his narrow ma-
SEOUL—South Korean po- how the incident may have oc- trol experts have said a lack of cases, the people shouting or- skills that have kept him atop jority. The previous coalition
lice are investigating the cir- curred, the official said. police presence and other ders are trying to help others his country’s leadership longer collapsed after less than a
cumstances that led to a stam- South Korea remains in measures to ensure the safety and alleviate the pressure. than anyone before him. year because of its slim 61-
pede in Seoul on Saturday mourning over the deaths of at of such a large number of peo- “I’m very concerned to think Still, Mr. Netanyahu is fac- seat majority.
least 154 people who went to ple likely contributed to the the police would want to inter- ing several challenges. The Is- Israel is headed to the polls
By Timothy W. Martin, the city’s club district for a tragedy. The number of visi- rogate individuals and try to raeli electorate remains di- at a time of rising inflation,
Jiyoung Sohn night of Halloween celebra- tors to Itaewon was expected blame this on them,” said Ms. vided over whether he should deepening conflict with Pales-
and Dasl Yoon tion—the first year since the to hit around 100,000 on Sat- Murphy, who has reviewed foot- stay in public office, as he tinians in the West Bank and a
pandemic to be largely free of urday—a figure comparable age from the Itaewon accident. faces a continuing corruption fracturing in Israel’s relation-
night, including the possibility Covid-19 restrictions. Hundreds with prepandemic years. Law-enforcement personnel trial. Voters are exhausted by ship with Russia over the
that some individuals inten- of revelers found themselves About 130,000 people had haven’t said how the crowd col- yet another election that is ex- Ukraine war. But politicians
tionally pushed the crowd for- trapped on a narrow, sloping traveled to the district on Sat- lapsed on itself, creating pileups pected to produce the same have focused more on increas-
ward, as the public seeks an- alleyway with no way to es- urday night, according to Seoul that suffocated those below. outcome. The race is tight, ing voting turnout than on de-
swers in the wake of a tragedy cape, as some were crushed Metro, which oversees the South Korean officials said with polls showing no party bates over kitchen-table issues
that left more than 150 dead. under the weight of the crowd. city’s subway system. The total police staffing on Saturday had will win an outright majority. or security.
Some 44 witnesses and in- Police are investigating doesn’t include those who ar- been taxed due to large pro- “For his supporters, Netan- Israel’s electorate has
jured survivors are being claims made by some witnesses rived by bus, car or on foot. tests held elsewhere in Seoul. yahu is something between a shifted to the right in recent
questioned about the accident that individuals had intention- It would be unusual for po- On Monday, a law-enforcement savior touched by God and a decades amid sustained con-
in the Itaewon district, an offi- ally pushed the crowd forward, lice to explore potential charges official said 137 police officers persecuted saint,” said Ben flict with the Palestinians,
cial for South Korea’s National causing people in front to lose against people who urged oth- had been dispatched to Itae- Caspit, who has written two helping Mr. Netanyahu main-
Police Agency said Monday. balance, the official said. As of ers to push or pull in a crowd won, a significant increase biographies on Mr. Netanyahu. tain power. But he has burned
Police are also combing now, the police said they ha- crush like the one in Itaewon, from prepandemic years but “He has political skills like no bridges with right-wing and
through footage from dozens ven’t found behavior that could said Íse Murphy, a crowd-safety lower than the 200 officers one else.” centrist party leaders, making
of security cameras and on so- constitute a criminal offense. consultant for major sporting that police last week said they Each side will struggle to it harder for him to form co-
cial media to help determine Witnesses and crowd-con- events in the U.K. In many would deploy. cobble together a government alitions.

Protesters Defy Call Nine Arrested After Transport-Emissions
To Remain at Home Fatal Bridge Collapse Decision Is Delayed
Iranian student protesters de- Police in western India arrested Germany is postponing politi-
fied a call to halt demonstra- nine people Monday as they inves- cally sensitive decisions on re-
tions from one of the country’s tigated the collapse of a newly re- ducing greenhouse-gas emis-
top military commanders, facing paired 143-year-old suspension sions in the transport sector
down security forces at universi- bridge in one of the country’s until 2023 amid strong opposi-
ties and on the streets in sev- worst accidents in years, officials tion from one governing party to
eral cities Monday. said. The collapse Sunday in Guja- the idea of a universal speed

Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami, the rat State plunged hundreds of peo- limit, officials said Monday.
commander of Iran’s Islamic Rev- ple into a river, killing at least 134. The libertarian Free Demo-
olutionary Guard Corps, directed As families mourned the dead, cratic Party, which controls the
his warning to protesters Satur- attention turned to why the pe- Transport Ministry, has long
day, saying they were fooled by destrian bridge collapsed, and who blocked the introduction manda-
Iran’s foreign adversaries and risk- might be responsible. The bridge tory speed limits seen in most
ing their future. “Today is the end had reopened four days earlier. of Germany’s neighbors.
of the riots. Do not go to the Inspector-General Ashok Ya- Experts say that limiting
streets anymore,” he said at the dav said those arrested include speeds on highways to 74.5
funeral of those killed in an attack managers of the bridge’s opera- miles per hour would save 2.6
on a shrine in the city of Shiraz. tor, Oreva Group, and its staff. million metric tons of carbon di-
Authorities have struggled to Gujarat authorities opened a case DEVOTION: Hindu worshipers performed rituals in a pond Monday as they honored the sun god oxide a year. A limit of 62 mph
quell the unrest that has oc- against Oreva for suspected cul- while celebrating the Chhath Puja festival in Bhaktapur, Nepal. would more than double the
curred almost daily since the pable homicide, attempted culpa- savings, according to Germany’s
death Sept. 16 in police custody ble homicide and other violations. THE PHILIPPINES laden mudslide. Nearly two mil- the South China Sea on Sunday, Environment Agency. Those an-
of a woman for allegedly violat- Authorities said the structure lion others were swamped by leaving a trail of destruction in a nual savings would make a sig-
ing Iran’s strict rules on how collapsed under the weight of More Than 100 Dead floods in several provinces, offi- large swath of the archipelago. nificant contribution to closing
women dress in public. More hundreds of people. A security In Storms, Mudslides cials said Monday. About 1.9 million people were the remaining emissions gap in
than 200 have been killed and video of the disaster showed it At least 53 of 105 people lashed by the storm, including Germany’s transport sector of
over 1,000 arrested in response shaking violently and people trying More than 100 people have who died—mostly in flash floods more than 975,000 villagers 118-175 million tons by 2030.
to demonstrations that began as to hold on to its cables and metal died in one of the most destruc- and landslides—were from Magu- who fled to evacuation centers Proposals released Monday
a defiant call for women’s rights fencing before the aluminum tive storms to lash the Philip- indanao province in a Muslim au- or homes of relatives. At least by the Economy Ministry would
and have transformed into a walkway crashed into the river. pines this year with dozens tonomous region, which was 4,100 houses and 40,180 acres close the emissions gap in all
movement demanding the Oreva officials couldn’t be more feared missing after villag- swamped by unusually heavy of rice and other crops were other sectors for the country to
downfall of the Islamic Republic. reached to comment. ers fled in the wrong direction rains set off by Tropical Storm damaged by floodwaters. meet its climate goals.
—David S. Cloud —Associated Press and got buried in a boulder- Nalgae. The storm blew out into —Associated Press —Associated Press


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Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | B1

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New-Car Prices Start to Cool Off Blue Chips

Rose 14%
Inventory on dealer
lots ticks up again as
supply snarls ease and
In Month,
consumers pull back Top Gain

After a multiyear surge in

Since 1976
new-car prices, buyers are BY MATT GROSSMAN
starting to see some relief on AND CAITLIN OSTROFF
dealership lots.
Inventory levels are gradu- The Dow Jones Industrial
ally coming back, giving shop- Average rose 14% in October,
pers more options when its best month since 1976,

browsing showrooms, and while the S&P 500 and tech-fo-

some discounting has crept cused Nasdaq Composite both
back into the market, albeit in notched single-digit monthly
a limited fashion. gains.
The average price paid for The Fed’s rapid interest-rate
a new vehicle hit a record of increases have battered mar-
$46,173 in July and has been kets for much of the year, leav-
trending downward in recent ing some investors searching
months, according to data Prices have eased since a July high but are unlikely to drop to prepandemic levels soon, automobile executives and dealers say. for signs it is time to put their
from research firm J.D. Power. money to work again.
In October, consumers paid an throughout the pandemic— ble as consumers and busi- Average transaction price U.S. light vehicle inventory In October, traders were en-
average of about $45,600 for was a focus of recent earnings nesses pull back on spending. $50,000 4 million couraged when some Fed offi-
a new car or truck, several calls. Analysts questioned Even as supply-chain con- cials said they are considering
hundred dollars off the sum- how higher interest rates and straints continue to keep whether to slow the pace of
mer peak but still 33% higher recessionary concerns might prices aloft, some shoppers $45,600 monetary tightening as they
than before the pandemic, the dent the recent pricing mo- are feeling too stretched and balance controlling inflation
firm’s data show. mentum, which has lifted are delaying or skipping pur- 45,000 3 and avoiding a sharp economic
“You will see a continued, earnings across the sector in chases. contraction. The European
slight mitigation on new-vehi- recent quarters. New- and used-car prices Central Bank also cited con-
cle prices,” said Mike Manley, Auto executives remain op- had been climbing throughout cerns that additional rate in-
chief executive of AutoNation, timistic that a backlog of much of the pandemic, 40,000 2 creases could hurt the outlook
Inc., a publicly traded dealer- pent-up demand will continue pushed up by supply-chain for growth.
ship group. “But I don’t think to keep car prices elevated in snarls and near-empty dealer- 1.43M October’s stock rally came
you’re going to see, anytime the coming months, and pro- ship lots as car companies despite falling government-
soon, a return to what we saw duction challenges continue struggled to get their facto- bond prices and rising yields,
prepandemic.” to linger, making it difficult to ries fully back online. More 35,000 1 which for much of the year
“They will not drop as fast fully replenish stock. than half of vehicles sold in had slammed stocks. Monday’s
as they shot up,” he added. The shifts in the U.S. car October sold for higher than gain sealed the 10-year Trea-
The extent to which car market reflect a broader their listed sticker price, ac- sury yield’s climb to 4.074%
companies can keep buyers choppiness in the economy, cording to J.D. Power. 30,000 0 from 3.802% at the end of Sep-
paying top dollar for vehi- where the pricing power that This year, however, marked 2020 ’21 ’22 2020 ’21 ’22 tember. Yields and bond prices
cles—a core driver of profit- companies have enjoyed in re- a turning point with inflation move inversely.
ability within the industry cent years is starting to wob- Please turn to page B2 Sources: J.D Power (average price); Wards Intelligence (inventory) That pattern suggests some
investors were thinking wish-
fully when bidding up stock

Musk Ford Alters Staff-Performance Policy

prices in October, said Chris
Senyek, chief investment strat-
egist at Wolfe Research. “I

Forms BY NORA ECKERT improvement plan, which can

be an intense period of work
think it was largely a hope
trade,” he said. “I don’t think it
was built upon fundamentals.”

Circle of Ford Motor Co. is altering

its approach to addressing
white-collar employees
for employees, the Ford
spokeswoman said.
The amended policies,
This week, traders are shuf-
fling their holdings ahead of
Wednesday, when Fed officials

Advisers deemed underperformers, tell-

ing managers that some of
those workers must choose
which apply to all U.S. salaried
workers, went into effect Oct.
1, according to the email.
are almost certain to raise in-
terest rates by another 0.75
percentage point. On Monday,
BY ALEXA CORSE between severance or a per- As part of the updated pol- the S&P declined 29.08 points,
AND SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN formance enhancement pro- icy, managers who have low- or 0.7%, to 3871.98 and the
gram. performing employees with tech-focused Nasdaq Compos-
Elon Musk is quickly setting The changes in its talent- less than eight years can skip ite shed 114.31, or 1%, to
to work a group of advisers, in- management policy mostly fo- the performance-enhancement 10988.15. The Dow dropped
vestors and employees from cus on employees who have plan and move to an involun- 128.85, or 0.4%, to 32732.95.
elsewhere in his business em- eight or more years of service tary separation with sever- The focus will be on Fed
pire to help him reimagine and whom the company has ance, the Ford spokeswoman Chairman Jerome Powell‘s

Twitter Inc. in his first days as identified as demonstrating a said. These employees can press conference, which could
its new owner. pattern of declining perfor- also receive some benefits, bring clues about whether the
The group is working on a mance, according to an inter- such as job-placement assis- Fed may reduce the size of fu-
range of initiatives to try to nal email reviewed by The tance, if they are let go, she ture rate increases or continue
bolster the platform’s user ex- Wall Street Journal and con- said. strong efforts to tame rising
perience and revenue, accord- firmed by a company spokes- Ford has about 30,000 sala- prices.
ing to people involved in the ef- woman. CEO Jim Farley has moved to streamline the white-collar workforce. ried employees in the U.S. Specifically, investors want
fort, while Mr. Musk continued These employees now have The U.S. auto maker made to know if December will mean
to publicly float potential the option of taking the sever- Those who instead choose went to all U.S. managers. moves to streamline its white- another 0.75-percentage-point
changes in a series of tweets. ance, rather than enroll in the the enhancement plan but fail The changes are intended collar workforce in recent rate increase or whether the
Mr. Musk’s team outlined enhancement plan, which can to improve won’t be eligible to simplify how managers con- months as part of a broader Fed will downshift to a half-
three pillars of its plan for the take four to six weeks, the for any severance, according front poor performance and effort to slash costs by about percentage-point move. Bets in
Please turn to page B4 email and spokeswoman said. to the Oct. 4 email, which provide an alternative to the Please turn to page B2 Please turn to page B10

Private Real-Estate Funds Rise

Even as Listed Rivals Tumble
BY GREGORY ZUCKERMAN especially popular with indi- REITs, I’d run for the hills,”
AND PETER GRANT viduals: nontraded real-estate said Allan Roth, founder of
investment trusts. Some of Wealth Logic LLC, a financial
It has been a terrible year these funds have returned planning firm based in Colo-
for many publicly traded real- about 10%. The difference wor- rado Springs, Colo.
estate investments as rising ries some investors—and it Nontraded REITs are like
interest rates and falling prop- could cause losses for those public REITs in that they buy
erty prices hit the market. The who buy these now thinking commercial property such as
MSCI US REIT Index, which that nontraded REITs are im- warehouses, apartments and
tracks publicly traded REITs, mune to the market selloff. office buildings. The difference
is down about 26% this year. “With nontraded REITs in- is that public REITs raise
But it has been a strong creasing their valuations while money by selling shares on the
year for a type of investment markets are punishing public Please turn to page B10




A dispute over battery Harley’s electric- The UAW seeks an
patents holds up motorcycle subsidiary election to unionize an
Renault-Nissan talks struggles with Ohio EV-battery plant
on a new alliance. B2 investors. B3 co-owned by GM. B4
B2 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A-L Harley-Davidson ......... B3 .....................................A1

Alphabet .............. B3,B11 Hon Hai Precision Renault........................B2
Apple ............ A16,B4,B10 Industry.....................B4 S-Z
AutoNation ................. B1 LG Energy Solution .... B4
Simon & Schuster ...... A1
Berkshire Hathaway...B3 LiveWire......................B3
Bertelsmann...............A7 M-R Starwood Capital......B10
Blackstone.................B10 Meta Platforms.B10,B11 Stellantis...............B2,B4
Caesars Entertainment MGM Resorts Tesla............................B4
.....................................B4 International.............B4 TuSimple ..................... B4
Ford Motor..................B1 News Corp...................A7 Twitter ........................ B1
Foxconn Technology . A16 Nissan Motor..............B2 Verizon Communication
General Motors ..... B2,B4 Panasonic....................B4 .....................................A5
Guangzhou Automobile Paramount Global.......A7 Wynn Resorts........B3,B4
.....................................B2 Penguin Random House Zhejiang Geely............B2



B Hou, Xiaodi ................. B4 Pohanka, Geoffrey......B2
Bloesch, Justin ......... B11 J Roth, Allan..................B1
C Jacobson, Paul............B2 S
Senyek, Chris..............B1
Carpenter, Seth .......... A2 M-R
Manley, Mike .............. B1
Farley, Jim...................B2 Morrissey, Ryan..........B3 Tilley, Luke................B10
Fertitta, Tilman..........B4 Murray, Brian..............A7 Z
Gerber, Ross................B4 Musk, Elon..................B1 Zeitz, Jochen...............B3

New-Car Jacobson said Tuesday. “The

fact that we were able to pro-
duce while clearing out some

Prices Start of those vehicles speaks to

some of that improvement.”
The auto makers are also negotiating voting rights in the alliance. A worker at Renault’s largest production site in France.

Renault-Nissan Talks Delayed

With more availability,

To Cool some sales promotions have

returned, such as the low-in-
terest rate financing deals
that were prevalent before
Continued from page B1
and worries about an eco-
nomic downturn starting to
weigh on buyers’ willingness
to splurge. The average inter-
the health crisis.
For instance, brands like
Buick and GMC have been of-
fering 0% financing deals on
loan terms as short as 36
Over Battery Patents for EVs
est rate on a new-car loan months, said Ivan Drury, di- Renault SA and Nissan Mo- ance as soon as late October, people familiar with the talks Nissan management are still
was 5.7% in the third quarter, rector of Insights at Edmunds. tor Co. are struggling to nail people at the companies said. described as unresolved. aiming to hold an announce-
up from 4.3% in the prior- “You save a lot of money in down a deal that would re- But several sticking points Under French law, a share- ment in November, they say
year period, according to car- interest—a good $7,000 to shape their alliance, with in- have delayed such a deal from holder that holds its shares for the companies are likely to fall
shopping firm Edmunds. $10,000 in interest. But you tellectual property among the being concluded, people famil- two years or more generally behind their original timeline
Used-car prices started to have to pay off the car in half sticking points, according to iar with the discussions said. gets double voting rights. Nis- because of the snags in the ne-
level off this spring and have the time,” he said. people with knowledge of the A major one involves jointly san, a longstanding 15% share- gotiations.
continued to cool in recent talks. developed intellectual prop- holder in Renault, hasn’t been Nissan executives have long
months with transaction val- erty and how it would be able to vote its shares because been frustrated by what they
ues down for many models By River Davis, transferred to Renault’s new Renault holds a greater than believe is a lopsided power
that are five years or older,
Some sales Nick Kostov EV business, people familiar 40% stake in Nissan. Once Re- structure in the alliance. Re-
industry data show. This promotions such as and Sean McLain with the talks said. nault’s stake fell below the nault owns 43% of Nissan, a
means buyers trading in their Nissan also doesn’t want 40% threshold, Nissan would stake that exceeds the 15%
used vehicles don’t have as
0% financing deals Discussions so far between technology that it developed normally be entitled to vote Nissan holds in its smaller
much money to offset the have returned. Renault and Nissan have out- with Renault to be shared with its shares with double rights. French partner and has given
price of a new car. lined a plan under which the Chinese automotive giant Zhe- However, Renault and the Renault outsize influence in
The softening has also be- French auto maker would re- jiang Geely Holding Group Co., French government want to the partnership.
gun to affect dealer profit- duce its current 43% stake in which is planning to take a cap Nissan’s voting rights at The deal is aimed at easing
ability with some publicly Still, the level of discount- its Japanese partner to 15%, stake in Renault’s gasoline-car 15%, people familiar with the tensions by equalizing the
traded car retailers reporting ing remains at historic lows, people at the companies said. business, the people said. matter said. The French side stakes while assuring Renault
a decline in used-car gross and while prices appear to be The shares to be disposed of Patents and other intellec- believes this would put the of its partner’s backing as the
margins in the third quarter. moderating, it is likely to be a would be put into an indepen- tual property involving batter- two car makers on an equal two companies move into the
Meanwhile, dealership long time before they revert dent financial trust and then ies—in particular solid-state footing with each holding 15% EV age. Renault has said it is
stock levels are improving, to levels seen at the end of sold at a later date at a prede- battery technology—have be- voting rights in the other, they creating the new EV business,
having ticked higher through the last decade, analysts, ex- termined price, the people come a major point of conten- said. known internally by the code
the summer. ecutives and dealers say. said. tion, they said. Nissan has The companies have been name Ampère, to help ensure
The number of new cars Auto makers, having seen In exchange, Nissan would been developing the next-gen- planning to review and vote it can fund the costly transi-
and trucks available on lots or the benefits of keeping sup- invest in Renault’s new elec- eration batteries in-house and on the agreement in mid-No- tion away from the combus-
en route to stores at the end plies scarce, aren’t eager to tric-vehicle business, which plans to start a pilot produc- vember when directors from tion engine by raising capital
of September was about 1.4 return to the days when lots the French auto maker aims to tion line in the year beginning both car makers will meet in from outside investors.
million, up 46.9% from the were flooded with excess in- take public next year, the peo- April 2024. Japan, people at Renault and Ampère would develop the
same month a year ago, ac- ventory. ple said. The companies and the Nissan said. The plan had been software, parts and technology
cording to Wards Intelligence, The availability of new cars Renault and Nissan had French state are also negotiat- to reveal the deal publicly that are needed for battery-
a firm that tracks auto-indus- and trucks is improving, but been hopeful that they could ing over what kind of voting shortly thereafter. powered models but would re-
try data. many manufacturers are still strike a preliminary nonbind- rights Nissan would have in While people at the compa- main majority-owned by Re-
On earnings calls last struggling to fully restock, ing agreement to reshape their Renault after a deal is con- nies say they still expect to nault, people with knowledge
week, executives said they given how low inventories more than two-decade-old alli- cluded, an issue that some reach a deal and Renault and of the plans said.
were seeing some easing of have fallen this year, said
the supply-chain problems Geoffrey Pohanka, chairman

Jeep Maker in China to Go Bankrupt

that have dogged the industry of Pohanka Automotive
over the past couple of years, Group, which has dealerships
including on semiconductors. in Maryland, Virginia and
“Overall, I would say chips Texas.
are getting better than cer- “There are a lot of empty BY SELINA CHENG versed course and said it The joint venture produced zero in subsequent months,
tainly where they were a year buckets out there,” Mr. Po- AND P.R. VENKAT would instead end the venture, tens of thousands of vehicles according to GAC’s data.
ago,” General Motors Co. hanka said. “It’ll take time to blaming a lack of progress in in earlier years, but by Febru- The venture was formed in
Chief Financial Officer Paul fill those buckets.” HONG KONG—Stellantis NV its discussions with GAC to in- ary its plant only manufac- 2010 in a 50-50 split between
said its unprofitable joint ven- crease the shareholding. tured 35 vehicles and sold 134 GAC and Fiat SpA. Fiat became
ture that made and distributed Stellantis said at the time it that month. Production and part of Stellantis after a merger

Ford Alters Earlier this year, Ford reor-

ganized its internal operations
to create different divisions,
the Jeep brand in China will
file for bankruptcy, a move
that follows the European auto
had booked a noncash impair-
ment charge of equivalent to
almost $300 million in its
sales both dropped to almost with the French PSA Group.

Policy on including one that focuses ex-

clusively on electric vehicles.
Ford, like other companies,
giant’s failure to reverse its
dwindling sales in the country.
Stellantis said it would con-
first-half results as a result of
ending the venture. It would
instead focus on selling im-

Performance could also face some attrition

in the near term because of
rising interest rates and the
tinue to provide services to
existing and future Jeep brand
customers in China. It had im-
ported electric Jeep vehicles
in China, the company said.
Foreign car makers have in-
impact that is expected to paired the value of its invest- creasingly struggled to grow
Continued from page B1 have on pension payouts for ment in the joint venture and sales in their joint ventures
$3 billion annually by 2026. those looking to retire. other related assets in its with Chinese car manufactur-
The belt-tightening aims to Ford, in a separate email first-half financial results, the ers as more homegrown
free up more money to fund a sent in September to employ- company said. brands find favor among local
costly long-term transition to ees, said that because of rising Shareholders of Stellantis, consumers and gobble up mar-
electric vehicles, a market interest rates, the rate applied which is also the parent for ket share. More car buyers are
that is now dominated by rival to the lump-sum pay for U.S. Chrysler, have authorized the converting to electric or plug-
Tesla Inc. salaried workers who elect to bankruptcy filing with its Chi- in hybrid cars as China offers
In August, the Dearborn, retire is going to change as of nese counterpart, Guangzhou subsidies and incentives for
Mich., auto maker said it was Dec. 1. After that date, interest Automobile Group Co., and these new-energy vehicles,
laying off about 3,000 salaried rates could reduce the overall their joint venture, GAC Fiat with domestic auto makers
lump-sum cash-outs by about Chrysler Automobiles Co., leaving some foreign rivals
20% to 25%, the email said. Stellantis said Monday. flat-footed in the transition
A Ford spokeswoman said The filing marks the latest away from traditional gaso-
Employees have until potential retirees have until bump in the road for Stellantis, line-powered cars.
late November to the end of November to decide which also makes Ram pickups In response to Stellantis’s
if they want to retire by Dec. 1 and the Peugeot brand, in its decision in July, GAC said the
decide if they want to and cash out their pensions troubled foray into China. The joint venture booked losses for
retire by Dec. 1. before Internal Revenue Ser- Jeep maker had once said it several years and had been un-
vice segment rate increases wanted to raise its stake to be- able to resume normal produc-
affect their retirement calcula- come a majority shareholder of tion since February, according
tions. the joint venture. By July, it re- to a statement at the time.
and contract workers in the Across the auto industry,
U.S., Canada and India, a move executives are preparing for a
that followed months of com- potential downturn in busi-
pany executives signaling to ness, taking steps either to re-
Wall Street that it needed to duce staff or freeze hiring.
reduce staffing levels. Stellantis NV, the global
Ford Chief Executive Jim parent of Jeep, Chrysler and
Farley has said the shift to other auto brands, said Friday
electric vehicles is prompting it is offering voluntary buy-
a reassessment of the com- outs to U.S. salaried employ-
pany’s resources, including its ees as part of a restructuring
staffing levels in some areas. to sharpen focus on new tech-
“We absolutely have too nologies and low-emissions
many people in certain places, vehicles.

no doubt about it. And we The buyouts, initiated in

have skills that don’t work October, target certain white-
anymore and we have jobs collar employees with benefit
that need to change,” Mr. Far- packages that wouldn’t other-
ley said on a July earnings wise be available to them, the
call. company said. The Stellantis joint venture’s market share has plummeted.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | B3


Harley’s Electric Effort Hits Bump
LiveWire subsidiary’s erate with the flexibility of a
stock falls 12% since
Increased SPAC deal as quieter
startup to accelerate growth.”
Harley’s share price has
fared better than other U.S.
model fails to win fans
stocks, rising 16% since the
start of the year, compared
with a 17% drop in the S&P 500.

Past Year Harley-Davidson Inc.’s

LiveWire subsidiary is off to a
Harley last week reported a
21% rise in quarterly revenue
and 60% increase in net profit
BY THEO FRANCIS rough start as a public com- over the same period last year,
AND JEAN EAGLESHAM pany, as its electric motorcy- as the company increased ship-
cles struggle to attract riders ments of gas-powered motorcy-
Before the Securities and and investors. cles to make up for a produc-
Exchange Commission adopted Shares of LiveWire Group tion outage earlier this year.

a new rule last week on claw- Inc. have fallen about 12% SPAC mergers have had a
ing back executive pay, the since the merger in late Sep- tough time winning over share-
agency and federal prosecu- tember with a special-purpose holders. Shares of several high-
tors had begun ramping up ef- acquisition company, or SPAC. profile SPAC deals have col-
forts to recoup compensation The deal yielded about half lapsed, including electric-truck
from top executives whose the cash proceeds Harley an- maker Nikola Corp., sports-bet-
companies run afoul of ac- ticipated, with most of the ting company DraftKings Inc.,
counting rules or the law. SPAC investors withdrawing and space-tourism company
The new SEC rule will re- their money rather than hold- Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. A LiveWire motorcycle at the New York Stock Exchange for the company’s Sept. 27 stock debut.
quire companies to try to re- ing LiveWire shares after the Companies that merged with
cover incentive pay from execu- deal went through, according SPACs since the start of 2020 bikes were priced at nearly “It’s a perfect bike for ur- called the S2 Del Mar that will
tives after significant financial- to a regulatory filing. are trading at an average of $30,000—as much as some of ban travel,” said Ryan Morris- cost about $16,000, and even-
statement errors, even where Investors’ tepid response to about $4 a share, according to Harley’s popular models with sey, president of LiveWire tually an S3 model that will be
no misconduct occurred. But LiveWire has led Milwaukee- data provider SPAC Research. gas engines—and too expen- Group. “It’s a fun way to get priced below the S2.
the agency already has been based Harley to put up more Harley has struggled to find sive for most riders interested around a city or a suburb.” Bubba Boswell, owner of a
more aggressive about using cash to fund the company, an- a winning strategy for its elec- in taking a flier on something About 60 of Harley’s 550 Harley dealership in Nashville,
existing powers to pursue such alysts said. Higher interest tric motorcycles, according to new, dealers said. dealers in the U.S. carry Tenn., said the lower prices
clawbacks where accounting vi- rates and a slowing U.S. econ- analysts. The first LiveWire Harley Chief Executive LiveWire motorcycles. Dealers for LiveWire models are criti-
olations are alleged to stem omy, they said, are likely to model reached the market in Jochen Zeitz spared the said Harley has been careful to cal for attracting customers.
from misconduct, including undermine Harley’s forecast 2019 after almost a decade of LiveWire model when he axed avoid flooding the market with “If you’re new to motorcy-
from executives who weren’t last spring for LiveWire’s sales development. Harley executives other slow-selling models and LiveWires by doling out just a cling, they’re much easier to
directly involved. to expand from less than 1,000 wanted to tap into the growing smaller bikes in favor of Har- few bikes at a time to dealers. ride,” he said.
In the past year, the SEC has motorcycles this year to popularity of electric automo- ley’s big, expensive motorcy- The limited range of electric —Amrith Ramkumar
sued or settled with 11 execu- nearly 101,000 bikes and $1.7 biles with a high-performance, cles. Mr. Zeitz repositioned motorcycles’ batteries and a contributed to this article.
tives to recover past pay under billion in revenue in 2026. zero-emissions motorcycle. LiveWire for younger, price- shortage of public charging
provisions of a 2002 law, in- “While the market environ- For most regular Harley conscious riders, with an eye stations have held down de-
cluding nine executives in the ment has changed since last riders attracted to the distinc- toward overseas markets. The mand, dealers said. Watch a Video
past four months, said Andrew December when we decided to tive throaty rumble of Harley’s motorcycles recharge their bat- LiveWire this year lowered Scan this code
Boutros, chair of law firm list the company, we make deci- gasoline engines, the quiet teries from the energy created the price of its flagship One for a video on
Dechert LLP’s U.S. white-collar sions for the long term,” a Har- whirl of LiveWire’s electric by braking, giving the bikes model to about $22,000. The how the market
practice for Chicago and Wash- ley spokeswoman said. motor was considered a non- longer ranges in stop-and-go company plans to roll out a for SPACs
ington, D.C. The provisions had “LiveWire has the ability to op- starter, dealers said. The first traffic than in highway driving. lighter-weight model next year dried up.
been used infrequently before
that, said Mr. Boutros, who
with his colleagues recently
briefed clients about the in-
creased enforcement.
The dialing-up of enforce-
ment is intended to press cor-

Not all oil

porate leaders to better police
conduct at all levels of their
companies, according to legal,
compensation and governance
professionals. Pay packages
are unlikely to change much,
the professionals say. But
companies are more likely to
sue current or former execu-
tives to recover past pay.
Alongside the SEC’s moves,
Justice Department officials

is created
have warned that prosecutors
weighing charges or settle-
ment terms will consider
whether companies have ad-
opted clawback policies—and
whether they have actually
sought to recover past pay.
“Compensation clawback
policies matter, and those pol-
icies should be deployed regu-
larly,” Marshall Miller, princi-
pal associate deputy attorney

general, said at a September
conference in New York. “A
paper policy not acted upon
will not move the needle.”
The SEC declined to com-
ment. A Justice Department
memo in mid-September asked
staff to explore other ways to
reward companies that pursue
clawbacks, a spokeswoman
said, including how to shift
the burden of financial penal-
ties from shareholders to peo-
ple more directly responsible.
Clawback provisions, either
in pay contracts or separate
corporate policies, typically let Global events are shining a light on the importance of
companies demand that cur-
rent and former executives re- energy security for the United States. Canada’s oil is
turn compensation they re-
ceived in the wake of a
trusted oil. It should be the preferred energy supplier
financial restatement, individ- to the US. Canada is recognized as an indisputable
ual misconduct or damage to
the company’s reputation. leader in environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Most large public companies
have such policies; just 21 in the
standards. So, if not Canada, who are you entrusting
S&P 500 don’t, while more than
90% allow recouping both cash
your country’s energy security to? Find out more about
and stock-based pay, according why Canada is the solution.
to ISS Corporate Solutions.
Among those reporting no
clawback policy: Alphabet Inc.,
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and
Wynn Resorts Ltd. Alphabet and
Wynn Resorts declined to com-
ment. Berkshire didn’t respond
to a request for comment.

Number of companies
disclosing changes to financial
Little ‘R’
500 revisions
Big ‘R’ re-




This material is distributed by DDB Canada on behalf of the Canadian Energy Centre. Additional information is on file with the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21
Note: 2021 data exclude restatements by
special purpose acquisition companies
Source: Audit Analytics
B4 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Covid Spurs Foxconn Output Shift Musk

Circle of Foxconn’s Zhengzhou site

TOKYO—Foxconn Technol-
ogy Group is planning to shift
consists of several plants as
well as dorms and amenities
such as canteens. The company
some production from its has said it employs as many as
Covid-struck iPhone factory in 300,000 workers there. Continued from page B1
central China to other sites in Meanwhile, Foxconn’s Shen- platform before the deal’s com-
the country, people familiar zhen campus also produces pletion, said Ross Gerber, chief
with the matter said, as many some iPhones. Besides assem- executive of Gerber Kawasaki
workers frightened by the out- bling products, the site serves a Wealth & Investment Manage-
break have left the factory. key role for Foxconn in prepar- ment, a Santa Monica, Calif.,
Foxconn has been strug- ing for mass production of investment firm that put up un-
gling to contain a Covid-19 some new products. Shenzhen der $1 million as an outside in-
outbreak in its Zhengzhou fa- is where the contract assembler vestor in Mr. Musk’s $44 billion
cility, the world’s biggest as- often first translates a brand’s takeover.
sembly site for Apple Inc. blueprints and prototypes into The plan includes changing

smartphones. There, hundreds a detailed manufacturing plan, the platform by expanding user
of thousands of workers have according to the people. verification and improving the
been largely shut off from the Since the pandemic started subscription offerings to be-
outside world for more than in early 2020, Beijing has re- come less reliant on advertis-
two weeks after the company peatedly said the virus is too ers, he said. It would also add
announced the introduction of potent to allow any easing of ways for content creators to
closed-loop operations, which its zero-Covid policy. Still, make money on the platform,
means that workers are al- Some production by Apple’s biggest supplier will be moved within China to a plant in Shenzhen. businesses such as Foxconn so that they could earn a living
lowed to move only between must convince their employees on it like many creators do on
their dorms or homes and the will shift some of its Zheng- control policies—which include lowing a two-month lockdown that there is little risk coming TikTok and YouTube, he said.
production lines. zhou iPhone production capac- swift and sweeping lockdowns, in Shanghai that disrupted Ap- to work when there are signs Mr. Musk has moved quickly
Some workers have refused ity to Shenzhen, they said. mass testing, compulsory quar- ple’s supply chain. of an outbreak. to put his imprint on the com-
to go back to work for the fear About 10% of the global antines and, in certain cases, In recent days, Apple has Foxconn, formally known as pany as a nonconformist, sur-
of catching Covid, while others iPhone production capacity is business closures. told its suppliers to more ac- Hon Hai Precision Industry rounding himself with a group
have left the site, The Wall likely to be affected with the On Monday, Shanghai Disney tively plan on increasing pro- Co., is seeking to allay employ- of trusted advisers and techni-
Street Journal has reported. In disruption, according to ana- Resort, including the theme duction outside China, the ees’ fears. On its account on cal talent.
recent days, videos geotagged lysts, including Ming-Chi Kuo, park and shopping areas, were people said. social media WeChat, Foxconn Among them is Jason Cala-
near the Foxconn site went vi- who follows Apple’s supply closed again under city Covid Apple’s supply chain plays a posted an audio clip of a re- canis, a longtime tech entrepre-
ral on China’s social-media chain at TF International Se- restrictions, the resort said. major role in China’s manufac- covered Covid patient, who neur and investor who encour-
platforms, recording groups of curities. Last week, Apple’s Earlier this year, Shanghai Dis- turing industry, providing mil- likened the symptoms to aged Mr. Musk’s initial bid to
people walking on highways or chief financial officer said that neyland, which is part of the re- lions of jobs directly and indi- catching a cold. buy Twitter in April. Mr. Cala-
through farm fields carrying supply is constrained for the sort, was shut for months under rectly. Foxconn—Apple’s “I had called my family and canis took to Twitter in recent
their luggage. new iPhone 14 Pro models the earlier blanket lockdown of biggest supplier—shipped I had also cried,” the person days to solicit and share ideas.
Still, Apple and Foxconn ex- amid strong demand. the city. Universal Beijing Re- about $32 billion of products said in the clip, posted on Sun- On Sunday night, he asked us-
ecutives expect that impact A Foxconn spokesman re- sort closed for cleaning last overseas from Zhengzhou in day. “But I didn’t even cough.” ers in a Twitter poll how much
from the disruption at Zheng- ferred to a statement issued week after at least one positive 2019, making its branch in the The post also links to a gov- they would pay to be verified
zhou on overall iPhone ship- Sunday, in which it said the case was traced to the park. city the country’s largest ex- ernment website page from by Twitter and have the blue
ments would be limited in the company is providing transpor- Foxconn’s situation also porter, according to the Statis- last week that interviewed a check on their account that
short term, partly because tation services for workers who highlights the potential risks tics Association for Foreign local epidemiologist, who ex- goes along with that. Options in
Foxconn’s sites in the southern want to leave. Apple didn’t re- of Apple’s heavy dependence Economic Relations and Trade plained that the current infec- his poll ranged from wouldn’t
Chinese city of Shenzhen are ply to a request for comment. on China for manufacturing. of China, a government-backed tion in the Zhengzhou area was pay to $15 a month.
already equipped to produce The disruption at Foxconn is Apple told some of its contract think tank. Altogether, the of Omicron BA5.2, a variant Some engineers from Tesla
some of the latest iPhone among the latest examples of manufacturers earlier this Foxconn group accounted for with mostly light symptoms. Inc., where Mr. Musk is chief
models, the people familiar the economic and societal toll year that it wants to boost 3.9% of China’s exports in —Wenxin Fan executive, met with Twitter
with the matter said. Foxconn from China’s rigid pandemic production outside China fol- 2021, the company has said. contributed to this article. staff after the takeover to re-
view the platform, two people

Fertitta UAW Seeks an Election to Unionize

Less than a week after tak-
ing the reins at Twitter, Mr.
Musk has fired several top ex-

Holds 6% Battery Plant Partly Owned by GM

ecutives, including the CEO,
and posted tweets about poten-
tial changes, including revamp-

Stake in BY MIKE COLIAS in an expected influx of U.S. battery supplies, but are tak- represented employees work-
ing the verification process, al-
lowing longer posts and giving
users more options to choose

Wynn The United Auto Workers is

seeking federal permission to
battery plants planned by GM,
Ford Motor Co., Jeep maker
Stellantis NV and other auto
ing more control of their sup-
ply chains to stay ahead of a
potential battery shortage and
ing at its U.S. factories. Com-
pany executives have said they
support workers’ right to
what kind of content they see
on the platform. On Sunday, Mr.
Musk also posted a poll, asking

Resorts hold an election at a new bat-

tery plant in Ohio co-owned by
General Motors Co., claiming
makers as the industry races
to develop electric cars.
UAW officials have empha-
to refine the technology.
The battery-cell factories
could help offset potential job
unionize at the battery plant,
but have said the matter is a
question for the Ultium Cells
whether he should bring back
Vine, the short-video app it
bought and then quickly shut
BY WILL FEUER the factory’s owner has re- sized the importance of orga- losses at traditional car facto- joint venture. Ultium is the down in 2016.
sisted workers’ efforts to nizing the new factories as ries as the transition to EVs name of a new battery system When one person responded
Casino-and-hospitality mo- unionize. they come online over the next unfolds. Still, the jobs gener- that will power dozens of new asking about competition with
gul Tilman Fertitta disclosed a The UAW said Monday that few years. Union officials view ally are lower paying than GM electric models. TikTok, which has soared to
6% stake in Wynn Resorts a majority of the facility’s 900 it as a chance to expand mem- those offered by the Detroit GM has other battery-cell popularity since Vine’s demise
Ltd., making him the second- workers have signed cards re- bership and to help protect auto makers. factories in the works in Ten- with its own short-video for-
largest individual shareholder questing that the union repre- against job losses in the lon- The average wages at Ul- nessee and Michigan, and has mat, Mr. Musk asked: “What
in the Las Vegas-based casino sent them at the factory, which ger-term transition to EVs. tium’s Ohio plant are in the $15- said there are plans for a could we do to make it better
operator as the gambling in- is owned by Ultium Cells LLC, Electric cars require fewer fourth U.S. site. Ford has said than TikTok?”
dustry continues to recover a 50-50 joint venture between parts and less labor to assem- it plans to open three battery- Mr. Musk also disbanded

from the pandemic. GM and South Korean battery ble, and the industry’s move to cell factories—two in Kentucky Twitter’s board and made him-
The position, disclosed supplier LG Energy Solution. produce more EVs is likely to and one in Tennessee—and self sole director, according to a
Monday in a filing with the The northeast Ohio facility lead to the loss of factory jobs, likely will develop more. regulatory filing Monday, as
Securities and Exchange Com- opened in late August. analysts and studies have said. For the UAW, organizing the outlined in the merger agree-
mission, adds to the billion- The union says the com- Historically, a new factory Annual company profit wiped battery plants is a key strate- ment. He said in a tweet Mon-
aire’s myriad holdings across pany has been unwilling to opened by one of the tradi- out by 2019 strike gic step after years of failed day afternoon that the move
entertainment and leisure. He recognize the so-called card- tional three Detroit auto mak- attempts to unionize factories was temporary.
also owns the National Basket- check process, a tactic used by ers has had UAW representa- owned by foreign car compa- Mr. Musk has tapped allies
ball Association’s Houston organizers that is typically tion from the start, because of nies, including Nissan Motor to assist in the early days of
Rockets, Golden Nugget Hotel faster than holding a formal collective bargaining agree- to $22-an-hour range, the com- Co. and Volkswagen AG. The the transition. They include at-
& Casinos and restaurant election. The UAW said it has ments that cover hourly work- pany spokeswoman said. UAW- effort also follows a yearslong torney Alex Spiro, who has rep-
chains such as Del Frisco’s and filed a petition with the Na- ers in their U.S. manufacturing represented workers at GM, corruption investigation that resented Mr. Musk for
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. tional Labor Relations Board operations. Because the Ohio Ford and Stellantis factories sent two former UAW presi- years, including in his legal
Mr. Fertitta’s roughly 6.9 on behalf of workers to hold plant is a joint venture with can make around $30 per hour. dents to prison along with sev- fight over his efforts to aban-
million shares of Wynn Re- an election at the Ohio plant. LG Energy and a separate legal In a statement, UAW Presi- eral union leaders. don his agreement to buy Twit-
sorts give him a $403.3 mil- Ultium Cells in a statement entity, it is up to the workers dent Ray Curry said Ultium GM was among the first ma- ter. Some of the people Mr.
lion position in the company, said it respects workers’ free- there to decide if they want to Cells earlier had expressed a jor auto makers to declare a Musk is bringing in aren’t new
based on Friday’s market close dom to choose union represen- be in a union, the companies willingness to recognize a sharp turn toward electric cars. to Twitter. Sriram Krishnan, an
of $58.30 a share. That would tation and the UAW’s efforts have said. card-check process for the for- The effort was an underlying investor and former Twitter
make Mr. Fertitta the second- to organize the plant: “Ultium Auto makers have outlined mation of a union, and ac- factor in the UAW’s 40-day product leader, tweeted Sunday
largest individual shareholder Cells will comply with the Na- plans for more than a dozen cused the company of delaying strike at GM factories in 2019 that he was helping Mr. Musk
of Wynn Resorts, according to tional Labor Relations Act, battery-cell factories in North workers’ organizing efforts. that wiped out about $3.5 bil- with Twitter “temporarily with
FactSet, behind only Elaine which protects our employees’ America, mostly joint ventures “Whether it is by card lion in annual company profit. some other great people.” Mr.
Wynn, who co-founded the right to freely decide union- with battery suppliers, such as check or union election, these UAW leaders saw some fac- Krishnan tweeted that he was
company with her former hus- ization through a voluntary LG Energy and Panasonic workers will be members of tory closures that year as a sign “still very much in my day job”
band, Steve Wynn. election.” Holdings Corp. Car companies the UAW,” he said. that GM was cutting costs to as a general partner at An-
Representatives for Wynn The Ohio factory is the first traditionally outsourced their GM has about 45,000 UAW- help pay for its EV investments. dreessen Horowitz.
Resorts didn’t return a request
for comment. Representatives
of Mr. Fertitta’s Fertitta Enter-
tainment Inc. also didn’t re-
turn a request for comment.
Shares of Wynn, down more
TuSimple Fires CEO Amid Board, Federal Probes
than 27% so far this year, BY HEATHER SOMERVILLE shared confidential informa- Investment in the U.S., known technology to an overseas ad-
closed up 9.6% in Monday AND KATE O’KEEFFE tion with Hydron Inc., a truck- as Cfius, into whether the com- versary.
trading to $63.90. Including ing startup with operations pany improperly financed and Mr. Chen didn’t respond to
Monday’s stock move values TuSimple Holdings Inc., a mostly in China and funded by transferred technology to Hy- a request for comment.
Mr. Fertitta’s stake at about self-driving trucking company, Chinese investors. The filing dron, according to people with The Journal also has re-

$442 million. said Monday it had fired its also said that TuSimple’s deci- knowledge of the matter. ported that the board in July
The disclosure comes as in- chief executive and co-founder, sion to share the confidential TuSimple’s stock plunged began investigating similar is-
vestors await the latest round Xiaodi Hou. information with Hydron more than 45% in Monday sues, including whether
of quarterly earnings reports The San Diego-based com- hadn’t been disclosed to the trading. Shares in the company TuSimple incubated Hydron in
from casino operators, which pany said in a news release board before TuSimple entered are down more than 90% for China without informing regu-
have so far said that demand and securities filing that its into a business deal with Hy- the year. lators, the TuSimple board or
remains strong despite surg- board of directors on Sunday dron. Investigators at the FBI and its shareholders. A June busi-
ing inflation. Over the sum- had ousted Mr. Hou, who was TuSimple said it didn’t SEC are looking at whether Mr. ness presentation from Hydron
mer, executives said, the re- also the board chairman and know whether Hydron shared Hou breached fiduciary duties viewed by the Journal named
covery of international travel chief technology officer. or publicly disclosed the confi- and securities laws by failing TuSimple as Hydron’s first cus-
and pent-up demand for in- Mr. Hou was fired in con- dential information. to properly disclose TuSimple’s tomer, and said TuSimple
person entertainment contin- nection with a continuing in- In a statement posted on relationship with Hydron, the would purchase from Hydron
ued to lift results for Las Ve- vestigation by members of the LinkedIn, Mr. Hou asserted his China-backed startup founded several hundred hydrogen-
gas casinos. MGM Resorts board, the release said. innocence and said his firing Xiaodi Hou speaks at an event in 2021 by TuSimple co- powered trucks equipped with
International and Caesars En- “Fundamentally, we lost was “without cause.” in San Francisco in October. founder Mo Chen that says it is self-driving technology. A
tertainment Inc. are slated to trust and confidence in Dr. “Unfortunately, the Board’s developing autonomous hydro- TuSimple spokesman said the
provide their latest quarterly Hou’s judgment, decision-mak- processes and conclusions have announced the day after The gen-powered trucks, the Jour- company has considered an
updates this week. ing, and ability to lead the been questionable at best,” Mr. Wall Street Journal reported nal reported. Federal investiga- agreement to buy freight
Wynn Resorts, which relies company as CEO,” TuSimple’s Hou wrote. “As the facts come that TuSimple and its leader- tors are also probing whether trucks from Hydron but isn’t a
more on its operations in the independent board of directors to light, I am confident that my ship, principally Mr. Hou, faced TuSimple shared with Hydron Hydron customer.
gambling enclave of Macau, said in a statement. decisions as CEO and Chairman, investigations by the Federal intellectual property developed Mr. Hou said in his state-
has suffered this year from the The securities filing said and our vision for TuSimple, Bureau of Investigation, Secu- in the U.S. and whether that ment that he fully cooperated
Chinese government’s strict that the board’s investigation will be vindicated.” rities and Exchange Commis- action defrauded TuSimple in- with the board and that “I
Covid-containment policies. found that TuSimple this year Mr. Hou’s termination was sion and Committee on Foreign vestors by sending valuable have nothing to hide.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | B5
B6 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Biggest 1,000 Stocks | Stock

Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg
AristaNetworks ANET 120.86 -0.61 BlackKnight BKI 60.47 0.20 Carlisle CSL 238.80 -0.61 s SABESP SBS 11.56 0.42 DominionEner D 69.97 0.56 FMC FMC 118.90 0.94 HuntingIngalls HII 257.07 -0.29
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: ArrowElec ARW 101.26 -1.05 BlackRock BLK 645.91-17.84 Carlyle CG 28.28 -0.50 ConagraBrands CAG 36.70 0.06 Domino's DPZ 332.24 -2.56 FactSet FDS 425.49 -4.91 HyattHotels H 94.21 1.47
The following explanations apply to NYSE, s-New 52-week high. AspenTech AZPN 241.45 0.88 Blackstone BX 91.14 -2.04 CarMax KMX 63.01 -0.78 Confluent CFLT 26.88 0.05 Donaldson DCI 57.45 0.10 FairIsaac FICO 478.84 -6.27 ICICI Bank IBN 22.04 -0.30
NYSE Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock t-New 52-week low. Assurant AIZ 135.86 1.17 BlockHR HRB 41.15 -0.50 Carnival CCL 9.06 0.12 s ConocoPhillips COP 126.09 -1.08 DoorDash DASH 43.53 -3.53 Fastenal FAST 48.33 -0.36 ICL Group ICL 9.02 0.07
Market listed securities. Prices are composite dd-Indicates loss in the most recent AstraZeneca AZN 58.81 0.10 Block SQ 60.07 -1.22 Carnival CUK 8.06 0.11 ConEd ED 87.96 -0.49 Dover DOV 130.69 -1.20 FederalRealty FRT 98.98 0.11 IdexxLab IDXX 359.68 -4.60
quotations that include primary market trades four quarters. Atlassian TEAM 202.73 1.91 BlueOwlCapital OWL 10.02 -0.10 CarrierGlobal CARR 39.76 -0.19 ConstBrands A STZ 247.08 -0.01 Dow DOW 46.74 -0.74 FedEx FDX 160.28 -0.09 ING Groep ING 9.82 -0.08
as well as trades reported by Nasdaq BX FD-First day of trading. AtmosEnergy ATO 106.55 -0.56 Boeing BA 142.51 -1.33 s CaseysGenStores CASY 232.71 1.74 s ConstellationEner CEG 94.54 0.79 DrReddy'sLab RDY 54.31 -0.96 Ferguson FERG 109.26 -1.90 Invesco IVZ 15.32 -0.09
(formerly Boston), Chicago Stock Exchange, h-Does not meet continued listing Autodesk ADSK 214.30 -2.09 BookingHldgs BKNG 1869.48 -2.24 t Catalent CTLT 65.73 -0.45 ContinentalRscs CLR 73.97 ... DraftKings DKNG 15.80 0.68 Ferrari RACE 196.77 -1.88 IQVIA IQV 209.67 1.51
Cboe, NYSE National and Nasdaq ISE. standards DBX 21.75 -0.27 FidNatlFin FNF 39.38 -0.44 ITT
Autoliv ALV 80.35 -0.09 BoozAllen BAH 108.85 0.17 Caterpillar CAT 216.46 -2.88 Cooper COO 273.39 -2.03 Dropbox ITT 76.39 -0.58
The list comprises the 1,000 largest lf-Late filing
ADP ADP 241.70 -0.94 BorgWarner BWA 37.53 -0.31 Celanese CE 96.12 0.02 Copart CPRT 115.02 -1.34 DukeEnergy DUK 93.18 -0.82 FidNatlInfo FIS 82.99 -1.91 IcahnEnterprises IEP 54.54 -0.04
companies based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq
requirements. s AutoZone AZO 2532.88-10.62 BostonProps BXP 72.70 -0.10 CelsiusHldg CELH 91.08 -0.64 s CorebridgeFin CRBG 22.67 -0.34 DuPont DD 57.20 -0.36 FifthThirdBncp FITB 35.69 -0.29 Icon ICLR 197.84 -1.41
Underlined quotations are those stocks with Avalonbay AVB 175.12 -0.48 BostonSci BSX 43.11 -0.05 CenovusEnergy CVE 20.20 0.22 Corning GLW 32.17 -0.32 Dynatrace DT 35.24 -0.30 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 822.12 14.45 IDEX IEX 222.31 -0.61
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy
v-Trading halted on primary market. Avangrid AGR 40.68 -0.23 BristolMyers BMY 77.47 0.64 Centene CNC 85.13 -0.67 Corteva CTVA 65.34 -0.68 EMCOR EME 141.10 1.07 s FirstHorizon FHN 24.51 0.13 IllinoisToolWks ITW 213.53 -0.52
issue’s average trading volume. Avantor AVTR 20.17 0.95 BritishAmTob BTI 39.62 -0.19 CenterPointEner CNP 28.61 -0.20 CoStar CSGP 82.72 -0.16 ENI E 26.34 0.08 FirstIndRlty FR 47.63 -0.13 Illumina ILMN 228.82 -4.18
vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues being reorganized under the AveryDennison AVY 169.55 -2.08 BrixmorProp BRX 21.31 0.14 CentraisElBras EBR 9.57 0.52 Costco COST 501.50 -9.37 EOG Rscs EOG 136.52 2.83 FirstRepBank FRC 120.10 -0.19 ImperialOil IMO 54.48 0.42
whose price changed by 5% or more if their Bankruptcy Code, or securities AvisBudget CAR 236.46 -6.88 Broadcom AVGO 470.12 -2.78 CeridianHCM CDAY 66.19 0.24 CoterraEnergy CTRA 31.13 1.03 EPAM Systems EPAM 350.00 0.81 s FirstSolar FSLR 145.57 12.90 Incyte INCY 74.34 -0.26
previous closing price was $2 or higher. assumed by such companies. AxonEnterprise AXON 145.44 3.37 BroadridgeFinl BR 150.06 1.16 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 212.25 -2.22 Coupang CPNG 17.27 0.27 EQT EQT 41.84 3.16 FirstEnergy FE 37.71 -0.37 Infosys INFY 18.73 -0.06
BCE BCE 45.10 -0.37 BrookfieldMgt BAM 39.61 -0.58 s ChartIndustries GTLS222.88 10.22 Credicorp BAP 146.36 2.42 EastWestBncp EWBC 71.57 0.33 Fiserv FISV 102.74 0.14 IngersollRand IR 50.50 0.05
BHP Group BHP 47.82 0.29 BrookfieldInfr BIP 36.38 -0.13 CharterComms CHTR 367.62 -0.62 CreditSuisse CS 4.12 0.19 EastGroup EGP 156.69 0.61 FiveBelow FIVE 146.35 -2.98 Insulet PODD 258.81 3.26
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. BJ'sWholesale BJ 77.40 -0.41 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 31.03 0.12 CheckPoint CHKP 129.23 1.40 CrowdStrike CRWD 161.20 -2.45 EastmanChem EMN 76.81 0.62 FleetCorTech FLT 186.12 -3.02 Intel INTC 28.43 -0.64
BOK Fin BOKF 110.19 1.32 Brown&Brown BRO 58.79 0.15 Chemed CHE 466.87 4.94 CrownCastle CCI 133.26 0.76 Eaton ETN 150.07 -0.21 Flex FLEX 19.58 -0.14 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 80.15 0.03
BP BP 33.28 0.13 Brown-Forman A BF.A 68.77 -0.26 s CheniereEnergy LNG 176.41 1.93 CrownHoldings CCK 68.59 0.48 eBay EBAY 39.84 -0.48 Floor&Decor FND 73.37 -1.40 ICE ICE 95.57 -1.11
Monday, October 31, 2022 Net Net Ecolab ECL 157.07 -0.70
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
Baidu BIDU 76.57 -1.97 Brown-Forman B BF.B 68.00 -0.17 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 60.13 0.59 CubeSmart CUBE 41.87 ... FomentoEconMex FMX 71.62 1.01 InterContinentl IHG 54.84 -0.59
Net BakerHughes BKR 27.66 0.42 Bruker BRKR 61.84 0.51 s Cullen/Frost CFR 155.05 -0.16 Ecopetrol EC 9.86 -0.01 FordMotor F 13.37 0.11 IBM IBM 138.29 -0.22
ChesapeakeEner CHK 102.27 4.41
Stock Sym Close Chg AirProducts APD 250.40 -4.04 AmericanFin AFG 145.11 1.35 Ball BALL 49.39 -0.21 BuildersFirst BLDR 61.66 -0.28 CMI 244.51 -0.27 EdisonInt EIX 60.04 -0.19 Fortinet FTNT 57.16 0.06 IntlFlavors IFF 97.61 0.80
s Chevron CVX 180.90 0.92 Cummins
Airbnb ABNB 106.91 -8.30 AmHomes4Rent AMH 31.94 -0.04 BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 5.15 -0.08 Bunge BG 98.70 1.94 ChewyA CHWY 38.73 -0.68 Curtiss-Wright CW 167.83 -1.31 EdwardsLife EW 72.43 1.56 Fortis FTS 39.00 0.06 IntlPaper IP 33.61 -0.21
A B C AkamaiTech AKAM 88.33 -0.88 AIG AIG 57.00 0.20 BancoBradesco BBDO 3.19 0.15 BurlingtonStrs BURL 142.96 3.64 ChinaEastrnAir CEA 16.50 -0.77 CyberArkSoftware CYBR 156.91 -0.06 ElancoAnimal ELAN 13.19 -0.33 Fortive FTV 63.90 -0.31 Interpublic IPG 29.79 -0.45
Albemarle ALB 279.87 -0.29 AmerTowerREIT AMT 207.19 2.48 BancodeChile BCH 17.99 -0.13 CACI Intl CACI 304.03 0.91 ElbitSystems ESLT 202.74 -0.05 FortBrandsHome FBHS 60.32 -1.05 Intuit INTU 427.50 -4.29
ABB ABB 27.84 -0.18 ChinaSoAirlines ZNH 26.27 -1.70
ADT ADT 8.46 -0.24 Albertsons ACI 20.51 0.13 AmerWaterWorks AWK 145.34 -0.60 BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.70 0.36 CBRE Group CBRE 70.94 0.19 Chipotle CMG 1498.33 -6.67 D E F ElectronicArts EA 125.96 -2.28 FoxA FOXA 28.87 0.03 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 246.47 2.31
Alcoa AA 39.03 -0.36 AmericoldRealty COLD 24.25 0.01 BcoSantChile BSAC 14.43 0.13 CDW CDW 172.81 -0.07 s ElevanceHealth ELV 546.77 3.12 FoxB FOX 27.20 -0.01 InvitatHomes INVH 31.69 -0.32
AECOM ACM 75.28 -0.32 ChoiceHotels CHH 129.84 0.65 s DCP Midstream DCP 39.75 0.25
Alcon ALC 60.68 -0.77 Ameriprise AMP 309.12 -3.05 BancoSantander SAN 2.61 -0.01 CF Industries CF 106.26 0.58 EmersonElec EMR 86.60 -0.80 Franco-Nevada FNV 123.58 -1.18 IonisPharma IONS 44.20 -0.41
AES AES 26.16 -0.14 Chubb CB 214.89 0.39 DISH Network DISH 14.91 -0.49
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 145.30 -0.42 AmerisourceBrgn ABC 157.22 -2.09 BanColombia CIB 25.37 -0.05 CGI GIB 80.47 -1.77 Enbridge ENB 38.95 -0.10 FranklinRscs BEN 23.45 -0.27 s IridiumComm IRDM 51.53 0.91
Aflac AFL 65.11 0.32 ChunghwaTel CHT 34.41 0.36 DTE Energy DTE 112.11 -1.53
Alibaba BABA 63.58 -0.16 Ametek AME129.66 0.38 BankofAmerica BAC 36.04 -0.14 CH Robinson CHRW 97.72 -0.08 Endeavor EDR 21.84 -0.46 FreeportMcM FCX 31.69 -0.51 IronMountain IRM 50.07 -0.03
AGCO AGCO 124.17 0.34 Church&Dwight CHD 74.13 -2.24 DXC Tech DXC 28.75 -1.14 s EnergyTransfer ET 12.77
AlignTech ALGN194.30 5.68 Amgen AMGN 270.35 -3.46 BankofMontreal BMO 92.08 -0.80 CME Group CME 173.30 -1.45 0.24 FreseniusMed FMS 13.87 0.69 ItauUnibanco ITUB 5.82 0.30
Ansys ANSS 221.16 0.27 ChurchillDowns CHDN 207.91 4.56 Danaher DHR 251.67 -0.13
Allegion ALLE 104.77 -1.42 Amphenol APH 75.83 -0.60 BankNY Mellon BK 42.11 -0.21 CMS Energy CMS 57.05 -0.87 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 307.00 1.75
APA APA 45.46 0.02 Ciena CIEN 47.90 -0.35 DRI 143.14 0.65
ASETech ASX 5.09 -0.22 AlliantEnergy LNT 52.17 -0.20 AnalogDevices ADI 142.62 -2.26 BkNovaScotia BNS 48.32 -0.32 CNA Fin CNA 41.70 -0.44 Cigna CI 323.06 -1.70
DarlingIngred DAR 78.48 0.54
Entegris ENTG 79.34 -1.55 G H I J K L
Allstate ALL 126.25 -0.14 AB InBev BUD 50.10 -0.24 Barclays BCS 6.92 ... CNH Indl CNHI 12.94 0.01 Entergy ETR 107.14 -0.59
ASML ASML 472.42-16.76 CincinnatiFin CINF103.32 0.83 Datadog DDOG 80.51 -0.62 GFLEnvironmental GFL 26.99 0.36 JD 37.29 -0.57
AllyFinancial ALLY 27.56 -0.43 AnnalyCap NLY 18.55 0.10 BarrickGold GOLD 15.03 -0.28 CRH CRH 36.21 -0.40 EnterpriseProd EPD 25.25 0.41
AT&T T 18.23 -0.25 Cintas CTAS 427.55 -0.09 t DaVita DVA 73.01 2.47 GSK GSK 33.17 -0.10 JPMorganChase JPM 125.88 -0.20
AlnylamPharm ALNY 207.26 2.75 AnteroResources AR 36.66 1.46 Bath&BodyWks BBWI 33.38 -0.21 CSX CSX 29.06 -0.16 Equifax EFX 169.54 -1.35
AbbottLabs ABT 98.94 -0.55 CiscoSystems CSCO 45.43 -0.21 DeckersOutdoor DECK 349.93 4.58 Gallagher AJG 187.08 -1.50 Jabil JBL 64.25 -1.10
Alphabet C GOOG 94.66 -1.92 Aon AON 281.49 -7.15 BaxterIntl BAX 54.35 -0.65 CVS Health CVS 94.70 0.51 Equinix EQIX 566.44 -1.61
AbbVie ABBV 146.40 -1.21 Citigroup C 45.86 -0.27 Deere DE 395.82 -1.03 GameStop GME 28.31 0.14 JackHenry JKHY 199.06 -2.67
Alphabet A GOOGL 94.51 -1.78 ApellisPharm APLS 60.49 -0.11 BectonDicknsn BDX 235.97 0.71 CadenceDesign CDNS 151.39 -0.09 Equinor EQNR 36.28 -0.53
Abiomed ABMD252.08 -5.98 CitizensFin CFG 40.90 -0.08 DellTechC DELL 38.40 -0.76 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 50.12 0.17 JacobsSolns J 115.22 -1.81
Altria MO 46.27 -0.04 ApolloGlbMgmt APO 55.36 -0.27 BeiGene BGNE 168.89 2.77 CaesarsEnt CZR 43.73 -0.37 Equitable EQH 30.62 -0.33
AcadiaHealthcare ACHC 81.30 -1.75 Clarivate CLVT 10.33 -0.09 DeltaAir DAL 33.93 -0.74 Garmin GRMN 88.04 -0.45 JamesHardie JHX 22.04 0.06 AMZN 102.44 -0.97 Apple AAPL 153.34 -2.40 BentleySystems BSY 35.28 -0.14 CamdenProperty CPT 115.55 0.57 EquityLife ELS 63.96 0.91
Accenture ACN 283.90 -3.88 CleanHarbors CLH 122.46 -0.42 DentsplySirona XRAY 30.82 -0.04 Gartner IT 301.92 -0.09 JazzPharm JAZZ 143.79 -0.13
Ambev ABEV 3.04 0.11 ApplMaterials AMAT 88.29 -1.43 s Berkley WRB 74.38 1.11 Cameco CCJ 23.72 -0.52 EquityResdntl EQR 63.02 -0.11
ActivisionBliz ATVI 72.80 -0.05 ClearwayEnergyC CWEN 34.74 -0.23 DeutscheBank DB 9.58 -0.22 s ErieIndemnity A ERIE 257.01 Generac GNRC 115.91 -0.79 JefferiesFin JEF 34.41 0.08
Amcor AMCR 11.58 -0.17 Applovin APP 16.96 -0.43 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 295.09 -4.54 s CampbellSoup CPB 52.91 0.18 7.70
Adobe ADBE 318.50 -7.18 ClearwayEnergyA CWEN.A 32.33 -0.13 DevonEnergy DVN 77.35 1.34 GeneralDynamics GD 249.80 -0.92 J&J JNJ 173.97 -0.90
Amdocs DOX 86.31 -0.14 Aptargroup ATR 99.15 -1.98 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 445050-6850.00 CIBC CM 45.41 0.12 EssentialUtil WTRG 44.22 0.04
AdvanceAuto AAP 189.92 -0.75 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 12.99 -0.46 DexCom DXCM 120.78 -0.09 GeneralElec GE 77.81 -0.52 JohnsonControls JCI 57.84 -0.86
Amerco UHAL 575.19 -9.06 Aptiv APTV 91.07 0.53 BestBuy BBY 68.41 0.06 CanNtlRlwy CNI 118.44 -0.65 EssexProp ESS 222.24 ...
AdvDrainageSys WMS 115.88 -2.88 Clorox CLX 146.04 -2.10 Diageo DEO 166.97 -1.04 s GeneralMills GIS 81.58 0.01 JonesLang JLL 159.09 -3.33
Ameren AEE 81.52 -0.81 Aramark ARMK 36.50 -0.22 BILL 133.36 -0.62 CanNaturalRes CNQ 59.94 0.10 EsteeLauder EL 200.49 -5.95
AdvMicroDevices AMD 60.06 -1.95 Cloudflare NET 56.32 0.97 DiamondbkEner FANG 157.11 3.29 GeneralMotors GM 39.25 0.40 JuniperNetworks JNPR 30.60 -0.23
AmericaMovil A AMOV 18.49 0.19 ArcelorMittal MT 22.45 -0.01 Bio-Techne TECH 296.26 0.76 CanPacRlwy CP 74.49 0.57 Etsy ETSY 93.91 -4.00
Aegon AEG 4.61 0.01 Coca-Cola KO 59.85 -0.91 Dick's DKS 113.76 -2.47 s EverestRe RE 322.66 1.02 Genmab GMAB 38.51 -0.58 KB Financial KB 33.54 -0.48
AerCap AER 53.41 0.32 AmericaMovil AMX 18.81 0.30 s ArchCapital ACGL 57.50 0.82 t Bio-RadLab A BIO 351.71 -2.59 Canon CAJ 21.21 -0.05 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 47.05 -0.17 DigitalRealty DLR 100.25 -1.14 Evergy EVRG 61.13 -0.83 Genpact G 48.50 -0.02 KBR KBR 49.77 0.78
AgilentTechs A 138.35 -0.42 AmerAirlines AAL 14.18 0.18 ArcherDaniels ADM 96.98 2.10 Biogen BIIB 283.44 -0.85 CapitalOne COF 106.02 -1.08 Cognex CGNX 46.23 -0.88 s GenuineParts GPC 177.86 -1.00
DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 104.46 -1.18 EversourceEner ES 76.28 -0.49 KE Holdings BEKE 10.18 -0.12
agilon health AGL 19.85 -0.27 AEP AEP 87.92 -1.48 AresMgmt ARES 75.83 -1.06 BioMarinPharm BMRN 86.63 -0.14 Capri CPRI 45.68 -0.45 CognizantTech CTSH 62.25 -0.77 Disney DIS 106.54 0.59 Exelon EXC 38.59 -0.17 Gerdau GGB 4.98 0.16 KKR KKR 48.63 -0.75
AgnicoEagle AEM 43.96 -1.21 AmerExpress AXP 148.45 -1.99 arGEN-X ARGX 387.93 -1.06 BioNTech BNTX 137.64 -0.01 CardinalHealth CAH 75.90 -1.24
CoinbaseGlbl COIN 66.25 -5.82 dLocal DLO 22.30 0.33 Expedia EXPE 93.47 -3.28 GileadSciences GILD 78.46 -0.81 KLA KLAC 316.45 -5.05
ColgatePalm CL 73.84 -0.80 DocuSign DOCU 48.30 -0.43 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 97.85 -0.03 GitLab GTLB 48.46 -0.59 KarunaTherap KRTX 219.34 -5.73
Comcast A CMCSA 31.74 -0.21 DolbyLab DLB 66.84 -0.13 ExtraSpaceSt EXR 177.44 -1.27 GlobalPayments GPN 114.26-11.05 s Kellogg K 76.82 0.03
Comerica CMA 70.50 -0.57 DollarGeneral DG 255.05 -5.39 s ExxonMobil XOM 110.81 0.11 GlobalFoundries GFS 56.70 -0.55 KeurigDrPepper KDP 38.84 -0.71
Cash Prices | Monday, October 31, 2022 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 70.84 0.08 DollarTree DLTR 158.50 -0.05 F5 FFIV 142.91 -2.35 Globant
GLOB 188.68 -0.41
GL 115.52 1.81
KeyCorp KEY 17.87
KeysightTechs KEYS 174.15
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace— GlobusMedical GMED 67.00 -0.21 KilroyRealty KRC 42.74 -0.19
GoDaddy GDDY 80.40 -0.73 KimberlyClark KMB 124.46 0.18
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
months. Dividend Changes GoldFields GFI 7.88 -0.29
GoldmanSachs GS 344.51 2.69
KimcoRealty KIM 21.38
KinderMorgan KMI 18.12
Grab GRAB 2.60 0.06 s KinsaleCapital KNSL 315.17 1.77
Monday Monday Monday
Amount Payable / Graco GGG 69.58 0.17 Knight-Swift KNX 48.03 0.34
Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s 79.5 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 11.8125 Grainger GWW 584.35 8.47 KoninklijkePhil PHG 12.65 0.01
Energy Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 7.9725
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
GraphicPkg GPK 22.96 -0.07 KoreaElcPwr KEP 5.87 -0.25
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 182.100 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s 740 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 10.4375 Increased GpoAeroportuar PAC 155.06 3.67 KraftHeinz KHC 38.47 -0.47
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 17.150 Battery/EV metals Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 9.1500 s GpoAeroportSur ASR 233.42 7.13 Kroger KR 47.29 0.52
Alliance Resource Ptrs ARLP 8.2 .50 /.40 Q Nov14 /Nov07
HCA Healthcare HCA 217.47 -6.19 LKQ LKQ 55.64 0.20
Metals BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 75125 Food Astec Industries ASTE 1.2 .13 /.12 Q Dec02 /Nov14 HDFC Bank HDB 62.31 0.86 LPL Financial LPLA 255.65 -4.54
BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 74575 Baker Hughes BKR 2.7 .19 /.18 Q Nov18 /Nov07 HF Sinclair DINO 61.17 -0.33 L3HarrisTech LHX 246.47 -2.27
Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 8494 Beef,carcass equiv. index Boise Cascade BCC 0.9 .15 /.12 Q Dec15 /Dec01 HP HPQ 27.62 -0.43 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 221.86 -2.43
Engelhard industrial 1635.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 5480 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 238.02 Esquire Finl Hldgs ESQ 0.9 .10 /.09 Q Dec01 /Nov15 HSBC HSBC 25.91 -0.02 LamResearch LRCX 404.78 -0.81
Handy & Harman base 1639.00 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 765 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 208.98 H World HTHT 27.08 -0.82 LamarAdv LAMR 92.23 -1.24
First Bancshares FBMS 2.4 .20 /.19 Q Nov25 /Nov08
Handy & Harman fabricated 1819.29 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.2145 Haleon HLN 6.12 -0.13 s LambWeston LW 86.22 0.75
Fibers and Textiles Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.9450 First Citizens Bcshs A FCNCA 0.4 .75 /.47 Q Dec15 /Nov30 Halliburton HAL 36.42 0.47 LasVegasSands LVS 38.01 0.92
LBMA Gold Price AM *1649.25 HomeTrust Bancshares HTBI 1.7 .10 /.09 Q Dec01 /Nov17
LBMA Gold Price PM *1648.05 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 194.25 HalozymeTherap HALO 47.81 -0.43 LatticeSemi LSCC 48.51 -2.62
Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7475 NuSTAR Energy Pfd. A NSpA 11.1 .6406 /.54808 Q Dec15 /Dec01 HartfordFinl HIG 72.41 0.25 LEA 138.71 0.19
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 1711.92
Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 196.00 Lear
Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.7400 NuSTAR Energy Pfd. B 10.7 .5704 /.47789 Q Dec15 /Dec01 Hasbro HAS 65.25 0.22 LegendBiotech LEGN 49.82 0.26
Maple Leaf-e 1752.87
Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 142.50 NSpB
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *92.50 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.6909 Partners Bancorp PTRS 1.7 .04 /.025 Q Nov17 /Nov09 HashiCorp HCP 30.73 -1.15 Leidos LDOS 101.59 -0.15
American Eagle-e 1752.87 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. HealthcareRealty HR 20.33 -0.22 Lennar B LEN.B 65.22 -1.18
Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.2941 Rockwell Automation ROK 1.8 1.18 /1.12 Q Dec12 /Nov14 s HealthEquity HQY 77.91 1.51
Mexican peso-e 2113.44 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Lennar A LEN 80.70 -1.34
Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 3.2550 Weis Markets WMK 1.5 .34 /.32 Q Nov21 /Nov07 HealthpeakProp PEAK 23.73 -0.04 LennoxIntl LII 233.57 -3.85
Austria crown-e 1608.76
Grains and Feeds Flour,hard winter KC-p 25.00 WestRock WRK 3.2 .275 /.25 Q Nov23 /Nov10 Heico HEI 162.64 -0.94 LiAuto LI 13.62 -0.64
Austria phil-e 1720.11
Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 1.10 Heico A HEI.A 127.30 -1.04 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 85.32 -0.24
Silver, troy oz. Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a. Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 91.97 Reduced HenrySchein HSIC 68.46 -1.67 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 84.43 -0.17
Engelhard industrial 19.1500 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 225 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 1.6823 AllianceBernstein AB 9.4 .64 /.71 Q Nov23 /Nov07 s Hershey HSY 238.77 -1.19 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 17.66 -0.12
Handy & Harman base 19.2080 Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 6.7000 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.1798 Hess HES 141.08 0.61 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 16.86 -0.08
Handy & Harman fabricated 24.0100 Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 203.6 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a. Initial HessMidstream HESM 28.94 0.29 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB 16.78 0.02
LBMA spot price *£16.6600 Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 659.8 Select Energy Svcs Cl A ... .05 Nov17 /Nov07 HewlettPackard HPE 14.27 -0.12 LibertyFormOne A FWONA 52.02 -0.47
Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 179.00 WTTR
HLT 135.26 0.62
(U.S.$ equivalent) *19.2250 Hilton LibertyFormOne C FWONK 57.73 -0.53
Cottonseed meal-u,w 433
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 20327 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 215 Fats and Oils Foreign Hologic HOLX 67.80 0.87 LibertyBraves A BATRA 31.89 -0.45
HomeDepot HD 296.13 -2.52 LibertyBraves C BATRK 31.16 -0.78
Other metals Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 368 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w 67.5000 Fortress Transport Pfd B FTAIO 10.0 .50 Q Dec15 /Dec01
HondaMotor HMC 22.82 -0.01 LibertySirius C LSXMK 42.19 -0.46
LBMA Platinum Price PM *950.0 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 4.2900 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.7250 Mercer International MERC 2.2 .075 Q Dec29 /Dec21 Honeywell HON 204.02 -0.91 LibertySirius A LSXMA 42.44 -0.32
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 945.0 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 36.13 Lard,Chicago-u n.a. North Amer Construction NOA 2.0 .05877 Jan06 /Nov30 HorizonTherap HZNP 62.32 -1.51 LifeStorage LSI 110.61 -0.95
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1860.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.7554 HormelFoods HRL 46.45 -0.51 s EliLilly LLY 362.09 2.19
Special DR Horton DHI 76.88 -1.10 LincolnElectric LECO142.00 1.23
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2226.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 450.40 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.7400
Copper,Comex spot 3.4135 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 13.6600 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a. Boise Cascade BCC 0.9 1.00 Dec15 /Dec01 HostHotels HST 18.88 0.23 LincolnNational LNC 53.87 -0.16
Pioneer Natural Rscs PXD 10.2 4.61 Dec15 /Nov30 HowmetAerospace HWM 35.55 -0.62 Linde LIN 297.35 -4.45
Hubbell HUBB 237.48 0.41 LiveNationEnt LYV 79.61 -0.45
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co; Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data HubSpot HUBS 296.56 6.57 LloydsBanking LYG 1.91 0.01
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark s Humana HUM 558.08 3.25 LockheedMartin LMT 486.68 1.81
Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 10/28 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and JBHunt JBHT 171.07 1.96 Loews L 57.02 -0.97
Source: Dow Jones Market Data ratio; SO: spin-off. HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 15.18 0.07 Continued on Page B7
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | B7


52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk %

The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE American Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg
and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low in the latest
session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. NorthernStrIII A NSTC 9.94 ... Tenneco TEN 19.74 0.3 BRileyFin6.50%SrNt RILYN 20.52 -2.9 Games&EsportsWt GEEXW 0.04 -6.2 MicrobotMed MBOT 3.97 -3.4 SempraNts79 SREA 21.52 -1.2
NorthernStrIV A NSTD 9.96 0.1 TexasPacLand TPL 2326.00 -0.7 BeyondSpring BYSI 0.71 -6.6 GaotuTechedu GOTU 0.65 -2.9 MidSouthBncp MSVB 12.71 -0.4 SenstarTech SNT 1.64 -1.8
NorthrimBanCorp NRIM 49.51 1.2 ThirdHarmonic THRD 24.46 7.1 Bio-RadLab A BIO 344.63 -0.7 GeniusGroup GNS 0.99 -21.5 MinervaSurgical UTRS 0.30 -0.5 17Educ&Tech YQ 0.63 -3.0
Monday, October 31, 2022 OReillyAuto ORLY 845.24 0.1 ThunderBridgeIII A TBCP 9.95 0.3 BonNaturalLife BON 1.24 -4.1 GeospaceTech GEOS 3.92 -8.2 MobileGlbEsports MGAM 1.08 -11.5 SinclairBroadcast SBGI 17.18 -1.5
Old2ndBcp OSBC 16.13 1.5 Tidewater TDW 35.48 3.3 Boxed BOXD 0.49 -2.4 GlenBurnieBncp GLBZ 8.80 -3.4 Mobileye MBLY 26.00 -2.3 SiyataMobile SYTA 0.12 2.9
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % OneEquityPtrsI OEPWU 10.01 0.6 TidewaterWt TDW.WS 1.90 0.5 BrookfieldDTLAPf DTLAp 6.79 -3.9 GlenfarneMergerWt GGMCW 0.04 -0.3 SY 0.50 -4.2
ModivPfdA MDVpA 20.93 -4.5 SoYoungIntl
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg OneEquityPtrsIA OEPW 10.01 0.8 TimberlandBncp TSBK 30.13 1.1 BuzzFeedWt BZFDW 0.08 16.5 GreenVisorI Wt GVCIW 0.03 ... MorganStanleyPfdO MSpO 16.26 -2.4 SolenoTherap SLNO 0.98 -5.7
CrossCtyHlthcr CCRN 38.68 -2.7 HamiltonLaneI A HLAH 9.97 0.2 PWP Forward I A FRW 10.03 0.1 TootsieRoll TR 41.20 -0.6 CF Acqn IV Wt CFIVW 0.00 -14.3 GreencityAcqnWt GRCYW 0.02 -25.0 NanoVibronix NAOV 0.39 -6.4 Sono SEV 1.33 -0.7
Highs Cullen/Frost
HarborOneBncp HONE
HealthEquity HQY
TriCoBancshares TCBK
TrustcoBank TRST
C5AcqnWt CXAC.WS 0.04 -20.0 GreenidgeGenNt GREEL
CNOFinDeb2060 CNOpA 18.06 -3.4 GreenproCap GRNQ
NeuroMetrix NURO
NewVistaAcqnWt NVSAW
1.65 -5.1 SouthernNts20 SOJD
0.02 -25.3 SouthportAcqnWt PORT.WS
19.10 -0.9
0.02 -38.2
AGBAAcquisition AGBA 11.53 0.1 DCP Midstream DCP 40.23 0.6 HealthwellAcqnI HWELU 10.87 -3.7 PeapackGladFinl PGC 39.86 0.5 Trustmark TRMK 36.70 0.7 CNS Pharm CNSP 0.16 -11.1 GreenTree GHG 2.32 0.8 NewellBrands NWL 13.70 -8.2 SportsVenturesWt AKICW 0.00 -27.1
A SPAC II Un ASCBU 10.15 0.6 DilaCapitalA DILA 10.02 0.2 HelixEnergy HLX 7.11 7.7 Pearson PSO 11.16 -0.2 TuanChe TC 8.59 -2.7 CamberEnergy CEI 0.14 -5.9 GpoAvalAcc AVAL 2.16 -0.4 NiaMoPwr pfB NMKpB 71.81 -4.1 SportsMapTechWt SMAPW 0.03 ...
ActiniumPharm ATNM 13.89 39.2 DT Midstream DTM 60.02 1.4 HeritageCommerce HTBK 14.46 0.4 PepsiCo PEP 182.98 -0.4 UnitedBkshrsWV UBSI 42.65 0.5 CardioDiagWt CDIOW 0.07 -19.5 HPX Un HPX.U 9.28 -9.4 NiuTech NIU 2.57 -3.0 StarryGroup STRY 0.20 -23.8
Adeia ADEA 11.36 6.9 40.86 1.4 33.73 2.6 Perfect PERF 21.03 -0.1 UnitedHealth UNH 558.10 0.7 CascadiaAcqnWt CCAIW 0.06 -60.3 HPX A HPX 9.59 -1.7 NRACW 0.00 -53.5 StryveFoods SNAX 0.28 -9.5
DigiIntl DGII HeritageFin HFWA NobleRockWt
AerojetRocket AJRD 49.10 -0.3 PioneerMergerA PACX 10.03 ... Valaris VAL 67.67 3.0 Catalent CTLT 64.44 -0.7 Hanesbrands HBI 6.63 -5.3 0.03 -19.8 SunstonePfdH SHOpH 18.57 -0.8
EDAP TMS EDAP 9.52 3.3 Hershey HSY 241.45 -0.5 NoginWt NOGNW
AgileGrowthA AGGR 9.97 0.2 ChinaPharma CPHI 0.12 -4.5 HarborCustomPfdA HCDIP 0.05 -22.4
elfBeauty ELF 44.07 -1.3 HostessBrands TWNK 26.79 0.8 PonoCapitalA PONO 10.23 ... ValarisWt VAL.WS 10.75 9.2 9.25 -14.4 NovaLifestyle NVFY 0.59 -4.8 Supernova III Wt STRE.WS
Agilysys AGYS 65.10 2.0 ClarimAcqnWt CLRMW 0.00 -94.8 HillstreamBio 0.05 -44.8
EQ Health A EQHA 9.95 ... HudsonExecII A HCII 9.96 0.1 PopulationHlthA PHIC 10.04 0.1 ValmontInds VMI 320.93 0.8 HILS 0.52 -7.2 Oncocyte OCX 0.66 -0.9 SwiftmergeWt IVCPW
AmplifyEnergy AMPY 10.05 3.0 Clene CLNN 0.87 -2.0 HorizonBancorp HBNC 16.88 -0.6
ESM Acqn A ESM 10.00 0.2 Humana HUM 563.13 0.6 PrimaveraCapA PV 10.02 0.2 Vaxcyte PCVX 45.60 0.6 14.84 -3.9 OneEquityPtrsIWt OEPWW 0.00 -88.9 SynchronyPfdA SYFpA
AnthemisDigA ADAL 10.17 0.3 ClimateRockWt CLRCW 0.04 -0.2 HothTherap 21.80 0.4
ElevanceHealth ELV 549.52 0.6 ICF Intl ICFI 121.14 -0.3 PrimeMedicine PRME 19.43 0.9 VectoIQII A VTIQ 10.02 0.6 HOTH 5.33 -1.5 OnionGlobal OG 0.25 6.8 SynovusFinPfdE SNVpE
ArchCapital ACGL 58.00 1.4 VTRU 23.82 3.0 CN Finance CNF 1.70 -7.6 HudsonPacificPfdC HPPpC SST 5.13 -3.2
ElliottOppIIA EOCW 9.95 ... IVERICbio ISEE 24.33 2.0 PrincipalFin PFG 88.52 0.1 Vitru 12.31 -1.5 PacGE pfH PCGpH 16.26 -3.0 System1
ArdmoreShipping ASC 13.62 4.5 21.68 5.2 ColorStarTech CSCW 1.05 -3.6 ITTechPkg TCBP 0.17 -3.1
EmbraceChange EMCG 10.13 0.1 Immunovant IMVT 12.00 1.3 ProgressAcqn PGRWU 10.64 -0.6 WabashNational WNC ITP 0.67 -1.5 PacWestBncpPfdA PACWP 24.60 -0.3 TCBioPharm
AriszAcqnA ARIZ 10.00 0.2 WashingtonFederal WAFD 38.92 0.3 ConcordAcqnIIWt CNDA.WS 0.08 -11.1 IconicSportsWt ICNC.WS TKBCriticalTech1Wt USCTW 0.03 -11.9
EmployersHldgs EIG 43.96 2.6 Impinj PI 119.69 -1.4 PropTechInvII A PTIC 10.03 0.2 0.04 5.6 PanbelaTherap PBLA 0.12 -7.9
AthlonAcqnA SWET 9.98 0.1 ConstellationI Wt CSTA.WS 0.02 -19.6 IkenaOncology IDAI 0.70 -10.4
Empower&IncA EPWR 9.98 ... InFinTAcqnA IFIN 10.21 ... Qomolangma QOMOU 10.06 ... WeatherfordIntl WFRD 42.66 1.2 IKNA 2.58 ... ParamountB PARA 17.91 -3.7 T Stamp
AusterlitzII A ASZ 9.97 0.1 CorazonV838 Wt CRZNW 0.01 16.9 TALK 0.66 -2.7
EnergyTransfer ET 12.92 1.9 IntlBcshs IBOC 49.75 0.7 RCF Acqn RCFA.U 10.19 0.2 WeisMarkets WMK 95.57 -0.8 Imax IMAX 12.59 -5.9 ParamountPfdA PARAP 28.88 -3.7 Talkspace
AutoZone AZO 2560.01 -0.4 WestamericaBncp WABC 63.60 -0.5 CustomersBncpNt34 CUBB 19.52 1.0 Tantech TANH 0.12 -22.9
EnLinkMid ENLC 12.03 1.7 IntlMediaAcqnA IMAQ 10.23 0.7 RLI RLI 130.39 0.9 InceptionGrowthWt IGTAW 0.04 -5.8 PardesBiosci PRDS 1.14 -4.0
BadgerMeter BMI 115.18 0.7 WhiteMtnIns WTM 1420.46 1.4 CyxteraTech CYXT 2.37 -7.3 TenaxTherap TENX 0.13 -1.6
EnterpriseFinSvcs EFSC 53.99 0.4 IntlMoneyExpress IMXI 27.23 1.5 RMGAcqnIII A RMGC 10.01 -0.2 Infobird IFBD 0.82 -5.1 PaxMedica PXMD 2.00 -0.2
BankFirst BFC 86.50 0.4 WinVestAcqn WINV 10.11 0.2 D-WaveQuantum QBTS 2.84 -24.4 ThunderBridgeIIIWt TBCPW 0.01 -66.1
EpiphanyTechA EPHY 9.97 0.1 IntlSeaways INSW 42.65 3.1 RXO RXOw 25.50 -2.3 InMedPharm INM 3.02 -7.3 PebblebrookPfdE PEBpE 17.95 1.4
Banner BANR 75.09 1.3 XPOLogisticsWi XPOw 31.50 5.0 DadaNexus DADA 3.00 -1.6 TimberPharm TMBR 0.06 -3.2
ErieIndemnity A ERIE 258.42 3.1 IridiumComm IRDM 51.62 1.8 RaveRestaurant RAVE 1.97 3.7 Inpixon INPX 2.86 2.6 PegasusDigWt PGSS.WS 0.03 -25.0
BanyanAcqnA BYN 10.09 0.4 DaveWt DAVEW 0.03 -6.9 TortoiseEcoIII Wt TRTL.WS 0.07 0.1
EsquireFinancial ESQ 45.20 2.4 JaguarGlblGrowthI JGGCU 12.38 0.6 Renren RENN 32.42 0.8 InsightAcqnWt INAQ.WS 0.04 -59.7 PA Reit Pfd D PEIpD 1.95 -16.5
BelFuse B
-6.1 EverestRe RE 324.63 0.3 JaguarGlbGrwI A JGGC 11.09 ... ResearchAll II RACB 10.04 0.2 Lows DaVita DVA 69.00 3.5
DigitalBrdgPfdH DBRGpH 18.58 -1.3
InstilBio TIL 3.11 -37.1 PennREITPfdC PEIpC 1.95 -19.8
Tri-Cont Pfd
44.30 -0.1
0.33 -13.2
ExlService EXLS 183.51 3.3 KL Acqn A KLAQ 9.98 0.2 RevivaPharm RVPH 4.50 3.2 ALSPOrchidI Wt ALORW 0.02 -0.5 IntelligentMedWt IQMDW 0.01 -75.4 PepperLimeWt PEPLW 0.01 -90.0
Berkley WRB 74.70 1.5 DigitalBrdgPfdJ DBRGpJ 18.58 -2.3 TrinityCapital TRIN 11.79 -0.9
ExtremeNetworks EXTR 18.28 0.4 KLX Energy KLXE 15.82 8.6 RichardsonElec RELL 24.60 2.7 A2ZSmartTech AZ 1.17 -10.7 Iridex IRIX 2.24 -0.9 PhaseBioPharm PHAS 0.10 -3.4
Biohaven BHVN 16.73 8.1 DigitalBrdgPfdI DBRGpI 19.00 -1.3 TuSimple TSP 3.21 -45.6
9.97 0.1 ExxonMobil XOM 112.91 0.1 Kellogg K 77.17 ... Rollins ROL 42.24 0.5 AcelRxPharm ACRX 2.50 -4.7 JawsMustangWt JWSM.WS 0.03 -29.5 PorchGroup PRCH 1.23 1.5
BiteAcqn BITE Draganfly DPRO 0.59 -2.8 TwinRidgeCapWt TRCA.WS 0.01 43.2
BlackStoneMin BSM 18.49 2.7 Ezcorp EZPW 9.72 1.8 KinsaleCapital KNSL 318.37 0.6 S&T Bancorp STBA 37.93 1.1 AchieveLifeSci ACHV 2.16 -1.8 JourneyMed DERM 2.22 -0.9 Prenetics PRE 2.97 -7.5
EPR PropPfdG EPRpG 16.78 -0.9 UMH PropPfdD UMHpD 22.00 -2.5
BurTechAcqnA BRKH 10.04 0.1 FNB FNB 14.55 0.1 KismetTwoA KAII 9.98 0.3 SKGrowthOpps SKGRU 10.14 0.6 Aditxt ADTX 2.53 0.4 3.12 -16.8 JPMorganPfdDD JPMpD 23.07 -1.0 PriorityIncmPfdD PRIFpD 22.05 -0.1 US BancorpPfdL USBpQ
EnsysceBio ENSC 15.04 -2.2
CBIZ CBZ 50.57 -0.8 FirstBusFinSvcs FBIZ 38.33 4.1 LambWeston LW 87.39 0.9 SandbridgeX2 A SBII 10.03 0.1 AdvMergerPtrsWt AMPI.WS 0.01 -19.0 EAI 20.88 -1.3 KKRRealEstFinPfdA KREFpA 17.47 -3.2 ProvidentFin PROV 13.55 -0.4 UcommuneIntl
EntergyBds66 UK 0.90 -29.4
CVB Fin CVBF 28.77 0.8 FstCmntyBcsh FCBC 37.36 0.7 LancasterColony LANC 182.40 -0.5 ScienceApplicat SAIC 108.99 1.1 AksoHealth AHG 0.33 -7.1 EntergyLA Bds66 ELC 21.43 -0.8 KairosAcqnWt KAIRW 0.00 -75.5 Pulmonx LUNG 12.89 -1.0 UniqueFabricating UFAB 0.43 -1.3
CampbellSoup CPB 53.23 0.3 FirstHorizon FHN 24.53 0.5 LegatoMergerIIUn LGTOU 10.90 7.9 SciStratA SSAA 10.01 0.8 AllstatePfdG ALLpG 21.70 -1.9 EntergyMS Bds EMP 20.84 -0.7 KalaPharm KALA 6.02 3.8 QuanergySysWt QNGY.WS 0.01 -17.8 UnitedInsurance UIHC 0.39 1.2
CarterBkshrs CARE 18.05 0.8 FirstInterBanc FIBK 46.08 1.3 EliLilly LLY 363.92 0.6 SelectiveIns SIGI 98.14 1.1 AmbrxBio AMAM 0.91 -0.3 EntergyBds66 ENO 21.81 -0.5 KaziaTherap KZIA 0.79 -8.4 QuanergySystems QNGY 0.98 -68.2 UnumNts061558 UNMA 22.49 -1.2
CartesianGrwA GLBL 10.04 ... FirstSolar FSLR 148.20 9.7 LimestoneBncp LMST 25.90 0.7 SendasDistrib ASAI 19.26 7.7 AIG PfdA AIGpA 21.75 -1.2 EnvericBiosci ENVB 3.34 -1.2 KernelWt KRNLW 0.01 -9.6 Quotient QTNT 0.08 -37.4 UsanaHealth USNA 52.33 -4.9
CaseysGenStores CASY 234.14 0.8 FirstCash FCFS 98.91 3.5 LiveOakMobilityA LOKM 9.94 -0.1 SenecaFoods B SENEB 65.00 ... AmVirtualCloud AVCT 1.15 -7.8 EquitablePfdC EQHpC 16.33 -2.0 Kidpik PIK 1.16 -3.1 RaMedicalSys RMED 3.43 -5.1 ValleyNatlPfdA VLYPP 22.21 -2.6
CECO Env CECE 12.54 ... FortistarSustA FSSI 10.02 0.5 Macatawa MCBC 10.92 0.9 SenecaFoods A SENEA 64.97 -1.0 AnghamiWt ANGHW 0.10 21.6 EternaTherapeutics ERNA 3.20 -8.5 KimbellTigerWt TGR.WS 0.04 -32.6 RamacoNts2026 METCL 25.02 ... Vaxxinity VAXX 1.27 -8.3
CentraisElBrasPf EBR.B 10.56 8.5 FusionAcqnIIA FSNB 9.95 0.1 MagellanMid MMP 54.14 1.5 SigmaLithium SGML 39.93 -2.1 Apexigen APGN 2.25 -14.9 ExelaTech XELA 0.23 -2.5 KimcoRealtyPfdL KIMpL 18.82 0.2 ReadyCapNts2026 RCB 22.50 -4.3 VerifyMeWt VRMEW 0.05 39.7
ChartIndustries GTLS 226.87 4.8 GSRIIMeteora GSRMU 11.10 1.5 MainStreetBcshs MNSB 29.04 -0.1 SisecamRscs SIRE 23.99 4.3 AppliedMolecular AMTI 0.81 -9.8 FtacParnassusWt FTPAW 0.03 -3.5 KimcoRealtyPfdM KIMpM 19.27 0.5 ReadyCapNts2026 RCC 21.85 -1.8 ViriosTherap VIRI 0.26 ...
CheniereEnergy LNG 178.96 1.1 GeneralMills GIS 82.10 ... MedicusSciA MSAC 9.97 0.1 Smucker SJM 152.16 ... AptoseBiosci APTO 0.45 -5.1 FaZe FAZE 3.24 -6.4 Kingstone KINS 2.14 -7.4 ReadyCapPfdC RCpC 17.93 0.3 VirtusCvIIPfdA NCZpA 21.21 -0.6
Chevron CVX 183.84 0.5 GenuineParts GPC 179.81 -0.6 MerchantsBncpPfdD MBINM 27.25 1.4 SocialLvgI A SLAC 9.92 0.2 ArgoBlockchain ARBK 0.88 -43.7 FedAgriMtgPfdF AGMpF 18.91 -3.8 Lensar LNSR 4.76 -4.8 RichmondMutBncp RMBI 12.93 -0.2 VoltaWt VLTA.WS 0.25 -7.4
ClarimAcqnA CLRM 10.01 0.7 GenworthFin GNW 4.75 -0.8 MetLife MET 73.57 0.1 SouthPlainsFin SPFI 31.61 0.3 ArgoBlockchainNts ARBKL 2.78 -70.6 FifthThirdPfdB FITBP 21.84 -2.2 LanternPharma LTRN 4.19 -2.6 RiverNorthPfdB OPPpB 18.31 -1.0 VyantBio VYNT 0.45 -3.8
CleanEarthAcqns CLINU 11.06 0.1 GlobalPtrII GPACU 10.02 0.1 MidPennBancorp MPB 34.99 -0.1 SpringValleyII SVIIU 10.34 0.9 ArlingtonAsstNt26 AAIN 22.29 ... FinInstitutions FISI 23.11 -6.7 LejuHoldings LEJU 1.18 -18.8 RosecliffAcqnIWt RCLFW 0.01 -50.8 WearableDevices WLDS 0.75 -8.0
Colonnade II A CLAA 10.00 0.4 GlbPtrII A GPAC 10.02 0.1 MissionAdvA MACC 10.06 ... SpringValleyII Rt SVIIR 0.20 -11.1 AscendantDigWt ACDI.WS 0.01 -65.0 First HS Educ FHS 0.36 -5.0 LibertyBroadPfdA LBRDP 21.74 0.6 RubiconTechWt RBT.WS 0.08 5.3 WebsterPfdF WBSpF 19.11 -0.8
ComfortSystems FIX 123.93 1.5 GlobalPtnrs GLP 34.20 12.2 ModineMfg MOD 18.13 0.8 SpringValleyII Wt SVIIW 0.28 35.7 Atento ATTO 2.75 -11.5 FirstRepBkPfdK FRCpK 15.26 -3.3 LocalBountiWt LOCL.WS 0.20 -6.7 SLGreenRealtyPfd SLGpI 19.32 ... WesternAcqnWt WAVSW 0.00 6775.0
CmntyTrBcp CTBI 47.91 -0.6 GoresVII A GSEV 9.95 0.2 MonumentCircleA MON 9.96 0.2 StoneMor STON 3.51 ... ATRenew RERE 1.65 -8.3 FirstWaveBio FWBI 1.03 -2.7 LuciraHealth LHDX 0.91 -8.6 SVB Fin SIVB 227.36 -1.4 WiMiHologram WIMI 1.00 -3.9
SABESP SBS 11.68 3.8 GreenVisorI A GVCI 10.20 0.1 MountainCrestV MCAG 10.01 0.1 StreamlineHlth STRM 1.89 7.1 AvistaPublicII AHPAU 7.23 -9.7 FormFactor FORM 19.35 1.1 MindTech MIND 0.57 -2.0 SVB Fin PfdA SIVBP 18.05 -1.9 WindtreeTherap WINT 0.16 -4.7
CompassDigitalAcqn CDAQ 9.87 0.1 GreenlightCapRe GLRE 8.55 4.1 MurphyUSA MUSA 323.00 -1.0 TLGAcqnOneA TLGA 9.96 ... AxcellaHealth AXLA 1.20 -9.8 FortistarSustWt FSSIW 0.00 -70.7 MSP Recovery Wt MSPRW 0.01 -32.4 Safe-T SFET 0.28 -3.3 XAIOctagonPfd XFLTpA 24.59 -0.6
ConocoPhillips COP 129.99 -0.8 GpoAeroportSur ASR 234.63 3.2 MusicAcqnA TMAC 10.02 0.1 T-MobileUS TMUS 152.07 0.4 B.RileyPfdB RILYL 21.18 0.9 FrontierInvtWt FICVW 0.01 -66.5 MacondrayCapIWt DRAYW 0.02 ... SciStratWt SSAAW 0.01 -72.6 XFinancial XYF 1.62 -5.8
ConstellationEner CEG 95.42 0.8 GulfIslandFab GIFI 4.79 0.9 NBT Bancorp NBTB 47.44 1.8 TailwindIntlA TWNI 9.97 ... B.RileyNts2028 RILYT 18.40 -3.1 FuryGoldMines FURY 0.35 -2.1 McLarenTechWt MLAIW 0.03 -1.8 Seagate STX 49.58 -3.5 Xunlei XNET 0.85 -7.3
CorebridgeFin CRBG 23.26 -1.5 HBT Finl HBT 20.79 0.3 Neurocrine NBIX 116.39 -0.4 TargetGlbl I A TGAA 10.13 0.1 B.RileyNts2026 RILYK 21.25 -0.9 GDS Holdings GDS 8.41 -10.4 MedAvail MDVL 0.62 -1.1 SeanergyMaritime SHIP 0.44 -3.5 Y-mAbsTherap YMAB 3.54 -59.6
CovenantLogist CVLG 38.84 6.5 Haemonetic HAE 85.40 1.8 NortheastCmBncp NECB 13.45 0.8 TaylorDevices TAYD 12.74 1.8 BRileyFinlNt2026 RILYG 19.68 ... GMedInnov GMVD 0.16 -9.7 MetaPlatforms META 92.60 -6.1 SemperParatusWt LGSTW 0.03 -24.0 ZTO Express ZTO 16.27 -2.7

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Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
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Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg
Continued From Page B6 Net Net PPL PPL 26.49 -0.02 PureStorage PSTG 30.86 0.36 RoyalBkCanada RY 92.47 0.22 Snowflake SNOW 160.30 0.61 TakedaPharm TAK 13.22 0.02 Uber UBER 26.57 -0.93 WarnerMusic WMG 26.02 -0.18
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg PTC PTC 117.83 0.89 Qiagen QGEN 43.56 -0.32 RoyalCaribbean RCL 53.38 0.71 SOQUIMICH SQM 93.68 -1.48 Tapestry TPR 31.68 -0.26 Ubiquiti UI 346.75 -3.41 WasteConnections WCN 131.91 -0.92
Stock Sym Close Chg Paccar PCAR 96.83 0.53 Qorvo QRVO 86.08 -2.38 RoyalGold RGLD 94.96 -1.69 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 230.03 -1.69 TargaResources TRGP 68.37 1.21 UiPath PATH 12.65 -0.21 WasteMgt WM 158.37 0.46
MicrochipTech MCHP 61.74 -1.26 Nike NKE 92.68 -1.15
PackagingCpAm PKG 120.21 -0.49 Qualcomm QCOM 117.66 -1.55 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 42.32 -0.44 SonocoProducts SON 62.08 -2.78 Target TGT 164.25 -3.27 UltaBeauty ULTA 419.37 3.23 Waters WAT 299.17 -3.51
LogitechIntl LOGI 49.64 -1.49 MicronTech MU 54.10 0.06 NiSource NI 25.69 -0.20
PalantirTech PLTR 8.79 0.15 QualtricsIntl XM 11.97 0.18 RyanSpecialty RYAN 44.85 0.23 Sony SONY 67.47 -0.38 TataMotors TTM 25.01 -0.25 Unilever UL 45.51 -0.23 Watsco WSO 270.96 -0.66
Lowe's LOW 194.95 -3.78 Microsoft MSFT 232.13 -3.74 Nokia NOK 4.40 -0.04
PaloAltoNtwks PANW 171.59 0.51 QuantaServices PWR 142.04 0.86 Ryanair RYAAY 68.89 1.03 SouthState SSB 90.43 0.47 TeckRscsB TECK 30.44 -0.74 UnionPacific UNP 197.14 -1.51 WebsterFin WBS 54.26 0.32
Lucid LCID 14.29 0.06 MidAmApt MAA 157.45 0.84 NomuraHoldings NMR 3.26 -0.01
ParamountA PARAA 21.08 -0.91 QuestDiag DGX 143.65 -0.94 SAP SAP 96.06 -1.65 Southern SO 65.48 -0.86 TeledyneTech TDY 397.98 2.84 UnitedAirlines UAL 43.08 -0.64 WellsFargo WFC 45.99 -0.36
lululemon LULU 329.04 0.56 Middleby MIDD 139.86 -0.42 Nordson NDSN 225.00 -1.00
t ParamountB PARA 18.32 -0.70 S&P Global SPGI 321.25 -5.68 SoCopper SCCO 46.97 -0.14 Teleflex TFX 214.56 0.43 UnitedMicro UMC 5.93 -0.09 Welltower WELL 61.04 -0.46
MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 4.71 0.01 NorfolkSouthern NSC 228.07 -1.07
LumenTech LUMN 7.36 0.02
MizuhoFin MFG 2.16 -0.02 NorthernTrust NTRS 84.35 -0.33
ParkerHannifin PH 290.62 -1.03 R S SBA Comm SBAC 269.90 -0.11 SouthwestAir LUV 36.35 0.12 Ericsson ERIC 5.57 -0.09 UPS B UPS 167.77 0.60 WescoIntl WCC 137.77 -0.05
LyondellBasell LYB 76.45 -1.54 Paychex PAYX 118.31 -1.48 SEI Investments SEIC 54.30 0.58 SouthwesternEner SWN 6.93 0.35 TelefonicaBras VIV 7.99 0.27 UnitedRentals URI 315.71 6.12 WestFraserTimber WFG 75.03 -2.36
t Mobileye MBLY 26.38 -0.62 NorthropGrum NOC 549.01 0.90 PaycomSoftware PAYC 346.00 4.38 RBC Bearings RBC 253.53 -0.26
SK Telecom SKM 19.56 -0.12 Splunk SPLK 83.11 -0.70 Telefonica TEF 3.45 0.04 US Bancorp USB 42.45 -0.41 WestPharmSvcs WST230.10 4.59
M N Moderna MRNA 150.33 -0.64 NortonLifeLock NLOK 22.53 -0.03 Paylocity PCTY 231.79 3.43 RELX RELX 26.96 -0.32 SS&C Tech SSNC 51.42 0.11 Spotify SPOT 80.58 -2.78 TelekmIndonesia TLK 27.82 -0.31 UnitedTherap UTHR 230.53 -1.62 WestAllianceBcp WAL 67.17 0.07
MolinaHealthcare MOH 358.86 4.36 NorwegCruise NCLH 16.89 0.37 PayPal PYPL 83.58 -2.67 R1 RCM RCM 17.66 0.10 StoreCapital STOR 31.80 0.07 StanleyBlackDck SWK 78.49 TS 31.42 0.85 s UnitedHealth UNH 555.15
M&T Bank MTB 168.37 0.19 NVS 81.13 0.37 -0.02 Tenaris 3.91 WesternDigital WDC 34.37 -1.13
MolsonCoorsA TAP.A 63.99 0.99 Novartis s Pearson PSO 11.12 -0.02 RPM RPM 94.57 -0.39 t SVB Fin SIVB 230.96 -3.19 Starbucks SBUX 86.59 TER 81.35 -2.00 UnitySoftware U
MGM Resorts MGM 35.57 -0.39 -0.51 Teradyne 29.50 0.27 WesternMidstrm WES 28.71 0.30
MolsonCoorsB TAP 50.43 -0.67 NovoNordisk NVO 108.84 -0.12 PembinaPipeline PBA 33.01 0.43 RalphLauren RL 92.69 -0.59 Salesforce CRM 162.59 -0.43 StarwoodProp STWD 20.66 TSLA 227.54 -0.98 UniversalHealthB UHS 115.87
MPLX MPLX 33.54 0.02 Novocure NVCR 70.66 0.60 -0.16 Tesla -1.15 Westlake WLK 96.65 -1.45
Mondelez MDLZ 61.48 -0.22 PenskeAuto PAG 111.62 0.96 RangeResources RRC 28.48 1.35
MSCI 468.86 -5.41
Samsara IOT 12.31 -0.08 StateStreet STT 74.00 -0.78 TetraTech TTEK 141.28 0.25 UnumGroup UNM 45.59 -0.50 WestRock WRK 34.06 -0.21
MSCI MongoDB MDB 183.03 -3.56 NuHoldings NU 5.00 0.41 PNR 42.95 0.19 RaymondJames RJF 118.14 -1.10
s MagellanMid MMP 53.95 0.81 Nucor NUE 131.38 -2.62
Pentair Sanofi SNY 43.23 0.18 SteelDynamics STLD 94.05 -0.38 TevaPharm TEVA 8.92 0.01 VF VFC 28.25 -0.02 Weyerhaeuser WY 30.93 -0.17
MonolithicPower MPWR 339.45 -7.35 Penumbra PEN 171.47 1.99 RaytheonTech RTX 94.82 -0.26
MagnaIntl MGA 55.73 -0.41 NTR 84.50 2.14
SareptaTherap SRPT 114.02 -1.26 Stellantis STLA 13.52 -0.05 TexasInstruments TXN 160.63 -0.73 VICI Prop VICI 32.02 -0.11 WheatonPrecMet WPM 32.69 -0.70
MonsterBev MNST 93.72 0.18 Nutrien s PepsiCo PEP 181.58 -0.65 RealtyIncome O 62.27 0.21
ManhattanAssoc MANH 121.67 1.36 NVDA 134.97 -3.37
Sasol SSL 16.83 -0.61 Steris STE 172.58 -0.30 s TexasPacLand TPL 2303.87-15.25 VailResorts MTN 219.13 2.43 Whirlpool WHR 138.24 -1.67
Moody's MCO 264.87 -4.22 NVIDIA PerformanceFood PFGC 52.04 -0.54 RegalRexnord RRX 126.54 -7.28
ManulifeFin MFC 16.55 -0.10
Schlumberger SLB 52.03 1.58 StifelFinancial SF 61.87 0.44 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 98.95 0.24 Vale VALE 12.94 0.30 Williams WMB 32.73 0.06
MorganStanley MS 82.17 -0.05 PerkinElmer PKI 133.58 -2.36 RegencyCtrs REG 60.51 0.63 SCHW 79.67 -0.52 STMicroelec STM 31.12 TXT 68.44 -0.06 ValeroEnergy VLO 125.55
MarathonOil MRO 30.45 0.29 Morningstar MORN 232.18 -2.09 O P Q PetroleoBrasil PBR 12.82 -0.63 RegenPharm REGN 748.75 -2.01
SchwabC -0.88 Textron -0.43 Williams-Sonoma WSM 123.83 1.08
MarathonPetrol MPC 113.62 0.05
Sea SE 49.68 0.14 Stryker SYK 229.24 0.01 ThermoFisherSci TMO513.97 10.13 s ValmontInds VMI 319.22 2.38 WillisTowers WTW 218.21 -3.16
Mosaic MOS 53.75 0.61 OGE Energy OGE 36.63 -0.28 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 11.51 -0.74 RegionsFin RF 21.95 0.10 t Seagate STX 49.66 -1.79 SumitomoMits SMFG 5.60
Markel MKL 1206.10 4.52 -0.01 ThomsonReuters TRI 106.28 -0.94 VeevaSystems VEEV 167.94 -3.64 WillScotMobile WSC 42.53 -0.25
MotorolaSol MSI 249.71 -0.41 ONEOK OKE 59.32 0.54 Pfizer PFE 46.55 -0.88 ReinsGrp RGA 147.17 -1.38 Seagen SGEN 127.16 -2.53 SunComms SUI 134.85 MMM 125.79 -0.81 Ventas
MarketAxess MKTX 244.04 -0.53 1.45 3M VTR 39.13 -0.56 Wipro WIT 4.70 -0.04
MurphyOil MUR 48.51 0.92 s OReillyAuto ORLY 837.17 0.87 PhilipMorris PM 91.85 -0.68 RelianceSteel RS 201.48 1.95 SealedAir SEE 47.62 -0.14 SunLifeFinancial SLF 42.45 TOST 22.09 -0.08 VeriSign
Marriott MAR 160.11 0.46 s MurphyUSA MUSA 314.51 -3.07 OccidentalPetrol OXY 72.60 0.76 -0.30 Toast VRSN 200.46 -2.91 Wolfspeed WOLF 78.75 -7.15
Phillips66 PSX 104.29 0.09 RenaissanceRe RNR 154.68 -0.73 Sempra SRE 150.94 -1.45 SuncorEnergy SU 34.39 0.68 Toro TTC 105.43 -1.41 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 182.83 1.71
Marsh&McLen MMC 161.49 -2.25 NICE NICE 189.89 -2.33 Okta OKTA 56.12 -1.17 Pinduoduo PDD 54.83 1.88 RentokilInit RTO 30.94 -0.17 WoodsideEnergy WDS 23.17 -0.20
MartinMarietta MLM 335.98 -2.18
SentinelOne S 22.84 -0.58 Suzano SUZ 10.29 -0.04 TorontoDomBk TD 63.99 -0.46 Verizon VZ 37.37 -0.30 Workday WDAY 155.82 -1.83
NIO NIO 9.67 -0.02 OldDomFreight ODFL 274.60 4.00 PinnacleWest PNW 67.21 -0.23 Repligen RGEN 182.49 0.50
MarvellTech MRVL 39.68 -1.33
ServiceCorp SCI 60.61 -0.63 Switch SWCH 34.05 0.04 TotalEnergies TTE 54.77 ... VertexPharm VRTX 312.00 -1.89 WyndhamHtls WH 75.93 -0.23
NOV NOV 22.40 0.82 OldRepublic ORI 23.21 -0.24 PINS 24.60 -0.30 RepublicSvcs RSG 132.62 -0.56
Masco MAS 46.27 -0.83
Pinterest ServiceNow NOW 420.74 0.34 SynchronyFin SYF 35.56 -0.34 ToyotaMotor TM 138.81 -0.71 Viatris VTRS 10.13 0.06 WynnResorts WYNN 63.90 5.60
NRG Energy NRG 44.40 0.08 Olin OLN 52.95 -1.24 PioneerNatRscs PXD 256.41 -0.90 ResMed RMD 223.69 4.96 ShawComm B SJR 25.69 0.74 Synopsys TractorSupply TSCO 219.77 -3.37
Masimo MASI 131.60 -2.43 SNPS 292.55 -3.29 Visa V 207.16 -2.18 XP XP 18.33 0.84
NVR NVR 4237.75-37.61 OmegaHealthcare OHI 31.78 0.18 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 11.97 0.09 RestaurantBrands QSR 59.38 0.08
Mastercard MA 328.18 -1.29
Shell SHEL 55.63 -0.55 Sysco SYY 86.56 0.58 TradeDesk TTD 53.24 -0.47 Vistra VST 22.97 -0.01 XcelEnergy XEL 65.11 -0.26
NXP Semi NXPI 146.08 -5.58 Omnicom OMC 72.75 0.16 PlainsGP PAGP 12.54 0.12 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 55.28 -0.08 SherwinWilliams SHW 225.03 -1.20 Tradeweb TW 55.08 -0.59 VMware
MatadorRscs MTDR 66.45 0.53 VMW 112.53 -0.62 Xylem XYL 102.43 -0.09
Nasdaq NDAQ 62.24 -0.04 ON Semi PlugPower PLUG 15.98 -0.11 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 30.54 -0.15
MatchGroup MTCH 43.20 -0.48
ON 61.43 -6.05
NationalGrid NGG 54.62 -0.68 OpenText OTEX 28.95 -1.01 RIO 53.35 0.52
ShinhanFin SHG 25.29 -0.50 T U V TraneTech TT 159.63 -1.31 Vodafone VOD 11.81 0.04 YumBrands YUM 118.25 0.37
PolestarAuto PSNY 4.46 0.31 RioTinto ShockwaveMed SWAV 293.15 8.49 TransDigm TDG 575.76 -5.79 VoyaFinancial VOYA 68.36 -0.15
Mattel MAT 18.96 0.29 NatlRetailProp NNN 42.03 0.16 Oracle ORCL 78.07 0.71 Pool POOL 304.23-14.54 RitchieBros RBA 65.33 -0.61 Shopify SHOP 34.23 0.04 TC Energy TRP 43.92 0.14 TransUnion TRU 59.27 -0.32 YumChina YUMC 41.35 -0.13
McCormick MKC 78.64 -0.56 VulcanMatls VMC 163.70 -1.99 t ZTO Express ZTO 16.89 -0.46
NatWest NWG 5.42 0.18 Orange ORAN 9.52 -0.01 s PrincipalFin PFG 88.13 0.12 Rivian RIVN 34.97 0.49 Sibanye-Stillwater SBSW 9.39 -0.24 TD Synnex SNX 91.51 -0.93 Travelers TRV 184.46 2.50
McDonald's MCD 272.66 -1.86 NetApp NTAP 69.27 -0.13 Organon ProcoreTech PCOR 54.66 0.19 RobertHalf RHI 76.46 -1.30 -0.17 TE Connectivity TEL 122.23 -0.42 Trimble ZebraTech ZBRA 283.22 -4.78
McKesson MCK 389.37 -5.35 NTES 55.62 0.21 Orix
OGN 26.18 ... SignatureBank SBNY 158.53 TRMB 60.16 -0.08 W X Y Z Zendesk ZEN 76.69 0.18
NetEase IX 73.23 -0.20 Procter&Gamble PG 134.67 -0.55 Robinhood HOOD 11.68 0.18 SignifyHealth SGFY 29.23 -0.02 Telus TU 20.89 -0.28 TCOM 22.63 -0.20
MedicalProp MPW 11.45 -0.14 Netflix NFLX 291.88 -3.84 OtisWorldwide OTIS 70.64 -1.05 Progressive PGR 128.40 -1.30 Roblox RBLX 44.74 -1.04 SimonProperty SPG 108.98 0.02 TelusIntl TIXT 24.88 -0.40 TruistFinl TFC 44.79 -0.26 WEC Energy WEC 91.33 -0.27 Zillow C Z 30.86 ...
Medpace MEDP 221.98 -0.34 s Neurocrine NBIX 115.12 -0.45 Ovintiv OVV 50.65 0.51 Prologis PLD 110.75 -2.23 RocketCos. RKT 6.90 0.19 SiriusXM SIRI 6.04 -0.13 TFI Intl TFII 91.03 2.22 Twilio TWLO 74.37 -1.23 WEX WEX 164.14 1.33 Zillow A ZG 30.93 -0.01
Medtronic MDT 87.34 0.52 NewFortressEner NFE 55.07 0.54 OwensCorning OC 85.61 1.02 ProsperityBcshs PB 71.57 -0.15 Rockwell ROK 255.30 -1.78 Skyworks SWKS 86.01 -2.05 TJX TJX 72.10 -0.40 TylerTech TYL 323.33 -7.17 W.P.Carey WPC 76.30 0.39 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 113.35 -0.12
MercadoLibre MELI 901.62 19.87 Newmont NEM 42.32 -0.54 PDC Energy PDCE 72.14 1.00 PrudentialFin PRU 105.19 -0.08 RogersComm B RCI 41.64 -0.24 SmithAO AOS 54.78 0.40 s T-MobileUS TMUS 151.56 0.56 TysonFoods TSN 68.35 -0.29 WPP WPP 44.00 -0.41 ZionsBancorp ZION 51.94 0.40
Merck MRK 101.20 0.43 NewsCorp B NWS 17.13 -0.01 PG&E PCG 14.93 -0.32 Prudential PUK 18.80 -0.06 Roku ROKU 55.54 0.99 Smith&Nephew SNN 24.09 -0.07 TPG TPG 30.75 0.14 UBS Group UBS 15.86 -0.29 Wabtec WAB 93.28 -0.28 Zoetis ZTS 150.78 -2.18
t MetaPlatforms META 93.16 -6.04 NewsCorp A NWSA 16.87 -0.04 PNC Fin PNC 161.83 -1.04 PublicServiceEnt PEG 56.07 -1.36 s Rollins ROL 42.08 0.21 s Smucker SJM 150.66 -0.07 TRowePrice TROW 106.16 -2.48 UDR UDR 39.76 0.18 WalgreensBoots WBA 36.50 -0.08 ZoomVideo ZM 83.44 -0.77
s MetLife MET 73.21 0.07 NexstarMedia NXST 171.30 -9.68 POSCO PKX 43.38 0.45 PublicStorage PSA 309.75 -1.79 RoperTech ROP 414.54 0.83 Snap SNAP 9.91 -0.17 TaiwanSemi TSM 61.55 -0.46 UGI UGI 35.33 0.11 Walmart WMT 142.33 -0.18 ZoomInfoTech ZI 44.53 -0.65
MettlerToledo MTD 1264.93 0.38 NextEraEnergy NEE 77.50 -1.53 PPG Ind PPG 114.18 0.02 PulteGroup PHM 39.99 -0.34 RossStores ROST 95.69 0.34 SnapOn SNA 222.05 2.50 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 118.48 -5.54 US Foods USFD 29.76 -0.47 WarnerBrosA WBD 13.00 0.05 Zscaler ZS 154.10 0.14

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B8 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
32732.95 t 128.85, or 0.39% Trailing P/E ratio 20.27 22.40 3871.98 t 29.08, or 0.75% Trailing P/E ratio * 18.68 29.27 10988.15 t 114.31, or 1.03% Trailing P/E ratio *† 23.35 34.75
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.47 18.80 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.03 22.37 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 21.14 29.41
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.18 1.78 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.75 1.31 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.99 0.65
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21

Current divisor 0.15172752595384

34000 4300 12900

33000 4150 12400

65-day moving average 65-day moving average

32000 4000 65-day moving average 11900

31000 3850 11400

Session high

Session open Close 30000 3700 10900

Close Open

29000 3550 10400

Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
28000 3400 9900
July Aug. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct. July Aug. Sept. Oct.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume*1,200,689,966 17,294,629
Industrial Average 32883.86 32586.93 32732.95 -128.85 -0.39 36799.65 28725.51 -8.9 -9.9 6.6 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 501,151,443 8,594,930
Transportation Avg 13741.58 13427.73 13583.79 8.81 0.06 17039.38 11999.40 -14.8 -17.6 9.0 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 689,267,287 8,358,191
Utility Average 921.65 907.95 913.44 -7.73 -0.84 1071.75 838.99 -0.7 -6.9 1.7 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,358 300
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 39231.26 38909.15 39006.75 -264.91 -0.67 48929.18 36056.21 -18.6 -19.8 7.9 Advances 1,501 133
Arch Capital Group ACGL 37,771.5 57.21 -0.29 -0.50 57.50 56.90
Barron's 400 935.88 925.88 930.90 -1.52 -0.16 1127.20 825.73 -14.2 -15.9 10.6 Declines 1,708 150
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 13,033.0 386.25 0.04 0.01 411.24 385.91
Unchanged 149 17
Nasdaq Stock Market SPDR Ptf Interm Corp Bd SPIB 12,690.7 31.08 -0.01 -0.03 31.11 31.05 New highs 94 4
Nasdaq Composite 11047.94 10914.00 10988.15 -114.31 -1.03 16057.44 10321.39 -29.5 -29.8 9.8 Apple AAPL 4,798.0 153.29 -0.05 -0.03 153.66 153.11 New lows 109 16
Nasdaq-100 11482.99 11331.26 11405.57 -140.64 -1.22 16573.34 10692.06 -28.3 -30.1 12.2 NY Community Bancorp NYCB 3,720.2 9.37 0.06 0.64 9.54 9.30 Closing Arms† 0.96 0.53
iShares iBoxx $ HY Cp Bd HYG 3,290.7 74.87 1.44 1.96 74.87 73.35 Block trades* 5,094 111
Alphabet Cl A GOOGL 2,791.2 94.59 0.08 0.08 94.76 94.38
500 Index 3893.73 3863.18 3871.98 -29.08 -0.75 4796.56 3577.03 -16.1 -18.8 8.4 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
Alphabet Cl C GOOG 2,791.1 94.79 0.13 0.13 94.91 94.54
MidCap 400 2445.78 2417.19 2433.05 -1.88 -0.08 2910.70 2200.75 -14.7 -14.4 7.6 Total volume*4,753,742,405 329,217,373
SmallCap 600 1200.70 1186.27 1195.57 -1.28 -0.11 1466.02 1064.45 -15.2 -14.7 7.4 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*1,863,392,721 80,786,608
Hologic HOLX 174.9 71.75 3.95 5.83 77.40 67.80 Decl. volume*2,848,360,129 247,539,330
Other Indexes
Lattice Semiconductor LSCC 91.3 51.09 2.58 5.32 52.02 47.45 Issues traded 4,928 1,748
Russell 2000 1854.57 1833.59 1846.86 -0.06 0.00 2442.74 1649.84 -21.7 -17.7 5.7
Advances 2,094 379
NYSE Composite 14825.02 14698.82 14747.03 -48.60 -0.33 17353.76 13472.18 -13.9 -14.1 3.8 MannKind MNKD 351.2 3.55 0.17 5.03 3.55 3.30
Declines 2,552 1,350
Value Line 543.40 538.00 540.51 -1.49 -0.27 696.40 491.56 -20.8 -19.6 1.1 Apartment Income REIT AIRC 61.1 40.35 1.92 5.00 40.35 38.43
Unchanged 282 19
NYSE Arca Biotech 4942.12 4876.44 4900.15 -39.77 -0.81 5815.27 4208.43 -15.3 -11.2 3.5
Necessity Retail REIT RTL 73.9 7.18 0.34 4.97 7.18 6.74
New highs 138 19
NYSE Arca Pharma 808.35 798.69 804.87 -1.82 -0.23 887.27 737.84 3.4 -2.7 9.7 ...And losers New lows 167 47
KBW Bank 104.95 103.81 104.12 -0.51 -0.48 147.56 94.66 -25.7 -21.3 0.1 Varonis Systems VRNS 174.5 21.73 -5.04 -18.83 26.77 21.20 Closing Arms† 1.25 0.92
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 104.59 102.95 103.31 -1.57 -1.50 167.76 91.40 -21.0 -22.0 2.6 Goodyear Tire GT 706.3 11.63 -1.07 -8.43 13.09 10.57 Block trades* 24,379 1,425
PHLX§ Oil Service 83.19 79.94 82.31 1.59 1.97 88.37 49.14 32.2 56.1 8.3 Harmonic HLIT 128.4 14.50 -0.95 -6.15 16.00 14.10 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2415.97 2371.58 2384.45 -49.21 -2.02 4039.51 2162.32 -32.0 -39.6 13.0 Stryker Corp SYK 136.4 217.15 -12.09 -5.27 244.03 211.00 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 27.07 25.84 25.88 0.13 0.50 36.45 15.10 57.7 50.3 25.1 Ecolab ECL 318.2 149.22 -7.85 -5.00 160.69 149.22 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 586.37 –2.58 –0.44 –22.3 Actinium Pharmaceuticals ATNM 13.54 3.81 39.16 13.89 4.41 62.7 Quanergy Systems QNGY 1.05 -2.25 -68.18 201.20 0.98 -99.5
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 254.27 0.22 0.09 –26.2 Getty Images GETY 6.80 1.75 34.65 37.88 4.51 -31.2 Y-mAbs Therapeutics YMAB 3.61 -5.32 -59.57 28.50 3.54 -86.2
MSCI World 2547.72 –13.32 –0.52 –21.2 Mondee Holdings MOND 9.76 1.79 22.46 16.98 6.74 0.1 TuSimple Holdings TSP 3.43 -2.88 -45.64 43.79 3.21 -91.4
MSCI Emerging Markets 848.16 2.58 0.31 –31.2 Monopar Therapeutics MNPR 2.46 0.41 20.00 5.74 1.39 -48.3 SatixFy Communications SATX 16.31 -13.08 -44.50 52.59 8.27 ...
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1473.36 –10.17 –0.69 –19.4 Gritstone bio GRTS 3.22 0.51 18.82 14.42 1.71 -72.3 Instil Bio TIL 3.30 -1.95 -37.14 23.22 3.11 -84.6
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 19426.14 –45.05 –0.23 –8.5 Nikola NKLA 3.79 0.59 18.44 15.56 2.80 -69.7 D-Wave Quantum QBTS 2.91 -0.94 -24.42 13.23 2.84 -70.4
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2251.53 44.58 2.02 5.7 Canopy Growth CGC 3.73 0.58 18.41 15.96 2.13 -71.8 Inventiva ADR IVA 4.58 -1.26 -21.58 15.26 3.49 -69.5
Brazil BOVESPA 116037.08 1498.03 1.31 10.7 Enservco ENSV 2.61 0.39 17.57 8.76 0.55 123.1 Golden Sun Education GSUN 21.16 -4.83 -18.58 95.00 13.41 ...
Chile S&P IPSA 3175.48 … Closed 13.2 Longboard Pharm LBPH 3.70 0.55 17.46 7.76 2.70 -49.0 Essa Pharma EPIX 3.60 -0.81 -18.37 14.88 1.40 -62.0
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 49922.30 836.00 1.70 –6.3 Farmer Bros. FARM 6.00 0.86 16.73 9.14 4.33 -21.2 ProSh UltSh Bbg Nat Gas KOLD 18.79 -4.14 -18.05 275.00 9.06 -88.1
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 412.20 1.44 0.35 –15.5 ProSh Ult Bbg Nat Gas BOIL 41.57 5.85 16.38 140.50 23.68 -30.2 Ensysce Biosciences ENSC 3.23 -0.65 -16.75 140.00 3.12 -92.9
Eurozone Euro STOXX 393.51 0.68 0.17 –17.8 Performant Financial PFMT 2.32 0.32 16.00 3.74 1.72 -25.2 Apexigen APGN 2.26 -0.40 -14.91 31.35 2.25 -77.4
Belgium Bel-20 3567.43 13.80 0.39 –17.2 Nine Energy Service NINE 5.86 0.79 15.58 8.10 0.79 202.1 Selina Hospitality SLNA 12.89 -2.20 -14.58 49.49 7.85 32.3
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 1662.17 10.45 0.63 –10.8 Ignyte Acquisition IGNY 11.40 1.44 14.46 15.00 8.62 16.2 Four Seasons Educ ADR FEDU 7.70 -1.20 -13.48 29.40 6.41 -71.3
–12.4 AdvisorShares MSOS 2x Dly MSOX 18.64 2.33 14.27 34.63 13.09 ... Servotronics SVT 10.11 -1.53 -13.14 14.90 9.47 -10.6
France CAC 40 6266.77 –6.28 –0.10
Germany DAX 13253.74 10.41 0.08 –16.6
Israel Tel Aviv 1943.87 –7.58 –0.39 –1.7
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 22652.11 122.91 0.55 –17.2 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 670.62 3.10 0.46 –16.0
–30.3 ProShares UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 207,971 5.3 20.95 -3.46 91.68 16.32 Hoth Therapeutics HOTH 2,623 20006 5.60 -1.50 43.75 5.33
Russia RTS Index 1111.68 –2.07 –0.19
0.43 Mullen Automotive MULN 152,229 28.0 0.48 -7.92 15.90 0.21 Spree Acqn 1 Cl A SHAP 2,404 18520 10.11 0.70 10.41 9.65
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 66671.65 286.07 –9.5
0.51 Meta Platforms META 120,826 253.5 93.16 -6.09 353.83 92.60 JPM BetaBld US SC Equity BBSC 641 8847 54.38 -0.53 71.57 48.73
Spain IBEX 35 7956.50 40.00 –8.7
Direxion Dly SCOND 3 BL SOXL 117,412 17.9 8.92 -6.11 74.21 6.21 PropTech Inv II Cl A PTIC 1,527 5331 10.03 0.20 10.03 9.72
Sweden OMX Stockholm 750.42 –1.77 –0.23 –27.6
ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 115,010 -17.0 51.90 3.43 69.55 28.15 Actinium Pharmaceuticals ATNM 8,584 5329 13.54 39.16 13.89 4.41
Switzerland Swiss Market 10827.93 55.56 0.52 –15.9
Turkey BIST 100 3978.96 99.98 2.58 114.2 Sonnet BioTherapeutics SONN 101,287 29966.7 1.93 66.38 9.59 1.10 Arch Capital Group ACGL 93,393 5296 57.50 1.45 58.00 40.24
U.K. FTSE 100 7094.53 46.86 0.66 –3.9 AMZN 98,894 65.2 102.44 -0.94 188.11 97.66 D Z Media Acqn Cl A DNZ 1,135 4216 10.00 0.81 10.01 9.68
U.K. FTSE 250 17889.93 –26.74 –0.15 –23.8 Petroleo Brasileiro ADR PBR 98,027 189.6 12.82 -4.68 16.32 9.48 One Equity Ptrs Open I A OEPW 2,370 3878 10.00 0.81 10.01 9.68
Apple AAPL 97,661 16.1 153.34 -1.54 182.94 129.04 First Tr Ltd Dur IG Corp FSIG 622 3374 18.42 -0.14 20.28 18.32
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 136.18 0.62 0.46 –29.5
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 95,968 14.3 386.21 -0.72 479.98 348.11 Malvern Bancorp MLVF 266 3340 14.55 0.55 17.89 14.26
Australia S&P/ASX 200 6863.50 77.78 1.15 –7.8
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 2893.48 –22.45 –0.77 –20.5 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 14687.02 –176.04 –1.18 –37.2
1.31 4.3
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India S&P BSE Sensex 60746.59 786.74
Japan NIKKEI 225 27587.46 482.26 1.78 –4.2 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Singapore Straits Times 3093.11 33.92 1.11 –1.0 and track most-active stocks,
South Korea KOSPI 2293.61 25.21 1.11 –23.0 new highs/lows, mutual funds Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 12949.75 161.33 1.26 –28.9 and ETFs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1608.76 2.69 0.17 –2.9
All are available free at US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Mon YTDchg Mon YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00004024 24850 8.7
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0064156.9268 52.8 Europe
Brazil real .1931 5.1795 –7.0 Czech Rep. koruna .04037 24.771 13.2
Canada dollar .7339 1.3626 7.8 Denmark krone .1327 7.5339 15.2
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Chile peso .001060 943.50 10.7 Euro area euro 0.9883 1.0119 15.1
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000202 4938.75 21.5 Hungary forint .002413 414.34 27.6
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .006897 144.99 11.7
A consumer rate against its 30-year mortgage, Rate Mexico peso .0505 19.8117 –3.4 Norway krone .0962 10.3998 18.1
benchmark over the past year 5.00% Uruguay peso .02464 40.5850 –9.2 Poland zloty .2095 4.7736 18.5 avg†: 7.16% 28% Asia-Pacific Russia ruble .01612 62.050 –17.0
30-year fixed-rate Florence Savings Bank 5.13%
4.00 Sweden krona .0906 11.0372 21.9
mortgage t WSJ Dollar Index Australian dollar .6397 1.5632 13.6
Tradeweb ICE .9982 1.0018 9.8
6.00% Florence, MA 800-644-8261 14 Switzerland franc
China yuan .1369 7.3029 14.9
Monday Close 3.00 Turkey lira .0537 18.6154 39.7
TheHomeNationalBankofThorntown 5.88% Hong Kong dollar .1274 7.8498 0.7
4.50 0 Ukraine hryvnia .0271 36.8500 34.7
2.00 India rupee .01208 82.773 11.1
Thorntown, IN 765-436-2222 Euro UK pound 1.1464 .8723 18.0
s Indonesia rupiah .0000641 15598 9.4
3.00 Greenfield Co-operative Bank 6.00% One year ago Middle East/Africa

1.00 –14 Japan yen .006723 148.74 29.2

Greenfield, MA 877-682-0334 s Kazakhstan tenge .002141 467.15 7.4 Bahrain dinar 2.6532 .3769 –0.01
10-year Treasury 1.50 0.00 Yen Macau pataca .1236 8.0890 0.7 Egypt pound .0414 24.1750 53.9
note yield
Union Savings Bank 6.13% –28
Malaysia ringgit .2118 4.7225 13.4 Israel shekel .2839 3.5223 13.3
Danbury, CT 203-830-4800 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2021 2022
0.00 New Zealand dollar .5813 1.7203 17.7 Kuwait dinar 3.2264 .3099 2.4
Dearborn Federal Svgs Bk 6.25% month(s) years
N D J FMAM J J A S O Pakistan rupee .00454 220.403 25.1 Oman sul rial 2.5972 .3850 0.01
Dearborn, MI 313-565-3100 maturity Philippines peso .0172 58.158 14.0 Qatar rial .2746 3.642 –0.01
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7059 1.4166 5.0 Saudi Arabia riyal .2661 3.7577 0.1
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0007010 1426.49 20.0 South Africa rand .0545 18.3546 15.1
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0027360 365.50 80.1
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 3.00-3.25 3.00-3.25 0.00 l 3.25 1.50 Taiwan dollar .03100 32.255 16.4
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .02628 38.050 14.5 WSJ Dollar Index 103.74 0.70 0.68 15.85
Prime rate* 6.25 6.25 3.25 l 6.25 1.50 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 4.46 4.33 0.14 l 4.46 2.56 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2042.420 4.390 4.490 4.540 1.060 –14.089 –3.584
Money market, annual yield 0.24 0.25 0.07 l 0.25 -0.47
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.30 2.29 0.41 l 2.30 0.77 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 2992.220 4.370 4.570 4.570 1.720 –31.982 –9.978 Commodities
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.16 7.26 3.09 l 7.38 3.17 Aggregate, Bloomberg 1885.030 4.980 5.170 5.210 1.580 –15.682 –3.771 Monday 52-Week YTD
Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.41 6.49 2.42 l 6.51 3.05 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 1863.490 4.990 5.370 5.380 1.810 –15.054 –4.248
Jumbo mortgages, $647,200-plus† 7.16 7.28 3.09 l 7.43 2.81 DJ Commodity 1029.71 4.64 0.45 1264.48 893.10 6.90 8.82
High Yield 100, ICE BofA n.a. n.a. 8.501 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 274.13 1.51 0.55 329.59 218.39 14.59 17.97
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 5.50 5.46 2.82 l 5.53 1.17
Muni Master, ICE BofA n.a. n.a. 3.898 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Crude oil, $ per barrel 86.53 -1.37 -1.56 123.70 65.57 2.95 15.05
New-car loan, 48-month 6.10 6.02 3.41 l 6.10 1.54 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan n.a. n.a. 9.098 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Natural gas, $/MMBtu 6.355 0.671 11.81 9.680 3.561 22.54 70.38
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 1635.90 -3.70 -0.23 2040.10 1623.30 -8.87 -10.48
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | B9


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures April 4.708 4.824 4.680 4.793 .192 76,869 Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Dec 95.2700 95.2700 95.1700 95.2000 –.0950 932,837
May 4.651 4.763 4.605 4.728 .172 86,371 Oct 21.83 21.83 21.81 21.81 –.02 4,526
Contract Open
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest
Dec 18.84 19.15 18.75 19.00 .19 5,335 Currency Futures
Agriculture Futures Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton.
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Dec 2,297 2,355 2,295 2,335 33 112,161 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥
Nov 3.4095 3.4300 3.4095 3.4135 –0.0525 2,070 Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'23 2,310 2,358 2,307 2,343 31 90,337 Nov .6758 .6785 .6729 .6739 –.0051 754
Dec 3.4300 3.4435 3.3615 3.3750 –0.0540 102,891 Dec 696.50 700.00 684.25 691.50 10.75 614,003 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec .6807 .6817 .6756 .6766 –.0051 258,718
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March'23 701.00 704.75 689.50 696.75 10.00 370,581 Dec 171.70 178.55 171.55 177.70 7.90 74,041 Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD
Nov 1641.80 1641.80 1633.40 1635.90 –3.70 3,982 Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March'23 169.50 175.10 169.40 174.05 6.30 81,386 Nov .7349 .7353 .7308 .7339 –.0011 360
Dec 1647.20 1648.50 1634.50 1640.70 –4.10 362,511 Dec 375.75 392.75 375.75 389.00 22.50 3,156 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec .7351 .7357 .7310 .7341 –.0011 134,333
Feb'23 1661.50 1662.70 1650.70 1654.90 –4.20 69,645 March'23 387.25 399.25 384.00 398.00 20.75 1,144 March 17.70 18.00 17.67 17.97 .39 323,365 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. May 16.73 16.90 16.70 16.89 .24 150,078 Nov 1.1601 1.1617 1.1466 1.1475 –.0142 1,574
April 1675.80 1677.00 1665.60 1669.50 –4.20 17,569
Nov 1400.00 1411.25 1385.50 1407.00 19.25 10,179 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 1.1619 1.1629 1.1475 1.1486 –.0141 244,682
June 1689.40 1691.00 1681.20 1684.10 –4.00 8,475
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan'23 1415.00 1424.00 1397.75 1419.50 19.25 245,887 Jan 34.17 .02 2,059 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. March 34.51 .01 2,817 Dec 1.0095 1.0099 1.0021 1.0041 –.0049 47,070
Nov … … … 1829.10 –65.50
Dec 434.00 440.50 421.10 428.10 2.70 144,192 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'23 1.0194 1.0197 1.0131 1.0141 –.0051 325
Dec 1894.00 1917.50 1808.50 1831.70 –65.50 6,237
Jan'23 425.50 430.00 412.30 419.10 2.90 89,576 Dec 72.11 73.22 t 70.21 72.00 –.11 100,921 Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Nov .6421 .6430 .6372 .6395 –.0019 175
Nov 939.40 –19.00 1 Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March'23 72.10 73.00 t 70.10 71.64 –.43 76,056
Dec 72.50 74.28 72.50 73.21 1.42 123,237 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec .6418 .6437 .6377 .6401 –.0019 163,614
Jan'23 947.10 952.60 928.30 930.10 –19.00 53,695 Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Jan'23 69.55 71.44 69.55 70.61 1.40 93,609 Nov 211.05 213.50 205.00 206.35 –.85 370
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Nov .05030 .05036 s .05016 .05035 –.00002 8
Nov 19.200 19.200 18.970 19.125 –0.022 209
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Jan'23 200.10 204.40 199.60 201.10 .85 9,656
Nov 16.16 16.49 16.16 16.56 .43 762 Dec .05005 .05009 .04977 .05004 –.00001 279,494
Dec 19.200 19.225 18.865 19.119 –0.028 105,745 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Jan'23 16.54 17.00 16.54 16.99 .48 7,757 Interest Rate Futures Nov .9964 .9975 .9883 .9898 –.0069 8,091
88.39 88.65 85.30 86.53 –1.37 302,557
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
Dec 884.50 893.25 853.75 882.25 53.00 139,484 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 1.0000 1.0001 .9909 .9924 –.0069 653,357
Jan'23 87.06 87.36 84.16 85.40 –1.21 150,136 Dec 129-000 129-100 127-040 127-210 –1-22.0 1,467,101
March'23 895.25 911.25 872.00 899.25 50.25 79,293
Feb 85.70 85.87 82.88 84.10 –1.07 73,313
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Index Futures
March 84.30 84.50 81.67 82.88 –0.95 98,068 Dec 121-010 121-080 120-030 120-160 –24.0 1,208,065
Dec 962.00 982.50 950.00 978.75 53.75 65,824 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
June 81.08 81.22 78.84 80.00 –0.66 123,876 March'23 120-300 120-301 119-270 120-060 –28.0 2,105
March'23 959.75 979.00 946.50 974.25 49.50 46,796 Dec 32920 32941 32617 32775 –121 76,604
Dec 77.39 77.39 75.41 76.44 –0.43 163,104 Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Dec 110-290 110-305 110-120 110-190 –13.0 3,977,294 March'23 33063 33139 32855 33009 –120 1,166
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Nov 176.575 177.925 175.750 177.625 –.250 7,555 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Nov 4.5400 4.6200 4.0861 4.1909 –.3589 1,208 March'23 111-045 111-080 110-220 110-280 –13.5 14,469
Jan'23 179.025 179.825 177.700 179.450 –.925 25,597 Dec 3911.50 3914.75 3872.25 3883.00 –28.25 2,279,972
Dec 3.7605 3.7831 3.6271 3.6741 –.0714 74,761 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Dec 106-265 106-275 106-145 106-190 –9.0 4,132,569 March'23 3943.00 3946.00 3904.75 3915.00 –28.50 54,449
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Oct 150.375 150.675 146.775 146.775 –3.600 78 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Nov 2.9100 2.9100 2.7200 2.8107 –.0959 3,141 March'23 106-292 106-315 106-222 106-262 –8.7 5,405
Dec 152.750 152.775 151.800 152.475 –.525 120,074 Dec 2439.00 2452.90 2422.00 2439.60 –1.40 50,938
2.5582 2.5794 2.4822 2.5257 –.0372 89,857
2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Dec Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Dec 102-100 102-105 102-048 102-061 –4.7 2,208,444 March'23 2440.10 –2.20 1
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Dec 86.625 86.825 84.425 84.925 –1.175 89,296
March'23 102-147 102-151 102-113 102-126 –4.6 2,197 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Dec 5.832 6.400 5.823 6.355 .671 105,949 Feb'23 89.125 89.550 87.950 88.450 –.400 49,020 Dec 11592.50 11595.00 11367.25 11447.25 –139.75 282,359
30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Jan'23 6.092 6.617 6.086 6.607 .654 139,107 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Oct 96.9200 96.9225 96.9200 96.9200 .0025 381,782 March'23 11710.00 11710.00 11486.00 11563.75 –139.25 4,332
Feb 5.975 6.389 5.891 6.379 .585 58,758 Nov 465.50 470.00 459.10 461.60 –5.40 499 Nov 96.2225 96.2250 96.2150 96.2175 –.0075 372,501 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
March 5.410 5.729 5.381 5.717 .441 97,232 Jan'23 457.90 461.10 452.60 454.00 –4.20 1,418 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% Dec 1852.50 1862.20 1835.00 1853.00 1.40 507,464
Dec 88-310 89-01 88-160 88-245 –18.5 16,452 March'23 1871.80 1876.70 1852.00 1869.20 2.30 286
Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg. Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
96.5325 96.5325 96.5225 96.5250 –.0050 617,668 Dec 2133.40 2147.00 2129.20 2134.90 –14.60 10,856
Bonds | Sept
March'23 95.1050 95.1200 95.0450 95.0600 –.0650 1,176,381 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% Dec 110.68 111.54 110.59 111.42 .81 55,318
March'23 110.23 111.10 110.23 111.03 .82 1,069
Tracking Bond Benchmarks Nov
95.3150 95.3150
94.9300 94.9300
95.2975 95.3025 –.0225 139,353
94.8750 94.8900 –.0450 1,546,117
Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week March'23 94.8250 94.8250 94.7300 94.7500 –.0800 933,708 Source: FactSet
highs and lows for different types of bonds
Total Total
return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%) Borrowing Benchmarks |
close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High

Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices Money Rates October 31, 2022

1885.03 -15.7 U.S. Aggregate 4.980 1.580 5.210 1863.49 -14.9 Mortgage-Backed 4.990 1.810 5.380 Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 1845.97 -13.3 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 4.990 1.840 5.370 guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
2734.50 -19.6 U.S. Corporate 5.930 2.130 6.130 1092.88 -15.1 Fannie mae (FNMA) 5.000 1.800 5.390 Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
2694.73 -12.2 Intermediate 5.830 1.570 6.050 1675.32 -15.6 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 4.990 1.800 5.370 Sept. index Chg From (%)
level Aug. '22 Sept. '21 Policy Rates High 3.3500 3.3000 3.3500 0.0900
3510.31 -31.0 Long term 6.130 2.940 6.370 n.a. n.a. Muni Master n.a. n.a. n.a. Low 3.0500 3.0700 3.0700 0.0200
Euro zone 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.00
n.a. U.S. consumer price index Bid 3.0700 3.0800 3.0800 0.0600
525.87 -20.9 Double-A-rated 5.160 1.840 5.320 n.a. 7-12 year n.a. n.a. n.a. Switzerland 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
Offer 3.0900 3.1200 3.1200 0.0800
All items 296.808 0.22 8.2 Britain 2.25 2.25 2.25 0.10
718.65 -19.8 Triple-B-rated 6.230 2.340 6.440 n.a. n.a. 12-22 year n.a. n.a. n.a.
Core 298.442 0.43 6.6 Australia 2.60 2.60 2.60 0.10 Treasury bill auction
High Yield Bonds ICE BofA n.a. n.a. 22-plus year n.a. n.a. n.a. 4 weeks 3.600 3.430 3.600 0.020
Overnight repurchase
n.a. High Yield Constrained n.a. n.a. n.a. Global Government J.P. Morgan† International rates 13 weeks 4.070 4.000 4.070 0.045
n.a. U.S. 3.04 3.00 3.09 0.01 26 weeks 4.440 4.390 4.440 0.065
n.a. n.a. Triple-C-rated n.a. n.a. n.a. 521.42 -13.0 Global Government 3.070 0.840 3.250 Week 52-Week
Latest High Low
U.S. government rates Secondary market
n.a. n.a. High Yield 100 n.a. n.a. n.a. 758.89 -9.5 Canada 3.410 1.430 3.780
Discount Fannie Mae
n.a. Global High Yield Constrained n.a. n.a. n.a. 340.69 -16.1 EMU§ 2.911 0.271 3.215 Prime rates
n.a. 3.25 3.25 3.25 0.25 30-year mortgage yields
U.S. 6.25 6.25 6.25 3.25
n.a. n.a. Europe High Yield Constrained n.a. n.a. n.a. 635.74 -16.4 France 2.700 0.150 2.980 Canada 5.45 5.45 5.45 2.45 Federal funds 30 days 6.437 6.617 6.812 2.452
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Effective rate 3.0900 3.0900 3.1000 0.0800 60 days 6.531 6.780 6.988 2.477
U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 454.34 -15.4 Germany 2.140 -0.370 2.400
1663.14 -9.2 U.S Agency 4.720 0.900 4.840 283.02 -3.9 Japan 0.780 0.310 0.910 Other short-term rates
1474.73 -7.7 10-20 years 4.700 0.790 4.820 492.35 -17.4 Netherlands 2.400 -0.200 2.720 Key Interest Rates Latest
high low
3063.02 -26.6 20-plus years 5.070 2.010 5.240 794.33 -23.5 U.K. 3.600 0.720 4.690 Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum,
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are Call money
2431.80 -15.5 Yankee 5.670 1.790 5.840 n.a. n.a. Emerging Markets ** n.a. n.a. n.a.
5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve
** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan release H.15. Commercial paper (AA financial)
Week Ended 52-Week Week Ended 52-Week 90 days 3.83 4.19 4.19 0.11
Oct 28 Oct 21 High Low Oct 28 Oct 21 High Low
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields Federal funds (effective)
One month 3.80486 3.57643 3.80486 0.08088
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in 3.08 3.08 3.08 0.08 2-year 4.40 4.51 4.51 0.45 Three month 4.46029 4.32686 4.46029 0.13975
Commercial paper 3-year 4.41 4.52 4.52 0.73 Six month 4.91586 4.87700 4.93186 0.21088
selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session 5-year 4.22 4.32 4.32 1.14
One year 5.44829 5.36600 5.47557 0.34975
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points 7-year 4.14 4.23 4.23 1.36
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
1-month 3.47 3.31 3.47 0.05 10-year 4.07 4.12 4.12 1.43 Secured Overnight Financing Rate
2-month 3.87 3.59 3.87 0.05 20-year 4.42 4.39 4.42 1.85
4.375 U.S. 2 4.499 s l 4.422 4.206 0.491 3-month 4.03 3.87 4.03 0.07 3.05 3.02 3.05 0.04
2.750 10 4.074 s l 4.009 3.802 1.555 Financial Treasury yields (secondary market) Value 52-Week
2.750 Australia 2 3.243 s l 3.222 3.316 0.611 -118.6 11.0 1-month 3.48 3.39 3.48 0.08 Latest Traded High Low
-124.7 2-month n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
1-month 3.48 3.25 3.48 0.02
1.250 10 3.765 s l 3.748 3.899 2.089 -26.8 52.8 4.03 3-month 3.97 3.89 3.97 0.05 DTCC GCF Repo Index
-30.8 3-month 4.02 4.03 0.11
6-month 4.35 4.29 4.35 0.06
54.840 3.065 0.023
Treasury 3.034
0.000 France 2 2.055 s l 2.003 1.805 -0.612 -243.6 -240.5 -111.3 Discount window primary credit
TIPS MBS 3.132 41.490 3.175 0.032
2.000 10 2.691 s l 2.603 2.725 0.282 -141.4 -127.8 3.25 3.25 3.25 0.25
-138.2 5-year 1.60 1.78 1.81 -1.88 Notes on data:
Treasury yields at constant 7-year 1.59 1.70 1.70 -1.47
0.400 Germany 2 1.942 s l 1.929 1.756 -0.580 -254.9 -247.9 -108.1 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
maturities 10-year 1.57 1.66 1.66 -1.14 loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest
1.700 10 2.143 s l 2.100 2.111 -0.104 -192.9 -191.6 -166.4 1-month 3.64 3.40 3.64 0.03 20-year 1.65 1.70 1.70 -0.72 U.S. banks, and is effective September 22, 2022.
3-month 4.14 4.05 4.14 0.05 Long-term avg 1.90 1.94 1.94 -0.60 Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable;
0.000 Italy 2 2.743 s l 2.600 2.850 -0.020 -174.7 -180.8 -52.1 lending practices vary widely by location;
2.500 10 4.320 s l 4.149 4.514 1.184 24.7 13.3 -37.6 Notes on data: Discount rate is effective September 22, 2022.
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates Secured Overnight Financing Rate is as of
0.005 Japan 2 -0.040 s l -0.050 -0.040 -0.101 -453.1 -445.8 -60.2 on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by October 28, 2022. DTCC GCF Repo Index is
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted
0.200 10 0.245 s l 0.242 0.252 0.100 -382.8 -377.4 -146.1 average for overnight trades in applicable
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars.
0.000 Spain 2 2.204 s l 2.126 2.097 -0.526 -228.6 -228.2 -102.7 Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; Federal-funds rates are Tullett Prebon rates as
2.550 10 3.234 s l 3.134 3.303 0.619 -88.3 -94.2 Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid of 5:30 p.m. ET.
-83.9 yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor
0.125 U.K. 2 3.266 s l 3.198 3.917 0.707 -122.5 -121.0 20.6 Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
please see, Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.
4.250 10 3.510 s l 3.471 4.149 1.038 -56.3 -54.5 -52.2
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close

Corporate Debt Exchange-Traded Portfolios |

Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific Closing Chg YTD
Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
VangdHlthCr VHT 243.03 –0.09 –8.8
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most… Monday, October 31, 2022
Closing Chg YTD
Symbol Price (%) (%) VangdHiDiv VYM 106.48 –0.31 –5.0
Spread*, in basis points Closing Chg YTD
VangdIntermBd BIV 72.81 –0.37 –16.9
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SchwabUS Div SCHD 73.88 –0.43 –8.6
VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 75.16 –0.36 –19.0
CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 144.03 –0.64 –29.5 SchwabUS LC SCHX 45.67 –0.72 –19.8
–15 VangdLC VV 176.46 –0.68 –20.2
Credit Suisse CS 3.750 8.45 March 26, ’25 400 n.a. CnsStapleSelSector XLP 72.74 –0.59 –5.7 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 58.29 –1.02 –28.8
VangdMC VO 203.99 –0.41 –19.9
Daimler Trucks Finance North America DTRGR 2.375 6.07 Dec. 14, ’28 185 –13 n.a. DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 24.43 –0.49 –15.7 SchwabUS SC SCHA 41.84 –0.10 –18.3
VangdMC Val VOE 134.00 –0.42 –10.9
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 90.00 0.84 62.2 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 52.29 –0.25 –16.9
Baker Hughes BKR 5.125 6.40 Sept. 15, ’40 200 –11 n.a. SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 327.42 –0.35 –9.9
VangdMBS VMBS 44.35 –0.61 –16.1
FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 33.98 –0.61 –13.0 82.98 –28.5
VangdRealEst VNQ –0.11
Citigroup C 4.750 6.57 May 18, ’46 240 –11 n.a. HealthCareSelSect XLV 132.75 –0.08 –5.8 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 443.77 –0.06 –14.3
SPDR S&P 500 SPY 386.21 –0.72 –18.7 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 354.95 –0.68 –18.7
InvscQQQI QQQ 277.95 –1.16 –30.1
Anheuser–Busch Inbev Worldwide ABIBB 4.950 5.93 Jan. 15, ’42 149 –10 n.a. SPDR S&P Div SDY 122.99 –0.37 –4.7 VangdST Bond BSV 74.56 –0.19 –7.8
InvscS&P500EW RSP 139.56 –0.44 –14.2 73.99 –8.9
VangdSTCpBd VCSH –0.22
Goldman Sachs GS 6.250 6.41 Feb. 1, ’41 201 –10 215 iSh3-7YTreaBd IEI 113.54 –0.25 –11.8
TechSelectSector XLK 127.87 –1.32 –26.5
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 66.78 –0.93 –6.7 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 47.75 –0.04 –7.1
Northwestern Mutual Global Funding NWMLIC 4.000 5.15 July 1, ’25 72 –10 n.a. iSh0-5YTIPSBd STIP 97.21 –0.09 –8.2
VangdInfoTech VGT 330.20 –1.19 –27.9 VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.64 –0.12 –5.2
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 49.01 –0.55 –11.8
–10 VangdSC VB 187.84 –0.05 –16.9
Walmart WMT 6.200 5.30 April 15, ’38 89 n.a. iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 55.72 –0.94 –25.3
VangdSC Val VBR 160.61 0.06 –10.2
VangdExtMkt VXF 137.99 –0.25 –24.5 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 47.53 –0.21 –13.4
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 42.35 –0.31 –29.3
148.62 –0.49 –13.5 VangdTotalBd BND 70.35 –0.31 –17.0
…And spreads that widened the most iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 52.85 –0.68 –25.5
VEA 38.57 –0.82 –24.5 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 47.94 –0.13 –13.1
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 387.79 –0.70 –18.7
39 35.45 –0.37 –28.3 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 47.33 –0.84 –25.5
Lloyds Banking LLOYDS 4.582 7.59 Dec. 10, ’25 315 276 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 242.53 –0.01 –14.3
VangdFTSE Europe VGK 50.04 –1.20 –26.7 VangdTotalStk VTI 194.03 –0.65 –19.6
Credit Suisse CS 5.000 7.58 July 9, ’27 334 18 298 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 97.92 –0.02 –14.5
VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 45.87 –0.78 –25.1 VangdTotWrldStk VT 83.91 –0.71 –21.9
iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 85.94 –0.68 –19.7
Bank of Montreal BMO 3.700 5.50 June 7, ’25 105 12 101 VangdGrowth VUG 222.74 –1.07 –30.6 VangdValue VTV 137.97 –0.42 –6.2
iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 43.90 –0.43 –17.1
Federation des caisses Desjardins du Quebec CCDJ 4.550 6.19 Aug. 23, ’27 195 9 170 iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 94.90 –0.34 –16.8
iShSelectDividend DVY 118.15 –0.60 –3.6
United Airlines UAL 5.875 6.83 Oct. 15, ’27 259 9 259 iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 85.75 –0.69 –20.5
Westpac Banking WSTP 2.350 5.16 Feb. 19, ’25 70 62 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 71.19 –0.64 –12.0
7 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 112.56 –0.93 –22.7
4.418 5.65 Nov. 15, ’35 159 158
The Marketplace
GE Capital International Funding …
iShGoldTr IAU 30.98 –0.77 –11.0
Altria MO 4.500 7.52 May 2, ’43 311 7 n.a. iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 73.43 –1.50 –15.6
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 101.35 –0.54 –23.5
High-yield issues with the biggest price increases… iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 78.90 –1.55 –27.7
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
Bond Price as % of face value iShMBSETF MBB 90.34 –0.68 –15.9
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week iShMSCIACWI ACWI 82.77 –0.66 –21.8
Sprint Capital … 8.750 6.23 March 15, ’32 117.645 0.65 115.089 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES
iSh MSCI EM EEM 34.19 –0.29 –30.0
United States Cellular USM 6.700 7.30 Dec. 15, ’33 95.500 0.55 93.900 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 41.29 –0.91 –18.1
0.49 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 101.51 –0.30 –12.7
Occidental Petroleum 6.950 5.20 July 1, ’24 102.740 102.384
Deep Gas Investment
0.35 97.000
iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 49.06 –0.12 –8.9 A well established...
Ford Motor F 7.450 7.39 July 16, ’31 100.353 iShPfd&Incm PFF 30.51 –0.94 –22.6 Growing, organic recycling, mulch and soil
W.R. Grace Holdings … 5.625 6.74 Oct. 1, ’24 98.020 0.27 97.520
iShRussell1000Gwth IWF 222.58 –0.87 –27.2 Tax deductible / $50,000 min. manufacturing company located in Ct. is
iShRussell1000Val IWD 149.74 –0.49 –10.8
0.25 seeking an investor of 5-6 million dollars
Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 7.200 10.05 July 18, ’36 79.000 77.750 iShRussell2000 IWM 183.33 0.09 –17.6 Approx. 150% return + royalties to invest in future growth opportunities.
Hughes Satellite Systems SATS 6.625 8.36 Aug. 1, ’26 94.500 0.13 93.878 iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 67.61 –0.31 –18.6
The company will also sell 10% blocks
iShRussellMCValue IWS 105.04 –0.33 –14.2 Accredited Only
iShRussell1000 212.92 –0.72 –19.5
of stock for $1.25 million dollars that
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IVW 60.41 –1.06 –27.8 Call Frank 713-503-4225 pay 5% monthly dividends.
Dish DBS … 5.125 12.44 June 1, ’29 67.750 –1.98 63.000 iShS&P500Value IVE 143.33 –0.42 –8.5
Serious inquiries only
iShShortTreaBd SHV 109.97 –0.02 –0.4
American Airlines AAL 11.750 7.76 July 15, ’25 109.532 –1.85 109.000 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 106.39 –0.14 –17.7 Call Lawrence @ 203-943-2239 or
Bausch Health BHCCN 11.000 17.04 Sept. 30, ’28 78.000 –1.50 79.500 iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 81.00 –0.15 –5.3 Email - ljgrillo@gmail.
Nokia Oyj NOKIA 4.375 6.38 June 12, ’27 92.100 –1.40 91.000 iSh7-10YTreaBd
Sensata Technologies ST 5.000 5.95 Oct. 1, ’25 97.484 –1.31 96.500 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 22.42 –0.27 –16.0 ADVERTISE TODAY Investment Opportunity
–1.24 34.250
JPMEquityPrem JEPI 54.57 –0.11 –13.6 Don’t miss the next big Tech Company.
Embarq LUMN 7.995 21.66 June 1, ’36 40.750 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.09 0.02 –0.8
(800) 366-3975 Deliver the world with green liquid Hydrogen.
Sprint S 7.125 6.49 June 15, ’24 100.950 –1.05 101.625 91.59 ... 0.2 Sustainable and affordable
For more information visit:
Qwest … 7.250 6.77 Sept. 15, ’25 101.229 –1.00 100.880 SPDR Gold GLD 151.91 –0.82 –11.1 energy for every country.
SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 45.42 –0.68 –18.6 Onestone Holdings innovative solution that will
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread. SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 52.36 –0.98 –27.7 transform the world energy market.
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more SchwabIntEquity SCHF 29.79 –0.80 –23.4 © 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Visit:
Source: MarketAxess SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 45.40 –0.68 –19.7 All Rights Reserved. (647) 248 3280
B10 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Japan Supported Currency Hong Kong

Considers Crypto
With $42.8 Billion in Funds Retail Trading
BY MEGUMI FUJIKAWA How many Japanese yen Japan’s currency which makes dollar-denomi-
$1 buys interventions* nated assets look more at-
TOKYO—Japan spent $42.8 tractive to investors. BY ELAINE YU a consultation given the mixed
¥125 ¥20 trillion
billion in October to prop up The yen has been particu- views among lawmakers and
the yen, an effort that has larly hard hit because the Hong Kong is considering others about crypto, including
had some success but re- 130 Bank of Japan is keeping in- lifting a ban on the retail trad- how relaxing the professional
mains hampered by Washing- 15 terest rates near zero. The ing of cryptocurrencies, part investor-only rule would “le-
ton’s lack of interest in stem- Japanese currency hit a 32- of an effort to become a hub gitimize” crypto assets.
ming the dollar’s rise. 135 year intraday low of 151.93 for digital assets. Jonathan Crompton, a part-
The Ministry of Finance 10
yen to the dollar on Oct. 21, That would reverse a years- ner of law firm RPC and
said the government spent according to data provider long policy that has officially founding member of the
¥6.35 trillion in October on 140 Quick. restricted crypto trading on li- Crypto Fraud and Asset Recov-
intervention, equivalent to Analysts say Tokyo’s inter- censed exchanges to profes- ery network’s Hong Kong
$42.8 billion. The figure came 5 vention, including two in- sional investors in the city, al- chapter, said that it made
145 Scale inverted to
on top of the ¥2.8 trillion it show strength stances that likely followed though retail, or sense to regulate retail trading
spent in September. of the yen the Oct. 21 fall, has been suc- nonprofessional, investors can of cryptocurrencies. Other-
Japanese Finance Minister 150 0 cessful in putting a floor on still trade over-the-counter or wise, retail customers will just
Shunichi Suzuki said on Sept. the yen. Late Monday in New use overseas exchanges. The find a way to invest elsewhere,
June 2022 Oct. 1991 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20
22 that the government was York, a dollar bought ¥148.74 government announced the he said.
buying yen to keep the cur- *Includes dollar, euro and yen-buying intervention. 2022 is year to date. ¥10 trillion=$67.8 billion. and the dollar has remained idea on Monday, the opening The SFC released a volun-
rency from falling, the first Sources: Tullett Prebon (forex); Japan Ministry of Finance (currency interventions) below 150 during the past day of the Hong Kong FinTech tary licensing regime for
such action in 24 years. week. Week conference. crypto exchanges in 2019,
Since then, the govern- tolerate speculative moves in Japan’s intervention is However, analysts say a Opening a path to retail in- which limited trading to pro-
ment has declined to confirm the yen. part of broader global con- significant reversal of the vestment in crypto will be a fessional investors—individu-
individual actions, but Mr. The release of the October cern about the strength of yen’s weakness this year is “huge plus,” said Gary Liu, als that have at least about $1
Suzuki has repeatedly implied report on Monday confirmed the dollar this year, driven by unlikely because the interest- chief executive of Artifact million in liquid assets, or
that intervention was con- that intervention took place the Federal Reserve’s push to rate gap between the U.S. and Labs, a company focused on companies with either a port-
tinuing by saying he wouldn’t during the month. raise interest rates rapidly, Japan is still widening. nonfungible tokens. The an- folio of that size or with total
nouncement was included in a assets of at least about $5 mil-
wider policy statement on lion. Since January, exchanges

Blue Chips Hong Kong’s plans to develop

the digital-asset industry,
which had a clear intent to at-
have been allowed to sell a
limited set of crypto-related
products to retail investors in

Rose 14% tract investors and companies

to the city, including those
that previously left, he said.
Hong Kong, including ex-
change-traded derivative
funds. The government has

In October The Hong Kong govern-

ment’s move to liberalize its
rules around cryptocurrencies
also introduced a bill creating
a fuller mandatory licensing
regime for exchanges, which
is in contrast to markets else- will come into effect next
Continued from page B1 where in Asia. Chinese regula- March.
futures markets show that tors banned all crypto-related Leonhard Weese, co-
traders see roughly even odds transactions last September. founder of the Bitcoin Associa-
of either outcome, according Singapore recently tightened tion of Hong Kong, said the
to CME Group. its stance after a number of city’s licensing process is al-
“I’m anticipating hearing crypto firms with links to the ready very strict. Only two
Powell walking a fine line, try- city collapsed. companies have been ap-
ing to point out some of the Hong Kong’s Securities and proved by the regulator under
positive data without the mar- Futures Commission will start the existing regime—OSL Digi-
ket taking it a public consultation on how

MONDAY’S as a full- retail investors “may be given

MARKETS blown pivot,” a suitable degree of access” to
The plan reverses a
Luke Tilley, digital assets, according to the
chief economist at Wilmington government’s statement. The policy that limited
Trust, said. SFC also published a circular
Tech stocks helped drag on Monday covering the rules
crypto trading to
down stock indexes. Meta Apple shares fell 1.5% as an important supplier struggles with a Covid-19 outbreak at a factory. that could govern crypto ex- professionals.
Platforms, lost $6.04, or 6.1%, change-traded funds being
to $93.16, continuing last still at an 8.2% annual rate in Index performance Monday hosted on Hong Kong ex-
week’s slide that followed a September—will keep the Fed changes.
disappointing earnings report. on track to bring rates up well The SFC has specific guide- tal Securities Ltd., which was
Apple fell $2.40, or 1.5%, to into next year. Over the week- lines for what it describes as licensed in 2020, and HashKey
$153.34 as Foxconn, an impor- end, economists at Goldman –0.25 complex products, which the Group, which received an in-
tant contributor to Apple’s Sachs raised their estimate of Dow Jones regulator defines as those that principle approval for a li-
iPhone production, struggled how high the Fed’s target in- Industrial aren’t reasonably likely to be cense in April.
with a Covid-19 outbreak at a terest rate will eventually –0.50 Average understood by a retail inves- The possibility of legalizing
factory in China. climb. The bank now expects tor. These products are subject crypto trading for retail inves-
Whatever the size of De- the Fed’s target to reach 4.75% –0.75 to stricter regulations. tors provides a carrot for com-
S&P 500
cember’s move, economists to 5% next year, up from the The SFC and Hong Kong panies that might now stay in
caution that high inflation— Fed’s current range of 3% to Monetary Authority, the spe- the city for some more time to
3.25%. –1.00 Nasdaq cial administrative region’s de evaluate whether they could
Chicago wheat futures rose Composite facto central bank, said in Jan- expand their market in Hong
AUCTION RESULTS 6.4% to $8.82 a bushel after uary that crypto-related assets Kong, said Mr. Weese.
Here are the results of Monday's Treasury auctions. –1.25
All bids are awarded at a single price at the market- Russia said it would suspend were “very likely” to be con- The move comes as regula-
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
between that price and the face value. participation in the export of sidered complex products—but tors around the world—includ-
agricultural products from –1.50 Julia Leung, deputy chief exec- ing Singapore—are increas-
13-Week 26-Week
Applications $157,026,382,700 $139,519,031,800
Ukrainian ports. utive officer of the SFC, said ingly grappling with how to
Accepted bids $65,810,279,400 $51,955,433,800 In energy markets, Brent –1.75 in a Monday speech that may protect consumers in the wake
" noncomp $1,712,437,200 $1,667,258,500 crude, the international bench- not be the case. of this year’s crypto crash,
" foreign noncomp $100,000,000 $200,000,000 10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4
Auction price (rate) 98.971194 97.755333 mark, fell 94 cents, or 1%, to “It does not seem appropri- which has seen roughly $2
(4.070%) (4.440%) $94.83 a barrel. Source: FactSet ate to classify them as ‘com- trillion wiped from the market
4.169% 4.605%
Bids at clearing yield accepted 17.82% 77.86% Overseas, the pan-continen- plex products’ merely because since its record in November,
912796XT1 912796YW3 tal Stoxx Europe 600 rose Chinese markets rallied most 4% and the Shanghai they are issued or traded on a multiple companies filing for
Both issues are dated Nov. 3, 2022. The 13-week bills
mature on Feb. 2, 2023; the 26-week bills mature on
0.3%, contributing to a 6.3% early Tuesday, with Hong Composite up 1.6%. S&P 500 blockchain,” she said. Ms. Le- bankruptcy and many inves-
May 4, 2023. rise in October. Kong’s Hang Seng Index up al- futures rose 0.4%. ung said the regulator needed tors sitting on huge losses.

REIT on the stock market. Nontraded

REITs are valued monthly by
their sponsors working with in-
as Blackstone Inc., Starwood
Capital Group and others. The
Blackstone Real Estate Income
borrowing costs for the funds.
Some investors are asking
why the value of nontraded
ing of these investments, and
they have been willing to ac-
cept prices that sometimes are
ues continue to rise because
they are still seeing strong cash
flows. Some have taken steps to

Returns dependent appraisers analyzing

how much the commercial prop-
erty they own is worth.
Trust, known as BREIT, has
raised more than $62 billion,
while the Starwood Real Es-
REITs continues to rise. For one
thing, values of apartment
buildings have declined 14% in
as much as 10% below net asset
values from the third quarter,
the most recent valuations.
protect against a rise in interest
rates. Blackstone said its rate
hedges have added $4.4 billion

Diverge Nontraded REITs are part of

a booming market for private
investments that attracted in-
tate Income Trust, or SREIT,
has raised about $12.7 billion,
according to Stanger.
the past 12 months according to
real-estate analytics firm Green
Street, while industrial-property
“The selling is in anticipa-
tion of potential future drops
in value,” said Phil Barker of
this year to the value of its non-
traded REIT. The Blackstone
and Starwood funds focus on
dividuals and institutions ea- Both funds are up about values are down 9%. Even e- ACRE Solutions LLC, which some of the strongest sectors
Continued from page B1 ger for higher yields, hot start- 10% this year including the commerce-related distribution helps big investors buy and such as apartments, where the
stock market, while nontraded ups and funds that appeared rise in share price and divi- centers are seeing softening de- sell interests in private real- housing market is strong, and
REITs raise money directly, to be less volatile than public dends. The 26% decline in the mand. Investors are worried estate funds in the secondary industrial properties that profit
mostly from individuals markets. Nontraded REITs MSCI REIT index also includes that prices for office buildings market, though he doesn’t deal from e-commerce growth.
through financial advisers. have raised more than $92 bil- dividends. Investors in these could decline as people con- with nontraded REITs. “Inter- For its part, Starwood
These individual investors can lion over the past five years, funds are concerned about de- tinue to work from home. est rates and inflation are up, noted that the asset value of
cash out only periodically said Robert A. Stanger & Co., clining property values, recent Meanwhile, institutional in- public real-estate prices are its nontraded REIT has in-
through the funds’ sponsors. an investment-banking firm weakness in rents and rising vestors have been selling inter- lower and private real-estate creased only 0.64% in the past
The valuations differ because that tracks the market. interest rates, which make the ests in private real-estate funds, values will eventually react.” three months and that was
public REITs are valued at what- These funds have been huge income generated by REITs according to specialists who fo- Sponsors of nontraded REITs “driven principally by the val-
ever their shares are trading for moneymakers for firms such less attractive and increase cus on secondary-market trad- argue that their net asset val- ues of non-real-estate assets.”

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret Fund
NAV Chg %Ret
Dodge & Cox Idx2030InsPre 16.61 -0.09-19.5 RisDv A 83.07 -0.37-13.7 StkIdx 42.46 -0.31-17.8 EqIdxInst 27.90 -0.18-18.4 TotIntBdIdxAdm 19.14 -0.08-12.5 IdxIntl 15.20 -0.11-24.3
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. Balanced 96.32 -0.37-10.0 Fidelity Invest Guggenheim Funds Tru Old Westbury Fds VANGUARD ADMIRAL TotIntlAdmIdx r 25.43 -0.18-24.3 MdCpGrAdml 78.30 -0.32-28.2
GblStock 12.80 -0.02-11.4 Balanc 22.92 -0.14-18.6 TotRtnBdFdClInst 22.56 -0.10-18.5 LrgCpStr 14.36 -0.09 NA 500Adml 357.60 -2.67-17.7 TotStAdml 94.44 -0.64-18.8 MdCpVlAdml 69.44 -0.28 -9.5
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e
Income 11.84 -0.04-14.1 BluCh 118.27 -1.37-35.3 Harbor Funds Parnassus Fds BalAdml 39.79 -0.23-17.4
TxMCapAdml200.11 -1.39-18.5 SmValAdml 68.98 -0.01 -9.0
and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, CapApInst 66.69 -0.59-33.8 ParnEqFd
Intl Stk 40.09 -0.09-15.2 Contra 13.39 -0.13-27.7 50.63 -0.30-19.9 CAITAdml 10.71 ...-10.5
TxMIn r 12.37 -0.11-23.4 TotBd2 9.14 -0.03-15.7
12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r Stock 220.68 -1.13 -8.5 Harding Loevner CapOpAdml r157.21 -0.91-18.8 TotIntlInstIdx r101.68 -0.75-24.2
apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not ContraK 13.44 -0.13-27.7 PGIM Funds Cl Z USGroAdml 107.39 -1.04-36.3
DoubleLine Funds CpInc 9.10 -0.02-11.5 IntlEq NA ... NA TotalReturnBond 11.56 -0.03 NA DivAppIdxAdm 40.32 -0.22-12.2
ValAdml 53.83 -0.22 -4.5 TotItlInstPlId r101.70 -0.75-24.2
available due to incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; TotRetBdI 8.64 -0.07 NA Invesco Funds A EMAdmr 29.39 -0.14-26.6 TotSt 94.42 -0.64-18.8
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. GroCo 25.24 -0.21-30.8 PIMCO Fds Instl WdsrllAdml 69.89 -0.39-14.0
Edgewood Growth Instituti InvGrBd 9.61 -0.04-15.3 EqIncA 10.29 -0.03 -8.3 AllAsset NA ... NA EqIncAdml 87.85 -0.35 -2.7 WellsIAdml 60.16 -0.20-12.3 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
EdgewoodGrInst 35.42 -0.37-41.4 LowP 45.54 -0.14 -9.0 Invesco Funds Y ShortT 9.54 ... NA ExplrAdml 92.79 -0.13-22.1 WelltnAdml 68.94 -0.47-16.5 BalInst 39.80 -0.22-17.4
Monday, October 31, 2022 Fidelity Magin 10.83 -0.09-26.7 DevMktY 30.99 +0.01-34.1 TotRt NA ... NA ExtndAdml 104.68 -0.29-24.1WndsrAdml 76.67 -0.29 -5.3 DevMktsIndInst 12.39 -0.10-23.4
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD 500IdxInstPrem134.43 -1.00-17.7 NASDAQ 139.45 -1.45-29.1 JHF III DispVal PIMCO Funds A GNMAAdml 8.96 -0.06-13.4 VANGUARD FDS DevMktsInxInst 19.37 -0.16-23.4
Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Fund NAV Chg %Ret Contrafund K6 17.07 -0.16-26.5 OTC 13.06 -0.13-30.9 DispValMCI 25.30 -0.13 -8.6 IncomeFd 10.24 -0.04 NA GrwthAdml 114.66 -1.27-30.3DivdGro 35.14 -0.18 -7.6 ExtndInst 104.67 -0.30-24.1
ExtMktIdxInstPre 65.95 -0.19-24.0 Puritn 20.44 -0.11-17.8
John Hancock PIMCO Funds I2 HlthCareAdml r 88.13 -0.13 -4.7
IntlVal 32.96 -0.27-20.7 GrwthInst 114.67 -1.26-30.3
American Century Inv WshA 51.89 -0.25-10.6 LargeCapGrowth 17.50 -0.14-25.6 FidSerToMarket 12.92 -0.08-18.8 BondR6 13.00 -0.05-17.1 Income HYCorAdml r 5.09 -0.03-10.9 InPrSeIn 9.62 -0.02-12.4
Ultra 62.50 -0.55-28.7 Artisan Funds LargeCapValue 15.79 -0.07 -7.4 SAIUSQtyIdx 15.21 -0.15-19.1 10.24 -0.04 NA LifeCon 18.87 -0.09 NA
GrowthCompanyK6 15.98 -0.12-30.2 JPMorgan I Class PIMCO Funds Instl InfProAd 23.61 -0.05-12.4 InstIdx 328.16 -2.45-17.7
American Funds Cl A IntlVal Inst 35.22 -0.16 NA MunicipalBond 9.35 +0.01-11.6 SrsEmrgMkt 14.17 -0.03-32.6 LifeGro 35.36 -0.22 NA
InflPrBdIndInsPr 9.75 -0.02-12.6 CoreBond 9.88 -0.04 NA
IncomeFd 10.24 -0.04 NA IntlGrAdml 87.56 -0.67-37.1 InstPlus 328.16 -2.45-17.7
AmcpA 29.94 -0.17-29.1 Baird Funds Calamos Funds SrsGlobal 11.43 -0.08-24.1
EqInc LifeMod 27.13 -0.15 NA
IntlIdxInstPrem 37.86 -0.35-23.2 22.53 -0.11 NA
Price Funds ITBondAdml 9.85 -0.04-15.6 InstTStPlus 68.72 -0.47-18.7
AMutlA 48.97 -0.23 -6.7 AggBdInst 9.32 -0.04-16.4 MktNeutI 13.67 -0.02 -5.6 LgCpGwId InstPre 21.71 -0.20-26.6 SrsGroCoRetail 14.37 -0.12-29.6 LgCpGwth 47.36 -0.42 NA PrmcpCor 28.93 -0.14-14.0
BlChip 113.90 -1.20-35.9
ITIGradeAdml 8.05 -0.03-17.1 MidCpInst 55.82 -0.23-19.1
BalA 28.18 -0.13-14.4 CorBdInst 9.58 -0.03-16.0 Columbia Class I MidCpInxInstPrem 26.18 -0.09-17.5 SrsIntlGrw 13.75 -0.13-28.1 JPMorgan R Class LarCapAd STAR
89.09 -0.67-19.1
25.23 -0.14 NA
MidCpIstPl 275.30 -1.10-19.1
BondA 11.09 -0.04-15.3 ShtTBdInst 9.14 -0.01 -5.0 DivIncom I 28.68 -0.12 -8.0 SrsIntlVal 9.24 -0.07-17.3 CoreBond 9.89 -0.04 NA
DivGro 64.64 -0.29-12.1 TgtRe2020 25.98 -0.12 NA
SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 17.48 -0.13-17.7 LTGradeAdml 7.33 -0.04-30.6 RealEstaInstl 18.20 -0.03-26.8
CapIBA 60.47 -0.26-12.1 BlackRock Funds Dimensional Fds SeriesBondFd 8.65 -0.03-15.5 TotalBond 9.13 -0.04-15.5 CorePlusBd 6.98 -0.03 NA Growth 67.67 -0.52-36.4
MidCpAdml 252.69 -1.01-19.1TgtRe2025 16.70 -0.09 NA SmCapInst 90.01 -0.07-16.1
CapWGrA 48.79 -0.25-22.3 HiYldBd Inst 6.62 -0.03-11.7 5GlbFxdInc 9.90 -0.01 -7.1 SeriesOverseas 10.10 -0.16-29.9 Fidelity SAI Lord Abbett A HelSci 90.43 +0.11-13.1 TgtRe2030 31.23 -0.18 NA
MuHYAdml 9.76 +0.02-16.4 STIGradeInst 9.79 -0.02 -7.6
EupacA 45.78 -0.32-29.0 BlackRock Funds A EmgMktVa 24.07 -0.34-19.8 SerLTTreBdIdx 5.63 -0.04-32.5 TotalBd 8.66 -0.03-15.0 ShtDurIncmA p 3.81 ... NA LgCapGow I 50.13 -0.42-31.8
MuIntAdml 12.87 +0.01-10.7 TgtRe2035 19.27 -0.12 NA STIPSIxins 23.95 -0.02 -3.0
FdInvA 60.01 -0.33-18.7 GlblAlloc 16.09 ...-17.9 EmMktCorEq 18.13 -0.13-25.3 SmCpIdxInstPrem 22.95 ...-16.7 U.S.TreBdIdx 8.52 -0.03-14.2 Lord Abbett I MidCap 89.23 -0.23-24.0 MuLTAdml 10.04 +0.01-15.2 TgtRe2040 33.78 -0.21 NA TotBdInst 9.24 -0.04-15.7
GwthA 52.66 -0.32-29.1 BlackRock Funds III IntlCoreEq 12.22 -0.10-22.1 TMktIdxInstPrem108.51 -0.74-18.8 First Eagle Funds ShtDurInc p 3.81 ... NA NHoriz 51.03 -0.07-33.6 MuLtdAdml 10.47 TgtRe2045 22.67 -0.15 NA
... -5.1 TotBdInst2 9.14 -0.03-15.7
HI TrA 9.02 -0.04-10.5 iShS&P500IdxK454.45 -3.39-17.7 IntSmCo 15.93 -0.13-25.8 TotalMarketIndex 13.68 -0.09-18.5 GlbA 56.57 -0.20-12.3 Metropolitan West R2020 NA ... NA MuShtAdml 15.44 +0.01 -1.9 TgtRe2050 37.39 -0.25 NA TotBdInstPl 9.24 -0.04-15.7
ICAA 41.44 -0.24-18.0 BlackRock Funds Inst IntSmVa 16.81 -0.09-20.1 USBdIdxInstPrem 9.92 -0.05-15.6 FPA Funds TotRetBdI 8.80 -0.05 NA R2025 NA ... NA TgtRe2060 38.30 -0.25 NA
PrmcpAdml r141.62 -0.69-16.4 TotIntBdIdxInst 28.72 -0.13-12.5
IncoA 22.76 -0.09-10.1 EqtyDivd 18.66 -0.07 -6.0 LgCo 27.55 -0.21-17.8 Fidelity Freedom NwInc 9.42 -0.02 -4.0 TRBdPlan 8.25 -0.05 NA R2030 NA ... NA TgtRet2055 41.63 -0.28 NA
RealEstatAdml117.59 -0.17-26.8 TotStInst 94.46 -0.63-18.7
IntBdA 12.25 -0.04 -9.3 StratIncOpptyIns 9.19 -0.01 -7.3 US CoreEq1 30.70 -0.17-14.8 FF2020 12.76 -0.06-19.0 Franklin A1 MFS Funds R2040 NA ... NA SmCapAdml 90.01 -0.07-16.1 TgtRetInc 12.19 -0.04 NA ValueInst 53.83 -0.22 -4.4
N PerA 47.50 -0.30-28.5 TotRet 9.60 -0.05 NA US CoreEq2 28.01 -0.14-14.2 FF2025 11.69 -0.07-19.7 IncomeA1 2.22 -0.01 -8.2 IIE 25.80 -0.24-22.9 Schwab Funds SmGthAdml 73.43 -0.13-25.6 WellsI 24.84 -0.08-12.3 WCM Focus Funds
NEcoA 43.05 -0.27-30.4 Bridge Builder Trust US Small 41.06 -0.01-12.1 FF2030 14.60 -0.09-20.1 FrankTemp/Frank Adv MFS Funds Class I 1000 Inv r NA ... NA STBondAdml 9.77 -0.01 -6.8 Welltn 39.92 -0.28-16.5 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 18.43 -0.15-33.4
NwWrldA 62.50 -0.19-27.4 CoreBond 8.59 -0.04-15.9 US SmCpVal 42.01 +0.05 -2.5 FF2035 12.54 -0.08-20.9 IncomeAdv 2.20 -0.01 -8.1 GrowthI 135.14 -1.15-30.5 S&P Sel NA ... NA WndsrII
STIGradeAdml 9.79 -0.02 -7.6 39.39 -0.22-14.0 Western Asset
SmCpA 54.90 -0.27-31.4 CorePlusBond 8.51 -0.03-16.3 US TgdVal 28.74 ... -3.9 FF2040 8.86 -0.06-21.5 FrankTemp/Franklin A ValueI 49.08 -0.28 -9.0 TSM Sel r NA ... NA STIPSIxAdm 23.93 -0.02 -3.0VANGUARD INDEX FDS CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
TxExA 11.55 +0.01-13.2 Intl Eq 9.87 -0.08-26.2 USLgVa 42.28 -0.13 -6.7 Freedom2030 K 14.60 -0.08-20.0 Growth A 112.93 -0.84-24.9 Northern Funds TIAA/CREF Funds TotBdAdml 9.24 -0.04-15.8 ExtndIstPl 258.32 -0.72-24.0 CorePlusBdIS NA ... NA
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | B11



The Fed’s Subscriptions Key to Social Media

The best investment right now could be the one users are willing to pay for
With the Consumers are spending a re- Change in average time spent worldwide on select But that hasn’t stopped all plat-

Job Market cord number of hours on social

media, but the platforms have had
difficulties profiting off of your
social-media apps since the first quarter of 2020
forms from selling an ad-free ex-
perience. One big perk of Twitter’s
Twitter Blue subscription, for
time lately. Long booming online TikTok Facebook Instagram Discord Twitter Twitch Snapchat which the company is looking to
ads businesses, historically the 20 begin charging nearly $20 a
Are wages pushing predominant way social-media month, is the ability to read select
inflation higher, or is it companies made money, have cra- 10 articles from major news outlets
the other way around? tered this year thanks to a weak- free of solicitations.
ening economy and Apple’s ad Will the social platform with
tracking changes that have made it the most users (Meta, collectively)
Federal Reserve officials worry more difficult for platforms to be best at the subscription game?
that rising wages will lock the econ- demonstrate return on advertisers’ –10 Or the one that enjoys the most
omy into a high-inflation regime. investments. time spent (ByteDance’s TikTok)?
The question facing policy makers is Meta Platforms has seen its –20 Or maybe the one used for work
how much of a risk of that happen- year-over-year revenue growth rather than for play (Elon Musk’s
ing there actually is. crater over the past 18-plus –30 Twitter)? If the online dating in-
Fed policy makers seem all but months, down from over 45% as of dustry has taught us anything,
2020 ’21 ’22 ’20 ’22 ’20 ’22 ’20 ’22 ’20 ’22 ’20 ’22 ’20 ’22
certain to raise their target range on the first quarter of last year to a consumers will probably continue
overnight rates by three-quarters of drop of 4% as of last week’s third- Source: Sensor Tower to dabble in many but opt to pay
a percentage point when they meet quarter report. Snapchat parent for the one or two that they care
this week, but the focus has already Snap Inc.’s growth fell off a similar On Twitch, people are throwing hang out online. On Alphabet’s about most at any given time.
moved to what they will do next. In- cliff, down over 60 percentage down up to $24.99 a month to YouTube—which saw its own ad That would suggest total user
flation is still running hot, with the points over the period. Shares of watch others play videogames revenue fall 2% in the third quar- numbers might be less relevant
Fed’s preferred measure showing major social-media companies, in- with digital pieces of “flair.” ter versus last year—you already than engagement. Sensor Tower
consumer prices were 6.2% higher cluding Meta, Snap and Pinterest, Why pay for any of that? The can pay for subscription based data show while time spent across
than a year earlier as of September. are down an average of 60% this sheer time people spend on social- products such as YouTube Pre- top social-media apps has in-
It isn’t as bad as the 7% logged in year as investors have broadly lost media platforms—streaming, gam- mium (ad free plus music) and creased over the past few years,
July, but it hasn’t eased as quickly faith in their first act. Suddenly, ing, messaging, dating—better YouTube TV (streaming TV ser- some apps are more addictive than
as either the Fed or private econo- subscriptions have gone from a puts consumers’ spending habits vice). others. Time spent on TikTok has
mists expected. So maybe the Fed theoretical call option on a sec- into perspective. Whether it is for On dating apps such as Grindr, increased 26% from the first quar-
should keep pumping the brakes. ondary revenue stream to a must- enjoyment, attention or status, we you can pay to see more suitors in ter of 2020 through the third
On the other hand, the central have. pay up for things such as a pre- your area. On Match’s Tinder you quarter of this year, that data
bank has already lifted rates might- They are increasingly charging mium car, a custom paint job and can pay to see suitors somewhere show; while Meta’s Facebook and
ily in a short period—on Wednesday for exclusive features or content. license plate or a turbo engine. else. Want to “better express your- Instagram have also logged dou-
the midpoint of its target range will As of the end of the third quarter, These days on average, we spend self” on Discord, perhaps with an ble-digit percentage increases.
presumably be 3.875%, compared more than 1.5 million people were less than an hour a day in our car animated avatar? It could cost you Over the same period, time spent
with 0.125% as recently as March. paying Snapchat for a monthly commuting but nearly seven up to $10 a month. And soon, it on Snapchat and Twitter declined
Considering that the full force of subscription that gives them ac- across our 10 favorite social-media seems likely you will be paying to 26% and 6%, respectively.
rate increases work on the economy cess to “exclusive, experimental, apps. watch your favorite tutorials via Subscribers might never be as
with a lag, as well as an accumula- and pre-release” features, such as Even outside of traditional so- TikTok LIVE. lucrative to social-media platforms
tion of anecdotal reports that some longer viewing time for their sto- cial media, expect the opportunity One challenge for social-media as their advertisers, but the sector
prices are cooling, the Fed might ries and what is essentially a Hal- to pay virtually everywhere you platforms is that subscriptions and will struggle to grow without
want to slow the pace of its rate in- loween costume for their bitmoji. might socialize and otherwise ads are often mutually exclusive. them. —Laura Forman
creases. Fed Chairman Jerome Pow-
ell might signal that the question of
whether the central bank should

Brazil’s Boom Years Will Be Tough to Revive

raise rates by another three-quar-
ters of a point at its December
meeting, or a smaller half point, is a
matter of debate.
Much of that debate, and the one
over how far the Fed should ulti- Even after a close election, Brazil Brazil, annual GDP per capita whose earlier presidency looks bet- ing-market stocks haven’t been bet-
mately raise rates, hinges on the de- is one of this year’s rare market ter with the passage of time: It was ter long-term investments than the
gree to which the tight labor market winners. But investors shouldn’t get the only period after the Latin S&P 500. Brazil’s particular problem
is feeding into inflation. There is no too nostalgic for their days of fawn- American growth spurt of the 1960s harks back to 1990s stabilization
question that the job market is ing over “BRICs.” and 1970s when Brazil’s output per programs, which relied on an over-
tight: Economists polled by The On Monday, Brazil’s currency and 8,000 capita recorded big gains. Contrary valued exchange rate. This turbo-
Wall Street Journal think Friday’s stocks edged up after Luiz Inácio to popular belief, Mr. da Silva was charged the agricultural sector, but
jobs report will show the unemploy- Lula da Silva won a narrow victory quite fiscally conservative back also crowded out Brazil’s relatively
ment rate was 3.6% in October, in the presidential election against Bolsonaro then, and a divided Congress is un- diversified industry. In 1997, Brazil’s
slightly above September’s 3.5% but conservative incumbent Jair Bolson- likely to allow him much more lee- output per agricultural worker was
aro. Mr. da Silva, who previously led way now. However, the 2003-2010 only 20% of the industrial equiva-
the country between 2003 and 2010, period coincided with a “commodity lent. By 2019, that had risen to 56%,
da Silva Rousseff
promises reindustrialization, a 6,000 supercycle” fueled by Chinese de- World Bank data show.

Economists think that this is the
higher minimum wage and better
relations with China, which were
strained under Mr. Bolsonaro.
Market enthusiasm for yet an- 5,000
mand that lifted the entire region,
especially Brazil with its soybean,
iron-ore and oil exports.
Commodity prices have soared
It is what Argentine economist
Marcelo Diamand called an “unbal-
anced productive structure”: Too
much competitiveness in primary
October unemployment rate other big Latin American nation 1982 ’90 2000 ’10 ’20 this year, but the trend is likely sectors stops the most complex sec-
tacking to the left might seem Note: In constant 2015 U.S. dollars more ephemeral: They peaked in tors from developing and spreading
strange. Back in 2019, investors Source: World Bank June, and the continuing deflation the gains. The power of agribusiness
cheered for Mr. Bolsonaro, who ad- of the Chinese property market has probably contributed to Brazil-
still extremely low. Moreover, they vocated privatizations and public- well this year, thanks to its economy doesn’t bode well for iron-ore. As ian investment being stuck below
think that average hourly earnings spending cuts. But hopes quickly being a mammoth exporter of com- Tom Miller at Gavekal Research has the Latin American average, and will
will be up 0.3% in October from soured, due to tepid economic fig- modities. This has kept inflation in pointed out, Brazil’s reliance on make it hard for Mr. da Silva to de-
September, which implies a gain of ures, Mr. Bolsonaro’s populist ten- check and allowed the central bank China has increased despite Mr. Bol- liver on his reindustrialization
4.7% from a year earlier. dencies and the rise of environmen- to raise interest rates. The real has sonaro’s rhetoric: 31% of its exports pledges, particularly with the coun-
Then again, the unemployment tal mandates in finance, which are risen against the U.S. dollar this went there in 2021, compared with try more divided than ever.
rate was 3.5% in January 2020, be- at odds with the accelerating defor- year. The Bovespa index is up more 20% at the supercycle peak. Depen- Mr. da Silva’s Brazil looks prom-
fore the economy was experiencing estation of the Amazon rainforest than 9%, and domestic bonds are dence on raw materials may be a ising compared with his predeces-
any pandemic effects. Back then, under his rule. soaring. boon now, but could look bad if a sors’ and many other emerging mar-
though, average hourly earnings Despite all of this, Brazil has been Investors hope there is even global recession comes in 2023. kets. But it is a promise that can go
were up 3% on the year, and infla- one of the few markets to perform more upside under Mr. da Silva, This is a key reason why emerg- only so far. —Jon Sindreu
tion was running short of the 2%
the Fed was aiming for. So some-
thing has changed. One difference
might be that despite the similar-
looking unemployment rates, the job
market is effectively much tighter
now. The number of unfilled job
Vietnam’s Goldilocks Growth Phase Is Over
openings has lately started to fall a Vietnam is out of step with the
bit, but it is still far higher than be- rest of Asia—in terms of growth,
fore the pandemic. The share of dollar reserves and monetary pol-
workers quitting, which some peo- icy. The law of averages may be
ple view as a better measure of la- catching up with it finally.
bor market tightness, is also higher Vietnam’s central bank last
than before the pandemic, but it has week said it would raise its policy
been falling since the end of last rates by a full percentage point—
year—one indication, argues econo- the second increase in a little
mist Justin Bloesch in a recent Roo- more than a month—to fight infla-
sevelt Institute post, that the cur- tion and a sharp slide in its cur-
rent low level of unemployment rate rency. The Vietnamese dong lost
isn’t inherently more inflationary 4% in October after the central
than prior to the pandemic. bank widened the currency’s daily

A recent Evercore ISI analysis trading band to conserve depleted

suggests that the increase in wages dollar reserves. Vietnam’s foreign-
is more of a lagged response to the exchange reserves were equal to
rise in inflation than inflationary in just over three months of imports
itself. Some supporting evidence for as of June, quarterly data from
that: On Friday, the Labor Depart- CEIC shows. That compares with
ment reported that its employment- more than five for Indonesia, and
cost index rose 5% in the third quar- seven each for Thailand and the
ter from a year earlier. That is a big Philippines in August. While the country’s economy has been expanding at a fast clip, a steady rise in inflation will challenge officials.
jump but still less than inflation. The situation could get even
The problem for the Fed is that it trickier for Vietnam if the world back of strong exports to the U.S. That seemed to work well for a month seasonally adjusted in Sep-
is easier to argue that the labor slides into a recession. It may have Nevertheless, the State Bank of while: Headline consumer inflation tember, according to Goldman
market might not be generating all to widen its trading band again Vietnam is clearly playing catch- was only 2.9% year over year as Sachs.
that much inflation when there isn’t and tolerate further currency up. The central bank only began its recently as August, and even now Vietnam spent much of 2022 in
much inflation. It might well be that weakness—while continuing to tightening cycle in September. it clocks in at 4.3%, low by re- the sweet spot—still-low inflation
the rise in prices has more to do raise rates. However, thanks to in- Instead, for most of 2022 the gional standards. But beneath the and rapid growth. Times will get a
with factors such as pandemic-re- vestments in infrastructure, ag- government relied on spending surface, things have started to bit tougher now, but the country is
lated distortions and Russia’s inva- gressive trade liberalization and down forex reserves and fuel tax look more troubling. Core inflation poised for fast growth next year—
sion of Ukraine than anything else, relatively cheap wages, its manu- cuts to support the currency and hit nearly 4.5% in October, its Natixis is forecasting 6.5%, while
but the proof won’t come until infla- facturing engine remains intact. fight off inflation. The country has highest since at least early 2015, Capital Economics expects more
tion cools. The best outcome would Vietnam also has the advantage of also been partly insulated from the according to CEIC. than 7%—and the weakening cur-
be for it to emerge before the Fed starting from an enviable growth global surge in food prices—it is At the same time, exports are rency may help soften the blow
breaks the job market. position: roaring at 13.7% year on among the leading rice producers now facing increasing headwinds. from weaker export demand.
—Justin Lahart year in the third quarter on the and exporters globally. They dropped 5.1% month on —Megha Mandavia
B12 | Tuesday, November 1, 2022 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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