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Write a summary in which you argue the possible causes that originate different human
races and discuss discrimination in Mexico.

Sergio: I believe human races exist because of nomadism. It is supposed humans were born
in Africa, and they walked through the earth and came to Asia, America, and all these
continents and countries. After they arrive in that specific country they need to adapt to
specific things like the eyes, the color skin and these little things, and after years of evolving
they are what we are right now.

Rolando: One of the causes that affected humans into becoming multiple races is way back
into the australopithecus. These primordial humans were born in Africa and they spread all
around the world. Different parts of the world have different weather and geography that
affects how we feel, for example, it is not the same to have a snowy mountain than having a
normal mountain. Another example could be that it is not the same to have a winter of -30°C
to a winter of 15°C. Going back to the humans, whey they traveled to all around the world,
they needed to adapt and thanks to them adapting we have multiple types of races, Asian
people have their unique type of eyes, African people are mostly black because of the
extreme hot weather, Russians are white because of their cold weather, etc. Thanks to this
races there exists discrimination between races. Specifically in Mexico, there is a lot of
discrimination. To put it simple, discrimination is bad. We need to stop discrimination even
though this is practically imposible but at least we should try by doing some sort of
campaings trying to promote the equality and stuff like that

Daniel: The human species has been around for a long time, and in that time races have
originated and mixed with each other throughout history, But what could have caused this?
Well, one explanation that I can give is colonization, due to the fact that throughout history,
many places were colonized, and different races were mixed, one example is Spain and
Mexico. When the Spanish conquered Mexico, many colonizers decided to have
relationships with the natives creating the mixed races of spanish and Mexican, and these
mixed race children were discriminated against, just because they were not like the others.
And this leads me to my second topic, Where does discrimination come from, and why has it
persisted throught the years?
Well the explanation I have, links back to what I have just said that racism goes a long way
back, and it could come from an idea of superiority, that one race better than the other, one
explanation I have comes from religion, like christianity, (this is an example), like the idea
that since Jesus was white, that was the better race. But what happens when people
discriminate against everyone? In that case is just a sense of superiority, the idea that I am
better than you for my race, (again just an example).

Ricardo: I think that the main reason of multiple races today, is nomadism, since the first
humans were always moving and with that they eventually spread around the world, making
different races and through time when people got sedentary, I think that one more thing that
made happend the different races it was maybe slavery and colonization.
Here in mexico there’s a lot of racism, but honestly I do not think it is because of the
difference of the skin or how someone looks like, I think its of the position and the money
that someone has, although there’s also discrimination because of the color of the skin, and
sadly is really common.

Emiliano: Genetic distance estimates suggest that among the three major races of man the
first divergence occurred about 120,000 years ago between Negroid and a group of
Caucasoid and Mongoloid and then the latter group split into Caucasoid and Mongoloid
around 60,000 years ago. Some factors that affect race are macro social influences like
culture, institutions and politics, media, socioeconomic status, residence, family and some
behavioral risk factors that produce chronic disease like diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol.

Carlos: Human races are the byproduct of the spread of human beings throughout several
different environments, in which they had to adapt in order to overcome the particular
difficulties of each environment.
For instance a sunny place would make humans develop more melanin in their skin hence
making them black, in places where food is scarce humans would adapt to be smaller, in
places with heavy sandstorms humans had to develop strong facial hair to prevent them to
get sand in their eyes/nose.

As it is common between species without predators, we like to fight each other, the more
distant one is to us the less empathy we develop towards them, i believe racism is some
kind of evolutionary trait, if the ecosystem is so good our specie can survive and thrive
without predators and barely any limits, then the next fight is between us. I think the racism
in Mexico and all over the world is just that trait passed down and now developing in a world
that no longer needs it at all.

II. Complete the following chart with the evolution and adaptation theories

Theories Postulate

It is the ability of an organism to adapt to an

environment with time. Charles Darwin
performed some experiments in the Galapagos
Island in the 1830s

An exponential formula used to project

population growth. The theory states that food
Malthus production will not be able to keep up with
growth in the human population, resulting in
disease, famine, war, and calamity.

Lamarckism, a theory of evolution based on the

principle that physical changes in organisms
during their lifetime—such as greater
Lamarck development of an organ or a part through
increased use—could be transmitted to their

The formation of Earth's crust took place

through countless small changes occurring over
vast periods of time, all according to known
natural laws.

This theory states that the forces and

processes observable at earth's surface are the
same that have shaped earth's landscape
throughout natural history.
We learned about the different theories of evolution and were kind of
interested to learn them.

● The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2022, 6 septiembre). Lamarckism |
Facts, Theory & Contrast with Darwinism. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Recuperado 30 de septiembre de 2022, de

Just a moment. . . (s. f.). Recuperado 30 de septiembre de 2022, de


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