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1. Based on Pigafetta's account, where was the first mass held?

Elucidate your answer.

According to Pigafetta, the first Mass was celebrated on March 31, 1521, an Easter
Sunday. Pigafetta referred to the venue as “Mazaua”. Some say that the venue is
the island of Limasawa in Leyte. Others, however, claim that Pigafetta was
referring to Masao the community at the mouth of Agusan River adjacent to what
is now the city of Butuan. Nearing 500 years since the first Mass, debates continue
whether it was held on Limasawa Island, in Agusan or somewhere else.“As far as
our history books, the first Mass is in Limasawa. But there are other places that are
claiming that the first Mass was held in their locality. However, the National
Historical Institute led by its chair Ambeth Ocampo recognized the historical
records of Limasawa in Southern Leyte as the venue of the first Mass.

2. How is the controversy in the primary source relevant to

Filipino life today?
There are controversies and debates in the primary source in The Site of the First
Mass, however the one stand still and wins. This controversy in the primary source
is relevant to Filipino life today because it serves a raw material of history
happened before, which the original document and objects that were created at that
time. The relevancy of the primary source is to lead a misinformation like where is
the first holy mass and when it happens. The relevant is that we are celebrating the
First Holy Mass which is the Easter Sunday because most of the Filipino is Roman
Catholicism, it is significant that is a birthplace of the Church in the Philippines.
The winning controversy also has the impact because it shows and tells where it is
exactly first held on, and it avoids the false information.

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3. Based on the Jose Montero account, how are the priests
Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora involved in
the Cavite Mutiny?
The Spanish historian well known is Jose Montero during his time and was the one
who painted the Cavite Mutiny as a rebellious act of the Indios to the Spanish
colonial rule. It states that Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, Jacinto Zamora,
collectively known as Gombuza, among several the priest, lawyers and individual
were pointed out as instigators of the Cavite uprising. The Indios claim their
independence and served as the starting point to start revolution. it is as equally
important when the Philippine Revolution broke out owing to the Filipinos’ desire
to be free from the abuses of the Spanish colonial regime. But we should be
reminded. However, not all of us knew that there were different accounts in
reference to the said event. All Filipinos must know the different sides of the
story,since this event led to another tragic yet meaningful part of our history, the
execution of Gomburza which has an a major effect and factor in the awakening of
nationalism among the Filipinos.

4. On the part of Governor General Rafael de Izquierdo, what

was his position over the case against Gomburza?
When the news reached the iron-fisted Gov. Izquierdo, he readily ordered the
reinforcement of the Spanish forces in Cavite to quell the revolt. The “revolution”
was easily crushed when the expected reinforcement from Manila did not come
ashore. Major instigators including Sergeant Lamadrid were killed in the skirmish,
while the Gomburza were tried by a court-martial and were sentenced to die by
strangulation. Patriots like Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, Antonio Ma. Regidor, Jose
and Pio Basa and other abogadillos were suspended by the Audencia (High Court)
from the practice of law, arrested and were sentenced with life imprisonment at the
Marianas Island. Furthermore, Gov. Izquierdo dissolved the native regiments of
artillery and ordered the creation of artillery force to be composed exclusively of
the Peninsulares.


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