Johnny Li, Yuqiang - Circadian Rhythm Activity

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Circadian Rhythm Activity

Instructions: Outline your typical day off (not a school day) from waking up to going to sleep in
hourly blocks or 2- to 3-hour blocks (use the chart on the next page). In the second column, for
each block of time, write down how you normally feel around that time:

 ‘on fire’ (you have the most energy and are highly focused)

 ‘vibrant’ (energetic)

 ‘cruise control’ (normal energy)

 ‘at 70%’

 ‘distracted’

 ‘slowing down’

 ‘tired’

 ‘hungry’

The point of the exercise is to get you thinking about your natural energy levels. Once you become
more aware of your natural energy levels, you can apply what you know to your studies and the
workplace, so when you are ‘on fire’ you should be tackling the big important tasks as you are more
likely to get it done, and when you are lethargic (tired) you should do the mundane tasks.  

Once you complete the activity, post a paragraph to the discussion forum summarizing what you
discovered (or already knew) and how you might (or already) organize your tasks according to your
circadian rhythm.

Post your paragraph to the forum on D2L (there should be a D2L page soon) by Sunday, October 2
at midnight.
Time of day/ block of time
How you feel during this time Energy %
(2-3 hour periods)
07:30 — 10:00 ‘vibrant’ 80-90
10:00 — 11:30 ‘cruise control’ 75-85
11:30 — 13:00 ‘hungry’ and ‘distracted’ 30-40
13:00 — 16:30 ‘on fire’ 95-100
16:30 — 18:30 ‘distracted’ 55-65
18:30 — 20:00 ‘cruise control’ 75-85
20:00 — 22:30 ‘slowing down’ 50-60
22:30 — 00:00 ‘tired’ 20-30

I have observed myself for several years and findings are as showed in the table above.

According to different energy levels of different time period, I have made my schedule to arrange the

The period before 10 in the morning and between 1:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon will be kept for tasks
which I consider are the most important, such as reading, learning and thinking or those tough tasks
requiring full energy and concentration;

The time block when I feel I am on “cruise control” will be used for normal tasks, such as typing,
house cleaning or shopping.

The time period between 11:30 am to 1:30 pm will definitely be kept for cooking lunch and having a
nap. I have this napping habit for almost 30 years and it do help with recharging.

During the time between 4:30 pm and supper(18:30) my energy level is around 60% and I will the
time on some leisure activities, such as Internet surfing, or something mindless, such as body

Between 8 pm to 10:30 I feel myself slowing down but I will still do some tasks which is easier such
as reading books or making plans for the next day.

After 10:30 pm my energy level decrease to below 30% and I will stop any ongoing tasks and prepare
for sleep, just take a shower and then listen to favourite songs before going to bed.

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