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Tutorial Problem 1

I. The product that I propose to make is shoe soles for Sepak Takraw players. However,
before we proceed to developing the product there are few steps that we need to take. The
first one would be to:
● Assess the product availability: Analyzing the one available in the current
market. The product needs to give a certain degree of satisfaction which include
customer satisfaction, safety and environmental issues.
The second one is:
● Making the concept product: The first hard sketch and the functions that it
would have to suit the objectives.
● Feasibility Study: This is important as to make sure that whether the products
created would be in demand or not. Thus, designers should identify the technical
pros and cons, range of application, the reasons for modification and also the
market share of the product.
● Materials Selection and Process: This can be said as the hardest phases in
creating new products as how complicated it can be. The designer should always
have the question like what is the product used for?, can it withstand the
endurance while doing its function right?, and does the materials used comply
with how the product would be used?
Lastly and might be the most crucial part would be:
● Planning and Scheduling: This phase can be started by identifying all major
tasks and starting to divide it into small sections. Each section must then be
assigned a time range to ensure that the project can be completed during the range
of period given.

II. When we determine the materials to be used, we have two methods that we can use. The
methods are the Implicit Method and the Explicit method.
● Implicit Method: This method is also known as the non-derivative method.
This method does not come or follow the product objective or functional
requirement. The properties or constraints that are not directly measured are
considered here for materials selection strategy.
● Explicit Method: This method is also known as the derivative method. This
method starts from translating or transforming performance or functional
requirements of the products. Is it important as this method expresses itself in
terms of material property features such as the product density, hardness, elastic
modulus(MOE), strength, and etc.
III. Product analysis is important as every product has a specific design, and product analysis
helps us understand the crucial choices in materials, processing, economy, and aesthetics
that must be made before any product can be produced. We can develop and create for
ourselves with the aid of a comprehension of these choices. The product should be
analyzed in terms of what its final design would be?, how it is manufactured?, the costs
of making the products, the function, etc. Moreover, analyzing the products can give us
more overview of how the product would turn out and from that we can manage and even
upgrade to suit the functions and consumers demand better.

Tutorial Problem 2

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