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Holy Spirit Fullness

Have you ever turned up the flame of a gas burner and watched boiling water respond?
The higher the flame, the faster the boil. Right? Though somewhat of an inadequate
analogy, this does serve to explain in part the relational dynamic between the Holy Spirit
and Christians. All “born again” people have the indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9).
It is He “who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased
possession” (Eph. 1:14). But this is only the beginning!
He is a dynamic Person who desires a dynamic—not a static—relationship with His people.
We are to be “fervent [zeo, “fiery hot,” “full of burning zeal”] in spirit” (Rom. 12:11).
How does all this fullness become part of us? Is there a definite starting point following our
initial salvation? Can we have a one-time experience with the Holy Spirit that lasts forever, or is
fullness to be sought daily? How can we know if we’re aglow with the Spirit? These are some of
the pertinent questions which this study will seek to answer. But—it will take some thinking!
We’ll need to grapple with a lot of scriptures and with various terms; is “being filled with
the Spirit” the same as “having Him poured out in our lives”? the same as “being baptized
with the Holy Spirit”? Furthermore, we’ll need to realize that when all is said and done, we
might have some answers not acceptable to some segments of conservative Christianity!! (Won’t
it be wonderful when we no longer “see in a mirror, dimly” [1 Cor. 13:12], and all our
doctrinal differences are resolved around the throne of grace?)

Let’s take a look at God’s view on His giving of the Holy Spirit to us. Experience shows that if we
are going to seek after something, we need to know what it is we’re seeking, and we need to be convinced
of its importance. Therefore, if we’re going to see the fullness of the Spirit in our lives, we need to
understand how important that fullness is to God, the Giver. Let’s see what the New Testament says about
God’s perspective. We’ll start with His giving of the Spirit to Jesus Christ Himself and then move on
to His giving the Spirit to us.

Some questions :
Looking to Jesus as a Model, how does Luke describe the Spirit at work in His life? (Luke

What does John 3:34 say about God’s giving of the Spirit to Jesus?

According to Luke 4:18, 19, what were the fundamental purposes of the Spirit’s coming upon

How is this described in John 7:38, 39?

“Those who are satisfied by Jesus will themselves become channels of spiritual refreshment
for others. The figure of rivers contrasts with ‘a fountain’ (4:14), illustrating the difference
between one’s new birth and one’s experience of the overflowing fullness of the Spirit-filled
When Peter testifies before the religious ruling body of Jerusalem, what does Luke
specifically note about his relationship to the Holy Spirit? (Acts 4:8)

What does Luke note about Paul and the Holy Spirit when Paul confronts the magician Bar-
Jesus? (Acts 13:9)

What can we conclude so far then about the relationship God desires all Christians to have
with His Holy Spirit?

In light of this, what does Ephesians 5:18 command of us?

Paul instructs us in the ongoing daily walk, which includes “continuously being filled with
the Holy Spirit” (Eph. 5:18) and learning to live in Him. Let’s explore Romans 8:1–8 to see what
we can discover about daily life in the Spirit.
Life in the Spirit sets us free from what? (v. 2)

What is the only way this becomes possible? (v. 3)

What is to be the daily focal point of those “who live according to the Spirit”? (v. 5)

What is a fruit of living in the Spirit? (v. 6)

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