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bar Leto e alo te) Qualifications WaT te) PSH Ue ee oe IU StH PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL PURE MATHEMATICS 2 Published by Pesron Education Limited. 80 Stand, London, WC2R ORL. ‘aw sersenglabalchoas com Copies oot specteaion fora Pearson qualifications may b found onthe ‘aca ps: iquallstone pearson con td by Fachars Hutchinson “Typeset by Tec-Set Ls, Gstoshood, UK Cngraliustratons © Peurson Escaton Limited 2018 IMisvated by © Teh-Set i, Gateroad, UK (Cover sign by © Pearson Eden ined “Thera of Gag Atte, Jack Barat lan Bettso, Keith ali, Dari! Gatseers, star Macpherson, Ane Mestoar, Bronwen Mora, ‘SuNcholson, Dane lve: Joe Pavan, Keth Pedger, Carg San, Joe Skakowsk Hany Smith. Go Staley, ober Vard-Penny snc Dave Wks be Sees {a5 the authors ofthis wok have boen asserted by them in accordince wh the [Copyritt, Oasars and Patets Act 1988, Fret pushes 2078 10967654321 ‘itch Library Cataioguing a Pubetin Oats ‘Noslalogue record orth book a aval fom the rth bray Ian 9781 2az244 059 copyright notice ‘Aight reserve. 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Wl tbe pubes have made evry tempt to ensurthat advice onthe {qualfeaten ands assessments accurate, te oficial pecticabon and Sseoclatedsssesrentgicance materia ae he ol atottatve source of Inlrmation and shouls sways be refered er dette gudance Pearson exer have not contd o any sensi this resource rev to ‘exarinaton pas fo which hey have responsibly. xaminers wl rt ute andor sures 8 sozcn ef ateria fr any stsecament sat by Pesan Endorsement of aresource des bl ma tha he ‘esoure i reqied te achive this Puasa" uation re does mean that [stro ony sutabe mata avalabl to support the quabeation, and any reeo.e Its produced by he aarding body sal neue ths ard other appropiate aL COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT X 1 ALGEBRAIC METHODS 1 2 COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE 25 3 EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS 49 4 THE BINOMIAL EXPANSION 62 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 7 5 SEQUENCES AND SERIES 80 6 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES AND EQUATIONS 112 7 DIFFERENTIATION 137 8 INTEGRATION 152 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 174 EXAM PRACTICE 178 GLOSSARY 181 ANSWERS 184 INDEX 204 CHAPTER 1 ALGEBRAIC METHODS 1.1 ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 1.2 DIVIDING POLYNOMIALS 1.3 THE FACTOR THEOREM 1.4 THE REMAINDER THEOREM 1.5 MATHEMATICAL PROOF 1.6 METHODS OF PROOF CHAPTER REVIEW 1 CHAPTER 2 COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE 2.1 MIDPOINTS AND PERPENDICULAR BISECTORS 2.2 EQUATION OF A CIRCLE 2.3 INTERSECTIONS OF STRAIGHT LINES AND CIRCLES 2.4 USE TANGENT AND CHORD PROPERTIES 2.5 CIRCLES AND TRIANGLES CHAPTER REVIEW 2 CHAPTER 3 EXPONENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS 3.1 EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS 3.2 LOGARITHMS 3.3 LAWS OF LOGARITHMS 3.4 SOLVING EQUATIONS USING LOGARITHMS 3.5 CHANGING THE BASE OF A LOGARITHM CHAPTER REVIEW 3 wont ~ 13 7 25 26 29 33 35 40 44 49 50 52 54 57 58 60 CHAPTER 4 THE BINOMIAL EXPANSION 4.1 PASCAL'S TRIANGLE 4.2 FACTORIAL NOTATION 4,3 THE BINOMIAL EXPANSION 4.4 SOLVING BINOMIAL PROBLEMS 4.5 BINOMIAL ESTIMATION CHAPTER REVIEW 4 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 CHAPTER 5 SEQUENCES AND SERIES 5.1 ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES 5.2 ARITHMETIC SERIES 5.3 GEOMETRIC SEQUENCES 5.4 GEOMETRIC SERIES 5.5 SUM TO INFINITY 5.6 SIGMA NOTATION 5.7 RECURRENCE RELATIONS 5.8 MODELLING WITH SERIES CHAPTER REVIEW 5 Tsai 100 104 107 Sas CHAPTER 6 TRIGONOMETRIC CHAPTER 8 INTEGRATION 152 IDENTITIES AND 8.1 DEFINITE INTEGRALS 153 EQUATIONS 112 8.2AREAS UNDER CURVES 155 6.1 ANGLES IN ALL FOUR 8.3 AREAS UNDER THE x-AXIS 157 QUADRANTS 113 8.4 AREAS BETWEEN CURVES 6.2 EXACT VALUES OF ‘AND LINES 160 TRIGONOMETRICAL RATIOS 119 8.SAREAS BETWEEN TWO CURVES 163 6.3 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES 120 —8.6 THE TRAPEZIUM RULE 166 6.4 SOLVE SIMPLE CHAPTER REVIEW 8 169 TRIGONOMETRIC EQUATIONS 124 6.5 HARDER TRIGONOMETRIC REVIEW EXERCISE 2 174 EQUATIONS 128 6.5 EQUATIONS AND IDENTITIES 130 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 133 EXAM PRACTICE 178 CHAPTER 7 GLOSSARY 181 DIFFERENTIATION 137 7.1 INCREASING AND ANSWERS 184 DECREASING FUNCTIONS 138 7.2 STATIONARY POINTS 139 7.3 SKETCHING GRADIENT INDEX 204 FUNCTIONS 143 7.4 MODELLING WITH DIFFERENTIATION 145 CHAPTER REVIEW 7 148 ABOUT THIS BOOK The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied alongside your learning 1. Mathematical argument, language and proof + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols 2. Mathematical problem-solving ‘The Mathematical Problem-Solving Cycle ‘+ Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated secity the problem into the main exercises { + Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies Intervet results aeciewuen ‘© Challenge questions provide extra stretch Lexum od 3. Transferable skills + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book, in the exercises and in some examples + These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book ee ea Wt) ach chapter's mapped tthe specication content fr easy ‘eterence Each chaptor starts with a list of Leaning objectives ‘Te Por knowledge check lps make sure you are ready to start the chapter The real word applications of the maths you are about team chapter. Glossary terms wil be identi by bold Diu text on tee fist appearance. ‘Tarwtemeanisan ] signposted whore they naturaly cour inthe exercises and ‘examples Braise questions | are carly graded 0 they rerease in pages 2-3 SSP ® Divide a polynomial bya linear expression a\anss Bo ae sp cfaciar reer atonce ee ieecet onl meete d Construct mathematical proofs using algebra > pages 13-17 I . Use proof by exhaustion and disproof by counter-example Spagess7-20 +£0 © Use the remainder theorem to find the remainder when a polynomial f(x) is divided by (ax = b) simplify 5x) i axtxSy) b + Pure 1 Section 1. ‘4 ey 2 Factorise a x-2x-26 Bb 3x?-17x420 «Pure 1 Section 1.3 Use long division to calculate a 197041 +23 b 56168 +34 International GCSE Mathematics Find the equations of the lines that pass through Proof is the comerstone of these paits of points: BZ mathematics. Mathematicians -14) need to prove theorems (such as Pythagoras’ theorem) before they can use them to solve problems. Pythagoras’ theorem can be used to find approximate values for 7. - a (-1,4)and ( b (2,-6) and Complete! 3-3) & International GCSE Mathematics 1e square for the expressions: a x@=2x=20 b 2x?+4x415 © Pures Section2.2 Page ALGEBRAIC METHODS fractions @ Aver You can simplify algebraic fractions using = When simplifying an algebraic fraction, where f™ Or possible factorise the numerator and denominator _5x°= 245 _ Six + 7)(x~7) _ Slr +7) and then cancel common factors. 2x?-15x+7 — (2x-1)(x-7) 2x-1 EO 2) IED renner soume Simplify these fractions: Ixt- 2 ¢6x + DAX-1) | te Tx+12 a 26x45 2x24 Ix +12 2 7 Qx-D S&H) Sar—10 © (v4 3044) cet ei) 2 2x + ite 12 24 3x4 Ox 412 x2x 43) 442+ = 2x + 3)ix+4) go 282 tte + 12 (4 Slr 4) (2x4 3kx +4} =e Bae 4) 2x43, oix+3 EXE) ron sna 1 Simplify these fractions: 4xt+ Sx? 7 x |EBRAIC METHODS ao 2 Simplify these fractions as far as possible: (x+3)e-2) (x +4)3x-1) *C-3 *@=D a v2 + 10x +21 x2 + 9x +20 +3) © 4d) x+x-20 p St 3et2 8 Sy 2-15 +54 J 2x? + 7x46 k 2+ 9x - 18 1 (x - 5x +2) (xt 6x41) (Bx - I(r +2) 3ytl n SOx 48 2x? = Sy-3 =2 41x42 6x84 3x2 Ry _ ant + b) 633x442 FE where a, band ¢ are constants, Work out the values of a, b and c. (4 marks) ® Dividing polynomials ‘A polynomial is a finite expression with positive Felon eis Ree psoas whole number indices. = You can use long division to divide a polynomial by (c#), where p is a constant. You can use long division to divide a polynomial by (ox), where a and b are constants. Divide x3 + 2x 17x + 6 by (x- 3). ® = SRT #2 = TEE x — 3 Coa a Dy Q@ vse x~ BNF P= TIES x — Bx? @ 45: y= 3x ONT x3 = 3x? 5x? f(x) =4x4 17 +4 Divide f(x) by (2x + 1), giving your answer in the form fix) = (2x + (ax + bx? + ex +d). 2x + Vax OX = 17x 4 OS Axt + 2x2 2x? = 17x W2x8 - x “lex? + Ox xi6x? - 8x Ox+4 bx44 ° So Ax! — 7x2 +4 = x + 2x? — xt - Bx + 4h |EBRAIC METHODS ao Find the remainder when 2x? - 5x2 ~ 16x + 10 is divided by (x - 4). ext + 3x-4 2x? ~ 8x By ~ 16x ax? = 12x Ax +10 Ax +16 =a So the remainder is ~6. GSE) ELD vores 1. Write each polynomial in the form (x + p)(ax? + bx + e) by dividi a x84 6x2 48x +3 by (+1) ea txt 4 by (r+ 2) @ x8 8x? + 13x + 10 by (x- 5) b x94 10x? +.25x 44 by (x +4) d x8 4x2- Iw = 15 by (x3) £ x3— 5x? 6x — 56 by (x7) 2. Write each polynomial in the form (x + pax? + bx + 6) by dividing: a 6x3 + 27x? + Lay + 8 by (x +4) © 2x) + 4x2 = 9x = 9 by (x +3) € ~Sx8 = 272 + 23 + 30 by (x + 6) 3 Divide: a xt Sx? + 2x? Txt Dy (x +2) © -3x4 + 9x! = 102 +x + 14 by (x2) 4 Divide: a 3x4 + 8x3 — 1a? + 20 +S by Bx +2) 4x4 — 6x9 + 10x? - Ly ~6 by (2-3) 6x5 = 8x4 + L134 9x2 — 254+ 7 by (Bx = 1) g 25x! + 75x3 + 6x2 — 28x ~ 6 by (Sx +3) 5 Divide: a t+ xt 10by (x +2) ¢ ~3x! + 50x —8 by (x4) 6 Divide: atex 36 by (x-3) € 3x8 + Hx? — 20 by (x= 2) b Ax! + 9x2 — 3x = 10 by (x +2) d 2x!= 15x? + 14x + 24 by (x= 8) £ dy’ + 9x2 - 3x4 2 by (x2) b 4x44 14x} + 3x2 - dx — 15 by (x +3) d 5x5 + Txt + 2x3 — Tx? + 10x = T by (x= 1) b dxt— 3x9 + Ix? — x= 1 by 4+ 1) 6x5 + 1344 — 4x3 — 942 + IL + 18 by (2x + 3) f bh 8x5— 26x! + Lx! + 220? — 40x +25 by Qx- 5) 2x8 + 294 — 10x? + 42x — 12 by (7x = 2) b 2017043 by (x43) Include Ox? when you write out b 2x? +92 +25 by (x +5) 6 CHAPTER 1 |EBRAIC METHODS 7 Show that x3 + 2x? = Sx— 10 = (x + 2)? = 5) 8 Find the remainder when: a x! + 4x? 3x + 2s divided by (x +5) b 3x°—20x2 + 10x + 5 is divided by (x- 6) ¢ -2x3 + Sn? + 12x + 20 is divided by (x - 4) 9 Show that when 3x3 ~ 2x? +4 is divided by (x ~ 1) the remainder is 5. 10 Show that when 3x ~ 8x3 + 10x? — 3 — 25 is divided by (x + 1) the remainder is 11 Show that (x + 4) is a factor of Sx*— 73x + 28 : GED dice 34° - ax aby ww-2 12 Simplify 3“ =8x=8 13 Divide x° - 1 by (x= 1). GED write 128.0 0x24 0r-1 14 Divide x*- 16 by (x +2). © 15 fx) = 10x + 43x7- 20-10 Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by (Sx + 4) (2 marks) GP 16 fix) = 3x3 - 14x? 470-14 Ser a Find the remainder when f(x) is divided by (x3). marks) ~~ write fi) in the form Becunve —b Given that (x + 2) is a factor of f(x), factorise f(x) (c+ 2lax?+ dx-+0 then wee completely. (marks) factorise the quadratic factor. @®) 17 a Find the remainder when x? + 6x* + Sx — 12 is divided by i x-2, a xed (3 marks) EOUTIVE FuNcTION Hence, or otherwise, find all the solutions to the equation x° + 6; (4 marks) G@®) 18 fix) = 209+ 307-8443 a Show that (x) = (2x= 1)(ax? + bx + 6) where a, b and c are constants to be found. (2:marks) fecuTve Bb Hence factorise f(x) completely. (4 marks) uncon ¢ Write down all the real roots of the equation f(x) = 0, (2marks) @ 09 t= 12454 2-1 a Show that (4x — 1) is a factor of f(x) and write f(x) in the form (4x — 1 (ax? + bx + c). (marks) b Hence, show that the equation 12x + 5x2 + 2x has exactly one real solution. (marks) SUT a ao ©) The factor theorem The factor theorem is a quick way of finding simple linear factors of a polynomial. ™ The factor theorem states that if f(x) is a Cee polynomial then: + IFF(p) = 0, then (x ~p) is afactor of fx). a factor of f(x), then f(p) = 0. , then (ax ~ sa factor of fox. + IFlax~ Disa factor of fs then f(5) = 0. You can use the factor theorem to quickly factorise a cubic function, g(x): 1 Substitute values into the function until you find a value p such that g() = 0. 2 Divide the function by (x =p The remainder will be 0 because (x -p) is a factor of g(x). 3 Write g(x) = = polax?+ ax +0) The other factor wil be quadratic. 4 Factorise the quadratic factor, if possible, to write g(x) as a product of three linear factors. CES) ED «= Show that (x — 2) is a factor of x3 + x2 - 4x — 4 by: algebraic division b the factor theorem x~ Qe = aed sou aan _—| b i) = x8 4x2 -4x-4 (2) = (2 + (2 - 42) -4 =644-6-4 ° So (x ~ 2) ig a factor of x3 + x? - ax — 4, Cae ALGEBRAIC METHODS EID ccormeracin a Fully factorise 2x* +.x?- 181-9 b Hence sketch the graph of y = 2x8 +x? - 18-9 a ix) = 2x3 4x? - 1x - 9 2(-1)° + (-1)° - 18-1) - 9 2p + (1)? - 18(1) - 9 = -24 212) + ( 18(2) - 9 = -25 4(3) = 2(3) + (3)? - 183) - 9 = 2x9 + x? = 18x = 9. 2x8 + x2 18x -9 = 32x + et is at (3,0), io oe O) aa-3.01, The curve crosses the y-axis at (0, -9) bo So the curve crosses the x (= 32x + Me + 3) When x = 0, X00, 9 = 00 x =00, ¥ > =00 y Versa ans) ao Given that (x + 1) is a factor of 44 ~ 3x? + a, find the value of a fc) =0 ACI - 3-1 +a=0 4-3+a=0 fix) = pxd4x?- 19x 4p Given that (2x — 3) is a factor of fixy a find the value of p, bb hence factorise fx completely. Bxt+5x-2 b ax-3jex7+x=1SNFE 6x CR ats a |EBRAIC METHODS: EEE) ED een 1. Use the factor theorem to show that: a (v= I)iva factor of 4x = 3? = 1 b (e+ 3)iva factor of Sx4 ~ 45x? ~ Gx ~ 18 6x +8, © (y=) isa factor of 3x3 + 13x" 2. Show that (x ~ 1) isa factor of x* + 6x? + 5x — 12 and hence factorise the expression completely. 3. Show that (x + 1) isa factor of x + 3x2 — 33x ~ 35 and hence factorise the expression completely 4. Show that (x ~ 5) isa factor of x* ~ 7x? + 2x + 40 and hence factorise the expression completely. 5. Show that (x ~ 2) is a factor of 2x° + 3x2 ~ 18x +8 and hence factorise the expression completely 6 Use the factor theorem to show that 2x ~ 1) isa factor of 27 + 17.x2 + 31x ~20. 7 Each of these expressions has a factor («+ p). Find a value of p and hence factorise the expression completely, a x¥= 10x? + 19 +30 bvse-4y-4 © x -4y?= LL + 30 8 i Fully factorise the right-hand side of each equation fi Sketch the graph of each equation a ps2 +Sx@-4x-3 b y= 2x?= 17x? + 38x = 15 © pant 8x24 3x-2 @ y= 6x + 11x?- 3-2 fe p= 4x3— 12x? = 74430 9 Factorise 2x7 + 5. completely. 10 Given that (x ~ 1) is a factor of 5x? ~ 9x? + 2x + a, find the value of a. 11 Given that (x + 3) is a factor of 6x" ~ bx? + 18, find the value of b. 12. Given that (x ~ 1) and (x + 1) are factors of px? + gx? - 3x -7. ceed find the values of p and q. Use the factor theorem to form simultaneous ‘9x—10, equations. 13. Given that (x + 1) and (x ~ 2) are factors of ex’ + d) find the values of cand d, 14 Given that x ~ 1) and (2x ~ 1) are factors of px" + qx? + 9x — 2, find the value of p and the value of q. « ©0Oo0O080 0 15 Given that (x + 2) and (x ~ 3) are factors of gx' + hx? ~ 14x + 24, find the values of g and &. 16 Given that 3x +2) is a factor of 3x5 + bx? = 3x2, a find the value of b 2 b hence factorise 3.x° + bx? ~ 3x -2 completely. 4 SUT a ao © 17 fixy= 308-12 + Gx - 24 a Use the factor theorem to show that (x ~ 4) isa factor of f(x). 2 marks) b Hence, show that 4 is the only real root of the equation f(x) = 0. (4 marks) © 18 flxy=4x° 44x? 11-6 a Use the factor theorem to show that (x + 2) is a factor of f(x). (@ marks) b Factorise f(x) completely (4 marks) € Write down all the solutions of the equation 4x3 + 4x? ~ LL (1 mark © 19 a Show that (x - 2)is a factor of 9x ~ 18x! = x? + 2x. (2 marks) b Hence, find four real solutions to the equation 9x 18x = x? + 2v= 0. (6 marks) fx) = 2x4 - 5x? = 42x? - 9x + 54 ‘a Show that f(1) = 0 and f(-3) = 0. 'b Hence, solve f(x) = 0. © The remainder theorem * You can find the remainder when a polynomial is divided by (ax + J) by using the remainder theorem. Ifa polynomial f(x) is divided by (ax ~b) then the remainder is (5). SE 2) ED werrcanon Find the remainder when x? — 20x + 3 is divided by (x — 4) using: a algebraic division b the remainder theorem. xt 4x a x-4)yo40 Ax? 16x 4x43 4x41 =13 The remainder is 13 b fay =x°- 20x43 4) = 49-20%443 " 12 CHAPTER 1 |EBRAIC METHODS: When 8x43 + ax? 1 is divided by (2+ 1) the remainder is 3. Find the value of a. foxy = 8x4— 4x3 4 ax? — Problem-solving Use the remainder theorem: If foi vied by (ax ~, then the reminder Compare @2x-+ 1)to lax =), 300= aod the remainders 2) 5 Using the fact that the remainders 3, substitute aso the equation fora ENED wrereeuon 1 Find the remainder when a 4x3— 5x24 7x4 Lis divided by (x= 2) b 2x5— 32.03 +.x— 10 is divided by r- 4) © -2x° + 6.x? + 5x — 3 is divided by (+ 1) 7x3 +.6x2— 45x + 1 is divided by (+ 3) e f 8 h 4x4 — 44? + 8x-— 1 is divided by 2x - 1) 243. x4 -27 x — 3+ Tis divided by Gx — 1) 64x94 32.0? — 16x49 is divided by (4x +3) 81.x5— 81x? + 9x + 6 is divided by (3x2) 243.5 —780.x2 + 6 is divided by Gx +4) 125.x4 + 5.x3 - 9x is divided by (Sx + 3). @® 2When 2x3 3x2 2+ ais divided by tv 1) the remainder is ~4, Find the value of @® 3 When 3.45 +424 b+ 6s divided by (+2) the remainder is 10, Find the value of b ® 4 When 216.x3— 32.x? + ex - 8 is divided by (2x - 1) the remainder is 1. Find the value of e. 5 Show that (x- 3) is a factor of x - 36.x3 + 243. 6 Show that Ox — 1) is a factor of 2x94 17x24 31x20. Thixy= x24 3x4 Given 121= 3, ind 0-22 CD Fstind 7) Grunts) Ryu = x8 Hart 4 3x46 Given g(-1)= 2, find the remainder when g(x is divided by (3x ~ 2. (S marks) GP) 9 The expressii 10 The expression 3.x? + 2.x? — px +q is di mr pxtg ao = x24 ax+b gives a remainder of 14 when divided by (x - 2) and a remainder of -86 when divided by (x + 3). Find the value of a and the value of b. (S marks) ble by (c~ 1) but leaves a remainder of 10 when divided by (x + 1), Find the value of a and the value of b. ‘oblem-solving Solve simultaneous equations. marks) © Mathematical proof A mathematical proof usually stats with previously established mathematical facts (or theorems) and then works through a ee ea alee series of logical steps. The final step in a proof is astatement ven scalled a conjecture, of what has been proven. Frown face Ceaty sown Statement oriorens | =P | raisers | ==> | “spor ‘A mathematical proof needs to show that something Is true In every case. ™ You can prove a mathematical statement is true by deduction. This means starting from known facts or definitions, then using logical steps to reach the desired conclusion. Hereis an example of proof by deduction: Statement: The product of two odd numbers is odd. Demonstration: 5 x 7 = 35, which is odd This is demonstration but it is not a proof. You have only shown ane case Proof: p and q are integers, so 2p + 1 and 2q+1 are odd numbers. Li You can use 2p-+ 1 and 2q +1 to represent ary odd numbers. If you can (2p +1) x (2q +1) = 4pq +2p+2g+1 show that (2p + 1) x (2q + 1) is always an =2@pq+p+q)+1 ‘odd number then you have proved the Since p and q are integers, 2pq +p +q/s also aninteger, _“tatement for all cases So 2@pq + p +4) + 1is one more than an even number. So the product of two odd numbers is an odd number. This is the statement of proof. = Ina mathematical proof you must * State any information or assumptions you are using + Show every step of your proof clearly + Make sure that every step follows logically from the previous step + Make sure you have covered all possible cases + Write a statement of proof at the end of your working ik) aaa EBRAIG METHODS You need to be able to prove results involving , ne EEE The symbot = means is identities, such as (a + })(a—b) = a? — 6 Seeaye neal? enc that Ge i¥e prove pn denilfy you should expressions are mathematically identical. + Start with the expression on one side of the identity Cn ‘+ Manipulate that expression algebraically until it matches the other side + Show every step of your algebraic working EXD smesnanoraron Prove that (3x4 2)(x ~ S)(x + 7) = 3x3 + 8x2 = 101 = 70 aaa ——_ | (Bx + 2)ox~ Shee + 7) = Bx + Bx ~ 1O1x- 70 Gmxx:) Prove that if (x ~ p) isa factor of fx) then fp) = 0. IF (x — p) is a factor of ffx) then fox) = & = p) x atu) So tip) = (p - p) x ap) e.i(p) = 0 x aip) fp) = 0 29 required, Prove that A(1, 1), B(3, 3) and C(4, 2) are the vertices of a right-angled triangle. | Geman If you need to prove a geometrical resutt, can sometimes help to sketch ‘a diagram as part of your working, aaa ny ao The gradient of fine BC = The gradient of fine AC = The gradients ane different so the three zi points are not collinear. Hence ABC is a triangle, Gradient of AB x gradient of BC S0 AB is perpencicuar to BC, and the triangle fsa ight-angled triangle. ON 4) ED ressomenconernanon The equation kx? + 3kx + 2= 0, where Prove that k satisfies the inequality 0 < k <$ kxé + 3kx + 2 = O has no real roots, 50h? - 4ac <0 SS (3h = 4k(2) <0 a constant, has no real roots. 2 Which is impossible, 50 no real roots So combining these: | O 4 for all values of x. (3 marks) 12. The equation kx? + Skx + 3 = 0, where kis a constant, has no real roots. Prove that k satisfies theinequaity ~ (4 marks) 4 14 Prove that A(3, 1), BU, 2) and C(2, 4) are the vertices of a right-angled triangle. 15 Prove that quadrilateral A(1, 1), B(2, 4), €(6, 5) and D(S, 2) is a parallelogram, 16 Prove that quadrilateral (2, 1), B(S,2), C(4, -1) and D(1, -2) is a rhombus, ©2000 @ A020 © FH LLL LOOOD 17 Prove that A(-5, 2), B(-3, ~4) and C(3, -2) are the vertices of an isosceles right-angled triangle. ao , Where k > 0. 18 A circle has equation (x - 1? + y? ‘ax cuts the circle at two distinet points. ‘The straight line L with equation y Prove that k > (6 marks) T+ 19 Prove that the line 4y — 3x + 26 = 0 is a tangent to the circle (x + 4)? + (y— 3? = 100. (S marks) ind an expression for the area of the large square in terms of a and b. ©® 20 The diagram shows a square and four congruent right-angled triangles. Use the diagram to prove that a? +b? = & 1 Prove that AC 8), BU. 8, C11) and D9) are pons onthe same crcl conn 2 Prove that any odd number can be written as the difference of two squares. © Methods of proof ‘A mathematical statement can be proved by exhaustion. For example, you can prove that the sum of two consecutive square numbers between 100 and 200s an odd number. The square numbers between 100 and 200 are 121, 144, 169, 196. 121+144= 265 whichis odd 144+ 169=313 which isodd 169 + 196 = 365 which is odd So the sum of two consecutive square numbers between 100 and 200 is an odd number. ™ You can prove a mathematical statement is true by exhaustion. This means breaking the statement into smaller cases and proving each case separately. This method is better suited to.a small number of results. You cannot use one example to prove a statement is true, as one example is only one case. Example Prove that all square numbers are either a multiple of 4 or | more than a multiple of 4, Problem-solving Consider the two cases, odd ‘and even numbers, separately, i ‘restau eee For odd numbers: 4n? + 4n+1 ne nin +1) 17 aR EBRAIG METHODS For even numbers: (2nye = 4n® fa] An? is a multiple of 4. All integers are either odd or even, so all square numbers are either a multiple of 4 or 1 more than a multiple of 4. mathematical statement can be disproved using a counter-example. For example, to prove that the statement ‘37 + 3 is a multiple of 6 for all values of n’ is not true you can use the counter- example when n = 2, as 3 x 2 +3 =9 and9 is not a multiple of 6. # You can prove a mathematical statement is not true by a counter-example. A counter-example is an example that does not work for the statement. You do not need to give more than one, as one is sufficient to disprove a statement. Prove that the following statement is not true: “The sum of two consecutive prime numbers is always even.” 2 and 3 are both prime 2+3 rent is not true. Example QQ) sks ey a Prove that for all positive values of » and y: xv pte? b Use a counter-example to show that this is not true when x and y are not both positive. Ces aan ao rT) Jottings: Geta Use jottings to get some ideas fora good starting point. These don't form part of your proof, but ‘an give you a clue as to what expression you can consider to begin your proof. Consider (x = yi? w-yF =O ty? 2xy =O oo This step is valid because x and y are both positive so xy > O. This i 1 2 so the statement is not tre, EXE) tsomeamonen © 1 Prove that when mis an integer and 1 0 a Identify the error made in the proof. (mark) b Provide a counter-example to show that the statement is not true. (2 marks) 7 Prove that for all real values of x (x +69 = 20411 (8 marks) @©® 8 Given that ais a positive real number, prove tha C= Remember to state how atta2 ‘you use the condition that a is positive. (2 marks) @® 9 a Prove that for any positive numbers p and g: p+a> apg (3 marks) b Show, by means of a counter-example, that this [en inequality does not hold when p and g are both Use jottings and work backwards to negative 2 marks) i 7 7 ‘work out what expression to consider. 10 It is claimed that the following inequality is true for all negative numbers x and y: x+ ‘The following proof is offered by a student: xeye (ey? eae axe aye 2xy > O ich is true be y are both negative, so xy is positive. suse x and a Explain the error made by the student, (marks) b By use of a counter-example, verify that the inequality is not satisfied if both xand y are negative (1 mark) € Prove that this inequality is true if xand y are both positive. (2 marks) ao rome 1 Simplify these fractions as far as possible: ¢ Wet Ix=4 2x + 9x44 Divide 3x° + 12x? + 5x4 20 by (x +4). 2+ Simplify a Show that (x ~ 3) isa factor of 2x° - 2x? I7x+ 15. (marks) b- Hence express 2x? — 2x? - 17.x-+ 15 in the form (x - 34x? + Bx + C), where the values A, Band Care to be found. (marks) Find the remainder when 16.5 ~ 20.x4 + 8 is divided by (2x — 1), (2 marks) a Show that (x ~ 2) isa factor of x¥ + 4x2 — 3 — 18. (2 marks) b Hence express x° + 4x? — 3 18 in the form (x ~ 2)(px + q), where the values p and g are to be found. (marks) Factorise completely 2° + 3x° - 18x +8, (marks) Find the value of & if (x ~ 2)isa factor of x? ~ 32° + Ax ~ 10. (marks) flx) = 2x2 + px + g. Given that f(-3) = 0, and f(4) = 21 a find the value of p and q (Gmarks) b factorise f(x), G marks) hx) = 28 + 4x? + rx +5. Given h(-1) = 0, and h(2) = 30: a find the values of rand s (marks) b factorise h(x). (marks) 863) = 249 + 9x7 = 6x = a Factorise a(x). (marks) b Solve a(x) = 0. (Qmarks) 2 Pa ae |EBRAIC METHODS © 12 a Show that (x — 2) isa factor of fx) = x8 +2 ~ Sx —2. (2 marks) b Hence, or otherwise, find the exact solutions of the equation f(x) = 0. (4marks) © 13 Given that-1 isa root of the equation 2x* - $x? - 4x + 3, find the two positive roots, 4’ marks) @©® 14 The remainder obtained when x? — 5x2 + px + 6is divided by (x +2) is equal to the remainder ‘obtained when the same expression is divided by (x 3). Find the value of p. (4 marks) © 15 fx) = x8-257- 19x + 20 a Show that (x + 4) is a factor of f(x). (3 marks) or otherwise, find all the solutions to the equation x= 2x?- 19x +2020. (4marks) © 16 fix) = 6x? + 17x°-5x-6 a Show that f(x) = (3x 2Max? + by + 6), where a, b and c are constants to be found. (2 marks) b Hence factorise fx) completely. (4 marks) € Write down all the real roots of the equation f(x) = 0. (2 marks) © 18 Use completing the square to prove that n® ~ 8n + 20 is positive for all values of 1. ©® 19 Prove that the quadrilateral A(1, 1), BG, 2), C(4, 0) and D2, —1) is a square. ® 2 Prove that the sum of two consecutive positive odd numbers less than ten gives an even number. @© 21 Prove thatthe statement ‘n? = +3 isa prime number forall values of nis untrue, @® 2 Prove that (x—4)ixt+ x) © 23 Prove that 205+ 3° = 43x= 60 = (x 4400-52043) © 2% The equation x Prove that k kx += 0, where & is a positive constant, has two equal roots. (G marks) © 25 Prove that the distance between opp% rational value, ite edges of a regular hexagon of side length /3 is a ao ©® 26 a Prove that the differen by4. b Is this statement true for odd numbers? Give a reason for your answer. ¢ of the squares of two consecutiv even numbers is always divisible 27 A student is trying to prove that 1 +x? < (I +x) The student writes: (4x =14 2x48 Soltst pages 29-32 © Solve geometric problems involving straight lines and circles > pages 33-36 © Use circle properties to solve problems on coordinate grids spaces <0 x . ‘© Find the angle in a semicircle and solve other problems involvi . circles and triangles > pages 40-46 1 Write each of the following in the form (e+e +q a e+10+28 — b xt-6x41 € xl d xe4Tx © Pure 1 Section 2.3 2 Find the equation of the line passing through each of the following pairs of points: a (0, -6 and B(,3) . b P(7, 5) and O(-9, 3) © R(-4, -2) and 715, 10) «Pure 1 Section 5.2 3. Use the discriminant to determine whether the following have two Secale ag > 3 real solutions, one real solution or ne real solutions. Souler orbits apoured the : a eaTx41h=0) bxt411x4+8=0 € Gxt+12x49=0 aie, MESSapP Onis Wee $ aeration as (ap Be0stationarysatelitesto Sener provide information about gs 4 Find the equation of the line that passes through the point (3,~4) ard is the Earth's surfeceladl perpendiclar tothe line with equation6x~5y-1=0 «Pure section5.2 [WN atmosphere ee PM ate) aS aa Ree a eU €¥) Midpoints and perpendicular bisectors You can find the midpoint of a line segment by averaging the x and j-coordinates of its endpoints. ™ The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints (x,, 91) and (x2, 92) (Xi + ¥2 Ni + Ie) is (LEAS) CERI tne sepment iain Grasragh beth ie onc ena LO 2) LED werner The line segment 4B is a diameter of a circle, where A and B are (~3, 8) and (5, 4) respectively, Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle, S The line segment PQ is a diameter of the circle centre (2, -2). Given that P is (8, -5), find the ates of Q. Pro In coordinate geometry problems, itis often Ota, 6) helpful to drawa sketch showing the information fiven in the question. 79 Eee Let Q have coordinates (a,b). (224324) we,-2) ©® 2 The line segment AB has endpoints A(-2, © 4 The line segment RS is a diameter of a circle, where Rand S Usa A ee ed orator EXD rereos 1 Find the midpoint of the line segment joining each pair of points: (4,2), (6,8) b (0,6), (12,2) © 22.4.6) 4 (6,4), (6-4) (7,4), £ (-5,-5), (11,8) 8 (6a, 4b), 2a, 4b) (a+ b, 2a ~ b),3a~b, ~b) i 42,)22,7 3) of ABis M(4, 3). Find the values of a and b, 3 The line segment PQ is a diameter of a circle, where P and Q are (4, 6) and (7, 8) respectively. Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle. ft solving 4a 3b), (2a 5b Your answer wil bein terms of are (44,2?) and (7,5?) respectively. Find the coordinates YW of the centre of the circle. 5 The line segment 4B is a diameter of a circle, where 4 and B are (~3, ~4) and (6, 10) respectively. a Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle. b Show the centre of the circle lies on the line y = 2x. ® 6 The line segment JK is a diameter of a circle, where J and K are (3, ) and (—4, 2) respectively. +B. ‘The centre of the circle lies on the line segment with equation Find the value of b. @® 7 Theline segment 4B is a diameter of a circle, where A and B are (0, ~2) and (6, ~5) respectively. ©® 8 The line segment FG is a diameter of the circle centre (6, 1). Given Fis (2, Show that the centre of the circle lies on the line x — 2y -10 = 0. 3), find the coordinates of G. ©® 9 The line segment CD isa diameter of the circle centre (2a, Sa). Given D has coordinates (Ga, ~7a), find the coordinates of C ©® 10 The points (3, p) and N(q, 4) lie on the circle centre se the formula for finding the midpoint: 65,6). The line segment MHisa diameter of the circle. RWS) arg Find the values of p and q. uae ait ® 11 The points V1-4, 2) and W3b, ~4 ie on the circle centre (5, 2a) The line segment VIV isa Err ChearTTY diameter of the circle. Find the values of a and b. ‘triangle has vertices at A(3, 5), B(7, 11) and C(p, 4). The midpeint of side BCis MG,9) 1a Find the values of p and g. b Find the equation of the straight line joining the midpoint of 48 to the point A € Show that the line in part bis parallel to the line AC. 27 PM ate) aS aa Ree a eU = The perpendicular bisector of a line segment AB is the straight line : B that is perpendicular to 4B and passes through the midpoint of 4B. GX) HD =~ efits perpendicular bisector wl be ‘The line segment AB is a diameter of the circle centre C, where A and B are (—1, 4) and (5, 2) respectively. The line / passes through C and is perpendicular to AB. Find the equation of /. idpoint 2 The centre othe ces ( (2, 3) The gradient of the line segment AB °s-a Gradient of The equation of I's y= 3=3w-2)e 4 y-3=3x-6 So ys 3x-3 EIT sss 1 Find the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining each pair of points: a A(-S, 8) and BC, 2) b C4, Tand DQ, 25) € -E(3, ~3) and FUI3, ~7) @ P(-4,Tyand Q-4,-1) ee S(4, Mand N-5,-1) ft X(13, Mand ¥(5, 11) ©) 2 The line FGis a diameter of the circle centre C, where F and Gare (2, 5) and (2, 9) respectively. ‘The line / passes through C and is perpendicular to FG. Find the equation of /. (7 marks) ©® 3 The line JKis a diameter of the circle centre P, where J and K are (0, ~3) and (4, ~5) respectively. The line / passes through P and is perpendicular to JK. Find the equation of /. Write your answer in the form ax + by +60, where a, b and ¢ are integers. 4 Points 4, B, Cand D have coordinates (4, -9), B(6, ~3), C(I, 5) and D(-1, 9). a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of line segment AB. b Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of Tine segment CD. € Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the two perpendicular bisectors. Usa A ee ed orator ® 5§ Point Xhas coordinates (7, -2) and point ¥ has coordinates (4, q). The perpendicular bisector of XY has equ: y= 4x46, Find the value of g and the value of b false Ste ea rae ‘values in the orderthey are given ars inthe question. Find q first, then find b, Triangle POR has vertices at P(6,9), 03,3) and RI-9, 3), 8 Fred the perpendicular bisects of each side ofthe rng, @gmmmy (ETD this point of intersection is called the eireumeentre of the triangle. + Pure2 Section 6.5 'b Show that all three perpendicular bisectors meet ata single point, and find the coordinates ofthat point. ©D) Equation of a circle A circle is the set of points that are equidistant from a fixed point. You can use Pythagoras’ theorem to derive equations of circles ona coordinate grid. For any point (x, ») on the circumference of a circle, you can use Pythagoras’ theorem to show the relationship between x, y and the radius r. ™ The equation of a circle centre (0, 0) and radius ris x? + y? = 12, When a circle has a centre (a, 5) and radius r, you can use the following y general form of the equation of a circle © The equation of the circle with centre (a, b) and radius ris (xa)? + (p- bP =. This circle i a translation ofthe circle x4 y'=reby the vector 4). « Pure 2 Section 45 o ex) ‘Write down the equation of the circle with centre (5, 7) and radius 4. : CED Explore the general formof the equation ofa circle using technology. Es) Em ates COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE ( rs eGxi:) A circle has equation (x ~ 3)? + (y + 4)? = 20. a Write down the centre and radius of the circle. b Show that the circle passes through (5, -8). b w= 3y ++ 4) boatitute (5, 8) « + 4y 5, -8) EID ronsrsoe ‘The line segment 4B is a diameter of a circle, where A and B are (4,7) and (—8, 3) respectively, Find the equation of the circle. Length of AB = V4 = COP + (7 = SF ae re ‘You need to work out the steps ofthis problem yourself “Find the radius ofthe circle by finding the length of the diameter and dividing by 2. «Find the centre ofthe circle by finding the midpoint of 4B. + Write down the equation of the circle, The equation of the circle is (evioy (e+ 2F 40-5 Or (x + 2 + (y = 5} You can multiply out the brackets in the equation of a circle to find it in an alternate form: eat + PR er X= 2ax tae $y? by + bear XP + y?— ax —2by + +a? — 2 =0 Compare the constant terms with the ‘equation given in the key point: Wea-P=esor= (fre? = The equation of a circle can be given in the form: se +yP + Of + 2ey te=0 f,-g) and radius \f* + g?—e = This circle has centre (- CaaS Des orator If you need to find the centre and radius of a circle with an equation given in expanded form it is, usually safest to complete the square for the x and y terms. GENE) EID vores Find the centre and the radius of the circle with the equation x? + 3? ~ 14x + 16 - 12= 0. —_ ELL) You nced to complete the square for the Rearrange into the form (x — a+ (y — b= 2 career! ieee ey? Mx + ley ~12 £0 Pure 1 Section 2.2 xe -1ax ty + 1ey 12 #0 A= (r= 7)8 49 2+ Ney = (9 + BF 64 Substituting back into (1) (x= 7 = 49 + 4 8% -G4-12=0 (x 7F + (+ 8) = 125; We 78 ++ 8 = aa 5 =/25 «5 The equation of the circle (e784 04 8F Si The cin radi SE 26) EID rrvercr sume 1 Write down the equation of each circle: a Centre (3, 2), radius 4 b Centre (4, 5), radius 6 ¢ Centre (5, -6), radius 23 Centre (2a, 7a), radius Sa e Centre (-2V2, -3/2), radius 1 e has centre (7, ~8) and wi. 2 Write down the coordinates of the centre and the radius of each circle: a (xt 54 (y-4p ae b (x= += 1P = 16 © (e+ 4p ey = 25 d (x + 4a? + (ytay = 14e © (x= VSP + (y+ VSP = 27 3 Ineach case, show that the circle passes through the given point: a (x- 2) +(y- 5)? = 13, point (4, 8) b (x47) + (0-2)? = 65, point (0, -2) € 8+ 3 = 25%, point (7, -24) (x= 2a)? + (+ Sa)? = 2042, point (6a, ~3a) € (x= NSP + (rv) = (2/TOY point, (/5, V5) ©® 4 The point (4, -2) lies on the circle centre (8, 1). CTD First find the radius of the circle. Find the equation of the circle ET Sard COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, )) PLANE GP 5 The line PQis the diameter of the circle, where P and Q are (5, 6) and (-2, 2) respectively. Find the equation of the circle. (S marks) ©® 6 The point (1, -3) lies on the circle —3)2 + (+4)? = 2. Find the value of 7 marks) G® 7 The points P(2, 2), O(2 + V3, 5) and R2 - V3, 5) lie on the circle (x - 2) + (y- 4) a Find the value of r. (marks) b Show that APQR is equilateral (marks) @® 8 a Show that x? + y? = 4y - 11 = 0 can be written in the form (x= a)? + y" Where and r are numbers to be found. @ marks) b Hence write down the centre and radius of the circle with equation x? + y= 4x= 11 = @ marks) tues Start by writing (x? - 4x) in the form (x= a)?=b. Show that x? +»? ~ 10 + 4y ~ 20 = 0 can be written in the form (x ~ a) + (y= AY? where a, b and r are numbers to be found, (2 marks) b Hence write down the centre and radius of the circle with equation x24)? = 10x + 4y— 20 =0. (2 marks) 10 Find the centre and radius of the circle with each of the following equations, 0 a 24 y= 2x4 8y— b xt4y+ 2-49 GED sary writing tne equation in one of the following forms: ¢ x+y? 6y = 22x-40 bra)? 9-6) d ty 4 Sx—yt4e 248 eae eae) fe 2x2 + 2p? 6x + Sy = 2x 3-3 G®) 11 A circle Chas equation x? + y? + 12+ 2; aE Problem-solving a Find the coordinates of the centre of C. (2 marks) 4 cicie must have a b State the range of possible values of k. (marks) positive radius. ‘The point P(7, -14) lies on the circle with equation x? + »° + 6x ~ L4y = 483, ‘The point Q also lies on the circle such that PQ is a diameter. Find the coordinates of point Q. (4 marks) GP) 13 The circle with equation (x ~ k)? + y?=41 passes through the point (3, 4). Find the two possible values of k. (5 marks) Challenge ETIED 1 Aciccle with equation (x ~&) + (y -2)°=50 passes through the point 4-5). ‘CREATIVITY Find the possible values of k and the equation of each circle. 2 By completing the square for x and y, show that the equation x? + 2+ 2f + 2ey +e=0 describes a circle with centre (-f,-g) and radius \7#+ g?— e. OU aA eee orator ) intersections of straight lines and circles You can use algebra to find the coordinates of intersection fone point of 4, %0 points of ofa straight line and a circle. lntercection intersection = A straight line can intersect a circle once, by just touching the circle, or twice. Not all straight lines will intersect a given circle. two points of intersection Example @ Find the coordinates of the points where the line y= x4 5 meets the circle x? + (y= 2)? = 29, x4 2F = 29 x4 (45-2) x + (+ 3) Mee eere9 2x? + Gx - 20 x? + 3x10 pelea a the circle at (-5, 0) and (2 SEER 2) LIED excomerincron Show that the line y = x ~ 7 does not meet the circle (x + 2)? + 92 = 33. Ant «10 -40 = IF be — bac > 0 there are two distinct roots. Ib? ~ 4ae = 0 there is a repeated root. circle, fb? ~ 4ac <0 there are no real roots. Be ~ 4ac <0, 90 the line does not me Pee Croan eed TIED ocarncracin 1 Find the coordinates of the points where the circle Substitute y = 0 into the equation (nips drs meee nea Enns Find the coordinates of the points where the circle (x ~ 2° + (y + 3)? = 29 meets the y-axis, ‘The line y = x +4 meets the circle (x ~ 3)? + (y— 5)? = 34at A and B. Find the coordinates of A and B. Find the coordinates of the points where the line x + y + 5 = 0 meets the circle loy- x + 6x =0. oa ot ‘Show that the line x ~ y= 10 meet the circle x2 — 4x4 y does not ‘Attempt to solve the equations simultaneous Use the discriminant to show that the resulting ‘quadratic equation has no solutions. ‘a Show that the line x + y= 1 meets the circle with equation x? + (y ~ 3)? = 32 at only one point. (4 marks) b Find the coordinates of the point of intersection. (mark) The line y = 2x ~ 2 meets the circle (x - 2)? + (y= 2)? = 20at A and B. a Find the coordinates of 4 and B. (S marks) b Show that 4B is a diameter of the circle. (marks) ‘The line x + y= a meets the circle (x ~ p)? + (9 — 6)? = 20 at (3, 10), where a and p are constants. a Work out the value of a. (mark) b Work out the two possible values of p. (Smarks) ‘The circle with equation (x — 4)? + (y + 7 = 50 meets the straight line with equation x—y—5=Oat points 4 and B. a Find the coordinates of the points 4 and B. (S marks) b Find the eq Show that the perpendicular bisector of 4B passes through the centre of the circle. (1 mark) Find the area of triangle OAB. (2.marks) jon of the perpendicular bisector of line segment AR. (GB marks) The line with equation y two distinct points. a Show that 214? - 60k + 32 <0, (S marks) b Determine the range of possible values for k. Round your answer to 2 decimal places. (3 marks) x intersects the circle with equation. 10x + y? = 12y + 57=0 at The line with equation y = 4x ~ 1 does not intersect the circle with equation x? + 2x +)" =k. Find the 1B problem where range of possible values of there are 0, 1 or 2 solutions (or points of intersection), you might be able to use line with equation y = 2x +5 meets the ci The line with equation y = 2x + 5 meets the circle eae’ with equation x? + kx + y? =4 at exactly one point. Find two possible values of k- (7 marks) OU aA eee orator @{) Use tangent and chord properties You can use the properties of tangents and chords within circles to solve geometric problems. A tangent to a circle is a straight line that intersects, the circle at only one point. ™ Atangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius of the circle at g the point of intersection. hangent ‘A chord is a line segment that joins two points on the erpendicular circumference of a circle oe bisector — a of circle = The perpendicular bisector of a chord will go through the centre of a circle. The circle C has equation (x ~ 2)! + (y — 6? = 100. a Verify that the point P(10, 0) lies on C. b Find an equation of the tangent to C at the point (10, 0), giving your answer in the form. ax by +c=0. = 6 + (-6) gradient of the line between (2, 6) and P. mati 6-0 6 3 “am = 2-10 ~ 8 "4 The gradient of the tanger 0246-10) ay = ax=40 4x ~ 3y- 40 =0. EO ati) COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE ( GEO:) ED ews A circle Chas equation (x - 5)° + (y + 3)'= 10. The line Fis a tangent to the circle and hes gradient -3, Find two possible equations for /, giving your answers in the form y= mx + ¢. Sen Draw a sketch showing the circle and the two possible tangents with gradient ~3.If you are solving a problem involving tangents and cirdes there is a good chance you will need to use the radius at the point of intersection, so draw this on your etch, Find a line thet pe 5 through the centre the circle that is perpendicular to the tangents. 1 Tine is 2 The gradient of The coordinates of the centre of circle are (6,-3) SF +43) (en 5+ 100x + 250 = 90 10x? - 100x + 160-0 af -10x +16 = ooes ory mrs Site setondae zie ft rs OU aA eee orator So the tangents will intersect the circle at (6-2) ana (2, -4) mix = x) ‘The points P and @ lie on a circle with centre C, as shown in the diagram. ‘The point P has coordinates (~7, ~1) and the point @ has coordinates (3, ~5). ‘M isthe midpoint of the line segment PO. The line / passes through the points M and C. a Find an equation for / Given that the y-coordinate of Cis -8, show that the x-coordinate of Cis -4 € find an equation of the circle. 2 The midpoint M of ine seq Ntx N+.) (743 144 PAA) FR =(-2,-3) Gradient of PQ = 32— 70 ‘The gradient of a line perperdicular to Ifa gradient is given asa fraction, you can find PQis> the perpendicular gradient quickly by turning the oe fraction upside down and changing the sign. i Ea Eom ates aS aa Ree a eU ¢ The centre of the circle is (-4, -8) To find the radius of the circle: €O = iva 5 =v y+ C5 = By —— +9 = V58 So the circle has a radius of V5 ation of the circle iss (x-ae+(y- be =r (r+ 4) + (y + OF = 56 EID once sane 1 The line x +3y = 11 = 0 touches the circle (x + 1)? + (y+ 6)? = Pat (2, 3). a Find the radius of the circle, b Show that the radius at (2, 3) is perpendicular to the line. 2 The point PU, -2) lies on the circle centre (4, 6) a Find the equation of the circle. b Find the equation of the tangent to the eirele at 3 The points 4 and B with coordinates (-1, ~9) and (7, -5) lie on the circle C with equation (x= 1 + + 3 =40, a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line segment 4B. b Show that the perpendicular bisector of 4B passes through the centre of the circle C. © 4 The points ? and Q with coordinates (3, 1) and (5, -3) lie on the circle C with equation Padre P+ dyed Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line segment PQ. b Show that the perpendicular bisector of PQ passes through the centre of the circle C. © 5 Thecircle Chas equation x? + 18x + y" -2y + 29=0, a Verify the point P(-7, 6) lies on C. (2 marks) b Find an equation for the tangent to C at the point P, giving your answer in the form yemx+b. (4marks) € Find the coordinates of , the point of intersection of the tangent and the y-axis, (2 marks) d Find the area of the triangle APR. (2 marks) Usa A ee ed orator 6 The tangent to the (+4)? + (1)? = 242 at (7, -10) meets the y-axis at S and the x-axis at T, a Find the coordinates of Sand T. (S marks) b Hence, find the area of AOST, where O is the origin. (3 marks) EP) 7 The circle Chas equation (x + 5)? + (y +3)? = 80. The line /is a tangent to the circle and has gradient 2. Find two possible equations for / giving your answers in the form y= mx +c (8 marks) ine ion 2x + y— G® 8 The line with equation 2x + y-5=Oisa = tangent to the circle with equation e ypol res Te ln a tangetto the ces must 2 Find the two possible values ofp. ¢@ mars) | Heel axa one polit. Youcan use b Write down the coordinates of the centre p for which this occurs. of the circle in each case. (2 marks) 9 The circle Chas centre PCI], ~5) and passes through the point Q(5, 3). a Find an equation for C. (3 marks) The line /, isa tangent to Cat the point Q. b Find an equation for / (4 marks) The line bis parallel to /, and passes through the midpoint of PQ. Given that J; intersects Cat A and B the coordinates of points A and B (4 marks) e 4 find the length of the line segment 4B, leaving your answer in its simplest surd form, (3 marks) 10 The points R and S lie on acircle with centre Cla, -2), as shown in the diagram. The point R has coordinates (2, 3) and the point 5. has coordinates (10, 1). Mis the midpoint of the line segment RS. ‘The line / passes through Mand C. a Find an equation for /. (4 marks) b Find the value of a. (2 marks) € Find the equation of the circle, (Gmarks) 4 Find the points of intersection, A and B, of the line / and the circle, (S marks) ET Cased COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, )) PLANE 11. The circle C has equation x? - 4x + y° - 6 =7. ‘The line / with equation x ~ 3y + 17 =0 intersects the circle at the points P and Q. a Find the coordinates of the point P and the point Q. (4 marks) b Find the equation of the tangent at the point P and the point . (4 marks) ¢ Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the chord PO. (3 marks) 4 Show that the two tangents and the perpendicular bisector intersect at a single point and find the coordinates of the point of intersection. (2 marks) Challenge FETED 1 Tce Chas equation x17 + + #5 Use the point, -2)towrte ‘WWOVATION The ine J with positive gradient passes through (0, -2) and is a an equation for the tangent erent ethaceis in terms of m. Substitute tis, equation into the equation for Find an equation of /, giving your answer in the form y = mx + c the circle, 2 The circle with centre C has equation (x ~ 2 + (y ~ 1)? = 10. ‘The tangents to the circle at points P and Q meet at the point R with coordinates (6-1) a Show that CPRQ is a square. bb Hence find the equations of both tangents. ©) Circles and triangles A triangle consists of three points, called vertices. Its always possible to draw a unique circle through the three vertices of any triangle. This circle is callec the eircumcirele of the triangle. The centre of the circle is called the circumcentre of the triangle and is the point where the perpendicular bisectors of each side intersect. s Cireumeicle peas eee Pease For a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse of the triangle is a ~ diameter of the circumcircle. You can state this result in two other ways: Pp lo = If ZPRQ= 90° then R lies on the circle with diameter PO. © The angle in a semicircle is always a right angle. To find the centre of a circle given any three points on the circumference: ™ Find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors of two different chords. foes cnarect * Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of athe centreof the perpendicular bisectors. heck: Gm The points 4(-8, 1), BG, 5) and C(-4, 9) lie on the circle, as shown in the diagram. a Show that ABis a diameter of the circle b Find an equation of the circle Now, 80 + 80 = 160 20 AC’ + BC So triangle ABC is a right-angled triangle and ABis the diameter of the ci b Find the midpoint M of AB. Mi +Xe Mit¥e) (B44 145) 2 2 2-2 (-2, 3) >———t The diameter is TO 2V10 Or - a)? + (by (v4 2+ y= 3)? =(2/70)" (vt 224-3) =40 The radius Cm alse) aS aa Ree a eU O24) TED cecurverancron The points P(3, 16), Q(11, 12) and R(-7, 6) lie on the circumference of a circle. The equation of the perpendicular bisector of PQ is y = 2x. a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of PR. b Find the centre of the circle, © Work out the equation of the circle. b Equation of perpendicular bisector to] PQ: y = 2x Equation of perpendicular bisector to The centre of the € Find the distance between (3, 6) and mn, 12), d= (i= 3? + (12 = oF caa36 — d=V100 =10 —] The circle through the points P, Q and R The centre of the circle is (3, 6). The equation for the circle is (x - 38 +(y - 6) = 100. Usa A ee ed orator eo [exercise @) exer 3 1 The points U(-2, 8), (7, 7) and W(-3, =1) lie on a circle, a Show that triangle UVW has a right angle. b Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle ¢ Write down an equation for the circle. ‘The points A(2, 6), B(S, 7) and C8, a Show that ACis a diameter of the circle. b Write down an equation for the circle. ¢ Find the area of the triangle ABC. 2) lie on a circle ‘The points A(-3, 19), B(9, 11) and C(-15, 1) lie on the cireumter a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of i AB ii AC b Find the coordinates of the centre of the circle, © Write down an equation for the circle. ‘The points P(-I1, 8), Q(-6, ~7) and R(4, ~7) lie on the circumference of a circle. a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of i PO OR b Find an equation for the circle. es ‘The points R(—2, 1), S(4, 3) and T(10, -5) lie on the er esa geiivoln wert circumference of a circle C. Find an equation for the circle. veer reciente votlate ‘working out at each stage. Consider the points (3, 15), B(-13, 3), C(-7, a Show that ABCis a right-angled triangle, b Find the equation of the circumcircle of triangle ABC. © Hence show that 4, B, Cand Dall lie on the and D(8, 0). cumference of this circle. The points A(-I, 9), B(6, 10), C(7, 3) and D(O, 2) lie ona circle. a Show that ABCD isa square. b Find the area of ABCD. ¢ Find the centre of the circle. FL-10, by ‘The points D(-12, ~3), E(-10, b) and F(2, ~5) lie on the circle C as shown in the diagram. Given that 2DEF = 90° and b > 0 a show that b= | (Smarks) bb find an equation for € (4marks) 43 Cased COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, )) PLANE @®° A circle has equation x? + 2x + y?- 24y -24=0 a Find the centre and radius of the circle. (3 marks) b The points 4(-13, 17) and B(11, 7) both lie on the circumference of the circle. Show that AB is a diameter of the circle. (3 marks) © The point C lies on the negative x-axis and the angle ACB = 90°. Find the coordinates of C. (3 marks) Ceca ®! The line segment QR is a diameter of the circle centre C, where Q and R have coordinates (11, 12) and (~5, 0) respectively. The point P has coordinates (13, 6). a Find the coordinates of C. b Find the radius of the circle, ‘¢ Write down the equation of the circle. Show that P lies on the circle, Show that (0,0) lies inside the circle (x~ 5) + (y+ 2)? = 30. The circle Chas equation x2 + 3x + 2+ 6y = 3x —2y 7. a Find the centre and radius of the circle. (4 marks) b Find the points of intersection of the circle and the y-axis. (marks) ‘© Show that the circle does not intersect the x-axis, (2 marks) The centres of the circles (x ~ 8)? + (8° = 117 and (x + 1)? + (9 respectively. a Show that P lies on (x + 1)? + (y- 3) b Find the length of PQ. +0), B.S) and Of5 a Show that the circle x? + y? = I passes through the vertices of the triangle, b Show that AABCis equilateral 3 = 106 are P and Q 106. The points 4(- ) are the vertices of a triangle. A circle with equation (x ~ k)? + (y ~ 34)? = 13 passes through the point (3, 0). a Find two possible values of k. (6 marks) b Given that k > 0, write down the equation of the circle, (1 mark) The line with 3x — y ~ 9 = 0 does not intersect the circle with equation x2 + px + y? + 4y = 20, Show that 4210/10

0. a Find the values of p and. b Find the coordinates of the points where the circle meets the y-axis. ‘The point A(-3, circle at A 7) lies on the circle centre (5, 1). Find the equation of the tangent to the The line segment AB is a chord of a circle centre (2, -1), where A and Bare (3, 7) and (5, 3) respectively, AC is a diameter of the circle, Find the area of AABC ‘The circle Chas equation (x ~ 6)? + (~ $= 17. ‘The lines f, and fy are each a tangent to the circle and intersect at the point (0, 12). Find the equations of J, and 4, giving your answers in the form y = mx-+ ¢ (8 marks) ‘The points 4 and B lie on acircle with centre C, as shown in the diagram. ‘The point A has coordinates (3, 7) and the point B has coordinates (5, 1) Mis the midpoint of the line segment 4B. ‘The line / passes through the points M and C. a. Find an equation for /. (4marks) Given that the x-coordinate of Cis -2: b find an equation of the circle (4 marks) ¢ find the area of the triangle ABC, (3 marks) rr) CO aii as aa Ree ee & 18 @x & 2 The circle C has equation (x - 3° + (y +3)? = The baselines J) and /, are tangents to the circle and have gradient a Find the points of intersection, P and Q, of the tangents and the circle, (6 marks) b Find the equations of lines /, and giving your answersin the form ax + by +¢ (2 marks) ‘The cirele C has equation x° + 6x +3" = ‘The lines J, and /yare tangents to the circle. ‘They intersect at the point R(, 6). a Find the equations of lines / and fh, giving your answers in the form y = mx +h (6 marks) b Find the points of intersection, P and Q, of the tangents and the circle. (4 marks) ¢ Find the area of quadrilateral A PRO. (2 marks) The circle C has a centre at (6, 9) and a radius of 50. ‘The line /, with equation x + y ~ 21 =0 intersects the circle at the points P and Q. a Find the coordinates of the point P and the point Q. (Smarks) b Find the equations of /; and /s, the tangents at the points P and Q respectively. (4 marks) ¢ Find the equation of /,, the perpendicular bisector of the chord PQ. (4marks) 4. Show that the two tangents and the perpendicular bisector intersect and find the coordinates of R, the point of intersection. (2 marks) € Calculate the area of the kite APRQ. (3 marks) ‘The line y = ~3x + 12 meets the coordinate axes at A and B. a Find the coordinates of A and B. b Find the coordinates of the midpoint of 4B. © Find the equation of the circle that passes through 4, B and O, where O is the origin. ‘The points A(-3, -2), B(-6, 0) and CUI, ) lie on the circumference of a circle such that ZBAC = 90°. a Find the value of q. (4 marks) b Find the equation of the circle. (4 marks) Usa A ee ed orator 23 The points R(~4, 3), S(7, 4) and (8, -7) lie on the circumference of a circle. 4 Show that R7'is the diameter of the circle. (4 marks) b Find the equation of the circle. (4 marks) ©® 24 The points A(-4, 0), B(4, 8) and C(6, 0) lie on the circumference of circle C. Find the equation of the circle. @® 2 The points A(-7, 7), BU, 9}, CC a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of: i 4B ii CD b Find the equation of the circle. Challenge The circle with equation (x ~ 5+ (y - 3° = 20 with centre A CHEATINTY intersects the circle with equation (x — 10) + (y ~8)*= 10 with centre B at the points P and Q. a Find the equation of the line containing the points P and Q inthe form ax + by +¢=0. b Find the coordinates of the points P and Q. € Find the area of the kite APBO. 1) and D(-7, 1) lie on a circle. eee 1 The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints Site dit (xy.y3) and (x, sf ete, = Co.) o 2 The perpendicular bisector ofa line segment 4 Bis the straight line that is perpendicular to AB and passes through the midpoint of 4B. B 1 Ifthe gradient of 4B ism then the gradient ofits fein perpendicular bisector, , wilbe 47 Cased COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, )) PLANE 10 The equation of a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius r is x?-+ y? = 2 The equation of the circle with centre (a, b) and radius ris (x — a)? + (y~ 5)? =P. The equation of a circle can be givenin the form: x? +)? + 2fx + 2gy + ¢=0 This circle has centre (~f, ~g) and radius \/? + g?- A straight line can intersect a circle once, by just touching one point of ‘no points of the circle, or twice, Not all straight lines will intersect a een Wersection given cirde. two paints of ‘A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius of the circle at the point of intersection. J hangent The perpendicular bisector of a chord will go through the perpendicular centre ofa circle, bisector + If ZPRQ = 90" then R lies on the circle with diameter PO. 2 + The angle in a semicircle is alwaysa right angle. 2 jo To find the centre ofa circle given ary three points: + Find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors of two different chords. repent + Find the coordinates of intersection of the bisector intersect. perpendicular bisector. ee esq Learning obje After completing this chapter you should be able to: ‘© Sketch graphs of the form y= a and transformations of these graphs > pages 50-52 Recognise the relationship between exponents and logarithms “> pages 52-54 Recall and apply the laws of logarithms > pages 54-56 Solve equations of the form a “> pages 56-58 Change the base of a logarithm > pages 52-59 Piro ard 1 Given that x =3 and y = —1, evaluate these expressions without a calculator. aS by ¢ 21 d Ty @ iy + International GCSE Mathematics ‘simplify these expressions, writing each answer asa single power. ages by xo ¢ EXE g iat + Pure 1 Section 1.1 Plot the following data on a scatter graph and di of best fi x [iz [2i[3s[ 4 [se] Logarithms are used ys 8 | to report and compare earthquakes, Both the Richter Determine the gradient and intercept of your Sh oie eit a line of best fit, giving your answers to one < magnitude scale use base 10 74 | 94 | 103 decimal pace Be eee ozarithms to express the size of seismic activity Cato} ENTIALS AND LOGARITHMS Functions of the form f(x) = a", where ais a constant, are called exponential functions. You should become familiar with these functions and the shapes of their graphs. CEEED inthe expression?’ For an example, look at a table of values of y e[3]2{,-a,ofiteys3 ‘rean be called an index. 2 power yiilit?itatel«tls prec The value of 2" tends towards 0 as x decreases, and 7 Recall that 22= 1 and that, {grows without limit as x increases. qD: a 2adnl ¢ pure sections The graph of y=2"is a smooth curve that looks like this: a ‘a On the same axes sketch the graphs of y = 3) b On another set of axes sketch the graphs of er a 7 iL a a. a 2 3)" is a reflection in the b The graph of y = y-arls of the graph ol SUSE UDR LL} oaiiky GEE) HED ww Sketch the graph of y 4)'~°. Give the coordinates of the point where the graph crosses the y-axis. IF Ry) = (3) then y = Kx - 3). Gens The graph is a translation of the graph If you have to sketch the graph of an unfamiliar y = (5) by the vector (3) function, try writing it as a transformation of a familiar function. ‘€ Pure 1 Section 4.4 The graph crosses the y-axis when x= 0. y=(i) y=8 The graph crosses the y-axis at (0, 8) Ueae 8 os 1a Draw an accurate graph of y (1.7), for 4S x4, b Use your graph to solve the equation (1.7) 2a Draw an accurate graph of y= (0.6)', for ~4< x 4, b Use your graph to solve the equation (0.6)' = 2. 3 Sketch the graph of y= I’ ©® 4 For cach of these statements, decide whether it is true or false. justifying your answer or offering a counter-example. a The graph of y = a* passes through (0, 1) for all positive real numbers a. b The function fix) = a is always an increasing function for a> 0. © The graph of y = a*, where a is a positive real number, never crosses the x-axis, 5. The function f(x) is defined as f(x) = 3°, x € IR. On the same axes, sketch the graphs of: io) b y=29) © yafy-4 Write down the coordinates of the point where each graph crosses the equations of any asymptotes. ens © 6 The graph of y = ka* passes through the Substitute the coordinates into y = ka* to create points (1, 6) and (4, 48). Find the values {wo simultaneous equations. Use division to of the constants k and a. eliminate one ofthe two unknowns. is, and give the am ars CUES UPR LGUs} @® 7 The graph of y= pg* passes through the points (~3, 150) and (2, 0.048). a By drawing a sketch or otherwise, explain why 0 ‘ahcinine * log, n= xisequivalenttoa'=n (a1) base ofthe logarithm. Gxxx:) ‘Write each statement as a logarithm. ax b 27=128 c . 50 log, b 27 = 128, so log. 2B EEE) ED oo Rewrite each statement using a power. a logs81=4 b log: [a 1og,81 = 4,50 34 = 81 b log (3) = -3, 502° = $ ex) Without usinga calculator, find the value of @ log; 81 b log, 0.25 © logos4 d log, (a°) SUSE UDR LL} oaiiky You can use your calculator to find logarithms of — @QEPNFPIR oars to the bose are any base. Some calculators havea specific Sealy aie Sociol RECHT ERE key for this function. Most calculators the calculator key is labelled in} also have separate buttons for logarithms to the base 10 (usually written as [fg and logarithms to the base e (usually written as fi, which you will meet in Pure Mathematics 3) XDD se tie logarithm buttonson bs ‘yourcalculator. Ged Use your calculator to find the following logarithms to 3 decimal places. a log, 40 D logy 75 a 2358 forpart a use scl). b 1875 For part b you can use either [leg] or (eax). cus 1 Rowrite using a logarithm. a 4! = 256 beet © 10°= 1000000 aia © (0.2) = 0.008 2 Rewrite using a power. a log, 16=4 b log, d logs0.2 = © Logi. 100000 = 5 © log,3 3 Without using a calculator, find the value of a lon 8 b logs25 € logy 100000000 4 logys12 € log 729 g log, (0.25) 1h Logg 2516 i log,(a") 4 Without using a calculator, find the value of x for which a logsx=4 b log, 81 =2 © logx= @ log,(x- I) =3 © log (4x4 =4 £ log, (2x1 5. Use your calculator to evaluate these logarithms to three decimal places. a log, 230 b logs33 € Logio 1020 d log,3 53 atk} CUES UPR LGUs} ® 6 a Without using a calculator, justify why the value @ Gnencpertag of log: SO must be between 5 and 6. aCanes aR oeree b Use a calculator to find the exact value of Jog, 50 to4 significant figures. 7 a Find the values of: i log:2 ii los logy; 17 b Explain why log, has the same value for all positive values of a (a # 1), 8 a Find the values of: i logs! ii logy! iif logy 1 b Explain why log, I has the same value for all positive values of a (a # 1), QS Laws of logarithms Expressions involving more than one logarithm can often be rearranged or simplified, For instance log,x'=m and log,y = Take two logarithms with the same base x= a" and y =a" Rewrite these expressions using powers xy =a xa" =a" Multiply these powers log,xy =m +n=log,.x + log,’ ——— Rewrite your result using logarithms ‘This result is one of the laws of logarithms. You can use similar methods to prove two further laws. = The laws of logarithms: log.xy (the multiplication law) QQEEIRENS) You need to learn + log,.x + log, = log, (* i these three laws of logarithms, + logy — logy =k he division k ceer—ly t(j) tedden) ee + log, (x#) = k log.x (the power law) * You should also learn to recognise the following special cases: + tog,() = tog, (a4) = -tog,x (the power law when k + loga=1 (a>0,a+1) + log,1=0 (a>0,a+1) Gm Write as a single logarithm. a log;6+log;7 blog 1S—logs3 ——€ Mlog.3+3log,2 dog 3 — Alogyo(3} a 10g. (6 x 7) Use the multiplication law. = loge 42 b loge(t5 + 3) loge 5 + Use the division law. SUSE UDR LL} sy © 2logs3 = og, Blogs 2 = logs (29 10959 + logs8 = logs 72 2 log, (x8y2°) = log, lx") + logay + log, 2logex + logy + 3 og, » bea,(%) Ig4X = ogy (V9) ao sia) e ba.(22) aati) — loge 2a + Loan ~ log, aX + 5 logay — logy 4 ba (2) 4 ~ 1ogu(a") nga = Alogea EOC 2) EID rere sown Solve the equation logiy4 + 2logio Carn 55 Cee ats Ky Pee Ry Solve the equation log;(x + 11) ~ logs (x - 5) logs (x + 11) Use the division law. Rewrite the logarithm using powers. 1 Write as a single logarithm a logs 7 + log3 36 —logs4 © Blogs? + logs 10 d 2log,8 —4log,3 © Logo 5 + logis 6 — logyo (4) 2. Write asa single logarithm, then simplify your answer log, 40 — logs 5 b log. + log,9 © 2logis3 + 4logis2 d og,25 +log,10- 3log.S —€ 2logy2~ (log\95 + logy) 3 Write in terms of log, x, log,» and log, a log, (x b te. ( 53) © log, (ee) € log, vax 4 Solve the following equations: rr a log3 + log x b logy12-log.x=3 ‘onto the same side if necessary € Dlogsx=14logs6 — d 2log,(x+1)=2log,(2x-3)+1 and use the division law. GP) 5 a Given that log,(x + 1) = I + 2log; (x — 1), show that 3x? - 7x +2 (S marks) b Hence, or otherwise, solve log; (x + 1) = 1 + 2logs (x 1). (marks) © 6 Given that « and b are positive constants, and eos that a > b, solve the simultaneous equations paraehlatenionts mecenitoneen arb=13 and bgiven in the question. log,a +log,b rs FETED | bjt te, = and log. y=n, prove tat op, logy =o, (3 — SUSE UDR LL} Orato ky 3.4 You can use logarithms and your calculator to solve equations of the form a* = b. Solve the following equations, giving your answers to 3 decimal places. a 3*=20 b stl 261 | Ax = logs 61 +7 logs 61 +1 a. = 0.869 eam) Solve the equation 5** ~ 12(5") + 20= | , giving your answer to 3 significant figures. 5 125) + 20 is a quadrati (S*= 105" - 2)=0 ic function of 5* Crs ogst0 > log52 > x 43 0.431 You can solve more complicated equations by taking logs’ of both sides. = Whenever f(x) = g(x), log, f(x) = log, g(x) GEO 3) ELE ecomersncnon Find the solution to the equation 3° **!, giving your answer to four decimal places. aa log3* = log 2° xleq3 vlog oy Cet Ky Pee Ry sxe 1 Solve, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. a2=75 © 22 ae € 95 =50 g 1? = 65 h 2-288 2 Solve, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. CID 3235x3239 a 2-62) +5=0 b 3-153) +4420 © S65) -7=0 d 343"! 10=0 a 6 -e £2*+30)-4=0 Consider these equations as functions 1 263-9=0 bh 4(3*")+173)-7=0 of functions. Part ais equivalent to uw ~6u+5=0,withw © 3 Solve the following equations, giving your answers to 3 significant figures where appropriate. a 3°! = 2000 (2 marks) b logs(x- (2 marks) © 4 a Sketch the graph of y stating the coordinates of any points where the graph crosses the axes. b Solve the equation 4° — 10(4") + 16=0. (4 marks) aman) CODD niet is usin 5 Solve the following equations, eo be ving your answers to four decimal places. Plage . EBD toe tgs ofboth sides. ©) changing the base of a logarithm It is sometimes convenient to rewrite logarithms C Watch out ee using a different base. do rot have a flegzL]} key to calculate Working in base a, suppose that: logsto any ed Writing this asa power: Taking logs toa different base b: log,a" = log,x Using the power law mloga = log,x Writing mas log,x: log,x * logya = logyx This can be written as; Using this rule, notice in particular that log,b = 7-5”, but logs = |, so log,a 1 loBb= eg SUSE UDR LL} oaiiky ex) Find, to 3 significant figures, the value of logg 11 EE 15) ED cecvrve rncnon Solve the equation logs x + 6log, 5 =5 1 Find, to 3 decimal places: a log; 120 b log,45 © log:19 d log,3 2 Solve, giving your answer to 3 significant figures: a 8214 b 9r=99 © 1226 3 Solve, giving your answer to 3 significant figures: a log,x=8+9log,2 b logyx + 2log.4+3=0 © log,x + logyx=2 co) 60 CHAPTER 3 Pee Ry 1 Sketch a graph, labelling all intersections and asymptotes, for C vine ee Geaiy ® 2 a Express log, (pg) in terms of log,p and log, ¢. b Given that log, (pq) = 5 and log, (p°q) = 9. find the values of log, p and log, 4 ® 3 Given thatp = log, 16, express in terms of p, a log,2 b loz, (84) 4 Solve these equations, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. a 4"=23 b 7"! = 1000 10'= 6"? GP) 5 a Using the substitution « show that the equation 4 = 2**! - 15 = 0 can be written in the form w? ~ 2u~ 15 = 0. (2 marks) Hence solve the equation 4° - 2**!— 15 = 0, giving your answer to 2 decimal places. (G marks) © 6 Solve the equation log, (x + 10) — log, (x - 5) = 4. (4 marks) @® 7 Giventhary=3¥, a show that log,y = 1 + 2log.x; hence, or otherwise, solve the equation 14 2logsx = logy(28x ~ 9), (6 marks) GB) 8 Find the values of x if 2logsx—logstv— 2) (5 marks) @®) 9° Find, giving your answer to 3 icant figures where appropriate, the value of x for which a 5*=10 b loggix-2 (4 marks) GP) 10 Given that 0,021) + log (a>0,a#1) 4 You can change the base of a logarithm using the following rule: After completing this chapter you should be able to: (© Use Pascal's triangle to identify binomial coefficients and use them to expand simple binomial expressions > pages 63-65 Use combinations and factorial notation > pages 65-67 Use the binomial expansion to expand brackets Find individual coefficients in a binomial expansion ‘© Make approximations using the binomial expansion 1 Expand and simplify where possible: a @x-3y? b (xe-y)P e+) + Pure 1 Section 1.2 2 simplify a (2x) b Gx) The binomial expansion can be Used to expand brackets raised to large powers ‘+ Pure: Section 2.1, 1.4 It can be used to simplify 3 Simplify probability models with a large asm b 4x4 number of trials, such as those 1 + used by manufacturers to © Goa) 4 (gx) era secton sa predict faults be Sapa US Cais @) Pascal's triangle You can use Pascal's triangle to quickly expand expressions such as (x + 2y) Consider the expansions of (a +)" for n =0, 1, 2,3 and 4 las be= 1 lat or= la + lus be= tat + tah +e Each coefficient is the sum of the two arms i» ke a she coefficients immediately above it. lasbh= tak + Pb + Gir + ad abt Every term in the expansion of (a + 6)" has total index In the 6426? term the total index is 2 + 2 = 4 In the 4ab? term the total indexis 1 +3 = 4, The coefficients in the expansions form a pattern that is known as Pascal’ triangle. ™ Poscal's triangle is formed by adding adjacent pairs of numbers to find the numbers on the next row. Here are the first 7 rows of Pascal’ triangle: 1 4 ee 7 The third row of Pascal triangle ges the NY coefficients in the expansion of (a +b) os NZ aN 4 1 5 0 Ww 5 4 1 6 5% @ 6 6 1 "= The (a+ 1)th row of Pascal's triangle gives the coefficient: Use Pascal's triangle to find the expansions of: the expansion of (a+ By". a (x+2ypP b (2x5) —, —... {ee The cocierts ae 3, 3,120 i 29? = Bo + Cy) + SNP + HOP xP + Gxiy + 12x72 + By? Ci Cate) a b (@x-5)* The coefficients are 1, 4, 6, 4, 150: ax Foyt = 12x) + 4201-5)! + GLANS) + 412 +15" = 16x! ~ 160x° + G0Ox* Ox + 625 EEE) HD msn If there is an unknown in the original ‘expression, you might be able to form The coefficient of x? in the expansion of (2 ~ ex)'is 294. pee eect en Find the possible value(s) of the constant c. So 6c? = 294 cna? EI se 1 State the row of Pascal’s triangle that would give the coefficients of each expansion: a (x+y) b Gx-7)5 © (2x+3)" d (y-2xy"# 2. Write down the expansion of: a (x+y) b (p+ a) © (a-by d (x44) © (Qx-3) f (a+29 g Gx-4)* h Qx-3yy' 3. Find the coefficient of x in the expansion of: a (44x) b =x) © (3+ 2x) d (442x)° e (24x) ft (4-3x) g (x +2) h (3-2) © 4 Fully expand the expression (1 + 3x)(1 + 2x). Expand (1-+2x?, then multiply each term by 3 and by 3. ©® 5 Expand (2 +»). Hence or otherwise, write down the expansion of (2 +.x - x°)' in ascending powers of x. © 6 The coefficient of x? in the expansion of (2 + ax)* is 54. Find the possible values of the constant a. Sapa US Cais © 7 The coefficient of x? in the expansion of (2 x)(3 + bx) is 45. Find possible values of the constant b. ©® 8 Work out the coefficient of .° in the expansion of (p - 2x)°. Give your answer in terms of p. ©® 9 After 5 years, the value of an investment of $500 at an interest rate of X'% per annum is given by: x\S soo(1 +535) Find an approximation for this expression in the form 4 + BX + CX?, where 4, Band C are constants to be found. You can ignore higher powers of X. cae eee | ©@® actorial notation You can use combinations and factorial notation to help you expand binomial expressions. For larger indices, tis quicker than using Pascal's triangle. “ ® 8 CED vou say factorat Using factorial notation 3 x 2 x 1 = 31 By definition, O!=1, ™ You can use factorial notation and your calculator to find entries in Pascal's triangle quickly. + The number of ways of choosing r items from a group of, items is written as "C, or (7) onl) CD was ri(n-) ‘n choose r' for "C,.It is sometimes + The rth entry in the nth row of Pascal’ triangle is, Rarer cneeercree given by *-1G,_,=(""1) subscripts as nCr. ELIE} rexecranon Caleulate: b °C, ¢ the 6th entry in the 10th row of Pascal's triangle EDD ese he, anfnctions on & your calculator to answer this question. Cs Ce iL) ata os 1 Work out: vot st a4! bo co ct 2. Without using a calculator, work out: 4 6" 6 . 10 3 *G) 6) ©G a eta) 3 Use a calculator to work out 15 " 20 20 a(G) MG eG) a (MG 4 Write each value a to d from 1 Pascal's triangle using 1 1 "G notation boo 4 13 3 4 1 6 © @s 6 1 5S Work out the Sth number on the 12th row from Pascal's triangle. 6 The 11th row of Pascal's triangle is shown below. 1 10) 45 a Find the next two values in the row. b_ Hence find the coefficient of »* in the expansion of (1 + 2)" 7 The 14th row of Pascal’ triangle is shown below. 1 2B ‘a Find the next two values in the row. b Hence find the coefficient of «+ in the expansion of (1 + 3x)". 8 The probability of throwing exactly 10 heads when a fair coin is tossed 20 times is given by ({})0.5®. Calculate the probability and describe the likelihood of this occurring, ©® 9 Show that: aan b c= MD © 10 Given that (> © 11 Given that (3 8) = (aay write down the value of a. (1 mark) 5" (1 mark) Sapa US Cais @ Workout C; and #C; GREATITY by Work out Cs and Cy ¢ What do you notice about your answers to parts a and b? 4 rove that"C, ="C,-- © The binomial expansion A binomial expression has two terms, The binomial expansion allows you to expand powers of binomial expressions. For example, in the expansion of (a +5)° = (a + b)(a + b)(a + 6)(a+ b)(a +5) the term a? occurs ( 3) times. This is because you need to choose b 3 times from the 5 brackets. You can do this in @) ‘ways so when the expansion is simplified, the term in a2b is (8) aco ™ The binomial expansion is: (as bya ars (Tar tb+ (Sarthe. (Marrbre.+b* Wen) CEE sen means thata must bea member of the natural numbers, This is all, the positive integers. where (7) GEER +) E> ws Use the binomial theorem to find the expansion of (3 ~ 2x)°. 243 ~ 810x + 1080x2 = 720x° + 240x4 ~ 32x5 ‘Work out each coefficient quickly fa ‘using the "C, and power functions on your calculator. ex) Find the first four terms in the binomial expansion of: a (142x)! » (10-4y)° Ci Com is) ata omen eee ew CEEEED tris is sometimes called the b (10-4x)° expansion in ascending powers of x. = 108+ (S)10>(-23) + (8)10*(-40)? +(§)105[-a)" + = 1000000 ~ 300000x + 37500x* = 2500x3 + GEE) EID w= 1 Write down the expansion of the following: a(t b Gtx © G-x dd (H28 e420 (1x) ‘Write each coefficient in its simplest form. 2 Use the binomial theorem to find the first four terms in the expansion of: a (14x) b(1-2x) ee (1430 = d =x) — e (2-38) of G-ay 3 Use the binomial theorem to find the first four terms in the expansion of: a Qxty b Qx+3y)° © gh — d Gr-y)' ec WwH2y)8 ff x -3yP? 4. Use the binomial expansion to find the first four terms, in ascending powers of x, of: : 0 a (lex b (1-237 ¢ (145) EBD sour answers should be 71-58 cour Pe Inthe form aba + ex? di? where a,b, cand d are numb g (2-3x)8 h G48 i 45x" alacant 5 Find the first 3 terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion of (2 ~ 296 and simplify each term, (4marks) © 6 Find the first 3 terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion of (3 ~ 2x)° giving each term in its simplest form. (4 marks) @® 7 Find the binomial expansion of (x-+4) giving each term in its simplest form. (4 marks) Challenge ‘a Show that (a + b)* ~ (a b= Baba? + BA) Sheuntentanon Given that 82896 = 174 — 5%, write 82896 as a product of ts prime factors. TMS) Cais Solving binomial problems You can use the general term of the binomial expansion to find individual coefficients in a binomial expansion. ™ Inthe expansion of (a+ b)" the general term is given by ()a"~ ‘a Find the coefficient of «+ in the binomial expansion of (2 + 3x)". b Find the coefficient of x7 in the binomial expansion of (2 +.x)(3 ~ 2x) = 1088640x4 The coefficient of x4 in Of 2 + 3x)! i 108664 pa 2-2.) + (2 )3%-en” 1e binomial expansion >» +(Z)ateanr+ 167 = 10206x + 204128 22680x3 + 2 + xN2187 - 10206x + 20412x2 ~ 22660x° +.) = 2x (-22660%") +.» x 20412 -24948x9 The coefficient of x? in the binomial expansion of (2 + xB = 2x)" is -24948. ex) a(x) = (1 + kx)", where k is a constant. Given that the coefficient of in the binomial expansion of g(x) is 15, find the value of k. it v8 term = ('O) ene = 1542 120k = 1539 k Cc mea pila NS EO 8) IED veneer soume a Write down the first three terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion of (1+ gx)’, where q is a non-zero constant, b Given that, in the expansion of (I + q2)*, the coefficient of x is ~r and the coefficient of x is 7r, find the value of g and the value of r. a t+ gx? Gee 21+ (rns (2 There are two unknowns in this expression. Your a ea expansion will be in terms of q and x. = 1+ Bgx + 2892x? + Find the coefficient of x* in the binomial expansion of a Gra b (1 +24) © =a 4d Gx+28 ey” £ G- 2x g(x" hx) i (1-4x)" i (344) 1 (54x) @® 2 The coefficient of x? in the expansion of (2 + ax) is 60. Find two possible values maz Use brackets when you of the constant a substitute ax ‘The coefficient of x in the expan nof (3 + bx)° is ~720. Find the value of the constant b. ‘The coefficient of x the constant a. in the expansion of (2 + x)(3 ~ ax)* is 30. Find the three possible values of When (1 ~2x/’is expanded, the coefficient of x? is 40. Given that p > 0, use this information to fin fa the value of theconstant p (6 marks) GASUMESITI b the coeficient of x mark) Youwilneed tous the definition of (7) to find jent of x marks) | erespressionton (). G@® 6 a Find the first three terms, in ascending powers of x, of the binomial expansion of (5 + px)®, where p is a non-zero constant. (2 marks) b Given that in this expansion the coefficient of x? is 29 times the coefficient of x work out the value of p. (4 marks)

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