Writing Your Own Allegory Assignment

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Writing your own Allegory

10H – Mr. DiTolla

The next major assignment is to write your own allegorical story. It need not be as
complex as Lord of the Flies. It can be a simple fable or rhyming piece as in any of the Dr.
Seuss books.

Remember the two main things to look for in an allegory:

1. characters and/or objects that are symbols representing different ideas

2. an overall lesson or moral presented to the reader

Before writing consider the following questions:

• What moral would you like to teach?

• Who will your characters be? How can you show that moral in a story? If
you’re writing a fable, use animals to represent human traits. Try to use at least
two animals that will represent opposing qualities; this helps set up the conflict or
problem within the fable.

• What symbols will you use? All allegories include symbols usually both
characters and objects.

• What problem must your characters solve? What problem must be solved in
order to illustrate the moral?

• How does your story end? What's the solution to the problem? At least one of
the characters must learn the valuable lesson or moral. Don’t forget that your
reader is also expected to learn something from the story. (www.creative-writing-


 Your allegory should be a complete narrative with a problem and solution told
with a beginning, middle, and end.
 Your allegory should also include conflict of some kind (or more than one kind)
 Your story should include symbolic representations of people, places, and things
from real life (i.e. a farm representing a school)
 Your story must be an allegory of a familiar social, political, or historical issue that
people will recognize.
 (allegory.happykidsschool.com.tw/home/module7/finalassignment)

Due date: Tuesday, October 13 submitted through Turnitin.com

If you go to my webpage, you’ll find a few helpful resources under Allegory

10H – Mr. DiTolla

Allegorical Story – Grading Rubric

A = 95 B = 85 C = 75 D/F = 65 or
Symbolism/Allegory The symbol or The symbol or The symbol is The symbol is
allegory allegory is original pedestrian and/or predictable and not
presented in the but not as well is underdeveloped. developed
story is developed as A successfully.
original, stories.
and multi-

Story The writer The writer is The writer has The writer is
shows a mature successful working trouble utilizing neglectful in
handling of the in the elements of and developing the his/her inclusion
elements of a a short story (see elements of a short of and
short story: list in A column). story (see list in A development of the
plot, conflict, column). elements of a short
resolution, story.
setting, theme,
and mood.

Style The writer’s The writing style The writing style The writing style
style is is effective and is rudimentary and is ineffective and
sophisticated age-appropriate. simplistic. The does not aid in the
and mature. The writing style takes development of the
style chosen by away from the ideas of the story
the writer helps development of the (symbol/allegory).
develop the symbol/allegory.
of the story.

Grammar & The errors in The writer’s errors There are many The student’s
Mechanics the paper are are more numerous errors; the errors errors are a
limited and do and should have begin to interfere distraction in the
not interfered been detected with with the story and prevent
with the better editing. presentation of the the reader from
presentation of story. focusing on the
the main ideas of the
symbol/allegory story
. (symbol/allegory).

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