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The vouke retains valid Litl Ihe deskinalion i¢ reachable or unlil the acute Sno Longer needed - f nok Meuntaned ak every node, insleac Lhe. vou On-demand vouking protecels ore classified inko sin: ) Dynamic Source. Routing Prokocel C DSR) iDAd Hoc On-demand. Diskance Vector Rouking Prd-ceel ( Aoov) i) Temperally Ordered. Algoxithm (toRA) ) kee Associakiviky - based Roukivg CABR) ) Signal Stability based Adaptive Routing Protec! CSSA) vi) Clucker based Routing Protocol Advantages “Small control overhead: no soube updakes; Disadvantages “High dela of wouke sekup proass sroukes ane established en-demand s Low scalability: no zouke apdabes » Low SEOTONR aequireinents ‘only needed youles are in cache Hebnid Ricci Prabvolg (iP) H ka neruosk Fouting probeole at cornbines —Ditkanee recto houting protocal Cove?) are Liok Sate mee eng Protoco/ feats. 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(9438) : peoactive Aouting protxco] «(plied Link stake ati hayed on the lint shuk algenthrn

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