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Act 1

The battle of mactan

The battle of manila bay
 This battle is about to win the  Took place six centuries ago,
colonial rule of Spain to the were lapu-lapu the chieftain of
Both stories are
Philippines. mactan island overpowered and
fighting for the
 The Spanish-American war. defeated a Spanish force figh
cc colonial invasion
 This result in the fall of the ting
and freedom of
Philippines and contributing to  Happened in cebu during the
the Philippines
the final U.S victory in the spread of Christianity
Spanish- American war.

Activity 2

One of the most controversial topics in the Philippines is site of the first catholic mass
in the Philippine’s history happened in March 31, 1521 Sunday. The Philippines was discovered
in 1521 by a Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan, when he was searching for Spice Island but
ended up in an indigenous island that is named the Philippines. Magellan spread the religion
Catholic and held the first mass in Limasawa, according to Antonio pigafetta’s accounts

In the first claim the first catholic mass was really held in the island of Limasawa where
the two kings plant the cross in the mountain where they entered a channel between two
islands, one of which was called "Matan" and the other “zzubu”

The second claim take place in the second island where the first king sailed and was he
saw a lot of livestock, and rich in natural resources and bonded with other kings. That is what I
have analyze but there other misconception that occurred in the documents That this belief is
maintained by some, who assert that the first mass was instead held at limasawa, not in

Some of the following evidences that I have collected in the accounts to support my claims that
the first mass is truly held in Limasawa; firstly, many historians have claimed that in Limasawa
island be known as first Easter Sunday mass conducted by the Spaniards these is according to
the majors panel being addressed in the debate. Secondly, according to the articles of Anna
Regidors(2021), it was believed that the event was held somewhere near the mouth of the
Agusan River in what is today the municipality of Magallanes, Agusan del Norte. The shift to the
Limasawa tradition happened following the publication of a transcription of a logbook from a
pilot of the ship Victoria (one of the vessels in the Magellan expedition), stating that the crew
placed a cross on an island called “Mazaua” whose location is closer to Cebu.

Despite the controversies and debate emerging between two places of the site of the first mass
was truly held in Limasawa, Mazaua” in Southern Leyte, which is the result of the accumulated c

ontroversies of misconceptions of two places in the accounts of Antonio Pigafetta.


The Philippines has survived from the Spanish, American, and Japanese eras in the past and
present, showing that the country is strong enough to withstand any resilient conflicts, whether they
relate to countless conflicts in Philippine society that existed in the past. Even now, we are bound to
countless colonial regulations and are deprived of territory also the rise of misconception and
misunderstanding are in taken in place.

One of the most important strategies to avoid and diminish conflicts, misunderstandings, and
issues is to educate and deliberate knowledge and ideas about Philippine history in order to establish
peace throughout the community and the country. We can promote world peace by using education as
one of our most potent weapons. Regardless of the past struggle, it is critical for each individual to learn
and have knowledge of the Philippines' past history, such as the site of the first mass, the Cavite mutiny,
Rizal's retraction, and the cry of rebellion. Here is the reason why we need to spread knowledge to
implement the mind of every individual to be awaken is it promotes critical thinking, have knowledge
about the past, open cultivates respect and understanding, builds empathy and tolerance.
Therefore, I have learned that through knowledge of education about the relation of the past
history in the Philippines is most be educated to the young ones because education is one of the most
important aspect especially in learning and understanding about the past events and conflicts in our
country in order to avoid conflicts and misconceptions.

ACTIVITY 4: Generalization

1. Is there a multiplicity that can read from all historical sources?

ANSWER- yes, in fact multiplicity the more the people and easy the job can done. From the past
and the present of history, multiplicity which is a group of number so if a group of number can
work together and read all historical sources it can be done. But it’s not that easy because there
are lots of historical sources in the world, from the past they have to travel and find the
background of the sources, but it can be done and it takes a lot of time finish it.
2. Is there a significant difference in all accounts presented for every event? And why?
ANSWER? Yes, all of the histories have an account which deliberately gathers information to
every event. That includes lens in the past due to many events occurs in history. Some of
happenings are not yet revealed that’s why historians gather information of the events to
reveal the truth.
Activity 1: though writing
1. lupa bahay at Katarungan
ANSWER- in my own thoughts this question are made for each of us, it shows the living rights of
each individual that we can live freely and have the rights to every filipinos.
2. Ignorance of the law excuses to no one
ANSWER- a person who ignores the laws but the laws will never ignore to one. just like when
you thought you do something legal but the laws knows it’s illegal, so you just ignore it,
but it can get you to jail for how you do and how you ignore the laws.

3. The power of tax is the power to destroy

ANSWER-The power of tax is the power to destroy, which mean the government had the right to
tax the people of the country, and the country do not have the power to destroy the
government. They have similar events but different action n.




Origin Coverage Purpose Application Limitations Updates/result/

value impact
Carl The origin of carl The purpose The Applied The limits It is design to
which first known of carl is topurpose of domestic share of carl is Promote social
as comprehensive cover all CARL is to policies law. distribution justice
agrarian reform agricultural promote of lands And industrialization
law reform lands wider land and
program known as expedition considered
republic act. 6657, in the to the
later on aquino component policy as a
signed the -structure failure as
Republic act of the well as
8532, which is farmers rights of
known as farmers to
comprehensive have a
agrarian reform share
law or carl agrarian
The The 1987 The 1987 The The The The impact of
1987Philip Philippine Philippine purpose of application limitations Philippines
pine constitution is constitution the value of the of the constitution in 1987
constitutio originally headed was covered Philippine Philippine Philippine is that this result to
n by Cecilia Muñoz by the three constitutio constitution is constitutio the consistency of
which compose by main n 1.the bill of n are the implementing
48 members to branches of Is to assign rights of the elections weapons and security
adapt a permanent the several commonwealt and the system in the country
constitution which government governmen h and Marcos voters.
was adopted in 1. The t constitution And the
February 2, 1987. executive, department because it has president
2. s and their been improved term in the
legislative powers and with the Philippines
3. judiciary their duties creation of a it is
These 3 to establish commission of approved
were the a certain human rights. by the
three first 2 the country
branches of principles constitution that the
the which the has improved term of a
government governmen and consist 18 president
t is articles and shall be 6
founded. excessively years long.
improved to
the 1953 and

Train law the The The Train law The The impact or results
The train law was coverage of purpose of is to lower the limitation of train law is to
first introduced in the train law the train income tax of the train make the tax system
Dec, 19,2017 to is to reduce law is to and to increase law is simpler fairer, and
shoulder the the value provide the economy increasing more efficient while
filipino tax added tax several value to the tax and encouraging
VAT to provision filipino economy investment, job
maintain the of national workers. and an creation and poverty
economic internal individual reduction.
developmen revenue tax.
t code. On
taxation for
and estates.

Aspects Topics Causes/at least 2 Effects 2 Propose
of recommendations
Philippin or lessen the
e society present and
anticipated future
Social Agrarian  The agrarian reform policies  The effects of As a student to
reform cause by land ownership agrarian law is propose an
policies  Taking land ownerships from agricultural agrarian land
farmers and share crops production productivity and reform to
poverty in our maintain the land
farmers and life of
 The second farmers to have
one is social rightful
aspects of ownership in
human rights their lands.

Economic taxation  deliberate failure to  Dodging of As a students to

report taxable payable tax can avoid this kind of
income or known lead to lack of anticipated
as tax evasion can integrity on the problems in the
cause tax liability part of being a future I
 avoidance of tax citizens recommend to
reforms causes  Government increase
economic finances and awareness among
endeavors building project tax payers by
lead to deflation sharing through
because of social media
inefficiency of tax platform
administration consciousness.

Cultural Philippines  Core values system  Due to influences, As a students and

values ]sy nowadays has been neglected our Philippines as a youth, I
stem  Cultural traits and value has been propose a
characteristics develop forgotten. discussion or
negative traits amongst the  Disrespectful open forum for
youth. youth and all of my family,
individual classmates and
behaviors friends to spread
increases the core values
system of the
Philippines, and
apply them for
myself either.
ACTIVITY 4 express you appreciation contributions of Filipino heroines in
Philippine history by delivering a speech not more than 5 minutes video

Our Filipino heroes dedicated their lives to using their own talents and skills,
demonstrating their love and gratitude for our country. Our countries' freedom and
revolution are brought about by their bright minds and intellectualknowledge.

They all served as role models and motivation for our future schooling as well as
for the kids. who can inherit their history from the past. As we recall, they served
as our national heroes for their bravery and boldness in times of war and
unification. These heroes have influenced our history through their distinct resolve
of freedom and equality, which liberated us from imprisonment.

This imprisonment that binds us from being free and injustice.

One of their most significant achievements to our country was bringing

peace and independence to our country, which gave us our vision and
mission today, and they reflected our admiration and values. As they become
role models for us, they reaffirm the ideals most valued by our country.
Heroes who can fight, write, speak, and free us from war and injustice.
Because their legacy and history serve as our great name and an example for
us to follow. j

ACTIVITY 5: Position paper writing


In early days the first taxation was Spanish era, the Filipino force to pay tributes to the
Spaniard called the Cedula due to the problem face by the government the people was forced
to pay tribute elders and teens are forced to give money, whether they like it or not, the first
economy income was the galleon trade. But it lacks of goods and finance delivered in the
Philippines. Many years later in the past tax history in the Philippines, government create
organization, to fix and balance the taxation in the country but none of them succeed to solve
the problem.
Value added tax (VAT) and expanded value added tax (E-VAT) were formed but these
two never succeed to never solve the tax problem until PRESIDENT RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE sits
the presidential throne. He form a new project called TAX REFORM FOR ACCELARATION also
known as train law, the purpose of his project is to maintain the balance of income tax and it
helps to eradicate poverty.

In addition, the enacted Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion known as (TAIN LAW)
Signed by the 16th President RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE, in December 19, 2017, also known as
REPUBLIC ACT 1019631, its purpose is lower the value added tax (Vat) by the last president
introduced. Based on the claims in the article I have analyzed the fundamental impact of train
law, is not only it eliminates deprivation in the country it also helps to aims for lowering the
personal income. In the same way the TRAIN LAW furthermore expand the tax company such as
product, beverage, petroleum and automobiles. Still individual must follow the taxation system
in the Philippines. Moreover, some of the following facts and evidences that I have collected in
my research about the contributions of the enacted train law are it reduced income tax rate of
employees, zero- rating of sales of goods and services to separate custom territory, exemption
of various petroleum products from excise tax and earmarking of incremental tobacco taxes.
The train law raises significant revenues to support the president priority social and
infrastructure programs, which will help realize his administration’s goal of reducing the
poverties in the country.

In conclusions, the impact of train law in the Philippines is to help us achieve a revenue
and deficits targets. With the people support and understanding the result will have a better
jobs, lower prices and brighter future for every Filipino.

3. theAgusan River in
northern Mindanao near
Butuan. There might be
4. that are saying that debates
are unecessary for such
things like this but
5. attention should be paid to
such things because it is a
part of our history
6. and if there will be
changes then people would
7. Agusan River in northern
Mindanao near Butuan. There
might be people
8. that are saying that debates
are unecessary for such
things like this but
9. attention should be paid to
such things because it is a
part of our history
10. and if there will be
changes then people would
11. Agusan River in northern
Mindanao near Butuan. There
might be people
12. that are saying that debates
are unecessary for such
things like this but
13. attention should be paid to
such things because it is a
part of our history
14. and if there will be
changes then people would

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