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Ancient Dreams Walkthrough

Created by Sera

Note: If choices are noted as [1*], selecting any one of those options in the stage will meet
the requirements for stage events.

1-1 Antique Souls [1]

No choices

1-2 Sunny Surprises [1]

I think of Grandpa’s earnest instructions in his letter. I decide to…

● Talk about Linyuan Temple
● Feign ignorance

1-3 No. 13, East of the City [1]

I look down at the painting on the counter. After a moment of hesitation, I decide to tell
him that I…
● Have the real painting
● Can see obvious signs of fabrication – Pei Jingli ↑

I stare at the antique scroll. I hesitate for a long time. Finally, I decide to…
● Reluctantly agree
● Firmly refuse

1-4 The Lady’s Grudge [1]

I look at her sad face and prop my face on my chin.

● What is your unfulfilled wish?
● Why do you want to dissipate your soul?

(But when an antique spirit has existed for so long, their memories can be confused. I
decide to…)
● Trust Yang Mulan
● Express doubt
1-5 Surprise Visitor [2]

No choices

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Hear a knock on the door. It’s Huo Shao → Follow steps to unlock 1-6 [1]
❖ Hear a knock on the door. It’s Wei Guo → Follow steps to unlock 1-8 [1]

1-6 Strange Dreams [1]

To unlock: Talk about Linyuan Temple in 1-2 and play 1-5

Of course there is!

● That squirrel is a friend
● Everything has a soul – Huo Shao ↑

1-7 The Commander’s Residence [1]

My cheeks turn red. I feel exasperated and take a step back.

● Reply sarcastically
● Protest sternly

1-8 Unknown Paths [2]

To unlock: Feign ignorance in 1-2 and play 1-5

If you selected Reluctantly agree in 1-3 (Pei Jingli visits, bringing a gift of sincerity): You can
proceed to 1-9 [1*]

If you selected Firmly refuse in 1-3 (Pei Jingli visits, bringing ancient Chinese pigments):
After much hesitation, I decide to…
● Refuse the gift and reject him again → Ending: Unworldly Peace [1]
● Refuse the gift but give him conditions [1*]
● Accept the gift and restore the painting [1*]

1-9 Laba Festival [1]

● Agree
● Disagree
1-10 Man of His Word [3]

I stare at him and bite my lip…

● Continue hiding it from him → Ending: Outsider [1]
● Tell him about the dream

How to unlock in the flowchart:

● Encounter Pei Jingli after leaving the Commander’s residence. Pei gifts you Laba
rice porridge → Feign ignorance in 1-2 and play 1-8 & 1-9 [1]
● Huo Shao gives you his personal seal after leaving his residence → Talk about
Linyuan Temple in 1-2 and play 1-6 & 1-7 [1]

1-11 Boutique Conflict [1]

I decide to…
● Get straight to the point
● Beat around the bush

1-12 Past Mystery [1]

As I think over the story, I can’t help but feel that the real Yang Mulan’s life was…
● Tragic
● Inspiring – Pei Jingli ↑

1-13 Thousand-Year Letters [1]

I purse my lips as I stare at the old envelope. I decide to…

● Open it
● Leave it unopened
1-14 Cause and Effect [3]

No choices

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Bring the scraps to the Pei residence → Open it in 1-13 & play 1-14 [1]
❖ Bring the letter to the Pei residence → Leave it unopened in 1-13 & play 1-14

➢ Try to persuade Pei Jingli → Feign ignorance in 1-2 [1]

■ Recall your agreement to restore the painting at the bookstore →
Reluctantly agree in 1-3 and play 1-5
■ Recall your refusal to restore his painting at the bookstore →
Firmly refuse in 1-3 and play 1-5
● Recall your agreement to restore the painting
unconditionally → Accept the gift and restore the painting
in 1-8
● Recall your agreement to restore the painting under certain
conditions → Refuse the gift but give him conditions in 1-8

➢ Persist in persuading Pei Jingli → Talk about Linyuan Temple in 1-2 and
play 1-5, 1-6 & 1-7 [1]

1-15 Bound Spirit [3]

If you selected Open it in 1-13 and play 1-14 → Ending: Life passes like a dream [1]

If you selected Leave it unopened in 1-13 and play 1-14:

What’s going on? What is this spirit-binding rope, and why did he cast it?)
● *Chase after him and ask [1]
● Keep my doubts to myself [1]

*Select either of these to unlock this option:

1. Talk about Linyuan Temple in 1-2 and play 1-5, 1-6 & 1-7
2. Feign ignorance in 1-2, Firmly refuse in 1-3, play 1-5, Refuse the gift but
give him conditions in 1-8 and play 1-9
1-16 Lady’s Tears [3]

If you selected Keep my doubts to myself in 1-15 → Ending: A Memory of the Past [1]

If you selected Chase after him and ask in 1-15:

The stain expands before my very eyes. In that moment, I decide to…
● Trust Pei Jingli [1]
● Remove the spirit-binding rope → Ending: Away from Worldly Affairs [1]

1-17 The Road Ahead [1]

I’m surprised Huo Shao hasn’t left yet. His expression is solemn. I can’t be sure what he’s
thinking about. I decide to…
● Talk to him
● Leave
2-1 A Dusty Treasure [1]

(What should I do?)

● Keep waiting
● *Take out Huo Shao’s personal seal

*Select Talk about Linyuan Temple in 1-2 to unlock this option

2-2 Opera House Chaos [3]

(Why do heroes their swords wield? The following line was originally…)
● *To earn their worth on the battlefield [1]
● *To earn their glory on the battlefield → Ending: The Bitterness of a Chaotic
World [1]
● Can’t remember → Ending: Regrets in a Chaotic World [1]

*Select Talk to him in 1-17 to unlock this option

2-3 Restful Soul [1]

Wei Guo waits, determined to accompany me home. I decide to…

● Accept his offer – Huo Shao ↑
● Insist on leaving alone

2-4 Unexpected Visitor [1]

I call out the name that comes to mind…

● Huo Shao
● Pei Jingli

2-5 In Three Days [3]

(Three days… What should I do now?)

● *Get help from Huo Shao [1]
● ^Get help from Pei Jingli [1]
● Leave Huating → Ending: Hopeful Prosperity [1]

*Select Huo Shao in 2-4 to unlock this option

^Select Pei Jingli in 2-4 to unlock this option
2-6 Mystery Upon Mystery [1]
To unlock: Get help from Huo Shao in 2-5

● Question him
● Express concern – Huo Shao ↑

2-7 Rain And Fog [1]

I blush instantly and…

● Give a flustered reply – Huo Shao ↑
● Tell him the truth

2-8 End of the Tunnel [1]

No choices

2-9 A Century of Solitude [1]

What should we do, Yunting? After we find him, where should we send him?
● The police
● The commander’s residence – Xiaojing ↑

2-10 Twists And Turns [2]

To unlock: Get help from Pei Jingli in 2-5

I decide to…
● Retort coldly
● Explain honestly – Pei Jingli ↑

I decide to…
● Bring Xiaojing along – Xiaojing ↑ [1]
● Go alone [1]

2-11 Everything Has Soul [1]

No choices
2-12 Unveiled Light [1]

Inexplicably, I feel dismayed by the way Pei Jingli is asking me about Huo Shao. How
should I respond?
● Give him a vague explanation – Pei Jingli ↑
● Rebuke him

2-13 Wind And Waves [1]

(Should I help Benjamin?)

● Immediately agree – Xiaojing ↑
● Tactfully agree

2-14 A Disastrous Spill [2]

*I think about it for a moment, bite my lip, and say…

● Yes, it’s just a transaction → Ending: No More Ancient Dreams [1]
● No, it’s more than that

↳ I purse my lips and lower my gaze

○ Antique spirits have helped me [1*]
○ Troubled times demand generosity – Huo Shao ↑ [1*]

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Bring the prayer beads to the Commander’s residence. Your explanation causes
➢ Pei Jingli in 2-4
➢ Get help from Pei Jingli in 2-5
➢ Play 2-14
❖ Bring the Western Clock to the Commander’s residence and explain truthfully
➢ Huo Shao in 2-4
➢ Get help from Huo Shao in 2-5
➢ Play 2-14

*Play 2-13 before this stage to unlock this dialogue. Only the second set of choices will
appear if 2-9 is read beforehand.

2-15 Bewilderment [1]

I am at a loss for words.

● Inquire directly – Huo Lan ↑
● Probe tactfully
2-16 Real And Fake [1]

(What am I supposed to do?)

● Tentatively agree – Huo Lan ↑
● Sternly refuse

2-17 Reunion And Separation [1]

To unlock: Huo Shao in 2-4, Get help from Huo Shao in 2-5 and play 2-16

No choices

2-18 Antique Fate [1]

To unlock: Pei Jingli in 2-4, Get help from Pei Jingli in 2-5 and play 2-16

No choices
3-1 Heading South [1]

I assume she encountered Huo Lan. My heart pounds in my chest. I take a deep breath.
● Give a stern warning
● Teach an earnest lesson – Xiaojing ↑

3-2 The Ancient Temple [1]

(Maybe I shouldn’t have brought Xiaojing to Jiangnan… What should I do now?)

● Gloss over the truth
● Tell her the truth – Xiaojing ↑

Before me is…
● Huo Shao
● Pei Jingli

3-3 A Past Dream [1]

No choices

3-4 Birthday Fiasco [1]

Seeing how relentless these people are, I decide to…

● Rebuke them – Huo Shao ↑
● Bite my tongue

3-5 Night Fright [2]

As I stare into the strange fog, my anxiety intensifies.

● Rush into the fog → Ending: Mourning in the Rain [1]
● Carefully consider [1]
↳ In the heat of the moment, I blurt out…
○ He’s someone special – Huo Shao ↑
○ This is for the people of Huating – Pei Jingli ↑

3-6 The Fog Clears [1]

Because, Mr. Pei…

● It’s my purpose – Pei Jingli ↑
● It’s the Gu family’s mission
3-7 One After Another [2]

(They have to guard against others beside Huo Lan. What should I do?)
● Leave → Ending: Chaos Adrift in the World [1]
● Offer to help [1]

3-8 Last Light [2]

(What should I do?)

● Speak frankly – Pei Jingli ↑ [1]
● Conceal the real reason [1]

3-9 Coordination [2]

(Now, where should I look for “Cotton Rose”?)

● Southwest gate [1]
↳ It’s…
○ In five days
○ In three days
● Southeast gate → Ending: Failure at the Last Moment [1]

3-10 Unforgettable [1]

The dew is heavy on this late night as the moon glows ever more brightly. The
moonlight seems to cloak Pei Jingli’s stately figure in a layer of frost.
● Be confident – Pei Jingli ↑
● Waver

3-11 Life and Death [2]

(Lan is losing control now… What should I do?)

● Destroy her on the spot → Ending: Against the Original Purpose [1]
● Risk retying the knot [1]

3-12 No Way Out [1]

No choices
3-13 A Dilemma [2]

(What should I do?)

● Agree to Xiaojing’s request [1]
● Reject Xiaojing’s request → Ending: A Meaningless Life [1]

3-14 What Is Love? [1]

He turns to me, as if daring me to respond.

● Disagree with Huo Shao
● Agree with Huo Shao

3-15 Unwavering Purpose [6]

You are? I don’t recognize you.. Do you know where to get my favorite osmanthus
● East City Lai Restaurant → Ending: Separated Forever [1]
● Zhi Wei Pastries

Let me ask you another one, then. What’s my favorite play?

● The Female Prince Consort → Ending: Separated Forever [1]
● White Snake

In that case, let me ask you one last question. What place do I hate the most?
● Linyuan Temple
● The Commander’s residence → Ending: Separated Forever [1]

After hearing these two answers, I know who this spirit is.
● It’s Lan → Ending: Separated Forever [1]
● It’s Xiaojing

(I’ve not betrayed my purpose as a restorer of antiques, either. Who should be the first
to hear this good news?)
● *Huo Shao [1]
● ^Pei Jingli [1]

*Select Huo Shao in 3-2 to unlock this option

*Select Pei Jingli in 3-2 to unlock this option
3-16 Miles of Spring [2]
To unlock: Huo Shao in 3-15

Huo Shao…
● *I’ll wait for you → Ending: Hand in Hand [1]
● My path leads elsewhere → Ending: Heart’s Desire [1]

How to unlock in the flowchart:

❖ Give a handkerchief as a farewell gift → Feign ignorance in 1-2
❖ Give a squirrel carving as a farewell gift → Talk about Linyuan Temple in 1-2

*Select Disagree with Huo Shao in 3-14 to unlock this option

3-17 Misty Jiangnan [2]

To unlock: Pei Jingli in 3-15

● Accept → Ending: Peaceful Years [1]
● Reject → Ending: Contented Heart [1]

Album Art

1. Traveler on a Snowy Night 1-10 (Encounter Pei Jingli after leaving the Commander’s
residence. Pei gifts you Laba rice porridge)

2. Lady’s Tears 1-16: Trust Pei Jingli

3. Shocking Opera House 2-2: To earn their worth on the battlefield

4. Antiques with Souls 1-1

5. Ephemeral Past 3-12

6. Hand in Hand 3-16: I’ll wait for you

7. How it Began 3-17: Accept

8. New Year’s Eve 2-17 or 2-18

All Endings

Unworldly Peace 1-3: Firmly refuse

1-8: Refuse the gift and reject him again

Outsider 1-10: Continue hiding it from him

Life passes like a dream 1-13: Open it

Play 1-14 & 1-15

A Memory of the Past 1-13: Leave it unopened

Play 1-14
1-15: Keep my doubts to myself
Play 1-16

Away from Worldly Affairs Option 1

1-2: Talk about Linyuan Temple
Play 1-5, 1-6 & 1-7
1-13: Leave it unopened
Play 1-14
1-15: Chase after him and ask
1-16: Remove the spirit-binding rope

Option 2
1-2: Feign ignorance
1-3: Firmly refuse
Play 1-5
1-8: Refuse the gift but give him conditions
Play 1-9
1-13: Leave it unopened
Play 1-14
1-15: Chase after him and ask
1-16: Remove the spirit-binding rope

The Bitterness of a Chaotic 1-17: Talk to him

World 2-2: To earn their glory on the battlefield

Regrets in a Chaotic World 2-2: Can’t remember

Hopeful Prosperity 2-5: Leave Huating

No More Ancient Dreams 2-14: Yes, it’s just a transaction

Mourning in the Rain 3-5: Rush into the fog

Chaos Adrift in the World 3-7: Leave

Failure at the Last Moment 3-9: Southeast gate

Against the Original 3-11: Destroy her on the spot


A Meaningless Life 3-13: Reject Xiaojing’s request

Separated Forever Note: Must obtain endings with all options to get 100% badge
Option 1
3-15: East City Lai Restaurant

Option 2
3-15: The Female Prince Consort

Option 3
3-15: The Commander’s residence

Option 4
3-15: It’s Lan

Hand in Hand 3-2: Huo Shao

3-14: Disagree with Huo Shao
3-15: Huo Shao
3-16: I’ll wait for you

Heart’s Desire 3-2: Huo Shao

3-15: Huo Shao
3-16: My path leads elsewhere

Peaceful Years 3-15: Pei Jingli

3-17: Accept

Contented Heart 3-15: Pei Jingli

3-17: Reject

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