What Is Spyware

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What is Spyware

Spyware- this is software that is designed to harvest your data and forward it to a
third party without your consent or knowledge. The data collected is sent to the
creator of the application or perhaps a third-party, and can be stored in a way that is
recoverable at later time. Some spyware programs may monitor key presses
('keylogger'), collect confidential information such as (passwords, credit card numbers,
PIN numbers, etc.), harvest e-mail addresses or track browsing habits. In addition to all
of this, spyware inevitably affects your computer’s performance.

Types of Spyware

Adware, Pornware, and Riskware These are legitimately developed programs that – in
some circumstances – can be used to pose specific threats to computer users
(including acting as spyware).

What is adware?
Adware, also known as advertisement-supported software, generates revenue for its
developers by automatically generating adverts on your screen, usually within a web
browser. Adware is typically created for computers but can also be found on mobile
devices. Some forms of adware are highly manipulative and create an open door for
malicious programs. Moreover, Adware is software that displays unwanted (and
sometimes irritating) pop-up adverts which can appear on your computer or mobile

How does adware work?

Adware works by installing itself quietly onto your devices, hoping you’ll – accidentally
or otherwise – click on an advert that it displays to you.

This is because, ultimately, adware exists to make money.

Adware creators and distributing vendors make money from third parties via either:

1. Pay-per-click (PPC) — they get paid each time you open an ad.
2. Pay-per-view (PPV) — they get paid each time an ad is shown to you.
3. Pay-per-install (PPI) — they get paid each time bundled software is installed on a

Adware can also track your search and browsing history to display ads that are more
relevant to you. Once the developer has your location and browser history, they can
make additional income by selling that information to third parties.
Computer adware infection signs
 An unexpected change in your web browser home page
 Web pages that you visit not displaying correctly
 Being overwhelmed with pop-up ads — sometimes even if not browsing the internet
 Slow device performance
 Device crashing
 Reduced internet speeds
 Redirected internet searches
 Random appearance of a new toolbar or browser add-on
Mobile adware infection signs
On your phone, signs are similar:

 Your phone is slow

 Apps take longer to load
 Your battery drains quickly
 Your phone has apps you don’t remember downloading
 There is unexplained data usage and higher than expected phone bills
 There are numerous ad pop-ups

Some adware is aggressive – it embeds itself deep into systems with rootkits to make
removal challenging. If you are infected, you’ll need to take steps to clean your system
of the offending applications.

Pornware is the name given to a class of programs that display pornographic material
on a device. In addition to the programs that some users may deliberately install on their
computers and mobile devices – to search for and display pornographic material.
Moreover, Pornware also includes programs that have been maliciously installed,
without the user having any knowledge of their presence. Often, the purpose of
unrequested Pornware is to advertise fee-based pornographic websites and services.

How Pornware can impact you

Malware developers can exploit unpatched vulnerabilities within commonly used
applications or the operating system in order to install Pornware on a user's computer,
tablet or smartphone. In addition, Trojans – such as Trojan-Downloader and Trojan-
Dropper – can be used to infect a device with Pornware.
Examples of Pornware include:
 Porn-Dialer
This type of program dials ‘adult content’ phone services, telephone numbers and / or a
special code. Unlike malicious programs, dialer programs notify the user of their actions.
 Porn-Downloader
This behaviour downloads pornographic media files to the user’s computer, from the
Internet. Unlike malicious programs, Porn-Downloaders notify the user of their actions.
 Porn-Tool
Porn-Tool programs search for and display pornographic material on the user’s
computer – for example, special toolbars for Internet browsers and special video players.

 Riskware
Riskware defines any legitimate programs that pose potential risks due to security
vulnerability, software incompatibility, or legal violations. Typically, risks pertain to
malicious cyber criminals exploiting programs that handle sensitive data or admin-level
processes. Misuse of riskware is done to steal data, hijack computer systems, or cause

These programs are not designed to be malicious — but they do have functions that
can be used for malicious purposes. When used with bad intentions, the riskware
program can be viewed as malware. This grey area of safety makes riskware an
especially challenging threat to manage.

Unfortunately, cyber security protections cannot simply manage these threats for you.
Antivirus solutions leave the decision-making in your hands to avoid damaging your
system and taking away tools you’d like to keep. As a result, it’s up to you to be aware
of the risks from software on your system.

In this article, we’ll help you understand the dangers of riskware.

To begin, let’s start with why riskware exists and explain how it works.

How Riskware Works

Riskware is best understood as programs offering access to special functions at the
cost of security or legality. Generally, a computer program will have some level of
system access to function properly. Other software has to have more extensive access
to data or functions of a computer device.

Software with deeper functionality can provide many valuable tools and features to
endpoint users and technical support staff. Namely, some benefits might include user
monitoring, personalization, and modifying applications to bypass tedious aspects of
However, risks come with the use of particularly sensitive data or unethical practices.

This risky software usually leaves systems or users vulnerable in one of two major

1. Data and program exploits — due to vulnerability of program misuse or data breaches.
2. Legal risks — due to blatant abuse of privacy or illegal attempts to modify programs.

Riskware will typically use some of the following functions:

 Access to system kernel — data at the system’s core

 Access to vital system operation areas — registry, internet functionality protocols, etc.
 Access to data-gathering hardware — GPS, microphone, camera, etc.
 Modifying programs — changing code, disabling features, etc.

In many cases, riskware can only be explicitly defined as “compromised” or “misused” if

it is truly being used in an illegal, unethical, or unintended way.

Rather than focus on specific types of riskware, it’s more effective to label them by the
types of risks they introduce. Riskware can generally be grouped based on several
types of risks they introduce to your computer and mobile devices.

How Riskware Can Affect You

Endpoint users are the biggest points of impact resulting from riskware misuse and
exploitation. Most of the issues you may face can be simplified to the following core

1. System hijacks and unauthorized system access

2. Legal complications
3. Computer system or network disruptions

In many cases, legitimate riskware can be modified to function as malware. Then, the
attacker would distribute it either as a direct attack or a backdoor for loading other
malware onto your system.

With so many legitimate programs that malicious users can employ for illicit purposes; it
can be difficult for users to decide which programs represent a risk.

However, if such a program has been installed on your computer by a malicious user,
that user will have remote access to your computer. With full control unauthorized over
your machine, the malicious user will be able to use your computer in virtually any way
they wish.

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