Fintech Sammykidy Business Plan

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CAT(connect All Together) consulting

Business plan
Executive summary
Connect All Together(CAT) constituting will run and own an application, which would
service to real estate agency.

The target audience for Connect All Together(CAT) consulting are business owners, Houses
owners, hoteliers, people who need houses for short lent, people who need any type of
apartment, companies who need digital marketers. Specifically, we would use our
application to connect and bring people together, we would serve as an intermediary
between the business owners and their consumers by using our application as a platform
where a central database would be created for real estate agency where houses owners
who want to either sell, lent, rent their houses can put their houses on our application.
People who need the service can come on the application and select what part of services
they need.

Future of the company

Connecting All Together consulting would be a fast, safe and reliable platform for house
owners, to have a database on our application. It would reduce the fradulent act of some
agent. We would also help reduce the stress our customers by creating a payment platform
for them.

Company description
Mission statement
To provide quality services to our clients that would help their business prosper and grow.
To connected the unconnected on a centralised platform

The business don’t have an employee’s structure yet moreover the following employees
would be needed
1. Web developer
2. Software engineer
3. Lawyer
4. Data analyst
5. Entrepreneurs

Legal structure
We have no legal structure yet, not yet incorporated.

Market Research
Connect All Together (CAT) consulting is new business idea, so nothing new have started.

Detailed Description of Customer

The target audience for Connecting All Together consulting are business owners, houses
owners, hoteliers, people who need houses for short lent, people who need any type of
apartment, companies who need digital marketers. Specifically, we would use our
application to connect and bring people together, we would serve as an intermediary
between the business owners and their customers by using our application as a platform
where a central database would be created for the businesses listed above. By this, people
can come on the application to select what type of services they need.
We are going to capitalize on the flaws in the real estate sector whereby house owner
register their houses on our app and those that need it communicate on our app. This idea
would help to reduce; fraudulent act of some agent, the time spent in searching for an
apartment. It would aid productivity on both the house owners and the final consumer

Company Advantages
We are going to create a very fast, flexible and reliable team because the reason behind the
creation application is to help people do things faster, flexible and in a reliable way. We
would make sure we have a good relation with real estate agent In other to be able to offer
the best service to our client.

Service line
The services would include:
1. Provide a centralized platform where houses can be rent, sell, and buy.
2. Financial performance
3. Risk management
4. A fast and reliable payment platform
Pricing structure
No pricing structure yet until the ideal are already formulated

Product life span

The product is going to last as long as people buy houses.

Marketing & Sales

Growth strategy
To grow the application, the following must be done
1. Getting a good web developer, software engineering, data analyst
2. Having a good application interface that contains engaging multimedia content
about our services
3. Proper and right advertisement must be done for people to know that there’s a
platform that good digital marketing can be done.
4. Having the right work force that can put things together.

Communicate with the customer

Connect All Together (CAT) consulting will communicate with its consumers and client
digitally through the
1. Application chatting network
2. Through other social media accounts
3. Through the company website

How to sell
Connect All Together(CAT) consulting would make sure their application would be used or
known by doing the proper advertisement, awareness and coordination. We going to make
sure we work closely with business owners for our product to be known.

Our philosophy and ideology

Together we connect the unconnected through technology.

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