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Levels of Assessment (Cognitive)
Pass/Fail A
C+ B

Learning Assessment
A- 67%

C Prof. Dr. Ashraful

Big Ideas of Classroom Assessment

“Education is that--
Assessment to Improve Student Learning
which remains after
we’ve forgotten everything Assessment to be helpful to students:

we learned.” it must inform them in words, not numerical scores or

letter grades,
what they have, done well,
what they have done poorly, and
B.F. Skinner what they need to do next in order to improve.


Big Ideas of Classroom Assessment

#2. Assessment must be planned and
Now think of a time you
purposeful were assessed and it was a
positive experience. What
#3. Assessment must be:
Balanced, including oral, performance, and
made it positive?
written tasks, and
Be flexible in order to improve learning for all

The Differences between Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment Evaluation
Assessment is the gathering of Evaluation is the act of setting a value
information on the assessment information.

Think of a time you were about something, such as student

Assessment is information Evaluation is a judgment

assessed and it was a Assessment is qualitative Evaluation is quantitative

negative experience. What Assessment pinpoints specific strengths

and weaknesses
Evaluation ranks and sorts individuals
within groups

made it negative?
Assessment is diagnostic and formative, Evaluation is only summative
well as summative
Assessment is most useful to teachers Evaluation is most useful to
and students administrators, politicians and parents

Assessment focuses on the individual Evaluation focuses on the group


Assessment is an educational measure Evaluation is a political/administrative


Assessment is referenced by criterion Evaluation is referenced by norm


Why Do We Assess?
 Assessment -- The process of measuring
something with the purpose of assigning a
To Improve numerical value.
 Scoring -- The procedure of assigning a
To Inform numerical value to assessment task.
 Evaluation -- The process of determining
the worth of something in relation to
To Prove established benchmarks using
assessment information.

Assessment Types
Why is it important to assess?
 Assessment for learning
 To find out what the students know (knowledge).  Assessment of learning
 To find out what the students can do, and how well they
can do it (skill; performance)
 To find out how students go about the task of doing their  Formative - for  Summative - for
work (process). performance performance
 To find out how students feel about their work enhancement assessment
(motivation, effort).  Formal - quizzes, tests,  Informal - active
essays, lab reports, etc. questioning during and
 Traditional - tests, at end of class
quizzes, homework ,  Alternative -
lab reports, teacher presentations, essays,
book reviews, peers


Learning (Product): Types

Assessment For Learning……WHY? 1. Cognitive 2. Affective 3. Psychomotor

 Who is and is not understanding the lesson? Remember Receiving Imitation

 What are this student’s strengths and needs? Understand Responding Manipulation
 What misconceptions do I need to address? Apply Valuing Precision
 What feedback should I give students? Analyze Organization Articulation
 What adjustments should I make to instruction? Evaluate Characterization Naturalization
 How should I group students?
 What differentiation do I need to prepare?

Assessment for Learning Strategies

Assessment of Learning
 Where am I going?
1. Provide a clear statement of the learning target
2. Use examples and models Assessment of learning has to do with
 Where am I now? making decisions about the:
3. Offer regular descriptive feedback a. Learner
4. Teach students to self-assess and set goals
 How can I close the gap?
b. Instruction
5. Design focused lessons c. Curriculum
6. Teach students focused revision d. Instructor
7. Engage students in self-reflection; let them
keep track of and share their learning



Purpose of Assessment Domains/Levels of Assessment

5. Motivating students for further study 1. Cognitive is for mental/intellectual

6. Giving recognition and inspiration to the skills (Knowledge)
students as they deserve
2. Affective is for growth in feelings or
7. Diagnosing student’s difficulties (Rubric)
emotional areas (Attitude)
8. Evaluating teaching contents and
strategies 3. Psychomotor is for manual or
9. Evaluating the effectiveness of the physical skills (Skills).


Quality attributes of assessments Levels of Assessment (Cognitive)

1. Validity – does it measure what it is supposed to 1.1: Recall or Remember (Knowledge)

1.2: Understand (Comprehension)
2. Reliability – does it produce consistent results?
3. Practicability – is it practical in terms of time 1.3: Apply (Application)
and resources? 1.4: Analyze (Analysis)
4. Difficulty – are the questions reasonable and
fair? 1.5: Evaluate (Evaluation or Judgment)
5. Discrimination – is the method discriminate 1.6: Create (Synthesis)
good performers and poor performers
6. Depth of knowledge – does it test deep
Newble D, Cannon R. A Handbook for Medical Teachers, 1994


Assessment Should also Satisfy

Learning Styles of Students!!
Three primary styles are:

• Auditory
• Visual
• Kinesthetic

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